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la centrul nr 3 din iasi s-a dat asa:

1. Consider the following text: "he said to her one day...his preferences" (henry james, the portrait of a lady)
a) contextualise the text from a historical and cultural point of view ,10 points

how can u introduce h james's major themes starting from this text? , 10 points
c) enlarge on its relevance in connection with two other literary productions (irrespective of the period)
focused on society's attitude towards women, 10 points
d) define the concept of "open- ended questioning" and explain how it can be used in teaching this text, 5
e) how will u introduce the new vocabulary in the text by using lexical-sets and the lexical relationships of
synonyms and antonyms?, 10 points
f) starting from the text above, organise an activity integrating two complementary skills:
1, specify the objectives and the estimated time, 5 points
2, describe the management of the class in each stage; 10 points
3, specify the teacher's role in each stage. 10 points

subiectul 2. major and minor means of word formation, 10 points

3, the plural of nouns and the agreement between the predicate and the subject, 10 points

sper sa va fie de folos; astept sa aflu si eu subiectele din alta parte;

la alt centru din iasi s-a dat he

Centrul O. Goga Sibiu, 14 iulie

Subiectul 1: Primele 3 paragrafe din Huck Finn... , a Contextualize... (10 p), b Analyze the narrative point of
view chosen by Mark Twain to enhance the verisimilitude of the novel (10 p), c Devise a text-related task
mentioning objectives, stages, timing and interaction at advanced level (10 p).
Subiectul 2: Relative clauses and non-finite clauses - a Defining and non-defining relative clauses (definition
and examples) (4 p), b Relative pronouns introducing relative clauses (use and examples) (8 p), c Non-finite
clauses containing and -ING clause (use and examples) (8 p), d Devise an activity to introduce defining and
non-defining relative clauses to a class of upper-intermediate level - specify the objectives and the estimated
time and describe the stages of the activity (10p)
Subiectul 3: Devise a three-stage sequence of activities to improve listening skills at advanced level (30 p)

Centrul Saliste Sibiu, 8 iulie

Subiectul 1: Hemingway's short story Old man at the bridge, a Contextualize the text from a historical and
cultural point of view (10 p), b Discuss its relevance in connection with other contemporary literary
productions. (10 p), c You are supposed to use this text in one of your classes - define your target group:
students’ level, class profile and course + justify your choice (5 p), d Explain the concept of lead-in and dwell
on what you would do to arouse your students’ interest in this particular text (10 p), e Identify the new
vocabulary in the text above - devise an activity that you would use to teach the selected vocabulary (10 p), f
Starting from the text above, organize an activity integrating two complementary skills - Specify the
objectives and the estimated time, describe the stages of the activity, specify the teacher’s role and the
results of the activity (15 p)
Sub 2: Present and exemplify four strategies a teacher might use when faced with students’ grammar errors
10 p
Sub 3: Name and exemplify ten ways of expressing future 10 p
Sub 4: Specify and illustrate ten uses of the -ING form as a gerund and/or as a present participle 10 p

I. un fragment din "The Portrait of a Lady"(Jenry James):E PREA LUNG CA SA-L POT SCRIE ACUM;voi da
inceputul si sfarsitul

"He had his ideal just as she had to have hers...pana la...she had pleased him"
poate gasiti fragmentul

1.define the theme and the point of view of the narration

2.present the portrait of the Lady as it appears in the excerpt,making extention to the novel;
3.present the narrative technique and Henry James`s contribution to the development of the novel;
define the target group and the age level for presenting the text and design 2 activities you would
use,focussing on reading comprehension and writing skills.
(literatura are insumat 50 puncte)

II.Identify 5 new vocabulary items in the text above and devise 3 types of activities that you would use to
teach selective vocabulary(10p)

III.Starting from the text above ,write a lesson plan to teach PAST PERFECT contrasted with SIMPLE PAST;(20

IV.I dentify the IF CLAUSE in the text and illustrate all types of conditional clauses.(10 p)

