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 About the Author

 Introduction
 Chapter 1 - Humans attempts to know the reality of dreams:
 Chapter 2 - Reality of Dreams in the Light of Islam:
 Chapter 3 - Timing of Dream Interpretation As per Scholars:
 Chapter 4 - Relation Between Truth, Strength and Soul in Dreams:
 Chapter 5 Working in Dreams:
 Chapter 6 – Reading Dreams and Playback them for you:
 Chapter 7 - Sorcery in Dreams:
 Chapter 8- Dream of Prophet Yusuf (AS):
 Chapter 9 - Inventions and Events Based On Dreams:
About the Author:

I’m working in the field of Health, Safety and Environment from last 13
Years. As part of my hobby I wrote short books and articles. The reason for
writing this short book is to provide importance of dreams in our lives and
how they will be helpful for an individual. Furthermore, I would like to say
that I don’t want to be most admired writer. But I want to be one of the
loved writer. Admiration passes, love endures. By: Shiraz Mehboob

Since the existence of this world till present and everywhere in this world where humans
are present, belongs to any nationality, religion or cast. Humans saw dreams in their life. In
particular, either we talk about Ibn Battuta (Muslim Moroccan scholar and explorer) or
Albert Einstein (German-born theoretical physicist who developed a theory of relativity) or
famous Leonardo da Vinci (an Italian polymath whose areas of interest included invention,
painting & sculpting) or we talk Prophet about Ibrahim (AS) or we talk about Prophet
Yousaf (AS), all of them saw dreams. Usually humans dream regularly. The average person
has between three and eight dreams per night. For example, if person sleeps every night
and lives seventy five years, that’s about 136,875 dreams in one life time.

Until the First World War, the link between science and technology was not perceived as a
fundamental one. Science was considered part of the domain of culture while technology
was in the sphere of economics. But, as compare to previous centuries significant
improvement in technology has been observed. In August 12, 2018 NASA (The National
Aeronautics and Space Administration) launches ‘Parker Solar Probe’. A spacecraft which it
is said will "touch" the sun - has been launched from Cape Canaveral. As technology
increases, several researches and studies has been done on dreams also. Sigmund Freud
who was an Austrian neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis (A set of theories and
therapeutic techniques related to the study of the unconscious mind, which together form a
method of treatment for mental-health disorders). Freud wrote about dreams in many
different places, most notably in his book ‘The Interpretation of Dreams’. According to
Freud, the number of things represented by symbols in dreams is not great: The human
body, parents, children, siblings, birth, death, nakedness, and a few others. The person as a
whole is often represented in the form of a house – houses with smooth walls are men, and
those with projections and balconies to which one might cling are women. Parents appear
in dreams as kings, queens, or other highly respected persons; children and siblings are
symbolized as small animals or vermin. Birth is almost always represented by some
reference to water: Either one plunges into water or climbs out of it, rescues someone from
water or gets rescued from water (indicating a mother-relationship to that person). Death
is replaced in dreams by taking a journey; nakedness is symbolized by clothing, especially

Coming back to the Ancient times, Early civilizations thought of dreams as a medium
between our earthly world and that of the gods. In fact, the Greeks and Romans were
convinced that dreams had certain prophetic powers.

So, what is Dream? Dreams are messenger to us from the unknown. They are voices from
our collective sub-conscious, warner’s of deep inner disturbance in the individual psyche,
bearer of glad tidings of good things to come, or echoes of happy or sad and long hidden
memories. But all dreams are not true and usually what we saw in our dreams are totally
different when we interpret our dreams.

Just like a movie watching at cinema hall we see actors and actress are doing some act. That
act had been done earlier perhaps some days or months ago but there is a hidden message
in movie which is related either to the society or connected with the future of persons if
they follow the message (such as movie based on no smoking message). And sometimes
aim is different as it perceived earlier. For Example, in the Hollywood movie named ‘Inside
Man’. A man named Dalton Russell sits in an unidentified cell and narrates a story of how
he has committed the perfect robbery. Police surrounded the bank as they received
information that some individuals trying to conduct a bank robbery. However, at the end
Police found no any evidence that demonstrate that robbers stolen money from the Bank.
Concern detective, however searches the bank’s records and finds that safe deposit box
number 392 has never appeared on any records since the bank's founding in 1948. The
robber who was hiding behind a fake wall, emerges a week after the robbery with the
contents of Case’s safe deposit box, including bags of diamonds.

Same experiences we faced while dreaming. Sometimes we ignored that what we saw or
puts some negligence towards focusing to the meaning of dreams which resulted in severe
consequences. I remember, that Wednesday in July 2005 when I met my friend name
Danish. During conversation he told me that ‘last night I saw a huge graveyard in my
dream’. I advised him to take some rest and don’t go for University. He ignored and then
when he reached University he saw a clash between two student parties of University in
Pakistan. While clash was on-going he tried to escape because he was standing at the
middle of University surrounded by hundreds of students. Suddenly police came and
arrested several students who they feel are involved in University clash. Accidently Danish
was also caught by Police and send for temporary imprisonment. However, after spending
some hours in local police station lock up he was released but question raised in Danish
mind that ‘Is a distressing dream of watching graveyard which I feel disturbing has any
relation with reality that I ignored but proved truth in reality?’.

Simply! If Danish pays attention to his dream that there is a possibility that he will not
suffer the consequences which was predicted in his dream.

There are some other theories also related to dreams. One group suggests that dreams
usually predicting future and their results will be either beneficial or adverse. On the other
hand another group suggests that dreams has no link with reality and it is a sign of vagary
and mental illness. Indeed we are living in a world where everyone has its own view. For
example majority of people believe in God and some groups don’t believe the existence of
God in this Universe commonly known as atheist.

Sometimes we saw dreams due to stress; mental illness; lack of sleep; inadequate working
schedule results in frequent change in sleeping timings; eating snacks after dinner;
Prescriptions that affect chemicals in the brain (such as antidepressants), as well as some
blood pressure medications; Sleep problems such as sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome
may cause nightmares. Which are not relevant to reality or they will not predict future.

And that is also a fact which we can’t ignored that some dreams are true. By which they
received information regarding the future events. For example, in 1845, Elias Howe
invented the sewing machine based on a dream that helped him understand the mechanical
penetration of the needle. He was not the first to conceive the idea of sewing machine,
however Howe made significant refinements to the design and was awarded the first US
patent for a sewing machine using a lockstitch design. According to family history records:

"He almost beggared himself before he discovered where the eye of the needle of the
sewing machine should be located... he might have failed altogether if he had not dreamed
he was building a sewing machine for a savage king in a strange country. Just as in his
actual working experience, he was perplexed about the needle's eye. He thought the king
gave him twenty-four hours in which to complete the machine and make it sew. If not
finished in that time death was to be the punishment.

Howe worked and worked, and puzzled, and finally gave it up. Then he thought he was
taken out to be executed. He noticed that the warriors carried spears that were pierced
near the head. Instantly came the solution of the difficulty, and while the inventor was
begging for time, he awoke.

It was 4 o'clock in the morning. He jumped out of bed, ran to his workshop, and by 9, a
needle with an eye at the point had been rudely modeled. After that it was easy. That is the
true story of an important incident in the invention of the sewing machine."
According to science, Dreams which is a succession of images, ideas, emotions and
sensations that usually occur involuntarily in the mind during the certain stages of sleep.
According to science the content and purpose of dreams are not fully understood, although
they have been a topic of scientific, philosophical and reglious interest throughout
recorded history.

