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The Brexit from the point of view of the big British companies

In a historic referendum on June 23rd, 2016, Britain voted to leave the European
Union. After which, the pound fell to its lowest since 1985, immediately after the result
was declared. The UK is considered one of the best countries to start a business, but
that could change due to the unknown effects Brexit could bring.

There are Brexit campaigners who have optimistic predictions for Britain and its
businesses. But there are still many sceptics who predict that this has been a big
mistake for Britain, and that it will be seriously impacted by multiple factors.

So, how can Brexit affect businesses in the UK? You may be doing business in the UK,
but most of your raw materials come from, let’s say Germany, for example. Since free
trade between UK and EU will no longer be prevalent, the costs of your supplies hike

2. The Brexit from the point of view of the important European companies

The EU must give a response of unity so that there is no contagion effect on the rest of
the EU, especially where populism is stronger.

The United Kingdom itself is going to have internal problems that could once again
influence independence movements in other countries such as Spain. The majority of
Scots have voted to stay in Europe and Scotland's chief minister, Nicola Sturgeon, has
already warned that the results could push for a new referendum. And in Northern
Ireland, Deputy Prime Minister Martin McGuinness asks to vote for reunification.

3. Current relationships between Europe and USA with Trump

Donald Trump described the European Union as one of his greatest “foes
Trump complains about that the EU run trade policy what takes advantage of the US. The
US has the negative trade balance what means that the US imports more form EU than
exports to EU. In order to equalize the trade balance the American president requires
appropriate arrangements in paying tariffs and other on American goods.

Trade balance USA 1995-2017

4. Current commercial relationships between EU and China from the EU point of

Europe and China are dependent on each other. Both sides have considerable
benefits from close economic relations. Europe is an important trading partner of
China, while Chinese investments, among other things, help to mitigate the effects
of the crisis in the euro area."The EU is the largest market for Chinese goods, and
European firms are the largest suppliers of high technology to the PRC. Beijing is
also keenly interested in preserving the euro.

True, in the West there is a growing distrust of such a strong economic partner,
since China systematically began to buy everything that is possible in Europe.
There are fears that, first of all, countries that are currently in financial difficulty can
become an easy prey for Chinese money and become addicted to it in Beijing.
Thus, for example, a part of the Greek port of world importance in Piraeus was
bought by a Chinese investor. Experts come to the conclusion that in the drawings
of the Chinese leadership lies a ready-made plan of its future policy towards
Europe. The EU needs to have a similar plan for China.

On the one hand, the EU is trying to conduct foreign policy on behalf of all its 27
members. On the other hand, each country pursues its own interests in China's
policies. Especially when it comes to economic benefits, says Kempin: "This does
not allow the member countries of the community to take politics and decide
something for them instead of Brussels. These powers are willing to remain
nationally and thus weaken the role of the European Union as an important actor
that could counterbalance China. "

Russia-EU: strategy and necessity

Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel believes that, despite the problems that
Russia creates for the whole world, its isolation is not permissible.
At the same time, she believes it is necessary to preserve not only dialogue but also
"partnership" with Putin's Russia. "Geostrategically, Europe does not have the right to
break relations with Russia because of energetic dependence from Russia.

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