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1.1 Preface
The invention of Internet & web technology has given birth to so many new

concepts in Business one of such example is emergence of Internet banking.

Internet banking is one of the latest emerging trends on the Indian banking

Scenario. Usage of internet banking, though present in India was rest

restricted to foreign banks. Today most of public sectors banks branches in

metros and cities, have computerized front office operations (customer

transaction) and their back office operation and information management

system are also increasingly getting computerized and integrated. However,

it may be noted that the traditional ‘brick and mortar’ banking with manual

system does continue to prevail in most banks’ rural branches in urban areas

too, most of the urban co-operative banks continue to use the manual system

of banking. The article studies the comparatively study of real banking &

internet banking in India and its role in fostering relationships with

customers and giving them more value. The proposed study includes the

customers satisfaction towards E-Banking, merits and demerits of real

banking and Internet banking. This work will also include the comparative

study of internet banking and real (Traditional Banking) banking. Results

have shown that Internet Corporation (banking) can produce financial

rewards for the organization.

A bank is an institution, usually incorporated with power to issue its

promissory notes intended to circulate as money (known as bank notes); or to

receive the money of others on general deposit, to form a joint fund that shall

be used by the institution, for its own benefit, for one or more of the purposes

of making temporary loans and discounts; of dealing in notes, foreign and

domestic bills of exchange, coin, bullion, credits, and the remission of money;

or with both these powers, and with the privileges, in addition to these basic

powers, of receiving special deposits and making collections for the holders of

negotiable paper, if the institution sees fit to engage in such business.

Over the past twenty years the retail banking industry has experienced major

Changes. These changes include increased competition among banks and

nonbanks, Evolution in customer preferences, and technological advances in

bank distribution Systems.

The rise of PCs has created a group of customers with the ability and desire to

conduct remote transactions. Technological advances have shifted retail

baking’s historical reliance on branches. Many banks have expressed a desire

to reduce the number of bank branches and shift transactions to lower-cost

electronic channels. Further, the advent of ''pure" virtual banks—banks with

no branches or ATMs— bas called into question the importance of bank

branches, even driving some to predict that branches will one day be virtually

eliminated from retail banking distribution. Others bank suggested that banks
will have to offer the full range of technology choices, including branches, to

customers, or be forced out of the market.

E-banking means Internet banking or modern banking or online billing. In this

method, customer gets his bank account ID and password and he can check

his account, pay his bill and print his receipt through his home personal

computer which is connected with Internet. E-banking is development of

today banking system. In other words, e-banking is electronic banking whose

facility, you can take through your regular broadband Internet connects.

“Tremendous growth of Internet during the mid-nineties prompted banks to

utilize it as a medium for offering banking services. This transformation gave

birth to Internet Banking in India. In Internet Banking, banks allow their

customers to perform banking transactions through their website in a secure

way. ICICI Bank was the first bank in India that offered this delivery channel,

by kicking off its online banking services in 1996. Other private sector banks

like Citibank, IndusInd Bank and HDFC Bank started offering Internet

Banking services in 1999. SBI launched its Internet Banking services in July

2001. Other public sector banks like the State Bank of India, Bank of Baroda,

Allahabad Bank, Syndicate Bank and the Bank of India rolled their services

during the same time. Banks in India currently offer Fully Transactional

Websites to their customers.” 1

Internet Banking and Customer Acceptance: Indian Scenario Published in UGC-CSEZ Seminar on
Banking In the Era of Diverse Development Paradigms, March 03, 2008, By Sudeep S.
Presently, the Indian banking industry offers both real and Internet Banking

formats to its customers. It, thus, becomes necessary to find out customers

satisfaction towards E-Banking and perceptions about these two types of


1.2 Need for the Study: As the world of banking is divided into two types

of users viz. Traditional Banking Users and Internet Banking Users therefore,

the need of the hour is to find the perceptions of these two types of customers

towards their respective banking. At the same time, the study also aims to find

out the parameters of customers satisfaction towards E-Banking. In reference

to aforesaid, the following statistics of Internet users in the world according to
Graph 1.1: Internet users in world (

According to the study, 55.9 per cent of the world population adopted Internet

in their daily routine.