In terms of religious views, dreams has a major importance. The ancient Hebrews
connected their dreams heavily with their religion, though the Hebrews were monotheistic
and believed that dreams were the voice of one God alone. Hebrews also differentiated
between good dreams (from God) and bad dreams (from evil spirits). The Hebrews, like
many other ancient cultures, incubated dreams in order to receive divine revelation. For
example, the Hebrew prophet Samuel would "lie down and sleep in the temple at Shiloh
before the Ark and receive the word of the Lord." Most of the dreams in the Bible are in the
Book of Genesis

In Judaism, dreams are considered part of the experience of the world that can be
interpreted and from which lessons can be garnered. It is discussed in the Talmud, Tractate
Berachot 55–60.In the Mandukya Upanishad, part of the Veda scriptures of Indian
Hinduism, a dream is one of three states that the soul experiences during its lifetime, the
other two states being the waking state and the sleep state.

Christians mostly shared the beliefs of the Hebrews and thought that dreams were of a
supernatural character because the Old Testament includes frequent stories of dreams
with divine inspiration. The most famous of these dream stories was Jacob's dream of a
ladder that stretches from Earth to Heaven. Many Christians preach that God can speak to
people through their dreams.

In Islam I observe that dreams play an important role. Dreams also pays an important role
in history of Islam and lives of Muslims. My intention of Dream interpretation is the
attempt on the self-awareness that understanding your dreams in Islamic point of view can
provide, and the interpretations are accessible, clear and pragmatic. The readers will also
find that their dreams are having some worth & importance.

Chapter 1 - Humans attempts to know the reality of dreams:

Mediators and Scholars, Researches from majority of nations successfully tries to
understand the meaning and successfully interprets the dreams and researchers who
research on the study of dreams explain theories according to their perception and
understanding of this subject but this problem is not completely solve. At 21st century in
which we considered that level of human intelligence has increased due to significant
improvement in technology and several secrets of world has been revealed but still
problem solving in terms of dreams interpreting is not fully solved. Because humans can
see only up to that end where God want them to see.

Experts explained that dreams mainly occur in the rapid-eye movement (REM) stage of
sleep. when brain activity is high and resembles that of being awake. REM sleep is revealed
by continuous movements of the eyes during sleep. At times, dreams may occur during
other stages of sleep. However, these dreams tend to be much less vivid or memorable. The
length of a dream can vary; they may last for a few seconds, or approximately 20–30

People are more likely to remember the dream if they are awakened during the REM phase.
The average person has three to five dreams per night, and some may have up to seven;
however, most dreams are immediately or quickly forgotten. Dreams tend to last longer as
the night progresses. During a full eight-hour night sleep, most dreams occur in the typical
two hours of REM. Opinions about the meaning of dreams have varied and shifted through
time and culture. Many endorse the Freudian theory of dreams that dreams reveal insight
into hidden desires and emotions. Other prominent theories include those suggesting that
dreams assist in memory formation, problem solving, or simply are a product of random
brain activation. Blechner proposed that dreams show how the mind engages in thought
when not required to produce communicable versions of thought. But theories from
Mediators and Scholars related to this subject helped a lot for experts for understanding
the concept of dreams in our lives.

Muhammad Ibn Sirin (Muslim Mystic and Interpreter of dreams), Hazrat Imam Jafar Sadiq
(sixth Shia Imam and a major figure in the Hanafi and Maliki schools of Sunni
jurisprudence, Hazrat Ibn Khaldoon (fourteenth-century Arab historiographer and
historian), Hazrat Danyal (Peace Be Upon Him), Ibrahim Karmani (Peace Be Upon Him),
Aflatoon (Known as Plato was a philosopher in Classical Greece and the founder of the
Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world), Aristotle
(Known as Arastu in Pakistan and India was an ancient Greek Philosopher and scientist
born in the city of Stagira, in the north of Classical Greece) and other several other experts
reveals secrets of dreams that and defines some rules that become helpful in revealing the
reality of dreams.

Chapter 2 - Reality of Dreams in the Light of Islam:

Knowledge of Dream interpretation has its own Superiority in Islam. The Prophet (peace
and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said“Dreams are of three types; a dream from Allah, a
dream which causes distress and which comes from the Shaytan, and a dream which comes
from what a person thinks about when he is awake, and he sees it when he is asleep.” (al-
Bukhaari, 6499; Muslim, 4200)

In one hadith in Al-Tirmidhi, the Prophet (salAllahualayhiwasallam) said, “Nothing has

been left of nubuwwa other than mubashiraat.” The Prophet (salAllahualayhiwasallam)
was asked, “What are mubashiraat ,yaRasulillah?” He (salAllahualayhiwasallam) said, “A
dream that you see. Either you or somebody else sees you in it.” You see yourself in it, or
somebody else sees you in it and comes and tells you, “Akhi, I saw you in a dream, and this
is what I saw.” This is a mubashir. What does mubashir mean? Mubashir means ‘good
news.’ From this we learn that the dreams that Allah blesses a person with always have
something positive. There is a positive message in what Allah tells you in your dreams.

To talk about dreams a little bit more – we said dreams are of three types:

Hadith’l-nafs– Dreams from your imagination.For example, if one of us wants a very fancy
car and wants to by the latest model of the Mercedes or Jaguar and is thinking about it and
daydreaming, and when you go to sleep, lo and behold, you are driving that car. This is
your hadith’l-nafs and imagination.

There is a special group of scientists who study dreams. I find it very tickling that
masha’Allah if they fall asleep on the job, they are the only group of people that can say,
“We are working while we fall asleep.” There are scientists who study dreams, and these
scientists tell us that this type of dream occurs every night. There is a phase in our sleep
called REM (rapid eye movement) when everybody dreams. The sign of this dream is that
when you wake up, the dream is absolutely fresh but within a few seconds it is gone. This
is the indication that it is this type of dream; it is your imagination.

External impulses affect this type of dream. If somebody throws water on your face, then
you dream that you are drowning. If you hear your alarm clock go off, it will somehow
affect your dream. If somebody is calling you, “Wake up! Wake up! It is time for fajr!”, in
your dream, it will be translated that somebody is waking you up.

This type of dream has nothing to do with good or bad and is your own imagination. The
sign of it is that you do not remember it at all. You wake up and by the time it is the middle
of the day, you don’t remember anything about it.

Second is Huloom which is an evil dream, and in English Language, we call it a nightmare. It
is an unpleasant dream that can cause a strong emotional response from the mind, typically
fear but also despair, anxiety and great sadness. The dream may contain situations of
discomfort, psychological or physical terror or panic. After a nightmare, a person will often
awaken in a state of distress and may be unable to return to sleep for a short period of
time.These types of dream are from Shaytan. Example of this type of dream include that
you see a loved one die a miserable death or see an incident. Sometimes people saw that
they has been chased by evil aliens or beasts or something like this. Shaytan only wants to
irritate you. Shaytan are playing a practical joke on you. But Why? Because they are playing
with you at your expense. These types of dreams are never, ever true. Nobody should
believe these dreams. Nobody should believe nightmares. The Prophet
(salAllahualayhiwasallam) said that nightmares should not be told to anybody. If you see
an evil dream don’t go tell other people about it. Why? Because Shaytan is making a fool of
you. Once a man came to the Prophet (salAllahualayhiwasallam) and said, “Oh Messenger
of Allah, I saw my head cut off in a dream and it was rolling like a ball and I am running
after it to pick it up.” The Prophet (salAllahualayhiwasallam) said, “Don’t tell other people
how the Shaytan played with you last night.” He is laughing now when you go tell other
people because you believe this dream.AbuQutaadahsaid:the Prophet (peace and blessings
of Allaah be upon him) said“Good dreams come from Allaah, and (bad) dreams come from
Shaytaan. Whoever sees something that he dislikes, let him spit to his left three times and
seek refuge with Allaah from the Shaytaan, for it will not harm him.” (Narrated by al-
Bukhaari, 6594, and Muslim, 5862).

Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

“If any one of you sees a dream that he likes, this is from Allaah, so let him praise Allaah for
it and talk about it to others. If he sees other than that, a dream that he dislikes, this is from
the Shaytaan, so let him seek refuge with Allaah from its evil and not mention it to anyone,
for it will not harm him.” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 6584, and Muslim, 5862)

Drugs is also one of the factor that cause nightmares. Therefore, in Islam drugs are
prohibited. According to science, Alcohol is a depressant drug that reduces activity in the
central nervous system. The alcohol intoxicated person exhibits loose muscle tone, loss of
fine motor coordination, and often has a staggering drunken gait. The eyes may appear
somewhat glossy, and pupils may be slow to respond to stimulus. At high doses, pupils may
become constricted. At high doses, alcohol can decrease heart rate, lower blood pressure
and respiration rate, and result in decreased reflex responses and slower reaction time.

The Prophet (salAllahualayhiwasallam) said that if you wake up from a nightmare, then
seek refuge in Allah from the Shaytan and you are allowed to spit on the left hand side as
you do this. This spit that the Prophet (salAllahualayhiwasallam) talked about is where the
noise is made and nothing comes out. This is to expel Shaytan from you. Say:
a’oodhubillahimin al-Shaytan al-rajeem. Also, the Prophet (salAllahualayhiwasallam) said
to turn from whatever side you are on to the other side because when the Shaytan is
teasing you, he is around you or sitting on you, so when you say a’oodhubillah and turn
around, he has to flee and run away. If it is really bad, then the Prophet
(salAllahualayhiwasallam) said to stand up and pray two rak’ah to seek refuge in Allah
from the Shaytan and to establish that relationship with Allah. Whatever you do, you do
not tell anyone: not your loved ones and not your spouse and not your friends.

Also wet dreams are from Satan. The best way to fight with that type of dream is that when
you wake up from wet dream, then you must perform an entire ghusl (take complete bath).
This dream is from Satan even though there is no sin on you because you do not control
your dreams. None of the prophets have wet dreams because this is from Satan. There is
no reason for us to feel guilty about this type of dream. It is natural in common person life
to go through this, and it’s not something to feel any concern related to wet dream. We
have to realize this that these types of dreams is coming from Satan and the Satan is
showing us such images in our head and causing this to happen. Now for Example, you
wake up in the middle of a freezing cold weather and have to go to take a shower, and this
is not something that is from Allah, but this is from Satan. This is another category of evil
dream. And remember don’t tell about your wet dreams to another individuals because if
you do so you will make Satan happy.

The third type is mubashirat, or it is also called ru’yah in Arabic, which is a vision from
Allah. It is a positive dream. No dream from Allah will cause you to wake up in a frightened
state. You will not wake up terrified, or else it would not be a mubashir. What does
mubashir mean? It is from bashir and bashara. Glad tidings, good news, something
optimistic. Even if it is not positive, it will be a factual statement. It will be something true
and not something terrifying.

What is the sign of this type of dream? You will wake up and remember the dream vividly,
so it is not hadith’l-nafs. You will not wake up in a terrified state. When these two
conditions are met, then it is very possible and likely that it is a mubashir. Sometimes you
will wake up in a positive state because you saw something positive. Sometimes you will
wake up in a neutral state (not scared and not happy) and you may be confused about what
you saw, but you will never wake up terrified. If you wake up terrified, it is not from Allah,
but it is from Shaytan.

Aishah, may Allah be pleased with her, said: “The commencement of the Divine Inspiration
to Allah’s Messenger (SAW) was in the form of good (true) dreams during his sleep. He
never had a dream, except that it would come true as the light of day.” This Hadith indicates
that good dreams are beginning of the prophethood.

Al-Hafidh Ibn Hajar, may Allah have Mercy upon him, said: “Ibn Abu Jumrah said: ‘A good
dream is cmpared to the brightness of the day because prophethood was initiated by good
dreams, as daylight brightens until the sun rises. Therefore, whoever has a beam of light in
his heart, would become truthful and trusting like Abu Bakr, and he whose heart is dark
would become blind and a liar like Abu Jahl. The rest of the people fall between these two
categories; each according to the light he was given.’”

Anas Ibn Malik (RAZ) reported that the prophet (SAW) said: “A good dream (which comes
true) of a righteous man is one forty-sixth part of prophethood.”

Al Baghawi has said: “The prophet’s statement ‘one forty-sixth part of prophethood’ is
confirmation that good dreams are always fulfilled, and that they were a part of the
prophethood of the prophets, but not for anyone else.” Ubaid Ibn Umair said: “The dreams
of the Prophets were revelations, as he recited Allah’s verse, {I have seen in a dream that I
was slaughtering you (offered you as a sacrifice to Allah), so what do you think? He said: ‘O
my father! Do that which you are commanded).”

Others, however, have stated that good dreams are one of the signs of prophethood; so the
sign of prophethood remains, but prophethood, itself, does not. The Prophet (SAW) said:
“Good manner of conduct, dignified bearing and moderation are a twenty-fifth part of

Now I will tell you a true story of a father and a son. Ibrahim (AS) had a dream one night, in
which Allah (SWT) him to sacrifice Ismail, his beloved son. At first Ibrahim (AS) thought it
was the devil playing tricks on him and he immediately disregarded it. However the
following night, the same dream occurred again commanding him to do the same. Ibrahim
(AS) then came to realize that this was no fluke and in fact, a message from Allah (SWT).

Ibrahim (AS) loved his son, Ismail (AS). Yet he was fully prepared to follow Allah's (SWT)
command and do as He instructed. He took his son to Mount Arafat along with a knife and
rope. Upon reaching there, he told his son about his dream and what Allah SWT had
commanded him to do. Being an obedient son, Prophet Ismail (AS) immediately obliged
and asked that his hands and legs be tied so that he may not struggle and that his father
blindfold himself so that he won't have to witness him suffer.

Ibrahim (AS) did as Ismail (AS) had said. Blindfolded and with the knife in his hands, he did
as Allah SWT had asked of him. When he took the blindfold off, to his surprise, he saw the
body of a dead ram in front of him. Ismail (AS) was completely unharmed standing right
next to him. At first he thought that something had gone horribly wrong and that he had
disobeyed the order of his Creator. But then he heard a voice telling him that Allah (SWT)
looks after his followers and that he need not worry.

Ibrahim (AS) and Ismail (AS) had just passed a difficult test from Allah SWT.

Above mentioned Allah (SWT) instructions and Islamic examples clearly demonstrate that
there is a certain value of Dream and Dreams are not only base on thoughts and Vagary or
doubts. Here one thing is important is that Saints of Allah, just like the way they follow
Allah (SWT) instructions while they are awake follow the same way while they are

Chapter 3 - Timing of Dream Interpretation As per Scholars:

In the book named ‘Sacha Khuwab Nama Yusfi Ma Tabeer Nama Fa’alNama’ it is written

‘Never told your dream in graveyard it is not a suitable place to share dreams. Dream
Interpreter should translate the meaning of dream on 1st part of Sunday or Monday as this
time is good. Also 1st part of Thursday and Friday is also considered good for
translating/interpreting dreams’.

‘Don’t interpret dreams on 1st part of Tuesday as this time is considered unlucky and
disastrous. Also 1st part of Wednesday is also considered as unlucky and disastrous’.

Chapter 4 - Relation Between Truth, Strength and Soul in Dreams:

Difference between normal individuals dreams in comparison with the religious
individual’s dreams depend upon their soul and knowledge towards religion. Purified souls
have true dreams, means that as much as individual involve and follow Islam obviously
level of purification in his soul increases and it is much likely that he/she will see much
more reality and truth in his/her dreams. And Indeed, each and everything given to Human
Being comes from Allah including the soul of Individual.

