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UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

Note: Suggestions for each section are provided in blue text. ​Delete all blue text​ and replace it with your own.

Name of Teacher Candidate  Taylor Thiel

Lesson Overview
Grade Level 3rd Grade
Estimated Time Needed 50 Minutes
Students must find the value of coins and bills and add the coins and bills
Lesson Description together to find the value of the collection. They must apply this skill to
word problems and not just in pictorial models.
Content Area Standards The student is expected to determine the value of a collection of coins and
Technology Standards N/A
Content Objective: The student will be able determine the value of a
collections of coins and bills.
Language Objective: The student will be able to use the vocabulary words
to describe the value of a set of bills and coins.

● Dollar Sign
● Cent Symbol​-simbolo de centavos
● Penny​- moneda de un centavo
● Dime​- moneda de diez centavos
● Nickel​- moneda de cinco centavos
Terms/Vocabulary ● Quarter​- moneda de veinticinco centavos
● Coin​- moneda
● Collection​-coleccion
● Value​-valor
(There will be pictures next to every vocabulary word that will be on the
● Video from youtube over coins and their value
Technology Resources
● Document Camera
Other Resources

Lesson Procedures 
The teacher will be starting the At this stage in the The link contains
lesson by unpacking the TEKS. lesson, the teacher will the video that the
The teacher will read the TEK be walking around the students will be
out loud and will then ask a room and monitoring watching during this
Focus/Anticipatory Set student to read the TEK a behavior. portion of the
(motivational hook) second time. The teacher will lesson.
then ask the students: The students will be
● What do you think seated on the carpet
when you hear the at this action in the .com/watch?v=-SG
word determine?(Some lesson. DAMKtHTE
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
answers could be; find
out, figure out, or The students will be
know.) answering questions
● What does value mean before and after the
in our TEK? (How video. Once the video
much something is starts, the students will
worth) not be talking and will
● What does collection be giving their
mean? (A group) undivided attention to
● What is the symbol for the video.
coins? (cent symbol)
● What is the symbol for
dollar? ($)
“So now that we know what is
expected of us today, who can
retell me the TEK in their own

“Great so now that we know

today is all about how to
determine the value of a set of
coins and bills, we are going to
watch a video to refresh our
memory on the value of a

“While watching the video, I

want you to pay attention to
what strategy they use to count
the coins.”

The teacher will show the “The

Coin Song” video.

After the video is over, the

teacher will ask the following
● What strategy did you
notice them using to
count the coins in the
● Does anyone know any
other coins that weren’t
mentioned in the
● Does anyone know of
any coins from other
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
The teacher will show a series
of pictures of coins from around
the world.
After the discussion over the
video has finished, the class will
transition into the content
portion of the lesson.
The students will be first
watching the teacher model the
process of determining the
value of a set of coins.

The teacher will have a set

amount of coins displayed
using the document camera.
The teacher will then do a think
aloud while counting the coins.
“So the first thing I need to do is During this portion of
start with my biggest coin. The the lesson, the
largest coin is the Quarter. The students will be
value of a quarter is 25 cents. I following along with
The only resource
Content-input  have 2 quarters so I can count the teacher’s
necessary for this
(Could include content by skip counting by 25.” modeling.
portion of the lesson
outline, presentation, The teacher will then skip count will be the pages
questioning, modeling, by 25 for the two quarters. The teacher will be
with the collection of
examples) “So now that I know I have a circulating the
bills and coins.
value of 50 cents in quarters, I classroom, as well as
can go to the next coin.” going back and forth
The teacher will then continue from the front to
the process with the dimes, model.
nickels, and pennies.

“Now that you have seen my

thought process when counting
coins, let’s try one together!”

The teacher will show another

set of coins for the students to
duplicate. ​The teacher will hand
out the paper money and fake
coins for the students to have a
hands on experience with.
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

“As I model this set of coins,

your job will be to follow along
with me. Now what is the coin
with the greatest value?
(Quarter) Excellent! So let’s
skip count by 25 to count our
quarters. 25, 50- the value of
the quarters is 50 cents.”

The teacher will continue with

the rest of the coins. The value
should be written on the desk
next to the coins with expo
Once the value is determined
for this collection of coins, the
teacher will ask the following
● The total value of the
collection of coins is
what? (.83 cents)
● What is another way to
create this value?

The teacher will repeat the

modeling with the next set of

“Alright class, I am passing out

a sheet of paper that we will be
using today.”

