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Constitutional Law 2 Notes

Due process
1. Substantive – very provisions of the law
2. Procedural – techniques, if you were deprived of your substantive Lawful of order of court bank deposits/secrecy
a. Right to notice/informed Section 5
b. Right to be heard - Non-establishment clause
Equal protection clause Freedom of religion
e.g. Senior Citizen’s act 1. Freedom to believe or not to believe
1) Distinction must be substantial 2. Freedom to practice one’s belief
2) Germane to the purpose of the law Tax exemption (A D E C R E)
3) Apply not only to present condition but also to the future Actual;
4) Applicable to all members of the same class Direct;
Exclusive for
Section 2 Charity;
- Houses not literal ( vessels, aircrafts, etc.) Religions; and
- Papers (contracts, checks, etc.) Education
- Effects ( objects in commission of crimes)
Search (eyes) + Seizures (hand) objects
Arrest  person The bill of rights  Article III can only be invoked by the government
Judges no need to compel presence but must be the one to inquire Purpose of Bill of Rights: protection of guaranteed rights to liberty, property
General warrant section in PNP and other freedoms (Section 1, Art III, Constitution)
Search warrant specific address then objects needs to be seized
“The Bill of Rights governs the relationship between the individual and the
Section 3 state. Its concern is not the relation between individuals, between a private
Privilege individual and other individuals. What the Bill of Rights does is to declare
- Spouses except annulment some forbidden zones in the private sphere inaccessible to any power
- Priest and penitent holder.”
- Atty-client
- Doctor-patient People vs. Marti
- State secret Subject matter: validity of the conviction of Martin based on illegally
seized evidence and wrongful restraint of his liberty


*Marti; conviction  guilty of violation of the Dangerous Drugs Act o To determine if rights of Filipino stockholders are impair, it is
Prosecutor’s side: Mr. Reyes (owner of courier services) search and impossible to establish the voting rights accorded to foreign
seizures stockholders
Arguments: o Only stocks entitled to vote
1. NBI did not effect the seizure. Therefore, there is not o Purpose of Judicial review
participation on the part of the government. o Legitimizing – validity of law
2. Private party conducted the search. Therefore, Marti cannot o Checking – determine the abuse of discretion
invoked constitutional right o Symbolic/instructional – expanded power of judicial
3. Law imposes on a private courier the responsibility to conduct review
inspection of cargo (marti  package contained books and Subject matter: exercise of property rights over shares of stocks on PLDT.
cigarettes) Concept of preferential rights to extended to the Filipino under the
4. Reyes brought the package to NBI for laboratory Test constitution
NBI – established marijuana leaves (basis on restraint of Contention of the heirs of Gamboa:
Marti’s Liberty) -violation of property rights over shares of stock on PLDT
Government (through NBI): to authenticate the package that it “Manila prince hotel vs GSIS”  Filipino are given
was Marijuana leaves preferential treatment (Filipino first policy)
there was no violation of the Constitutional rights of Marti -allowing foreign stock holders; that Filipino stock holders’ rights are
(because of the Marijuana leaves found in the package named being diluted
to Mr. Marti) -unfair to Filipino Stock holders; there is impairment of the property rights
Supreme Court: *Gamboa-owners of shares of stock
Government did not participate the seizure and search “mere observation Government’s contention: the member of shares held by stock holders will
is NOT a search” not determine the voting right in a company
Restraint on Liberty  no violation, because he has to answer his criminal In determine if the rights of the Filipino Stockholders are impaired, it is
liability. important to establish the voting rights accorded to foreign stockholders
Supreme Court: Partly grant the petition
Article III is self-executing -only shares of stock entitled to vote
-clarify the definition of Capital
Heirs of Gamboa vs. Hon. Teves Section 11 of article XII – self-executing.
o Essence of property rights over shares of stock in PLDT
o Concept of preferential rights extended to Filipinos, under the It also imposes safeguards against violations by the government, by
constitution (Art. XII, Section 12( individuals, or by groups of individuals
o Government: members of shares held by stockholders does not Art III of the Constitution protexts the following person;s fundamental civil
determine “voting rights” of a company and political rights:


In the hierarchy of rights, constitutional rights are preferred over

(1) Civil rights– rights that belong to an individual by virtue of his contractual rights or obligations (right express grievances over CBA).
citizenship in a state or community.
(2) Political rights– rights that pertain to an individual’s citizenship vis-à-vis The Bill of Rights serves -
the management of the government. (1) To preserve democratic ideals.
(3) Social and economic rights – rights which are intended to insure the well- (2) To safeguard fundamental rights.
being and economic security of the individual. (3) To promote the happiness of an individual.
(4) Rights of the accused – civil rights intended for the protection of a person
accused of any crime. General Rule: The Bill of Rights cannot be invoked against acts of private
individuals. The equal protection erects no shield against private conduct,
Human rights have a primacy over property rights. The rights of free however discriminatory or wrongful.
expression and of assembly occupy a preferred position as they are essential
to the preservation and vitality of civil institutions. The Bill of Rights is Yrasuegui vs. PAL
designed to preserve the ideals of liberty, equality and security "against the Yrasuegui  illegal dismissal because of failure to meet the required
assaults of opportunism, the expediency of the passing hour, the erosion of weight in PAL (flight crew)
small encroachments, and the scorn and derision of those who have no  invoked “Bill of Rights” (equal protection clause)
patience with general principles.” PAL contends that it provides utmost leniency to yrasuegui where they
have suspended him for 6 months, Yrasuegui failed to check his weight
Phil. Blooming mills employees org. vs. Phil. Blooming mills Co., Inc Subject matter: validity of dismissal of employees based on weight
 decided before the proclamation of martial law requirement
Subject matter: rights of PBMEO (petitioners) to stage a mass action to Yrasuegui’s contention: these was wrongful dismissal because he who
express its dismay nor the alleged abuses of pasig police force. denied the equal protection clause
PBMEO’s position: company cannot impose any restriction of acts of the PAL’s contention: there was a valid ground to dismiss the petitioner, the
employees when such act are not work-related nor will they impair work relationship governed by a contract of employment which was agreed by
schedule of the company employees the parties
PBM’s Contention: Supreme Court:
-participation in mass action should not impair the operations of the Petitioner’s dismissal is valid because the contract governs their
company relationship. The contract is between two private parties and there is no
-the company may impose restrictions activities of the employees to government participation in the execution of the contract
comply with the collective bargaining agreement between the company
and the employees
Supreme Court: reversed the decision of Trial court; petition granted. Exception to the Rule: The Bill of Rights was invoked and applied by the
Court against a private party.