Gorj08-Am avut Lord of the Flies- la text related task am scris ce stiu deja elevii, dupa aia warm-up, pre-
reading, while-reading(astea le-am mentionat numai) si am descris mai in detalii post-readingul. taskul era
organizarea unei conferinte de presa cu trebuiau sa puna intrebari de genul what would
you have done if...deci recapitulau si 3rd type asa am facut si cred ca a fost bine
La gramatica: conditionals-type 3.
unreal past(asta habar nu am ce-i)
Si la metodica: types of tests
Da, warm-up, mentionat numai, iar post readingul am detaliat cu obiective, timing, etc

-subiectele de limba engleza de la centrul de examen nr 15 din Cluj-Napoca (07.07.2008).

1. Consider the following text:
"In the room where the dressing table stood, and where the wax candles burnt on the wall, I found Miss
Havisham and Estella; Miss Havisham seated on the settee near the fire, and Estella on a cushion at her feet.
Estella was knitting, and Miss Havisham was loking on. They both raised their eyes as I went in, and both saw
an alteration on me. I derived that, from the look they interchanged. "And what a wind", said Miss Havisham,
"blows you here, Pip?"
Though she looked steadily at me, I saw that she was rather confused. Estella, pausing a moment in her
knitting with her eyes upon me, and then going on, I fancied that I read in the action of her fingers, as plainly
as if she had told me in the dumb alpahbet, that she perceived I had discovered my real benefactor.
"What I had to say to Estella, Miss Havisham, I will say before you, presently - in a few moments. It will not
surprise you, it will not displease you. I as unhappy as you can ever have meant me to be."
(Great Expectations, Charles Dickens)

a. Contextualize the text from a historical and cultural point of view - 10 points
b. Refer to the narrative technique / point of view and to the character portrayal used in this literary work
(Choose one of the characters). - 20 points
c. Devise a text-related task mentioning objectives
2 a. Modal verbs expressing obligation. Refer to uses and illustrate ith examples - 20 points
b. Expressing lack of necessity and prohibition. - 10 points
3. Write about three major stages in teaching productive skills and give examples for each of them. (200
words) - 15 points

-judetul harghita, odorheiu secuiesc(judet pilot08

Textul:Feeling sideways...pana la "I don't want to go any further, Angel, she said stretching out her hand for
his"(Thomas Hardy-Tess)
1.a. contextualize the text from the historical and cultural point of view
b.discuss the relevance of the text, in tterms of style and content, in comparison with other contemporary
literary productions
c.describe a text-related task within timing and objectives at upper-intermediate or advanced level
2.specify and illustrate types of conditional clauses
3. specify and illustrate at least 5 types of vocabulary practice activities
-IASI,Centrul nr 32, 30.06.08
Subiectul I
Consider the following text:
"Mrs. Dalloway said she would buy the flowers herself.
in the triumph and the jingle and the strange high singing of some aeroplane overhead was what she loved;
life; London; this moment of June."
(V. Woolf, "Mrs. Dalloway")
a. Contextualize the text from a historical and cultural point of view. (15 - 20 lines). 10p
b. Discuss the relevance of the text, in terms of style and content, in comparison with other literary
productions. (20-30 lines) 20p
c. Devise a text-related task within timing and objectives at upper-intermediate level. 15p
Subiectul II
a. Specify and illustrate the values of the PAST SIMPLE and those of the PAST CONTINUOUS. 20p
b. Explain the difference in aspect of the two tenses. 10p
Subiectul III
3. Specify the two basic principles governing lesson planing and the three main areas teachers should know
before planning their classes. 15p

Baremul pentru subiectul de mai sus mentiona ceva foarte ciudat.

3. - variety and flexibility
- the job of teaching, the institution, the students
R: The most important principles behind good lesson planning are" variety" and "flexibility".
And the three main areas as Roxana said, "the job of teaching", "the institution" and "the student".

