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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Technology and Livelihood Education

ICT: Desktop Publishing Grade 8

Date: January 18, 2018

Grade: Grade 8

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Identify the software used when publishing a document.
2. Demonstrate the common functions of application used in publishing a
3. Value the importance of desktop publishing in all aspects.

II. Subject Matter

TOPIC : Introduction to Desktop Publishing
REFERENCES : K to 12 Basic Education Program Learning Materials
Grade 7 or 8 T.L.E.
ICT: Desktop Publishing
MATERIALS : Black board, Chalk, Laptop, LED Monitor

III. Teaching Strategies

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Daily Routine
1.1. Prayer
1.2. Greetings
1.3. Classroom Management
1.4. Checking of Attendance
1.5. Checking of Assignment

B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation
JUMBLED BEE - Slide Deck Presentation
1. The class will be grouped into two.
2. Each group will choose a representative who will arrange the
following jumbled letters to create a new word.
3. Each representative will answer as fast as they can with the
help of their group mates.
4. Winners will be announced based upon the numbers of created

2. Unlocking Difficulties
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) - is one of the
components of Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE). It offers a lot
of skills appropriate for the jobs offered by the different companies
Desktop Publishing (DTP) - is the use of the computer and software to
create visual display of ideas and information.

3. Presentation/ Discussion
A. Desktop Publishing
Desktop Publishing- is the process of using the computer and
specific types of software to combine text and graphics to produce
documents such as newsletters, brochures, books, Web pages and
many other printed documents.

B. Things to Do with Desktop Publishing

Desktop publishing is or can be:
 Designing print communications such as brochures, flyers, ads
and posters
 Designing print communications such as catalogues, directories
and annual reports
 Designing logos, business cards, and letterhead
 Designing and publishing newsletters, magazines, and
 Designing books and booklets
 Converting print communications to formats including web and
smart devices such as tablets and phones
 Creating resumes and business forms (including invoices,
inventory sheets, memos and labels)
 Self-publishing (books, newsletters, ebooks, etc.)
 Designing and publishing blogs and web sites
 Designing slide shows, presentations and printing handouts

C. Generalization
 Desktop Publishing is a process of publishing or creating a document using
different toolbars pre-installed in any software in desktop.
 In relation to Information and Communication Technology (ICT) includes
various technologies that allow users to manipulate such as commands to
publish or create an e-file and any other documents.

D. Application
1. The class will be divided into 4 groups.
2. Each group will choose a representative who will demonstrate some basic
functions of software installed in a desktop.
3. After demonstration, representative will discuss and explain the function of
the software.

E. Evaluation
Identify the questions and write the correct answer on the space for.
______1. What is meant by ICT?
______2. What is meant by DTP?
______3. What do you call to the process of publishing a file or document using
software or application?
______4-7. What are the common applications used to create a document?
______8-10. What are the typical formats being used or published using
desktop publishing?

IV. Assignment
What are the steps and procedures when using Desktop Publishing Software?


Prepared by:

Leopoldo Reuteras Morte II

Intern, T.L.E.

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