On the question of the constitutionality of the Anti-Terrorism Law and the

Zulueta vs. CAdon Quixote complex: desires of man to be with another creation of the Anti-Terrorism Council: A statute establishing a criminal
women offense must define the offense with sufficient definiteness that persons of
*husband: the pictures of the husband with the mistress procured by the ordinary intelligence can understand what conduct is prohibited by the
wife , violates right to privacy statute. A statute or act may be said to be vague when it lacks
Wrong: it is vague, therefore void comprehensible standards that men of common intelligence must necessarily
Right: void for vagueness doctrine guess at its meaning and differ in its application. The statute is repugnant to
Both private partners, yet SC allowed bringing back evidence the Constitution in two respects:
because evidence came from the husband. Spouses cannot testify against (1) It violates due process for failure to accord persons, especially the parties
each other (rules of evidence) targeted by it, fair notice of what conduct to avoid;
(2) It leaves law enforcers an unbridled discretion in carrying out its
Judicial Standards of Review under the Bill of Rights provisions and becomes an arbitrary flexing of the Government muscle.
1. RATIONAL BASIS TEST: This test is applicable for economic, property,
commercial legislation. Southern hemisphere vs. Anti-terrorism council
2. STRICT SCRUTINY TEST: This requires the government to show an Subject matter: validity of the Human Securities Act
overriding or compelling government interest so great that it justifies the Petitioners’ contention: the law violates their constitutional rights. The
limitation of fundamental constitutional rights. The courts make the decision provisions are vague and give a “chilling effect” because there appears to
of whether or not the purpose of the law makes the classification necessary. be grant of broad powers
3. INTERMEDIATE SCRUTINY TEST: A third standard, denominated as Government’s contention (anti-terrorism council): the law is a valid
heightened or immediate scrutiny, was later adopted by the U.S. Supreme exercise police power and meets the obligations of the Philippine
Court for evaluating classifications based on gender and legitimacy. While government under international conventions. The two doctrines do not
the test may have first been articulated in equal protection analysis, it has in apply to penal statues but can only be invoked on matters involving
the United States since been applied in all substantive due process cases as freedom of expression
well. Supreme Court: petition was denied.
the court used 2 doctrines: VOID-FOR-VAGUENESS DOCTRINE;
Whitelight corporation vs. City of Manila OVERBREADTHE DOCTRINE
On the question of the constitutionality of the Plunder Law: “[This
VOID-FOR-VAGUENESS DOCTRINE AND OVERBREADTH DOCTRINE doctrine] can only be invoked against that species of legislation that is
VOID FOR VAGUENESS: An act is vague when it lacks comprehensible utterly vague on its face, i.e., that which cannot be clarified either by a saving
standards that men of common intelligence must necessarily guess at its clause or by construction. The test in determining whether a criminal statute
common meaning and differ as to its application. is void for uncertainty is whether the lanuage conveys a sufficiently definite
warning as to the proscribed conduct. It must be stressed, however, that the


vagueness doctrine merely requires a reasonable degree of certainty for the of Section 4(c)(4), which penalizes online libel, effectively tramples upon
statute to be upheld – not absolute precision or mathematical exactitude.” the right to free expression. But libel is not a protected speech. There is no
freedom to unjustly destroy the reputation of a decent woman by publicly
Estrada vs. Sandiganbayan claiming that she is a paid prostitute.
Subject matter: validity of Plunder Act (prohibition of ex-post facto law
*bill of attainder); Plunder law is valid (legitimizing power of Judiciary); Criminal law; online libel; not a new crime. The movants argue that
plunder law is a special penal law to curve axarice, mist be penalized for Section 4(c)(4) is both vague and overbroad. But, again, online libel is not
such greed a new crime. It is essentially the old crime of libel found in the 1930
Revised Penal Code and transposed to operate in the cyberspace.
OVERBREADTH DOCTRINE Consequently, the mass of jurisprudence that secures the freedom of
The overbreadth doctrine decrees that "a governmental purpose may not be expression from its reach applies to online libel. Any apprehended
achieved by means which sweep unnecessarily broadly and thereby invade vagueness in its provisions has long been settled by precedents.
the area of protected freedoms." [Southern Hemisphere, supra]
Other cases:
General Rule: Void-for-vagueness and overbreadth doctrines are 1. Hermano oil manufacturing & sugar corporation v. Toll Regulatory
inapplicable to penal statutes. By their very nature penal statutes have a Board
general in terrorem effect which are intended to discourage citizens from ~
committing the prohibited acts. 2. Mirasol vs. Department of Public Works and Highways
Subject matter: declaratory relief from AO of DPWH
Exception: Said doctrines apply to penal statutes when Administrative law
(1) The statute is challenged as applied; or - Branch of political law
(2) The statute involves free speech. (Rationale: Statute may be facially - Creation of administration agency by congress, supervision and
challenged in order to counter the “chilling effect” of the same.) [on the control by the executive department
constitutionality of the Cybercrime Law] Administration agencies:
1. Enforces laws
Disini v. Sec. of Justice 2. Quasi-judicial power
Disini’s contention: 1) news article on the internet, libellous 3. Quasi-legislative power
2) constitutionality of Cibercrime Law
Supreme Court: only person liable in libel will be the person who posted it Supreme Court: partial (ultra vires)
*no facial challenge in penal laws - Nature of DPWH has changed
- DPWH erred in AO in engines that can access highways because
Constitutional law; libel is not a protected speech. The majority of the DOTC =TRB & LTO
movants believe that the Court’s decision upholding the constitutionality


