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BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Code Subject Title Cr. Hrs

C Semester
ZOOL--415 General Microbiology
M y 2 VII
Yeaar Disccipline
4 Zoo

Course Contents

Introducttion: historry of micrrobiology, development

d t of laboratory technniques to study s
microorgganisms, theiir importancce and appliccations. The scope of microbiology; classificatioons of
microorggansis, prok karyotic annd eucaryootic microoorgansis, archaeobacte
a eria, eubaccteria.
Distinctivve characterristics of maajor groups of microorgganisms; prootozoa, algaee, fungi, baccteria
and virusses.

Characteerization off microorgaanisms; purre culture techniques, microscoopes. Nutrittional

ments and miicrobiologicaal media. Cuultivation annd growth off microorgannisms. Contrrol of
microorgganisms; priinciples, chhemical andd physical agents. Maajor groupss of prokarryotic
microorgganisms: baacteria; Euubacteri; Gram-negativ
G ve bacteriaa, Gram-poositive baccteria,
Mycoplaasmas, Arch haeobacteriaa; methanogens, red extreme halophiles,
h sulfur-depenndent
archaeobbactera, therm

Microbioology of natural waters, drinking water

w and waaste water. Microorgani
M sms and dissease,
nosocommial infection ns, airborne diseases, fooodborne andd air borne diseases. Biiotechnologyy, the
industrial applicatioons of micrrobiology; products
p off microbial dissimilation, productts of
microbiaal synthesis.

mended Book

• Pelczzar, M.J. Jr., Chan, E.C.SS. and Kriegg, N.R. 19866. Microbioloogy– McGraaw Hill Inc., New
• Benson, H.J., 199 94. Microbioological appllications. WmmC Brown Publishers,
Dubuque, US SA.
• Alcammo, E. 1994 4. Fundamenntals of Micrrobiology. TheT Benjamiin/Cumminggs Publishingg Co.
Inc. Redwood
R citty, CA 940655.
• Pelczzar, M.J. Jrr., Chan, E.C.S.
E and Krieg, N.R R. 1993. Microbiolog
M y concepts and
applications – MccGraw Hill Inc.,
I New York.
BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codee Subjeect Title Cr. Hrs

C Semester
ZOOL--416 L
Lab. Generaal Microbioloogy 1 VII
Yearr Disciipline
4 Zooloogy

Course Contents

Microscoopic study of algae, funggi, protozoa and bacteria. Staining of o bacteria; negative, sim mple,
capsular,, Gram, Spore, acid-faast and flaggellar. Motility determiination of bacteria.
b Cuulture
Methods: Culture mediam prepaaration, puree culture teechniques, bacterial
b poopulation coounts.
Isolation of phage from
f sewagee. Environm mental influeences and control
c of microbial
m groowth;
lethal efffects of temp
perature andd UV light, osmotic
o wth, evaluation of
presssure and baacterial grow
antisepticcs, antimicro
obial sensitivvity test.

mended Book

• Pelczzar, M.J. Jr., Chan, E.C.SS. and Kriegg, N.R. 19866. Microbioloogy– McGraaw Hill Inc., New
• Benson, H.J., 199 94. Microbioological appllications. WmmC Brown Publishers,
Dubuque, US SA.
• Alcammo, E. 1994 4. Fundamenntals of Micrrobiology. TheT Benjamiin/Cumminggs Publishingg Co.
Inc. Redwood
R citty, CA 940655.
• Pelczzar, M.J. Jrr., Chan, E.C.S.
E and Krieg, N.R R. 1993. Microbiolog
M y concepts and
applications – MccGraw Hill Inc.,
I New York.
BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codee Subjeect Title Cr. Hrs

C Semester
ZOOL--417 Applied Microbiology
Yearr Disciipline
4 Zooloogy

Course Contents

Control ofo microorgaanisms: Funndamentals of o control, control

c by phhysical and chemical aggents,
antibioticcs and otheer chemotheerapentic aggents. Microoorganisms and diseasse: Host-miccrobe
interactioons. Resistan
nce and im mmunity. Airr, food and water-bornee human innfections. Huuman
contact disease.
d Infecctious diseasses of animals. Environm mental Microobiology: Fundamenntals
of microbbial ecologyy. Microbiology of Air. Soil microbbiology. Miccrobiology of o domestic water
and sewaage. Microbiology of foood, milk annd milk prodducts. Industrial microbbiology: Scoppe of
industrial microbioloogy in food production,
p c
control of innsects, humann therapy, petroleum, mining
and bioreemediation. Biotechnolo
B ogy and its roole in moderrn human com mforts.

