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✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽
Interview with
Ellis Island
a Dynamo
Turn to page A19
Turn to page B24
✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽
VOL. 38

Things to
Remember Section B

in March

UCO E l e c t i o n s
March 1st
I n s t a l l a t i o n
Lun c h e o n M a r
Town Hall on 10
B y l a w s
14 Buy my
l l T i c k e t s
B r o a d b a n d
Atlantic p o i n t m e n t
A p Importa
S E C T I ON A Crossword Puzzle...................................... A22 Letters to the Editor................................ B10

President's Report..................................... A2
Take me Out to the Ballpark.................... A23
Sports Page............................................. A24
Our Laundry Room & Environs................ B11 REMINDER
Purim/Ash Wednesday.............................. B12
Town Hall Meeting on UCO Bylaws............ A2
Political..................................................... A4
Notable Events for March........................ A25 Homage to a Good Friend........................ B14 D E LE G AT E M E E T I N G
Shadowing the Doctors Part 2................. A26 Cuba........................................................ B18
Delegate Assembly Minutes...................... A5 WPBCV Summer Ticket Order Form... A28 Friday 3/1/19
Food is Love/Nutrition Q&A .................... B19
UCO Officer’s Report.................................. A6 9:30AM in the Theater
Legal: Top Board Member Mistakes 2........ A7 SEC TION B Entertainment........................................ B20
Safety........................................................ A8 Newcomers Informational Meeting........ B21 Email articles & comments:
Maintenance............................................. A9 Nick Carter Master Detective..................... B2 Classified................................................. B22
Where Has the Time Gone?..................... A10 CV Organizations......................................... B6 Scams to Watch Out For........................... B23
Atlantic Broadband Signup..................... A21 Famous People Born in March................... B8

President’s COMCAST Outage reveals
Report major vulnerabilities
By Dave Israel
I do not have to remind our read- click on a link. Then you wait for er problems, accidental or mali- acquire POTS telephony. What is
ers that COMCAST communica- an instant or two, while your page cious damage to cables, disruptions POTS? Well, it is Plain Old Tele-
tions went down, starting intermit- loads. But sometimes you keep wait- caused by malicious software such phone Service This is an old style
tently circa January 23, 2019. By the ing. Or you get Error 404: Page Not as viruses and Trojan horses. Or it analog telephone, the kind that you
25th. Century Village, at least as far Found. Possibly, your browser times could be something as simple as the plug into the wall. This can pro-
as COMCAST customers were con- out while waiting for the server to need for routine maintenance. vide a feeling of security. Go for
cerned, was without CABLE TELE- respond. We tend to summarize all Excessive dependence on tech- the lowest cost option without
VISION, INTERNET ACCESS, and these events with a simple phrase, nology can be problematic as total bells and whistles. This is basic
COMCAST TELEPHONE. Many like "The Internet is down." loss of communications can cause lifeline communications which
residents felt cut off from the out- In almost all cases, that world- great stress. I personally have rec- is immune to power outages, as
side world, and this can be very wide interconnection of networks ommended many times, that senior it is powered by low voltage cur-
scary. This COMCAST outage was that gives us the World Wide Web, citizens should not be exclusively rent on the line.
quite widespread across the nation. e-mail and countless other online dependent on VoIP; Voice over IN- Finally, what about loss of televi-
When discussing this issue with services is still operating. The Inter- TERNET Protocol for Telephone. sion? Purchase a low-cost HD ready
residents, some said “The INTER- net is still there; we just can't get to As we have recently experienced, antenna and point it at West Palm
NET went down.” Let me hasten to it. But why? The root cause might be your access to the INTERNET can Beach and you can pick up a few HD
advise you that The INTERNET did almost anywhere. The culprit could fail. Now what? Well, there is Cell broadcast channels; remember the
not go down. The INTERNET Ser- be something inside your comput- Phone, or other ISPs, such as AT&T days of free broadcast TV! For those
vice Provider, ISP, COMCAST, had a er, attached peripheral equipment, or our soon to be activated Atlantic cases when the power goes out, get
major service interruption. So, what a service interruption from your Broadband network; both of which a battery powered TV and lots of
is this about? own network or ISP. It could be were una ected by the COMCAST batteries., With a little planning,
a regional or wider-scale outage outage. However, I strongly rec- you need not be communications
Type a URL into your browser or caused by faulty equipment, weath- ommend to all seniors that they deprived.