.- ENGLEZA, IASI, Centrul 17, ieri

1. Consider the following text:
"There was music from my neighbour's house through the summer night.
As soon as I arrived I made an attempt to find the host..."
(F. Scott Fitzgerald, "The Great Gatsby")
a. Contextualize the text from a historical and cultural point of view. (15 - 20 lines) 10p
b. Discuss the relevance of the text in terms of narrative technique, style and content, in defining the
character(s). (20 - 30 lines) 20p
c. Devise a text-related task within timing and objectives at upper-intermediate level, in which to integrate
most of the language skills. 15p
2. a. Specify and illustrate the values of the Present Perfect Simple and Continuous. 20p
b. Explain and illustrate the use of tenses after wish. 10p
3. Enlarge upon error correction strategies. 15p

- IASI, Centrul nr. 15, 7.07.08, ENGLEZA

1. Consider the following text:
" "They gave it me," Humpty Dumpty continued thoughtfully, as he crossed one knee over the other and
clasped his hands around it, "they gave it me - for an un-birthday present."
...(Alice didn't venture to ask what he paid them with; and so you see I can't tell you.)"
(Lewis Carroll - "Through the Looking Glass")
a. Contextualise the text from a historical and cultural point of view. 10p
b. Discuss its relevance in connection with other contemporary literary productions. 10p
c. You are supposed to use this text in one of your classes. Define your target group (students' level, class
profile and course) and justify your choice. 5p
d. Define the concept of lead-in and dwell on what you would do to create expectation and arouse your
students' interest in this particular text. 5p
e. Identify the new vocabulary in the text above. Devise an activity that you would use to teach the selected
vocabulary. 10p
f. Starting from the text above, devise an activity integrating two complementary skills:
(i) specify the objectives and the estimated time; 5p
(ii) describe the stages of the activity; 10p
(iii) specify the teacher's role and the results of the activity. 5p

2. Specify and illustrate the differences between defining and non-defining relative clauses. 15p
3. Specify and define at least three types of tests and the characteristics of good tests. 15p
Baremul e de asemenea foarte interesant, dar mi-e prea somn acum sa-l scriu.
In ce priveste alte materii, daca am sa ma simt suficient de bine am sa incerc sa iau si de acolo baremele sa
le postez. Doar de la matematica nu-ti dai seama de nimic, in rest sunt destul de detaliate

-subiectele de limba engleza de la centrul de examen nr 15 din Cluj-Napoca (07.07.2008).

1. Consider the following text:
"In the room where the dressing table stood, and where the wax candles burnt on the wall, I found Miss
Havisham and Estella; Miss Havisham seated on the settee near the fire, and Estella on a cushion at her
feet. Estella was knitting, and Miss Havisham was loking on. They both raised their eyes as I went in,
and both saw an alteration on me. I derived that, from the look they interchanged. "And what a wind",
said Miss Havisham, "blows you here, Pip?"
Though she looked steadily at me, I saw that she was rather confused. Estella, pausing a moment in her
knitting with her eyes upon me, and then going on, I fancied that I read in the action of her fingers, as
plainly as if she had told me in the dumb alpahbet, that she perceived I had discovered my real
"What I had to say to Estella, Miss Havisham, I will say before you, presently - in a few moments. It will
not surprise you, it will not displease you. I as unhappy as you can ever have meant me to be."
(Great Expectations, Charles Dickens)
a. Contextualize the text from a historical and cultural point of view - 10 points
b. Refer to the narrative technique / point of view and to the character portrayal used in this literary
work (Choose one of the characters). - 20 points
c. Devise a text-related task mentioning objectives, materials and timing at upper-intermediate level. -
15 points
2 a. Modal verbs expressing obligation. Refer to uses and illustrate ith examples - 20 points
b. Expressing lack of necessity and prohibition. - 10 points
3. Write about three major stages in teaching productive skills and give examples for each of them. (200
words) - 15 points

-Si am aflat si subiectul de ieri de la cluj, de la centrul nr.1 (asa in mare):

1. Text din Tess of the D'Urbervilles

a) Contextualiza the text .....
The role of fate in the novel.
c) A text related task .....
2. Contrastive approach: present perfect /vs/ past simple
Degrees of adjectives
3. The roles of the teacher