mended Book

• Pelczzar, M.J. Jr., Chan, E.C.SS. and Kriegg, N.R. 19866. Microbioloogy– McGraaw Hill Inc., New
• Benson, H.J., 199 94. Microbioological appllications. Wm
mC Brown Publishers,
Dubuque, US SA.
• Alcammo, E. 1994 4. Fundamenntals of Micrrobiology. The
T Bengamiin/Cumminggs Publishingg Co.
Inc. Redwood
R citty, CA 940655.
• Pelczzar, M.J. Jrr., Chan, E.C.S.
E and Krieg, N.R R. 1993. Microbiolog
M y concepts and
applications – MccGraw Hill Inc.,
I New York.
BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Code Subject Title Cr. Hrs

C Semester
ZOOL--418 Lab. Applied Microbioloogy 1 VII
Yeaar Disccipline
4 Zoo

Course Contents

Bacteriollogical exam
mination of water;
w isolation and identtification of coliform bacteria and ennteric
pathogenns. Isolation of pathogeenic Staphyllococci. Norrmal throat flora and reeaction on blood b
agar. Enuumeration annd identificaation of micrroorganismss in urinary tract
t infectioons. Isolationn and
identificaation of microorganism
m ms from the t diseasedd ear. Inhibition andd destruction of
microorgganism by ph hysical agennts. Action ofo disinfectaants on bactteria. Bacteriostatic actioon of
certain dyes
d and dru
ugs. Bacterial sensitivity tests (somme contempoorary antibiootics). Baccterial
examinattion of food,, raw milk. Surveys
S of microorganism
m ms’ activitiees based induustries.

mended Book

• Pelczzar, M.J. Jr., Chan, E.C.SS. and Kriegg, N.R. 19866. Microbioloogy– McGraaw Hill Inc., New
• Benson, H.J., 199 94. Microbioological appllications. Wm
mC Brown Publishers,
Dubuque, US SA.
• Alcammo, E. 1994 4. Fundamenntals of Micrrobiology. The
T Bengamiin/Cumminggs Publishingg Co.
Inc. Redwood
R citty, CA 940655.
• Pelczzar, M.J. Jrr., Chan, E.C.S.
E and Krieg, N.R R. 1993. Microbiolog
M y concepts and
applications – MccGraw Hill Inc.,
I New York.
BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codee Subjeect Title Cr. Hrs

C Semester
ZOOL--421 Tecchniques in Fisheries
F Ressearch 1 VII
Yearr Disciipline
4 Zooloogy

Course Contents

The literrature of fissh and fisheeries, a metthod of commpiling bibliography, liiterature souurces,
general bibliography
b y on fish, forms
fo for recording data in fisheryy surveys, reecording, leength,
weight, sex
s and age determinatioon, preparatiion of impreessions, phottographs andd slides of sccales,
scale reaading, types of tags and informationn sought, techhniques of tagging
t and recovery, fisshery

mended Book

• Sinhaa, V.R.P. andd Srivastavaa, H.C. 1991. Aquaulturee Productivitty. Oxford & IBH Publisshing
o. N. Delhi.
• Sherii, A.N. 1974 4. Selected Bibliography
B y of Fishes and Fisheriies of Pakistan (1864-1966).
University of Agrriculture, Faaisalabad.
• Rickeer, W.E. 195 58. Hand Boook of Compputation for Biological Statistics off Fish Populaation.
Fish Res.
R Bd. off Canada. Buull. No. 119.
BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codee Subjeect Title Cr. Hrs

C Semester
ZOOL--422 Lab. Techniques
T in
n Fisheries Research
Yearr Disciipline
4 Zooloogy

Course Contents

Survey ofo literaturee, recording data, preparing and reading

r scalles, taggingg and popullation

mended Book

• Sinhaa, V.R.P. andd Srivastavaa, H.C. 1991. Aquaulturee Productivitty. Oxford & IBH Publisshing
o. N. Delhi.
• Sherii, A.N. 1974 4. Selected Bibliography
B y of Fishes and Fisheriies of Pakistan (1864-1966).
University of Agrriculture, Faaisalabad.
• Rickeer, W.E. 195 58. Hand Boook of Compputation for Biological Statistics off Fish Populaation.
Fish Res.
R Bd. off Canada. Buull. No. 119.
BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codee Subjeect Title Cr. Hrs

C Semester
ZOOL--423 Envvironmental Biology of Fishes
Yearr Disciipline
4 Zooloogy

Course Contents

Fish andd their Envirronments. Feeding and Nutrition. Environment

E tal Biology of Fish Groowth.
Osmoreggulation andd Ion Balancce. Environm mental Bioloogy of Reprroduction. Behaviour.
Pollutionn. Waste Mannagement. Sustainability
S y and Enviroonmental Issues.

mended Book
Recomm ks

• Weattherley, A.H., 1972. Groowth and Ecoology of Fishh Populationns.

