As2101-Introduction To Aerospace Engineering Report-4: M.SAI KRISHNA (AE17B007) 17 September 2018

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17 September 2018

1 Aim
a) To calculate the ground roll distance for Boeing-737 at various flap and
elevator angles.
b) To calculate the climb rate of Boeing-737 at pitch angle
i)¿5 degrees
ii) 10 degrees.
c)To find the absolute ceiling height for Boeing 737 and Cessna 172 for pitch
angle of 5 degrees.
d) Comparing the results obtained for Cessna 172 and Boeing 737.

2 Theory
1) Ground roll speed(V1 ) : Airspeed of the plane when it is just lifted from the
ground is called the Ground roll speed.

2) Take off speed(V2 ) : Velocity of the plane at the instant when it just crossed
the clearance height(35 feet) is called the take off speed.

3 Procedure
1. Launch the flight simulator with Boeing 737-300 as the plane and choose
the model view.
2. Get the head up display and stopwatch.
3. Auto start the engine and set the required throttle level flaps and elevator.
4. Note down the values of velocity and time at various instants.Note the
values of V1 and V2 for each flight i.e,
a) Full throttle, 5% flaps, elevator disengaged

b) Full throttle,10% flaps, elevator disengaged.
c) Full throttle,5% flaps with 75% elevator engaged.
5. Take the values for Cessna 172P with elevator disengaged and10% flaps.

6. For climb rate of Boeing, pitch up to the required angle and note different
values of heights and corresponding times at different instants for
a) Full throttle ¿5 degrees
b) Full throttle 10 degrees pitch
. Plot the graph between height and time whose derivative will give us
the climb rate.

7. Start flying plane and continue till the plane looses height.plot the graph
between heights and corresponding times. Maximum peak point is the
absolute ceiling point of the plane.

Figure 1: Cessna 172P

Figure 2: Boeing 737-300

4 Observations

BOEING 737-300
Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
Velocity(kts) time(s) Velocity(kts) time(s) Velocity(kts) time(s)
2 2.0 0 2.0 1 2.4
8 4.6 3 3.8 5 4.3
12 5.9 9 6.1 10 6.1
25 8.9 15 7.8 16 7.8
33 10.6 22 9.3 24 9.6
42 12.4 35 12.1 31 11.1
50 13.8 44 13.8 40 12.9
58 15.3 52 15.2 49 14.5
65 16.6 61 16.8 57 16.1
72 17.7 71 18.6 66 17.6
78 18.7 78 19.8 76 19.2
83 19.7 86 21.1 85 20.9
90 20.8 93 22.4 93 22.3
96 21.9 102 24.0 102 23.8
100 22.8 114 26.3 109 24.9

Table 1: Observed values for Full throttle 5% flaps with elevator disengaged

Figure 3:

V1 V2 Area(knot.s)
Sample 1 145 135 951.06
Sample 2 145 132 1216.91
Sample 3 142 130 1080.41

Table 2:

Average area under the graph = 1082.80.

Hence the take off distance is given by 1082.80 knot-s.
Total area under the graph is 1141.53.So,Take off distance is 1141.53 knot-s.

Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
Velocity(kts) time(s) Velocity(kts) time(s) Velocity(kts) time(s)
0 0.7 1 1.7 1 1.8
1 2.2 5 4.4 6 4.4
8 5.8 14 7.1 13 6.4
13 7.3 25 9.8 21 8.4
21 9.2 31 11.1 33 10.9
30 11.0 39 12.5 41 12.6
37 12.5 46 13.9 51 14.3
45 14.1 52 15.1 60 16.0
54 15.7 66 17.4 70 17.7
67 17.9 72 18.4 79 19.4
78 19.9 79 19.8 85 20.3
86 21.3 87 21.2 90 21.0
93 22.6 93 22.3 99 22.9
100 23.8 101 23.8 105 23.8
108 25.3 108 25.4 114 25.5

Table 3: Observed values for Full throttle 10% flaps with elevator disengaged

V1 V2 Area(knot.s)
Sample 1 152 160 1105.08
Sample 2 153 163 1112.29
Sample 3 150 165 1207.21

Table 4:


Boeing 737-300

Figure 4:


Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
Velocity(kts) time(s) Velocity(kts) time(s) Velocity(kts) time(s)
2 2.0 0 2.6 0 1.8
9 4.6 2 4.1 2 3.6
14 6.2 5 5.6 7 5.6
20 8.0 14 8.5 14 7.5
28 9.4 19 9.6 21 9.3
35 10.4 27 11.1 29 11.2
43 12.8 33 12.8 40 13.0
52 14.3 39 13.9 48 14.7
61 15.6 47 15.4 57 16.6
69 17.0 54 16.6 66 18.1
77 18.4 62 18.1 76 19.7
85 20.1 71 19.5 86 21.7
92 21.5 78 20.8 95 23.6
98 22.8 84 22.0 109 27
103 24.2 90 23.0 112 28.5

