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Wind effects on structures: a probabilistic viewpoint

Ahsan Kareem

Structural Aerodynamics and Ocean System Modeling Laboratory, Cullen College of

En#ineerin#, University of Houston, TX 77004, USA


The diversity of structural systems that are sensitive to the Atmospheric motion is derived from pressure gradients
effects of wind coupled with the increasing need to caused by unequal heating of the Earth's surface by the
improve the performance of constructed facilities has sun. The resulting atmospheric flow system is influenced
placed a growing importance on the problem of wind by rotation of the Earth, topographic features, surface
effects on structures. The wind effects range from factors roughness, reflective and thermal properties of the
affecting the structural integrity of constructed facilities to Earth's surface, cloud cover, and precipitation. Nonlinear
those factors influencing human comfort and interactions between the fluid motions of different scales
serviceability requirements. A full description of the resulting from the hydrodynamic instability of flow
interdisciplinary area of probabilistic wind effects on patterns associated with large scales lead to energy
structures covers diverse scientific fields such as cascades from large to small scale motion producing
micrometeorology, fluid dynamics, statistical theory of winds of random characteristics 1. Accordingly, the
turbulence, structural dynamics and probabilistic statistical description of atmospheric wind characteristics
methods. A cohesive treatment of the subject has been is best described by probabilistic methods 2 14. The
made possible by a synthesis of knowledge from subfields motion of atmosphere is a complex blend of air movement
of the aforementioned disciplines. These subfields include of a wide range of scales which are broadly classified into
wind climatology, turbulent atmospheric boundary layer three groups: macroscale, mesoscale, and microscale. The
theory, wind-structure interaction, unsteady wind loads macroscale motions are large scale synoptic fluctuations
effects, probabilistic structural dynamics, aeroelasticity and are comparable with those of weather maps. The
and structural reliability (Fig. 1). The element of mesoscale motions are the next smaller group that
uncertainty inherent in the parameter space, e.g., wind embodies phenomena such as squally lines, sea breeze
speed and structural characteristics, introduces and mountain valley wind systems. On a still smaller
variability in the estimates of wind effects that requires a scale, microscale of motion is associated with the
probabilistic framework to assess structural performance turbulent part of the flow. The microscales of motion are
and associated measures of structural reliability. affected by mesoscale motion which is sensitive to
A great deal of effort has been directed to improve our complex topography and other factors. It is the small
understanding of the subject in the past few decades. The scale or microscale fluctuations that are of primary
available literature is sizable, and it is felt that researchers significance for ascertaining wind effects on buildings,
and designers working in this area will benefit from a because of their small spatial dimensions of localized
review article dedicated to the fundamentals of nature in the atmosphere.
probabilistic wind effects on structures. The objectives of The microscale regime of atmospheric motion that
this review are to survey the significant characteristics of occurs near the surface of the Earth is of foremost interest
the state-of-the-art in the area of probabilistic wind effects in examining the effect of wind on structures. Winds in
on structures, a principle component of wind engineering, this region are best described with reference to fluid
and to describe recent advances in the field. motion in turbulent boundary layers 7'~'~17. It is worth-
This review is not intended to be a complete exposition
of wind effects covering a wide spectrum of
interdisciplinary fields and which is fast becoming a
subject of a series of textbooks. In what follows, a !N','[~MENT RESPONSE PERFORMANCE
discussion of the genesis of winds and wind climatology METEO OLOG- INTERACTI ON DYNAMIC PROCEDURES
are presented. Next, the statistical structure of the
atmospheric flow field is described which is followed by a METEOROLOGY AHRODYNAMZCS MECHANICS RELIABILITY

discussion on fluid-structure interaction, aerodynamic

loads, dynamic response of structures, response of
structures with uncertain parameters. Finally, methods of LOADS
structural safety and reliability in the context of wind-
sensitive structures are discussed. L AERO-

Accepted August 1987. Discussion closes February 1988. Fig. 1. Schematics of wind effects on structures

166 Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1987, Vol. 2, No. 4 © 1987COMPUTATIONALMECHANICSPUBLICATIONS

Wind effects on structures: A. Kareem

noting that in meteorological terms the description of preceding equations are widely tabulated in several texts
boundary layer winds has been generally applicable to (e.g., Ref. 17). In the case of wind over the ocean limited
storms whose origin is associated with an extensive data is available from wind measurements taken over the
pressure system. The wind field in storms characterized ocean. The published results are uncertain especially
by a strong vertical component of vorticity, e.g., when extrapolated to extreme winds for design
hurricanes and tornadoes do not necessarily exhibit a conditions. If the wind flow field and its characteristics are
classical boundary layer structure, rather an organized not much influenced by the exact form of the surface, but
flow pattern in the horizontal plane is present 1"18-20. by energy loss and rate of momentum transfer due to
Hurricanes or typhoons are developed over large warm surface friction, the relationship established for the wind
waters and obtain their energy from the latent heat characteristics over land will also be applicable over the
released by the condensation of water vapour. As sea surface. It is advisable to provide an allowance over
described earlier, their motion is characterized by a the sea surface for the effects of large waves topography
swirling pattern with strong vertical vorticity distributed on the local wind profile, since wave surface profile does
over regions of the order of several miles. Near landfall, interfere with the wind profile to a level of three or four
because of an increase in the surface roughness, flow significant heights above the mean sea level. It is
instabilities often lead to hurricane-spawned tornadoes customary to express the relationship between the wide
that at least in the northeastern quadrant of the hurricane shear stress and velocity at a point z by the wind stress
(northern hemisphere) add to further destruction of coefficient which is utilized to define the related surface
humankind's structures and activities. Tornadoes are a roughness for the logrithmic law. Further details of the
most intense atmospheric singularity with highly wind stress coefficients are available in Refs 24-28.
concentrated vertical vorticity that are spawned by a
breed of thunderstorms referred to as a supercells. Fluctuating wind velocity field
Tornadoes are short-lived, randomly occurring, and In order to evaluate the total fluctuating wind loads
localized storms. Other local winds of interest in the area acting on structures, it is necessary to formulate
of wind effects on structures are Foehn winds, the Bora, expressions for the single- or multiple-point statistics of
Jet-effect, downburst and microbursts. The wind fields wind velocity fluctuation (Fig. 2). Parameters most
associated with the local winds have poorly defined commonly of interest are temporal averages, variances of
spatial structure. velocity components, probabilities of exceedance, energy
Damage to constructed facilities due to extreme winds spectra and space time correlations ~-3'25'29. At the
currently exceeds one billion dollars annually in the simplest level, the stochastic properties of the wind can be
United States, and it is expected to increase every year described by the behaviour determined by a single sensor.
due to rapidly accelerating coastal development and This is related to the description of fluctuation at a point.
movement of population to these communities. In 1984, A number of functional properties can then be described.
Hurricane Alicia inflicted structural and property The turbulence intensity is the simplest measure of the
damage in the Gulf Coast region worth more than $1.5 magnitude of the turbulent fluctuations; the auto-
billion, representing possibly the second most destructive correlation function is a measure of wind velocity at a
hurricane on record affecting the United States given time and depends on what it was an instant ago.
coastline2x'22. The prediction of the wind fields in severe From the preceding functions, the power spectral density
tropical storms is generally not possible due to a lack of a and length scale are determined. The power spectral
reliable instrumentation network. Alternatively, the wind density is a measure of the turbulent energy at each
speeds and directions in a hurricane can be generated by frequency or wave number; whereas, the length scale is a
means of a Monte Carlo simulation technique based on measure of the average size of the turbulent eddies.
historical data on storm history 2a. The details of the The turbulent characteristics of the atmospheric wind
technique are omitted here, for further information the over a flat terrain with uniform roughness are influenced
reader is referred to Refs 17 and 23. by the wind speed, the atmospheric stability and the
terrain roughness. In strong wind conditions, mechanical
Mean wind velocity fields turbulence is frequently stronger than convective
The vertical variation of the mean wind velocity bY(z)in turbulence resulting from ground heating so the latter can
a boundary layer flow under neutral thermal conditions, be neglected. The variation of turbulence intensity with
can be represented by a logarithmic or a power law: height in a boundary layer is described in most of the
references dealing with wind engineering (e.g., Refs. 17
- U* 2
U(z)=~-ln-- (1)


$~NGL[- PO. . . . . . . ik~NT . ~ [TWO". . . . * . . . . . . . . . . UR~NT~

C(z) = (2)

where u*=surface friction velocity, k = v o n Karman I

constant, Zo=surface roughness length, z0=gradient
height, Ug=mean gradient velocity, and ~t=exponent
varying with terrain roughness 1~. The power law profile is
widely used in many design codes and specifications
because of its simplicity. The values of the constants in the Fig. 2. Statistical description of wind fluctuations

Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1987, Vol. 2, No. 4 167

Wind effects on structures: A. Kareem
1 Space-time description of wind field
- - - - Kareem
..... Leavitt Ifa single point representation of the wind velocity field
~ ~ ~ Miyat a
is used in the wind loading model, then it is tacitly
U?l b // "'-~ . . . . . . P.,. . . . assumed that every point in the space of the structure is
c I - ~ ' / / ~ '~ ~~ .~ , . , .~ " a- ,_~~ ~ -- -- Pond
exposed to the same fluctuations. This includes perfect
correlation being present between adjacent points
separated, either vertically or horizontally or both. Since
perfect correlation is unlikely, it is necessary to attempt to
relate the instantaneous velocity fluctuations at one point
to any other point. The cross correlation or the cross-
spectral density function are measures of the degree to
which the two velocity descriptions are correlated. The
cross-spectral function is given in terms of the coherence
function for locations (y 1, zl ) and (y 2, z2):
0.01 0.1
Reduced Freouency
G(y,,zl,y2,z2; n)=~/S.,(n)S./n)coh(y,,z~,y2,z2;n)
Fig. 3. Normalized reduced spectra of longitudinal (3)
velocity fluctuations over ocean (after Ref 43)
in which G(yl, zl, Y2, z2; n)= cross-spectral function; and
coh(yl, zl, Y2, z2; n) = coherence function. Davenport 32
and 29). The recent interest to enter the era of super tall has given an expression for the coherence function when
buildings would unquestionably expose the buildings to (yl,zl) and (y2,z2) are located in a plane normal to the
the upper portion of the boundary layer or in some cases wind:
to regions above the boundary layer 3°. In these regions
the effects of mechanical turbulence become minimal, and
flow structure is viewed as laminar sometimes modified coh(yl, z2, y2, z2; n)
by gravity waves. A layer of turbulence is sometimes =exp{ n[C2(yl-Y2)2~-C2v(21-22)2]l/2}½
(U I -b U2)
present at levels above the geostructure height, (4)
additionally the buildings may experience turbulence
introduced by convective clouds.
There are several descriptions of the power spectral in which Ch and Cv = decay constants which are generally
density functions available in the literature over a variety assumed to vary between 10 and 16. The preceeding
of terrains; the most widely used spectra are provided by expression has been widely utilized for the derivation of
Davenport 31,a2, Harris 14, and Kaima133. In general, the the 'gust loading factor' approach for land based
spectral forms tend to agree in that they approach the structures.
Kolmogrov limit at high frequency; all differ in their In the case of compliant offshore structures, the ratio of
treatment of the low frequencies. The range of low the wavelength to the reference height on a platform is
frequencies at which various spectral descriptions exhibit large, suggesting that the structure of wind field will be
large variation have not received much attention, since influenced by the presence of sea surface. Some field
they have been of no interest to designers of land based measurements have provided evidence of a systematic
structures. However, with the introduction of compliant increase in the decay parameter with increasing
structures, interest in the energy content of the separation between points of interest and decreasing
atmospheric spectrum at low frequencies has increased. average height of these points. This implies that, large
The limited measurements made over the ocean show separation near any boundary strongly influences the
apparently the same trend, i.e., they approach the structure of random wind field. Measurements have
Kolmogorov limit at high frequencies, but lack a illustrated that the coherence of longitudinal velocity for
universal description in the low frequency range due to vertical separation is described by
departure from similarity theory 24,2s'a4"-a2. The energy
content also tends to increase with an increase in wind Az?l
eoh(f, Az) = e x p - a, ~ (5)
speed that results in a higher level of mechanical
production and the difference in air-sea temperature, in
convective conditions. In Fig. 3, plots of the several
spectral descriptions (over the ocean) are provided. For in which a= is the decay constant that depends on the
the sake of clarity, only the envelopes of the scatter are stability and Az/z (Ref. 5). For strong wind conditions,
plotted. One of the reasons for large scatter can be where the stability parameter z/L (L=monin Okukow
associated with the statistical uncertainty of the spectral length) is equal to zero, a= is expressed as a power of lxz/z
estimates. These estimates are approximated as chi- by Shiotani and Iwatani 46. This expression has the
squared distributed variables with two degrees of limitation that for large values of z, a= approaches zero.
freedom. In Ref. 43, it is proposed that a new spectral Panofsky et al. s have suggested the following relationship
description of the longitudinal velocity fluctuations over for a, based on extensive measurements over flat open
the ocean be used. This description is consistent with farm land with short grass and occasional rows of shelter
theoretical principles and employs information derived belt trees:
from actual measurements. Further details regarding the
general features of spectral representation can be found in A
a==12+ll-- (6)
Refs 44 and 45. Z

168 Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1987, Vol. 2, No. 4

Wind effects on structures: A. Kareem
and from measured data with limited observations have a
high variance and, hence, tends to be erratic. A
comparison of the above equations evaluated for a typical
coh(n; A z ) : e x p - (n)(bAz + c(Az)2) (7) two-dimensional space for a range of frequencies suggests
\U,2 ) \ z~2
that the estimated alongwind load effects based on
in which b = 12 and c = 11. equation (4) would be conservative. However, for the
Similarly, the coherence for longitudinal velocity torsional loads, this representation would provide
fluctuations with lateral separation is given by unconservative results because higher levels of
correlation lead to relatively lower degrees of imbalance
that are responsible for torsional load effects. Recent
z,: ,8, experimental investigations in simulated boundary layers
have corroborated the description of coherence by the
preceding expressions. Further studies to better describe
and e = 1 2 and f = l l (Ref. 5). the multiple-point characteristics of wind fields over the
In the case where separation can no longer be assumed ocean are in progress.
small compared to the length scale of turbulence, it is
essential that the expression for coherence must contain
the parameter A/L. Therefore, coherence is a function of AERODYNAMIC LOADS
both nA/U and A/L. It can be illustrated that the
coherence should be expressed as Contrary to the static idealization of wind induced
loading, the wind induces unsteady loads in addition to
the steady loads that fluctuate with significant energy.
xp( to=v) (9) The fluctuations in the approach flow field are
transformed to unsteady pressures on the envelope of a
structure that are functions of both position and time.
to include the influence of the length scale. Similar
Instantaneous pressure at a point may be decomposed
expressions have been suggested in Refs 47 and 48. The into mean and randomly fluctuating components that
expressions for the lateral and vertical separations are
may be superimposed by a periodic contribution from
modified accordingly to incorporate length scale in the
aerodynamic instabilities. The pressure fluctuations over
the surface of a structure introduce intense localized load
fluctuations and collectively imposed overall aero-
dynamic loads on the structure. A wind sensitive
structure, therefore, admits fluctuating energy present in
the loading around its characteristic eigen frequencies
(io) and is set to vibrate in rectilinear modes or torsional
modes or both. The design of structural cladding is
strongly influenced by local pressures, whereas the
coh(n; Ay)=exp ( - { ( d - ~ ) 2 structural response is dependent on the integrated effect
of pressures over the surface. Experimental studies
reported in the literature suggest that the space-time
n 2
~ (11) distribution of surface pressure depends upon the
zz2 / J / characteristics of both the approach flow and the
structural geometry. These features are mean wind speed
A relationship for separation in both vertical and lateral and velocity profile, mean direction of approach flow,
directions can be expressed as turbulence scales and intensities, structural geometry,
surface texture and dynamic characteristics, e.g., natural
frequencies and damping.
Before addressing the quantification of aerodynamic
loads, a brief review of the rudiments of fluid-structure
tbr+ ,) ,) (12) interactions is presented to appreciate the mechanisms
responsible for aerodynamic loads.
As the wind encounters a structure, it exerts positive
for b = e, c = f and r = 4(Ay) 2 + (Az)2 . Alternatively pressure on the windward face. The wind is then deflected
around the structure and accelerated such that the
coh(n; Az, Ay)=exp(- {(aT)2+ (dA--~) 2 velocity passing the upwind corners is greater than the
velocity approaching the structure. The high-velocity
fluid cannot negotiate the sharp corners and thus
n 2
+(-U-~2)[ bAz+eAy+ c(Az)2
zx2 "q-f(my)2Tll/2~ (13) separates from the building, leaving a region of high
z12 A) / negative pressure. The separated flow forms a shear layer
on each side and subsequent interaction between the
These representations are based on the correlation layers results in their rolling up into discrete vortices
structure of a space-time process being separable. Their which are shed alternately. This region is generally known
accuracy in representing the random wind field depends as the wake region. In this mar, her, the pressure
on a number of characteristics of the space-time process, fluctuations on the surface of a structure exposed to the
e.g., quadrant symmetry, and homogeneous and isotropic atmospheric boundary layer result from the turbulence
turbulence. Furthermore, the coherence values obtained present in the approach flow, from flow separation and