3. Carlos Superdrug Corp. v. Department of Social Welfare and protection of public safety, health, morals or the promotion of public
Development convenience and general prosperity
Eminent Domain  police power Supreme Court
 Tax It is tantamount to the power of Eminent Domain under the guise of police
Equal Protection – senior citizens – for tax discount power, to avoid the just compensation in exercising the power of eminent
*Tax Laws are Progressive domain.
SENIOR CITIZEN’S ACT (SUPREME COURT) The appropriation of private property under the guise of exercising the
valid & constitutional police power cannot be countenanced.
proper exercise of police power
 private rights must bow to the valid exercise of police power 5. Aquino vs. Municipality of Malay, Aklan(Principle of sustainable
The law is a social legislation measure to guide due recognition to the development)
services rendered by the senior citizens during the prime years of their Exercise of Police Power
lives 1. Classification of land there a zoning ordinance
* Senior Citizen’s Act: The law was enacted primarily to maximize the 2. Issuance of business permit
contribution of senior citizens to nation-building, and to grant benefits and 3. Order of demolition as exercise of quasi-judicial power of Mayor
privileges to them for their improvement and well-being as the State Principle or Concept
considers them an integral part of our society. Pursuant to the Article XIII,
1. Harmonization of Laws: DENR issuance of Municipal ordinance
Sec. 11, the State shall adopt an integrated and comprehensive approach
to health development and make essential goods available to all the people 2. Autonomy of Local Government under Article X
at affordable cost. There shall be priority for the needs of the elderly, 3. Nature of Nuisance per se can be summarily removed or
disabled, etc. To implement this policy, the law grants a 20% discount to dismissed
senior citizens. Hence, the RA is a legitimate exercise of police power, Nature of Nuisance per accidens must be heard by the RTC to
which has general welfare for its object determine the danger posed by the object or structure

4. Fernando v. St. Scholastica’s College  exercise of police power

Par. 2 Sec 1 Art VIII (constitution): Judicial Review
Police power vs. eminent domain
“…Judicial power includes the duty of the courts of justice to settle
Subject matter: regulation of the ordinance imposing fence in St.
actual controversies involving rights which are legally demandable
Scholastica’s college to be 1 meter in height -80% see-thru. The
and enforceable, and to determine whether or not there has been a
respondents, asserted that the implementation of the ordinance on their
grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of
property would be tantamount to an appropriation of property without
jurisdiction on the part of any branch or instrumentality of the
due process of law; and that the petitioners could only appropriate a
portion of their property through eminent domain. The petitioners, on the
other hand, countered that the ordinance was valid exercise of police
power, by virtue of which, they could restrain property rights for the


Declaratory Relief – there is a Law that will affect your Rights. Ermita-Malate Hotel and Motel Operators Association, Inc. v. Mayor of
Valid if the Law/contract is enforceable to comply with the General Manila
Welfare Clause ~

*Supreme Court : valid under Article X of the Constitution; mayor can “Police power, while incapable of an exact definition, has been purposely
exercise quasi-judicial powers if Declaratory relief is issued to comply with veiled general terms to underscore its comprehensiveness to meet all
equal protection clause exigencies and provide enough room for an efficient and flexible response as
6. Ferrer, Jr. v. Bautista the conditions warrant.” [White Light Corporation v. City of Manila (2009)]
Subject matter: socialized housing – invalid exercise of social justice
principle; socialized housing tax – social justice power; police power + Scope and Limitations: “The police power of the State […] is a power
equal protection clause – for the poor, to help them coextensive with self-protection, and is [aptly] termed the 'law of
Supreme Court: ruled that valid; collected only for limited period of time
overruling necessity.'”
for housing lot in QC for the poor; collection of garbage is a public service,
Rubi v. Provincial Board
thus cannot put into the ordinance
7. Philippine Health Care Providers, Inc. v. Commissioner of Internal
The state, in order to promote the general welfare, may interfere with
Revenue personal liberty, with property, and with business and occupations.
*liability of DST of VAT Persons may be subjected to all kinds of restraints and burdens, in
*Distinction between insurance contract and services covered of order to secure the general comfort, health and prosperity of the state
franchise tax and to this fundamental aim of our Government, the rights of the
8. National Power Corporation v. City of Cabanatuan individual are subordinated.”
9. Nursery Care Corporation vs. Avecedo Ortigas and Co., Limited Partnership v. Feati Bank and Trust Co.
~ ~

The Three Great Powers of Government: Police Power, Power to Tax, Tests for Validity of Exercise of Police Power
Power to Expropriate as limitations to enjoyment of rights (1) Lawful Subject
1. Police Power: Police power is the inherent and plenary power of the state (2) Lawful Means
which enables it to prohibit all that is hurtful to the comfort, safety and
welfare of society. “Police power […] has been properly characterized as the History of Police Power, Dissenting Opinion of Chief Justice Puno in
most essential, insistent, and the least limitable of powers, extending as it Lim v. Pacquing, 240 SCRA 649: Former Chief Justice Puno in his Dissenting
does to all the great public needs.” Opinion in this 1995 case said that the exercise of police power is not without
limit. He said that while it is the “prerogative of the State to promote the

