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Restoration of pulpless teeth: Application of traditional

principles in present and future contexts

Steven M. Morgano, DMDa
Boston University, Goldman School of Graduate Dentistry, Boston, Mass.

Posts were recommended more than 100 years ago to retain artificial crowns. Recent
studies suggest that posts can weaken teeth; therefore restorative procedures that
help preserve pulpal vitality and eliminate the need for posts are desirable. If
endodontic therapy is unavoidable, conservation of remaining tooth structure is most
important. When a post is required to retain a core for an artificial crown, a custom
cast post is the most effective means of conserving tooth structure. The length of the
post should not be compromised, although 4 to 5 mm of apical gutta-percha must be
maintained. The restorative prognosis is improved if the width of the post does not
exceed one half the width of the root, and the cemented artificial crown should extend
apical to the core to provide a 1.5 to 2 mm ferrule. Complex procedures have allowed
the dentist to restore extensively damaged teeth. However, extraction and replacement
with implant-supported prosthodontics may be more prudent with severely compro-
mised teeth. (J PROSTHET DENT 1996;75:375-SO.)

M ethods of restoring pulpless teeth were described

more than 100 years ago. In 1871 Harrisi recommended a
post or “pivot” to retain an artificial crown in a root with
an extirpated pulp, although endodontic techniques were
crude at that time. Major advances in endodontic therapy
that occurred in this century have significantly altered the
practice of dentistry. Teeth that were once considered
nonrestorable and extracted are commonly treated endo-
dontically and restored to function. The post or dowel that
was originally designed merely to retain the coronal resto-
ration when there was inadequate remaining tooth struc-
ture2 was later viewed as a method of reinforcement of the
pulpless tooth.3 The rigid post or dowel has been assumed
to prevent horizontal fracture of the tooth by directing
functional and parafunctional forces through the center of
the root.4

Data from an in vitro investigation by Kantor and Pines5 Fig. 1. Rigid post and core can prevent horizontal frac-
reported that an intraradicular post doubled the fracture ture of clinical crown; however, occlusal forces (OF) are
transmitted to root as spreading forces (SF). If artificial
resistance of a root. Nevertheless, other studies have indi-
crown extends 2 mm apical to junction of core and tooth,
cated that transmission of occlusal forces intraradicularly ferrule effect (FE) will resist spreading forces and help
predisposed the root to vertical fracture.6, 7 Eissman and prevent vertical fracture. Post and core in combination
Radke3 recommended a cast restoration that extended at with artificial crown provide coronoradicular stabilization.
least 2 mm apical to the junction of the core and the
remaining tooth structure and suggested that encircle-
Others have advocated this cast ferrule,s, ’ and the com-
ment of the root with this “ferrule effect” would protect the
bination of a post-core restoration with an overcasting to
pulpless tooth against fracture by counteracting spreading
act as a ferrule is commonly accepted today as a rational
forces generated by the post.
approach to coronoradicular stabilization for a pulpless
tooth (Fig. 1). Nevertheless, a recent nationwide survey of
Presented before the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Prostho- dentists’ philosophies and techniques of restoring pulpless
dontics, Tucson, Ark., May 1995. teeth indicated major differences in treatment approaches
“AssociateProfessor ofProsthodontics, Department ofRestorative and beliefs concerning reinforcement.rO Approximately
Copyright 0 1996 by the Editorial Council of THE JOURNAL OF
50% of the respondents to the survey believed that a post
PROSTHETIC DENTISTRY. will reinforce an endodontically treated tooth.rO There are
0022-3913/96/$5.00 + 0 10/l/70207 few in vivo reports of restored endodontically treated teeth,



