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Response: St. Eugene de Mazenod, lead us to Jesus through the trials of life.

1. You who were rich and content at birth but afflicted by poverty and suffering very early in life. R/

2. You were in exile for the safety of life in face of the terrors of the French Revolution. R/

3. You lost everything in exile but were miraculously sustained by God’s providence. R/

4. You were deprived of education in exile but God sent you Fr. Bartolo Zinelli in Venice to guide your path. R/

5. When your parents were separated, you lost the warmth and love of your mother at a tender age but you were blessed
with the loving presence of our Heavenly Mother. R/

6. Having failed in all your attempts to reconcile your parents, you experienced utter helplessness. R/

7. You were lonely and had no hope of a bright future in the prime of your youth and thus, you experienced the depression
of the idle youth. R/

8. When you returned to your motherland at the age of twenty you were showered with all the pleasures of worldly life
and you were quick to discern their vanity. R/

9. You encountered the crucified Christ on a Good Friday and were awakened to the immeasurable love of the Saviour. R/

10. At the foot of the cross, on that Good Friday, you realized God’s wonderful plan for you. R/

11. You gave yourself to the service of the Church and dedicated your priestly life to serve the young and the most
abandoned. R/

12. In your passionate love for the poor you founded the Congregation of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. R/

13. With your generous heart embracing the whole world, you sent your missionaries to the ends of the world. R/

14. Called to serve as the Bishop of Marseille, you touched the hearts of God’s people. R/

15. You instructed the members of your Congregation before your death to show each other charity and to work with zeal
for the salvation of people. R/

16. You were proclaimed a saint of the Church for the welfare of those in difficulties. R/

17. You mediate before our heavenly Father on behalf of the families that undergo trials and difficulties and you are quick to
come to their aid. R/

Let us pray.

Almighty and loving God, you led St. Eugene dc Mazenod through the sufferings and challenges of a dysfunctional family to
a life of holiness. Through his constant intercession bless the children and the youth of broken families. Strengthen the
spouses to strive for unity. Grant them the gifts of understanding, patience, love and courage to overcome the problems of
life. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Saviour and Lord. Amen.

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