general welfare of the people thru the use of police power; on the opposite
end is the right of an entity to have its property protected against MMDA v. Bel-Air Village Assn.
unreasonable impairment by the State. Courts accord the State wide latitude Subject matter: validity of the order of MMDA to open a private road to
in the exercise of its police power to bring about the greatest good of the help relieve traffic congestion during rush hours
greatest number. But when its purpose is putrefied by private interest, the Supreme Court: MMDA us not a political subdivision and law-making
use of police power becomes a farce and must be struck down just as every powers and cannot exercise police power
arbitrary exercise of government power should be stamped out.”
2. Power of Eminent Domain
Lim v. Pacquing Definition: The power of eminent domain is the inherent right of the State to
Police power elements: condemn private property to public use upon payment of just compensation.
1. Lawful purpose (general welfare clause) Scope and Limitations: It is well settled that eminent domain is an inherent
power of the State that need not be granted even by the fundamental law.
2. Lawful means (manner which objective or purpose is achieved)
Section 9 of Article III of the Constitution merely imposes a limit on the
Subject matter: government’s exercise of this power.
Validity of ordinance which granted ADC to operate jai alai game
City government: refused to issue business permit to ADC Republic v.Tagle
Principle: [Eminent domain: (1) taking of private property (2) for public use and (3)
1. Harmonization of Laws just compensation)
The supremacy of the constitution: Constitution prevails over a Subject matter: validity of the subsequent sale of property in Dasmarinas
natural law Village which at the time of the sale was under lease.
2. Remedies Objective of ejectment proceedings for unlawful detainer: to determine
Petitioner Lim: action to take in view of an erroneous order of the who has the legal right to possess and not the question of ownership
trial court Supreme Court: The sale not having been perfected, the government an
ADC corporation: enforcement of a right under an Ordinance exercised the right of eminent domain which includes not only the right to
possess but all rights included in the right to own
When exercise of police power may be questioned
MMDA v. Bel-Air Village Assn. 328 SCRA 836: Where is there is no explicit The repository of eminent domain powers is lodged in the legislature which
grant of power, a government agency cannot exercise police power. The is exercised through the enactment of laws.
Court said: “Clearly, the MMDA is not a political unit of government. The
Delegation of power to expropriate: Delegation of the power may be
power delegated to the MMDA is that given to the Metro Manila Council to
done through legislation. Thus under R.A. 7160 (The Local Government
promulgate administrative rules and regulations in the implementation of Code), the power has been be delegated to LGUs. Other government entities
the MMDA’s functions. There is no grant of authority to enact ordinances through the charters creating them also enjoy the right to expropriate.
and regulations for the general welfare of the inhabitants of the
metropolis.” Manapat v. CA


Subject matter: validity of exercise of powers of eminent Domain by WHA [where a private property is not entitled to “just compensation”]
by filing 16 separate expropriation proceedings Subject matter: Just compensation
Supreme Court: eminent domain is inherent in the government. The 1. Can Sps Tecson institute action against the government? ~yes
2. Can DPWH set up the defence of state immunity? Under the
burden is on the government to establish that all requisites must be meet.
principle of Unjust enrichment, No. There is unjust enrichment
"when a person unjustly retains a benefit to the loss of another, or
Requisites for exercise of the power of eminent domain when a person retains money orproperty of another against the
(1) Private property fundamental principles of justice, equity and good conscience."
(2) Genuine necessity 3. Can DPWH invoke LACHES on the part of Sps Tecson for filing the
(3) For public purpose case? ~ No, on grounds that they deserve to be compensated
(4) Payment of just compensation 4. What is the basis of compensation?
(5) Due process Manapat v. CA On grounds of equity, 6% interest

Circumstances which may warrant “taking”- 3. Mactan-Cebu International Airport Authority v. Lozada, Sr.,
When the owner is deprived of his proprietary rights, there is taking of [limitation on the exercise of power; right of the private property owner]
private property. It may include Subject matter: taking over of private lots for expansion of Labug Airport
(1) Diminution in value; Take-over was done thus COMPROMISE AGREEMENT with a condition
that private owners shall not ask for re-conveyance of their respective lots
(2) Prevention of ordinary use; and
of the Labug Airport expansion will not materialize
(3) Deprivation of beneficial use. Issues:
Is a property owner entitled to re-conveyance of property? ~yes
NOTE that: Expropriation is one of the harshest proceedings which the Can Compromise agreement be a remedy in expropriation cases?
state has against a private party because it deprives the party of perpetual Supreme court:
use of his property; requisites, how just compensation is determined; In light of these premises, we now expressly hold that the taking of private
relate to the Bill of Rights. property, consequent to the Government’s exercise of its power of eminent
domain, is always subject to the condition that the property be devoted to
the specific public purpose for which it was taken. Corollarily, if this
1. Hacienda Luisita, Inc. v. Presidential Agrarian Reform Council, particular purpose or intent is not initiated or not at all pursued, and is
[award of land under tenancy can be done through a natural person or peremptorily abandoned, then the former owners, if they so desire, may
collectively through a juridical person; a resolution of an administrative seek the reversion of the property, subject to the return of the amount of
agency has the effect of a law and can be governed by the operative fact just compensation received. In such a case, the exercise of the power of
doctrine.] eminent domain has become improper for lack of the required factual
Subject Matter: validity of exercise of eminent domain by NLI by filing justification.
separate expropriation proceedings
Supreme Court: Eminent domain is inherent in the state. The burden is on 4. Republic v. Heirs of Saturnino Q. Borbon,
the government to establish all the requisites [Considering that the Court has consistently upheld the primordial
2. Secretary of the Department of Public Works and Highways v. Tecson importance of public use in expropriation proceedings, NAPOCOR’s reliance
and Resolution on Metropolitan Water District v. De los Reyes]