Town Hall Meeting on UCO Bylaws

March 14 - 1:30 P.m - Clubhouse Classroom C
On Thursday, March 14, 2019 at Organization, Inc., so you can document has been reviewed for?
1:30 p.m., please plan to attend a refer to it and take notes. in all three Town Hall meet- • Do you know what the new quo-
TOWN HALL MEETING to re- 2. We will discuss Articles I-V, ings and voted on by the Del- rum is for Delegate Meetings?
view proposed amendments to the pages 2-12 at this rst Town egate Assembly. • Do you know when you have the
UCO Bylaws. We’re counting on ev- Hall meeting. We will noti- The rst ve articles in the pro- right to see an annual budget
eryone to ask questions and share fy everyone of the dates for posed Bylaws are important be- before it’s voted on?
opinions in order to make the nal Town Hall meeting in June cause they give us a common vocab- • Do you know the rules of con-
version for vote the most clear and and September to cover the ulary for the operation of the UCO duct at Delegate Assemblies?
e ective document it can be. And, rest. and de ne the powers and respon- • Do you know the proposed new
of course, since we all think better 3. Meeting Room C is reserved sibilities of delegates. If you think definition of “unit owner”?
when snacks are available, refresh- from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. delegates have too much power or Bylaws aren’t just dry legal lan-
ments will be served. 4. Please come prepared with not enough, this is the discussion guage. They drive our daily lives in
Here’s what you need to know: your questions and com- for you. the Village.
1. Please bring with you the By- ments so we have time to deal • Do you know what “artificial en- Come to all the Town Hall meet-
law insert from the February with everyone’s input. tities” are and why they are con- ings and help us make them better.
UCO Reporter, Amendments 5. The revised Bylaws will go sidered members of UCO? Anita Buchanan for the
to the Bylaws of United Civic into e ect after the entire • Do you know what LCAM stands Advisory Committee


The UCO Reporter POLICY
The UCO Reporter promises to continue
2102 WEST DRIVE, WPB its long held beliefs that this publication will
print articles to inform our residents of the
Visit your Web site: New Telephone Number for important issues concerning our Village. We promise to seek the truth and to print both
UCO Office, 2102 West Drive
UCO Reporter Staff sides of an issue, to open dialogue to inform

(561) 683-9189
our readers, not to create controversy.
West Palm Beach, FL 33417
We promise to listen to your concerns and
Tel: 561-683-9189 / Fax: 561-683-5473 to treat all our residents with courtesy and re-
Email: spect. Your opinion is valuable to us and will
Send photos to: be considered in our decision for publication.
Office hours: 9 a.m. to noon, Mon.-Thurs.
These are the criteria for publication:
Fri: By Appointment
the Editor should be limited to 250 words,
Your Volunteer Staff
Editor-in-Chief........................................ Bobbi Levin
President David Israel
Vice Presidents RESIDENTS and must be e-mailed (ucoreporterwpb@ to the Reporter by the 7th of the

