RRL Ir Paper

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This section presents or contains different information’s, ideas, data, knowledge, and
evidence that is related and needed to our chosen topic. Through this review of relevant
literature, it will broaden our understanding of our study, and we can identify different
problems and justifies our research problems.

1. “Concepts and Types of Women Empowerment”

Women empowerment is both authoritative and critical for entirely around the
improvement of the public and the state. This concern has turn out to be the main
argument to the different organizations and events of the UN and all other NGO and
Government related organizations, and this also becomes main issue of the different
researches with different areas and angles. However, there is an absence of unity of the
scholar’s in understanding and knowing the word empowerment. Many researchers have
tried to define the word from their own viewpoints. It is considered to be not just the basic
but as well as substantial value.

2. “Women in Indian Politics: Empowerment of Women Through Political


The focus of this book attempts to analyze the different problems related to women in
participating in the world of politics. All throughout the years, this major problem of the
marginal presence of women in politics is still present and unsolved. This major problem
has been voiced out by all levels of groups and organization that are concerned in women.
Many organizations and groups believe that women involve in politics is an important
factor for having a healthy democracy. It cannot become a healthy democracy if half of
the population are not participating in the political process. Through participating and
engaging themselves in the politics, women can have more power in the society, and they
can have voiced out their wants and plans in the society. The author of this book, Dr. Niroj
Sinha, has been engaged in women studies since 1981 and has already undertaken
much research in many aspects of women’s lives.
3. “Political Representation and Empowerment: Women in Local Government
Institutions in Bihar, India”

This study provides a theoretical view on the different effects of gender quotas on the
empowerment and studies the various factors that hinder the engagement and
participation of women in the politics. This is a study of multiple women representatives
in local government only in Bihar, India and understanding the links, connections, and
effects of women empowerment and gender quotas.

The result of the study shows that the reservation for women can be recognize as one of
the important factors to women’s empowerment in India on local level but not an
assurance for the participation of the elected women. The goal of women ‘s empowerment
will not be accomplished by reservations alone.

4. “Measurement of Women’s Political Participation at the Local Level: India


In this study, it concluded that women’s political participation in India was measured and
studied since they gained their independence. For the last two decades, the
decentralization of the government has been taking place in measuring the significance
of the involvement of women in making decisions to the community. It is also presented
in the study that the need for accurate gender planning has now been operated out for
the general increase of women and girls. The government of India has many emphases
on consuming actual time statistics for determining various kinds of social indicators and
consuming them for policy intervention. Because of the further reactive data on women
involvement, there are more improved gender planning advantages that target to make
the nation go near a gender equal culture.



Two main points of this study are that first; it was stated that there is a change in the
movement and data of women empowerment in India. Acknowledgement that women are
now becoming part of the political force in both national and international level are starting
to spread.
Another point of this study is that it was believed that despite of the presence of political
parties and their efforts in attempting to build different women organization for them to
help and support women, they have retrieved much less proportion of women candidates
in the elections giving them proportionately less representation in the legislative level than
their actual population strength.


The article concluded that for us to make stronger position of women in the society and
politics, the participation of the citizens especially men is required. This is not just a
demand for a simple justice or democracy for the state but it is an important condition for
human existence. They believe that the presence of women in the world of politics and
decision making can somewhat help to change the politics and its vision. Women can
help in redefining the political priorities and have new items and things on the political
agenda to discourse different concerns and problems and give a new outlook on the
different typical issues. If we really want to have changes in our society, we must help
each other and give women the opportunity and rights in participating the politics.

7. “A study on Muslim Women Political Participation in India”

Political participation of Muslim women in India is still a breakthrough yet to be achieved

to guarantee them in political empowerment. They have different political parties to other
religious groups and still they experience problems like lack of education and awareness
in politics, culture, poverty, Islamic laws, etc... Even though they are ready to participate
and engage themselves in politics but if the religious taboos and cultural taboos doesn’t
allow them to represent themselves, they cannot join politics. Only those Muslim women
who have strong economic background and has strong experience in the public are
allowed in representing themselves in politics. The main reason for the low political
participation of Muslim women in politics in India is the patriarchal structure of society.
There traditions and beliefs views women as just wife that take cares of their husbands
while they are the ones working for the family. There society believe that men are the
ones who are only capable in taking a higher position in the society and politics. They
don’t want women to engage in politics.
8. “Research Paper of Women’s Political Participation in India”

Despite of women making up to 50% of population in India, they barely acquire any
consideration in the election time – from different conferences and live interviews, it is
believing that only men who occupy center stage. The study conducted a survey that
resulted that women consist a small 7% or 402 women out of the 5,380 applicants that
are part of ADR’s study. There is a drop of small number from the 556 women candidates
that joined in the last election (2009), and the highest number of 599 in the 1991-92
election. For perception, the number of female in India is presently likely to be
614,397,079, or 614.4 million. (2014 numbers are for Phase 1-6 of the 2014 Elections.)

9. “Political Participation of Women: A Case Study in India”

Women around the world suffers from any violence and discrimination. In India, it is
rampant that women are in the minor level because of the belief that men are more
capable in any things especially in politics. Because of that perspective, the government
of India make sure adult contract and gives full chances and outline for women to be
involved in politics. The main argument of this journal is that the freedom of women to its
political participation. Knowing the women’s suppression and discrimination, there is a
general in need for their empowerment in both political and financial level.

The leading paper's goal is to give support to the representation of the Women's Political
Reservation Bill. And also it aims to arouse the efforts for ending corruption, illegalization,
and for having severe maximum of expenses used during campaigns and giving
knowledge in the people to teach the values and norms about gender equality and gender
justice. To have get these goals, the work is centered heavily on UN news, international
norms and conventions, Indian Constitutional provisions and other constitutional
enactments providing favorable laws understanding different rights for the benefits of
women, government of India and NGO news who gives a lot of efforts to the development
and growth of feminist studies.

10. “Television on Women’s Political Empowerment in India”

The research that was conducted make a national demographic survey to understand
and know the relationship of television contact and women’s empowerment in India. They
studied that if there are more exposure of women who are involved in politics and even
running as a candidate in television, does it affect their voting number and increase the
people who will support them.

The study shows that the television exposure gives improvement to Indian women’s
status in politics. The researcher used the PSM method or the tendency score
corresponding to lessen the possible threat of indigeneity. The outcomes show that TV
contact is connected to the more significant responsiveness of independence, more fiscal
freedom, fewer undesirable pregnancy, harmful approach towards beating, lesser
tendency of giving birth, a lesser family, and a lesser inclination level for sons.

11. Conclusion

To sum it all up, we can see that the different studies where always focusing on what level
does women in India are empowered in their political world, if what are the different factors
that help women become empowered and politically involved, data’s that are representing
on the percentage of women that are involved in politics, what are the status of women
now in India and etc.

What is not discussed is that what are the effort that were made by the Indian government
in this issue. So I will be including that concern in my study and in the end of my study we
will know the different ways and efforts made by the government on these problems. And
if they already did something, what are those and how it is implemented in the Indian
politics and society.

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