1. can NAPOCOR institute expropriation proceedings for RIGHT OF

WAY fo installation of power lines?~The court will be the one to ARF is administered by Land Bank
declare the amount of the just compensation ARF consists of government bonds
2. can NAPOCOR ask for entry to the property? ~ yes; court will fix an ARF does not form part of the assets of Land Bank
amount to allow the government to gain entry. What value must Implementation of CARL
3. NAPOCOR pay a deposit gain entry to Borbon’s property? ~ Value Role of DARAB: preliminary determination of just compensation
must be declared and in fair market value. As long as it is valid, Validity of levy of Meralco Shares – owned by LBP to satisfy just
with genuine necessity and for public purpose. compensation as prayed for by Suntay
4. Can NAPOCOR withdraw expropriation case?
Role of Panel of commissioners in expropriation cases – usually a group of DAR – especial agency; regional offices; preliminary negotiation of value
3; they will be the one to check the land or in the site for investigation CARP –
purposes CARL – (Land Bank~ administer agrarian reform funds)
DARAB – at what price can the government distribute lands to the tenats
ARF – depository of Land bank
Metropolitan Water District v. De los Angeles,
[was apt and correct. Verily, the retirement of the transmission lines *DARAB ~sheriff levied Meralco Shares.  No, sheriff doesn’t have the
necessarily stripped the expropriation proceedings of the element of public power to do that
use. To continue with the expropriation proceedings despite the definite *ARF – general appropriatopns act from DAR based on DATA
cessation of the public purpose of the project would result in the rendition of *CARP and CARL – social legislation; social justice  the government
an invalid judgment in favor of the expropriator due to the absence of the address the necessity of the poor (Calalang vs Williams)
essential element of public use. (Bersamin, J.)]
Supreme Court: Agrarian Reform; initial valuation and just compensation. It
Supreme Court: the property should be returned to de los angeles and case is the initial valuation made by the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR)
is remanded to the trial court to determine the amount to be paid to the and the Land Bank of the Philippines that must be released to the
property owner for injury sustained landowner in order for DAR to take possession of the property. Otherwise
stated, Sec. 16 of RA 6657 does not authorize the release of the Provincial
5. Land Bank of the Philippines vs. Suntay, Agrarian Reform Adjudicator’s determination of just compensation for the
[The enactments of the Legislature decreed that the money to be paid to the land which has not yet become final and executory.
landowner as just compensation for the taking of his land is to be taken only
from the Agrarian Reform Fund. As such, the liability is not the personal 6. National Power Corporation v. Heirs of Macabangkit Sangkay,
liability of Land Bank, but its liability only as the administrator of the ARF. In [nature of public use; when is a party entitled to just compensation despite
fact, Section 10, Rule 19 of the 2003 DARAB Rules of Procedure, reiterates no apparent physical taking]
that the satisfaction of a judgment for just compensation by writ of Issue: is there taking of the property through the power of eminent
execution should be from the ARF in the custody of Land Bank. (Bersamin, Domain?
J.] - NAPOCOR invokes prescription (5years) on the right of action over
an easement invokes immunity from suit
Just compensation under land reform program is sourced from Agrarian - Hears of macabangkit sangkay
Reform Fund

1. Government cannot invoke immunity form suit, it is an 7. Export Processing Zone Authority (now Philippine Export Zone Authority)
exercise of eminent domain vs. Pulido,
2. Prescription cannot be invoke since he found out of the [Compensation cannot be just to the owner in the case of property that is
intrusion of his property because of the effects of the immediately taken unless there is prompt payment, considering that the
property owner thereby immediately suffers not only the loss of his property but also
Supreme court: the loss of its fruits or income. Thus, in addition, the owner is entitled to legal
Power of Eminent Domain; meaning of taking There was a full taking on the interest from the time of the taking of the property until the actual payment
part of NPC, notwithstanding that the owners were not completely and in order to place the owner in a position as good as, but not better than, the
actually dispossessed. It is settled that the taking of private property for position he was in before the taking occurred. (Bersamin, J.)]
public use, to be compensable, need not be an actual physical taking or
appropriation. Indeed, the expropriator’s action may be short of Expropriation case  parties can enter into compromise agreement
acquisition of title, physical possession, or occupancy but may still amount Compromise agreement: settle the conflicts between two parties. Signed
to a taking. Compensable taking includes destruction, restriction, by the government and ask the judge to appropriate it
diminution, or interruption of the rights of ownership or of the common Subject matter: expropriation case; compromise agreementswap of
and necessary use and enjoyment of the property in a lawful manner, property instead of paying just compensation
lessening or destroying its value. It is neither necessary that the owner be EPZA FAILED TO FULFILL THE AGREEMENT, as a defence, EPZA said that
wholly deprived of the use of his property, nor material whether the the property supposed to be swap is already leased
property is removed from the possession of the owner, or in any respect Supreme Court: equity; just compensation at the time of the compromise
changes hands. In this case, NPC constructed a tunnel underneath the land agreement was signed by the parties
of the Heirs of Macabangkit without going through formal expropriation Why SC impose interest? – because there is no prompt of payment
proceedings and without procuring their consent or at least informing A pending expropriation case can be a subject of compromise agreement.
them beforehand of the construction. NPC’s construction adversely A compromise agreement must be approved by the court
affected the owners’ rights and interests because the subterranean A property owner is entitles to interest which includes unrealized income
intervention prevented them from introducing any developments on the in the computation of just compensation
surface, and from disposing of the land or any portion of it, either by sale In case of a compromise agreement, just compensations is based on the
or mortgage. This was considered by the SC as compensable taking. NPC date of agreement was signed.
should pay just compensation for the entire land.
NPC Charter; prescription. The SC ruled that the prescriptive period 8. Apo Fruits Corporation vs. Court of Appeals,
provided under Section 3(i) of Republic Act No. 6395 (the NPC Charter) is [The taking of property under CARL is an exercise by the State of the power
applicable only to an action for damages, and does not extend to an action of eminent domain. A basic limitation on the State’s power of eminent
to recover just compensation like this case. Consequently, NPC cannot domain is the constitutional directive that private property shall not be
thereby bar the right of the Heirs of Macabangkit to recover just taken for public use without just compensation. Just compensation refers to
compensation for their land. The action to recover just compensation the sum equivalent to the market value of the property, broadly described to
from the State or its expropriating agency differs from the action for be the price fixed by the seller in open market in the usual and ordinary
damages. It would very well be contrary to the clear language of the course of legal action and competition, or the fair value of the property as
Constitution to bar the recovery of just compensation for private property between one who receives and one who desires to sell. It is fixed at the time
taken for a public use solely on the basis of statutory prescription. of the actual taking by the State. Thus, if property is taken for public use
before compensation is deposited with the court having jurisdiction over the

