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Lesson Plan

Day: M T W T F Date: 7/2/19 Time: 1:50-2:50 Year:2

Lesson number 1 of 1 (if the lesson is one in a sequence of lessons)

Learning Area: Art
Topic: Getting to know me activity

Australian Curriculum Content Description: (see ACARA or SCASA)

Exposure to different materials and techniques to make artworks (VCAVAV002)

Experience creation of visual artworks (VCAVAE001)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australia’s engagement

Cross-curriculum priorities: histories and cultures with Asia

Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural

General capabilities: Literacy Numeracy ICT
creative thinking behaviour social capability understanding

Students’ prior knowledge and experience:

(Briefly outline what the students already know about this topic from previous lessons/experiences. Note any particular skills

This activity is a getting to know you task to build positive relationships within the classroom in a safe and supportive learning

Teaching purpose: (What is the broad purpose of the lesson? What are you teaching – and why?)
The purpose of this lesson is to get to know the students so I can connect with them and what things they like so they can be
incorporated into class themes, routines and lessons.

Learning objectives: (What will students know and be able Assessment: (For each learning objective, state how you will
to do at the completion of the lesson – specific, concise and assess the degree to which the objective has been achieved.
attainable objectives. Use relevant taxonomies.) What will be the evidence of the learning? Consider formative
and, if appropriate, summative assessment strategies)
On completion of this lesson, students will be able
 Create a silhouette using magazine cut outs of things the  Finished silhouette of the child describing them as a
students enjoy/describe them person, no blank spaces in the head glued onto an A3
coloured piece of paper.

Preparation and Resources:

(Detail what resources will be used and what other preparation of the learning environment will be required)

-Silhouette head (girl and boy)

-Magazines (1 per child)

-A3 Coloured paper


-Name cards to glue to top

Catering for diversity (detail any adjustments or considerations for educational/resource adjustments)
This task is catered to individual students and creating a silhouette about them, Students will be offered assistance if they need
help with cutting/gluing but always need to try themselves first.

Timing Learning experiences

Introduction: (How will you engage the learners and set the scene for the lesson?)

Students will sit in a circle on the mat and were going to have a discussion about what they like to do, eat, play, what
their favourites are (animals, fruit, subject etc). Once students identify one thing each I have created a silhouette for
myself I’m going to explain things about me and why I have certain things on my silhouette.

Explaining the task:

I will show the students where the magazine are and demonstrate how to pick and glue onto their silhouette. Then
cut around their head to then glue onto their coloured card which they can pick.

Sequence of learning experiences: (What learning experiences will help the students achieve the learning objectives?
What instructional strategies will be used?)

Students will work collaboratively sharing magazines to cut out things that describe them. As they are working I will
2:05 go around assisting them with any problems and let students know when they can start gluing to the card. When
students collect their card I will hand out their name cards to stick to the top of their work. Students will take their
time to cut and glue onto their silhouette and create an artwork to be proud of.

Lesson conclusion: (How will you summarise the learning and relate it to the lesson objectives?)
Gallery walk of other students silhouettes. Partner up and positive comment about partners work
As students complete their tasks I will collect their work to outline their silhouette so it will really ‘pop’ when its hung
2:45 on the wall.

Students and I will then clean up from the session and pack and stack for the end of the day.

Lesson Evaluation:
(Reflect on the lesson. What worked? What did not work? What would you change? Why? Only complete this section if you
actually taught the lesson)

Students were thoroughly engaged throughout this whole session. They carefully picked their pictures to stick to their heads and
placed them down to glue. I really enjoyed this task as students were so involved it required little to none behaviour
management and gave me time to talk to the students about their favourite things in the magazines. Throughout the tasks the
students chatted amongst themselves to get to know their peers and I could see friendships forming as they shared things in the
magazines they liked ‘I found paw patrol, I like paw patrol too, here too can have what I don’t use”. Overall a fantastic get to
know the students activity that created a really nice wall display with all the different heads and rainbow background! The only
negative I found was that the students didn’t have enough time to finish so extra time was needed on Friday.

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