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PRBB Open Day 2008

Table of contents

1. About the « Science Meets Society » initiative ………………………………. 3

2. About the PRBB Open Day …………………………………………………… 4
3. Format of the PRBB Open Day ………………………………………………. 5
4. Activities in detail ……………………………………………………………. 6
Poster Exposition …………………………………………………….. 7
Plaça Darwin Experiments …………………………………………… 8
PRBB Visits …………………………………………………………… 9
Café Scientific ………………………………………………………… 10
Final Party …………………………………………………………….. 11
5. Communication Plan ………………………………………………………… 12
6. Preparation Timetable ……………………………………………………….. 13
7. Budget ……………………………………………………………………….. 14
8. Appendix ……………………………………………………………………… 16
1. About the "Science Meets Society" initiative
The "Science Meets Society" initiative started at the beginning of the year, and is the
brainchild of a group of pre- and post-doctoral students. The group’s goal is to draw emphasis
to the importance of communicating science, and sharing the knowledge gained with the
"non-scientific" public, in order to promote understanding, and discussions about science
between the two groups. This initiative led to the initiation of five projects: the cafes
cientificos, the Interview Series, the PRBB Open Day, a Creative Writing Contest, and the
Darwin Day.

So far, the first round of three cafe cientificos have taken place, and been a tremendous
success, taking place in the CCCB bar. The interviews series began with an interview with
the 1996 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Sir Harold W. Kroto, and the three remaining projects are
in the preparation phase.

The "Science Meets Society" initiative is now composed of approximately 40

volunteers including graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and administrative staff from the
different institutes within the PRBB. We enthusiastically welcome any motivated volunteer,
as the initiative now offers a structure that enables the development of new projects.

For further information, please see our blog (http://science-meets-, that will soon be converted into a webpage from which users can gain
access via the PRBB webpage.

2. About the PRBB Open Day


Open Days in research centres are traditionally used to display the research undertaken in the
laboratories to the society at large. In Open Days people are guided through the host
institution and are exposed to general explanations of the science done there by the scientists
themselves. They are generally organised by volunteers with the endorsement of institution.


We, as young researchers, believe that important efforts have to be made to inform society
about the everyday research we are doing in the PRBB. Therefore, we propose to organise a
PRBB Open Day; a day during which volunteer scientists from the PRBB will present what is
being done in the institute, through activities such as the exhibition of posters (in lay-mans
terms), the realisation of simple experiments, in addition to visits of some interesting spots in
the PRBB.

The PRBB Open Day will fulfil three objectives:

1: To inform the society about what is being done in the PRBB

2: To promote research among young people and adults
3. To obtain a feedback from the non-scientists (hopes and fears) about science.

Relevance of the project for Barcelona community

As research is shared a bidirectional dialogue will take place:

- From the scientists to the public: this day will be the opportunity to for the scientists to
inform the public about their work (what are they doing, how they do it), and share
their experience of a scientific life with those who are not familiar.
- From the public to the scientists: it will be the perfect opportunity for the public to
communicate their opinions to the scientists (non-scientific criticisms, hopes for the
future, fears and general curiosities).

3 . Format of the PRBB Open Day

Proposed activities

We propose to organise the PRBB Open Day on Saturday, 4th of October. During this day,
different activities will be proposed to promote a dialogue with the "non-scientific" public,
from posters exposition, easy experiments a café cientifico and visits inside the building.
These activities are detailed in the next section ("4.Activities in detail") and will take place
during this day according to the timetable shown in Appendix i.


(see Maps on Appendices ii and iii)

The building localization is a perfect asset to target the PRBB Open Day we are proposing to a
large public audience, from children and families to curious citizens. The different activities
will take place in the Plaça Darwin (for the posters exposition and the conducted experiments)
and in the inner square (for the cafe cientifico and the final party).

The third place will be the building itself, as a guided visit of some spots of the PRBB will be
organised for small groups of persons).

