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Teacher Candidate: Coleen Fetter Date:

Cooperating Teacher: McDonald Coop. Initials

Group Size: whole Allotted Time Grade Level 1st

Subject or Topic: Community Helper Resume Section

Standard - 8.2.1.A
Identify groups of people who contribute to a community.

Standard - 5.3.1.C
Identify the value of fire fighters, police officers and emergency workers in the

I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes)

The students will be able to choose a career and tell key parts of what that career entails
by creating a job resume for that career.

II. Instructional Materials

 Resume paper
 Pencils
 Crayons

III. Subject Matter/Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea)

Prerequisite skills
 The first grade students will be able to name different community helpers we
talked about in class, and tell their fourth grade buddy what the community
helpers do, what tools they use, what they wear, and traits that they may have
Key vocabulary
 Community helper
 Resume
 Trait
New Content
 Resume- a piece of paper that lists someone’s qualities and experiences in order
to get a job
IV. Implementation
A. Introduction
 The fourth grade buddies will come into the classroom and choose a first grade
student to work with.
 The teacher will tell first and fourth grades that today they are going to be
working on a project. The first graders have been learning about community
helpers, and today they are going to choose a community helper to make a resume
o Ask first graders- Who can tell their fourth grade buddy what a
community helper is?
o Can we name a few that we have talked about in class?
 Ask- does anyone know what a resume is?
o a brief paper that talks about personal qualities and experiences in order to
get a job
 Tell students that today the first graders will be making a resume for a career of
their choice. However, the first grader can ONLY tell the fourth grader what job
they want! The first graders will be doing an activity next week where they will
be guessing each other’s careers, so it is important that only the fourth grade
buddy knows the first grader’s career, and no one else!
 The teacher will show an example of a resume
o The teacher will tell the students that she wants to be a teacher
o She will put her name (tell students that they will need to put their first
and last names)
o Under education she will write “John S. Clarke Elementary”
o The goal will say: to become an amazing community helper!
o The next part will say:
 As a teacher, I will have to
 Teach lessons
 Grade papers
 Tutor students
o For the tools section, I would write
 Books
 Chalk board/ Smart Board
o For the traits
 Smart
 Organized (ask first graders, what does organized mean?)
 Kind
o The teacher will tell the students that they need to say why these traits will
help them in their future career
 As a teacher, I have to be smart because I will be teaching students
what they need to learn. I need to be kind so that I can get along
with my students and other teachers. I need to be organized so I
can plan lessons!
o Tell students that the last part will be having the first graders draw
themselves as the community helper. Make sure to draw yourself wearing
something that the community helper would wear!
 If they need help, the first graders can use their notes that they have been taking
on their community helper webs.
 The teacher will tell the fourth graders it is important that they help out because
the first graders will be getting a grade for this!

B. Development
 Each student will be given a resume paper.
 Remind first graders to use their best handwriting!
 The teacher will help guide the students to fill out their full name and their
education (John S. Clarke Elementary)
 The teacher will guide the students to fill out their “goal”. Students can write
o To become an amazing community helper!
o To get a job as a community helper!
 The teacher will go through and remind the students what they must include on
their resume:
o Make sure to write what career you would like on the right line
o Write 3 things you might do if you had that career
o Write 2 tools you would use if you had that career
o List 3 traits you would have
o Write why those traits are important and would help you be a good
community helper
o Finally, draw yourself as the community helper! (make sure to draw what
that community helper would actually wear!)
 The teacher will then allow the first graders to work with their fourth graders to
complete their resume.
 The teacher will be walking around to make sure that students are completing
their work accurately and that the fourth graders are helping their first graders.

C. Closure
 The first grade students will be asked to review their resume with their fourth
grade buddy one more time. The first grade student should read it to their fourth
grade buddy.
 The teacher will collect the resumes from the students.

D. Accommodations/Differentiation
 Students S, D, Ky, Ka have struggle in reading and writing. The fourth grade
buddies will be able to read the parts of the resume to them, and be able to help
them with their spellings

E. Assessment/Evaluation Plan
1. Formative
 The teacher will be collecting the resumes that the students wrote. The teacher
will be looking at the different criteria to determine the students’ performance.
Outstanding! Good Needs Improvement
3 2 1
Future Career Chosen A career was chosen, spelled A career was chosen, No career was chosen
correctly spelled incorrectly

Lists things the career Three things correctly listed Two correct things were One correct response on what
may do that their career choice would listed that their career their career choice would do
do choice would do
Tools that will be used Two correct tools listed One correct tool listed No tools given OR a tool is
in the career listed that their community
helper would NOT use
Traits Three traits that match the Two traits that will One trait that matches the
career given match the career given career given.
Why these traits are Gives at least two reasons Gives one reason why Gives one reason that does not
important why these traits are important these traits are important tell why it is important to have
for their career for their career for their career
Picture Student draws themselves as Student draws Student does not draw
a community helper. Shows themselves, but may not themselves. Gives no evidence
something a community draw themselves in on what a community helper
helper would wear. something a community may wear.
helper would wear

V. Reflective Response
A. Report of Students’ Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives (after lesson is

Remediation Plan

B. Personal Reflection

VI. Resources

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