Table 5: Observed values for Full throttle 5% flaps with 3/4 elevator disengaged

V1 V2 Area(knot.s)
Sample 1 136 106 1088.05
Sample 2 135 115 777.032
Sample 3 135 112 1400.219

Table 6:


Figure 5:


Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
Velocity(kts) time(s) Velocity(kts) time(s) Velocity(kts) time(s)
0 3.2 0 3.0 1 2.7
2 5.4 2 5.4 4 5.3
5 8.3 6 8.3 7 8.9
12 12.5 10 11.1 12 10.9
18 15.4 16 13.8 17 13.7
23 17.9 22 17.3 24 16.9
30 21.0 30 20.6 30 19.7
36 23.8 37 24.0 34 21.4
43 27.0 40 25.2 40 24.4
46 28.1 45 27.5 47 27.3
48 29.1 48 28.7 49 28.3
50 30.1 51 29.9 51 29.3
52 31.1 53 31.0 53 30.2
54 32.1 55 32.3 55 31.1
56 33.1 57 33.4 56 32.1

Table 7: Observed values for Full throttle 10% flaps with elevator disengaged
for Cessna 172P
V1 V2 Area(knot.s)
Sample 1 81 83 766.075
Sample 2 81 82 801.193
Sample 3 79 80 779.04

Table 8:
Altitude(ft) 4030 4050 4100 4170 4270 4290 4290 4310
Time(s) 0.0 1.8 9.8 12.2 14.8 18.1 19.2 20.4
Velocity(kts) 252 256 284 290 294 304 307 310

Table 9: Observed values for Full throttle and 5 deg pitch up

Altitude(ft) 5280 5540 5700 5800 5860 5970 6050 6110

Time(s) 1.1 4.2 5.8 6.9 7.6 8.9 9.8 10.5
Velocity(kts) 334 332 331 331 331 330 330 330

Table 10: Observed values for Full throttle and 10 deg pitch up
Experiment dt (ft/s) Vavg (kts) γ θ α
2A 15 285.12 1.79 5 3.21
2B 89 331.12 9.20 10 0.80

Table 11:

Figure 6:

5 Conclusion
• Take off distance
Boeing 737-300 has more mass than Cessna 172P.Hence it requires more
lift and hence more velocity to take off compared to Cessna 172P.So, the
take off distance required is more compared to Cessna 172P.
• Climb rate
Boeing 737-300 has more climb rate than Cessna 172P despite of it’s high
mass because it works with turbojet engines where as Cessna 172P works
with propeller engines. Hence the Climb rate of Boeing is high. Climb
rate increases with pitch angle.
• Absolute Ceiling
Absolute Ceiling of Boeing is more than Cessna 172P for the same reason

Figure 7: climb rate for boeing for flap angle 5 degrees

Figure 8: climb rate for boeing for flap angle 10 degrees

S.No Time(s) Altitude(in ft)
1 0.0 5980
2 70.9 8670
3 122.3 11050
4 192.8 14600
5 248.2 16480
6 372.4 20420
7 430.0 22010
8 496.7 22820
9 582.9 25160
10 746.1 30720
11 883.4 33040
12 911.5 33480
13 930.1 34100
14 945.2 34060
15 976.3 34010

Table 12: Observed values for Full throttle and 5 deg pitch up
Therefore, the absolute ceiling of Boeing 737-300 with 5 degree pitch up is
34100 feet.

Figure 9: Absolute ceiling Boeing for flap angle 5 degrees

i.e, powerful engine. Absolute ceiling increases with pitch angle.

S.No Time(s) Altitude(in ft)
1 0.0 5650
2 11.2 6690
3 63.3 12060
4 135.4 17210
5 181.6 20230
6 200.4 20420
7 215.9 22010
8 241.3 22820
9 302.6 25160
10 330.1 26480
11 361.7 29070
12 390.2 30570
13 419.7 31800
14 420.0 31790
15 425.5 31740

Table 13: Observed values for Full throttle and 10 deg pitch up
Therefore, the absolute ceiling of Boeing 737-300 with 10 degree pitch up is
31800 feet.

Figure 10: Absolute ceiling Boeing for flap angle 10 degrees

S.No Time(s) Altitude(in ft)
1 9.2 6825
2 53.2 7290
3 123.1 7460
4 248.0 7570
5 320.9 7650
6 372.4 7730
7 430.0 7840
8 496.7 7890
9 582.9 8050
10 746.1 8200
11 807.3 8310
12 1012 8430
13 1096.4 8460
14 1124.0 8430
15 1135 8440

Table 14: Observed values for Full throttle and 10 deg pitch up
Therefore, the absolute ceiling of Cessna 172P with 10 degree pitch up is 8460

Figure 11: Absolute ceiling Cessna


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