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Reg No. Name FIFTH SEMESTER B.TECH DEGREE EXAMINATION MODEL TEST QUESTION PAPER, NOVEMBER 2017 CS 305: Microprocessor and Microcontrollers Max. Marks: 100 Duration: 3 Hours PART A Answer all questions. Each carries 3 marks Define macro and subroutine with example Explain the use of following 8086 signals a. HOLD, and HLDA b, DEN and BHE Explain the procedure for generating physical address and generate the physical address eorresponds to the segment address 105SH and offset address 555SH Explain the indexed addressing and based index addressing modes of 8086 with PART B Answer uny Two questions. Each carries 9 marks 4. Draw the maximum mode circuit connections of 8086 'b. Write an 8086 programme to find factorial of a number using procedure a. Write an 8086 assembly language programme to convert ASCII to decimal conversion using macro, b. Draw the minimum mode of $086 bus timing for a memory read and write operations 7. What are the different addressing modes available in 8086 PARTC Answer all questions. Each carries 3 marks 8. Explain the different types of interrupts in 8086 16. Draw and explain the architecture of 8051 17. a. Briefly explain the interrupt structure of 8051 b. Write an assembly language program to compute x to the power n where both x and n are 8- bit numbers given by the user and the result should not be more than 16 bits using 8051 18 a, Explain the different addressing modes of 8051 b. Write an assembly language program to count the number of Os and Is in an 8- bit number using 8051 19. Explain the different types of instructions available in 8051 20. Write a note on Programmable Interval Timer. 9. Discuss about fixed addressing and variable port addressing in i/o interfacing with 8086. 10. What are the registers available in DMA controller? Mention its use 11. Explain the use of keyboard / display controller- 8279 PART D Answer any Two questions. Each carries 9 marks 12. What do you meant by an interrupt and how an interrupt is handled in 8086 13. a. Write about memory mapped i/o and isolated i/o. b. Interface Two 16X8 ROM and Two 32X8 RAM with 8086. Select the starting address of EPROM suitably. The RAM address must start at 00000H. 14. Briefly explain the architecture of programmable input-output (8255) PART E Answer any four questions. Each carries 10 marks 15. a, Write about Microcontrollers and its types. (4 marks) b. Discuss the factors to be considered while selecting microcontrollers. c. Mention the applications of Microcontrollers. 16. 17. 19. 20. ‘Draw and explain the architecture of 8051 a. Briefly explain the interrupt structure of 8051 b. Write an assembly language program to compute x to the power n where both x and n are 8- bit numbers given by the user and the result should not be more than 16 bits using 8051 a, Explain the different addressing modes of 8051 b. Write an assembly language program to count the number of Os and Is in an 8- bit number using 8051 Explain the different types of instructions available in 8051 Write a note on Programmable Interval Timer. Answer Key PART A 1. Macro and Subroutine 3 marks) A macro call isan instruction to replace the macro name with its body, whereas subroutine call is an instruction to transfer the program’s control to the subroutine’s definition with all parameters, if required. ‘A macro call results in macro expansion, whereas subroutine call results in execution, Macro expansion increases the size of the program but subroutine execution doesn't affect the size of the program Macro expansion doesn’t affect the execution speed of the program much in comparison to subroutines affect the execution speed of the program a. HOLD: Input signal to the processor form the bus masters as a request to grant the control of the bus. Usually used by the DMA controller to get the control ofthe bus. HILDA: Is an Acknowledgment signal from the processor for HOLD —_(1.Smarks) b. DEN (Data Enable): Output signal ftom the processor used as out put enable forthe transceivers and ‘BHE (Bus High Enable): It is used to enable data onto the most significant half of data bus, Di-Dis. 8-bit device connected to upper half of the data bus use BHE (Active Low) signal. Itis multiplexed with status signal Sr. (5 mark)

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