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SOLUTIONS MANUAL FOR FUNDAMENTALS OF GAS DYNAMICS SECOND EDITION BY ~ BOB ZUCKER OSCAR BIBLARZ DEPARTMENT OF AERONAUTICS AND ASTRONAUTICS. NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL, MONTEREY, CA John Wiley & Sons, Inc. — Hoboken,New Jersey ‘This book is primed on acidic paper. © Copyright © 200 by Joa Wiley & Sons, oc. All ight served. Published by Ja Wiley & Sons, nc. Hoboken, New eney No put ofthis poblication may be reproduced. stored in a reer sysiem. oF transite in any form oF by any means electronic. mechanical, cording. scanning. otherwise. excep as permited under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 Unit Stes Copyright Act, without either the prior wren permission ofthe Publisher. or authorization through payment ofthe appropriate per-copy ‘ee 1 the Copyright Clearance Cen. lc. 72? Rosweoa Deve, Danvers. MA (0192, (978 750-8100. (978) 750-1470, o on the web at sncopyeghtcn, Request othe Publisher for permission shouldbe adresse to the Peissioas Deparment, loha Wiley & Sons. lnc. 111 River Steet. Hoboken, NJ O7030 (201) 748-6011 ax 201) 748-4008. e-mail: Limit of Lisbiti/Diselaimerot Warramy: While the polisher idaho ave wed their best ffs in preparing this book. they make no representations or warrants with espect tothe aceraey orcompltenes of th contents his book and specif= Telly disci ay yi wartatien of echt or Gines or pear rpoe. No waranty may be create or extended by sls eprnetatives ern y ‘as mri, Th advice an uepicx consid tein may mt be mitable for your situation. You should coaslt wih a professional where appropriate. Neither the pblishr noe ator abl be able for any os fp or any her conune- ial damages ncoing bat at Finite to special incident. comequental. or ther damages. Foe yonra information on outer prodts nd services ufo wees suppor plese comtct out Customer Care Department within the United Stes at (800) 742-2974, ouside the United Snes nt (317) 572993 orf (317) $72-4002- Wikey ako publics is took in a variety of elton fonnas Somme content tht Ae ra may nt Re AAS eo Boe Printed in he United States of Amevien fo9e76s4321 10. u. 12. CONTENTS Review of Elementary Principles. Control Volume Analysis — Part L Control Volume Analysis —Part {I . Introduction to Compressible Flow Varying-Area Adiabatic Flow . . Standing Normal Shocks . Moving and Oblique Shocks... ‘Additional Material on Conical Shocks 121 146 150 174 = 205 27 234 249

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