• Woottton, R.J., 19
990. Ecologyy of Teleost Fishes. Chappman and Hall,
H London.
• Woottton, R.J., 19
998. Ecologyy of Teleost Fishes. 2nd Edition, Kluuwer.
• Joblinng, M., 1995
5. Environm
mental Biologgy of Fishes. Chapman & Hall, U.K.
• Weattherley, A.H. and Gill, H.S.,
H 1987. The
T Biology of Fish Grow wth. Chapman & Hall, U.K.
• Evanns, D.H., 19998. The Physsiology of Fiishes, 2nd Edd. CRC Presss, Boca Ratoon, New Yorrk.
• Boydd, C.E. and Tucker,
T C.S., 1998. Ponnd Aquacultuure Water Quality
Q manaagement, Booston,
BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codee Subjeect Title Cr. Hrs

C Semester
ZOOL--424 Lab. Environmen
E tal Biology of
o Fishes 1 VII
Yearr Disciipline
4 Zooloogy

Course Contents

Weight length
l and condition factor
f in relation to diifferent envvironments. Gut contennts of
different fish speciess. Effect of temperaturee on fish grrowth. Effecct of salinityy on fish groowth.
Induce sppawning. Eff
ffect of differrent pollutannts on survivval of fish. Assignment.

mended Book
Recomm ks

• Weattherley, A.H., 1972. Groowth and Ecoology of Fishh Populationns.

• Woottton, R.J., 19
990. Ecologyy of Teleost Fishes. Chappman and Hall,
H London.
• Woottton, R.J., 19
998. Ecologyy of Teleost Fishes. 2nd Edition, Kluuwer.
• Joblinng, M., 1995
5. Environm
mental Biologgy of Fishes. Chapman & Hall, U.K.
• Weattherley, A.H. and Gill, H.S.,
H 1987. The
T Biology of Fish Grow wth. Chapman & Hall, U.K.
• Evanns, D.H., 19998. The Physsiology of Fiishes, 2nd Edd. CRC Presss, Boca Ratoon, New Yorrk.
• Boydd, C.E. and Tucker,
T C.S., 1998. Ponnd Aquacultuure Water Quality
Q manaagement, Booston,
BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Code Subject Title Cr. Hrs

C Semester
ZOOL--407 Biological Techniquess 2 V
Yeaar Disccipline
4 Zoo

Course Contents

Size meaasurement: Animals,

A Tiissues, Cell nuclei, otheer organelles, surface area
a and vollume;
Scale veernier calipeer, stage miicrometer ocular microometer, Miccroscopy: Sttaining: Purrpose,
procedurre, examples, Gram’s staining, Animal A / Pllant tissue, Haematoxyylin and Eooisin,
Methylenne Blue; Miccrotomy: Seections, C.S. (T.S.), L.S.., S.S., Fixattion, Embeddding, Sectiooning,
Slide moounting; Ph hotometer: Visible
V specctrum, U.V. spectrum; How the principle work? w
Operationnal instructtions; Centtrifugation: Ultra cent
trifuge, Celll fractionation, Separration
techniquees; Filtratio
on: Chromattography: Paper,
P Thin layer, Coluumn, Gas Chromatogra
C aphy,
HPLC; Oven:
O Distillery: Distillation; Incubbator: Gel ellectrophoressis: DNA seeparation, prrotein
separatioon; Collectioon and presservation off animals and a plants: Precautionss at the tim
me of
collectionn; Preservattion; Principples; Some procedures
p o preservatiions; Data collection
of c annd its
analysis: Statistical tests; Write up:
u How youu should preesent (Write and compilee) your projeect or
research work; How a research paper
p is writtten.

mended Book

• Gallaagher, S.R. and Wiley E.A. 2008. Current prootocols essential laborattory Techniiques.
John Wiley & So ons Inc, USA
• Joness, A. Reed, R and Weyyers, J. 19994. Practical skills in Biology.
B Lonngman Singaapore
Publiishers (Pte) Ltd.
BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Code Subject Title Cr. Hrs

