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Virtual  Sports:  Activation  

Group 15

Project Name  
Virtual Sports  

Virtual Sports will provide an opportunity for visitors and residents of King George Square to get fit,
active, be competitive, and most importantly have FUN. Coinciding with the Brisbane City Council aims
for “Living in Brisbane 2026”, in particularly being an Active and Healthy City, Virtual Sports will provide
an opportunity for all Brisbanites to interact and enjoy competing with one another through with various
fitness activities. Competitors can race side-by-side in numerous virtual sporting activities, such as
rowing down the Brisbane River, cycling through the Hinterland or even running through the suburban
parks of Brisbane City.

The Idea
Each fitness activity will have 2 or more pieces of equipment (e.g 2 Rowers, 2 Bikes and 2 Treadmills),
which are connected together so that the different fitness pieces of equipment can compete against each
other. Once the race starts, the competitors will race at the same time along a set distance or time (e.g
3 minutes or 5 kilometres). While they are racing a video of where they are ‘virtually’ racing in Brisbane
will be projected in front of them, with their position in the race projected also. For example, if cycling
machines were being used, the race would be set for three kilometres and then while the race is
occurring there will be a playback for the competitors as though they are cycling through the Hinterland.

Key Dates/ Timeline

If our unique fitness activation gets chosen by the Brisbane City Council for the $1000 Activation Grant
we would run it on the first Saturday during the School Holidays, in December 2010 and hopefully from
there depending on corporate sponsorship make it a fortnightly event on the King George Square

6th December 2010 Monday Afternoon 4-7pm

20th December 2010 Monday Afternoon 4-7pm

3rd January 2011 Monday Afternoon 4-7pm

17th January 2011 Monday Afternoon 4-7pm

There can be up to 6 participants competing in the fitness activation, however the amounts of
supporters and viewers is unlimited, and due to the nature of the competitive atmosphere, it will be just
as enjoyable for spectators as it will be for participants.

Location/ Venue
King George Square, in the heart of the Brisbane CBD is the desired venue. There are two different

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locations available to complete our activation – the first one is next to Speakers Corner/ in front of the
Deck, and the other option is on the flat ground in Area 1. Both of the areas are large enough to
facilitate of virtual fitness activation and are easily accessible by the public. They are both also under
and get sufficient lighting, as well as being excellently situated close to the relaxing benches and seats in

Figure 2: The sections of KGS suitable for the Virtual Sports  

Targeted Audiences
Our activation is directed at a very large audience, with the minimum age being 10 years (still with
parent and co-ordinators supervision). On one hand we are hoping it will attract active and happy
teenagers to race against their friends during the school holidays or on the weekend. It will hopefully
encourage them to get fit, while knowing that it also can be a lot of fun at the same time. Then on the
other hand we are expecting it to track older people to participate and enjoy in the fun friendly activity,
as it is an opportunity to not only start leading an active lifestyle but also increase social and
community interaction.

Artists/ Personnel involved

The main people that are involved will be the members of Group 15 from DEB601, however we also
require higher personnel to help in making it become a success that we know it will be. The entire
personnel involved are:

Activation Initiators – Mitchell Stewart, Andrew Ohmsen, Zachary White, Scott Smithers and Cassandra
Pritchard will be completing all of the grunt work for the project voluntarly. MXNewspapers –
Advertising the event throughout their paper in the week/ days prior to the event.GO Health Fitness
Clubs – Fitness equipment for the activation will be loaned for the event (6 in total).QUT – Lending us
projectors and screens for the virtual displays. Friends and family –Help in the transportation, setting
up and acting as security at the events.

Engagement with the Targeted Audiences and the Participants

Our main aim is to get interaction and attraction to King George Square, by having a memorable and
fun experience in this otherwise open and boring thoroughfare. We hope to engage them with not only
the fun side of it, but also the serious and informative aspects of fitness and ever increasing obesity
problems going on around us. We hope they engage by learning something new and enjoy getting a
workout and beating their mates in the three different sporting activities available.

