Gas Constant PDF

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‘The numerical value ofthe gas constant, R, defined by the equation PV = aRT. depends upon the units of P. V.n.and TA large umber of values ofthe constant may be calstated. The accompanying table gives 8 values of Rina convenient form using the most ‘ommon units of pressure and volume. I also incorporates both the pound and gram mole and both Rankine and Kelvin temperature {Seals Various combinations of metic and English units may. therefore, be used without the necessity of converting each variable to ‘Zeommon system of units Conversion factors and constants ised for computing the values of R are listed at the bottom ofthe table. ‘The following example illustrates the use of the table: Calculate: The volume in occupied by 218. moles ofa gas at 15°C ata pressure of 32.2. of water. assuming the ideal gas hw. Solution: 15°C-42732 = 288.2°K Enter the top ofthe table under the column headed “ft HO" and proceed downward to the value of 44.6 for R. (Note ‘that this ies up horizontally withthe desired units of 2, *K, and Ib. moles shown on the left side of the table) 24462 eT? = aoe Py Valves of Gas Constant, R = 2 ves of Gas Ci 2 vom [Tome [oe [Am me wane [ote ate THO a 2 ome ‘anor oom mm | cons | comme | ia oo: cuss as * m | one on 5 sss aa » me a aan | ao 90 ao | 70 . we | ram | som | ames? | aera | rire] rsnenet | raent0 wy fm | ae oo sus | ao 0 use | ue | mmo | oo | rarest | asras | cis | sarsiot | mio xe) oe pe oe 2s me a . » | om Py asm | oo m9 00 roy Conversion Factors and Constants 1b. = 453.59 m 359.0179 mole 1 atm = "14696 pia 22-414 em" fam moe 1 tm = 760 mm Hg inch = 254m aim = 76cm He Std temp. = 273.15°K of 491.67°R {atm = 29921 inHg 2831603 liters = 1h 1 dtm = 40679 in #0 ie = 8.31681 26) 10" eg °K“ mol” atm = 3390 H,0 2 19872ca1 °K" mol dam = 1.01325 Pa Bas Tha k Hanlbook & Cloenishy acl Pipi Fan wees. 148d, ivet” GAS ComsmaT, R

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