ProbabilisticEnoineerin9Mechanics, 1987, Vol.2, No. 4 169

Wind effects on structures: A. Kareem

reattachment, from wake effects, and from possible at several locations on the tributary area, will
impingement of vortices shed by upstream objects. The overestimate the peak structural load because the lack of
structural motion may induce additional aerodynamic spatial and/or temporal correlation does not permit
forces (these are addressed later). These mechanisms do simultaneous occurrence of the maxima at several
not always take place in isolation. Rather more than one locations. The spatial, or temporal local average of the
may collectively contribute to the pressure fluctuations random pressure field gives an instantaneous sum of the
and hence loads on a structure. Therefore, the pressures at a number of point locations that explicitly
aerodynamic loading may be categorized as due to the includes correlation over the tributary area. The statistics
far-field which is the undisturbed flow pattern and the of the averaged process provides information on the
near-field which results from the fluid-structure threshold-crossing statistics and extremes. For the design
interaction and the wake fluctuations. The scales of a structural system, the effects of turbulence on the
associated with the far-field, near-field and wake entire structure are needed. In this case once again the
fluctuations are quite different. The dominant far-field point-to-point variations in pressure over the building
scale is determined by the scale of atmospheric turbulence surface are of little importance due to their limited spatial
in the boundary layer, whereas the scales associated with correlation. Therefore, the overall load effects are
the wake and near-field fluctuations may be expressed in synthesized through space-time local averaging of the
terms of a characteristic structural dimension and shear random pressure field by taking into account the lack of
layer thickness, respectively. spatial and temporal correlation.
The aerodynamic loads may be expressed as For better understanding of the relationship between
the previously indicated scale of fluctuations and the
Aerodynamic loading = FT(t) + Fw(t) + F~(t)+ F(x, ~, ~) structural load effects, it is customary to visualize the
(14) parameter space in terms of wave lengths rather than
frequencies (2 = U/n). The gust size in relation to the size
in which Fr(t)=forces induced by incident turbulence, or a typical dimension D of a structure is an important
Fw(t)=forces induced by wake fluctuations, Fl(t)= parameter regarding the effectiveness of the gust in terms
aerodynamic forces due to interference of upstream and of producing loads on a structure. Small size gusts
adjacent structures, and F ( x , ~ , J ) = m o t i o n induced ()~/D ,~ 1) resulting from the high frequency components of
loading expressed directly as stiffness, damping and atmospheric turbulence or near-field effects are correlated
inertia forces which are expressed in terms of the over small areas of the structure. Therefore, the resulting
structural displacement, velocity and acceleration and loads induced by the gusts of this size are small. The low
corresponding aerodynamic derivatives. In the following frequency components of a gust are associated with a
sections, a brief discussion of these loading components value of 2/D > 1, and in this case their influence is felt
that are responsible for wind load effects on structures is simultaneously over the whole, or at least a large area of
provided. the structure.
Information on the spatial and temporal distributions Notwithstanding the improved knowledge of wind
of random pressure fields around structures is central to effects on structures over the past few decades, our
the development of analytical procedures for estimating understanding of the mechanisms that relate the random
local and/or integral aerodynamic loading effects on wind field to the various wind induced effects on
structures. A random pressure field manifests different structures has not developed sufficiently for functional
levels of load effects on structures, or structural relationships to be formulated. Not only is the approach
components, that vary with the size of the exposed wind field very complex, by the flow pattern generated
structure. For example, a small plane may bump up and around a structure is complicated by the distortion of the
down while encountering turbulence, but a wide-body jet wind field, the flow separation, the vortex formation, and
may hardly respond to the presence of turbulence. The the wake development. These effects cause large pressure
wide-body jet 'averages out' the effect of all the gusts fluctuations on the surface of a structure which in turn
whose size are less than the linear dimensions of the plane. impose large overall aerodynamic loads upon the
In a similar manner, the random pressure field interacts structural system and lead to intense localized fluctuating
with a land based, offshore or aerospace structure. In the forces over the envelope of structure. Under the collective
case of a building exposed to atmospheric turbulence, the influence of these fluctuating forces, a structure may
wind load effects are treated differently for the cladding vibrate in rectilinear modes or torsional modes or both.
and the overall structural system. Information on the The alongwind motion primarily results from pressure
local point-to-point variation of pressure are necessary fluctuations in the approach flow, at least in the low
for the design of cladding or facade components, since frequency range. The acrosswind motion that is
extreme excursions of point pressure are, in general, perpendicular to the direction of motion is introduced by
correlated over small areas 49-51. A detailed discussion pressure fluctuations on the side faces which are primarily
concerning the scales of pressure fluctuations and their induced by the fluctuations in the separated shear layers,
sensitivity to approach flow conditions is given in Refs 49 vortex shedding and wake flow fields. Bluff bodies of all
and 50. Moving to larger tributary areas such as a large cross-sections exposed to fluid motion for a broad range
cladding panel or a large expanse of glass on a building of Reynolds numbers shed vortices, usually alternating
exterior, the localized point-to-point pressures are less from each side of the body. The vortex shedding induces
useful. In this situation, the statistics of the local spatial alternating forces on bodies in both crossflow and in the
averages of the random pressure field become more direction of flow. The fluctuations in the crossflow
relevant. In most design applications, extreme values of direction are predominantly periodic and characterized
the load effects are generally required. An averaged value by the Strouhal number than is equal to NsD/U, in which
of the peak pressures, based on the point peaks observed Ns=frequency of vortex shedding, D=structural

170 Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1987, Vol. 2, No. 4

Wind effects on structures: A. Kareem

dimension, and U=wind speed. The phenomenon is esponse of a structure in both time and frequency
more pronounced when flow around a body has tWo- omains. In the time domain, the contribution of the
dimensional features; whereas, in the case of three- nonlinear velocity term to the total fluctuating force is
dimensional situations the severity of the shedding evaluated in the terms of the mean square values utilizing
process is vitiated due to a lack of correlation. Unlike the mathematical expectations of varous products of
vortex shedding from sharp cornered sections, the random variables given by Isserlis 6°. On the other hand,
shedding is strongly dependent on the Reynolds number in the frequency domain, the spectral density function of
for bodies of circular cross-section. the square of the wind velocity term is evaluated using
The wind induced torsional effects result from the spectral convolution. The results suggest that ignoring of
unbalance in the instantaneous pressure distribution on the nonlinear velocity term in the formulation of wind
the building surface. The wind load effects are further loads results in an acceptable approximation. By ignoring
amplified on asymmetric buildings as a consequence of the nonlinear velocity term, the spectral description of
inertial coupling. Modern trends toward unconventional wind force is given by
shaped buildings with innovative structural systems 2
setbacks and other complex exterior geometries have lead 4/~Su(n)
to buildings dynamically more sensitive to torsion SF(n)= ~ (17)
induced loads resulting from asymmetric wind pressures,
and static, or dynamic, coupling. The ratio of the in which fro = 1/2pCo A Uz, Su(n)= spectral description of
displacements, and accelerations near the building wind velocity fluctuations. This equation is valid over the
corners at the top floors, to that at the centre, can range of frequencies of S,(n) for which the velocity
significantly increase due to torsional effects. This results fluctuations are perfectly correlated over the surface as
in higher stresses in the exterior columns and human assumed above. For large size structures the effect of
discomfort, respectively. Similarly, other wind sensitive departure from perfect correlation of the wind velocity
structures, e.g., long-span bridges, tall chimneys and field is introduced conveniently through an aerodynamic
flexible roofs are susceptible to the dynamic effects of admittance function. The aerodynamic admittance
wind. function may be derived on the basis of the rapid
As pointed out earlier, the alongwind motion primarily distortion theory of turbulence 61'62 or theoretical
results from the fluctuations in the approach flow. estimates using simplified models of the turbulent flow
Therefore, the alongwind loading is formulated on the past bluff structures. The former approach is based on
basis of strip and quasi-steady theories which permit a rapid distortion of turbulent flow past bluff bodies. The
linear relationship between the fluctuations in the theory has been developed and validated experimentally
pressure and velocity fields 32'52-5a. Consequently, the for the stagnation face. The findings may have useful
spectral description of the pressure field assumes the same practical applications in the near future. The latter
form as that of the velocity fluctuations for which a approach has shown a good agreement with experimental
functional relationship exists 32'56-5s. Furthermore, the data and as such provides a satisfactory treatment for
wind loading may be treated as a single-point process if practical problems.
2/1) ~>1, which implies that the wind velocity field is fully For a majority of civil engineering structures, the
correlated over the entirety of the structure. This assumption of the foregoing point-like structure may
assumption is true for structures with small spatial yield conservative estimates due to their large spatial
dimensions or low natural frequencies or both. One may dimensions. As a result, the concept of multiple-point
classify structures that meet the above stated conditions statistics is used to implement the effects of partial
as point-like structures such as small billboards, stadium correlation over the structure (Fig. 2). The multiple-point
lights and small floating installations in the ocean. The representation may be simplified for line-like structures in
aerodynamic forces on such structures may be expressed which the spatial variation of wind fluctuations are only
in terms of velocity fluctuations as implemented for one spatial dimension. In this case, the
spatial structure of loading along the width is tacitly
F(t) = 1/2pACn(U + u(t)) 2 (15)
assumed to be perfect; therefore, the smallest scale 2 likely
in which p = a i r density, A=projected area of the to be significant, must be greater than the structural
structure, Co = drag coefficient, U = mean wind velocity dimensions perpendicular to the flow. Tower-like
at the centroid of the structure and u(t)=longitudinal structures and chimneys may be adequately represented.
velocity fluctuations. The preceding equation may be by this idealization. For the multi-point representation of
expanded to the wind velocity field U(y, z, t) = U(z) + u(y, z, t) in which
tf(z)=mean wind variation along the height; and
u ( y , z , t ) = t w o dimensional spatiotemporal fluctuating
F(t) = 1/2pACoU 2 + 1/2pCA A U 2 I2u~ ) " u2(t) -] wind velocity. The spectral description of the loading is
given by

This first term in the above equation corresponds to the Y2, z2; n)
mean wind load, whereas, the last two terms represent the
fluctuating forces. The last term containing the square of × dyl dy2 dzl dzz (18)
the fluctuating velocity component is small to the extent
that it is generally ignored. Kareem s9 has evaluated the
contribution of the nonlinear velocity term in the G(yl,zl,Y2,Z2; n)=x/Su(yl,zl; n)Su(y2,z2; n)
formulation of fluctuating wind loading on the dynamic x c o h ( y l , z l , y2,z2; n) (19)

Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1987, Vol. 2, No. 4 171

Wind effects on structures: A. Kareem
DYNAMIC RESPONSE on the windward and leeward faces utilizing covariance
I integration. It is given by
I 1

j GUST SPECTRUM Sr,(n)=k~, t~=~f~ ~ x/Sp,(Yk, zk; n)Sp,(YJ,z~; n)

x Copk,(yk, zk, Yl, zt; n)c~i(zk)q~(zt) dAk dAt (22)
~ "" r
in which the subscripts k and l represent windward and
AERODYNAMIC leeward faces, respectively, and a double subscript, e.g.,
Copk,(), represents co-spectrum of pressure fluctuations.
Following the strip and quasi-steady theories, the
fluctuating pressure field is linearly related to the
fluctuating velocity field at any level on the building.
Therefore, spectra and co-spectra of pressure fluctuations
are of the same form as those of the velocity fluctuations.
This reduces equation (22) to
ADMITTANCE SF,(n)=k~=l / = 1 P CPk('~k'2k)Cp'(Yl'Zl)
k I

x u(zk)u(z,)cki(z~)~(z,)x/S~(zk, n)S~,tz~, n)
x Co~,(yk, zk, Yt, zt; n) dA~ dAz (23)
LVVVv Different versions of equation (23) are used in the
literature. Expressions for the description of wind spectra
and co-spectra are fairly standard for land based
structures. Some formulations assume full correlation of
Fig. 4. Wind induced dynamic response analysis of the pressure fluctuations between the windward and
structures (after Ref 32) leeward faces, while some use an arbitrary reduction
factor 17. The implications of the quasi-steady and strip
theories have been analysed by Kareem 56 in the light of
experimental data. Some of the findings are summarized
in which G( )= cross spectrum of the wind velocity field
here. The power spectral density of pressure fluctuations
and coh( )=coherence function. These functions have
on the windward force is proportional to the far field
been discussed earlier in the section on the description of velocity fluctuations except in the high-frequency range
wind field. A Monte Carlo integration scheme has been
where the decay is faster, suggesting that pressure
used to evaluate these integrals numerically63.
fluctuations on the windward face could be replaced by a
Alternatively, the preceding equation may be simplified linear transformation of the upstream velocity
based on the assumption that S~(n)~-S,(y~,z~; n).
fluctuations. At higher reduced frequencies, this trend
Accordingly, the previous equation may be modifed as may gradually diminish. The spectra of pressure
SF(n ) = (pCo)2S~(njJv(n) (20) fluctuations on the leeward faces generally follows a
relationship similar to the far field velocity fluctuations
in which Jr(n) implements the correlation of velocity except at locations near the corners, where peaks in
fluctuations and are often referred to as the aerodynamic pressure spectra exist at the Strouhal frequency. The
admittance functions and are expressed as amplitude and band width of these peaks are sensitive to
the level of turbulence intensity in the approach flow. The
4 pressure co-spectra may be described by an exponentially
2 (e-~,+ ey- 1)(e-~:+ez - 1) (21)
decaying function similar to the one used to describe the
co-spectra of velocity fluctuations. However, it is knowrt
in which er = nOChW/tf; e: = nOCvD/lf; 0 = x/1 + r2/1 + r ; to exhibit a higher correlation than the corresponding
r= ChW/CvD; W and D = building width and height, and velocity fluctuations. It appears that various assumptions
C, and Co=decay constants in the velocity coherence made in the development of the alongwind loading may
functions. The transformation of wind velocity have some individual shortcomings; however, the overall
fluctuation to wind force fluctuation is illustrated in both load description may be quite satisfactory. For example,
time and frequency domain in Fig. 4. the underestimation of the alongwind load spectra due to
The preceding formulation is applicable to structures a lower spatial correlation on the windward and leeward
with large spatial dimensions represented by a single faces as a consequence of replacing pressure co-spectra by
lumped-mass system, e.g., floating offshore structures and velocity may, in fact, compensate for the decrease in
large billboards. Alternatively, multiple discrete-mass correlation between windward and leeward faces, which
and distributed structural systems are often analysed by is implicitly implied in some formulations to be fully
means of a modal superposition technique in which mode correlated.
generalized loads are required for the dynamic analysis. The discussion in the preceding sections indicates that
The generalized alongwind force spectrum in the ith mode the aerodynamic loading in the alongwind direction may
may be obtained by the synthesis of pressure fluctuations be adequately represented on the basis of strip and quasi-

172 Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1987, Vol. 2, No. 4

Wind effects on structures: A. Kareem

steady theories. The fluctuating pressure field acting over This procedure provides a computational procedure
the side and leeward faces is greatly influenced by the involving simple algebraic operations such as sums and
wake dynamics, e.g., vortex shedding which renders the products instead of multiple integrations. This format
applicability of the foregoing theories doubtful. also provides an amenable adaptation to a finite element
Therefore, a lack of a convenient transfer function, discretization of a random field into which the local
between the velocity fluctuations in the incident averages are expressed over a finite element and the inter-
turbulence and the pressure fluctuations on the side faces element covariance is obtained from the covariance of the
of a building with separated flow, has prohibited any local averages 67-7°.
acceptable formulation, to date, of the acrosswind and The aerodynamic loads may be synthesized by analog
torsional loads on structures. Hence, physical modelling circuits from simultaneously monitored multi-point
of fluid-structure interaction provides the only viable measurements 71. Alternatively, space-time averaging
means of obtaining information on the aforementioned may be accomplished by a pneumatic averaging
loads. Coordinated efforts in the field of computational technique which, through a pneumatic manifolding
fluid dynamics are in progress 64 to numerically generate procedure, determines time varying local area averages of
flow fields around bluff bodies exposed to turbulent flows. aerodynamic loads. In its simplest application, it makes
As such, the problems are formidable in computational use of a manifolding device (multiple-input single-output
fluid dynamics since the flow around bluff bodies exceeds manifold), which interconnects a labyrinth of tubing
the complexity of classical fluid dynamics problems leading from several pressure taps that are distributed
related to flow about streamlined bodies. Therefore, uniformly over an area 72'73. A detailed treatment of the
physical modelling will remain the only source of mapping and synthesis of random pressure fields that
information for the foreseeable future. Several aspects of highlights the concept of point, spatially and/or
the use of digital computers to generate solutions of temporally averaged random pressure fluctuations in the
equations of interest to fluid mechanics are addressed in context of local or integral aerodynamic loads is
Ref. 64. presented in Ref. 65.
The aerodynamic loads on structures may be obtained The generalized aerodynamic loading on a structure in
by mapping and synthesizing the random pressure fields the ith mode may be obtained by synthesizing the
acting on structures. The structure of random pressure spatially averaged random pressure field by means of
fields through simultaneously monitored multiple-point covariance integration
realizations of pressure fluctuations, and measurement of
2 2
local averages of the space-time random pressure fields by
means of spatial and temporal averaging techniques. The
Sr,(f) = ~ ~ ~ ~ x/Sp,(AAk, f)Sp,(AAI, f)
k = l 1=1 Ak AI
spatial averaging procedure may employ local averaging
of the random pressure field utilizing an electronic x Copk,(AAk,AAI; f)~i(Zk)~Pi(21)AA k AA I (24)
summation circuitry, a pneumatic manifolding device, or
a pressure-sensitive surface element like PVDF 65. in which subscripts k and l denote different faces and
Details of load distribution over parts of a structure Sa,(AAk, f) and COp,,(AAk,AAg n) represent the spectrum
and over its entirety may be accomplished through multi- and co-spectrum of spatially averaged pressure
point measurements of the pressure field in time and fluctuation areas AA k and AAz that represent the
space, or continually at specific locations. A lack of differential areas over which the random pressure field is
spatial and temporal coherence in the random pressure spatially averaged and cki(Zk) is the ith mode shape
field requires simultaneous monitoring of a large number evaluated at the centroid of the area AAk. The preceding
of pressure taps on a building surface which may either equation can be conveniently expressed in a discrete
become prohibitively expensive or may impose a difficult matrix form so that it is compatible with experimental
data acquisition, management and reduction problem. measurements TM. Based on experimental data, Kareem 75
Off-line computation of simultaneous multi-channel has developed closed-form expressions for auto- and co-
sampling permits statistical averaging as well as spectra of the random pressure field responsible for the
conditional sampling to examine the spatiotemporal acrosswind force on isolated square cross-section
distribution of pressure peaks. Practical means have been buildings for any desired approach flow condition, i.e.,
introduced for overcoming the difficulties that have open country, suburban, or urban. The model provides
resulted in prohibiting a wider use of the direct pressure flexibility in the selection of appropriate input
measurements for the space-time averaging of random parameters, thus broadening the scope of its application "
pressure fields. Kareem 66 employed a number of pressure and serving as a useful tool for tailoring the preliminary
transducers in a large number of test configurations on design of tall buildings. Following the foregoing
which the transducers were moved to different locations procedure for synthesizing spatio-temporal pressure
to map the pressure field. The spatially averaged loads fluctuations, mode-generalized spectra of the torsional
and their covariances were obtained. The statistical moment are given by
information ofthe local averages was assimilated through 4 4
statistical integration or covariance integration
Sr,(f)= ~. L E ~ x/Sp,(AAm, f)S,.(AA, f)
procedure to obtain estimates of the integral aerodynamic m = l n = l A= A~
loading function on the building as well as the desired
mode-generalized loading. The synthesis of homogeneous x C%.(AAm, AA.; f) Atmal, c~i(zm)c~i(z.)AA mAA.
pressure fields may also be accomplished by utilizing (25)
frequency-dependent spatial scales of the pressure field
obtained from second-order information about point-to- in which the variables are defined previously, and AImand
point variations contained in the covariance function 67. Al, are distance between the centroid of areas AAm and

Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1987, Vol. 2, No. 4 173

Wind effects on structures: A. Kareem

AA, from the building centre. More details regarding the and be effectively implemented in the estimation of
matrix representation of the preceding equation may be structural response through the modification of the
found in Ref. 66. The previous covariance integration building transfer function utilizing appropriate values of
approach used to quantify mode-generalized loads may aerodynamic damping 73'vS-s°. It is a general consensus
be simplified by utilizing a weighted pneumatic averaging that in most of the tall buildings the influence of motion-
technique. In this approach, the building at the induced loading is insignificant for typical design wind
instrumented levels is divided into tributary areas or speeds al . However, for exceptionally slender, flexible and
segments, which are assigned a cluster of pressure taps to lightly damped structures, the motion-induced effects
attain the appropriate weighting function proportional to may reach a significant level 17"73'79'82. In such cases,
the moment arm for each top location 65. Alternatively, aeroelastic models provide the most recognized type of
distributed and continuous weighted averaging may be model for use in determining wind induced motion of a
obtained utilizing a porous polyethylene or piezopolymer building and in determining resultant fluctuating loads
triangular surface that includes appropriate weighting acting on the building as a whole 83'84. While aeroelastic
functions 65. models provide all the necessary information a designer
More recenty, high-frequency force balance techniques may require, they are not instrumented to provide
for determining the dynamic wind induced structural information on the space-time distributions of forces over
loads from scale models of buildings and structures have the surface of a building.
been implemented at various boundary layer wind tunnel The verification or validation of experimental
laboratories 76'77. These techniques have dramatically procedures or theoretical methods lies in the comparison
reduced both the time and cost required to obtain with the observed full-scale response. Notwithstanding
estimates of wind loads and structural response levels. the uncertainties associated with the full-scale response
The force balance provides dynamic load information for measurements, they offer at present the only possible
a specific building geometry and setting which may be means of demonstrating the validation of the laboratory
used to calculate loads and response levels for a wide simulation or theoretical predictions. At the same time,
range of structural characteristics, damping values, and full-scale measurements may help to guide both
building masses. The basis of the technique is the numerical and experimental studies. Davenport as has
measurement of power spectral densities of mode- summarized the full-scale measurements from a historical
generalized wind loads on the building model as a whole. perspective and outlined many of the difficulties
This requires that the balance has sufficient sensitivity to encountered, particularly in pressure measurements.
measure small fluctuations in the modal loads while either There are a number of structures currently being
having extremely well-defined and stable dynamic monitored all over the globe for wind loads and
properties or a high enough natural frequency to insure associated response. Further details may be found in Ref.
that the mechanical admittance function is nearly unity 17.
throughout the frequency range of interest. The force The discussion of aerodynamic loads will remain
balance technique has some shortcomings, e.g., only incomplete without commenting briefly on some of the
approximate estimates of the mode-generalized torsional flow induced instabilities and their effects on structures.
moments are obtained and the lateral loads may be Besides buffeting due to turbulence and vortex excitation
inaccurate if the sway mode shapes of the structure differ resulting from instability of separated flow around bluff
significantly from a linear mode shape 77"v8. Therefore, bodies, other flow induced phenomena worthy of
the mode-generalized spectra obtained from a force- attention here are wake buffeting, lock-in, galloping,
balance study requires adjustments if the building mode wake galloping, classical flutter, ovalling oscillations,
shapes depart from those implied in the derivation of the stall hysterisis flutter and interference between bodies.
force balance theory. This is especially true for the Details of all these phenomena will be omitted here except
torsional loads. These adjustments may require invoking lock-in and galloping, the interested reader is referred to
either the quasi-steady or strip theories, and the spatial Ref. 17 and the bibliography cited in the relevant chapters
averaging technique may facilitate a precise basis for addressing the foregoing topics. In the case of vortex
establishing reliable mode correction factors for any shedding, once the shedding frequency approaches a
arbitrary mode shape 65'7~'~8. A second generation of natural frequency of an elastic body, the body motion
force balances may also permit overcoming the causes the shedding frequency to 'lock-in' to the body
aforementioned limitations 7~. A typical configuration frequency over a range of the approach flow speeds. This
may include several torsional flexures mounted on a stiff is well-known aerodynamic instability which has bee'r~
spine. The mode-generalized torsional moments may be modelled by several empirical prediction procedures. The
obtained by weighting the torques measured with each experimental observations of the phenomenon have
torsional flexure according to the mode shape and adding suggested that an oscillatory cylinder/wake combination
the torques either digitally or by means of a simple analog possesses the characteristics of a nonlinear oscillator.
summing circuit. The spine should be instrumented so This has prompted the use of a Van der Pol oscillator-
that lateral forces may be measured for each segment. type equation to represent the phenomenon. The
This force may in turn be combined to produce mode- nonlinear wake-oscillator models successfully provide a
generalized lateral loads which more closely correspond phenomenological description of the observed motion of
to the expected mode shape of the prototype building or elastic bodies of circular cross-section 86. Recent interest
structure. in the areas of bifurcation theory, and the emerging
The covariance integration and high-frequency force discipline of chaos and strange attractors may facilitate a
balance techniques do not include motion-induced better model to represent the 'lock-in' motion of circular
aerodynamic loads. These motion-induced loads may be cylinders 87-a9.
conveniently expressed in terms of aerodynamic damping The bodies of noncircular cross-section upon deflection

174 Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1987, Vol. 2, No. 4

Wind effects on structures: A. Kareem

across the flow experience a change in the incident flow {Gv(f)] = [¢]rESF(f)][O] (32)
direction that introduces another flow instability: The
change in flow direction results in additional side force on (2xf ) r
the body. If this coincides with the direction of the body {H~')(i2xf)] - (2n)2 [(f2 _ f 2 ) + 2iCff.] (33)
motion, the body will oscillate severely in the cross-flow
direction. This is generally known as galloping instability in which [H(i2xf)] = a diagonal matrix of frequency
and, as stated earlier, it is initiated by body motion and response function or mechanical admittance function;
does not necessarily require unsteadiness in the approch [St(f)] = the cross-power spectral density matrix of the
flow. Typical examples of galloping are often catastrophic forcing function; and [q~]=the modal matrix that is
oscillations of iced transmission line conductors and tall normalized with respect to the mass matrix. The
flexible prismatic towers. superscript, r, represents the derivative of response, i.e.,
r = l , 2, 3 denotes velocity, acceleration and jerk,
respectively 73'91'92. The acceleration and jerk responses
DYNAMIC RESPONSE are required for occupancy comfort 93-98.
Lumped-mass systems The integration involved in the preceding equations for
The equations of motion of a structure represented by a lightly damped structures may be performed by
discretized lumped-mass system are given by separating the resonant and background response
components. The resonant component is evaluated by
{M]{ Y} + [C]{ I:'} + [K]{ r} = {F(t)} (26) means of the residue theorem in which the excitation is
in which M, C, and K are assembled mass, damping and idealized as white noise 99' 10o. The implicit assumption in
stiffness matrices of the diseretized system, respectively. this simplification is that the forcing function is replaced
In general, the assembly process involves transformation by a white noise with a constant spectral density function
and condensation that reduces the system degree-of- at the structural natural frequency. The response due to
freedom to the global coordinate system consisting of two background effects may be evaluated on the basis of a
translations and one rotation per story level. The quasi-static assumption
preceding equations of motion may be solved by means of
modal superposition, direct frequency and time domains,
and recursive z-transform techniques. In the following, a o},,=,,=~
E 4(2xf,,)'* ~,,m~
brief outline of these techniques is presented.
The normal mode approach may be utilized wherein + (--. q52(SYo"GF.(f)df (2rcf.) a" (34)
the undamped eigenvectors facilitate decoupling of ./'=, (2xf.) 4
coupled systems of equations. Employing the standard
transformation of coordinates involving undamped For nonclassically damped systems, commonly used
eigenvectors of the system offers the following uncoupled modal superposition techniques are not directly
system of equations. applicable. The stochastic dynamic equations of the
~.~+ 2 ~ ~i~+ o)2zi = P~(t) (27) system may be expressed in terms of a state-vector which
provides a convenient solution ~°t. The equations of
in which Pi(t)= { dPti~}r{f(t)} and ~i is the critical damping motion are recast as a system of 2N state coordinates
ratio in the ith mode. The transformation used herein
leads to a mode displacement method in which the {A]{)((t)} + [B]{X(t)} = {F(t)} (35)
problem coordinates are related to modal coordinate by
[0] [M]] [B]= [-[M] [o]]
{y} =[¢]{z} (28) [c] j L [o] [k] J
in which [4,] is the modal matrix. In an alternate format
generally known as the mode-acceleration approach, the
displacement is given by
x t ;lit v(t)={Z} (36)
{y}=EK]-~{F}-[¢][e)2]-'{z} (29)
The 2N eigenvector corresponding to the previous
The first term in the above equation is the pseudo-static equations permit decoupling of equations by utilizing the
response, while the second term gives the method its expansion theorem. The uncoupled system of equations is
name 9°. The presence of ~02 term in the denomonator given by
improves the convergence of the superposition technique.
Therefore, this approach may be useful in reducing errors {A*]{Z:(t)} + [B*]{Z(t)} = [¢p]r{F(t)} (37)
in calculated responses introduced by conventional in which X(t)= q~z(t) and X(t)= q~(t), q~= modal matrix
modal truncation in a mode-displacement method. (2N x 2N) consisting of eigenvectors of equation (35). The
By the properties of the Fourier transforms and the response cross-spectral density matrix may be derived
orthogonality of random Fourier components, the mean
square value of response components due to wind loads at { s x ( f ) ] = [flIi2 fl][s (fl][fl*(i2,¢l] T I38)
the ith node is given by
[o] ]
[¢][;Gz(f)df][¢] (30)
k[o] [sI(f)] ]

in which [/t(i2rcf)] = [tp][i2nf[M*] + [K*]] -1[ tp]r. The


response cross-spectral density matrix contains

[G,(r)(f)] = [H~r'(i2xf)]*[Gr(f)][H")(i2xf)] (31) information on the spectral and cross-spectral densities of

Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1987, Vol. 2, No. 4 175

Wind effects on structures: A. Kareem

the system displacements and velocities. By partitioning simulated at successive increments. This procedure
[Sx(f)] such that utilizes a recursive relationship in which the coefficients
are ascertained from the given covariance of the random
{Sx(f)]= L[Sy;(t) ]
(40) field. The desired sample functions are generated using
the recursive relationship I°4-117. Unlike FFT-based
techniques this approach does not require storage of large
The response cross-spectral density matrix may also be amounts of data, rather only limited information, e.g.,
obtained directly in the frequency domain without coefficient matrices are stored and long time histories may
resorting to the normal mode approach be simulated through recursive relationships 11a-12°
Further details are discussed in a later section focusing on
{Sx,,,(f)] = [H~')(i2rcf)][SF(n)][H~"*(i2rcf)] r (41) numerical simulation of wind effects.
{n~')(i27rf)] = (2rtf)'[ - (2nf)2 [M] + i2nf[C] + [K]] - ' The time histories of response components and their
covariance may be effectively obtained in a recursive form
(42) for a multi-degree-of-freedom system subjected to
in which [Sx(t)] is an N x N response spectral density of random wind loading utilizing a z-transform ~21. The
the rth derivative of displacement response consisting of input to the system may be described at discrete time
diagonal elements representing the spectral density and intervals or be represented by an ARMA model. The
off-diagonal elements representing the cross-spectral associated response is expressed in terms of either an
relationship; [H(i2rcf)] = matrix of frequency response ARMA model or time histories which may be utilized to
function with * and superscript 'T' denoting the complex derive the response covariance. The recursive techniques
conjugate and transpose respectively; and r=higher reduce the computational effort required for the analysis,
derivatives, i.e., r equal to 1, 2, 3 represents velocity, thus offers an efficient procedure for response analysis. It
acceleration, and jerk components, respectively. The is noteworthy that this approach, like other direct
evaluation of the preceding equation involves matrix methods, does not require the damping matrix to be
manipulation including inversion over all frequencies of classical.
interest. If a system has a large number of degrees of The response of a multi-degree of freedom system to
freedom or if the frequencies of interest are large in multi-correlated random wind loads may be carried out
number, the matrix operations and hence the computer by employing a theory of stochastic differential
time for their evaluations becomes large. However, this equations 122-126. By applying Ito's stochastic differential
direct approach does not require the evaluation of equations, the multi-correlated stochastic process is
eigenvalues and eigenvectors and the assumption of a represented by a white noise filtered by a set of first order
classical damping matrix is not a prerequisite for the linear differential equations. The calculation of response
implementation of this procedure. variances may be simplified and computational time
In the time domain the equations of motion may be reduced compared to methods using power spectral
integrated directly using a numerical step-by-step densities ~22. The description of wind velocity vector by
procedure ~°2. Like the previous section, the term 'direct' stochastic differential equation makes it possible to also
implies that the equations of motion are not transformed simulate these random processes numerically.
into a different coordinate system prior to the numerical
integration. The step-by-step integration is based on the
equilibrium of forces acting on a dynamic system at
discrete time points, separated by small time intervals, Distributed systems
within the interval of the solution. The variation of the The dynamic behaviours of distributed systems, e.g.,
response components, e.g., displacement, velocity and strings, membranes, beams, shells, are given by respective
acceleration within each small time interval is assumed to partial differential equations. Of primary interest here are
follow a given form which determines the accuracy, structures, such as transmission cables, long span bridges,
stability and cost of the solution procedure. Some of the chimneys and cooling towers. The distributed system
few commonly used effective direct integration methods response may be evaluated by a finite element
are the central difference method (explicit integration discretization or the partial differential equations may be
scheme), the Houbolt method, Wilson 0 method, the recast to an ordinary differential equation using the
Newmark method (implicit integration schemes). Details Galerkin or Rayleigh Ritz approach for the desired
of these methods may be found in Refs 102 and 103. The number of modes. In this manner, the problem is reducec~
step-by-step integration may be carried out after to a discrete-parameter space in which only a limited
transforming the system equation in normal coordinates number of modes are used to describe the response. For
which considerably reduces computational effort. example, the vibration of a simply supported beam in the
For the implementation of integration schemes the vertical plane under the action of a distributed
time histories of loading function are required as opposed aerodynamic load is given by
to the description of the spectral density function. This
introduces an additional effort to efficiently simulate 72 (E 82y'~+ 8y 02y
,3x2 I~x2 ] C - ~ + A p ~ = p ( x , t ) (43)
sample functions of multi-variate and/or multi-
dimensional random processes. These sample functions
may be generated by utilizing FFT-based techniques, or where El=flexural rigidity, c=external damping, A =
alternatively, by means of parametric time series area of the beam cross-section, p=density of'beam
approach, e.g., ARMA (auto-regressive moving average). material and p(x, t)= spatio-temporally varying external
The ARMA representation entails weighted recursive load. For constant value of flexural rigidity, the geometric
relations that connect the random quantity being displacement coordinates may be expressed by the

