2by1 Multiplication Model Lesson

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UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

Note: Suggestions for each section are provided in blue text. ​Delete all blue text​ and replace it with your own.

Name of Teacher Candidate  Taylor Thiel

Lesson Overview
Grade Level 3rd grade
Estimated Time Needed 45 minute class period
The student will be able to solve two-digit by one-digit multiplication
Lesson Description
problems using a variety of tools and strategies.
3.4(G) use strategies and algorithms, including the standard algorithm, to multiply
Content Area Standards a two-digit number by a one digit number.Strategies may include mental math,
partial products, and the commutative, associative, and distributive properties.
Technology Standards N/A
The student will be able to multiply two-digit by one digit numbers by using
the distributive property of multiplication.

Terms/Vocabulary Factor
Equal groups
Number line
Skip count
Area models
In terms of technology, the teacher will be using the document camera and
Technology Resources
the projector.
Other Resources

Lesson Procedures 
A step-by-step description of the
scope and sequence of lesson
activities, with estimated time on task
noted in parentheses for each step.
In other words, completely describe Describe how each stage of Cite specifically what
the flow of the lesson-the content to the lesson will be managed, resources for this activity
be presented, and the strategies to including role of teacher and will be used, and describe
This template is built on the be used. Include actual words you learners (who is doing what in detail how they will be
traditional “Madeline will use and questions you will ask at each point), location (e.g., used.
Hunter” lesson structure. students. Consider items such as: classroom, computer lab, Note who will be using the
parts of the lesson that might be outside), and any special tool and in what ways. Note
difficult, and how you will know considerations, such as for any safety considerations
whether you can go on; how to differentiated instruction. needed.
ensure that students completely
understand directions before
releasing them to work
independently; and what students
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
will do if they finish their work early.
For the focus portion of the
lesson, the teacher will have
the students on the carpet and
they will draw the following
array onto the whiteboard style
graph paper;

The teacher will ask; ​What do

you notice about the array?
What is the array missing?
The student’s answers should
include; ​The array is missing
the labels. We need to use the
L strategy to label it. ​The The teacher will be
In this portion of the
teacher will then call on a using the front
lesson the teacher will
student to tell her what the whiteboard. The
be sitting at the front of
Focus/Anticipatory Set labels needed for this array students will be using
the room with the
(motivational hook) would be. The labels needed a personal white
students at the carpet.
for this array is 3x4=12. The board that is in the
teacher will label the array with form of a graph
the answer that the students paper.

The teacher will then ask; ​Who

can tell me what they think
would be another way to
represent 3x4=12 using this
array? ​The students will most
likely say that you could use
the commutative property to
write it as 4x3=12. In this
section of the lesson the
teacher is just challenging the
way that the students think
about the equation in order to
gauge their prior knowledge.

The teacher will tell the

UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
“Now I want everyone to draw
the same exact array for the
second time to use as an
example of a brand new
property of multiplication that
we have learned.”

This section of the lesson

should take about 5-7 minutes.
In this section of the lesson,
the teacher will begin by
having the students draw the
following array on the white
board style graph paper.

The teacher will be The resources

sitting at the front of the necessary during this
The teacher will then tell the room for this portion of portion of the lesson,
students to cut the array in half the lesson. The teacher for the students, is
like so; will be modeling the the personal white
(Could include content
distributive property of board in the form of
outline, presentation,
multiplication. graph paper.
questioning, modeling,
The students will be The teacher will be
expected to work using the document
alongside the teacher camera and the
as she is modeling. projector.
The teacher will then ask the
students; ​Is this still the same
array even though we cut it in
half? ​Some students may say
no because now it is 3x2 and
another 3x2 and that is okay.
The teacher will then tell them
to label their array using the L
strategy. Once the array is
labeled, it should look like so;
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

The teacher will then ask the

students if they have any
ideas for how the multiplication
equation would look for this
array. After getting some ideas
from the students, the teacher
will tell the students to think
about this array as 3x2 plus
3x2. Then the teacher will ask;
If my equations for the two
halves of the arrays is 3x2 and
3x2, how can I put that into
one equation?
The students may or may not
give the answers that are
desired. The teacher will tell
the students to write the
following under the array;
(__x__)+(__x__)=__ The
teacher will then fill in the
equation stem with the
following equation;
(3x2)+(3x2)=__ The teacher
will then label the equation.
The 3s will be labeled as the
groups of and the 2s will be
labeled as the amount in each
group. The teacher will then
show that the 2s added
together equals the original 4.

The teacher will then move to

a two digit by one digit
multiplication equation for the
next part of modeling. The
next equation will be 12x3=__

The teacher will have the

students draw an array for the
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
equation, with keeping the
commutative property in mind
which would flip the equation
too 3x12.

