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Common Name :- Black Lead

Prover :- Dr. Hanemand
Family :- Amorphous Carbon

Introduction :- Graphites Is one Of The Top Ranking Woman’s

Constitution :- Make Up to The Body : Usually A Lady Of
Climacteric age fair, fat Flabby, split hair,
deformend nails

Temperament : Melancholic
Thermal : Clilly Patient
Miasm : Psora
Diathesis : Tubercular
Guiding Symptoms :-
- Especially Adapted to Woman of Climacteric age , generally
Inclined to Obesity, Who Subbers From Habitual Constipation And
With History Of Delayed Menstruation.
- Cracks and fissure on end of tinger and toes.
- From The Moist Skin Eruptions oozes a Watery, transparent and
sticky Fluid.
- Disposition to Delayed Menstruation.
- Gastralgia better by Eating or by Drinking hot milk.
- Sexual Debillty from sexual abuse.
- Hears better in noise and when Riding in a carriage.
- Music makes her Weep.
- Desire for hot milk.
- Auersion ro meat fish,salt.
- Graphites is is eush of Blood to head with Blushed bace or rush of
blood to head with distention and blatulence.
Partucular :-
 Headache :
Causation : From Grieb, Vexation
Location : Congestue Pain especially in the occiput , extends to
the nape of neck.
Character of headache : Pain as though the head were numb,
Congestive , Consirictive and stitching
Modality : < - at night and during Menstruation.
> - by lying down.
Gastro – intestinal teact
 Menses :-
Time : Delayedd from getting feet wet.
Quantity : Too scanty.
Duration : Short
Characacter of blood : Too Pale.
Concomitants : There is Violent Colicky pain during Menses.
Lucorrhoea : Leucorrhoea appears before and after Menses.
 Skin :- Graphites is a great remedy for all sorts of skin eruption
with a tendency towards malignancy E.X. Keloid , Pimples.
- Every little injury Suppurates.
- Cancer OF Breast.
- Fissure and cracks at the end of tingers.
- Thre is burning in round spot on veravertex
- Suppression of skin Eruptions Causes diarrhea
Modalitis :-
< : at night, by warmth of bad.
> : Open air
 General Modulities :-
Aggravation : Warmth in general at Night, Cold, Drinks.
Amelioration : from Warm Drinks.

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