case, the final compensation must include interests on its just value, to be (1) To raise revenue
computed from the time the property is taken up to the time when (2) As a tool for regulation
compensation is actually paid or deposited with the court.] (3) To serve as protection of state’s interest/power to keep alive
Scope and Limitations
Supreme Court (1) Power to tax exists for the general welfare; should be exercised only for a
 the court must fix just compensation when parties cannot agree on public purpose.
the amount due on the property (2) Imposition might be justified as for public purpose even if the immediate
 just compensation is based at the time of taking of the property by beneficiaries are private individuals.
(3) Tax should not be confiscatory: If a tax measure is so unconscionable as
the government
to amount to confiscation of property, the Court will invalidate it. But
 the government may take possession of the property upon deposit invalidating a tax measure must be exercised with utmost caution,
of the amount which may initially allowed by the trial court otherwise, the State’s power to legislate for the public welfare might be
 the court impose interest until such time the just compensation is seriously curtailed.
fully settled (4) Uniformity of taxation
General Rule: The power to tax operates with the same force and effect in
9. vda De Quano vs. Republic every place where the subject of it is found. This is known as geographical
[In expropriation, the private owner is deprived of property against his will; uniformity.
due process ought to be strictly followed. Public use as an eminent domain Exception: The rule on uniformity does not prohibit classification for
concept, has now acquired an expansive meaning to include any use that is purposes of taxation, provided the requisites for valid classification are
of “usefulness, utility or advantage or what is productive of general benefit met.
(of the public). (Velasco, J.)]
Subrogation: MICAA now stands in the shoes of its predecessor Ormoc Sugar v. Treasurer of Ormoc (1968)
Uniformity in imposition of taxes requires valid classification
Verbal agreement vs. written agreement: an oral agreement when Valid classification requires:
confirmed and presented as evidence can have the effect of an amendment 1. classification must
of the written agreement
(5) Taxes must be equitable
Abandonment of public purpose will entitle property owner subject to As a general rule, taxes should be apportioned among the people
return of just compensation according to their ability to pay.
Claim for Tax Exemptions
General Rule: Tax exemptions are frowned upon. Therefore, no law
3. Power of Taxation granting any tax exemption shall be passed without the concurrence of a
Definition: Taxation is the power by which the State raises to defray the majority of all the Members of Congress [Sec. 28 (4), Art. VI]
necessary expenses of the Government. It is the enforced proportional There is no vested right in a tax exemption [.] Being a mere statutory
contributions from persons and property, levied by the State by virtue of privilege, a tax exemption may be modified or withdrawn at will by the
its sovereignty, for the support of the government and for all public needs. granting authority.
Under the lifeblood theory, taxes are imposed -


Republic v. Caguioa (2009) There is nothing on record to support a claim that the tax on royalties
~ under the RP-US Treaty is paid under similar circumstances as the tax on
royalties under the RP-West Germany Tax Treaty.

Exemptions may either be constitutional or statutory. Who are protected by the rights: all citizens, natural-born and
Constitutional exemptions [Sec. 28(3), Art. VI] naturalized citizens; aliens within the jurisdiction of the Philippines;
Requisites: Actual, Direct and Exclusive Use by the following: both natural and juridical persons
(a) Educational institutions
(b)Charitable institutions Review Article IV, Citizenship, Constitution
(c) Religious organizations Board of Medicine v. Ota, 558 SCRA 234(2008) [See Art. XII. Sec. 14, par. 2:
If statutory, it has to have been passed by majority of all the members of reciprocity]
Congress. [Sec. 28 (4), Art. VI] Subject matter: authority to practice medical profession by a Japanese
Case: National who is Maried to a Filipino
Com. of Internal Revenue v. S. C. Johnson & Son, Inc. [In negotiating tax Basis of claim: reciprocity between Philippines and Japan
treaties, the underlying rationale for reducing the tax rate is that the
Philippines will give up a part of the tax in the expectation that the tax given Section 14, Article XII: The sustained development of a reservoir of national
up for this particular investment is not taxed by the other country. talents consisting of Filipino scientists, entrepreneurs, professionals,
In order to eliminate double taxation, a tax treaty resorts to several managers, high-level technical manpower and skilled workers and craftsmen
methods. First, it sets out the respective rights to tax of the state of in all fields shall be promoted by the State. The State shall encourage
source or situs and of the state of residence with regard to certain appropriate technology and regulate its transfer for the national benefit.
classes of income or capital.
The second method for the elimination of double taxation applies whenever The practice of all professions in the Philippines shall be limited to Filipino
the state of source is given a full or limited right to tax together with the citizens, save in cases prescribed by law.
state of residence. In this case, the treaties make it incumbent upon the state
of residence to allow relief in order to avoid double taxation.] Claim of reciprocity must be established by clear evidence

Com. of Internal Revenue v. S. C. Johnson & Son, Inc. Poe-Llmanzares v. COMELEC(2016)[ a foundling is a natural-born citizen]
Liability for tax on royalty paid to S.C. Johnson & son Inc. (USA) Subject matter: claim of citizenship to qualify as a candidate to the past
president election
BIR: liable at the tax rate of 25% under RP-US tax treaty Definition of a natural-born citizen: Section 2. Article IV. Natural-born
citizens are those who are citizens of the Philippines from birth without
S.C Johnson & Son Inc. (PH): liable at tax rate of 10% under RP-West
having to perform any act to acquire or perfect their Philippine citizenship.
Germany Tax treaty based on the most favoured nation clause
Those who elect Philippine citizenship in accordance with paragraph (3),
Supreme Court: respondent is liable at 25% tax rate because most Section 1 hereof shall be deemed natural-born citizens.
favoured nation clause under RP-West Germany tax treaty cannot apply to
S.C. Johnson & Son Inc. Presumption of citizenship for foundling
Statistics: Law on probability


Adoption create a legal fiction Power to restrain Liberty claims

presumption of good faith
Legal bases for claim of citizenship of foundling Legal Basis to Deport
1. born under 1935 constitution, there was a presumption
2. international convention on Human Right Citizenship under Art. IV and Right of Suffrage under Article V
3. convention on the Rights of the Child Natural-born citizens Art. IV, Sec. 2 [Poe- Llamanzares v. COMELEC]
sui sanguine  by blood
jus soli based on place of Birth
Section 2. Article IV. Natural-born citizens are those who are citizens of the
Doctrines governing interpretation of laws affecting guaranteed Philippines from birth without having to perform any act to acquire or
rights: perfect their Philippine citizenship. Those who elect Philippine citizenship in
”Void for Vagueness “doctrine accordance with paragraph (3), Section 1 hereof shall be deemed natural-
“Overbreadth” doctrine born citizens.