Graph 1.2: Internet users in Asia (

As the report shows that as in June 2014, there were 137 million claimed
Internet users in India (99 million in urban India and 38 million in rural areas).
Among these, 111 million are active users. The number of active users is
growing at the rate of 19 per cent, faster than the claimed users.2

This huge number of Internet users in the world and in India motivates

banking institutions to offer new channels of service outlets like Internet

Banking, Telephone Banking and Mobile Banking. Indian customers are

exposed to many new channels to interact with their banks whereby Internet is

one the biggest means of interaction.

However, a very few studies have been conducted to evaluate the utilization

of Internet Banking by the Indian customers. Reasons for customer apathy

towards Internet Banking channel have also not been analyzed in an Indian

context earlier.

1.3 Review of Literature

The literature study constitutes the major part of this project. It was chosen as

the best way to get an overview of the domain, and to explore the topics

related to the research questions. The background and resources for this part

of the report are result of an extensive literature study of articles, journals,

books, web pages and forum discussions related to the concept.

The research User Acceptance of Online Banking Services in Australia3 by

Prof Neha Lim has investigated both positive and negative factors influencing
customers acceptance of Online Banking Services (OBS) in Australia. A
research framework was developed based on the Unified Theory of
Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). One hundred and ninety
respondents in Australia participated in a survey on their perceptions toward
OBS. Results show that although respondents strongly believe that using OBS
would benefit their daily life, many issues (such as security concerns and
technology anxieties) reduce their self efficiencies. Recommendations were
given to promote a safe, efficient and conducive environment for user
adoption of online banking.
In Factors Influencing Customers Acceptance of Internet Banking: CASE of

Scandinavian4, Hanna-Maija Vainio primarily raises issues responsible for the

By Neha Lim Swedish Business School Orebro University, Sweden, published in proceedings of the
10thInternational Business Information Management Association Conference, Kualal Lumpur, Malaysia
(ISSN 0976-2183) July-2008
By Hanna-Maija Vainio, M.Sc. Thesis in Accounting, The Swedish School of Economics and Business
Administration, May 2006, pp 123-126
failure of Internet Banking. The study has concluded that security has been

widely recognized as one of the main barriers for the adoption of Internet. It

was also suggested that designing a web page for transaction has one of the

key issues in adoption of Internet baking.

In Customer Satisfaction with Service Quality: an Empirical Study of Public

and Private Sector Banks in Tirupati Region5, Prof V G Murugan has

presented an eye-opener research on the banking industry. The author clearly

points out that customer service is an integral part of any facet of banking and

it defines the future of any banking organization. In India, this realm has

undergone vast changes induced by regulatory and competitive forces since

1991. Since the banking industry revolves around customers, it is necessary to

identify the key success factors – in terms of customer satisfaction – keeping

in view increasing market size and intense competition.

The service quality of public sector and private sector banks has been

measured using the service quality scale, which was used to determine

different dimensions of service quality. Chi square analysis was used to

understand the impact of service performance dimensions (tangibility,

Trustworthy, responsiveness, assurance and empathy) on customer

satisfaction. It was found that customers of public sector banks are more

satisfied with the service quality, than those of private sector banks.

By Prof. V. G. Murugan, Research Scholar, Bharathiar University Coimbatore published in the
International Journal of Research in Commerce and Management Volume no. 3 (2014), issue no. 1,
Prof V Chandrasekar, in his article Tomorrow's Technology for Tomorrow's6

Banking, has concluded that consolidation in banking is triggered by the fact

that banks need to employ new technologies to compete in the market and

remain profitable. One critical area that needs careful consideration at the time

of mergers is integration of different technology platforms and software which

not only have process and control implications but may involve substantial

costs in terms of money and time and retraining of personnel. Technology has,

thus, moved from being just a business enabler to being a business driver for

banks. Technology can help enhance the performance of banks when

effectively aligned with business strategy. Effective deployment of technology

will be key for banks in their efforts to meet the business challenges.

Prof Sultan Singh in his article The Research Article E-Banking Scenario and

Its Impact on Customers Satisfaction in India7 says that there is a significant

difference in the present e-banking scenario of ATMs, Internet banking,

mobile banking and credit cards in India. Also, there is a significant difference

in the impact of ATMs, Internet banking, mobile banking and credit cards on

customer satisfaction in public sectors banks in the India. No doubt,

opportunities in e-banking are immense and there is need to explore them.

