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International Entrepreneurship Course 3 “Keep it Simple”

Five simple questions:

1. Do you have clear ambitions and objectives?

 What type/when is the entry planed for?
2. Do you understand the costumer?
3. Do you understand the competition?
 How are they? What are the reasons why they are so what do they have?
4. Do you know what you are good at?
 Prahalat “the dominant logic of an organization” – the DNA/identity of a company – in
the past
 Ex: Mercedes and Trabant – beliefs of the quality embedded in the company culture
 Ex: DSV path dependency – looking in the mirror and knowing what your good at
 Ex: Phillips knows how to buy and sell companies related to their core businesses
5. How do you make money?
 The real playing field
 Balance Sheet/P&L/Cash flow statement
 Ex: licensing fee (x%)
 Scenario analysis
 High/low margin, high/volume, sell/buy companies, people

Airfluids bed: up to 25000 euros and not used in practice, change position of patience , they do not solve
the problem .In hospitals they have types of matrasses, they put the patient on the matrass but it is not
comfortable --| big company has stock

Nursuring home rent the bed

Decupre: a normal matrass takes the pressure away air fluid will decrease because our will take the
pressure away , matrass for the heel and at sacrum which occur in 70% of patients, leading in academic

All the network due to 15 years experience

Customer in Netherlands: customer are purchase department and specialized who take care of pressure
ulcers, the decision maker is one of the dmu at the hospital ( you have a whole commission and more
people are involved), not private customers,

Decupreproduct: warranty of 5 years, a price range from 300- 600 euros, it avoids and heals pressure
ulcers. Production outsourced in Holland, you can change the cover easily, look at guidelines for
product conditions

Distribution: make an offer per hospital and nursuring home depends on quantit

- hospitals normally changing mattrasses after 10 years.

-400 million pressure ulcers per year for holland

Why germany: big market, health care is high standard, office is close to the border, they rent too manz
ari fluids bed,

Only 3 % of the patient cannot use the matrasse : library of medical research

Problem defitiniton: search for opinion maker which academic university is well known and can spread
the product through nrw. Should it be a start up, decupre gmbh or a representatives ?

Enter the german market: hilfsnummer to sell at krankenhasse

Competitors per segment, some companies only supply nursuring homes or hospital

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