Co-Editor.........................................Myron Silverman David Boas month prior to publication. Your opinions
Associate Editors.............................. Anita Buchanan, Stew Richland Barbara Cornish are important to us, but please refrain from
Lanny Howe, Ruth Dreiss Louise Warner gossip, innuendo, nasty or inflammatory re-
Treasurer marks. Letters deemed to be inappropriate,
Advertising Manager................................Phil DePaul
Ed Black
ALL LETTERS inflammatory or libelous will be returned by
IT Manager......................................JoAnne Robinson
the Staff for revision or removal. All letters
Sports..................................................Irwin J. Cohen Corresponding Secretary TO THE EDITOR must include the name, address and phone
Sandra Cooper
Copy Editor...........................................Andre Legault
Recording Secretary John Hess
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Staff............................ Ginger Veglia, Lenore Velcoff,
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George Franklin Mary Patrick to the Reporter by
Marilyn Curtis, Louise Warner, Roweena Bacchus Domenic Guarnagia Phyllis Richland BE SUBMITTED the 7th of the month prior to the month of
Roger Hotaling Suzie Byrnes publication. All articles will be limited to one
The UCO Reporter is a monthly publication distribut-
ed within Century Village in West Palm Beach. It is the Bobbi Levin George Pittell
ELECTRONICALLY per writer. The topic of your article is of your
official publication of Century Village. For advertising
information, please call 561-299-9908. Editorial and
Marilyn Pomerantz George Loewenstein AND PROVIDE A choosing, but the Staff has the discretion to
Advertisement submissions are welcome, but subject Alice Schrass Michael Rayber edit it with your approval or reject it based on
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necessarily those of the UCO Reporter. All content
is copyrighted and may not be reprinted, copied or NUMBER.
reproduced without written permission from the
Publisher. ©2015.

MARCH 2019
UCO Monthly Meetings EDITORIAL
APATHY: Lack of interest,
enthusiasm or concern.


Only 49% of eligible voters voter participation is not accept-
cast ballots in the recent 2018 able in Century Village - WPB.
TUESDAY 5 COMMUNICATIONS UCO 10:30AM midterm elections. While this On March 14, the rst of
was a record for midterm elec- three Town Hall meetings will
WEDNESDAY 6 PROGRAMS & SERVICES UCO 11:00AM tions, I nd that percentage convene in the Clubhouse. This
absolutely appalling. We have will be your chance to partici-
THURSDAY 7 ADVISORY UCO 10:00AM an obligation as Americans, as pate in the discussion of a third
Floridians, as residents of Palm of the proposed UCO Bylaws.
TUESDAY 12 ADVISORY UCO 1O:00AM Beach County and as residents Remember that when the entire
of Century Village, to vote in all document is approved, it will
elections. be our governing document for
WEDNESDAY 13 BROADBAND UCO 11:00AM In the next months, import- years to come.
ant votes will be taken in Cen- The reservation / menu selec-
THURSDAY 14 COP ROOM B 9:30AM tury Village. On March 1, the tion form for the UCO Installa-
election for two UCO Vice Pres- tion Lunch on March 10 is print-
FRIDAY 15 CERT UCO 1:00PM idents and ten Executive Board ed in this Reporter. Please make
members will take place. Make your reservation before March 5.
TUESDAY 19 INSURANCE UCO 10:00AM sure your Association’s o cial Join your neighbors in congratu-
representative to the Delegate lating our newly elected o cers
WEDNESDAY 20 BEAUTIFICATION UCO 9:30AM Assembly casts a ballot that as they begin a year working on
re ects the wishes of the unit behalf everyone in Century Vil-
owners in your building. lage.
THURSDAY 21 BID/INFRASTRUCTURE UCO 10:00AM 349 ballots should be cast and Don’t be apathetic. Mark
counted on March 1. Let’s prove March 1, March 10, and March
TUESDAY 26 OPERATIONS UCO 10:00AM that Century Village is better 14 on your personal calendar
than the national average. 49% now.