By V Chandrasekar, Published in the Journal of Indian Institute of Banking and Finance Vol.78/ no. 2
By Prof (Dr) Sultan Singh, Dean and Chairperson, Devi Lal University, Sirsa, published International
Journal of Research in Commerce and Management (ISSN 0976-2183) Aprti-2011
In their article Indian Banking Sector: Challenges and Opportunities in

Internet Banking8, Mr. S S Kohli and his associates have concluded that

customers select the internet banking system only if they find it convenient.

Furthermore, they would continue being with the bank only if it provides good

services. From the users’ prospective, the banking sector needs to change its

retail infrastructure to an IT infrastructure. Change is also needed in terms of

skills as well as innovative efforts, Trustworthy and security so that the

products, practices services and culture can become a benchmark. Internet

Banking can help garner customer trust.

The nature of banking services may still be the same but the way they are

being offered has been changed dramatically. Banks must realize the

seriousness of challenges ahead and develop a strategy that will enable them

to leverage the opportunities presented by e-banking. E-banks need to shift

from product-centric to customer-centric i.e. to design services according to

the needs, dreams and expectations of customers. Opportunities and

challenges offered by e-banking can only be met fruitfully if banks assemble

different services including banking, broking, insurance, channel delivery,

sales culture, back-office processes and knowledge management under one

corporate name. Most of the market, especially in rural areas, is still untapped

in India. There is lot of scope for banking institutions to expand their e-

VIKALAPA volume 28 No 3 September 2003(S.S.Kohli, K.V. Kamathe, P.S. Shenoy, Ranjan Kumar,
P.T. Kuppueswamy, N Ravichandran.
banking services to have a more sophisticated customer base especially in

rural areas. Infrastructural facilities are also not well developed, and banks are

unable to extend the e-banking services. Good infrastructure, therefore, needs

to be developed.

In his research paper The Gap between Customer Expectation and Perception

in Retail Banking9, Prof Ganesh P confirms that there is significant gap

between customer’s expected service and perceived service level in retail

banking across all service quality dimensions, which leads to dissatisfaction

and a non-committal approach towards the service provider. A customer is not

just money in the cash register; he is a human being with feelings and

deserves to be treated with respect. Any business without a focus on customer

satisfaction is at the mercy of the market.

In his research paper Banking with Information Technology Emerging

Challenges and Potentials, Dr R K Uppal concludes that transformation is

taking place in almost all banks. This transformation will helpful to cope with

new economic and financial policies in the banking sector. IT is playing a

crucial role to create drastic changes in the banking industry, particularly in

the new private sector and foreign banks. Private banks take a big share of the

cake; our public sector banks are still lagging behind regarding various

financial parameters. It can be concluded that mere introduction of IT alone

By Prof. Ganesh p Research scholar, Anna University, Coimbatore, published International Journal of
Research in Commerce and Management (ISSN 0976-2183) December-2014.
will not be sufficient to bring necessary performance improvement and

enhance the competitive edge.

In the research article Technology Enabled Rural Banking10, Dr N K

Thingalaya, has concluded that rural market presents a great opportunity for

Indian banks. Properly targeted, they can serve as a secure source of business

for the bank while at the same time leading to the accelerated growth of the

rural economy. Technology initiatives can serve as allies in this matter and

enable banks to reach population groups which were till date denied the

benefits of banking until now.

Dr Prakash Baskhi, in Impact of Technology on Payment Systems11, has said

the effective use of technology has dramatically improved the efficiency of

operations in banks leading to improved productivity and profitability. The

advancement in computer systems data communications and alternate

electronic delivery channels also helped banks to substantially reduce their

capital and operating cost from the customer's perspective. Technology can

provide them significant value proposition through the new convenient e-

product and channels. Technology enables bank to have better centralized

control systems. The normal approach of automating 20 Percent branches

covering 80 per cent business is followed by large banks conveniently

By Dr N KThingalaya, Published in The Journal of Indian Institute of Banking and Finance Vol. 83/ No.
2 April-June 2014
By Dr. Prakash Bakshi, Published in The Indian Banker Vol I No. 9 April 2009
ignoring their rural branches as they are not economically viable for their

expensive core banking solutions. On the other hand there is a huge potential

at this bottom of the pyramid for bringing in the large amount of cash used by

villagers into the banking system.

