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Thursday, December 13, 2018 Page 31

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Smashing barriers
theater, and
math class
at MSU Change is good

by GWEN OREL The Rev. Dewaine Frazer

of the First Seventh-day
Adventist Church is not
looking for quick results,
At Montclair State Univer- but for lasting improve-
sity, students are jumping rope, ments, as he changes
juggling balls and playing with service times and more.
yo-yos. And getting credit for
it. Page 32
Frankie Hoffer, a sopho-
more, dribbled a ball. “When
you think about dribbling, you
don’t really think about it in
depth,” he said. “It’s more like
tossing on the ground, but it’s
about how much force you’re
putting in, the height you’re
dribbling from.”
He demonstrated. “Waist Yo-yos have potential energy.
height.” The ball bounced.
“Head height.” The ball bounced connections between science, not about becoming a dancer Smashed
differently. math and creativity in a talk or an actor, but about creativity Shakespeare’s
If that reminds you of phys- called “Mathematics in Un- in all disciplines. For those who fierce feminist
Gandini Juggling
ics, you’re right. expected Places” with juggler do want to be dancers or actors,
The students are taking Sean Gandini. “Smashed” in- there are opportunities to work Thursday, Dec. 13-Sunday, Dec. 16 As Paulina, Marion Adler
is a must-see in the
“Contemporary Mathematics” volves nine jugglers, 80 apples in various ways on shows at Friday, Dec. 14, 6 p.m., Shakespeare Theater of
from mathematical sciences and is a hybrid of juggling and Peak Performances as well, he Gandini, Professor Mika Munakata New Jersey’s produc-
professors Mika Munakata circus. said. and Professor Ashuwin Vaidya
Discuss “Mathematics in tion of “The Winter’s
and Ashuwin Vaidya. The of- It’s not unusual for academ- Unexpected Places.” Tale,” which runs
fering is part of a National Sci- ics at Montclair State Univer- SEDUCED BY PATTERNS through Dec. 30.
ence Foundation-funded proj- sity to coordinate with Peak “The mathematics were what Saturday, Dec. 15, talk back
post-show with Gandini, Kati
ect called “Engaged Learning Performances, now in its 14th seduced me,” said Sean Gan- Yla-Hokkala, and Arts + Cultural
Page 34
Through Creativity in Math- year, said Executive Director dini, by phone from France. His Programmings’ Executive
ematics and Science.” Jedediah Wheeler. He is also troupe is something of a sen- Director Jedediah Wheeler.
Students working with jump executive director of Arts + sation: The Guardian writes, Alexander Kasser Theater
ropes talked about patterns. Cultural Programming at MSU. “When it comes to juggling, Montclair State University
Students working with yo-yos A grant from the Doris Duke The Gandinis pip everyone 1 Normal Ave.
talked about potential energy. Foundation began a process else.” The Evening Standard, 973-655-5112.
Groups had been assigned eight years ago that included has called their work “poetry in
different props, then asked to what he called a “think tank,” motion.”
explore mathematical ques- specifically involving profes- “As a child I loved patterns,”
tions around their toy, and then sors who are not in the arts, he Gandini said. Juggling has so something creative in London.”
find articles about them. They said. The program is called Cre- many patterns, that it became He is English and Italian,
were then going to create post- ative Thinking, and has three choreograph-able, he said. and grew up in Havana, France
ers, the best of which will be sections per semester (Regis- “It could have been dance or and Canada, as well as England, Curl up with a
displayed in the lobby of the Al- tration is going on now, for in- something similarly visual.” he said. good book
exander Kasser Theater during formation visit creativethink- Before he became obsessed What he and his troupe do
performances of “Smashed” with juggling, he was a magi- is a bit different from “classical “All Write Now”
Columnist Melissa
by Gandini Jugglers. The UK The math class, created by cian. Then he saw someone juggling,” a term which means Sullivan picks six books
troupe brings its production to Munakata and Vaidya, is not juggling five balls in Covent a seven-minute circus routine coming out next year that
Peak Performances for its US actually a part of that Creative Garden. that builds with bigger and big- will keep you talking and
premiere Dec. 13-16. Thinking, but runs parallel to it, “It was the most hypnotic ger tricks, he explained. “We reading. There’s some-
All of the students were Wheeler explained. thing. For two years I was the launched what they call con- thing for all on her list.
learning to juggle. “The initiative here is to ex- most unsociable being on temporary juggling. Its main
Tomorrow, Friday, Dec. 14, pose students to creative cam- the planet,” Gandini said. “I Page 37
the professors will discuss the pus possibilities,” he said. It’s dropped out of university to do See THEATER, page 39
Page 38 Thursday, December 13, 2018

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Thursday, December 13, 2018 Culture Page 39

Theater “We looked at the typical contents of the

course and thought, how can we connect
the content to elements of creativity, and
from page 31 how can we teach that?” And that led to
the activities.
interest isn’t the fact that it’s difficult or “We tried to link the history, the math-
sensationalist, but that we can choreo- ematics and their aspirations,” Munakata
graph it in different ways.” said.
Instead of short routines, Gandini “What we're trying to emphasize is
Juggling puts on a one-hour show. that it's about the process, and with that
“Smashed” is influenced in part by way of thinking, it's about appreciating
the work of the late choreographer Pina different solutions and approaches. And
Bausch, who among other things was so we ask the students to kind of let go of
known for putting dance in a theatrical what they think mathematics is because
context, even using some text. The piece they always think goes to memorize
was made quickly, Gandini said, but has this formula or have to go step by step
proved to be one of his most popular, through the algorithm or whatever and
and has been performed about 700 times we want to relate to them is that math-
around the globe. ematics is more than that that. It’s a way
Montclair’s performance will be its US of communicating different kinds of
premiere. Apples cover the eyes in “Smashed.” reasoning and discovering new things.
“I’m intrigued to see how an American “And we think that that's more trans-
audience will read it,” he said. The piece is dance students. It’s a treat to work with numbers to generate patterns.” ferable than the formulas that they'll
set at a tea party. Gandini was intrigued math students. He compared it to reading music, memorize.”
by the “journey between order and chaos. “I think music and dance are forms of laughing that some of the best jugglers For Wheeler, joining creativity to
There’s something about tea and crock- visual mathematics.” don’t like it. “What it’s fantastic at is math and science and other courses out-
ery. Things get smashed. Before they are Gandini uses mathematical notations, quickly choreographing.” side the arts has a simple reason:
smashed, they are used.” known as “site swaps,” that record the Both Gandini and his wife, rhythmic “Audience. The College of the Arts is
This is all done to the music of Bach, pattern of the juggling. “Say five people gymnast-turned-juggler Ylä-Hokkala, creating new performers. I feel that it’s
Tammy Wynette, Louis Armstrong. Au- were juggling 17 things and you wanted it perform with the troupe. my responsibility on this campus is to
diences laugh as well as gasp. to be to Stravinsky, and every time a B flat create new audiences. And the best way
Gandini said he is looking forward to appeared, a red ball was thrown between THE AGENDA IS THE AUDIENCE to do that is show people it’s not an es-
viewing the math projects that will be person three and four. You could very The syllabus for “Contemporary cape, it’s not just an extracurricular, it’s a
displayed in the lobby of the Kasser. quickly score that,” he explained. Mathematics” has been in develop- co-curricular experience — which I hope
“I often work with circus students or “It’s a very practical way of using ment for a few years, Munakata said. will last a lifetime.”

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