“Here you will see a collection

of bills and coins that we are
going to be focusing on.”
The teacher will be modeling
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
how to count the bills and coins
by skip counting. The student
may or may not use the hairy
money strategy to count, which
is acceptable for this purpose.

“We are going to start by

circling the ones on the one
dollar bill in order to make sure
we know what value they hold.
After circling the value of the
bills, we can skip count by the
value! Once we have counted
the bills, we can move on to the
coins. We are going to start
with the biggest coin which is
the quarter. What is the value
of the quarter? (25 cents)
Great! So now we count. We
have one quarter which is equal
to 25 cents and we have 5
dimes which is equal to what
amount? (50 cents) How can
we find out for sure? (We can
skip count by ten)​ ​Great! Then
we are going to do the same
thing with the nickels and
The teacher will continue to
skip count with the rest of the
coins to determine the value.
“So now that we know we have
$4 in bills 25 cents in quarters,
50 cents in dimes, 10 cents in
nickels, and 3 cents in pennies,
we are going add all the values
up! .25+.50+.10+.03=.88 and
.88 cents + $4+ $4.88! Great
job guys. Is there another way
to make this amount? Who can
think of other ways?”
The students will be
The only resources
Guided Practice  The students will be working working in pairs, which
necessary for this
(identify students who with a partner on determining will be predetermined
portion of the lesson
failed to master lesson the value of a collection of by the teacher, and
is the task cards and
objectives.) coins on a task card. expected to stay on a
the recording sheet.
level 1.
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

The teacher will be

circulating the room
and checking for
understanding. The
teacher will also be
correcting any
misconceptions that
may be noticed during
the independent

The students will have play

money in front of them in order
to recreate the amount on the
task card. ​Students will be
paired in a manner on which
they would greatest impact on
each other.

The students will need to work

as a pair to count the bills and
coins. The students should be
skip counting by the value of
the coin.
● For example when
counting dimes, the
student should count
by tens.

The teacher will be circulating

the room and assisting students
who need extra clarification
while also checking for
understanding. The teacher will
check for understanding by
asking the following questions:
● How can you create the
same total value
amount with a different
set of bills and coins?
The anchor chart and sentence
stems will stay up at the front of
the class for the whole lesson.
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
To transition into the
independent practice, the
teacher will tell the students to
come to a stopping point with
their partner work and go back
to their desk.

“Alright class, we are going to

start our independent work so i
need you to come to a stopping
point, clean up your area, and During the
go back to your desk.” independent practice
of the lesson, the
The students will be working on teacher will be walking
The resource
a page out of their motivational around the classroom
necessary for this
Independent Practice  math workbook. It will be page and addressing any
portion of the lesson
(reteaching and 118 and the students will be misconceptions that
is page 118 from the
enrichment) getting the page as the teacher are still evident.
motivational math
passes it out.
The students should
“Once I pass out this paper, be working
you may start. There will be 5 independently and on
questions on this paper. I want level 0.
to see strategies and all your
work shown. Once it is done,
you may put it in the math tray.”
The students to whom may
need it, may come to the back
table to have the paper read
aloud to them.
The play money will also be
available to whoever may need
to want to use it.
The teacher will be
circulating the room
After the independent practice and fostering
has finished, we will close off conversation.
The TEK at the front
Closure  the lesson by revisiting the
unpacked TEK from the The students will be
beginning of the lesson. raising their hand and
discussing the TEK
and the lesson.

Plans for Differentiated Instruction/Accommodations 

Special Education  To accomodate students during this lesson, they will have a cheat sheet that
Students  will consist of the coins and their values for them to reference.
English Language  The value of the coins is ___.
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
Learners  ● El valor de las monedas es ____.
To determine the ___ of a set of coins and bills I could ___ then ___.
● Para determinar el ___ de un conjunto de monedas y billetes se podría
___ luego ___.
Another way to represent ___ is ___.
● Otra manera de representar ___ es ___.
The first step to determine the value of a collection of coins is ___ then ___ and
finally ___.
● El primer paso para determinar el valor de una colección de monedas
es ___ luego ___ y finalmente ___.
To accommodate students in this lesson, the teacher will have them write our in
Gifted and Talented 
word form the value of the collection of bills and coins.

Potential Challenges/Plan B 
● The use of hairy money instead of skip counting and adding on
○ This can be solved by going back and showing them the value of each coin and how they can
add on from each other

UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

Notes and Credits 

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