Dr Rajesh Tyagi in Insurance of E-commerce Risk12 has said that the security

of information may be one of the biggest concerns to Internet users. For

electronic banking users – who most likely connect to the Internet via dial-up

modem – are faced with a smaller risk of someone breaking into their

computers. Only organizations such as banks with dedicated Internet

connections face the risk of someone from the Internet gaining unauthorized

access to their computer or network. However, Internet Banking system users

still face security risks with unauthorized access into their banking accounts.

Moreover, Internet Banking system users are also concerned with non-

reputability that requires reliable identification of both the sender and the

receiver of online transactions. Non-secure electronic transaction can be

altered to change the apparent sender. Therefore, it is extremely important to

build in non-reputability which means that the identity of both the

sender and the receiver can be attested to by a trusted third party who holds

the identity certificates

Published in the Journal of E-Banking and Commerce Issue2 Vol.14/ no. 1, April 2009
In the article Vulnerabilities in E-banking: A Study of Various Security

Aspects in E-banking13 by Dr Dhiraj Sharma and his associates have stated

that due to lower transaction costs, 24 hours services, increased control over

transactions, higher volume of transactions in less time, remote transaction

facilities and much wider array of banking products and services; Internet

Banking has become an integral part of modern banking. However, besides

these opportunities Internet Banking operation increases different levels of

risks for banks. Customers relying on Internet Banking services may have

greater intolerance for a system that is unreliable or one that does not provide

accurate and current information. The advent of online services has given

greater choice to customers. Clearly, the longevity of Internet Banking

depends on its accuracy, Trustworthy and accountability.

One of the major problem areas with Internet banking appears to be with the

security and safeguarding of information exchanged between the customer

and bank. However, it’s important to keep in mind that if the Internet has its

advantages then there are drawbacks too. These drawbacks are so severe that

they can adversely affect banking activities, which in turn affect customers as

well as organizations. Total eradication of online frauds, thefts, spyware and

malware proliferation is not possible but early detection and preventive

measures can be quite useful.

By Dr. Dhiraj Sharma, Dr. Sawtantar Singh Khurmi, published in International Journal of Computing &
Business Research ISSN (Online): 2229-6166
In Electronic Marketing in India: A Study on Opportunities and Challenges14,

Prof Bucha Reddy P has said that banking is no longer bound to time and

geography. Customers over the world have relatively easy access to their

accounts, 24 hours per day and seven days a week. The author further argued

that with Internet Banking services, customers who felt that branch banking

took too much time and effort are now able to make transactions at the click

of their fingers. Organization needs and the enabling technology is now

capable of creating new ways of organizing people, processes, products,

services, and interfaces and boundaries. Information and communication

technologies make it possible for organizations to Internet organize various

aspects of their business. Outcomes include Internet teams, Internet

corporations, Internet universities, Internet products, and Internet


Prof Vivekananda K, in his study A Secured Hybrid Architecture Model for

Internet Banking (e-Banking)15, has stated that e-banking has made carrying

out personal and financial operations relevantly easier and convenient. This

facility enables to transfer money to other accounts and checking current

balance alongside the status of any financial transaction made in the account.

However, in order to maintain privacy and to avoid any misuse of

transactions, it is necessary to follow a secure architecture model that ensures

By Bucha Reddy, P., published in Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol. No.8, July 2003, Pp.112-116
By Prof.Vivekannand K., Asst. Professor ,PSG College of Arts & Science Coimbatore, Tamilnadu,
published Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce April 2009 Volume 14.
the privacy and integrity of transactions and enthuses confidence that Internet

banking is stable. In this research paper, A Secured Hybrid Architecture

Model for the Internet Banking Hyper Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem and MD5

is described. This hybrid model is implemented with the hyper elliptic curve

cryptosystem and it performs the encryption and decryption processes in an

efficient way merely with an 80-bit key size.