Did you know that one that the meaning of a dream is stronger when seen at dawn or
during afternoon. Usually during afternoon nap majority of individuals are working either
working inside their homes or outside and during afternoon nap when individuals saw
dreams they ignored and thought that ‘Meaning of afternoon dreams are not stronger’
however meaning of afternoon dream has its own strength. There are some other timing in
which utmost attention should be provided on the meaning o dreams such as when fruits
ripening on their tress or at the time of harvest, or when one’s star is in the rising position,
or at a time when one’s star is in the rising position, at a time when one is intending to sign
a business contract, or if one is thinking of getting married, or at the term of a decade,
etcetera. Seeing a dream during a daylight nap is also stronger than seeing it at night. On
the other hand, the meaning of a dream becomes weaker and less plausible when seen
during the wintertime.

Dreams Strength has a close relation and varies on how individuals perceive, look in it,
their dress, type of task they conduct, status and religion. To someone, the dream may
mean glad tiding and mercy, while the same dream could have an opposite impact for
another individual. However, dream of a drunk person has no foundation Sheikh Al-
Karamani Explains that ‘the dream of a scholar is truer than that of an ignorant person, the
dream of a chaste person is truer than that of an unchaste person, the dream of a good
person is truer than that of a bad person, and that the dream of an elderly person is truer
than that of a younger person’.

The dreams of a community leaders depend on their beliefs. The dreams of servants come
true for their employers. Women’s dreams may materialize faster than those of men.
Similarly the dream of rich people are stronger than those of poor individuals. The dreams
of poor people are slower when they connote benefits and faster then can not advertises.
Because of their innocence. The dream of little children are truer than those of teenagers.

Chapter 5 Working in Dreams:

“Dreaming about work is incredibly common,” says dream expert Lauri Quinn Loewenberg,
author of Dream on It: Unlock Your Dreams, Change Your Life. “Work is the largest part of
our waking life. It’s also a big part of our identity.”

“Recurring dreams and nightmares happen because your subconscious is trying to get your
attention,” says Layne Dalfen, founder of The Dream Interpretation Center in Montreal,
Quebec. “You may not even realize what’s bugging you.”

Dalfen says there are five entry points to interpreting a dream, which can in turn help you
understand and resolve the real-world issue: feelings, symbols, word play, plot and actions.
If you feel panicked in a dream, ask yourself what’s making you anxious in your life. If
there’s a distinct item, character or color that stands out, consider what significance it
holds to you symbolically. Also think of the double meanings in the language—if you’re
being pursued in a dream, is there some goal you yourself are pursuing at work? Finally,
the basic plot and action of the dream may represent an overarching theme you’re working
through, like a loss or a failure.

Working in dreams can occur due to several factors such as dreamer is not ready for the
task; due to work overload; not ready for big presentation; lack of confidence to perform
his task even he/she have the skills to perform in easy manner. It is also said that these
type of dreams are due work stress for example stuck in the elevator, being naked at work

but sometimes God gives us some signal, sometimes we receive help from unknown such as
Madam C. J. Walker.

Now I am sharing a story of lady who have painting skills but inspite of several days of
struggle she was unable to make painting. But one night while she was sleeping she
partially woke up and on the same condition within 2 hours she completed the painting.
Another simple is that request has been made from a newspaper team to one author to
write an article for them. As the author was good in writing he agreed. But the author try
his best to complete that article but unable to do so, but after one week finally he
completed that article and submit to concern newspaper team but he didn’t find his article
in newspaper. He developed two new articles and send to newspaper and after 10 days of
time the newspaper team posted his articles and received appreciation from newspaper

While discussion with Author, Newspaper Editor shows his work. But the Author wonder
and asked himself that ‘when I completed that articles?’.

Actually he completed that articles while he was partially in a sleeping stage and after
completion he send it through email to Newspaper Editor.

A young person saw in his dream that he is standing at the top of unknown mountain and
from there he bring a Falcon Nest to his home. He thought that he did this act in dreaming
but when he woke up. He saw a Falcon Nest in his room. Obviously he did this act while he
was partially sleeping.

Once upon a time an Army Officer saw in his dream that he bring a collection of beautiful
flowers upon his girlfriend request but when he wake up he saw the same collection of
flowers on his bed.

Chapter 6 – Reading Dreams and Playback them for you:

As stated earlier dreams are very useful but sometimes it happens that individual’s forget their
dreams. Consider a scientist who is trying to invent a useful invention. He is currently working on it
and one day he saw a dream that how to complete his invention. But when he wake up he actually
forget his dream. He knew that he saw a solution for his invention. He struggled to remember
exactly what he saw in his dream but he failed and therefore, he is unable to complete his invention.
That is one of the example that if reading dreams and playback them for concern individual is
possible especially those involves in critical inventions and scientists than science will take one
more proactive step.

During sleep, people pass through five phases: stages 1, 2, 3, 4 and rapid eye movement (REM). The
classic dreams that people experience take place during the REM stage. As the name suggest, REM is
characterized by sporadic eye movements, irregular breathing, and temporary paralysis of limb
muscle ((Brain Basics: Understanding Sleep. (2007). Retrieved from National Institute of
Neurological Disorders and Stroke website: )).
While researching regarding dreams. I saw a news that researches in Japan used MRI scans to
reveal the images that people were seeing as they entered into an early stage of sleep. But one
question immediately raised in my mind that how much accurate the information will be?

Writing in the journal science, Japanese researches reported that they could do this with 60%

Using MRI machine dreams can be recorded and then they are reconstructed for individual’s to
watch while awake.

Also, prior to this development in 2013, scientists at UC Berkeley University developed a system to
decode and reconstruct the dynamic visual experiences of people.

In 2011, researchers at University of California, Berkeley developed a system that captures the
visual activity in human brains and reconstructs it as digital video clips. The system actually
decodes the brain signals generated by moving pictures using functional Magnetic Resonance
Imaging (fMRI) and computational models. At that time, however, the technology could only
reconstruct the movie clips that people have already viewed.

Coming back to Japanese researches project regarding their invention. When we visualize certain
types of objects in our minds, our brains generate consistent neural patterns that can then be
correlated with what is being visualized. For instance, when you imagine a chair, your brain fires in
a pattern that occurs whenever a chair is visualized. An algorithm can then be used to tie the data
from a brain scan to the appropriate correlated images. And viola! Your dreams can be

Therefore, Subjects were first asked to hook themselves up to an electroencephalography (EEG)

machine, then to fall asleep within an fMRI machine. Scientists used the EEG readings to identify
when the subjects began to enter a dreaming phase. The subjects were then promptly woken up
and asked to recall what they were dreaming about. This process was repeated nearly 200 times for
each subject.

The researchers used the results to build a database, where they grouped together objects into
similar visual categories. For example, hotel, house and building were grouped together as

The scientists then scanned the volunteers again, but this time, while they were awake and looking
at images on a computer screen.

With this, they were able to see the specific patterns of brain activity that correlated with the visual

Professor Yukiyasu Kamitani, from the ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories, in Kyoto,
said: "I had a strong belief that dream decoding should be possible at least for particular aspects of
dreaming... I was not very surprised by the results, but excited."
The researchers now want to look at deeper sleep, where the most vivid dreams are thought to
occur, as well as see whether brain scans can help them to reveal the emotions, smells, colors and
actions that people experience as they sleep.

Dr Mark Stokes, a cognitive neuroscientist from the University of Oxford, said it was an "exciting"
piece of research that brought us closer to the concept of dream-reading machines.