but poorer successrates for pulpless teeth can be expected pressive success rate for custom-cast metal posts and
compared with teeth with vital pulps.rla la Endodontically cores. More than 900 patients with pulpless teeth treated
treated teeth that serve as abutments to fixed or removable by predoctora1 dental students restored with cast posts
prostheses have been reported to be most prone to fail- were studied, and the overall success rate was approxi-
ure,i3, l4 and several retrospective studies of f=ed partial mately 96%. The one variable that appeared to have the
dentures (FPDs) with cantilever pontics suggested an in- greatest influence on success was the width of the post.
ordinate failure rate for pulpless abutment teeth.15-i7 A When the radiographic width of the post exceeded one half
comprehensive retrospective study by Sorensen and Mar- the width of the root, the success rate was considerably
tinoffrs rs of 1273 endodontically treated teeth in the prac- poorer.
tices of nine general dentists found the custom-tapered
cast post and core more often associated with irreversible RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE FUTURE
damage to the tooth, and post placement did not increase
resistance to fracture of the tooth or dislodgment of the ar- Indications for posts
tificial crown. These investigators reported the highest Posts do not reinforce endodontically treated teeth, but
success rate with the parallel-sided serrated, I9 they are indicated when there is inadequate tooth struc-
ture to retain a core for a coronal restorationZg Frequently,
pulpless anterior teeth can be conservatively restored with
FAILURES a bonded composite resin restoration rather than an arti-
It is often assumed that the higher incidence of failure ficial crown.3o When significant coronal tooth structure
observed for restored endodontically treated abutments is remains and preparation of the pulpless tooth is conserva-
primely related to the fragility of the sparse remaining tive, an artificial crown can often be placed without a post.
tooth structure.2Q However, mechanical weakness may not Nevertheless, because of their small diameter, mandibular
be the only reason for the higher failure rate of pulpless incisors and maxillary lateral incisors will commonly
teeth. An in vivo investigation of the pressoreceptive func- require a post and core if an artificial crown is indicated.
tion of endodontically treated teeth has indicated reduced If an anterior pulpless tooth will be restored with a com-
tactile sensation with these teeth.21 This altered pressore- plete crown and must serve as an abutment to a prosthe-
ceptive capacity may affect the patient’s ability to detect sis; omission of the post may not be prudent regardless of
functional overload and could be a significant contributing the amount of remaining coronal tooth structure. Also, a
factor to the higher fracture rate reported for pulpless post alone is not enough because the complete crown
teeth. retainer must include a ferrule that is 1.5 to 2 mm long. The
Numerous features of posts have been implicated as ferrule can improve resistance to dynamic occlusal loading,
causes of failure. Tapered posts were claimed to produce help maintain the integrity of the cement seal of the arti-
wedging stresses in the root, which can predispose the root ficial crown retainer, and reduce the potential for stress
to fracture, and parallelism of the post has been suggested concentration at the junction of the core and the post.31
as a method to reduce unwanted stresses.22s23An addi- When the ferrule is absent, occlusal forces must be resisted
tional advantage of parallelism is improved retention, so exclusively by the post, which may eventually fracture.17
the post is less likely to be dislodged.24a25 Threaded posts Molars can often be restored with a coronoradicular sil-
that actively engage tooth structure provide maximal rem ver amalgam build-up followed by a complete veneer crown
tention but have also been criticized for generating stresses or partial coverage cast restoration.32 This method is best
within the radicular dentin. 26,27 Guidelines at this time applied to molars with slight-to-moderate destruction of
are still confusing because of the lack of well-controlled in coronal tooth structure where there is adequate depth to
vivo studies and the conflicting results of many in vitro in- the pulpal chamber and can occasionally be used with pre-
vestigations.“” molars.33 The coronoradicular amalgam post and core is
The studies of Sorensen and Martinoff18, I9 of 1273 end- not as suitable when the molar has lost all tooth structure
odontically treated teeth implied an inordinate failure rate above the gingival crest and the roots are well spaced with
with cast metal posts. However, the data indicated that a shallow pulpal chamber. Prefabricated posts are usually
almost one half the cast posts in their study were one half indicated to augment the retention of the amalgam core
or less the length of the clinical crowns. When the length when the pulpa chamber is shallow. Dental amalgam
of the posts equaled the length of the clinical crowns, the bonding agents such as 4-methac~lo~ethyl~mellitate
success rate was 97.5%. It appears that a limitation of the anhydride (4-META) resin can bond a silver amalgam core
investigations by Sorensen and Martinoffls ig was the lack to the tooth structure and augment conventional mechan-
of control of the clinical procedures performed by the nine ical retention. If prefabricated posts are used, a 4-META
dentists in the study. resin will also bond the silver amalgam to the posts. The
Preliminary data from a retrospective study in progress longevity of the resinous bond to the silver amalgam in the
by Milot and Morgan0 conducted at the University of oral cavity is upon, but this approach appears prom-
Montreal School of Dental Medicine have indicated an im- ising.