1.4 Objective Of Study

The objective of this research project summarizes what is to be achieved by the

study. The purpose of this research is to identify factors that influence customers

satisfaction towards E-Banking or Internet Banking services in India. The present

research was undertaken with the following objective as guideposts for

understanding the relationship between vitally important variables in the Internet

Banking in India.

a. To study how Internet Banking enhance the efficiency of Banking


b. To examine the essential factors of customers’ discernment towards

Internet banking as well as real banking services.

c. To compare the perception of Internet Banking users and real banking

users on the basis of different identified factors.

d. To suggest guidelines to bank to improve the Internet Banking users

base in the light of outcomes of the present study.

e. To open new vistas of research and develop a base for application of the

findings in terms of implication of the study.

1.5 Research Hypothesis

The hypothesis is tentative, intelligent guesses indicating the solution of the

problem. It gives direction to the study besides this it also gives speed to the

study. When a hypothesis is stated negatively, it is called null hypothesis. It

is a ‘no difference’, ‘no relationship’ hypothesis. i.e. it states that, no

difference exists between the parameter and statistic being compared to or no

relationship exists between the variables being compared. It is usually

represented as HO or H0 .

On the basis of review of available literature of Internet Banking and real

Banking following hypothesis have been framed.


H01: There is no significant difference in the mean perception of banking

customer towards ‘Trustworthy’ factor of Internet Banking and real banking.

Community dignity

H02: There is no significant difference in the mean perception of banking

customer towards ‘Community dignity’ factor of Internet Banking and real

H03: There is no significant difference in the mean perception of banking

customer towards ‘Geographical Flexibility’ factor of Internet Banking and

real banking.

H04: There is no significant difference in the mean perception of banking

customer towards ‘Perceived Transaction & Information Security’ factor of

Internet Banking and real Banking.

H05: There is no significant difference in the mean perception of banking

customer towards ‘Convenience’ factor of Internet Banking and real banking.

H06: There is no significant difference in the mean perception of banking

customer towards ‘Usefulness’ factor of Internet Banking and real Banking.

H07: There is no significant difference in the mean perception of banking

customer towards ‘Result Demonstrability’ factor of Internet Banking and real


1.6 Research Methodology

The study undertaken was exploratory in nature that has provided insights into

perception of customer about Internet Banking. In order to facilitate the

research on the selected topic, the researcher has adopted the following


 The study was mainly based upon primary data. For this empirical

research work the primary data is in the form of questionnaire method.

It has been chosen to systematically gather information from customers

who are using Internet Banking and customers who are using real

banking. Also data has been collected from the employees of Govt. and

Private Banks.

 The secondary data in the form of Reports, Statistics published in the

Journals, News Paper Articles and Web Sites.

1.6.1 Sample Planning

The sample of data collection is an important aspect of any type of research

study. Inaccurate data collection can impact the results of a study and

ultimately lead to invalid results.

The initial sample of 450 customers was selected at random from government

and private sectors banks in Indore and Bhopal. In view of the research

design, a sample of 400 subjects was finally selected. The sample consisted of

300 customers using Internet Banking and 100 customers using real banking

in government and private sector banks in the country. The extraneous

variables of age, experience, gender, functional area and other such variables

were controlled by randomization and elimination. All respondents were post

graduates and in the 30 to 40 years age group.

1.6.2 Data Collection

The research was carried out through survey method. The Likert 5 scaling

selected for this research is a one-dimensional scaling method. A Likert

scale is a psychometric scale commonly used in research for

design questionnaires. Likert distinguished between a scale proper, which

emerges from collective responses to a set of items (usually eight or more),

and the format in which responses are scored along a range. This scale was

chosen because it has been widely used in previous researches, and is often

used for testing hypothesis or scoring records. Therefore, I decided to use

Likert scale from 1 to 5 for the questions in designed for hypothesis testing.

The following scale was applied in the survey:

5 = Strongly Agree
4 = Agree
3 = Neutral
2 = Disagree
1 = Strongly Disagree
0 = No Opinion
Questions with answer 0 were excluded from the statistical analysis. This

decision is based on the notion that 0 refers to no opinion at all, and therefore,

cannot be taken into consideration when scaling the results.

1.6.3 Tools of Trustworthy and Validity

Cronbanch’s α Test: Cronbanch’s alpha test is designed as a measure of

internal consistency; that is, do all items within the instrument measure the

same thing. Alpha is measured on the same scale as a Pearson (correlation

coefficient) and typically varies between 0 and 1. Although a negative value is

possible, such a value indicates a scale in which some items measure the

opposite of what other item is measure the closer the alpha is to 1.00, the

grater the internal consistency. Items in the instrument being assessed. At a

more conceptual level, coefficient alpha may be though as the correlation

between a test score and all other tests of equal length that are drawn

randomly from the same population of interest.