C Semester
ZOOL--408 Lab. Biologiical Techniqu
ues 1 V
Yeaar Disccipline
4 Zoo

Course Contents

Study off microscopy y, Microscoppic measurem ments, isolation and deteermining of protein
p and DNA
from anim mal tissues by spectrophhotometry; Histochemis
H stry of parafffin embeddeed tissues foor the
visualizeed and fat contents.
c Sepparation of proteins off different molecular
m w
weights usingg gel
electrophhometric metthod, culturiing of protozzoans. Studyy of haematoological technniques.

mended Book
Recomm ks

• Gallaagher, S.R. and Wiley E.A. 2008. Current prootocols essential laborattory Techniiques.
John Wiley & So ons Inc, USA
• Joness, A. Reed, R and Weyyers, J. 19994. Practical skills in Biology.
B Lonngman Singaapore
Publiishers (Pte) Ltd.
BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codee Subject Title Cr. Hrs

C Semester
ZOOL-4409 Zoogeoography 2 V
Year Discip
4 Zoology

Course Contents

Branchess of zoogeography; (D Descriptive, Chorologyy, Faunisticss, Systemattic, Biocoennotic,

Causal, Ecological,
E Historical, Experimenta
E al and Appliied Zoogeoggraphy). Annimal distribbution
(Cosmoppolitan distrribution, Diiscontinuouss distributioon, Isolationn distributioon, Bipolar and
Endemic distribution). Occurreence and siignificance of Discontiinuous distrribution. Faactors
affectingg animal disttribution. Baarriers and Means
M of diispersal. Typpes of barrieers (Topograaphic
and climmatic barrierss). Barriers and Means of dispersaal in Marinee, Freshwateer and Terreestrial
environm ments. Zoogeographical regions, Division of the t world innto various zoogeograpphical
regions. (Palaearcticc, Nearctic,, Oriental, Ethiopian, Australian and Neotrropical regiions).
Geographhic ranges, physical features,
f cliimates, faunnas of Neaarctic, Palaeearctic, Orieental,
Ethiopiann, Australian
n, and Neotrropical regions. Insolar fauna;
f (Continental, Oceeanic and Anncient
Islands). Palaeogeog graphy (Theoories of Perrmanence off Continentss, Land Briddges, Continnental
Drift andd Plate Tecto

mended Book

• Frankk Evers Bed ddard, 2008. A textbookk of Zoogeoggraphy. Published by BiblioBazar, LLC,L
pp. 192.
• S.K. Tiwari, 2006. Fundamenntals of Worrld Zoogeoggraphy. Weddams eBookss (P) Ltd. (Inndia),
pp. 384. Sarup & Sons, Ansaari Rd. Daryaaganj, Delhi.
• Shivkkumar Tiwaari, 1985. Reeadings in Indian
I Zooggeography (V Vol. 1) Todday & Tomoorrow
Printeers & Publissher, pp. 3955.
• De Beaufort,
B 19551. Zoogeogrraphy of the Land Inlandd Waters, Sidgwick and Jackson.
• Darliington, 1963. Zoogeograaphy, John Wiley.
• Mulleer, 1974. Aspects of Zooogeography, Hague.
• Barryy, C. and Moore,
M P.D., 2010. Biogeeography annd Ecologicaal and evoluutionary apprroach
(8th Ed.).
E John Wiley.
• Hessee, 1963. Eco ological Anim mal Geograpphy, John Wiley.
• Ekmaan, 1953. Zo oogeographyy of the sea. Sedgwick
S annd Jackson.
• Lilliees, 1974. Intrroduction to Zoogeograpphy, Londonn.
• Terryy, A. Vaughaan, J. M. Ryyan and N.J.. Czaplewbkki, 2009. Maammalogy. 5th 5 Ed. Jones and
Barjlett publisherrs.
• S.S. Ali,
A 1999. Paalaeontologyy, Zoogeograaphy and Wildlife Manaagement.
• Hickm man, Roberrts and Larrson, 2001. Integrated Principles of Zoologyy (11th Edittion).
McG Graw Hill, Neew York.
BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codee Subjeect Title Cr. Hrs

C Semester
ZOOL--410 Lab. Zooogeography 1 V
Yearr Disciipline
4 Zooloogy

Course Contents

Identificaation, classiification uptto species and

a Zoogeoographical distribution
d o the folloowing
animal grroups of Zoo ogeographical regions:
Fishes (N
Neoceratodus, Lepidosiren and Protoopterus).
Amphibiian (Caeciliaans, Newts annd Salamandders, Toads anda Frogs).
Reptiles (Sphenodon, Lizards andd Snakes, Tuurtles and Toortoises and Crocodiles)).
Aves (Kiiwis, Cassow waries, Emuss, Ostriches and Rheas).
Egg-layinng mammalss (Echidna and a Platypus).
Marsupiaal mammalls (Opossum m, Australiian cat, Numbat
N Kanngaroos, Marsupial
M m
Bandicooots, Koala an nd Wombatss).
Placentall Mammalss (Elepahntts, Giraffes,, Rhinocerooses, Tapirs, Blackbucck, Four-hoorned
antelope,, Bos, Bison,, Bubalus, Capra,
C Ovis, Boselaphus
B and Camelss).