Dave Aronberg, State Attorney 15th Judicial Circuit
All -Time Low in Juvenile “Direct File”
Cases For Non-Violent O enders
Striking a balance between pun- Our number one goal is to protect adult, sanctions. have not been rehabilitated by the
ishment and rehabilitation to better public safety, and that means prop- These gures do not include the juvenile justice system.
protect public safety, our o ce di- er charging and proportionate pun- 800+ youths who receive civil cita- A major reason behind the reduced
rect led fewer non-violent juveniles ishment with reduced recidivism. tions for minor o enses such as mar- direct le rate is the diligence of our
into adult court last year. Our general policy is to use juvenile ijuana possession through the coun- prosecutors, who closely scrutinize
Statistics released by Florida’s De- court on non-violent o enders un- ty’s Juvenile First O ender program each juvenile arrest to make the ap-
partment of Juvenile Justice showed der 18, especially in drug cases, but (JFO). Juveniles who receive a civil propriate charge. A decision to direct
that our o ce led adult charges to continue to direct le juveniles citation through the JFO program le a juvenile into adult court must
against 72 juveniles in scal year who commit violent crimes or who are not arrested and not referred to be approved by at least two separate,
2017-18, compared to 89 juveniles di- are habitual o enders. The DJJ num- our o ce for prosecution. experienced prosecutors. That’s be-
rect filed in the prior fiscal year. This bers show that our o ce direct led We need to be smart about ght- cause a prosecutor’s o ce has an im-
marks the lowest number of juveniles 3.68% of all juveniles arrested in s- ing crime, which means we must be mense power to forever alter some-
direct led into adult court since cal year 2017-18. Within that group careful not to create an adult crimi- one’s life, and so we must get it right
these statistics have been tracked. of direct filed o enders, 76.39% were nal out of a non-violent youthful of- every time.
The drop is especially pronounced for violent crimes. Notably, even fender who can be turned around by
compared to scal year 2008-09, when an o ender is direct led into juvenile court. Direct le into adult
when there were 406 juveniles direct adult court, the court has the dis- court should be reserved for violent
led into adult court. cretion to issue juvenile, instead of crimes and also repeat o enders who

O ce of County Commissioner Gregg Weiss

News and Notes from County
Commissioner Weiss’s O ce
Century Village is important to Beach County Water Utilities De- the cost of mailing a ballot will drop community, or in assisted living.
Commissioner Weiss. That is why he partment won an industry award from $1.65 to 30 cents. • Support funding to serve at-risk
visits this community more than any recognizing outstanding water Commissioner Weiss suggested seniors statewide on the Depart-
community in his district. It is why quality, operational e ciency, sys- that the County o er postage-paid ment of Elder Affairs Waiting List
he attends every UCO meeting and tem maintenance, professionalism, absentee ballots, making it free and for The Community Care/Home
other functions at the Village often safety standards, and emergency easy for voter to vote by mail. Care for the Elderly and the Alz-
accompanied by sta . He wants to preparedness. heimer’s Respite Care Programs;
know what’s going on in the Village and
so that he can help whenever the Florida legislative ses- • Appropriate 3.5 percent of admin-
need arises whether it is helping to Home caregivers – Last sion starts soon istrative costs to the Department
expedite a building permit for the month’s edition of the UCO report- of Elder Affairs for Florida’s Alz-
sign at the Okeechobee Boulevard er contained a column explaining On March 5, 2019 the legislative heimer’s disease Initiative pro-
entrance or resolving issues with changes to Home Caregiver Ordi- session will start in Tallahassee. grams that provides education
trash pickup or tra c concerns. At nance. At the February 5th County During the session, which lasts for and support to patients and care-
the same time, the Commissioner Commission meeting, the board just 60 days, lawmakers will make givers.
wants to inform this readership of voted to give County staff more decisions that a ect all Floridians.
what he’s working on and what the time to work with the industry to The County has a legislative a airs
County is doing that a ects the lives ne tune changes to the new rules team that advocates for Palm Beach ABOUT COUNTY COM-
of Village residents. Here’s a look at regulating home caregivers. It will County’s interests and Commission- MISSIONER GREGG
what’s happened in the last month. be back in front of the board on er Weiss and other commission- WEISS’S OFFICE
March 12. ers will join them for several days Constituents are important to us.
in March. One important priority We want to hear about the issues
Appointments - Commis- that the Commissioner and the lo- that a ect you.
sioner Weiss appointed Donald Voting equipment – The cal delegation will be talking to state If you run into problems that we
Foster to the Solid Waste Author- board also approved spending $15.7 lawmakers about is senior welfare. might be able to help with don’t
ity’s Citizens Advisory Council. million on new voting machines. Among the legislative priorities are: hesitate to contact us.
As Century Village’s maintenance The new system, which will debut 561-355-2202 or email us: district2@
manager Donald often deals with during the 2020 primaries, will mean • Support funding for Florida’s Ag-
issues relating to garbage pick-up, voters have to ll in circle instead of ing & Disability Resource Centers’ Sign up for the Weiss Words e-news-
this gives him a valuable perspec- drawing a line as has been the case nursing home diversion program. letter
tive and will give the village a pow- for the past years. Voters will be able Under this program, Medicaid Follow us on social media:
erful voice on this advisory board. to track whether their absentee bal- eligible seniors who require long Facebook: @GreggWeissPBCCom-
lot arrived at the elections o ce. Be- term care supports can receive missionerD2
cause the ballots will be printed on assistance in their home, in the Twitter: @GreggPBC
Water Utilities - The Palm paper that is smaller and thinner,