Factor Analysis: Factor analysis is by far the most often used multivariate

technique of research studies. It is a technique applicable when there is a

systematic interdependence among a set of observed or manifest variable and

the researcher is interested in finding out something more fundamental or

latent which creates this commonality.

Basic terms of factor analysis are

Factor: A factor is an underlying dimension that account for several observed

variables. There can be one more factors, depending upon the nature of study

and the number of variables involved in it.

Factor-loadings: Factor-loadings are those values which explain how closely

the variables are related to each one of the factors discovered. They are also

known as factor-variable correlations. In fact, factor-loadings work as key to

understanding what the factors means. It is the absolute size (rather than size

+ or -) of the loadings that is important in the interpretation of a factor.

Eigen value (or laten root) : When we take sum of squared values of factor

loadings relating to a factor, then such sum is referred to as Eigen value.

Eigen value indicates the relative importance of each factor in accounting for

the particular set of variables being analyzed.

Rotation: Rotation in the context of factor analysis is something like staining

a microscope slide, just as different stains on it reveal different structures in

the tissue; different rotations reveal different structures in the data. Though
different rotations give results that appear to be entirely different, but from a

statistical point of view, all results are taken as equal none superior in inferior.

The Z-Test: The z-test uses Z-scores to conduct significance testing for large

samples. There are a number of significance tests in which the sampling

distribution has the form of the normal probability density function, which is

then transformed into the standardized normal probability density function, so

that the test scores become z-scores. If Z value equals or exceeds 1.96 and

2.58, it can be concluded that the difference between means is significant at

0.05 and 0.01 levels respectively.

1.7 Probable Contribution Of Study

Every research is conducted with focus on the utility of the generated

knowledge and its application for different purpose. The present study was

pioneering effort to investigate in to the relationship between Internet Banking

and real banking as well as its implication on customers satisfaction towards

internet banking. The research problems were examined very carefully using

standardized tools for data collection. The data were statistically treated to

arrive at the results. The study has brought important insights and suggestions

for improving or enhancing the effectiveness of executives.

The research has provided the basis for researchers and practitioners to further

investigate into specific areas related to Internet Banking. Major issues are

related to customers satisfaction towards E-Banking and its comparative study

with real Banking. The present study will definitely help the bank executives

to improve their banking utility and performance effectiveness. The

contribution of the research will also help to find out how to increase the

productivity for an organization. Research also aims to find the security risks

in Internet organization because the Internet organizations rely on IT where

exposure to fraud or misuse of technology is a major concern.

This research will contribute greatly to change the customer’s perception

towards Internet Banking over real baking in state of Madhya Pradesh, as the

State already has been involved in architecting and implementing various e-

Governance initiatives with the best possible technology.

Internet Banking is getting popular day-by-day and becoming a hot topic of

the town. In western countries the scope of Internet Banking has made a

tremendous progress. the proposed study does not intend to throw any light on

the MIS of the existing corporations, but definitely it intends to provide useful

contribution to the cost minimizing factors which are beneficial to the

organization. In this manner the current study will prove to be a boon for the

business persons to a great extent.

1.8 Limitation of Study

Every study is to be undertaken within a certain set of circumstance, including

limitations. So is with this research also. Although, a number of obstacles

were done away with while undertaking the work. However, nothing can be

limitation free in this world. So, there still had been certain limitations related

with this study. In a nutshell, the following limitations are worth consideration

in relation to the topic under research:

 The scope of the proposed study is confined to the State of Madhya

Pradesh, although the situation of the India will also be taken into


 The proposed study does not intend to throw any light on the MIS of the

existing corporations.

 The present study suffered small sample size (250) which might not be

factual representative of the whole population of the banking sector.


Concept of Internet Banking

2.1 Concept of Internet Corporation

2.2 Concept of Internet Banking

2.3 Types of Internet Banking

2.4 Constraints in Internet Banking

2.5 Concerns about Internet Banking

2.6 Security Concerns in Internet Banking

2.7 Benefits of Internet Banking

2.8 Future Scope of Internet Banking

Chapter 2

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