mended Book
Recomm ks

• Frankk Evers Bed ddard, 2008. A textbookk of Zoogeoggraphy. Published by BiblioBazar, LLC,L
pp. 192.
• S.K. Tiwari, 2006. Fundamenntals of Worrld Zoogeoggraphy. Weddams eBookss (P) Ltd. (Inndia),
pp. 384. Sarup & Sons, Ansaari Rd. Daryaaganj, Delhi.
• Shivkkumar Tiwaari, 1985. Reeadings in Indian
I Zooggeography (V Vol. 1) Todday & Tomoorrow
Printeers & Publissher, pp. 3955.
• De Beaufort,
B 19551. Zoogeogrraphy of the Land Inlandd Waters, Sidgwick and Jackson.
• Darliington, 1963. Zoogeograaphy, John Wiley.
• Mulleer, 1974. Aspects of Zooogeography, Hague.
• Barryy, C. and Moore,
M P.D., 2010. Biogeeography annd Ecologicaal and evoluutionary apprroach
(8th Ed.).
E John Wiley.
• Hessee, 1963. Eco ological Anim mal Geograpphy, John Wiley.
• Ekmaan, 1953. Zo oogeographyy of the sea. Sedgwick
S annd Jackson.
• Lilliees, 1974. Intrroduction to Zoogeograpphy, Londonn.
• Terryy, A. Vaughaan, J. M. Ryyan and N.J.. Czaplewbkki, 2009. Maammalogy. 5th 5 Ed. Jones and
Barjlett publisherrs.
• S.S. Ali,
A 1999. Paalaeontologyy, Zoogeograaphy and Wildlife Manaagement.
• Hickm man, Roberrts and Larrson, 2001. Integrated Principles of Zoologyy (11th Edittion).
McG Graw Hill, Neew York.
BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codee Subject Title Cr. Hrs

C Semester
ZOOL-4425 In
ntegrated Pesst Management 2 V
Year Discip
4 Zoology

Course Contents

Brief acccount of in ntegrated pest managem ment: comm mon samplinng techniquees in insect pest
managem ment, concep pt of econom
mic levels, ecconomic dam mage and ecconomic bouundary, econnomic
injury level and eco onomic thresshold. Pest management
m t Theory; Biological
B coontrol, ecoloogical
managem ment of crop environmennt, Insecticidde and its appplication, managing
m insect with resiistant
plant andd sterile tech
hnique: Manaaging ecologgical black laash.

mended Book

• Pediggo, L.P., 199

91. Entomoloogy and Pestt Managemeent. Maxwelll MacMillann.
• Richaards, O.W. and
a Davies, R.J.,
R 1977. Imm's Generral Textbookk of Entomollogy. Vol-2
• Metccalf, C.L. and
d Flint, W.P.., 1962. Desttructive and Useful Insects, McGraw
BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codee Subject Title Cr. Hrs

C Semester
ZOOL-4426 Lab
b Integrated Pest
P Manageement 1 V
Year Discip
4 Zoology

Course Contents

Collectioon, preservaation and identification

i n of insectt pests uptoo families (except forr the
identificaation upto species
s of a few pests of great ecconomic im mportance), with
w the help of
keys/literrature. Polluution estimaation of inssect using different saampling methods. Effect of
insecticiddes on predaators and inseect pest (Moortality and behaviour).

mended Book

• Pediggo, L.P., 199

91. Entomoloogy and Pestt Managemeent. Maxwelll MacMillann.
• Richaards, O.W. and
a Davies, R.J.,
R 1977. Imm's Generral Textbookk of Entomollogy. Vol-2
• Metccalf, C.L. and
d Flint, W.P.., 1962. Desttructive and Useful Insects, McGraw
BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codee Subjeect Title Cr. Hrs

C Semester
ZOOL--427 Classificatiion of Insectss 2 V
Yearr Disciipline
4 Zooloogy