"It's obviously a long way off, but there is no reason why not in principle. The difficult thing is to
work out the systematic mapping between the brain activity and the phenomena," he explained.

However, he added that a single dream-reading system would not work for everyone.

"All of this would have to be done within individual subjects. So, you would never be able build a
general classifier that could read anybody's dreams. They will all be idiosyncratic to the individual,
so the brain activity will never be general across subjects," he said.

"You would never be able to build something that could read other people’s thoughts without them
knowing about it, for example."

Chapter 7 - Sorcery in Dreams:

Before proceeding further I would like provide you detail guidance regarding sorcery, sihr (magic,
witchcraft or sorcery)

Arabs have given it the name sihr because it transform good health into illness. According to
Muslim tradition, sihr is anything the cause of which is hidden, and which appears in a form other
than its real one, with intention to distort the reality of things and deceive.

Sihr is an agreement set up between a sahir and a satan, which stipulates that the sahir commit
certain illegal or polytheistic acts, in return for the satan’s assistance and obedience in fulfilling the
sahir’s request.

Some sahir performs Prayer without wudu. Some sacrifice animals to satan, without initiating the
(BISMILLAH AR-RAHMAN AR-RAHIM) and place the carcass at a location specified by the satan.
Some of them speak to planets and prostrate to them, instead of prostrating to Allah. And more
other shocking abnormal activities to make satan happy.

The sahir and the satan are, therefore, two accomplices in disobeying Allah. A look at the face of
sahir will conform what have said about him; the darkness of kufr covers his face like a black cloud.
If you get closer to him, you will discover that he lives in a psychological misery with his wife and
children and even with himself. He cannot sleep peacefully at night, with a clear conscience. He
often wakes up in a terrified state several times at night. In addition, most of the time demons harm
his children and wife, and cause division and marital squabbles.

Now! How you know that you accidently meet a sahir?

The answer to this question is simple. Because there are some distinctive features of a sahir’s work.
If you find one of the following characteristics in a person who treats people suffering from sihr or
other related illnesses, then this person is definitely a sahir.

He asks the patient his and his mother’s names; he takes a sweaty garment from the patient (a piece
of cloth, cap, handkerchief, or flannel etc.); he sometimes asks for an animal, with certain
specifications, in order to slaughter it without initiating the slaughter with the Name of Allah. He
may use the sacrificial blood to stain some painful areas of the patient, or throw the carcass in on a
ruined site; he writes incantations (means that a series of words said as a magic spell or charm); he
recites unclear incantations; he gives the patient hijab (incantation written on a piece of paper),
which contains squares within which letters or figures are written; he instructs the patient to
isolate himself/herself in a dark room and not to talk to people for a specific period of time i.e. act
off remaining indoors for a long time; he sometimes instructs the patient not to touch water for a
specific period of time, usually forty days. This indicates that this particular Jinn, working for the
sahir, is Christian; he gives the patient some items to bury in the ground; he gives the patient some
pieces of paper to burn and use as an incense for his or her body; he murmurs unclear words; he
sometimes informs the patient of his name, his town and the purpose of the visit; he writes broken
letters on a piece of paper or on a plate made of white porcelain, and instruct the patient to dissolve
the writing in water, and then drink it.

So, if you discover that this man is a sahir, do not go to him; or else you are the person whom the
Prophet (SAW) describes in the following hadith, “He is not of us, the one who (looks for) evil
omens, or the one on whose behalf they are sought (omens are signs, information, from the unseen
used against people), or the one who practices soothsaying, or the one on whose behalf it is
practiced; or the one who practices sorcery, or the one for whom sorcery is done.”

People are sometimes puzzled by the fact that although a person not be a magician, although he
may be a serious sinner, an innovator or a tomb-worshipper, and yet extraordinary things still
happen to him. The truth is that the extraordinary things happen to him are the result of the
assistance of demons.

There are several types of Sihr such as Sihr At-Takhyil (i.e. False Appearance of Objects), Sihr-
Alkhumul (Lethargy which means a lack of energy and enthusiasm) etc. but Sihr Al-Hawatif is a type
of Sihr in which patient experiences nightmares. The patient sees in a dream as if someone were
calling him/her, the patient hears voices talking to him/her when awake but cannot see where
these voices are coming from, the patient hears much whispering, the patient is very suspicious of
his/her friends and relatives, the patient dreams of seeing himself/herself falling from a high place
and the patient dreams of seeing himself/herself being chased by animals.

But, before proceeding further about this type of dark illusion, we need to keep in our heads, that it
isn’t confirmed the person might be suffering from this. It is also possibility that he/she is suffering
from mental illness.

Any normal person can also see these dreams – that in addition from Jinn; but that doesn’t signify
that he is under a curse or a spell for having dreams like these. Nevertheless, if the regularity goes
higher, there is a possibility that this is a job of Dark Illusionist. The Dark Illusionist or the sahir
instructs a Jinn or demon to become visible mutually in hallucination and in realism, in the form of
savage beasts attacking him/her; to call him when awake in voices which he recognizes and which
he does not; to cause him to suspect people that are close to him and people who are not. Symptoms
may vary according to the power and weakness of sihr. They may increase to the point of reaching
lunacy and may also diminish to the point of being a mere whispering.

One of the best way for treatment is to recite the ruqya of sihr to the patient. Making wadhu before
going to bed and reciting Ayatul Kursiy,

Chapter 8- Dream of Prophet Yusuf (AS):

Prophet Yusuf (AS) was the son of Prophet Ya'qub (AS). who was estimated to have lived in the
16th century BCE. In the Bible he is referred to as Joseph son of Jacob. The Holy Qur'an has
mentioned his story in a beautiful chapter entitled "Surah Yusuf". Prophet Yusuf (AS) had 11
brothers. He was one of the youngest and possessed excellent character and manners. His father
loved him dearly.

The story begins with a dream and ends with its interpretation. As the sun appeared over the
horizon, bathing the earth in its morning glory, Joseph, son of Jacob awoke from his sleep, delighted
by a pleasant dream he had. Filled with excitement he ran to his father and reported what he had

Yusuf said to his father: "O my father! I did see eleven planets and the sun and the moon: I saw them
prostrate themselves to me!

— Qur'an, Surah 12 (Yusuf) Ayah 4[12]

Prophet Ya'qub (AS) realized that the dream outlined his son's destiny and greatness and cautioned
him not to tell his brothers about the dream.

Chapter 9 - Inventions and Events Based On Dreams:

Abraham Lincoln Dreams:

Do you believe that there is a relation between dreams and inventions also. Indeed yes. I
will provide you some of the examples that will explain that there is a relation between
dreams and inventions. Abraham Lincoln, Who was an American statesman and lawyer and
who served as the 16th President of United States from March 1861 until his assassination
in April 1865. It’s a fact that Abraham Lincoln was apparently quite interested in the
meaning of dreams including the positive and negative meaning of dreams. Proof of his
curiosity lies in an 1863 letter to his wife, who was living in Philadelphia with 10 year old
son at that time. Tad. Lincoln writes that Mary had better “put Tad’s pistol away” as he “had
an ugly dream about him.”

Before few days of his assassination President Abraham Lincoln told his wife about the

"About ten days ago, I retired very late. I had been up waiting for important dispatches
from the front. I could not have been long in bed when I fell into a slumber, for I was weary.
I soon began to dream.

There seemed to be a death-like stillness about me. Then I heard subdued sobs, as if a
number of people were weeping. I thought I left my bed and wandered downstairs. There
the silence was broken by the same pitiful sobbing, but the mourners were invisible. I went
from room to room; no living person was in sight, but the same mournful sounds of distress
met me as I passed along. It was light in all the rooms; every object was familiar to me; but
where were all the people who were grieving as if their hearts would break?