176 Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1987, Vol. 2, No. 4

Wind effects on structures: A. Kareem
normal coordinates in the following form as the scale of fluctuation and variance function to
describe the second-order statistics of locally averaged
random fields. This representation permits efficient
y(x, t)= ,,~= ~ Ym(t) sin mrtx
l (44) evaluation of the covariance matrix between local
averages associated with pairs of finite elements involving
The mean and correlation function of the space-time simple algebraic operations such as sums and products
variations of the displacement are given by instead of multiple integrations.
A finite element formulation involving a numerical
integration procedure has been presented in Ref. 130 for
y(x,t)= ~o ;_ ~ h(x,u,t-z)E[P(u,z)]dudz (45) predicting the stationary random response of cooling
tower type shells to distributed random wind loads. The
shape functions are used to form the matrix of cross-
spectral densities of the generalized nodal forces for the
wind loads. In Ref. 69, the dynamic response of a shear
(46) beam is evaluated utilizing a Galerkin weak form. The
random pressure loading is described by a random field of
h(x 2, u2, t2 -z2)Rp(Ul, u2, tl, z2) dul du2 dr1 dz 2 (47) locally averaged values. The influence of correlation on
the dynamic response of the beam is demonstrated.
in which h(x, u, t) is the Green's function and represents The stationary response of one-dimensional combined
system response to 6(~-u)6(z) linear viscously damped dynamic systems to stationary
random excitation has been determined in a closed form
2 ~ nnx nzru using Green's function and a classical normal mode
h(x, u, t) =-;-L.~1-- G,(t) Sin T Sin (48) approach TM. The resulting computations are exact for
the case of proportionally damped systems and
in which approximate, though convergent to the exact solution as
N gets large, for nonproportionally damped systems TM.
1 The extensions to two- and three-dimensional structures,
G.(t) = pAogo e -~"~''Sin coo(t)H(t) and examples of particular interest to wind excited
structures such as structures with heavily damped
vibration absorbers, are immediate and the latter is being
presently pursued. The treatment for discrete lumped
mass systems with secondary systems is available among
others, for example, in Ref. 132.
= c/(2mo~.) and H(t) = heaviside function,
The influence of fluid-containing appendages on the
Rp(Ul, u2, "c1,T2) = space-time correlation of loading, and
dynamic response of multi-degree-of-freedom systems
the operator E[ ] = expected value of the function. The
subjected to environmental loads, e.g., earthquakes,
corresponding frequency domain expressions are
waves, or winds, has been investigated la3. The modal
obtained by the Weiner-Khinchine relationship
properties of a system comprising of a fluid-containing
appendage attached to a multi-degree-of-freedom system
Sy(x,,x2,~o)=~offooH(Xl,Ul,og)Sp(u,,u2,og) are expressed in terms of the individual dynamic
properties of the primary and secondary systems. The
x H(x2, U2, (D) du 1 du 2 (49) primary system is modelled as a lumped mass multi-
degree-of-freedom system. An equivalent lumped mass
in which H(xl,u~,oJ)=Green's function in frequency model of the sloshing fluid is used to represent the
domain which represents the system response to secondary system. The covariance matrix of the response
6(~-u)e i~'t, and Sp(ul,u2,0~)=cross-spectral density components of the combined system are computed
function of aerodynamic loading. utilizing the modal impulse-response function. An
In the framework of a finite element discretization, the important feature of the combined system is that the
representation of loading has been treated with different sloshing modes of the secondary fluid appendage are
levels of sophistication that vary from fully correlated tuned to the fundamental mode of the primary system. A
loads associated with area around a nodal point to building with a water tank situated at any floor, excited
consistent generalized nodal loads based on randomly by wind is used to illustrate the modal impulse-response
distributed pressure fields 127-13°. The element size in a function. The presence of a water tank dampens the wind
finite element discretization has an important bearing on induced oscillations through water sloshing.
the suitable representation of the pressure fields that are
not fully correlated along the spatial dimensions of the Design load
structure. The smaller the correlation of the fluctuating In any design application, it is usually necessary to
pressure field, the element size needs to be smaller as well have a probabilistic description of peak response of a
to adequately describe the loading function. The concept building subjected to random wind excitation. This can
of local averages of random fields provides an amenable be obtained from theoretical consideration of the
adaptation to a finite element discretization of a random probability density of extreme values of a normal
pressure field into which the local averages are expressed stationary random signal 152,1s 3. The expected values of
over a finite element and the inter-element covariance is largest peak response experienced in the time interval, T,
obtained from the covariance of the local averages. are given by
Vanmarcke 67 has introduced operational quantities such y~a~x= kt'ltrr,,, (50)

Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1987, Vol. 2, No. 4 177

Wind effects on structures: A. Kareem

in which k('}=the peak factor, and superscript, r out in a batch mode which precludes a real time
represents the response derivatives, i.e., r=0, for application, e.g., driving a wave maker in an ocean wave
displacement, and r = 3 would represent the jerk simulation basin 119.
component. The peak factor ~52 is, approximately The parametric time series modelling, as popularized
by Box and Jenkins 116,~16 for time series forecasting,
0.557 have been found to provide good simulation of random
k~'}= x/(2 In v~')T) + (51) processes. Many stochastic discrete time processes may
(x/~ v(')T) be approximated by a rational function model. These
models have been extensively used in statistical signal
•(r)= ~(~~o f2{r+l)Sy(f ) df ~1/2 processing for estimating spectral density functions of
given time series. Their application in engineering
mechanics is rather recent. A number of studies have
The preceding formulation provides satisfactory addressed ARMA methods related to engineering
estimates for wide banded excitation, whereas, for mechanics ~°4~7 In this model, an input driving
narrow banded excitation it yields conservative estimates. sequence e(n) and the output sequence x(n) that is to
Alternative descriptions for those cases are available in model the data are related by the linear recursive operator
the literaturC 54.
q P
{X(n)}= ~ B , e ( n - r ) - ~, A,X(n-r) (53)
The dynamic response analysis of structures is often
performed in the frequency domain for the sake of The time series {X(n)} is said to be an ARMA
computational expedience. However, there are cases, (autoregressive moving average) random process of order
such as system nonlinearity, in which the frequency (p, q). The excitation sequence is composed of zero mean,
domain analysis is computationally prohibitive, and the unit varance, uncorrelated random variable (i.e., white
time domain solution provides a convenient alternative. noise), A, and B, are autoregressive and moving average
The input to the numerical time domain solution requires matrices that may be obtained through exact knowledge
corresponding time histories of the space-time variations of the correlation of the time series. The system transfer
in the load effects - for example, wind pressure. This is between the input and output in terms of z-transform for
accomplished by generating sample functions or a the ARMA process is a rational function
random field with the desired statistical and spectral
characteristics. One of the traditional approaches for vq_ b z-"
simulation is to utilize a superposition of trigonometric Hlz)=- /_,~_~o2"- (54)
functions, e.g., cosine function, with statistically 1 + L~ = 1 a,.z- '~

independent phase angles 11s'12°. Through a large

number of terms in the summation, the continuous energy The power spectral density of the output process of
spectra of the desired random variable is approximated ARMA filter driven by a white noise process is given by
by its discrete form. The Gaussinity of the simulated the square of the modulus of the preceding transfer
numbers is established by virtue of the central limit function. The autoregressive parameters are readily
theorem. The simulated numbers can be conveniently obtained through use of Jule Walker equations that may
incorporated in a Monte Carlo simulation of the response be utilized to obtain efficient autoregressive moving
of a system utilizing a numerical integration scheme. The average models 1°9. Finding an optimal ARMA model
procedure in principle is applicable not only to scalar with lowest orders is the desired objective. The details are
processes, but may be applied to multivariate and/or omitted here, since the subject matter can be the topic of
multidimensional fields lIsA2°. Although the summation an entire review article. In Refs 104 and l l0, the
of large sets of trigonometric terms involved in the simulation of random fluctuations in wind field and ocean
simulation procedure renders this approach com- wave height fluctuations are discussed together with the
putationally inefficient. In this context, it has been noted errors associated with the particular orders of the ARMA
that the summation of cosine terms may be carried out by model for a desired spectral description.
utilizing a fast Fourier transform (FFT). This approach In sum, the ARMA models facilitate digital simulation
makes the simulation procedure computationally quite of random fields through a simple recursive numerical"
efficient 11s'~2°. The time series of random wind relationship once the corresponding weighting matrices
fluctuations at ten locations on a TLP were simulated to in the model have been determined. The simulated
generate time histories of the surge, pitch and yaw process conforms to the prescribed correlation structure
direction. The statistics of the simulated response of the random field. In this manner, the simulation
estimates were used to validate an iterative frequency process involves determination and storage of the filter
domain response technique 43. A further discussion of this coefficient matrices, generation of white noise vector and
study is provided in the section on offshore structures. utilization of the recursive relationship for generation of
The use of an FFT technique though improves the the desired time series. As such, this technique both from
computational efficiency, but not without the expense of computation and from computer storage points of view is
increased demand on computer storage. The difficulty very efficient and is suitable for real time operations and
increases manifold in the event the simulated data is offers differing advantages. It should be noted that
required over a long period or the problem in hand ARMA models are not only used for simulation of time
encompasses multivariate and/or multi-dimensional series, but also provide a high resolution spectral
processes. Furthermore, the simulation is often carried estimation from limited observations.

178 Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1987, Vol. 2, No. 4

Wind effects on structures: A. Kareem

.oo~! ,' \
cross-section building. Fig. 6 shows the mode-generalized
spectra in the alongwind, acrosswind and torsional
direction for a square cross-section building in urban flow
.000011 ~ !
t __i \ •
conditions. In a recent study, a high-frequency force
balance has been utilized to quantify aerodynamic loads
in the alongwind, acrosswind and torsional directions 1'.4.
\< Scale model of a variety of basic and complex building
configurations with a range of different aspect ratios were
/x exposed to simulated urban and suburban boundary
°~ \ // '1
conditions 144. The results were analysed to provide
mode-generalized loads and their correlations.
0~ / Based on aeroelastic model tests of buildings, several
a. expressions for the acrosswind loads are available in
literature and are summarized in Ref. 17. Isyumov (see
Ref. 17) has formulated an empirical model derived from
~3 aeroelastic studies of a variety of buildings for estimating
dynamic torque on buildings. These relationships can be
E Reduced Frequency, N B / V h conveniently introduced in codes and specifications for
Z o~ practicing engineers.
.001 .01 .1 1 The lateral-torsional motion of tall buildings to wind
loads has been reported in Refs 146 and 147. In Ref. 146 a
Fig. 5. Cross power spectral density of acrosswind simplified formulation has been used to represent the
forcing function at five levels on a tall square cross-section dynamic behaviour of torsionally coupled buildings by
building (after Ref. 74) considering a class of buildings in which all floors have the
same geometry in plan, the eccentricities between the
elastic and mass centre are the same for all stories, and the
APPLICATIONS ratio of the story stiffness in lateral directions is about the
Land based structures same for all stories. For a complex structural system with
Buildings, towers, chimneys, bridges, power lines and unconventional configuration, the preceding simplifi-
tension structures are typical examples of land based cation may not be true and a comprehensive building
structures that are sensitive to the effects of wind. The model is necessary. Methods of random vibration theory
research in the wind engineering field has in the past been were used to estimate the rms and peak values of various
primarily concentrated in the area of land based components of response. The results indicate that the
structures. Due to the complexity of the fluid structure torsional response contributes significantly towards the
interactions involved, with the exception of the overall dynamic response of a symmetric building.
alongwind response, the quantification of aerodynamic Inclusion of coupling between the lateral and torsional
loads is possible only through physical modelling of degree-of-freedom further increases the building
structures in simulated wind conditions in boundary layer response. A typical plot ofrms response in the alongwind,
wind tunnels 13s The alongwind response has been shown
to be satisfactorily treated by a 'Gust Factor Approach'.
Random-vibration-based gust factors translate the
dynamic loading caused by atmospheric turbulence into 10 .3 10 -1

an equivalent static loading 32"52-55"136. However, these ll--x

procedures may not always provide accurate response
estimates for the structures that are located in a complex \. / ~ ~
terrain, or surrounded by other structures due to 10 - 4 ~;I t', 10 - 2
significant modification of the approach flow and ,, V \ ',
i III \%'~1
aerodynamic interference effects ~3v.
The acrosswind response and torsional response
///// I
cannot be treated in terms of gust factors inasmuch as 10 . 5 J/ /I II 10-3 ~
they are induced by the unsteady wake fluctuations which
cannot be conveniently expressed in terms of the incident ==
turbulence. Current research is addressing the possibility
of utilizing higher order spectral descriptions, e.g.,
biospectra and bicoherence, and nonlinear transfer
10 - e ..... To,=o. \\ O\ 10 - 4

functions to describe the relationship between the

incident turbulent field and the pressure distribution over \
the separated flow regions laa-~4L~44. In the meantime, \
experimentally derived loading functions have been i i
10 . 3 10 . 2 10 10 o
introduced in lieu of the solution of equations of motion
around a building 7i'73-75'i42-147. The acrosswind and nb

torsional load spectra obtained by synthesizing the Vh

surface pressure field on scale models of typical building Fig. 6. Normalized reduced model aspectra of torsional,
shapes are available in literature 71'~a-75.14~146. Fig. 5 acrosswind and alongwind forces in urban environment on a
describes multi-level acrosswind load spectra on a square tall square cross-section building (after Ref. 146)

Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1987, Vol. 2, No. 4 179

Wind effects on structures: ,4. Kareem

20.0 the noise variances R=4. The probability density

0 Alongwind function of response in low turbulence approach flow
(BL1, open country condition) at a reduced velocity of 8.5
10.0 A Acrosswind
is best represented by this function. Simultaneously
[] T o r s i o n - i n d u c e d monitored incident velocity fluctuations, alongwind
response and acrosswind response reveal that the
acrosswind response at low reduced velocities is more of
[3 an intermittent nature; whereas, for higher reduced
0 velocities, well-defined periodic modulations are
E 0 exhibited. The joint probability histogram matrices
(D O between the alongwind and acrosswind motion at low
0 A O
t, reduced velocities are found to be symmetrical about the
[] wind axes, and, as such, tend to indicate the independence
t- of the acrosswind and alongwind motions, and,
o 1.0 0
consequently, the independence of the respective
excitation mechanisms. This trend of symmetrical joint
z~ 0
probability tends to diminish with higher reduced
o velocities. Similar conclusions were derived from the
<c normalized deviation between the product of individual
u) A probability distributions (PDF) and the joint probability
distribution (JPDF) TM.
Other structures, for example suspension or cable-
[] 0 stayed bridges, tension structures and power line may be
analysed essentially within the general framework of
0.1 discussion in the preceding sections. However, most of
these structure are very susceptible to aeroelastic effects,
0 which can only be examined on the basis of information
0.06 l ~ , ~ , I , , , , I
provided by wind tunnel tests. The readers may find in
50 100 200
Ref. 7, basic discussion and further references concerning
Vh - ft/sec. such structures, e.g., suspension and cable-stayed bridges,
cable roofs, fabric structures, and powerlines.
Fig. 7. Acrosswind, alongwind and torsional response of Slender towers and stacks of circular cross-section are
a building (after Ref. 146) sensitive to alongwind and acrosswind vibrations. The
alongwind response can be determined by following a
acrosswind and torsional directions is presented in Fig. 7 gust factor approach discussed previously. The
for typical wind speeds. This figure corresponds to an acrosswind force, which is recognized as a significant
uncoupled case and the torsional response is represented source of wind-excited motion of structures of circular
as a translational response at the corner. cross-section, can only be estimated on the basis of semi-
Aeroelastic models of structures provide directly the empirical models derived from experimental
dynamic response of structures that includes the effect of observations. A summary of several procedures for
aerodynamic loads as well as those induced due to estimating acrosswind response of chimneys is given in
structural motion. The time histories of aeroelastic Refs 17 and 79. A comparison of the acrosswind response
response may be utilized to statistically analyse data based on different approaches have been made to the
which helps to bring out several important response observed full-scale response of a number of chimneys in
features. In Ref. 74, an aeroelastic model of a square cross Refs 73, 79 and 93. In the case of cooling towers the
section building was employed to study the dynamic
behaviour and also to validate the response predictions ,40 ' ] i F i ! i i i ]

made on the basis of a random-vibration-based Boundory Loyer I 3 ~ I-'l I ~ l ~ ~

Reduced V e l o c i t y 2 I o "v / x x \
procedures in conjunction with aerodynamic load spectra
32 .... 85-,~,~ ~'~X
derived from statistical integration of surface pressure >-
~- 2 8 Gaussiofl -- - - / P "-~" - \ \
measurements. The predicted and measured response
agree within the limits of the expected experimental ~ .24
errors. The addition of motion induced loads at higher ~ .20
,'~I \:\
reduced velocities produced still closer agreement ..J

between the predicted and measured response.