4 . Activities in details


The Open Day will be the occasion to communicate some notions about biology
and more specifically the works realised in the PRBB. Posters arranged on boards
during the whole day can complement the scientific activities carried out and are a good
chance for people to get a better idea of what topics we are working on at the building.
Also, this exhibition compliments information given during visits and activities.
The primary concern is that these posters vehicle interesting and easy
The location for this exhibition will be the Plaça Darwin (see Appendix ii).

Main points:

- A minimum of 10 DIN A-2 posters : that will divulge main points of research in
PRBB. This minimum should introduce basic notions about biology (DNA, RNA,
protein…) and about the methodology used nowadays in biology (animal models,

- Some posters dedicated to works realised in the PRBB (in a more detailed manner)
could also be exposed. The more basic posters can be useful to understand them, and
some people could be interested in learning a bit more.

- One poster about the PRBB building will be realised : it will gather information about
its history, about its architect, and will explain the different institutes that work inside.
A table in front of the poster will have some printed information about the building.

Remarks :

- A list of 5 topics to propose if we don’t get instant reaction and volunteers to make

- Posters used for former events could be reused.

- A priority will be that every institute is represented through these posters. This
involves a collaboration of people through the different institutes. One poster per
institute should be a minimum.


- Volunteers (among the SmS group and more generally working in the PRBB) will
make the posters. A particular attention will be needed to be sure that they are about the
same communication level and to avoid repeated topics/approaches.
- We would like to have a person by each poster or group of posters to answer to doubts
or encourage reading them. It would require 10-12 volunteers, who could shift from one
poster to another.
- DINA4 versions of the posters, even in black & white, to hand out to people interested
in the subject.

1 7

The experiments will take place in placa Darwin (see Appendix ii) between 11am and
6pm and will encompass several ideas about basic scientific research and the PRBB,
reiterating the information in the posters and to help reinforce the concept of the public
understanding of science.
Tables with specific topics will be set up. These tables include:

1) DNA
This table will deal with describing DNA in addition to an experiment (Extract DNA
from fruit) and make the structure of DNA from sweets (for the younger ones). Poster
showing structure, description how much DNA there is, fascinating facts etc.

2) Protein (moving on from the DNA table to the protein table)

Showing proteins, food etc as many as possible in sealed containers, bags. Different
structures of egg. Poster showing the amazing diversity and beauty of protein structures,
colouring in sheets, for kids to colour in the proteins. Then an explanation of how we “see”
proteins; coomassie, western, silver, ponceau..

3) Show and Tell

This table deals with model organisms and provides a way for people to see and touch
(although through sealed plastic) examples of model systems and how we use them in the lab.
Also a quiz, as each item (eggs, drosophila, larvae, yeast, bacteria, zebrafish) will be sealed
and then they have to guess where it comes from and what it is. On the poster behind have
pictures of xenopus, zebrafish, bacteria etc. On the back of the quiz sheet we will have the
opportunity to provide additional information about each of the systems.

4) Cell (from DNA, to protein to cell)

Large poster of a cell, showing the nucleus etc set up behind. Experiment; Environmental
consequences to yeast; yeast are given different environments, salty, sugary etc, and the
amount of CO2 is measured by balloons. Also a microscope with which people can see the
cells of an onion.

Lastly there will be a table where experiments for families to take away and try at home
together will be left.


To complement the activities offered at the Darwin Square during the PRBB open
day, there will be the possibility to see how laboratories from the PRBB look like.
Therefore during the day, small groups of 10 persons will be guided through a circuit
inside the building.

Every hour will start a visit. Visits have been planned for small groups of 10
persons and will last approximately 45 min, being the first at 11:00 and the last at 18:00.
To be able to visit the centre, people will have to sing up (provide name, DNI and group
to which they would like to join) at a registration desk located at the Darwin Square.

