Contribution Emmanuel:: Mapping The Actors

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Mapping the actors

Contribution Emmanuel:

I work as Teacher teaching subjects aimed at promoting active global citizenship and
international solidarity in addressing global challenges; so, the actors I work with in my
context are connected to my students and the subjects I teach at our institution.
I teach Campaigning for Human Rights; Volunteerism and NGOs in Development; and
Globalization People and Democracy; I collaborate with different external actors for each of
the courses I teach.
Question 1- Individually, map the actors that are involved (directly and indirectly)
in the process in the context of your work.

The table below indicates the actors that are involved in my work and their roles.
Ministry of Education Providing financial support for teacher’s salary and
Campaigning for in Denmark subsiding expenses towards teaching aids and other
Human Rights school expenses

Save the Children Creating awareness to my students on the

Denmark dilemmas and challenges linked to promoting and
protecting child rights

International Work Facilitating special class on the topic on collective

Group on Indigenous rights and the right of indigenous people worldwide
Affairs (IWGIA)
Volunteerism and Ministry of Education Providing financial support for teacher’s salary and
NGOs in in Denmark subsiding expenses towards teaching aids and other
Development school expenses
UNDP Denmark Supporting special classes on Sustainable
Development Goals and Global Climate Change
People and The Danish Parliament Orienting my students on Danish Democracy
Ministry of Education Providing financial support for teacher’s salary and
in Denmark subsiding expenses towards teaching aids and other
school expenses
Helsingør Municipal Orienting my students on the essence of local
Council democracy, linkages between local citizens and
decision-making structures of the municipal council
as well as creating an understanding of the role of
the local government authorities in public service

Volunteer Network Sharing its experience in mobilizing volunteers for a

Helsingør cross range of causes in the community as well as
creating awareness among my students on the
significance of volunteerism and citizenry
Question 2- Identify 1 or 2 actors with which you have a weak relationship or feel
that there is an ideological distance between you.
I have less connection to the ministry of education because it is not a direct actor in my work;
Ministry of Education directly deals with the school in providing financial support and in quality
assurance; further the ministry is a political entity run by politicians from political parties
whose policies I don’t agree with.
Contribution Ana Cristina

Reflect and analyse the constituency of the context of your work and share this with
other participants of your reflection group.

My country, Portugal, is a representative democracy dominated by the form of electoral

There is a President of the Republic, a prime Minister, Government and Assembly of the
The local authority is composed by local authorities, which are subdivided into 308
municipalities (whose bodies are the municipal council and the Municipal assembly) and the
3,090 parishes (whose bodies are the parish Council and the parish Assembly).
The parishes, in their political-administrative dimension are unique, not existing similar in
other countries.
The elections dispute the traditional political parties, existing since Portugal became a
democracy in 1974, new political parties that have arisen and independent candidates who do
not identify with the existing political parties.
In general, political power alternates between the Portuguese Socialist Party and the Social
Democratic Party.
At this time, in Portugal, it governs the so-called “geringonça”, something unique, and that
under the leadership of the Socialist Party, brings together the Portuguese Communist Party
and the Left Bloc (left-wing parties).
Portugal is a country of emigrants and immigrants. With the economic crisis, many young
people have left the country, which puts our growth at risk. We have a huge variety of people,
governance stability and freedom of speech.
For exemple: The parish I belong to has 42,000 and people from 40 nationalities.
With different religions, ideas, languages, but generally, they are integrated into Portuguese
As a politician, it saddens me that citizens are less and more convinced of politicians. Several
cases of corruption have contributed to a move away from the citizens of politics.
In Portugal, the fight against corruption is a national priority.

Contribution Franziska
The actors who are directly involved in my work as a regional coordinator of the global
education program CHAT of the WORLDS (CdW) are (from the left):
- the funding agency (EG, blue),
- NGOs as responisble regional bodies (green) which implement and promote the
program CHAT of the WORLDS in their federal states (in my case it is the NGO called
EWNT framed in red)
- Regional Actors, e.g. trainers and NGOs (pink or not colored), who (potentially or
directly) implement the program and its workshops in educational institutions.

Relationships on regional actors level (on the right) – identified problem nr. 1:
As you can see there are different types of actors with different types of relationships to the
EWNT (on regional level). There are actors in our working field to which we have strong and
balanced relationships, which are characterized by the willingness to collaborate or to
exchange in order to jointly develop the program further. Mostly these actors are NGOs. Both,
the EWNT and the related NGOs, benefit from these kinds of collaborative relationships. The
relationship to our active individual trainers is characterized in a different way: We as NGO
offer money and different kinds of support to enable them to implenent CdW-workshops in
educational institutions. My main problem here is that we face a lack of participation on the
part of the trainers in order to exchange conceptual ideas. It seems that the program CdW is
not recognized by them as field of collaboration and partizipation to jointly develop the
program together.

Relationships on NGO level (in the middle, green) – identified problem nr. 2:
On the NGO level I face a same situation: We as regional coordinators are responsible for the
the further structural and content-related development of the program CdW on national level.
Therefore we have to cooperate and collaborate with the funding agency and with each other
as NGOs. And here is my second main problem: There is a lack of communication between
the different participating NGOs: Deadlines can’t be met and deliveries do not arrive.
Currently a joint development of the program is not or just in a limited way possible.

 My motivation to design a collaborative citizen action process: The program CdW is

designed to enable youngsters/students to act and work with peer groups from all over the
world. A global citizenship dimension is integrated in the programs concept. My question is
the following: How can we train youngsters to act as global citizens when there is a lack of
participation on the organizational level? My aim is it to promote the CdW as a global
education program, where global citizenship is not only taught but implemented in the
developing process.

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