Some of the features of experimentally measured
acrosswind response characteristics are summarized here.
At low reduced velocities, the acrosswind response
~ .08
follows a Gaussian distribution. However, as the reduced .oo I l I I I ~, -
velocity increases beyond 6, the probability density "40-3.2 -24 -I.6 -0.8 -0.0 08 1.6 2.4 3.2 4.0
function exhibits departure from the normal distribution Y- Ymeon
and tends to approach the distribution of the sine wave Yrrns

embedded in Gaussian noise (Fig. 8). Standardized Fig. 8. Probability density function of acrosswind
probability density function of a sine wave in Gaussian displacement response of a building at different reduced
noise is also plotted in Fig. 8, for the ratio of sine wave and velocities (after Ref. 74)

180 Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1987, Vol. 2, No. 4

Wind effects on structures: A. Kareem

stresses, meridional, circumferential, and normal recent years, several investigators have discussed these
displacements of the tower shell may be obtained based wind-induced oscillations utilizing either the assumption
on a frequency or a time domain approach in the of a proportional damping 4a,4s.59 or damping induced by
framework of finite element discretization utilizing linear chromatic waves 42'156. In a recent study, both time
methods fundamentally similar to those used in the and frequency domain simulations of the nonlinear
preceding sections. A description of the random pressure dynamic response of a TLP subjected to random
field on the tower surface is essential, whereas, motion fluctuating wind field in the presence of depth-varying
induced loads are insignificant. This information provides currents and random ocean waves are addressed 157-159.
input models of spectra and co-spectra of pressure In this study, computationally efficient procedures for the
fluctuations in the frequency domain and facilitates dynamic response analyses have been developed to
simulation of the time histories of fluctuating pressures include system nonlinearities of hydrodynamic origin as
consistent with the statistical description of the pressure well as those due to the geometric displacement. In the
field. The time domain approach, though costly helps to frequency domain a perturbation-based approach
accommodate nonlinearities and other changes that may utilizing spectral decomposition and convolution
take place during the loading process. techniques has been employed for the analysis. The
Attempts are being initiated to utilize elements of fuzzy results of this computationally efficient scheme have been
set theory and artificial intelligence to construct expert verified using a time domain approach. The multi-
systems capable of analysing performance and safety of dimensional correlated random wind and wave fields
structures~ 4a-15o. Wind Engineering problems as stated were simulated by employing the parametric time series
previously cover a wide spectrum of interdisciplinary approach (ARMA) instead of the customary FFT-based
subjects, thus are well suited for the utilization of expert techniques. In the following, a summary of the dynamic
systems. A hybrid knowledge-based expert system, wind effects on offshore structures is presented.
WISER, is being developed for the design modification of A simplified model of a TLP may be viewed as a rigid
high-rise buildings in the commercial hybrid environment body with six degrees of freedom. In the horizontal
KEE, marketed by INTELLICORP T M . The current direction, surge, sway and yaw, and in the vertical
capabilities of WISER are limited to making design direction, heave, pitch and roll represent the respective
modifications based on a small number of rules and a degrees of motion. The natural periods of motion in the
limited data base of experimental measurements. horizontal plane are high, whereas in the vertical plane
Continuing efforts hope to achieve a delivery system the values are low. Generally, the surge motion is
available to researchers and practitioners alike. predominantly high due to the combined action of wind,
waves and currents. However, due to coupling among
Offshore structures various degrees of freedom and relatively low damping of
As the search for offshore oil and gas supplies moves hydrodynamic origin in the vertical modes of vibration a
into deeper water, the size of conventional fixed-leg complete analysis of six degree-of-freedom system
platforms is approaching the economic limit. Several new subjected to wind, waves, and currents is desirable. A
structural systems have been proposed for enhancing the detailed description of a study that encompasses the
water depth capability of offshore structures. Some of the
promising concepts are guyed or buoyant towers and
tension leg platforms (TLP) 42'4a'47'59'155-1~7 These
structural systems are known as compliant systems,
inasmuch as they are designed to move with the Towers and I
environmental loads rather than resisting them rigidly. As Chimneys
a semi-submersible-type buoyant floating platform ~ong-Spa~
moored by several groups of tethers the TLP is expected Bridges
to be more profitable in deep water due to its superiority L. Buildings _]
over conventional platforms in terms of cost, mobility
and operational capability. However, to ensure structural L. Jacket & Gravity ~1
safety it is essential that a better understanding of the Platforms
environmental load effects and associated structural Surge, S w a y Heave,Pitch EarthQuake
response be obtained. & Yaw Periods/~ & Roll Periods /-~ Spectrum
Tension leg platforms, because of their compliance, are 0.
much more susceptible to the dynamic effects of wind
loading than are conventional fixed-leg platforms. Thus, -O
a procedure for estimating the dynamic response ofa TLP O Spectrum ~ ~=-- Wave / \
should include both wind and wave load effects. Although "O
the overall dynamic response is known to contain both tr
relatively low and high frequency components (induced
by the wind and wave fields, respectively), a simple linear , J ,/ , ~ ~ \
0.001 0.01 0.1 10
superposition of the response due to these individual Frecluency,Hz
excitation phenomena may result in an unrealistic picture A I I I I
of the TLP motion. Indeed, it is recognized that wind 1000 100 10 1 0.1
gusts are typically broad-banded and have energy in the
low frequency range which would excite the compliant Period, sec.
surge mode of the TLP at the natural period (Fig. 9). This Fig. 9. Spectral representation of wind, waves, and
motion is controlled by hydrodynamic surge damping. In earthquake loads (after Ref. 43)

Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1987, Vol. 2, No. 4 181

Wind effects on structures: A. Kareem

foregoing concepts conducted by Li and Kareem~ s 7,: s 9 is in which A~ and Co, are the segmental area and drag
beyond the scope of the intended discussion here. coefficient, i represents the ith segement and u~(t) is the
However, following a simplified analysis of surge motion, simulated velocity at the ith segment.
a summary of the combined wind, wave and currents In the frequency domain the previous equations are
action is presented to make this review self-contained. given as
At its simplest level the load effects due to wind and
waves may be separated 4a and the influence of
hydrodynamic damping may be included in the analysis S.,
by way of a proportional damping approach. The basis of
this approach is that the surge motion represents a linear X G(yyl,zl,y2,22; n)dy 1 d y 2 d z 2 d z 2 (61)
system with an equivalent viscous damping term
characterized by a nominal damping ratio. The effect of
the nominal damping is postulated to be equivalent to the
hydrodynamic viscous damping force. The determination
of this damping term is given in Refs 42, 156 and 159 for
x G(yyl, zl, Y2, z2; n) dy 1 dy2 dzl dz2 (62)
deterministic nonchromatic and random waves,
respectively. The estimated values of the equivalent
hydrodynamic damping have been generally found to be
large which tend to suppress high levels of wind-induced x G(yl,zl,y2,z:,; n)dy 1 dy 2 dz I dz, (63)
dynamic amplification effects. The magnitude of the
hydrodynamic damping is dependent on the drag in which G( )=cross spectrum of wind velocity
coefficient used in the Morrison's equation to express the fluctuations.
hydrodynamic forces. It is important to point out that the These equations require a digital computer for
estimates of the drag coefficient corresponding to the high evaluating the four-fold integrals for a range of
Reynolds numbers and low Keulegan-Carpenter frequencies. A Monte Carlo integration scheme can help
numbers of interest in the analysis of TLPs with large to evaluate these integrals expeditiously 63. Alternatively,
circular legs are not available in the literature. Some data the preceding equation may be simplified on the
from laboratory experiments at low Keulegan-Carpenter assumption that S,(n) ~- S,(y 1, z I ; n). Accordingly,
numbers is available, but these are limited to relatively equations (61), (62) and (63) may be modifed as
small Reynolds number 160,161.
SrF(n) = ( pCo)2 S.(n)J F~(n) (64)
Wind induced response Srr(n) = (pCo)2Su(n)JTT(n) (65)
The single point formulation of wind loads on a TLP is
similar to equation (15). The multi-point representation SMM(n) = (pCo)2S.(n)JMu(n) (66)
in the surge, pitch, and yaw directions are accordingly in which Jvr(n), Jrr(n) nad Juu(n)=functions which
described by incorporate the correlation of velocity fluctuations. These
are sometimes referred to as the aerodynamic admittance
functions and are expressed as 43
F(t)=pCoffAU(z)u(y,z,t)dydz (55)
T(t)=pCoffAtf(z)u(y,z,t)ydydz (56)
JFF(n) =-2-2T_2(e-':,+ er - 1)(e'EZ+ez- 1)

-~2r2 l+ey+
M(t)=pcoffU(z)u(y,z,t)zdydz (57)
+ 1] (681
In order to evaluate the preceding equations the wind
velocity field needs to be simulated at n locations on the 2 [-h'-3e2+122 - ~ l+e,+~-
TLP. The projected area of the TLP is divided into n
segmental area and the velocity fluctuations are simulated + 1] + J.In)
at the centroid of these areas. The simulated records
match the required power spectral density at each in which le = distance between the centroid of the section
location and also satisfy the desired coherence for their from the level at which pitching moment is computed;
respective spatial separation. The preceding equations er=nOChW/lf; ez=nOCvD/U; O = x / l + r 2 / ( l + r ) ; and
may be discretized r = Ch W/CvD.
A simplified example is presented to illustrate the
F(t)=p ~, Co,Aitfui(t) (58) concepts represented here regarding the quantification of
i=1 the wind loading and associated structural response,
using single-point and multiple-point representation of
T(t)=p ~ Cn,A~Uiui(t) (59) the fluctuating wind field in the time domain and
i=1 frequency domains. For the single-point represerrtation,
the drag coefficient is synthesized from the component
drag coefficients, in which the drag coefficient of each
M(t) = p ~ Co,Aiz-lfiui(t) (60) major component is specified from established

182 Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1987, Vol. 2, No. 4

Wind effects on structures: A. Kareem

aerodynamic data. The influence of interaction due to U4, u~ =mean and fluctuating wind at the ith section.
surrounding components, i.e., shielding and interference The inertial force is given by
effects, is taken into account. The synthesis approach
presented here should not be considered as a substitute N ~3U~
for a wind tunnel test. This provides only a good starting F, = ~ C, p Vi - - (72)
i= 1 c~t
value for the preliminary design of the TLP, and it is
recommended that a wind tunnel test be conducted for
the final design 162'163. The components drag is used in in which N = t o t a l number of elements below water,
the multiple-point representation to synthesize the p = water density, Vi = volume of the ith element and ui =
overall loading. The nonlinear stiffness characteristics wave particle velocity at the ith element. The drag force is
were computed from a finite element program utilizing expressed as
both tether geometry and platform hydrostatics. With
increasing displacement the TLP becomes stiffer and the
natural periods are reduced. A proportional damping Fd= ~ 0.SCnpA,(U,+u,-X)lU,+u,-X [ (73)
model was used and an assumption was made that the
TLP would oscillate linearly about the static equilibrium in which Co = drag coefficient and Ui = current velocity.
position. Accordingly, the mean structural response to The preceding equations have nonlinearity of both
wind was computed using a nonlinear static analysis hydrodynamic and geometric origin which precludes a
program based on a Newton-Raphson approach. Both straightforward frequency domain analysis. Therefore,
single- and multiple-point representation of the wind field the time domain analysis remains the only convenient
were employed utilizing different descriptions of the wind alternative means of solving the preceding equations. The
spectra. The results in time domain are described in Fig. time domain analysis requires simulation of random wind
10. The results for surge response are summarized in and wave fields that is followed by a numerical evaluation
Table 1. The numbers in parentheses and brackets are of the response. This procedure involves considerable
based on the Davenport and the expression proposed by computational effort which is further increased if the TLP
the author for offshore applications 43, whereas, the rest of is modelled as a six-degree-of-freedom system. The
the values are obtained utilizing Harris spectrum 14. The expedience of a frequency domain analysis has lent
white noise idealization of the load spectra at the impetus to develop new approaches for solving the
structural natural frequency provides expedient response foregoing problem by means of a frequency domain
estimates and the results exhibit fair comparison with the analysis. Therefore, a frequency domain analysis utilizing
full-spectral method. The results suggest a good a perturbation-based approach involving a spectral
agreement between the time and frequency domain decomposition and convolution has been developed159.
analysis in view of the assumption made in the frequency In this approach, the loading and restoring forces were
domain that the structure vibrates linearly about its static decomposed into various orders of perturbation terms.
equilibrium position. The multiple-point loading includes For example, the aerodynamic loading term was
partial spatial correlation over the entire structure which decomposed into the mean, first-, and second-order
results in response estimates lower than the single-point components, and the velocity dependent terms. Similarly,
formulation where it is tacitly assumed that the wind the wave induced loading was expressed in terms of
fluctuations are fully correlated. The results for yaw and Hermitian Polynomials and then decomposed into the
pitch response are not reported here for brevity, their mean, first-, and second- and third-order wave forces. The
comparison for different cases was very similar to that of restoring force was expanded in terms of Taylor Series.
the surge response. An iterative scheme was employed to solve various
components of response. The spectral convolution
Wind waves and currents induced response technique was used to express higher-order spectral
The governing equations of motion of a TLP subjected descriptions. The decomposition of loading into several
to random wind and waves, and currents are given here to uncorrelated components facilitated a computationally
implement their combined action. efficient means of evaluating spectral density function of
various response components. Further details of the
(M + A)X'+ Ca)( + R(x)=FA(U~,uA,)() formulation are given in Ref. 159.
+Fl(ti)+Fo(U,u,X) (70) In order to validate the preceding frequency domain
approach, the results are compared to the time domain
in which M = mass of the structure, A = added mass, x is solution. First, the fluctuations in wind and wave fields
the structural response, Ca=added damping, R(X)= are simulated by means of an ARMA (Autoregressive
restoring force, FA(UA,UA, X) = aerodynamic force, Moving averages) algorithm. Next, a discrete
Fl(d)=inertial force and Fo(U,u,X)=drag force. The convolution model is utilized to generate time series of
restoring force consists of mechanical and hydrodynamic wave particle velocities and diffraction forces from
sources. A precise description of the restoring force may simulated wave height fluctuations. The time histories of
be assembled from a finite element discretization of both wave particle acceleration are obtained from the
the structural system and the surrounding fluid. associated velocity by means of discrete differentiation
The loads are defined as schemes. Finally, a time marching scheme is used to
estimate the dynamic response of TLP. Discrete
FA= ~, 0.5pAAACA,(UA + u ~ - - X ) 2 (71) interpolation techniques are employed to interpolate
i=1 between simulated data points in the parameter space.
Typical estimates of nominal equivalent damping values
in which PA= air density; AA, area of the ith section; and-
= of a TLP subjected to wind, waves and currents are

Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1987, Vol. 2, No. 4 183

Wind effects on structures: A. Kareem



IL i~ ,
I I I'
~o ' :! f ii ,I
r l
I i i

1 ' l
io.~o ~o.oc )~ ¢c ~co sc:o GO : 3 '~:9 eo,oo ~o oo 1~o.,,o







10.O0 ~ .
L~,~O 2¢O¢ ~.~, :G 4:,:0
C~EikPOGZT F ' j L ° - ~ T . ~J'I.L~'BCt] "IV[ O~I'I~IN IS;~CI { I ) 0 I )

Fig. 10. Time histories of aerodynamic forces on a T L P and surge, pitch and yaw responses (after Ref. 59)

provided in Fig. 11. The results indicate a good increasingly critical for the design of constructed facilities.
comparison of the frequency domain approach with the Intrinsic variability associated with both spectral
results computed from the time domain analysis thus resistance and wind load effects can seriously affect the
validating the computationally efficient frequency performance of structures in hostile environment. Recent
domain approach. As noted earlier, the hydrodynamic developments in the area of probabilistic methods and
damping in the surge motion ofa TLP is quite significant. statistical inference offer a mathematical framework that
will enable designers to implement uncertainties arising
from a variety of sources more effectively into their design
DYNAMIC RESPONSE OF UNCERTAIN process (Fig. 12). Some of these developments are
SYSTEMS discussed here.
The significance of risk analysis and need to go beyond Uncertainty in the system parameters such as mass,
traditional deterministic design approaches is becoming stiffness and damping may arise either from spatial

184 Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1987, Vol. 2, No. 4

Wind effects on structures: A. Kareem

Table 1. SurgeRMS response (metres)

Time domain Frequency domain

Wind speed at White noise

10 metres Static displacement Single-point Multiple-point Single-point Multiple-point idealization
10 4.73 1.69 1.63 1.44 1.44 1.26
(1.67) (1.62) (1.41) (1.43) (1.24)
15 10.64 3.62 3.47 3.25 (3.27) 3.01
(3.49) (3.31) (3.15) (3.11) (2.86)
20 17.68 4.56 4.25 4.63 4.66 4.32
(4.I 1) (3.91) (4.36) (4.25) (3.93)
25 24.29 5.67 5.21 6.21 6.25 5.84
(4.94) (4.88) (5.62) (5.48) (5.12)

0.24 []
xtP " \ --Frequency domain
0.22 - in

0.20 -

= 0.18 -
Z 0.16

0.12 . , ~ 0
1.36e-20 1.00e-1 2.00e-1
Fig. 11. Equivalent hydrodynamic damping

random variations in the material, its fabrication, or its

mathematical idealization. For example, the contribution
of partition walls and some cladding components of high-
rise buildings introduces uncertainty in the overall system
stiffness estimates. Once the spatial randomness in the RELIABILITY AND
structural properties becomes sizeable, it becomes
essential to incorporate these characteristics in the
analysis as random variables. The level of uncertainty RISK ASSESSMENT
associated with damping is significant, which introduces
marked variability in the wind-excited response. In the
following section, uncertainty associated with the loading
and response parameters are discussed. Next, the
propagation of uncertainty and the influence of
parametric uncertainties on the loading and structural
response are analysed. Finally, an example is presented to
illustrate the influence of parametric uncertainties on the
dynamic response of a tall reinforced concrete chimney. IMPROVED
Uncertainty analysis
Uncertainty in the quantification of the wind loads, DECISION-MAKING
compounded by the variability in the structural
parameters is reflected in the dynamic response. These PROCESSES
uncertainties are examined here systematically under
three categories: (a) wind environment and meteoro-
logical data, (b) parameters reflecting wind-structure
interactions, and (c) structural properties. Fig. 12. Dynamics of uncertain systems

Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1987, Vol. 2, No. 4 1115

Wind effects on structures: A. Kareem

Wind environment and meteorological data frequencies 2s'34'4a. Therefore, for the land-based
In any design application, the expected maximum structures generally characterized by a relatively high
response of a wind sensitive structure is estimated based fundamental natural frequency the variability introduced
on the extreme wind speed over the lifetime of the by the choice of spectral description is relatively small as
structure. For the serviceability limit state the period compared with the compliant structures with intrinsically
over, which satisfactory structural performance is low natural frequencies. The effects are further enhanced
expected, may be expressed in terms of some alternative for compliant offshore platforms that are exposed to
interval. The estimation of the lifetime extreme wind turbulent wind over the ocean 43. The length scale of
speed involves a selection of a model for predicting the turbulence that bears functional relationship with the
maximum yearly wind using the best fitting cumulative spectral description has important influence on the
distribution function of annual maximum mean hourly sensitivity of a structural system to wind. It also exhibits
wind speed, which is further converted to a probabilistic variability in magnitude, and sensitivity to the method of
description of the maximum lifetime wind speed. This is estimation. Regarding the multi-point representation of
accomplished following the assumptions that the extreme random wind field the description of spatial coherence is
yearly wind speeds are statistically independent and the essential for any functional description. The decay model
maximum lifetime wind speed is at least as large as the which is most generally utilized is described in terms of
extreme yearly wind speed in the first, second, and exponential functions and the decay constants used in
subsequent years. Past research in this area has shown these formulations are sensitive to the terrain features,
that the asymptotic probability distributions of the height above the ground, or the sea surface and the
largest values are appropriate models for the extreme relative distance between the points of interest.
annual wind speed distribution 164-166'169. Analysis of
data at various locations with well-behaved wind climates Wind-structure interaction
has suggested that the extreme value Type I distribution The wind-structure interaction parameters may be
in general provides a good fit to the extreme yearly wind classified as those related to the random pressure field
speed data. It is possible that the set of data for a around the structure and the ones that describe the
particular location can be best fitted by other overall integral load effects. In the former category, the
distributions, e.g., Type II, and Rayleigh distribution multiple-point random pressure field is represented by the
(Weibull distribution with tail parameter equal to 2) 167. local pressure fluctuations that are described by a spectral
The selection of distribution has possible implications relationship and the correlation or a lack of it between
from a structural reliability viewpoint 168"169. various locations given by a coherence function. The
The estimation of design wind speed has inherent functional relationships utilized to describe these
modelling, sampling, and observation errors 166.168,169 functions and their parameters exhibit variability. The
Modelling errors are introduced due to the choice of wind drag and lift force coefficients, and Strouhal number each
distribution. The selection of the extreme value depend upon the cross-section of a member, its aspect
distribution may be made based on Gumbel's classical ratio, surface roughness, turbulence length scale and
method, or statistical inference utilizing extreme order intensity, and shear in the approach flow. For a
statistics. Sampling error results from limited data from curvilinear cross-section, the dependence of drag and lift
which the parameters in the distribution are estimated. force coefficients and Strouhal number upon Reynolds
Accurate predictions are generally impaired by a lack of number add additional variability in their estimate
sufficient data base. The sampling errors tend to diminish values. The loads induced by the structural motion under
with increasing sample size. The choice of a method used the action of external loads are generally described as
to estimate parameters of a distribution, e.g., method of aerodynamic damping which is expressed in terms of
moments or method of maximum likelihood may further aerodynamic derivatives. These loads also exhibit
introduce variability in the estimation of the wind speed. variability.
Observational errors are introduced in the wind data,
mainly due to human error or malfunction of the Structural properties
instruments which are used to collect the data. Additional Structural properties, for example mass, stiffness and
uncertainty is introduced as a result of adjustment in the damping, may exhibit uncertainty in their description
averaging period of wind from the fastest-mile wind speed arising either from spatial random variation in the
to the mean hourly wind speed, the effect of local material, its fabrication, lack of knowledge, or its
topography at the anemometer site and the mathematical idealization. For example, although the
transformation of wind speed from one terrain to another. estimation of mass appears to be very straightforward, it
The parameters of the mean wind flow field, e.g., the is often difficult to make a good estimate due to imprecise
power law exponent, which represent the variation of construction practice and variability of occupancy loads.
wind speed along the height and the surface drag These structural properties influence the dynamic
coefficient used to represent the terrain roughness in the characteristics of structures, i.e., the natural periods and
logarithmic variation of mean wind exhibit variability mode shapes. A related problem is experienced when a
that influences the description of the mean wind field. The structure undergoes a series of modifications in the design
single-point description of wind velocity fluctuations is phase. Each step in this process requires the analysis of a
given by the turbulence intensity and the power spectral modified structure which has lent impetus for the
density function. There are several descriptions of the development of structural dynamics modification
power spectral density functions over a variety of terrains techniques. The dynamic effect of a modification is
available in the literature 1~. In general, the spectral forms incorporated by a direct solution to the modified
tend to agree in that they approach the Kolmogorov limit structure using the known dynamic characteristics of the
at high frequencies; all differ in their treatment of low original structure, thus avoiding lengthy reanalysis 170.

186 Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1987, Vol. 2, No. 4

Wind effects on structures: A. Kareem

Many previous studies, have assumed that structural in which superscript M and K represent contribution of
systems have deterministic mechanical characterstics or Uncertain mass and stiffness of the system. Following a
have implied that the variations in these properties were perturbation approach, w~.i, co~=i,~bl,.i, and ~b~mimay be
considerably smaller than those associated with the determined by substituting the preceding equations in the
loading. Recently, the dynamic response analysis of associated eigenproblem and neglecting the higher order
systems with material uncertainties has received terms. By equating the coefficients of cq,. and fit. and
considerable interest. These efforts are focused on the carrying out algebraic manipulation
development of procedures for the dynamic analysis
based on probabilistic methods to implement 03i~DtmMOi
uncertainties in the parameter space. o~,~,= - 26T-~/6, (80)
In a simplistic approach for building systems, the
stiffness and mass matrices may be expressed as
wr*i= ~ i (81)
[K] = k*[/(] and [M] = M*[2Q] (74)
in which [/(] and [~,1] are deterministic matrices
0,~, = 03,(/( - 032h4)- 1(03,O,,A4r+ 2A4~o~,,)q~, (82)
consisting of mean values of the stiffness and mass
matrices, respectively, K* and M* are random variables Or,,= (/( - ¢32A4)- ' (2&,og~m,Al- O,,/()~, (83)
with mean values equal to unity and coefficients of
variation f~r. and taM. equal to tar,, and f~M,, The expected value of the eigenproperties are determined
respectively. This formulation implies that the mass and solving the classical eigenvalue problem. The variability
stiffness at two adjacent levels are perfectly correlated in these quantities is obtained by solving the preceding
with equal coefficients of variation. The quality of equations. However, in the case of variability in the
material utilized in fabrication of structural members in eigenvectors, the preceding equations may not be
buildings is generally the same that permits equal COVs evaluated as such due to the singularity. Possible
and perfect correlation between the stiffness of members simplifications to overcome numerical difficulties for
used at different levels. This representation has been determining the variability in eigenvectors have been
utilized by Portillo and Ang 171, Rojiani and Wen 172, and proposed by Nelson 1~3 utilizing a modification,
Kareem and Hsieh 169. For distribution systems in which uncertainty in eigenvectors which may be found in the
the material variability exhibits spatial dependence, following few sample references 17°-184. The procedures
alternate description of uncertain stiffness and mass based that include the second-order terms in the Taylor Series
on the make-up of the medium becomes essential. expansion of the eigenvalues about their unperturbed
Following equation (74), the natural frequencies of the values and extension of the differential sensitivity
system may be expressed as methods to nonclassically damped systems are presented
f~ = f * f (75) for example in Refs 173 and 176.
Quantification of damping is by far the most vexing
in which f * = random variable with mean value equal to problem in structural dynamics. Unlike inertial and
unit, its coefficient of variation, f~I,, is expressed in terms stiffness properties of a structural system, damping does
of f~K, and f~M, following Rayleigh's method and not refer to a unique physical phenomenon that is often
f = m e a n value of the ith natural frequency. The acquired than engineered. Increasingly, damping is being
simplistic approach considered here results in recognized as an important factor in the design of
deterministic eigenvectors. A prediction error may be structures that are sensitive to wind excitation. The
introduced to account for the effect of this formulation. ability to estimate damping values accurately at the
Alternatively, the random stiffness and mass may be design stage would certainly alleviate a major source of
expressed as sum of unperturbed mean, or a base value uncertainty from the design of wind sensitive structures.
and a small random fluctuation These are as many damping mechanisms as there are
modes of converting mechanical energy into thermal
K=K(1 + ~ ) = / ¢ + ~ ~ o:qDijK (76) energy. A structure vibrating in a fluid is subjected to fluid
dynamic forces which tend to dampen the vibration
resulting from the viscous action of the surrounding fluid.
M=h4t(1 +fl)=h4t+ ~ ~ flijDijM (77) The damping contribution is generally small in
i=1 j=l
aerodynamic applications in relation to the mechanical
in which/( and .~t are deterministic stiffness and mass damping; whereas, in hydrodynamic situations, e.g., a
matrices, a, %, fl and flo are normalized random variables tension leg platform may experience large hydrodynamic
and represent random variation in the stiffness and mass, damping forces. It is however, likely that for some
respectively, and D o is a matrix with ijth element equal to structures with certain particular shapes the induced fluid
unity while the others are zero. The uncertainty in the dynamic forces may tend to enhance the oscillations or in
preceding variables introduces variability in the other words result in a negative damping. The effects of
associated eigenvalues and eigenvectors, which may be negative aerodynamic damping are often significant and
expressed as the system nonlinearities tend to limit amplitude of
oscillations which otherwise may cause severe structural
damage. The negative aerodynamic damping is gene.rally
/=1 *=1 /=1 m=l experienced by vortex excited and galloping bluff bodies.
An element in the damping matrix is generally defined
Oi=~i'4- ~ ~ (oKmtal.)'}- ~ ~ (0lMm/fll.) (79) as a force developed at coordinate i due to unit velocity at
1=1 * = 1 I=1 *=1 j. In practice, generally the direct evaluation of damping

Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1987, Vol. 2, No. 4 187

Wind effects on structures: A. Kareem

coefficients for components of a structural system is simulation; and Second-Moment approaches 68 70.174.
impractical. This has led to the customary practice of 189-199 The perturbation and Second-Moment
expressing damping in terms of measured ratios. The techniques enable analytically the implementation of
explicit description of the damping matrix from the uncertain properties of the system parameter space in a
damping ratios may be obtained by several methods finite element framework. In this review the propagation
available in the literature (e.g., Ref. 102). The assumption of uncertainty is illustrated in the context of finite element
of proportional damping often invoked to utilize modal discretization by means of a Second-Moment and a
superposition technique permits decoupling of equations Monte Carlo simulation approach.
of motion with the aid of modal matrix associated with
the undamped system. In the case of combined dynamical
systems, where generally the proportional damping is not Second-Moment analysis
possible, decoupling may be accomplished utilizing a The Second-Moment techniques have provided
state-vector approach ~0L 131. practical and efficient means of analysing probabilistic
The selection of an appropriate damping value is a engineering mechanics problems 2°°-2°5. The attractive-
subject of discussion and controversy. Although it is a ness of these approaches stems from the limited statistical
general consensus that damping values change with information needed to analyse a problem, e.g., only the
amplitude, their functional descriptions are rather first two statistical moments of a random variable are
limited 185. The methods employed to ascertain damping sufficient for the analysis. The expression for response is
of full-scale structures, and the analysis and expanded in terms of the Taylor Series; and only up to the
interpretation of data introduce additional uncertainty. first- or second-order terms are retained. In the event that
Information available from full-scale measurements for only the first-order terms are retained, the approximation
analysing the variability of damping has been assembled is referred to as the First-order Second-moment (FOSM)
by Haviland ls6, Jeary ls7, and Davenport and Hill- approach. The coefficient of variation of structural
Carroll ~s6. Haviland~S6 reported estimates of the means response R = g(X ~, X 2, X3 . . . . . X.) which is a function of
and coefficients of variation of damping values of a wide a number of variables, X~, in the First-order Second-
class of structural systems, e.g., steel and concrete moment format is given by
buildings of several heights for different levels of response
amplitudes. The log-normal and Gamma distributions
were shown to provide the best fit to the data.
1 (~ 1
'I~xily-22 , ,..i
The uncertainty associated with damping introduces
variability in the response of a system. The damping
uncertainty may be expressed in terms of the coefficients (85)
that appear in the modelling of damping, e.g., Rayleigh's
damping. Alternatively, uncertainty may be assigned to
the critical damping ratios. In view of the impracticality of in which pq is the correlation between x~ and xj, f2xj is the
determining damping coefficients and the general COV of variable x~, and Og/Oxi[xi is the derivative of g(')
engineering practice of expressing structural damping in evaluated at the mean value of x~.
terms of critical damping ratios, it is often convenient to Following a random vibration-based modal super-
assign uncertainty in damping to the critical damping position technique, the mean value of the structural
ratios. For example, the uncertain damping ratio response with uncertain mass and stiffness under
associated with the ith mode may be expressed in terms of spatiotemporally varying wind field is given by
the mean and perturbed values
~i = ~(1 + ~i) (84) a-,,,,,= i~ _ fiq~.)
~2 \1/2 (86)
in which ~ = m e a n value of damping ratio, and cq=zero
mean Gaussian fluctuation.
db.= ~ (2rcf)2qH ,(2rcf)[2Sv,(f) df
The uncertainty in structural properties is propagated (87)
to ascertain its influence on the overall system response.

Propagation of uncertainty in which qS.i=normalized mode shape with respect to_

The probabilistic dynamic response of a wind excited mass matrix, and ]H~(2,f)12=transfer function. The
structure is expressed in terms of uncertain parameters integration in the preceding equation for lightly damped
associated with structural properties and aerodynamic system may be carried out by means of residue
loading. The uncertainty in the foregoing parameters has theorem 99'1°° if the excitation is idealized as white noise
been identified in the previous section and it is near the resonant frequency. Alternatively, symbolic
customarily expressed in terms of the coefficient of manipulation code MACSYMA may be used for filtered
variation. The influence of uncertainty in these white noise processes such as wind loads 2°6. For the sake
parameters is propagated in accordance with the of illustration the mean value of the RMS response to the
functional relationships that relate them to the structural idealized case is given by the following expression
response. The propagation of uncertainty may be
accomplished by response. The propagation of O'qlr~ (88)
uncertainty may be accomplished by employing one or a ' \ 4~i ,]
combination of the following approaches: perturbation
techniques; probabilistic finite element methods: The variance of the response estimate expressed in the
Galerkin-based weak form discretization; Monte Carlo preceding equation utilizing the white noise idealization

188 Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1987, Vol. 2, No. 4

Wind effects on structures: A. Kareem
is given by given by
M 1- F f2r- 8(2~)2r-6
* \ n=X,
Var(a~:,)=~ L - 'L-' - 256~ i

((r-- 3)Sv(f) + fS'F(f))2a', ] ] / (~ cF2.,dq'",)

i#j OXi , OXj
(89) (96)

in which the paramters have been defined previously, and

~(x(nr))max 1 {
dXi 2ax,,, (A(Xi)-A'(Xi)) +A'(Xi) a2`:'
the variance of the uncertain eigenproperties is given by
the following expressions 3Xi

(~0~,.i)2 Var(al..) + (o~..i) 2 Vary,m)]

A(X i)= (x(vtd) + ~ ~ (98)
(90) \ X~Vtd)/

A'(Xi)=(Z(Vtd) za~td) ) (99)

o'~,.,= ( ~ , ) 2 Var(a,..) + (~m3 2 Var(fl,m) (91)
l m=l
in which the derivatives of the RMS response components
with respect to the problem variables are given in Ref. 63.
The variance of mass and stoffness may be given in terms
of the variance of the parameter such as, density, volume
of material, and modulus of elasticity. An expression for Monte Carlo simulation
the variance of the response utilizing complete spectral This approach may be viewed as a synthetic, or
approach, rather than the white noise idealization, has computer generated experiment in which a problem is
been omitted here. Details may be found in Ref. 63. analysed numerically through sampling experiment. The
Similarly, the second moment statistics of the RMS simulation procedure is generally described in three steps:
response components of a system with uncertain damping (i) simulation of sufficiently representative samples of
under wind loads are given by random variables, (ii) solution of the problem for a large
number or realizations aimed at obtaining samples of the
output process, e.g., the moment capacity, and (iii)
statistical analysis of results. The first item requires
- (~i =f"Sr-(f")(2=f')"~l/2
(92) generating a sequence of sample values of a stochastic
trx~,.= . dPni 4~i(2~zfn)4 ]
variable with a prescribed distribution. Most of the
computer facilities have software packages to generate
independent uniformly and normally distributed random
rye numbers. The uniformly distributed numbers may be
Var(tr~,,,)= 1/2d~,,, -~' (93)
conveniently transformed to construct sequence of values
of a variable with prescribed distribution. The simulated
numbers are often referred to as pseudo-random numbers
in which ~ = mean value of the critical damping ratio in since they are not strictly random. However, they are
the ith mode and a~,= RMS value of the variability in uniformly distributed, statistically independent, and
damping, and the other parameters have been defined reproducible. The most commonly used pseudo-random
earlier. number generators involve some recursive formulation
The mean and variance of the peak response based on based among others congruential or multiplicative
equation (50) in the Second-Moment format may be methods 2°7.
obtained by the following equation Once all the random variables are generated, then each
experiment consists of choosing a set of input values
performing numerical evaluation of the desired function
and thus obtaining a set of output quantity, e.g., the
(94) structural response. The numerical experiment is
\ Z(vtd)/ " repeated n times, and the statistics of the output quantity
are calculated from the generated sample output. Like
other experiments, the foregoing simulation technique
7C 2
unfortunately shares the problems of sampling errors.
Var((X:))~ax)= ( _ a~,:, ~ (95) These errors are minimized by making the number of
x/6 z(vt ) } trials large which in turn significantly influences
computational effort. The sampling error introduced by
limited sample size may be reduced by means of variance
in which v=Euller's constant; z(vt~)=X/21n(vtd); and reduction techniques, e.g., importance sampling,
v= 1/2~(gx,,,/~x,O,).The coefficient of variation of Xt,~ is antithetic variates and stratified sampling 2°7-2°9.