Estrada v. Sandiganbayan
Public Officers who must be natural born citizens: (Please commit to
Citizenship memory.)
A. People President and Vice President, Art. VII, Sec. 2
1. Different meanings of words “people”: Members of Congress, Art. VI, Sections 3 and 6
Justices of the Supreme Court and lower collegiate courts, Art.
1. “People” as inhabitants, Art.XIII, Sec. 1; Art. III, Sec. 2
VIII, Sec. 7 (1)
Qua Chee Gan v. Deportation Board, 9 SCRA 27 (1963): The state has the Ombudsman and his deputies, Art. XI, Sec. 8
right to exclude aliens in its territory. The President of the Philippines is Members of the Constitutional Commission, Art. IX, B, Sec. 1 (1);
given the discretion to deport aliens who are considered “undesirable.” C, Sec. (1); and D, Sec. 1(1)
Members of the Central Monetary Authority, Art. XII, Sec. 20
2. “People” as citizens, Preamble, Art.II, Sections 1 and 4; Art. III, Sec. 7 Members of Commission on Human Rights Art. XIII, Sec. 17 (2)
3. “People” as source of sovereignty, Art. VII, Sec. 4 Former natural born citizens as transferees of private lands, Art. XII,
Sec. 8
Qua Chee Gan v. Deportation Board Naturalized citizens under Com. Act No. 473
Can the bureau of immigration issue a warrant of Arrest? Who are qualified to be naturalized? Sec. 2
Subject matter: validity of a warrant of arrest by the board of Deportation When is the 10-year residence requirement reduced to 5 years? Sec. 3
Foreign Policy is vested in the President Who are disqualified to be naturalized? Sec. 4
Declaration of Intention, Sec. 5
Procedure, Sections 7-8
Power to include and exclude aliens
When decision is executed, Sec. 1


Effect on wife and minor children, Sec. 15 reached the age of majority, with good reason thinks of his/her sex. Sexual
Denaturalization, Sec. 18 development in cases of intersex persons makes the gender classification
Citizenship by legislative act at birth inconclusive. It is at maturity that the gender of such persons, like
Loss and Reacquisition of Citizenship. Art. IV, Sec. 3, Sec. 2 respondent, is fixed. The Court will not consider respondent as having
Dual Citizenship: R.A. No. 9139 – The Administrative Naturalization Law erred in not choosing to undergo treatment in order to become or remain
of 2000 as a female. Neither will the Court force respondent to undergo treatment
and to take medication in order to fit the mold of a female, as society
R.A. No. 9225 – Citizenship Retention and Reacquisition Act of 2003
commonly currently knows this gender of the human species. Respondent
Right of Suffrage, Article V is the one who has to live with his intersex anatomy. To him belongs the
R. A. No. 9189 – Overseas Voting Law human right to the pursuit of happiness and of health. Thus, to him should
belong the primordial choice of what courses of action to take along the
Nicolas- Lewis v. COMELEC , 497 SCRA 649: Overseas Filipinos qualified to path of his sexual development and maturation. In the absence of evidence
vote under the R.A. No. 9189 need not have one –year actual physical that respondent is an “incompetent” and in the absence of evidence to
residence in the Philippines to exercise their right of suffrage. show that classifying respondent as a male will harm other members of
society who are equally entitled to protection under the law, the Supreme
Court affirmed as valid and justified the respondent’s position and his
Nicolas- Lewis v. COMELEC personal judgment of being a male.
Supreme Court: Citizenship as a pre-requisite to exercise the right to vote
under section 2, Article V commanding the congress to enact a law to allow Gamboa v. P/S Supt. Chan, et al.
overseas Filipinos to vote in their present place of residence outside the Relief sought: Issuance of Writ of Habeas Data
Philippines without having to establish residence in the Philippine for 1 Precedent event: News report which included Mayor Gamboa as a person
year who has a private army
Gamboa’s allegation: The Newspaper put danger to her life and threatened
her security
RIGHT TO LIFE, LIBERTY AND PROPERTY: SAFEGUARDS OF DUE Supreme Court: found no sufficient ground for request of Habeas Data
Article XVIII Section 24: Private armies and other armed groups not
A. Right to Life recognized by duly constituted authority shall be dismantled. All
Republic v. Cagandahan paramilitary forces including Civilian Home Defense Forces not consistent
Two petition: Cagandahan wants to change gender. From female to male with the citizen armed force established in this Constitution, shall be
Name: form jenifer to jeff dissolved or, where appropriate, converted into the regular force.
Right to realize one’s potential guaranteed under the Universal declaration
of Human Rights Imbong v. Ochoa (Right to Life)
Application of principle covered by public international law Subject matter: Constitutionality of the provision which allows the use of
“contraceptive” pills that will abort the fertilized ovum
Supreme Court: The Supreme Court held that where the person is
biologically or naturally intersex the determining factor in his gender Supreme Court: The Right to life upon conception which the egg is
classification would be what the individual, like respondent, having fertilized. The court upheld the provision as constitutional because none of

the petitioners showed proof that there was injury suffered with the use of
alleged “contraceptive” Subject matter: The School existed by grant of the British crown with the
dependence of the Union, now Hampshire passed a restriction and took
B. Due Process Clause (Section1, Article III) over certain properties of Darthmouth always have been a private college
Definition: Due process furnishes a standard to which the governmental
action should conform in order that deprivation of life, liberty or property, in Supreme Court: Darthmouth cannot be impaired because of the
each appropriate case, be valid. x x x It is responsiveness to the supremacy of constitutional guarantee
reason, obedience to the dictates of justice. Negatively pit, arbitrariness is
ruled out and unfairness avoided. x x x Correctly it has been identified as REQUISITES OF DUE PROCESS
freedom from arbitrariness. It is the embodiment of the sporting idea of fair Due process of law means simply that -
play. (1) There shall be a law prescribed in harmony with the general powers of
the legislative department of the Government;
Ichong v. Hernandez (2) This law shall be reasonable in its operation;
Subject matter: equal protection clause covered both citizens and aliens (3) It shall be enforced according to the regular methods of procedure
found within Philippine jurisdiction prescribed; and
(4) It shall be applicable alike to all the citizens of the state or to all of a
Preferential treatment of Filipinos  Philippines at the time of the petition class.
had no particular agreement upon which violation can be invoked
Rubi v. Provincial Board of Mindoro
Due Process: Retail trade law had a prospective effect
MNL Prince Hotel vs GSIS Procedural Due Process
Filipino First policy as Constitutional right Procedural due process is that aspect of due process which serves as a
Rules on Business/bidding as statutory Rights restriction on actions of judicial and quasi-judicial agencies of the
government. It refers to the method or manner by which a law is enforced.
Supreme Court: ruled that Philippine Congress may enact Law to protect
the Businessmen of the Philippines Substantive Due Process
Valid exercise of police power to overcome the contention of petitioners Substantive due process, asks whether the government has an adequate
that they were deprived of the equal protection clause reason for taking away a person’s life, liberty, or property.

