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1-Preencha as informações abaixo sobre você:

First name_______________________ Surname_______________________________

Age_____________ Address_____________________________________________
Phone number____________Country_______________Nationality_______________
2- Read the text

Hello, my name is Kate Bridges and I am ten years old. I am from Edinburgh
in Scotland. My Address is 24 Kings Road , Edinburgh and my telephone
number is 0743365 . I am a pupil, of course.

Responda as questões:

a) What’s her name? _____________________________________________________

b) How old is she? ______________________________________________________
c) Where’s she from? ____________________________________________________
d) What nationality is she? _______________________________________________
e) What’s her address? ___________________________________________________
f) What’s her phone number? _____________________________________________

3- Faça perguntas baseando-se nas respostas:

My name is John. 5_____________________________________?
2_____________________________________? My telephone number is 02645776.
My surname is Smith. 6_____________________________________?
3_____________________________________? I am from England.
I am ten years old. 7_____________________________________?
4_____________________________________? I am English.
My address is 102 King Street.

4-Substitua os nomes por he, she, it or they.

a) Jane and Martin are friends. _______________________________________
b) They are friends. ________________________________________________
c) Elephants are big. ______________________________________________
d) My father is an astronaut. _________________________________________
e) His cat is grey. __________________________________________________
f) My family and I are from Madrid. __________________________________
g) John is handsome and tall. ______________________________________________
5-Escreva frases usando o Verbo to be:
a) I/young __________________________________________________________________
b) Susan /my mother __________________________________________________________
c) You / not old ________________________________________________________________
d) John and You / in the shopping _________________________________________________
e) My class and I / intelligent ____________________________________________________
f) She / not short_______________________________________________________________
g) It / rainy ____________________________________________________________________
h) Mary, Sarah and Carlos / unhappy_______________________________________________
i) He / not hungry _____________________________________________________________
j) The cat / in the garden________________________________________________________
k) He / handsome ______________________________________________________________

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