Probabilistic Enfineerin9 Mechanics, 1987, l,bl. 2, No. 4 189

Wind effects on structures: A. Kareem

Example of the stiffness and mass matrices and including an

A 598 ft tall reinforced concrete chimney was employed to additional uncertainty of 0.1 to include the influence of
possible soil-structure interaction, the COV of the natural
demonstrate the preceding procedures for the dynamic
analysis of uncertain systems. The details of structural frequency was computed to be 0.17. Based on the analysis
of structural damping data related to the reinforced
dimensions and other related information are given in
Ref. 63. The chimney was divided into 13 segments along concrete chimneys the COV was found to be 0.35. Due to
a lack of data the same coefficient of variation was
the height, with a translational and a rotational degree-
assumed for the damping in the higher modes.
of-freedom at each node. The system stiffness matrix in
Initially, a total of twenty-five basic variables
global coordinates was assembled from the element
associated with parameters reflecting the wind
stiffness matrices of the system. The mass matrix was
environment and meteorological data, wind-structure
formulated utilizing a consistent mass description. Only
interactions and structural properties were considered. A
the first three modes were included in the dynamic
sensitivity analysis of the contribution of the uncertainty
analysis. The mean value of the natural frequencies in the
of various variables to the overall uncertainty suggested
first three modes were computed to be 0.48, 1.86 and
that the number of variables could be reduced to those
4.71 hz. The mean value of the structural damping was
which significantly influence the overall uncertainty in the
assumed to vary from 1 ~o of the critical to 4 ~o with an
response. The details of the mean values of the parameters
increment of 1 ~o. The damping values in the higher
and their COVs and probability distributions are
modes were estimated by the following equation
available in Refs 63 and 169.
The probabilistic response analysis of the peak
alongwind and acrosswind chimney displacements at the
,100, top and associated base bending moments were simulated
utilizing a Monte Carlo simulation technique 63. The
computer generated response estimates were statistically
analysed to obtain the means and COVs. The complexity
in which ~1, ~ and f l , fi are the damping ratios and the associated with the aerodynamic loading involving a
natural frequencies in the fundamental and ith mode, double integration for each sample value and the
respectively2 ~o. subsequent estimation of the response including the first
The uncertainty in the design wind speed that three modes in each orthogonal direction involved
corresponds to the lifetime extreme wind speed was significant computational effort. On an AS9000
evaluated from data pertaining to an arbitrarily selected computer, six hours of CPU time were required to
industrial site. The extreme value Type I, Type II, and generate 14000 samples of data. The results were not
Rayleigh distributions were used to model the annual influenced by the sample size, one the number of
maximum wind speed distribution. The data provided the simulated values reached 10000. The sampling error
best fit to the Type I extreme value distribution based introduced by limited sample size may be improved
upon a maximum probability plot correlation coefficient without increasing the sample size by utilizing variance
(MPPCC) criterion 21i. reduction techniques, e.g., importance sampling,
The estimates of the mean value and the COV for antithetic variates, conditional expectations and stratified
various flow related parameters were made from the sampling207-209 The variance reduction techniques help
experimental and field study data 63'2~2. Analysis of the to reduce the variance of a simulated process and
data base suggested values of 0.7 and 0.15 for the mean therefore, lead to a reduction in the number of samples
values, and 0.14 and 0.27 for the COVs of the drag and required for a simulation 2°7-2°9. However, these
rms lift coefficients, respectively. The mean value and the techniques are very dependent on the type of model under
COV of the Strouhal number were estimated to be 0.2 and study and do not provide an a priori estimate of the
0.11, respectively. The computed values of the mean and variance reduction.
COV of the acrosswind spectral bandwidth were 0.25 and The mean and COV of the base moment, derived from
0.3, respectively. The aerodynamic damping, derived on the FOSM and Monte Carlo simulation techniques, are
the basis of equivalent amplitude dependent damping, is a presented in Table 2. The numbers in parenthesis are
function of a number of variables. Thus, the uncertainty generated by the Monte Carlo simulation scheme. The
in aerodynamic damping value was obtained based on the results exhibit a good agreement. These estimates of
First-Order Second-Moment approach, the computed uncertainty in the response may provide a useful input to
value of the COV was 0.3 (Ref. 63). establish a limit state design procedure, or reliability
The uncertainty in the stiffness matrix was estimated on analysis of structures to ensure their safety and
the basis of uncertainty in the flexural rigidity, EI, of the serviceability.
tubular concrete section. The uncertainty of El expressed The results of a sensitivity analysis suggest that the
in terms of the COV of steel ratio, radius of chimney, uncertainty of the alongwind fluctuating moment at the
thickness of shell, modulus of elasticity of concrete and node 8 is very sensitive to the uncertainties in the natural
steel, respectively, and area of steel, was computed to be frequency, damping value and the wind velocity. The
equal to 0.18. Therefore, the variability of stiffness of an uncertainty of the acrosswind fluctuating moment at the
element which is proportional to E1 was set equal to 0.18. node 8 is sensitive to the lift force coefficient, Strouhal
Additional uncertainty of 0.2, arising from idealization, number, wind velocity, natural frequency and structural
neglecting shear deformation and formulation of the damping. These results suggest that significantly" more
stiffness matrix was included that resulted in a COV of information is needed to reduce part of the uncertainty
0.27 for the overall stiffness matrix. The uncertainty in the associated with both aerodynamic loads and structural
mass matrix was estimated to be 0.09. Utilizing the COVs characteristics.

190 Probabilistic Enffineerinff Mechanics, 1987, Vol. 2, No. 4

Wind effects on structures: A. Kareem

Table 2. Basebendingmoment
Alongwind moment Acrosswind moment
Mean values of damping
in the first mode Mean value Mean value
(percent) (lb-ft) COV (lb-ft) COV
1 0.1011906 X 10 9 0.774 0.2051884x 109 1.073
(0.9946820x 10s) (0.749) (0.18122762x 109) (0.823)
2 0.7255618x 10s 0.695 0.1182936 x 109 0.8038
(0.6619817x 10s) (0.744) (0.1103972 x 10 9) (0.823)
3 0.5977762x l0s 0.716 0.9188896x l0 s 0.761
(0.5588672x 10s) (0.744) (0.864999 x 10a) (0.823)
4 0.5215667x 10s 0.728 0.7761918x 10a 0.773
(0.4973306x 10s) (0.745) (0.73471448x l0s) (0.823)

S T R U C T U R A L RELIABILITY U N D E R W I N D S M = R/S,, the Pf = P[M < 0]. If the distributions of the

random variables R and S, are known and are
Traditionally, wind excited structures have been designed independent, then the probability of failure can be
based on the equivalent static aerodynamic forces.
expressed by:
Uncertainties associated with various parameters due to
insufficient data or lack of knowledge are including in the
design procedure by implementing safety factors to Pr = fo°~ FR(x)f~,(x) dx (102)
acknowledge these shortcomings in the information.
Assurance of structural safety and serviceability requires
assessment of various uncertainties in the design in which FR(r) is the cumulative distribution of strength
procedures and associated probability of failure. As and fs is the probability density function (PDF) of S,.
• (n) . . . . . . .

stated previously, first, there are uncertainties inherent to This formulaUon is that of a classmal reliablhty analysis.
the wind environment and can be adequately defined only The above convolution integral can only be integrated in
by means of statistics. Second, there are assumptions, a closed form for a few special cases. The most well known
approximations, and idealizations involved in the is when both R and S, have Gaussian distributions 2°°-
formulation of mathematical models of the physical 205,213-216. As mentioned earlier, the resistance and load
environment, wind structure interactions, and the effects are generally functions of a number of other
structural response to wind. There is, inevitably, some variables. In this case, the safety margin or limit state,
degree of uncertainty regarding parameters related to M = 0, is a hyper surface in n-dimensional space, and it
wind load effects as well as in the structural resistance and separates the failure and safety regions. The probability of
the quality of construction. These uncertainties are a failure is equal to the volume integral over the failure
measure of risk of failure or degree of unreliability. This region.
section reviews procedures for the systematic analysis of
uncertainties in the parameter-space and associated
probabilities of failure of wind excited structures with P f = fMtx)<ofx(X) dx (103)
in which fx(X) is the joint probability density function for
Theoretical background
the n-dimensional vector x. The evaluation of the above
Component reliability
integral involving a multiple numerical quadrature is
The structural reliability analysis is accomplished by
formidable, and the description of the joint probability
examining the limit state equation that describes the
density of the system variables is generally not available.
condition that renders a structure unfit for one of the
This has led to alternative algebraic techniques involving
intended roles due to one or a combination of load effect.
linearization of the limit state or safety margin equation,
The limit state equation is generally expressed in terms of
the structural resistance and load effects. These two basic or a Monte Carlo analysis. The simulation approach,
using a Monte Carlo technique, requires information on
variables are further functions of a number of other
the probability distribution functions of the variables
variables. An increase in the number of variables in the
limit state equation and their departure from normal involved• Furthermore, the simulation for a problem with
distribution, along with any nonlinear effects introduce a large number of variables generally becomes
computationally prohibitive unless variance reduction
complexity to the problem.
techniques are introduced e.g., antithetic variates and
The failure of a single component of a structure with a
conditional expectations 2°7. The reliability analysis
random resistance, R, subjected to a lifetime load, S,,
procedures involving linearization, and simulation
occurs when R ~<S,. The probability of failure is given by
including variance reduction techniques are briefly
the following equation if R and S, are statistically
independent. discussed in this review•
PI = P[R <~S.] (101) In the first- and second-order reliability analysis the
limit state surface is expanded in terms of the T~ylor
This problem can be alternatively viewed in terms of Series. By retaining only the first-order terms the failure
safety margin (R-Sn) or the safety factor (R/S.). For surface is replaced with a hyperplane at the point on the
example, a safety margin or a failure mode can be surface closest to the origin, i.e., the point with the highest
expressed in terms of R and S. as follows: if M = R - S. or probability density. This point is generally referred to as

Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1987, Vol. 2, No. 4 191

Wind effects on structures: A. Kareem
the checking point or design point. This level of analysis is the origin to the approximating tangent hyperplane in the
referred to as a first-order reliability analysis 2x 3-218. The reduced space.
accuracy may be improved through approximating the The probability of a failure asymptotically is
limit state surface by a quadratic or a polynomial surface represented not only by the distance from the origin to the
such that the limit state and the approximated surfaces design point but also depends as well on the principal
have the same derivatives: 16-218 curvature of the failure surface at the design points 217.
Generally the information available regarding The first-order reliability methods can be improved by the
resistance and load effects is only sufficient to estimate the second-order reliability methods, in which the failure
first- and second-moments, i.e., the mean and variance of surface at the design points is approximated by a
the random variables. Therefore, the analysis procedures quadratic surface instead of a hyperplane. This
are limited to the second-moment formulation i.e., the approximation requires that the quadratic and the failure
total uncertainty in each random variable is characterized surfaces at the design point have the same tangent
by its mean and variance. This formulation leads to hyperplane and second-order derivatives. In Ref. 216, an
generally known First-Order Second-Moment (FOSM) extension of the first-order reliability analysis to a second-
or Second-Order Reliability analysis (SOR). order analysis is presented. It is demonstrated to be
The FOSM approach in its simplest form involves conceptually as simple as the first-order method but
linearization of the limit state surface at the mean values requires more computational effort. On one hand, the
of the variables. Subsequently, the probability of failure second-order formulation can replace the first-order
can be expressed in terms of the uncertainties associated analysis in special cases, but on the other hand, in view of
with the resistance and load effects. The safety index or the other uncertainties in the analysis, the first-order
reliability index is expressed in terms of the means, mR and reliability method is sufficient for practical analysis.
ms, and variances a, and as. of the resistance and load
effects. If R and S, are normal, it can be shown that the Simulation techniques
probability of failure, P f, is given by: Simulation techniques can be used as a viable alternative
to the first- and second-order methods in estimating the
Pf=l-(6.--~-) (104) reliability of structures. However, the influence of the
statistical uncertainties resulting from the use of only
limited quantities of data to determine statistical models
in which (I)(.) is cumulative probability of the standard
and their parameters for simulating basic variables are
normal variate. This approximation includes error when
inherent in the Monte Carlo simulation. For structures
the limit state equations become nonlinear. In such a case,
with very low probabilities of failure, a direct or a
the reliability index corresponding to the ratio M/aM
straightforward Monte Carlo simulation procedure may
evaluated at the mean values of the variables may not be
become computationally prohibitive for a large scale
equal to the shortest distance to the failure surface from
problem. The direct Monte Carlo simulation technique
the origin of the reduced variates. Furthermore, the
can be made computationally more efficient by
tinearization at the mean values fails to be invariant from
incorporating variance reduction techniques (VRT) e.g.,
equivalent limit states derived from different algebraic
conditional expectations, antithetic variates, stratified
sampling, importance sampling and combination of
Alternatively, using an advance FOSM approach the VRT 63'207-209'224"225'229. The variance reduction
limit state equation is linearized at the checking or design
techniques help to reduce the variance of a simulated
point on the failure surface. This procedure involves
process and therefore, lead to a reduction in the number of
transformation of the variables in the limit state equation
samples required for a simulation. These techniques are
to reduced normal variables which yields a reduced space
very dependent on the type of model under study and do
limit state equation. The probability of failure is then
not provide an a priori estimate of the variance reduction.
derived from the reliability index, which is defined as the
The simulation time can be reduced by limiting the
shortest distance from the origin to the reduced failure
simulated values to situations for which the safety margin
surface. This involves an iterative solution of a set of
does not take on obviously 'safe' values. This leads to a
equations 2°l-2°5":a4-21s. For independent nonnormal
dramatic reduction in the number of samples required
variables in the limit state equation one possible choice of
and the associated VRT is known as 'importance
transformation is sampling'. -.
X*=~-I(Fi(XI) ), i = 1 , 2 . . . . . n (105) A study involving conditional expectations, antithetic
variates and a combination of these to improve the
and (I)() is the cumulative probability distribution computational efficiency of the direct Monte Carlo
function of the standard normal variate and Fi( ) is the simulation is reported here 2°9. The conditional
distribution function for Xi. For correlated nonnormai
expectations technique reduces the variance of a
variates, the Rosenblatt transformation is required 2~9. simulated quantity by conditioning on one or more of the
X*=O-l(Fi(Xi[X, . . . . . Xi-a[ ), i=1 . . . . . r limit state variables with the least variance. The resulting
conditional expectation is evaluated by a known
theoretical expression. In this manner only the variables
in which F;( I . . . . ) is the conditional distribution with the least variance are simulated and the major source
function. of random fluctuation is removed by not d.irectly
The probability of failure is approximated by generating the associated variables. The antithetic
variates approach induces a negative correlation between
Pf = ~ ( - f l ) (107) different simulation runs that leads to a reduction in the
in which fl, reliability index, represents the distance from variance of the estimated quantity. Making use of