I was puzzled and alarmed. What could be the meaning of all this? Determined to find the
cause of a state of things so mysterious and so shocking, I kept on until I arrived at the East
Room, which I entered. There I met with a sickening surprise. Before me was a catafalque,
on which rested a corpse wrapped in funeral vestments. Around it were stationed soldiers
who were acting as guards; and there was a throng of people, some gazing mournfully upon
the corpse whose face was covered, others weeping pitifully.

'Who is dead in the White House?' I demanded of one of the soldiers "The President" was
his answer; "he was killed by an assassin!" Then came a loud burst of grief form the crowd,
which awoke me from my dream."

Lincoln ascribed powerful meanings to his dreams. One of his recurring dreams in
particular he considered foretelling and a sign of major events soon to occur. He had this
dream the night before his assassination. On the morning of that lamentable day, President
Lincoln was discussing matters of the war with General Grant during a cabinet meeting and
believed that big news from General Sherman on the front would soon arrive. When Grant
asked why he thought so, Lincoln responded:

"I had a dream last night; and ever since this war began I have had the same dream just
before every event of great national importance. It portends some important event that will
happen very soon."

His friend and law partner, Ward Hill Lamon, noted that Byron's "The Dream" was one of
Lincoln's favorite poems and he often heard him repeat the following lines:
Sleep hath its own world, A boundary between the things misnamed Death and existence:
Sleep hath its own world, And a wide realm of wild reality, And dreams in their
development have breath, And tears, and tortures, and the touch of joy; They leave a weight
upon our waking thoughts, They take a weight from off waking toils, They do divide our

Abraham Lincoln’s dreams reveal instances in his life when he struggled to find a
reasonable explanation or meaning for his experiences. Today, people turn to modern
dream theories and studies to interpret what their dreams signify, helping them cope with
disturbing nightmares or visions. Lincoln could not consult Sigmund Freud or Carl Jung
when he saw his own funeral in the White House or dreamed of his beloved Willie in the
months after he died. The existing accounts of many of his dreams were a result of Lincoln
searching for their meaning by telling them to his friends and family. He did not seem sure
of the source of dreams, though his discussion of dreams in the Bible, in the story of the
White House funeral dream suggested that he allowed for the possibility that God sent
them as messages. Whether or not he believed this to be true, it is evident that he
eventually dealt with his dreams the same way he did everything else in his life—they must
devolve into a fatalistic conclusion of one kind or another.

Otto Loewi Dreams:

Otto Loewi (1873-1961), a German born physiologist. He was from a Jewish family of
wealthy wine merchants, received his education in Latin and Greek. Otto Loewi dreamed of
attending graduate school to major in art history. However, despite Loewi's preoccupation
with the arts, his father was able to persuade him to become a physician. For his medical
education, he matriculated at Strasbourg, where he reportedly skipped many classes to
attend lectures in the humanities. He barely passed the end-of-year examination, requiring
a year of remediation before he was able to complete his medical degree in 1896.

In 1903, Loewi had the idea that there might be a chemical transmission of the nervous
impulse rather than an electrical one, which was the common held belief, but he was at a
loss on how to prove it. He let the idea slip to the back of his mind until 17 years later he
had the following dream. According to Loewi:

"The night before Easter Sunday of that year I awoke, turned on the light, and jotted down a
few notes on a tiny slip of paper. Then I fell asleep again. It occurred to me at 6 o'clock in
the morning that during the night I had written down something most important, but I was
unable to decipher the scrawl. The next night, at 3 o'clock, the idea returned. It was the
design of an experiment to determine whether or not the hypothesis of chemical
transmission that I had uttered 17 years ago was correct. I got up immediately, went to the
laboratory, and performed a single experiment on a frog's heart according to the nocturnal
In that famous experiment, Loewi placed two beating frog hearts, each in its own perfusion
chamber – one preparation had the vagus nerve intact, while the other was denervated.
Next, he stimulated the vagus nerve supplying the first heart, causing it to beat more slowly
– a phenomenon that was already well known at the time. When Loewi applied the
perfusate of the first heart to the second heart, it too slowed down, as if its vagus nerve had
been stimulated as well. In a related experiment, Loewi showed that perfusate from a heart
whose accelerator nerve was stimulated would cause a second heart to beat more quickly.
He named the inhibitory factor ‘vagusstoff’, which is known today as acetylcholine. Loewi's
dream thus led to the discovery that the primary language of nerve cell communication is
chemical, not electrical. His dream and subsequent diligence gave rise to the theory of
chemical transmission of the nervous impulse and he was awarded a Nobel Prize.Even
though Dr Loewi had established highly significant probability that his hypothesis was
correct, it took the scientific community a further 10 years to accept his outcomes.

Dr. Loewi noted: "Most so called 'intuitive' discoveries are such associations made in the

Dream of Poverty to Millionaire:

Sarah Breedlove, known as Madam C. J. Walker, was an African-American entrepreneur,

philanthropist, and a political and social activist. Sadly, Walker was orphaned at 7 years
old. She married at 14, but her husband died when she was 20. In 1888, she moved north to
St. Louis, Missouri. At that time, she works as a laundress. She was barely earning more
than a dollar a day, but she wants to improve her career to gain more money because of her
daughter formal education. “As I bent over the washboard and looked at my arms buried in
soapsuds,” she later told The New York Times, “I said to myself: ‘What are you going to do
when you grow old and your back gets stiff? Who is going to take care of your little girl?’”

During 1880’s she was living in a community where ragtime music was developed. She
sang at the St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church and started to wish strongly for an
educated life. How a lady who earned lack of money become a millionaire? That question
comes in our mind obviously by reading about her early stages of life in which she
struggled more and earned very less.

Obviously a situation like that where a person earn less and wants more in her life. She
started thinking of ideas.

In the mean while, She experienced severe dandruff and other scalp ailments, including
baldness, due to skin disorders and the application of harsh products such as lye that were
included in soaps to cleanse hair and wash clothes. Other contributing factors to her hair
loss included poor diet, illnesses, and infrequent bathing and hair washing during a time
when most Americans lacked indoor plumbing, central heating and electricity.
But, one day she was rewarded with an idea. An Idea that changed her life! She had a
dream, and in that dream she saw a black man appeared and told her what to mix up for
her hair. When she waked up she follow the formula that was mentioned in her dream and
in few weeks her hair was coming in faster than it had ever fallen out. She tried the formula
on her friends. It helps other also. So she decided in mind to take a chance and sell it to earn

Regina Taylor, the playwright and director of ‘the Dreams of Sarah Breedlove’ at the
Goodman Theater said that ‘Some people say that was a huge fantasy, some people say that
was a lie, some people say that was a brilliant marketing strategy,’

In 1905, Walker started selling her product door-to-door and at church events rather than
by mail order. She opened a beauty parlor and then manufacturing company, creates a
school to train a sales staff of ‘Walker Agents’. She travelled throughout the South and
Northeast and recruiting other door to door salesman which shows that they was genius in
business. Two years later, she relocated her business headquarters to Indianapolis—then a
commercial hub—where she and a mostly female cadre of top executives produced
Wonderful Hair Grower on an industrial scale. In a nut shell, she had a very successful
business perhaps she was really gifted from God with an idea conveyed through her dream.

Implementing an Idea of a Nightmare:

The Terminator is a 1984 American science-fiction thriller ever made. The film was
directed by James Camron, starts with Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Terminator, a cyborg
assassin sent back in time from 2029 to 1984 to kill Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton), whose
son will one day become a savior against machines in a post-apocalyptic future. Michael
Biehn plays Kyle Reese, a soldier from the future sent back in time to protect Connor. It
launches several sequels, a television series, and several spinoffs in all types of media, gave
us one of Arnold's most famous catchphrases and made James Cameron one of Hollywood's
most bankable directors. Box office collection of the film is $78.3 million.