UCO Delegate Assembly Minutes

FEBRUARY 1, 2019
The meeting was called to order at KINGSWOOD A, C, E, F Day at the park this year is Feb. 25,. Health Center for Veterans at VA
9:30 AM by President David Israel. NORTHAMPTON A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, There will be a discount on each tick- Hospital.
K, L, Q et purchased. Tickets are also avail- • Louise Warner: Thanks for “full
PBSO Capt. Palenzuela led the NORWICH A, B, C, D, F, G, H, I, K, L, able online, for more information House” of delegates showing up
Delegate Assembly in the Pledge of N, O call 561.440.1097 and ask for Farida, today. Drivers slow down. Con-
Allegiance. OXFORD 200 0 of 2, 400 1 of 2, tell her you are from Century Village. tact her office for information
PLYMOUTH III 0 of 2, IV 0 of 2, V 1 of 2 All tickets purchased by CV resident on Ballpark and/or Honor Flight.
SALISBURY B, C, E, F, G will receive a discount. Candidates Forum will be held on
Minutes: Accepted with cor- SHEFFIELD A, B, D, E, F, G, H, I, K, M, Kathy Sreenan, “Honor Flight” Feb 12, 2019 in clubhouse.
rection as noted. (Committee N, O representative talked about the hon- • John Hess: SLOW DOWN – No
reports-proposed change) SOMERSET B, H, I, J, L or ight and those who are eligible. passing cars on perimeter road—
This meeting is being videotaped SOUTHAMPTON All Present WWII and Korean War Veterans, Safety first.
by UCO and recorded by Ed Gross- STRATFORD A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, L and beginning in Oct. Vietnam Vet- • Stewart Richland: Numerous
man. SUSSEX B, C, D, E, G, H, I, K, M erans will also be eligible. Thanking people have been walking in the
WALTHAM B, D, E, F, G, H, I you for your past and future support. road—be careful when driving.
WELLINGTON A 1 of 2, B 2 of 2, C 2 of 2, Coconuts are being removed from
Attendance 170 Delegates
chemically treated trees; the co-
E 1 of 2, F 1 of 2, M 1 of 2
signed in. Quorum requires 141. Treasurer’s Report
WINDSOR A, B, C, D, G, H, I, L, M, O, conuts are not safe to eat. Topic
Quorum met. • CPA Sebastian Yeend reported on
P, Q, S of cigar smoke being a nuisance is
Thank you for your continuing the enclosed Treasurer’s report to be handled by the Association
participation. Sandra Cooper, Corre- ending Dec 31, 2018 YTD. $100K • CAM: Ad from FPLE for water
ASSOCIATIONS NOT under budget. The project on
SIGNED IN AT THE FEB- sponding Secretary pipe insurance is unnecessary,
(ICS) interest bearing accounts please disregard.
RUARY 1, 2019 DELE- Guests in Attendance for reserve funds earning interest,
GATE ASSEMBLY • Missed garbage pickups do hap-
• PBSO; Capt. Palenzuela, Lt. Hill with all FDIC insured, are expect- pen ..Usually rectified next day.
On February 1, 2019, the following • Kathy Shreenan, Honor Flight ed to generate around $110K.
Associations were either not repre- Call or email UCOGarbage@
representative. • The change in the copier main- for immediate atten-
sented or were underrepresented at • County Commissioner District 2; tenance program is working and
the Delegate Assembly. This may be tion.
Gregg Weiss and Administrative providing a savings. • Power washing/ cleaning of
because the Association’s Delegate(s) Assist. Niels Heimeriks, • An analysis of Investigations in
failed to sign in or was not pres- dumpsters is the responsibility of
• Mike Pratt, Appraisers’ Office the years 2017-2018 revenue, has the Associations. Any dumpster
ent. Since some Associations have • Danielle Petty, rep. from The Ball- shown a saving with each inves-
more than one Delegate, the number use is allowed for all residents.
park of the Pam Beaches tigation. • The cam was appointed to the
missing is noted when there could • Joe Maryuma Waste Disposal Advisory Com-
have been more than one signed in. Officer’s Report mittee for addressing problems
Please encourage your Association’s • David Israel: Comcast outage was
with dumpsters, trash pickups,
Delegate(s) or Alternate Delegate(s) PBSO Reports found to be from two cut fiber ca-
etc. This committee will have a
to participate at each Delegate As- Capt. Palenzuela: January has bles. Sabotage suspected- investi-
sembly. The Delegate(s) must be meeting next month after the del-
been a quiet month. Tra c Patrols gation underway. The outages oc-
signed in to count toward quorum or egates meeting for all with prob-
have stepped up enforcement in an curred nationwide. A suggestion
to vote lems/inquires.
e ort to re-establish accountability of a back-up ISP (Internet Service
ANDOVER A, B, D, G, I, L, M for village drivers and improve safe- Provider), a land line telephone
BEDFORD D, E ty. and a battery powered TV, may be New Business
BERKSHIRE A, B, D, F, G, I, J, K Lt. Hill: 1 car burglary-unlocked worth considering a possible loss Anita Buchanan chairperson of the
CAMBRIDGE A, B, H car, 2 Bikes stolen and 1 residential of all communication with bun- advisory committee presided over
CAMDEN E, F, H, L, M, N burglary dled internet service. the presentation of the proposals for
CANTERBURY A, C, H, I, J, K • There were 3 frauds- opening un- • Sandra Cooper: Associations Bylaw changes. The bylaw change
CHATHAM I, J, K, O. Q, S, authorized accounts using peo- completing yearly meetings, requiring a quorum of 117 all year
COVENTRY A, C, E, H, J, K, L ple’s names. please be sure to fill in and submit was discussed.
DORCHESTER A, B, F, H, I, J • 426 incidents – 62 written reports your list of new Officers and Del- Marilyn Gorodetzer made a motion
DOVER 3 of 9 • Traffic: 136 stops—72 citations egates form to the UCO Office. to accept 117 as the quorum require-
EASTHAMPTON A, B, C, D, E, I written, --55 warnings. Slow- Heart Association Day. ment for the entire year. George
GOLF'S EDGE 2 of 7 down-stop at Stop Signs • Barbara Cornish: AB pricing of Franklin seconded the motion. Dis-
GREENBRIER A 1 of 2 The Ballpark of the Palm Beach- packages available, call her office cussion. Vote. 112 Yes - 52 No - 2
HASTINGS B, E, G, H es representative Danielle Kenney for info. The Feb. 18th 5K walk is Abstain. Motion passes.
KENT D, E, F, G, H, I, J reported the rst Century Village raising money for the new Mental