192 Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1987, Vol. 2, No. 4

Wind effects on structures: A. Kareem

complementary random numbers for two cycles in a pair The following are a few examples to illustrate the
induces the desired negative correlation. This followed by foregoing methodologies.
a sample-mean of the simulated pair provides an explicit Examples
mathematical rationale for variance reduction. Reliability of tall reinforced concrete chimneys
The exceedance of the ultimate moment capacity of the
tall reinforced concrete chimney considered in the
Alternative approximate methods previous example is used to evaluate the probability of
Alternative methods of reliability analysis exists that failure. The maximum capacity of the chimney cross-
approximate the probability density function of the safety section at various heights is computed using the ultimate
margin 226. The reliability index can be estimated from the stress method and a second-order stress-strain
PDF. The simplest approach involves application of the relationship for concrete169.230. The COV of the ultimate
Edgeworth's Series or Gram-Charlier Series moment capacity depends on the uncertainties associated
expansions 63. However, one has to be cautious in the with the individual parameters, i.e., chimney dead load,
region where the cumulative density function obtained by radius and thickness of chimney shell, concrete, steel, and
these expansions gives negative values. A combination of the yield strength of concrete 63.
the numerical integration and curve fitting, using Pearson The wind speed records for the site were analysed to
family of frequency curves can be used for an approximate estimate the parameters of the annual extreme wind
evaluation of the reliability. Higher order moments in distributions. The selection of the extreme value
conjunction with multivariate Hermite Series have been distribution may be made based on Gumbel's classical
shown to accurately reflect a wide range of nonnormal method, or statistical inference utilizing extreme order
behaviour that typifies distribution tails that govern statistics 13,231,232. For this study the extreme value Type
reliability22T-228. Directional simulation, together with I, Type II and Rayleigh distributions were fitted to the
the representation of vector-valued stochastic processes data using the method of moments and maximum
by random trigonometric polynomials has been shown to likelihood. The choice of the distribution had a significant
have a wide range of applicability in the determination of effect on the lifetime probability of failure. According to
failure probability of structures 229. The method works the (MPPCC) criterion at the chimney site, the Type I
best for those situations in which approximate methods, distribution was the most representative model of the
e.g., FORM, SORM and outcrossings, are the least wind records 63"21i.
reliable and as such serves as a valuable check of their The uncertainty associated with the variability in the
validity229. design wind speed estimation can be incorporated into
the overall system uncertainty for reliability analysis
using different approaches. One such approach is to use a
FOSM format in which the load effects are computed on
the basis of the mean lifetime extreme wind speed.
Syste m reliability Alternatively, a conditional probability of failure for
The treatment of a structural system requires analysis of various wind velocities is computed and the lifetime
various possible failure modes in which a system probability of failure is obtained through the convolution
experiences loss of performance level either through its of the conditional PDF with the PDF of the lifetime
primary load carrying role or deterioration resulting from extreme wind speed. In Fig. 13, a flow chart for
excessive sway. The behaviour of a structural system can computing the lifetime probability of failure is given. A
be expressed in terms of two classical configurations, i.e., further improvement is obtained by considering a
a series and a parallel system. A series system fails to predictive model166,169,209. In this method, the
perform when any of its modes fails and survives only if all parameters of the lifetime extreme winds are treated as
modes survive. A statically determinate structure random variables. The predictive distribution model
performs like a series system. A parallel system fails only if provides a useful alternative to the conventional
all modes fail. The alternative load paths provide reserve confidence interval method for incorporating sampling
resistance to the system against failure after the initial and estimation errors. All three approaches were
failure of any component. The behaviour of a statically investigated.
indeterminate structure is similar to a parallel system. A total of twenty-five basic random variables were
The exact evaluation of the re.liability of a series system studied using the mean value FOSM approach. From
in terms of the failure probabilties in any mode, which are sensitivity analysis the number of variables were reduced
generally correlated, is not straightforward. to thirteen for subsequent advanced FOSM and
Approximations are always necessary. Several bounds on simulation techniques 233. In Table 3, a summary of the
the system probability of failure in terms of the individual results is given for the exceedance of the ultimate moment
failure modes and joint probabilities of failure in various capacity at the base of the chimney. The results are based
modes have been suggested in the literature 2°4"2°5'22°- on the mean vale FOSM, advanced FOSM, direct Monte
224. Closer bounds are obtained if the joint probabilities Carlo simulation and using conditional expectations as a
of failure in various modes are introduced. The analysis of variance reduction technique. For the low damping
parallel systems is more complicated and not as well values except for the MVFOSM (mean value FOSM)
developed as series systems. The reader is referred to the method the remaining approaches have a good
literature for further details223"224. If the failure of a agreement. For very low probabilities of failure
system is defined by first failure of a component or loss of associated with the higher damping values the AFOSM
serviceability at any location, the system is analysed as a and the VRTs have a good agreement. The difference
series system. The examples considered in this review are between various approaches used to incorporate
restricted to series systems. uncertainties due to wind speeds are insignificant.

Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1987, Vol. 2, No. 4 193

Wind effects on structures: A. Kareem

Wind loading on tension leg platforms natural frequency in surge = 0.01 hz; mass = 0.7 x 108 kg,
The environmental loading has a significant role in the structural damping= 0.05. The annual maximum wind
design of offshore structures for serviceability and data from the North Sea was fitted to the Type I extreme
survivability. In this study, uncertainties associated with wind distribution. The mean value of the maximum
meteorological data, spectral description of random wind design load and its COV are 4.261mN and 0.3,
and wave fields, wind-structure and wave-structure respectively. In Fig. 14, the probability density function of
interactions and dynamic characteristics of platforms 20 year maximum design load and the probability of
were systematically analysed using a second-moment exceeding typical load levels are identified. This
formulation. A Gust Loading Factor approach was used information would help to design a platform to resist
in this analysis to establish the uncertainty in the lifetime wind loads for a target value of probability of exceedance.
maximum loading in terms of the uncertainties associated The coefficient of variation in the design wind loads can
with the parameters involved. A Monte Carlo simulation be used to establish adequate load factors for a given
procedure was utilized for the propagation of uncertainty, reliability index using the LRFD approach TM. This
further details of the uncertainty analysis are available in exercise can be extended further to include uncertainty in
Ref. 234. structural resistance. However, in view of the complexity
A hypothetical TLP, located in the North Sea with the of the structural system, only the reliability of the wind
following features was considered for the example: loads has been addressed.

Serviceability of tall buildings

g. Load The first two examples have addressed the survivability
Effects f ' ~ A Resistance limit states. The serviceability limit state, that renders
structural performance unsatisfactory from human
V comfort considerations, has not received as much
attention as the survivability in the development of
probability-based limit states design procedures. Based
--" s , r on random vibration principles and reliability analysis,
convenient design procedures for ensuring serviceability
of structures can be established.
The limit state for serviceability of tall buildings can be
expressed in terms of structural motion and acceptable
thresholds of motion. Most of the studies related to
human perception of motion suggest aaceptable levels of
acceleration. Therefore, the limit state equation can be
expressed as:

a- ~2 ~ ]=0 (108)

in which ni=natural frequency in ith mode, SF(ni)=

t- fluctuating aerodynamic load at the nith frequency, (i=
damping in the ith mode, Mi = ith mode-generalized mass
and a = rms threshold acceleration. The above limit state
utilizes an approximate expression for the rms response
acceleration based on the assumption that the spectra of
the aerodynamic loading can be idealized by a white noise
near the structural frequency. The aforementioned limit
> state analysis is extended further to incorporate

t-.- uncertainty associated with variables in the limit state

> equation to establish performance level in terms of
= Lifetime
a b i l i t y of
probability of exceedance.
> A building 100ft square in plan and 600ft tall with
n fundamental period of 5 seconds was analysed for
serviceability limit state. The alongwind loading was
derived utilizing quasi-steady and strip theories in
Fig. 13. Schematic outline of reliability analysis (after conjunction with a covariance integration formulation.
Ref. 169)

Table 3. Probability of failure of a tall reinforced concrete chimney

Damping MVFOSM AFOSM Monte Carlo VRT

1% 0 . 8 4 2 x 10 - 2 0.457 x 10-' 0.508 x 10 - l 0.422 x'10 -1

2% 0.585 x 10 - 4 0.424 × 10 -2 0.727 x 10 -2 0.475 x 1 0 - z
3% 0 . 5 5 3 x 10 -S 0.155 × 10 -2 0.315 x 10 -2 0 . 1 9 7 x 10 -2
4% 0.1408 x 10- ~ 0.901 x I0- a 0.256 x 10 -2 0.136 x 10-2

194 Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1987, Vol. 2, No. 4

Wind effects on structures." A. Kareem

mean of 20 year maximum

/ wind force (4.261 mN)

0.4 V The value of 20 year

maximum wind force
that corresponds to
the mean plus one
standard deviation
~0.3 I and 14% POE
(5.535 mN)

o 0.2
The value of the 20 year
maximum wind force that
i / corresponds to 7% POE
(6.293 mN)

I 7%

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Fig. 14. Probability density function of 20-year maximum wind load on a T L P (after Ref. 234)

Table 4. Probability of serviceability failure of a tall buildino C O N C L U D I N G REMARKS

Monte Carlo method This review has focused on the effects of wind on structures
Advance FOSM Direct method VRT
from a probabilistic point of view. This discussion
No. of modes No. of modes No. of modes encompasses diverse scientific fields such as micro-
1 3 1 3 1 3 meteorology, fluid dynamics, statistical theory of
0.215 0.230 0 0 0.195 0.210 turbulence, structural dynamics and probabilistic
methods. The problem of wind-structure interaction is
complicated not only by the lack of streamlined structural
geometry and complex flow around them, but by the
The mean wind speed at the reference height, complexity and uncertainty of flow in the atmospheric
aerodynamic input and structural parameters were boundary layer. A review of recent developments suggests
assumed as random variables and the probability of that the definition and means of quantifying wind load
failure, i.e., exceedance of the motion level were computed effects has come significantly closer to reality through
using an advanced FOSM, direct Monte Carlo and VRT realization of dynamic nature of wind effects and
techniques. The influence of the higher modes was also implementation of probabilistic techniques. However,
investigated. In Table 4 the results are summarized for intractability of wind-structure interaction problems
threshold rms acceleration of 10mg. Due to a small amidst complex urban topography has precluded
number of simulation points the direct Monte Carlo analytical treatment from first principles which has
simulation did not provide any meaningful results, caused physcial modelling to serve as not only the
however, inclusion of the VRT helped to provide results catalyst, but the driving force in quentifying these
that shows good agreement with the advance FOSM complex flow fields. This remains a major shortcoming of
procedure. This illustrates the computational efficiency of wind engineering at the present juncture and may lend
the VRTs. impetus for future advances through computational
The design procedure is being expanded to include techniques. Numerical simulation of three-dimensional
coupled lateral-torsional response of buildings and better turbulent flow field about a group of blunt bluff bodies of
definition of the acceleration thresholds and the design different geometries and orientations at present
wind speeds for the serviceability analysis 237. represents formidable task in computational fluid
The interested reader may find other applications of dynamics, nevertheless, with the availability of
reliability analysis related to the area of wind engineering supercomputers the solution appears to be a step closer.
in the following Refs 238-245. In the meantime physical modelling of wind-structure

Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1987, Vol. 2, No. 4 195

Wind effects on structures: A. Kareem

interaction will be the m a j o r source of i n f o r m a t i o n 6 Hinze, J. O. Turbulence, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1959
r e g a r d i n g wind effects. T h e p o t e n t i a l of wind tunnel 7 Lumley, J. L. and Panofsky, H. A. The Structure of Atmospheric
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testing is fully realized when test results are i n t e g r a t e d 8 Tennekes, H. and Lumley, J. L. The First Course in Turbulence,
with m e t e o r o l o g i c a l statistics of local climate. In this The MIT Press, Massachusetts, 1977
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The significance of risk analysis a n d need to go b e y o n d ASCE, New York, 1980
t r a d i t i o n a l deterministic design a p p r o a c h e s is b e c o m i n g 11 Batchelor, G. K. The Theory of Homogeneous Turbulence.
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process. S o m e of these d e v e l o p m e n t s have been a d d r e s s e d 16 Kolousek, V. et al. Wind Effectson Civil Engineering Structures,
in this review. It is h o p e d that this review article facilitates Elsevier, 1984
17 Simiu, E. and Scanlon, R. H. Wind Effects on Structures: An
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research findings into d a y - t o - d a y design practice a n d 18 Eagleman, J. R. Severe and Unusual Weather, Van Nostrand,
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20 Schecter. B. Hurricane!, Discover, October 1980, 1(1)
21 Kareem, A. Structural Performance and Wind Speed-Damage
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Correlation in Hurricane Alicia, Journal of Struct. Engrg..
ASCE, December 1985, 111(12)
T h e s u p p o r t for this research was p r o v i d e d by the N S F - 22 Kareem, A. Performance of Cladding in Hurricane Alicia,
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m a t c h i n g funds p r o v i d e d by the Shell O i l C o m p a n y , 1985
C o n o c o Inc., C h e v r o n , U S A , Brown a n d R o o t 24 Pierson, W. J. The Measurement of the Synoptic Scale Wind
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1985, 111(1) Loads, J. Ind. Aerodynamics, 1977, 2
44 Eidsvik, K. J. Large-Sample Estimates of Wind Fluctuations 73 Kareem, A. and Cheng, C.-M. Acrosswind Response of Towers
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of the Planetary Boundary Layer, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, August 1984
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46 Shiotani, M. and Iwatani, Y. Gust Structure Over Flat Terrain Structural Division, ASCE, 1982, 108(ST4)
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Loads on Offshore Platforms, OTC 4955, Proceedings Offshore Engineerin# and Industrial Aerodynamics, 1983, 13(1-3)
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Meteorolooy 17, 1979 Conference - Dynamics of Structures, UCLA, 1986
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Building Model in Boundary-Layer Flows, Journal of Wind Induced Response of Tall Buildings, Proceedings of the Fifth US
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52 Simiu, E. Revised Procedure for Estimating Alongwind Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, May 1983, 12
Response, Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE, 1980, 80 Kareem, A. Discussion of Wind-Induced Lock-in Excitation of
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53 Solari, G. Along-Wind Response Estimation: Closed Form of the Structural Division, ASCE, January 1981, 107(ST1);
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56 Kareem, A. Synthesis of Fluctuating Along Wind Loads on 1977
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1986, 112(2) Fluid Mechanics, 1976, 8
57 Liepmann, H. W. On the Application of Statistical Concepts to 83 Kareem, A. and Cermak, J. E. Wind-Tunnel Simulation of
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Applicability of Strip and Quasi-Steady Theories, Journal of Tunnel Modeling for Civil Engineering Applications, (ed. T. A.
Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 1983, 13 Reinhold), Cambridge University Press, 1982
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Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 1983, 14 86 Dowell, E. H. Nonlinear Oscillator Moedles in Bluff Body
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Dimensional Bluff Bodies, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 1973, 61, 89 Kareem, A. and Poore, A. B. On the Stability of Dynamic
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Under Winds, University of Houston Department of Civil Conference, Fort Collins, CO, June 1975
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95 Kareem, A. Reduction of Wind-Excited Motion of High-Rise 123 Muscolino, G. Stochastic Analysis of Linear Structures
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96 Khan, F. and Parmalee, R. Service Criteria for Tall Buildings for 124 Tsiatas, G. and Gasparini, D. A. Torsional Response of Long
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for Two-Dimensional Process, Journal of Engineering Vibration, December 1987
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Variate Velocity Realizations of Turbulence, International University of Houston, Technical Report UHCE-86-18, 1986
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08 Spanos, P.-T. D. and Schultz, K. P. Two-Stage Order-of- Applications, Cambridge University Press, 1982
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Structural Safety and Reliability, ICOSSAR, 1985, 1, 211-218 137 Kareem, A. The Effect of Aerodynamic Interference on the
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Decomposition Approach, in Statistical Signal Processing, (eds Engineering and Indust. Aerod., 1987, 25
E. J. Wegman and J. G. Smith), Springer Verlag 138 Rosenblatt, M. Stationary Sequences and Random Fields,
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A5 Jenkins, G. M. and Watts, D. G. Spectral Analysis and Its 146 Kareem, A. Lateral-Torsional Motion of Tall Buildings to Wind
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:16 Box, G. E. P. and Jenkins, G. M. Time Series Analysis: 147 Tallin, A. and Ellingwood, B. Wind Induced Lateral-Torsional
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Tension Leg Platform: A Frequency Domain Approach, to be MIT, Research Report No. 56, Pub. No. R76-12, Department of
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of Fluid Mechanics, April 1986, 165 Motion in Wind, Proceedings of a Session, ASCE Convention,
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US National Conference on Wind Engineering, Lubbock, TX, University of Houston, Research Report No. UHCE 86-17,
November 1985 1986, also Journal of Structural Division, ASCE, to appear 1988
210 Kareem, A. Wind Excited Response of Buildings in Higher 231 Gumbel, E. J. Statistics of Extremes, Columbia University Press,
Modes, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 1981, NY, 1958
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211 Filliben, J. J. The Probability Plot Correlation Coefficient Test Ann. Statist., 1975.3
for Normality, Technometrics, 1975, 17(2) 233 Kareem, A. and Hsieh, J. Comparative Study on Methods of
212 Hansen, S. O. Crosswind Vibration of a 130-M Tapered Reliability Analysis of Concrete Chimneys Under Winds.
Concrete Chimney, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on
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214 Thoft-Christensen, P. and Baker, M. J. Structural Reliability Mechanics and Structural Reliability, ASCE, NY, 1984
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216 Madsen, Henrik O. First-Order vs. Second-Order Reliability Division, ASCE, September 1978, 104(ST9)
Analysis of Series Structures, Jowl of Structural Safety, 1985, 2 237 Sun, Wei-Joe and Kareem, A. Coupled Lateral-Torsional
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Domain and Surface Integrals, System Modeling and Excitation, Department of Civil Engineering, University of
Optimization, Proceedings of the llth IFIP Conference, Houston, Report No. UHCE 86-2, 1981, also Proceedings US
Copenhagen, Denmark, 1983 National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Charleston,
218 Hohenbichler, M. and Rackwitz, R. Non-normal Dependent South Carolina, 1986
Vectors in Structural Safety, Journal of Eng. Mech. Div., ASCE, 238 Davenport, A. G. The Relationship of Reliability to Wind
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219 Rosenblatt, M. Remarks on a Multivariate Transformation, Aerodynamics, 1983, 13(1-3)
Ann. Math. Star., 1952, 23 239 Wen, Y.-K. Wind Direction and Structural Reliability: II.
220 Cornell, C. A. Bounds on the Reliability of Structural Systems, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 1984, I10
Journal of Struct. Div., ASCE, 1967, 93(ST1) 240 Vickery, B. J. On the Reliability of Gust Loading Factors, Proc.
221 Vanmarcke, E. H. Matrix Formulation of Reliability Analysis Tech. Meeting Wind Loads, NBS, Washington DC, 1970
and Reliability-Based Design, Computers and Structures, 1973, 3 241 Simiu, E. and Shaver, J. R. Wind Loading and Reliability-Based
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