Course Contents

A generaal account in
ncluding classsification off insect ordeers: Collembbola, Orthopttera, Dictyopptera,
Isoptera, Hemiptera, Lepidopteraa, Diptera, Hymenoptera
H a, Coleopteraa. Only diaggnostic charaacters
of the remaining insect ordeers: Thysannura, Diplurra, Protura,, Ephemerooptera, Odoonata,
Plecopterra, Gryllobblattoidea, Phasmida,
P Dermapteraa, Embiopteera, Zorapteera, Psocopptera,
Mallophaaga, Siphun nculata, Thysanoptera, Neuroptera,
N Meco- pterra, Tricopterra, Siphonapptera,

mended Book

• Pediggo, L.P., 199

91. Entomoloogy and Pestt Managemeent. Maxwelll MacMillann.
• Richaards, O.W. and
a Davies, R.J.,
R 1977. Imm's Generral Textbookk of Entomollogy. Vol-2
• Metccalf, C.L. and
d Flint, W.P.., 1962. Desttructive andd Useful Insects, McGraw
BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Code Subject Title Cr. Hrs

C Semester
ZOOL--428 L
Lab. Classificcation of Inssects 1 V
Yeaar Disccipline
4 Zoo

Course Contents

Collectioon, preservattion and idenntification of

o insects uppto families (except for the
t identificcation
upto speccies of a few
w pests of greeat economicc importancee), with the help
h of keys/literature.

mended Book

• Pediggo, L.P., 199

91. Entomoloogy and Pestt Managemeent. Maxwelll MacMillann.
• Richaards, O.W. and
a Davies, R.J.,
R 1977. Imm's Generral Textbookk of Entomollogy. Vol-2
• Metccalf, C.L. and
d Flint, W.P.., 1962. Desttructive andd Useful Insects, McGraw
BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codee Subjeect Title Cr. Hrs

C Semester
ZOOL--429 Bacteeriology 2 V
Yearr Disciipline
4 Zooloogy

Course Contents

Laboratory equipm ment and proceduress: Pure cuulture, pure culture technique, cuulture
preservattion, Aseptiic techniquee, Sterilizattion, Chemiical Sterilizzation, Stainning techniques,
Microscoopy, visible light
l microsccopy, Ultravviolet and eleectron microoscopes.

Metabollic pathways: Life needs,

n growwth factorss, the enviironment, Classificatio
C on: a
Physiological methood, Energy productionn, Aerobic cellular reespiration, Fat
F and prrotein
metabolism, biosynth
hesis and meetabolism, coontrolling metabolism.

Growth and reprod duction: Inccreasing masss and populations, the population
p grrowth curve, The
growth curve;
c homee, industry and hospitaal, countingg methods, viable cell count, Bioomass
determinnation, biolog
gical assay.

Collectioon, cultivatiion and iden

ntification of
o microbes::

Laboratoory work, Symptoms,

S Collecting and handlling specim mens, Media selection and
preparatiion, balancin
ng the enviroonment, Oxyygen requirem
ments for cuulturing.

The Con ntrol of Microbes:

M Diifferent appproaches to control, facctors that innfluence succcess,
surface active
a agentss, the methods and mateerial of contrrol, the ideaal antibiotic, the developpment
of drug resistance, ov
vercoming reesistant pathhogens.

mended Book
Recomm ks

• Pelczzar, M.J. Jr., Chan, E.C.SS. and Kriegg, N.R. 19866. Microbioloogy– McGraaw Hill Inc., New
• Benson, H.J., 199 94. Microbioological appllications. Wm
mC Brown Publishers,
Dubuque, US SA.
• Alcammo, E. 1994 4. Fundamenntals of Micrrobiology. The
T Bengamiin/Cumminggs Publishingg Co.
Inc. Redwood
R citty, CA 940655.
• Pelczzar, M.J. Jrr., Chan, E.C.S.
E and Krieg, N.R R. 1993. Microbiolog
M y concepts and
applications – MccGraw Hill Inc.,
I New York.
BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codee Subjeect Title Cr. Hrs

C Semester
ZOOL--430 Lab. Baacteriology 1 V
Yearr Disciipline
4 Zooloogy

Course Contents

Microscoopic examin nations of microorgani

m isms’ wet mount,
m hangging drop method; Grram’s
staining, Negative sttaining capsuular ling staaining Preparration and stterilization of
o growth media.
Viable counting
c of bacteria, coorrelating nuumber/cell mass
m with optical
o denssity, makingg and
preservattion of puree cultures off bacteria evvaluating baacrteriostaticc and bacterricidal effeccts of
antimicroobial agents,, antibiotic susseptility
s o some bactterial isolates, some phyysiochemicall tests
of bacterria.