Dear Residents, gency personnel when they arrive. while they were on the phone with ments.
In the month of February, while Thankfully, there was no re. It the Fire Department and the alarm Again, I repeat, the guards do not
sitting at my desk, the re alarm was a vendor doing tile work and company. Rest assured that we will make the rules. Please be friendly
suddenly sounded. This was not a the dust from the tiles being cut set make changes to better improve our and courteous and show your ID
drill. This was the real deal. We all off the alarm. It was an excellent procedures going forward. Card when asked. Take the time to
grabbed our purses, locked up our drill for all, giving management Since there is still a tremendous read the back of your ID card where
o ces and out into the hallways we the opportunity to critique how the push back against having to show it states the card must be shown to
went. In an e ort to aid Security, Sta and Security worked to secure one’s WPRF ID to security guards, both Sta and/or Security person-
each employee has been assigned the safety of everyone present. Two from time to time I will be accom- nel when asked. Please also note
to check certain rooms to make issues were noteworthy Four resi- panying the guards as they go to the that Security has their cameras
sure that residents are packing up dents could not use the stairs to exit di erent pool areas. Another issue turned on and that you are being
their personal belongings and leav- the building and wound up waiting is residents obtaining guest passes recorded.
ing the building. When the alarm on the catwalk outside of the card- for all guests over 16 years of age. Thank you for everyone’s antici-
sounds, the location of the problem room. The other was that residents The fee is nominal and is deposited pated cooperation and enjoy the re-
is displayed and Security will pro- were eager to re-enter the build- in the Resident’s Operating account mainder of the season.
vide this information to the emer- ing and kept interrupting Security which is used to make improve-