Two volunteers from the PRBB will guide each group through the building. The circuit
they will follow will consist in:

1. Introduction of the research done at the PRBB using a Power Point presentation
(at the 4th floor).
2. Visit a bioinformatic laboratory (4th floor)
3. Move to the 5th floor through the outer stairs.
4. Visit a biochemistry/cell biology laboratory (5th floor).
5. Visit film developing room and cytometry facility (3rd floor)
6. End of the visit.

(More details concerning the visit planned in the Appendix iv).

In total, 12 volunteers (minimum) will be needed. These will be split into the following
a. 4 people (2+2 / morning - afternoon) that will be at the registration desk.
b. 4 people (2 from the bioinformatic lab and 2 from the cell biology lab) that
will explain briefly what they do in these laboratories.
c. 4 people (2+2 / morning - afternoon) will be with the group during the whole

To carry out the visits through the building no specific budget will be needed provided
that PRBB resources, such as a beamer and a laser pointer, are going to available.


We proposed a Café Scientific session during the Open day, which will provide
the opportunity for the public to interact with scientists. The general idea is letting the
public to ask questions to invited speakers in order to understand whatever related to the
PRBB and its workers.
Science meets Society group has already organized 3 Cafés Scientifics during last
spring achieving a real success and satisfaction from the participants (around 300).
Those cafés were planned and organized at the CCCB café by members of the SmS
initiative. Therefore it will be easy to take advantage from this background to hold this
“special” café scientific inside the Open day. Moreover, this session will be also the
opportunity to promote future “cafés scientifics” as the ones that the CRG/PRBB
supported in the past.


What is such building for? Why do scientists invest their time at the lab? What is
science useful for? Why is necessary investing money in science? Why “people’s
money” is invested in the PRBB? Etc…
We would invite 3 people including a group leader, a PhD Student or a PostDoc
and someone from the public administration involved in research funding (Research
Department from the Generalitat for example).
From the public being at different other Open Day activities, questions will be
filmed and used as a basis for the debate with the speakers.

In addition to the members of the Science meets Society group involved (3 for
this activity), the mobilization of 6 volunteers will be required for the correct
organization of this event.

Duration & time:

This café scientific will last for approximately one hour and a half from 7p.m to
8h30p.m (see general schedule).


This café will take place at the inner square, next to the entrance (see Appendix iii).
If raining it would be done in the restaurant or under the PRBB Auditorium.



- Arise the interest of young people for the actions of the PRBB
- Bring them into direct contact with PRBB people
- Drinks and Food proposed in this activity could served during the all day for the other


- Time: 9pm – 12pm

- Location: Inner place of PRBB plus Plaça Darwin
- Things happening: Live Concerts, DJ, barbecue (still to be confirmed), video installations
with scientific content, beer and beverages
- Free entrance

Needs (organize in advance):

- contact breweries / berverage companies

- Stage
- Sound system set : will be the same as the one used during the day
- Securities
- Bins : ask BCNeta for paper bins
- Barbecue/Sandwiches : contact meat supplier, rent of barbecues
- music / bands

Volunteers needed on site:

- people to build up/down: 10 each

- people to sell drinks 2 bars, 3 people each, 3h, 18 people and more if we have drinks also
during the day
- volunteers for barbecue: 9 people and more if we have barbecue during the day

5 . Communication Plan

Internal communication:

At the moment we have announced the Open Day on the El·lipse and the portal to
inform all the PRBB residents and to recruit more volunteers.

As soon as we have a programme according to the centres and their communication

- announce the Open Day in the webs and intranets of all the centres and the PRBB
- announce in El·lipse
- put up posters at the whole PRBB
- have a PRBB breakfast dedicated to this in which people from the SmS will present
the initiative and specially the OD, to help recruiting more volunteers. Will be on the beginning
of September.