mended Book

• Pelczzar, M.J. Jr., Chan, E.C.SS. and Kriegg, N.R. 19866. Microbioloogy– McGraaw Hill Inc., New
• Benson, H.J., 199 94. Microbioological appllications. Wm
mC Brown Publishers,
Dubuque, US SA.
• Alcammo, E. 1994 4. Fundamenntals of Micrrobiology. The
T Bengamiin/Cumminggs Publishingg Co.
Inc. Redwood
R citty, CA 940655.
• Pelczzar, M.J. Jrr., Chan, E.C.S.
E and Krieg, N.R R. 1993. Microbiolog
M y concepts and
applications – MccGraw Hill Inc.,
I New York.
BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codee Subjeect Title Cr. Hrs

C Semester
ZOOL--431 E
Environment al Microbiollogy 2 V
Yearr Disciipline
4 Zooloogy

Course Contents

Fundameentals of miccrobial ecoloogy: The naature of micrrobial comm munities. Liffe at low nuutrient
concentraations. Physsicochemical factors affffecting the environmenntal fate of Microorgannisms.
Competittive strategiees of microoorganisms. Innteractions involving
i miicroorganism
ms. Microbioology
of air. Aquatic
A microobiology. Sooil microbioology. Microobiology of domestic water
w and sewwage.
Microbioology of foodd, milk and milk
m productts.

mended Book

• Microobiology: A Human Peerspective , 2001. Euggene W. Neester, Denisee, G., Andeerson,

Marthha, T., Nesteer, C., Evanss Roberts, Nancy, N. MccGraw Hill Higher
H Education.
• Microobiology Priinciples and Explorationns, 2001. Jacquelyn, G.G
G. Wiley Johnn & Sons Inc.
• Microobiology, 1986. Pelczaar Jr., Chann, E.C.S. annd Krieg, M.R.,
M 1986. Mc-Graw Hill,
• Envirronmental Microbiology
M y, 2000. Alan H. Varrnam and Malcolm
M G. Evans, Maanson
publiishing Londoon, NW11 7D DL, UK.
• Microobial Appliccations: Labb Manual inn General Microbiology
M y, 1994. Bennson, H.J. WMC
wn Publishers, England.
BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codee Subjeect Title Cr. Hrs

C Semester
ZOOL--432 Lab
b. Environmeental Microb
biology 1 V
Yearr Disciipline
4 Zooloogy

Course Contents

Isolation and identiffication of coliform froom water, milk m and veegetables saamples. Baccterial
examinattion of food d and raw milk. Surveeys of microoorganisms’’ activities based b indusstries.
Isolation and study of
o antibioticss producing bacteria. Isoolation and study
s of celllulolytic baccteria.
Isolation and identifiication of nittrogen fixingg bacteria.

mended Book

• Microobiology: A Human Peerspective , 2001. Euggene W. Neester, Denisee, G., Andeerson,

Marthha, T., Nesteer, C., Evanss Roberts, Nancy, N. MccGraw Hill Higher
H Education.
• Microobiology Priinciples and Explorationns, 2001. Jacquelyn, G.G
G. Wiley Johnn & Sons Inc.
• Microobiology, 1986. Pelczaar Jr., Chann, E.C.S. annd Krieg, M.R.,
M 1986. Mc-Graw Hill,
• Envirronmental Microbiology
M y, 2000. Alan H. Varrnam and Malcolm
M G. Evans, Maanson
publiishing Londoon, NW11 7D DL, UK.
• Microobial Appliccations: Labb Manual inn General Microbiology
M y, 1994. Bennson, H.J. WMC
wn Publishers, England.
BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codee Subject Title Cr. Hrs

C Semester
ZOOL-4433 A
Advances in Aquaculture
A e-I 2 V
Year Discip
4 Zoology

Course Contents

Physical problems in n fish farm construction,

c , hydrometroology in ponnd fish culture, application of
lime andd fertilizers in fish farm
m, new trendds in fish faarm managem ment, warm m water fish seed
productioon, enhancinng production of carp finngerlings by the use of growth
g prom
moting substaances,
intensivee and semi-intensive cullture of major carps, tilllet flavour problem
p in fish culture, fish
diseases and their conntrol in aquaaculture.

mended Book

• Pillayy, T. V. R., 1999.