Every effort should be made to ensure maximal length
of the post while maintaining 4 to 5 mm of apical gutta-
percha sea1.35 When roots are unusually short or curved,
the post must often be shorter than desired and retention
will be less predictable. 36 In addition, greater leverage is
exerted when the post is shorter than the clinical crown
length, and this unfavorable leverage can also predispose
to fracture of the root.36 Commonly the dentist will resort
to a threaded post that actively engages radicular dentin
to compensate for the limited retention of a short post.
However, an active post is least desirable. A 4-META res-
inous cement can provide retention that rivals a threaded
post but does not produce the unfavorable stresses that oc-
cur when tooth structure is actively engaged.37 There are
no long-term clinical trials on the effects of repeated me-
chanical loading and thermocycling on the integrity of the
bond of this resinous cement. Therefore the in vitro reten-
tion reported with a 4-META cement may fatigue with
time as a result of plastic deformation from normal intra-
oral forces.38
When the design of the post follows traditional guide-
lines, conventional cements are probably the preferred
luting agents. Most resinous cements are relatively ex- Fig. 2. A, From facial view it appears that there is
pensive, technique sensitive, and difficult to manipulate,3g adequate thickness of dentin in apical one third of root for
whereas traditional cements are less complicated, more parallel-sided post (arrows). B, Proximal view of root
cost effective, and have a long history of success. Also, un- reveals sparse remaining facial and lingual dentin. Sharp
limited retention is not necessarily the goal with any post. line angles (arrows) predispose to stress concentration at
If a post fractures, it must be removed from the root to apical termination of post.
permit retreatment. 4o The remnant of a post that is
“bonded” to the root may require mechanical removal with
Slightly tapered posts are easier to prepare and more
a high-speed handpiece and surgical-length round bur-an
conservative because most roots are tapered. The dentist
arduous task that can result in perforation and loss of the
can remove the gutta-percha to the desired depth and then
tooth. Furthermore, it is preferable that a post and core
eliminate any undercuts or residual endodontic sealer on
dislodge because of cement failure rather than fracture the
the walls of the root canal. The post can then be designed
root if the restoration is subjected to excessive force.
to “fit the available space.” The resultant slightly tapered
post could theoretically generate stresses at the coronal
Conservation of tooth structure one third of the root22; however, these stresses can be ef-
Conservation appears to be the most critical factor for fectively counteracted with a ferrule design to the over-
success, although the dentist should also strive for suff- casting.3 A tapered post is also less retentive than a per-
cient length of the post. 41 Because any prefabricated post fectly parallel post is, 25 but sufficient length should provide
system requires the dentist to instrument the root to fit the adequate retention so long as the taper is kept to a mini-
stock post, a custom-fitted cast post is potentially more mum.44
conservative of tooth structure. With narrow single-rooted
Enhancing the ferrule effect
teeth such as mandibular incisors preservation of tooth
structure is especially important, and custom-cast posts A beveled finish line for the overcasting can enhance the
have been reported to offer better retention and resistance ferrule effect and increase the fracture resistance of the
to fracture compared with parallel-sided serrated posts.42 root. Bevels were once considered desirable for all cast
Not all cast posts are made conservatively. Strict adher- restorations by many prosthodontists because of the geo-
ence to the guideline of parallelism of the post space may metric advantage or “slip effect” that facilitated marginal
result in overpreparation of the apical one third of the post closure.45 Numerous studies have challenged this assump-
channel. There will also be a sharp line angle at the apical tion that a cavosurface bevel will improve marginal adap-
termination of the post preparation that can concentrate tation.46-4g The contemporary approach to tooth prepara-
stresses where the radicular dentin is thinned and weak- tions for complete crowns has tended to eliminate cavo-
ened (Fig. 2).43 surface bevels, which require a potentially unesthetic

AF’RIL 1996 377


graph may curve dramatically in the third plane, and rigid

engine reamers can perforate the root when carried api-
tally to remove gutta-percha (Fig. 3). Shillingburg and
Kesslers5 also advocated extremely large Peeso reamers
for canal preparation, and a No. 6 reamer has been
suggested for maxillary central incisors. Because of the in-
herent risk of failure with excessively wide posts, these
recommendations should be revised.

