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Drugs, mostly antibiotics mixed with chicken feed, used to serve as growth

promoters across poultry, were being passed on to humans through broiler

meat and eggs. Residue of these medicines were turning consumers
resistant to antibiotics, including those used to treat digestive and urological
disorders apart from common cold and infections, says the study
conducted by the West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences
(WBUAFS). Doctors said they were being forced to resort to a higher
dosage to make these drugs effective.
In the state's poultry farms, "feed conversion ratio" is high, which means a
small amount of fodder triggers quick growth in chickens. A chick grows
into an adult chicken in just five weeks. This is made possible by tempering
the feed with antibiotics that help in quick digestion and accumulation of
weight. The study reveals that the drugs make it possible to produce 1 kg
meat with just 1.8 kg of chicken feed. An average broiler chicken which
weighs around 2 kg consumes just 3.6 kg of feed till it is slaughtered.

"This is what intensive poultry farming has done. A farmer needs to invest
just Rs 110 kg per chicken, which is sold for around Rs 150. The cost of
production would be higher without the antibiotic-tempered feed that
hastens growth. While this has translated into more profit for poultry
farmers, unsuspecting consumers are getting adversely affected. We have
evidence to show that poultry products contribute to antibiotic resistance in
a major way in the region," said Barun Roy, a senior teacher at WBUAFS
who led the study.

Among the antibiotics which have turned less effective over the years are
terramycin, tetracycline, oxy-tetracyclin, neomycin and trioxycyclin, to name
a few. "There are other reasons which have contributed to this resistance,
but poultry products are majorly responsible. We have found traces of
these antibiotics in nearly all the chicken that we examined," said Roy.

Preventive medicine specialists confirmed the finding. Scores of drugs now

have reduced efficacy which has forced them to alter dosage, they said.
"Drugs like azithromycin, roxithromycin and trioxycyclin are cases in point.
Previously , it would suffice to take them for three days. But now we
prescribe it for a minimum of six days. It is sad that patients are now having
to take medicines for common cough for close to a week," said Debashish
Basu, in-charge of Apollo Gleneagles clinic, Gariahat.

Others like rational drug activist Tomonsh Bhattacharya pointed out that
residual antibiotics in chicken and eggs could affect liver, kidneys and bone
marrow. "This affects you both ways. The pre-scheduled dose proves
ineffective for bacteria and microbes that have already developed
resistance in your system. Also, an enhanced dose could lead to side-
effects. This is a major challenge for doctors now," said Bhattacharya.

While antibiotics are banned in chicken feed across USA and Europe, India
is yet to frame a policy.

. Risk Of Arsenic Exposure From Chicken Feed

Arsenic is increasingly being made a part of chicken feed, mainly to ward
off diarrhea, improve pigmentation, and help ensure good growth.
However, with increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, neurological
problems, and even cancer due to arsenic exposure in humans, it may
be good to know what you’re eating.

Research has found that as much as 55% of uncooked chicken products

sampled from supermarkets contained arsenic. All of the tested fast-food
chicken contained some arsenic. But organic brands mostly contained
lesser amounts than regular brands.

Broiler chicken is not good for health for following reasons:

1. They eat harmful chemicals in order to get ready for maximum meat production and gain
2. Due to chemicals and injections they face, they grow 3 times faster that the normal
chicken. They have growth hormones related problems, which can affect us as well.
3. The bones of broiler chickens are weak as well due to improper growth. Also they lack
proper nutrition as they are stuffed with chemicals and medications.

All this is not the case for a domestic chicken. They grow naturally. They are good for health.

Broiler chicken is not good for health for following reasons:

1. They eat harmful chemicals in order to get ready for maximum meat production and gain
2. Due to chemicals and injections they face, they grow 3 times faster that the normal
chicken. They have growth hormones related problems, which can affect us as well.
3. The bones of broiler chickens are weak as well due to improper growth. Also they lack
proper nutrition as they are stuffed with chemicals and medications.

All this is not the case for a domestic chicken. They grow naturally. They are good for health.
The antibiotics used in livestock and poultry feeds are
chlortetrachyline, procaine penicillin, oxytetracycline, tylosin,
bacitracin, neomycin sulphate, streptomycin, erythromycin, linomycin,
oleandomycin, virginamycin and bambermycin. These are used
against virus and bacteria affecting poultry. With rampant misuse of
antibiotics and growth hormones, the repercussions on human health
are visible. According to the Federal Interagency Task Force on
antimicrobial resistance, human resistance to sulfadiazine is 100 per
cent as its residues were found in chicken and fowl. 75 per cent
resistance has been recorded for streptomycin and 50 per cent for
first line of antibiotics erythromycin, tobra-mycin and ampicillin.

According to global statics, 78,000 tonnes of antibiotics and growth

hormones were used in livestock worldwide in 2014 and by 2030 this
number will jump to 1.05,600 tonnes. A study published in November
2011 in the journal, The Science of Total Environment, says that
chemical growth promoter used in cattle affects growth rate in girls.
Dietician Sunitha Nehra explained, “Women’s bodies store fat and if
they are on a regular diet of poultry it gets stored in the body. Large-
scale endocrine disruption in the form of thyroid problems in women is
attributed to the use of growth hormones, herbicides and pesticides
which are used in various categories of food.”

We see the poultry farm very closely. Millions of chickens are being raised for our
consumption purpose. It’s all going as per the norm, but are we ready to eat something that
isn’t healthy? You know how a broiler is fed? how many chemicals they consume while their
life cycle of 45 days? How they grow like 1.5 -2 kgs just in a month time?

So many questions came to my mind and I met a couple of poultry growers who had the
answers. Let’s talk about the poultry growers later. Let’s have a look at what internet surfers
say about it.

“Broiler chicken is not good for health for following reasons:

1. They eat harmful chemicals in order to get ready for maximum meat production and gain
2. eating the liver of broiler chicken causes impotency.
2. Due to chemicals and injections they face, they grow 3 times faster that the normal
chicken. They have growth hormones related problems, which can affect us as well.
4. The bones of broiler chickens are weak as well due to improper growth. Also they lack
proper nutrition as they are stuffed with chemicals and medications.

All this is not the case for a domestic chicken. They grow naturally. They are good for

With initiative and after learning on these we are starting to grow the local / gavran / desi
variety of chicken for the healthy eaters. We have a farm near by Pune where we grow them
on all natural food supplies. Raising them is definitely a long duration exercise, but we are
happy that they are organically grown and wont harm you.

We soon may bring a video interview with one of broiler grower and his insight on broiler
production which will clear your mindset on eating them.

Pune people can log on for booking your hen @

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