It’s surprising that idea of making Terminator came from a dream. While Cameron was sick
at Rome, he had a high fever he dream about a skeletal metal death machine emerging from
a fire. Cameron returned to Pomona, California and stayed at the home of science fiction
writer Randall Frakes. Cameron started to get a vision for the film from his nightmare. He
incorporates his nightmare into the film and he wrote the draft for The Terminator.

Cameron said. "I was just lying on the bed thinking and came up with all this bizarre
imagery ... I think also the idea that because I was in a foreign city by myself and I felt very
dissociated from humanity in general, it was very easy to project myself into these two
characters from the future who were out of sync, out of time, out of place."
Well, sometimes good ideas come in dreams in a very good manner such as dream of
Madam C. J. Walker in which he saw a man helping her by means of giving her an idea. But
sometimes, nightmares also gives some idea. Obviously!usually nightmares are from Satan
in terms of religious point of view. But in Camron case story was little bit different. As his
profession is a director. He had to think about science-fiction stuff and most probably when
he slept, his brain takes his abstract fears and the stress he suffered from fever and turns
them into stories in the form of Nightmare or there is an another possibility that some
unknown creation wants to help him by giving him an idea in the form of nightmare.
Obviously, if some unknown creation or God wants to help him indeed the best option is by
means of a nightmare which is related to science-fiction. And the most important point is
that Cameron immediately pick the idea/help and start working on it from bottom of his
heart and received a huge feedback. I concluded that while doing dream interpretation
utmost attention should be given to individual profession and that idea must not be
excluded that there is a possibility and there is a sign that there is some hidden help or idea
which can change an individual life or gives an individual a successful life in future.

Theory Invented in Bed:

Dreams do more than just make us experience things that are beyond our reality. They can
also be a source of creativity and ideas, and in some cases, the ideas from these dreams
changed the world. That’s why the phrase “it came to me in a dream” is popular in pop
culture. It’s said that Albert Einstein dreamed that he was walking through a farm when he
came upon a bunch of cows huddled up against an electric fence. The farmer suddenly
switched the fence on, because apparently he was that much of an asshole, and Einstein
watched all of the cows jump back at the same time as they got shocked. Assuming that
he'd witnessed some kind of synchronized cow acrobatics, Einstein recounted what he'd
seen to the farmer, who had been standing at the opposite end of the field. But what the
farmer had seen was different -- he'd seen the cows jump away one by one, like they were
doing the wave at a football game. This would have been hilarious, and one assumes this is
why he did it.

Of course Einstein, being Einstein, wasn't content with simply waving this away as a silly
dream. Shit, if he'd dreamed about wearing a hat made of pudding, he would have assumed
there was a physics problem to solve there. So after ruminating on the problem for a while,
he started to put together the idea that events look different depending on where you're
standing because of the time it takes the light to reach your eyes. In other words, the theory
of relativity.

In short, we got one of the most radical developments in science because a young boy had a
dream about electrocuting farmyard animals and spent his adult life refusing to let go of an
argument that he had with an imaginary farmer.
Lyrics and Songs Invention in Dreams:

Songs, a short poem or other sets of words sung by artists set to music, typically forming a
recognizable and repeated sequence. There are several benefits of music or songs. Good
Music makes us happier and lowers Stress and improves health, music such as listening to
soft piano helps us to sleep quickly and better. Developing new songs making song lyrics is
a creativity that everyone doesn’t have. Try to remember that sometimes it happens to you
also that you have a vivid dreams in which you hear a beautiful melody but then when you
wake up you suddenly forget that music or song. Very few people remember the melodies
or songs they heard when they wake up.

REM dreams system functions as a kind of reverse learning mechanism that isolates non-
essential, and potentially parasitic informal elements and then eliminates them from the
brain. For most of us the dreaming mind treats musical phrases as non-essential and
parasitic and it therefore prevents musical phrases from catching hold and entering long
term memory. For Musicians or those who are totally interested in music and already
learned the basics of music. Their case is different, for them music is essential and non-
parasitic so their dreaming systems allow processing of musical phrases. And If this is true
than the dreams of musicians are different.

Paul McCartney (born in 18th June 1942), is an English singer-song writer born in Liverpool
– England, multi-instrumental and one of the most successful composers and performers of
all time. At 1965 while filming Help, Paul McCartney staying in a small attic room of his
family’s house on Wimpole Street. Paul McCartney had a beautiful dream in which he heard
a beautiful melody. He woke up with a lovely tune in his mind. He Thought ‘That’s great, I
wonder what that is? There was an upright piano next to him, to the right of the bed by the
window. He got out of the bed, sat at the piano and play that melody. He liked the melody a
lot, but because he had dreamed it, he couldn’t believe he had written it. He thought, ‘No,
I’ve never written anything like this before’. But he had the tune which was the most
magical thing. And that helped him to make such a wonderful ‘The Beatles song ‘Yesterday’.
More than 2,200 artists have covered his Beatles song ‘Yesterday’.

There are other singers and musicians also who heard beautiful songs and melodies in
their dreams and they put them into reality. Elvis Costello, an English musician, songwriter,
composer, record produces, singer and author heard a song in his dream. After dreaming
up the song, Costello recorded it on cassette player in his kitchen. Since there was no guitar
near to him, he slapped the counter to accompany his voice and once finalized he release
that song ‘Honey are you straight or are you blind’ in 1986.

In 2006, Brandon Flowers dreamed of Kurt Cobain singing on a floating ship. He sounded
like Bob Dylan, and the melody he was singing became the melody to “Enterlude.”
In 2011, While sleeping in a camper van in Germany, Florence Welch was visited by her
deceased grandmother in a dream. The singer remembered holding onto her
grandmother’s legs and crying as she gave her life advice, then translated the experience
into song.

Now, the question that comes in our mind is that ‘How to remember the melodies in our
dreams?’. Simply, you Have to be mentally and physically sound whether in your sleeping
or waking state to remember, to hear and to transcribe in any form the music in your
dreams. Eating healthful food and healthy lifestyle helps you a lot in maintaining your
overall well being.

While dreaming, you hear a music, you may tend to be wrapped up into the dreaming
experience itself. As a result of that, you may try to remembering your dream during dream
state and try to memorizing it and feeling it with full senses and then suddenly when you
wake up, you realized that all of your efforts and struggles finally failed because all the
melodies or songs you heard was in the dream. For you it’s a challenge but don’t give up
and keep trying until you get it. And there are some suggestions that will help you to
remember dreams, such as ascertain that atmosphere of the room should not be noisy.
Don’t turn on your alarm clock, TV, smartphone or any other similar device. Ensure that
you have a handheld recorder or smartphone so you can verbally record your dream
experience or when you wake up you can immediately repeat and record your music or
lyrics. On the other hand if you have a notepad and pen or pencil, you can write
immediately the lyrics that you heard in your dream.

Make sure that level of illumination is not too much high. Ideal required level of
illumination can be achieved easily by means of having a bed lamp in your room and that
must be turned on. If you knew & have better understanding of music than utmost
attention should be given to having a music instrument or keyboard having recording
feature. Implementing these strategies would help you remembering and sharing the music
that you heard in your dreams.

Double Staircase in Dream:

The identification of DNA (Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid) and its structure is one of the most
important discoveries of the twentieth century. Human DNA, the molecule of inheritance,
carries the entire set of instructions for making a complete person from a single fertilized

DNA was first isolated by the Swiss physician Friedrich Miescher in 1869.