-Centrul O. Goga Sibiu, 14 iulie

Subiectul 1: Primele 3 paragrafe din Huck Finn... , a Contextualize... (10 p), b Analyze the narrative point of
view chosen by Mark Twain to enhance the verisimilitude of the novel (10 p), c Devise a text-related task
mentioning objectives, stages, timing and interaction at advanced level (10 p).
Subiectul 2: Relative clauses and non-finite clauses - a Defining and non-defining relative clauses (definition
and examples) (4 p), b Relative pronouns introducing relative clauses (use and examples) (8 p), c Non-finite
clauses containing and -ING clause (use and examples) (8 p), d Devise an activity to introduce defining and
non-defining relative clauses to a class of upper-intermediate level - specify the objectives and the estimated
time and describe the stages of the activity (10p)
Subiectul 3: Devise a three-stage sequence of activities to improve listening skills at advanced level (30 p)

-Centrul Saliste Sibiu, 8 iulie

Subiectul 1: Hemingway's short story Old man at the bridge, a Contextualize the text from a historical and
cultural point of view (10 p), b Discuss its relevance in connection with other contemporary literary
productions. (10 p), c You are supposed to use this text in one of your classes - define your target group:
students’ level, class profile and course + justify your choice (5 p), d Explain the concept of lead-in and dwell
on what you would do to arouse your students’ interest in this particular text (10 p), e Identify the new
vocabulary in the text above - devise an activity that you would use to teach the selected vocabulary (10 p), f
Starting from the text above, organize an activity integrating two complementary skills - Specify the
objectives and the estimated time, describe the stages of the activity, specify the teacher’s role and the
results of the activity (15 p)
Sub 2: Present and exemplify four strategies a teacher might use when faced with students’ grammar errors
10 p
Sub 3: Name and exemplify ten ways of expressing future 10 p
Sub 4: Specify and illustrate ten uses of the -ING form as a gerund and/or as a present participle 10 p

2.Pe langa Harmer, eu l-am mai citit pe Penny Ur, si "In-Service Distance Training Course for Teachers of
English", British Council, (Rada Balan, Cristina Ciuta, Mihaela Dascalu, Elza Gheorghiu, Eleonora Olaru). Cea
din urma e aproape la fel cu Harmer, dar are un format putin mai atragator, in sensul ca are diverse exercitii
pt. consolidarea a ceea ce implica capitolele de teorie. Eu zic ca merita sa o ai in biblioteca, la fel si pe
Harmer. Si deocamdata nu am vazut nici un subiect dat la examenele de titularizare pe care sa nu-l gasesti in
cartile astea

Jeremy Harmer, 'The practice of Englishlanguage teaching', Longman, 566.000 ROL

'In-Service Distance Training Course ...', Polirom, 219.000 ROL (se gaseste si in librarii, cred ca stocul editurii
e epuizat)

iar pentru gramatica iti MAI recomand:

'A University Grammar of English' by Randolph Quirk, Longman (o gasesti la British Council)

'A Practical English Grammar' by Thomson & Martinet, OUP (tot la British Council)

'Gramatica limbii engleze' (G.G.-Farnoaga, E. Comisel, Ed. Lucman)

'An A-Z English Grammar Usage' by Geoffrey Leech ..., Longman, 425.000 ROL

Sub in2007
- uitandu-ma pe la judetele pilot...vad ca au dat cam asa:
-la 2 centre Thomas Hardy cu Tess...
- Virginia Woolf
-Mark Twain
- Hemingway - The Old Man and the Sea
-N. Hawthorne - Scarlet letter (la 2 centre)
- Melville cu Moby Dick

Iar la metodica...
-types of tests
-ways of presenting grammar and ways of practicing it
- vocabulary teching techniques(la 2 centre)
- specialist receptive skills which readers and listeners employ
- class management techniques
-types of communicative activities and teacher's role in learner-centered class

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