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Multimedia Presentation Rubric

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The presentation addresses The presentation partially The presentation does not
all elements of the task and addresses the task and address the task or
Demonstration of effectively demonstrates generally demonstrates demonstrates a lack of
understanding understanding of the topic, understanding of the topic, understanding of the topic,
text(s), or findings. text(s), or findings. text(s), or findings.
The presentation is The presentation is The presentation has a
organized clearly and organized and has a clear central idea or claim and/or
logically so that users can central idea or claim and supporting evidence.
Organization and easily identify the central supporting evidence from
development of ideas or claims and follow credible sources.
presentation the line of reasoning; the
supporting evidence is
relevant and from credible
The presentation effectively The presentation The presentation either fails
incorporates multimedia incorporates multimedia to incorporates multimedia
components (e.g., videos, components (e.g., videos, components (e.g., videos,
Multimedia graphics, images, music, graphics, images, music, graphics, images, music,
components sound) and visual displays to sound) and visual displays. sound) and visual displays or
clarify, support, or enhance, the components are
the central ideas or claims. distracting and ineffective.




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