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Brisbane City benefits from the Activation
The Brisbane City Council will heavily benefit from this event because their square will get a new
positive name and will hopefully draw the public to come and enjoy this unique icon of Brisbane more
often. Hopefully this activation will open new possibilities for the public to come and socialise and
experience this space, either at work, on the weekend or just to relax at anytime of the day.

Creative Communities’ Vision and Direction    

Virtual Sports will help Brisbane City with its Creative Communities’ Vision, as it will help bridge gaps
between different groups of people (e.g. young/old, different cultural groups by) and help in re-creating
Brisbane as a Vibrant and Creative Place to live. The event will be a safe, welcoming and alcohol/drug
free event.




·∙Staff  costs  and  wages  (Supervisors)   2  X  STAFF    for  6  Hours  max   $144  

                                                                   @  $12p/hour  

·∙Travel  and  accommodation   Petrol    approx.  60km  travelled   $60  


·∙Advertising(posters)   1  x  Exhibition  Banner  (2000  x  830)   $167  

3  x  A3  Poster  @  $25  each   $75  

·∙Advertising(Newspaper)   Mx  Advertisement   $24  

·∙Flyers/Brochures   250  X  Coloured  Brochures  @  .84  each   $210  


·∙Security   2  X  STAFF    for  6  Hours  max   $180  

                                                                   @  $15p/hour  


·∙Food  and  Beverages   300  x  Nu  Water(300ml)  @  .45  each   $135  

  TOTAL  EXPENDITURE   $996-­‐00  

*PLEASE  NOTE:  Budget  is  subject  to  the  following  donations  

7  X  Exercise  Mats  
2  X  Grey  Screen  
6  X  Basic  Treadmill    or    6  x  Rowing  Machine  
3  X  Industrial  Fans  

This is a more detailed budget available if required.

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Potential Partners

GO Health Fitness Clubs:

GO Health Fitness Clubs are willing to conditionally loan up 6 pieces of fitness equipment – 2 Bikes, 2
Rowing Machines and 2 Treadmills for the activation in return for advertisement rights on the event

Fitness Xpress:

Fitness Xpress are willing to conditionally loan up to three pieces of equipment at one time in return for
advertisements on the event date and under the superversion of staff members. Fitness Xpress is a
fitness equipment supplier.

QUT – Queensland University of Technology

QUT are also willing to lend some equipment: projectors and large screens for the projectors (Visual

Marketing of the Event

Poster Advertising: We are going to design an Exhibition Banner and A3 Posters. The banner is going to
be placed above the activation, and the A3 posters to be placed around King George Square, prior to
the event activation. The banner and poster will be printed from the Office Works on Adelaide Street in
the CBD.

Internet Advertising: We will be designing a simple and easy website advertising our event and
hopefully get a little bit of interest from the public. Virtual Sports will also have its own Facebook page
and will send the information to friends and others via this social network.

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Newspaper Advertising: Hopefully we can obtain a space in the free daily city newspaper, MX. We will
have an image and a little blurb explaining our activation that will hopefully result a bit of support and
interest from the general public.

Brochures and Flyers: As a group we will once again design up a folding brochure and multiple flyers to
advertise the Virtual Sports activation. These will be handed out and placed within the city prior to the
event and will be very eye catching. This will hopefully also gain a bit of interest from passing by
walkers. Once again these brochures and flyers will be printed from the Office Works CBD store.

Risk Assessment
With the implementation of any activation, there are several inherent risks that must be addressed and
managed, to ensure the safety of all patrons. Many of the risks associated with this activation are
centralised around the use of the exercise equipment. Fortunately, this means that the majority of the
risks can be easily managed, through:

• Maintenance
• Supervision
• Guidance

However, the unique nature and micro-climate of the King George Square itself presents a number of
additional risks that must be managed to ensure safety and comfort of all patrons. A full risk
assessment has been completed, and can be provided if further details are required.

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