1 Aquacculture: Princciples and Prractices. Fishhing News Books.
• Agraw wal, V. P. 19999. Recent Trends in Aquaculture.
A Society of Biosciences.
B India.
• Redddy, M. S. an nd K.R.S. SambasivaRa
S ao. 1999. A Text Bookk of Aquacuulture. Discoovery
Publiishing Housee, N. Delhi.
• Meadde, J. W. 199 98. Aquacultture Manageement. Chapm man & Hall Inc. N. Yorkk.
• Parkeer, R. 1994. Aquaculture
A e Science. Delmar publisshers, N. York.
• Deboorah, A. T. 1989. Aquacuulture, Manssell, N. Yorkk.
BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codde Subjject Title Cr. Hrs

C Semester
ZOOLL-434 Laab. Advancess in Aquaculture -I 1 V
Yeaar Disscipline
4 Zoology

Course Contents

1. Collection
C an
nd preservation of water sample.

2. Eradication
E of
o weed plantts/algal bloooms.

3. Eradication
E of
o predators and
a predatorry insects.

4. Stocking density and ratioo of fish.

5. Control
C of paarasites and diseases.

6. Iddentification
n of Indian major
m carps.

7. Fishing gearss.

8. Determination
D n of forage ratio
r of a givven fish.

mended Book
Recomm ks

• Pillayy, T. V. R., 1999.

1 Aquacculture: Princciples and Prractices. Fishhing News Books.
• Agraw wal, V. P. 19999. Recent Trends in Aquaculture.
A Society of Biosciences.
B India.
• Redddy, M. S. an nd K.R.S. SambasivaRa
S ao. 1999. A Text Bookk of Aquacuulture. Discoovery
Publiishing Housee, N. Delhi.
• Meadde, J. W. 199 98. Aquacultture Manageement. Chapm man & Hall Inc. N. Yorkk.
• Parkeer, R. 1994. Aquaculture
A e Science. Delmar publisshers, N. York.
• Deboorah, A. T. 1989. Aquacuulture, Manssell, N. Yorkk
BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Code Subject Title Cr. Hrs

C Semester
ZOOL--435 A
Advances in Aquaculturee -II 2 V
Yeaar Disccipline
4 Zoo

Course Contents

Introducttion to advaanced aquacculture. Cultture of fresshwater praw wns shrimpss and freshw water
shrimps, Oyster cultu ure, Aquacuulture in raceeways, Cagees, enclosurees and pondss with particculars
referencees to the sitee and designn of cages, use
u of agricuultural and urban
u wastees in aquacuulture,
paddy cuulture.

mended Book
Recomm ks

• Pillayy, T. V. R., 1999.

1 Aquacculture: Princciples and Prractices. Fishhing News Books,
B Londdon.
• Agraw wal, V. P. 19999. Recent Trends in Aquaculture.
A Society of Biosciences.
B India.
• Karunnasagar, I, I. Karunasaggar and A. Reilly.
R 1999. Aquaculturee and Biotecchnology. Oxxford
& IBH Publishing Co., N. Deelhi.
• Stickkney, R.R. 19 992. Principlles of Warm
mwater Aquacculture. Johnn Wiley & Sons,
S N. Yorrk.
• Meadde, J. W. 199 98. Aquacultture Manageement. Chapm man & Hall Inc. N. Yorkk.
• Deboorah, A. T. 1989. Aquacuulture, Manssell, N. Yorkk.
BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codee Subjeect Title Cr. Hrs

C Semester
ZOOL--436 Lab
b. Advances in
i Aquacultu
ure -II 1 V
Yearr Disciipline
4 Zooloogy

Course Contents

1. Determ
minant of water temperaature.

2. Determ
mination of water flow/vvelocity.

3. Determ
mination of pH of the water.

4. Determ
mination of total dissolvved solid (DT

5. Determ
mination of water salinitty.

6. Determ
mination of dissolved caarbondyoxidde.

7. Determ
mination of water alkalinnity.

8. Determ
mination of various toxiicant in wateer that may affect
a fish/shhrimp growthh.

mended Book

• Pillayy, T. V. R., 1999.

1 Aquacculture: Princciples and Prractices. Fishhing News Books,
B Londdon.
• Agraw wal, V. P. 19999. Recent Trends in Aquaculture.
A Society of Biosciences.
B India.
• Karunnasagar, I, I. Karunasaggar and A. Reilly.
R 1999. Aquaculturee and Biotecchnology. Oxxford
& IBH Publishing Co., N. Deelhi.
• Stickkney, R.R. 19 992. Principlles of Warm
mwater Aquacculture. Johnn Wiley & Sons,
S N. Yorrk.
• Meadde, J. W. 199 98. Aquacultture Manageement. Chapm man & Hall Inc. N. Yorkk.
• Deboorah, A. T. 1989. Aquacuulture, Manssell, N. Yorkk

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