Once the students have drawn

their array, the teacher will
have them cut it so that on
part is 3x10 and the other is
3x2. Once the students have
cut their arrays in too those
pieces, the teacher will tell
them to write their two
separate equations for the two
parts such as; 3x10=__ and
3x2=__. Once they have that
down we will continue to fill in
the equation stem that was
given prior. (__x__)+(__x__)=
Which would look like so;
(3x10)+(3x2)=__ The students
will then add the 10 and the 2
to show that it is still the
original 12. They will then
solve the equation for the
answer. 3x10=30 and 3x2=12
so 30+12=42.

“Ok students, for this next part,

you are going to work with a
buddy. If you look at this chart,
you will be able to see who
your buddy is and where you
will be located at around the
room. Since we are working
with a buddy, we need to
make sure we help each other.
I will be walking around to
answer any questions that you
may have and to check that
you are understanding.”

This section of the lesson

should take about 20-25
minutes. (10:07-10:32)
The guided practice time will During the guided The only resources
Guided Practice 
be for students to work in practice portion of the necessary during this
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
(identify students who groups of two to solve the lesson the students will portion of the lesson,
failed to master lesson problem posed using be working with their is the worksheet.
objectives.) strategies and math elbow buddy on the
knowledge that was just second question from
covered in the content portion. the worksheet.
The guided practice will
include a second set of The teacher will be
questions with various arrays walking around the
for two digit by one digit classroom monitoring
multiplication. The paper will the students progress.
also have one question The teacher will also be
without an array to challenge asking higher level
them. thinking questions to
gauge where the
students understanding

“Alright class, I want you to

work with your elbow buddy on
the next couple problems that
you were given. You will be
expected to do it just like we
were doing it as a whole
group. Now I will be walking
around and looking for the
distributive property that we
just did and answering any
question that you may have.
Make sure to do your best and
help each other out because
you will be doing this on your
own in a little while. Now are
there any questions before we

The teacher will ask any

questions that a student may
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

“Alright you may begin working

with your buddy.”

The teacher will walk around

the classroom and monitor the
students learning and looking
for any common mistakes or
errors to note down. The
teacher will also ask questions
in order to get the students to
achieve a higher level of
thinking. The questions may
include the following; ​“Explain
to me why you decided to
distribute that number in the
way that you did and how did it
make it easier for you?”​ or
“What is another way this
array/number can be split or
distributed to make multiplying

“I want everyone to give me a

silent thumbs up if they are
done with the buddy problem.”

“Great! Ok so now we are

going to transitioning into our
independent practice.”

This section of the lesson

should take about 5-7 minutes.
The teacher will be
walking around the
classroom monitoring The resources
The independent practice will the students progress. necessary for this
Independent Practice  include a worksheet and grid The teacher will also be portion of the lesson
(reteaching and paper with multiplication asking higher level is the worksheet that
enrichment) sentences and questions in thinking questions to they have been
the standard algorithm. gauge where the working on during the
students understanding lesson.
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
The students will be
working independently
on the third question
from the worksheet.

The teacher will be walking

around monitoring the
students work, but not helping
them in any way, while also
asking questions. Some
questions that can be asked
are as follows:
● How is the way you
solve the problem with
partial products
similar to solving with
the distributive
● Can you explain your
thinking that you had
when solving your

This section of the lesson

should take about 5-7 minutes.
For the closure portion of the The teacher will be
lesson, the students will turn standing at the front of
their attention to the TEKS on the room and
the board and discuss it with circulating frequently. The resources
the teacher. necessary for this
Closure  The students will be portion of the lesson
The teacher will have the responsible for sharing is the TEKS written
students turn their work into any doubts or concerns on the board.
the math tray. The teacher will that they may have
have a student read the TEKS about the TEKS and
on the board at the front of the objective. The students
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
room and talk about any will also be listening to
misunderstanding or questions their classmates.
the students may or may not
still have.

Plans for Differentiated Instruction/Accommodations 

Special Education 
For the english language learners the vocabulary will be available in two
languages and sentence stems will be available.
English Language 

Gifted and Talented 


Potential Challenges/Plan B 
Some potential challenges may include a lack of understanding and/or time management.

For the lack of understanding issue, the teacher will tie the distributive property to the partial product method. The
teacher will use the partial products and the box method to show the divide between the two digit number into a
visual representation that is different from an array.

For time management challenge, the teacher will have the students do what they can and finish on a later date as
long as they are working diligently.

For an assessment the students will complete an exit ticket, in which the student will use the distributive
property to solve two digit by one digit multiplication problems.

Notes and Credits 

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