Need for realistic treatment planning

The philosophy of retaining severely compromised teeth
regardless ofthe cost of treatment or the prognosis also re-
quires reevaluation. Commonly teeth that are carious to
the gingival margin are treated with surgical crown
len~he~ng or o~hodontic extrusion. A core is then re-
tained with an intraradicular post, and the tooth is
restored with an artificial crown. The literature has
described numerous approaches to restoring compromised
pulpless molars with resected roots.56 Complex state-of-
the-art dental procedures have allowed the dentist to
Fig. 3. From facial view palatal root of maxillary molar restore teeth that are technically nonrestorable, but what
appears relatively straight (A); however, root curves dra- is the prognosis of these resurrected teeth? In the past
matically in third plane (E) and engine reamer such as these relatively fragile teeth were treated similar to sound,
Pees0 reamer can perforate root. vital teeth. Often they were expected to serve as abutments
to cantilever FPDs, but failure was inordinately high.i5
metal m~~n.50 Nevertheless, for endodontically treated Endodontically treated teeth with resected roots were also
teeth it appears that the beveled finish line is beneficial commonly used as key abutments to FPDs, often as a
and desirable when esthetics will permit. Milot and Stein51 method to avoid a removable partial prosthesis.56 Never-
have reported the results of an in vitro study that used theless, a failure rate ranging from 32% to 38% has been
standardized plastic analogs to investigate the influence of reported for resected pulpless teeth.57J 58 Root resective
the cavosurface bevel on the fracture resistance of the root. procedures are technically demanding, and a high per-
These investigators found a statistically significant in- centage of failures appears to be the result of faulty resec-
crease in resistance to root fracture with three different tions.5g
post systems for a beveled preparation compared with a
nonbeveled preparation. New treatment options
Shillingburg et a1.52have advocated a contrabevel in the Advances in endodontics altered the practice of dentistry
preparation for the cast core to act as an additional ferrule in the 1950s and provided the dentist with many more
that is independent of the cast crown; however, Sorensen treatment options. The reported predictability of implant
and Engleman53 found no advantage to this contrabevel. dentistry has further enhanced the dentist’s treatment al-
Also, a 1 mm beveled finish line for a complete crown ternatives.60‘65 It is now difficult for the contemporary
preparation without additional tooth structure coronal to dentist to justify the use of questionable teeth as abut-
the bevel did not improve fracture resistance of the root.53 ments to complex prosthetic restorations. Severely com-
promised teeth can often be extracted and replaced with
Conservative, controlled approach to implant-supported FPDs or single crowns for comparable
removal of gutta-percha costs and with a better prognosis.
A safe, rapid technique for removal of the gutta-percha Finally, the best approach to avoiding the problem of the
is the use of a heated instrument.54 The Touch h Heat endodontically treated tooth is to avoid the need for end-
controlled heat inst~ent (Analytic Technology Corp., odontics. Wee-mean~g recommendations of very aggres-
Redmond, Wash.) is convenient for this purpose and virtu- sive tooth preparations for artificial crowns that provide
ally eliminates the potential to perforate the root. Peeso the laboratory technician with “more than enough room” to
reamers can then be used to remove the endodontic sealer ensure favorable esthetics can jeopardize the vitality of
only. Rarely is a size larger than a No. 2 Peeso reamer nec- healthy pulps. A more conservative tooth preparation
essary. Shillingburg and Kessler55 have recommended the might challenge the ingenuity of the laboratory technician
Peeso reamer for removal of the gutta-percha. However, a who is striving for optimal esthetics, but preservation of
root that appears straight on the two-dimensional radio- sound, vital tooth structure will improve the long-term



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