Gantan Speech Debate

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The sins of the son cannot be transferred to the father nor can the sins of the
father be accounted to the son.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Good afternoon!

This is what is happening in the PNP right now. The argument of the
affirmative side claims better training for PNP if the latter handles the training.
Removing the mandate of the PPSC from handling the training of all police
officers and leaving them with only the trainings of the BFP and BJMP is an
unwise decision. It is not for the best interest of the State.

There seems to be no benefit from this policy and let me enumerate the
reasons why.
1. The PPSC is a recognized premier institution of public safety. It is
accredited by ISO, affiliated with international training agencies in the
US and Europe such as the FBI Academy and Scotland Yard. The PPSC
has not been on the list of most corrupt agencies in the government.
The PNP on the other hand is judged as top 3 most corrupt institution
by the Commission on Audit and Transparency International. Clearly,
how can a corrupted agency train its personnel when they themselves
are having serious issues on corruption?

2. The PPSC has been accomplishing the task of any cases filed against the
leadership of the PPSC. Check the website of the Ombudsman, no case
had been filed! On the other hand the PNP has hundred of cases pending
before the Office of the Ombudsman namely: the death of the SAF 44,
the procurement of second hand and defective choppers, the purchase
of equipment and vehicles which are overpriced, the mis- encounter with
the military leading to deaths of police officers, and recently cases
involving kotong and rogue cops. Do we conveniently blame training for
these cases?

3. There is no benefit since the policy will just create more problems than
solutions. What problems exactly? Let me enumerate:
a. Budget will an issue since the PPSC will request for budget for
trainings and the PNP will have a different budget outlay for
training. Duplicitous!

b. The instructors will have to be re- trained. The training personnel

should undergo new schooling and re- tooling. This shall be costly.
The instructors of PPSC are capable individuals in fact, most of
them come from the PNP. Retired PNP personnel and active
personnel are also members of the PPSC core of professors. A
complete revamp requires billions of pesos for implementation.

c. The facilities are shared by the BFP, BJMP and PNP. Removing the
PNP from these facilities means that there shall be more budget
needed for building facilities. In a country languishing from
poverty, with many residents going hungry and recently displaced
residents due to the typhoon Ompong these suggestions are out
of place. Use the money for better purposes rather than venturing
into an experiment where we are not sure of the results.

d. Had there been studies saying that the PPSC is ineffective? If there
are they were written decades ago or conducted by other
international agencies not our local researches. The PNP itself
does not even bother to conduct a study to determine the issues
regarding training. Are we basing our polices on mere gut
feelings? Are we to ignore the need for research? If you disagree
that is a betrayal to the research duty of every criminologist.

If we remove the training of the PNP under the PPSC there will be a massive
realignment of personnel and worst a lot of trainers and professors would
lose their job, these people have their own families to feed are we willing
to exchange them for experts hired by the PNP from the police force itself
who could not be as effective as focused trainers because they have their
own duties to fulfill as law enforcers?

Looking at the bill proposed by the affirmative side there is no clear

framework the bill merely provides removing all trainings from PPSC. They
have not discussed remedies for the problem, hence their proposal should

Simply to say, can a corrupt agency train police officer not to be corrupt.
In other words, the PNP has lost its moral ascendancy to train new police
officers since they themselves are corrupt. In this we can say that, one
cannot give what he does not have.

Thank you and Good afternoon!

1. If you have a defective laptop or phone would you have it
repaired or would you replace it immediately?
2. Do you know how much the government will cost for
transferring the program of training for PO1 alone?
Consider this: Relative to the PNP's internal cleansing program from
January 2016 to June of 2018, 1,787 uniformed PNP personnel were
already dismissed from the service, of which an overwhelming
proportion of 85% was holding the ranks PO1, PO2, and PO3. To
stress, those who held the rank of PO1 comprised 45% or the largest
fraction of dismissed personnel, while the other 40% held the ranks
of PO2 and PO3.

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