In 1953, Watson and Crick suggested what is now accepted as the first correct double-helix
model of DNA structure. But from the idea came from?
In 2005, James Watson opens during TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design)
Conference, with the frank and funny story of how he and his research partner, Francis
Crick, discovered the structure of DNA. James Watson, co-discoverer of the structure of
DNA, reported stumbling upon the double helix image for the DNA chain through his dream
of a spiral staircase.

By the help of this discovery science was able to begin unraveling the many mysteries of
genetic code.

Recently, Scientists Have Confirmed a New DNA Structure Inside Human Cells

The discovery of what's described as a 'twisted knot' of DNA in living cells confirms our
complex genetic code is crafted with more intricate symmetry than just the double helix
structure everybody associates with DNA – and the forms these molecular variants take
affect how our biology functions.

The new DNA component the team identified is called the intercalated motif (i-motif)
structure, which was first discovered by researchers in the 1990s, but up until now had
only ever been witnessed in vitro, not in living cells.

Stephen King's Misery Inspired by Dream:

Stephen Edwin King is an American author of horror, supernatural fiction, suspense,

science fiction and fantasy. His books have sold more than 350 million copies, many of
which have been adapted into feature films, miniseries, television series, and comic books.
King has published 58 novels, including seven under the pen name Richard Bachman, and
six non-fiction books. He has written around 200 short stories, most of which have been
published in book collections. He has been described as the ‘King of Horror’. Stephen King
is a firm believer in the power of dreams. Several of his stories have been inspired by
dreams. Misery is one of these. In an interview, Stephen explains how this thought became
part of his dream - and then used in his story.

"Like the ideas for some of my other novels, that came to me in a dream. In fact, it
happened when I was on Concord, flying over here, to Brown's [a hotel in England]. I fell
asleep on the plane and dreamt about a woman who held a writer prisoner and killed him,
skinned him, fed the remains to her pig and bound his novel in human skin. His skin, the
writer's skin. I said to myself, 'I have to write this story.' Of course, the plot changed quite a
bit in the telling. But I wrote the first forty or fifty pages right on the landing here, between
the ground floor and the first floor of the hotel."

Perhaps he was inspired by his Nightmares.

The Structure of Atom Dream:

The idea of atoms as the ultimate indivisible building blocks of matter is about 2500 years
old. In India it was suggested by Kanada (6th century BC), andin Greece by Leucippus
(~450 BC) and his student Democritus (460 BC–370 BC). Over the centuries there have
been both supporters and opponents of this idea. After the advent of modern science in the
17th century, the atomic hypothesis was revived in quantitative terms by John Dalton
around 1803. However, the actual experimental discovery of atomic structure and the
foundations of its theoretical understanding resulted from the work of Ernest Rutherford
and Niels Bohr about a century ago. Together they truly ushered in the atomic and nuclear
age. Bohr along with Albert Einstein, by general consent, were the two greatest physicists
of the 20th century.

Neils Henrik David Bohr was born to affluent parents on 7 th October 1885 in Copenhagen in
the small country of Denmark. Neils Bohr was from a wealthy Danish Jewish family
prominent in banking and parliamentary circles.

Bohr was educated at Gammelholm Latin School, starting when he was seven. In 1903,
Bohr enrolled as an undergraduate at Copenhagen University. His major was physics,
which he studied under Professor Christian Christiansen, the university's only professor of
physics at that time. He also studied astronomy and mathematics under Professor Thorvald
Thiele, and philosophy under Professor Harald Høffding, a friend of his father.

In September 1911, Bohr, supported by a fellowship from the Carlsberg Foundation,

travelled to England. At the time, it was where most of the theoretical work on the
structure of atoms and molecules was being done. He met J. J. Thomson of the Cavendish
Laboratory and Trinity College, Cambridge. He attended lectures on electromagnetism
given by James Jeans and Joseph Larmor, and did some research on cathode rays, but failed
to impress Thomson. Because Bohr began by pointing out mistakes in Thomson’s papers,
and party because Thomson took as inordinate amount of time to read Bohr’s paper.
Earlier that year, in May 1911, Rutherford at Manchester had announced the discovery of
his model of the atom, with a massive but tiny nucleus at the center and electrons a great
distance away, like a miniature solar system. By June 1911 the famous Rutherford
scattering formula was also in hand. At the end of 1911 Rutherford visited Cambridge, and
Bohr was deeply impressed by his work as well as his personality.

Bohr decided to go to Manchester to work with Rutherford. The immediate and deep
friendship and mutual respect between the two were to flower greatly in the coming years.
On the physics front, Bohr saw very soon that the Rutherford atom model would lead to the
explanation of the properties of chemical elements, the structure of the Periodic Table, with
the behavior of electrons determining all of chemistry. On the other hand, he also saw that
alpha and beta rays, two forms of radioactivity, originated from the nucleus.
Bohr also understood that there was a need to create a new mechanics for the atom,
different from the classical Newtonian one. He remembered how Planck in 1900 and
Einstein in 1905 had shown the failure of classical ideas in understanding the properties of
radiation. And his own supreme achievement became the initiation of a new mechanics for
the atom in which Planck’s quantum of action plays a key role. In his own words:

“In the spring of 1912 I became convinced that the electronic constitution of the Rutherford
atom was governed throughout by the quantum of action.”

As Paul Dirac would say many years later, the steps taken by As Paul Dirac would say many
years later, the steps taken by Bohr were the most difficult ones in the passage from
classical to quantum physics. Bohr were the most difficult ones in the passage from
classical to quantum physics.

In due course Bohr’s ideas also led to an understanding of the laws of spectroscopy.

In April 1912 Bohr moved to Manchester. Over the next four months, up to July 1912, he
worked incredibly hard on his ideas sketched above, all based on the Rutherford atom
model, more precisely on developing his own ‘quantum version’ of it. Before leaving
Manchester the draft of a first paper was done and shown to Rutherford.

Returning to Copenhagen, Bohr and Margrethe Norlund were married on 1 August 1912,
the beginning of a 50-year relationship of deep love, harmony and mutual support. They
were to have six sons, the eldest of whom, Christian born in 1916, was to die in a tragic
boating accident in 1934. Another died in childhood. In the autumn of 1912, Bohr was
appointed assistant professor at the University in Copenhagen. In 1916, after a special
Chair was created, he became professor of theoretical physics.

The Nobel Prizes in Physics for 1921 and 1922 were announced jointly on November 10,
1922 and awarded to Einstein and Bohr respectively. Bohr immediately wrote to Einstein:

“… To me it was the greatest honor and joy … that I should be considered at the awarding of
the prizes at the same time as you. … I have felt it as the greatest good fortune that … the
fundamental contribution that you have made … should be recognized, also quite publicly,
before I was considered for such an honor…”.

To which Einstein replied two months later: “Your cordial letter reached me shortly before
my departure from Japan. I can say without exaggeration that it pleased me as much as the
Nobel Prize. I find specially charming your fear that you might have got the prize before me
– that is truly ‘bohrisch’…”

Danish Niels Bohr often spoke of the dream that led him to the discovery of the structure of
the atom. Coming back to the time, he set upon understanding the structure of the atom,
but none of his configurations would fit. One night he went to sleep and began dreaming
about atoms. He saw the nucleus of the atom, with electrons spinning around it, much as
planets spin around their sun.

Immediately on awakening, Bohr felt the vision was accurate. But as a scientist he knew the
importance of validating his idea before announcing it to the world. He returned to his lab
and searched for evidence to support his theory. It held true - and Bohr's vision of atomic
structure turned out to be one of the greatest breakthroughs of his day. Bohr was later
awarded a Nobel Prize for Physics as a result of this leap in creative thinking while asleep.

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