No denial of Due process: the law must have prospective effect City of Manila v. Laguio(Right to property)
Subject matter: ordinance prohibited the employment of women to
A law hears before it condemns, which proceeds upon inquiry and renders promote business of entertainment entitles Manila; operator of Victoria
judgment only after trial. Court challenge the inclusion of its facilities within the provision of the
Darthmouth College v. Woodward, 4 Wheaton 518
(non-impairment clause: the State cannot intrude into the rights already Opposition based on:
enjoyed by private citizens under contracts or under Law already in effect) 1. Right to due process

2. Right to property  No person can be deprived of property without Negotiation

just compensation Execution of the agreement
3. Violation of the Non-impairment clause  rights were already Ratification (Philippine law  senate)
vested Exchange of Instruments (effectivity)
4. Exercise of Eminent domain into just compensation Deposit of instrument (DFA and Concerned agency)

Supreme Court: Ordinance is discriminatory for not giving legal ground on Treaty as part of the law of the Land
why women had to be singled out in the law Constitutional Right to the due process

Publication of laws is part of substantive due process. It is a rule of law that RTC: Request for extradition
before a person may be bound by law, he must be officially and specifically Judge will not determine probable cause
informed of its contents. For the publication requirement, “laws” refer to all
statutes, including those of local application and private laws. This does not Extradition Proceeding:
cover internal regulations issued by administrative agencies, which are Sui generis
governed by the Local Government Code. Publication must be full, or there is Class of its own
none at all. *No determination of probable cause
Judgedetermines the correctness of Request(procedure); Obligation of
Tañada v. Tuvera the Philippine government in the treaty
General Rule: The publication of Laws and other issuances which affect the
rights of individuals must be published Mark Jimenez: (petitions) for the letter of request of extradition
*alleges his petition using his: Right to Know (constitutional right)
Effectivity: 15 days after publication unless the law provide otherwise *Constitution should prevail over treaties

Exception to the general rule: internal rules on matter affecting the

operations of a government entity A determination of the precise nature of the government function involved as
well as of the private interest that has been affected by governmental action
RELATIVITY OF DUE PROCESS must be considered in determining the application of the rules of procedure.
Not all situations calling for procedural safeguards call for the same kind of
procedure. This requires a reasonable degree of flexibility in the applying Cafeteria & Restaurant Workers Union v. McElroy
procedural due process. This does not apply to substantive due process.
To say that the concept of due process is flexible does not mean that judges
Secretary of Justice v. Lantion (2000) are at large to apply it to any and all relationships. Its flexibility is in its
*exception to the general rule on the rights to Due process scope once it has been determined that some process is due; it is a
recognition that not all situations calling for procedural safeguards call for
Nature of extradition treaty: obligation to surrender a person to the the same kind of procedure.
regulating parts
Morrissey v. Brewer
Stage in Treaty-making:

1. Notice of rules by publication as a prerequisite/ Notice to Party

Tanada v. Tuvera, 136 SCRA 27(Decision); 146 SCRA 446 (Resolution) Instances when no notice and hearing are required

Hon. Corona v. United Harbor Pilots Arroyo v. Rosal Homeowners Association, Inc.

2. Procedural Due Process

Vivas, on his behalf and on behalf of the shareholders of EUROCREDIT
a. Due process in administrative proceedings Community Bank v. The Monetary Board of the BSP and PDIC

Requisites: Effect when due process is not observed

Mayor Abraham Tolentino v. COMELEC, et al. [Pay attention to the cardinal Winston F. Garcia v. Molina and Velasco
rules of due process in administrative proceedings].
Right to Counsel:
SPO 1 Acuzar v. Jorolan and Hon. Apresa, PLEB
Lumiqued v. Exevea
Dr, Fernando A. Melendres, Executive Director of Lung Center of the
Philippines v. Presidential Anti- Graft Commission, et al.
Instances when no notice and hearing are required

Effect of waiver/estoppel: Anillo v. Commission on the Settlement of Land Problems

The Heirs of Jolly Bugarin v. Republic Pagayanan R. Hadji-Sirad v. Civil Service Commission

Right to Counsel: 3. Substantive Due Process

a. Due Process and Property Rights
Carbonel v. CSC
Heirs of Dr. Jose Deleste v. Land Bank of the Philippines, et al.

b. Due process in judicial proceedings: b. Due Process and Police Power

Velasco v. Sandiganbayan and the People of the Philippines
Ermita-Malate Hotel and Motel Operators Association Inc. v. City of
c. Due process in academic and disciplinary proceedings:
Whitelight Corp. v. City of Manila
Spouses Go and Minor Chester Go v. Colegio de San de Letran


c. Due Process and Eminent Domain (Section 9, Article III and

Article 18, Article XII)
Requirements for exercise of right of expropriation: taking for
public purpose and just compensation

Procedural Requirement: Answer required in eminent domain


City of Manila v. Melba Tan Te

d. Due Process and Non-Economic Liberties: Right to Privacy

Concept of the Right (Section 3, Article III, Constitution)

Spouses Hing v. Chaoahuy, Sr. and Alllan Choachuy

When may right be invoked

Anti-Wire-Tapping Act (R.A. 4200)
Privileged Communication

Salcedo-Ortanez v. CA, Hon. Zamora

Navarro v. CA and the People of the Philippines

Alejano v. Cabuhay

Ople v. Torres


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