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Date: January 27, 2019

Author: Salman Zubair Khawaja

Contact: Me@Cellman.Pro|+92-333-Cellman

Addressee: Students of Web Programming; FAST-NU, Karachi

Subject: Course Bid
Type: Public

Purpose of the Document

Induced from Bid I proposed to university for the course, this document is subset/tailored version for
the students to bring them on same page.

Course Modules

The world of web has evolved over time, a learner/student can’t really appreciate the current
form/shape of things until he is made sit in time-machine, which make him pass through all the
problems and achievements over the time till to current time. I totally understand packaging this in one
single course of ‘3 credits’ is too ambitious thing to do, but this is what we the brand name FAST stands
for I guess, attempting something beyond limits. So I hope, with full commitment from three pillars,
teacher (myself), students and university management; we will be able to achieve our set goals. The
modules are below:

 Module One | Web Relevant Infrastructure Insight

Include history into Web and highlight principle requirements. Infrastructure knowledge will
include Network, Components & Communication. The legacy 3-Tier Architecture implemented
by Web Architecture. It will include Mark-up Languages, Header Parsing, Latencies, Web Servers
& Containers, DNS, Domain & Hosting, HTTP variations, FTP, Proxy Servers, DMZs, App Servers,
Firewalls, CAP Theorem etc.

 Module Two | Legacy Synchronous Client Side Oriented Web Development

Legacy HTML (ver. 4), DHTML & XHTML with CSS 2 variants & JavaScript 3. Making them develop
hardcore client side web-pages. Later adding flavor of HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript 5. Making them
understand and work with DOM.

 Module Three | Classical Client + Server Oriented Web Development

Calling Server Side Snippets using Classical ASP and PHP 4 and rendering desired pages with data
source and user inputs in contentions. Later enable them using ASP.Net 5 & PHP 5 and their
inherent benefits over classical approach. Make them understand J2EE development principles
e.g. Servlets, EJB, JavaBeans, JSP etc. Have a thorough comparison of conventional web
technologies and their directions.
 Module Four | Service Oriented Architecture Supported Web Development & Communication
Making Web Services in ASP.Net (C#), Java, Python & PHP. Using them interoperable with
Websites. Understanding communication standards and architecture. Learning of SOAP + UDDI
+ WSDL. Introduction to RESTful APIs. Employing Hibernate for Data Persistence.

 Module Five | Asynchronous Web Communication Rendering

Working with AJAX. Thoroughly make Rich Data-Centric Application with Web Services of
Platforms of, LAMP & J2EE.

 Module Six | Rich Client Side Web Application Development with help of Framework/Libraries
Working with JQuery & Similar JavaScript-Empowered libraries leading to ever responsive
Frameworks like Bootstrap. Enabling them communicate with rest of Web Model and enabling a
best User experience.

 Module Seven | MVC & CMS Oriented Web Development

For Frameworks: MVC & Core MVC. Java’s Spring, Struts 2, JSF & GWT. PHP’s
Laravel, Symphony, CodeIgniter & CakePHP. Ruby on Rails. Python’s Django.
For CMS: PHP’s Wordpress, Drupal, Magento & Joomla. Next Gen. Wix. Introduction to Hubspot.

 Module Eight | Getting Back to where started; Distributed Web System Development
Case: Mean Stack Development
Learning MongoDB (and comparison of other NoSQL variants & privilege of substituting
Postgres), Express Framework, Angular 4 & Node.Js. Understanding in depth more empowered
Nginx and other adaptive web hosts. Learning other technologies like React, Ember.js &
Backbone. Introduction to uprising Vue.js

 Module Nine | IoT Intrusion & Web Infusion

HTTP started as one of communication protocol. But due to everything getting ported over web,
HTTP got so robust and developed that almost every sort of communication can be ported over
HTTP. Thus it can set the basis for enabling concept of IoT. Technologies like Electron.Js are
trying to shift the paradigm. Concept of Web Assembly emerged in requirement that HTTP
(Mark up Language) believes can deliver too.

* Some contents of post modules might be needed to be covered in earlier modules, and in later modules
its details will be covered.

* The course outline is induced in light of above mentioned modules. The modules description pretty
much communicates the understand that what details/contents will be taught actually. I am not fixing
the contents as it is very dependent of various aspect e.g. quality and interest of students, time
constraints & University management support.

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