External communication:

- Press release (sent to existing lists of publications, journalists, etc.) –

- Posters and cards. To be sent (by email/by post/in person) to:
o Libraries of Barcelona
o Centres Cívics
o Schools (1ary and high school)
o Universities (faculties in Zona Universitaria, Plaza Universidad, UPF, UAB,
ƒ No need to send to other research centres since they are not the
audience we want to target (they already know about science)
o Locally: bars and restaurants, Fundació Claror, Centre Cívic, Associació de
Veïns, Torre Gas Natural, etc.
ƒ For this we should try to go personally so we have a more closer
relationship with our neighbours

- Fliers : simple photocopies will allow additional advertising and will be distributed
during the Open Day, to attract more people


In order to appear announced in daily publications we will send the Press Release, etc. on the
same week.
For weekly publications need to send 2 weeks in advance
For monthly publications 1 or 2 months in advance (not very detailed programme, just the date).

The posters distribution should start 3 weeks before the event.

So we calculate we need to have all the posters designed and printed by the beginning of
September if we want to do the Open day the 4th of October.

6 . Preparation Timetable

7 . Budget

Communication Poster Café Experiments Final party General

(without VAT) exposition scientific needs
Posters 500 = 450 € 15 big = 450 € 7 big = 210€
(advertisement Design = 200 €
and scientific)
Cards 2000 = 566 €
(advertisement) Design = 400 €
Poster boards 10 - PRBB 7-PRBB
Chairs 70-PRBB 15-PRBB
Tables 10-PRBB 9-PRBB
Screen for 100 €
Coffee/beverage/ 80 people
food = 500 €
Material for 400 €
(see also table
experiments page 15)
Video-camera PRBB?
Drinks, cups Self-
2 taps, 2 fridges 100 €
and 2 bars
Barbecue/snack ¿600 €?
Toilets 560 €
Stage, sound, ¿2500 €?
Security 600 €
Cleaning 500 €
Miscellaneous 300 €
TOTAL 1616 € 450 € 600 € 610 € 700 € 5000 €
9000 €


Item Quanity Estimated price Total

Shampoo 2 500ml 5 10,00
Freezer bags 250 5 5,00
Filters 500 20 20,00
Falcon tubes 250 50 50,00
Black card 500 10 10,00
Ethanol 1ltr 20 20,00
Salt 1 500g 10 10,00
Cocktail sticks 500 5 5,00
Tissues 2 boxes 5 5,00
Pens/pencils 30 10 10,00
Paper Pack 200 5 5,00
Sweets Various 50 50,00
Onions 5 10 10,00
Salt 1 200g 3 3,00
Sugar 2 500g 5 5,00
Vinegar 1ltr 2 2,00
Bottles 20 20 20,00
Balloons 500 5 5,00
Clips 50 20 20,00
Baking soda 200g/box 5 5,00

8 . Appendix




Appendix ii : Plaça Darwin plan

10 4
5 10

ein an
ot te
Pr ll
6 8
3 Take h
Ce o
Experi me
ll ments

Key: Number required

Poster boards x 10
The Building Info about visiting
1 PRBB/Research itself
Sandwich boards x 4 2

Tables x 10

Sea side
Chairs x 20
Appendix iii : PRBB Inner Square plan

Appendix iv : Inside Visit – Detailed Plan

Station Aim Where? Permission already
Introduction about the 10 at the 4th
1st Book aula
PRBB min floor
Visit a bioinformatic at the 4th R.Guigó
2nd 5 min 9
laboratory floor (ongoing)
Explanation about the Terrace 5th
3rd 5 min -
building itself* floor
Visit a biochemistry/cell I. Vernós
4th 5 min 5th floor 9
biology laboratory (already obtained)
Bacteria culture room
5th 2 min 5th floor -
5th floor
Observation of a
I. Vernós
6th sample under a 5 min 5th floor 9
(already obtained)
Still has to be
7th Developing room 5 min 3rd floor
Still has to be
8th Cytometry Facility 5 min 6th floor
Move from one station
- 5 min -
to the next

Including the time the group might need to move from one station to the next, this circuit
will take around 45 minutes.


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