have you enjoyed this year? A mov-
ie? A swim in the pool? A walk? A
bus excursion? Exercising at the
Hastings Fitness Center? If you ha-
ven’t found what you like yet, the
UCO Reporter’s pages are lled with
events, clubs, and activities that you
can enjoy, either for free or at a very
low cost.
Our show tickets cost a fraction
of what the same show would be at
Barbara Cornish LOUISE WARNER the Kravis Center, and you can ride David Boas
the bus to our Clubhouse. The up-
Berkshire • Camden Cambridge • Canterbury coming baseball games at our local Coventry • Easthampton
Hastings • Salisbury Somerset • Chatham • Dorchester FITTEAM Spring Training Camp Norwich • Plymouth
Wellington Kent • Northampton are nicely discounted, and the CV Sheffield • Stratford
Windsor Sussex bus will take more than 100 of you Waltham
there for free as well. Just outside
Do you ever nd yourself hum- our walls is a Public Library, which Applause, applause, applause.
THANK YOU RESIDENTS ming a tune and then recognize the That's what you hear in the CV the-
is well-stocked and well-sta ed. If
OF CENTURY VILLAGE - song? Well, that happened to me the you have a laptop computer or an ater. The shows so far this season
other day, and the song was “The iPad, but no W-Fi in your condo, have been wonderful and the atten-
This will be my last Vice Pres- dance has been great. Several sell-
Best Things in Life are Free.” And, you can take it to the clubhouse and
ident column. IT HAS BEEN A outs and near sell-outs. How about
of course, that got me thinking. use their Wi-Fi for free. And, while
PRIVILEGE TO SERVE YOU! some applause for Abby Ko er, our
What things in life really are free? you’re at it, try the Computer Club
I have found that when you help entertainment director, and the
So, I looked it up on the Internet. to hone your skills. And, speaking
others to improve their quality of theater sta ? Let's not forget our
Google says “hugs, friends and fam- of Wi-Fi, the new plan with Atlantic
life, at some level your own life is "volunteer ushers" and also the se-
ily, kindness, smiles and laughter, Broadband o ers signi cant sav-
improved. You have a more posi- curity staff who direct the tra c.
and happy memories.” That’s very ings over our current provider.
tive attitude toward the people you Speaking of tra c, why not use
nice, I thought, as far as it goes, but Still looking for something to do?
meet every day and when you face our bus service and avoid the traf-
there’s so much more. What about Have you tried volunteering? There
events that occur in your own life. c jam. I have been doing this it's a
being able to sit outside in the mid- are all kinds of organizations, from
O ering help to someone builds nice hassle free way to go.
dle of winter (in Florida, of course) UCO, to churches and synagogues,
character and strength. When you Speaking of applause, did you
and turn your face to the warm sun- to the Kravis Center, who welcome
help others, very often you are help- hear the level of applause when, at
shine? Better yet, with a good book volunteers. At UCO we are in urgent
ing yourself. So, o er a helping last month’s Delegate Assembly,
and a cup of co ee. need of people who can help us with
hand to someone. It might be you the Sheri 's O ce reported on the
We’re so fortunate to be able to languages. I speak Portuguese and
who needs that hand some day.. enforcement of speeding violations
spend our winters in this beautiful Spanish, but not Russian. When
climate, when the sun shines on so someone comes in and needs assis- in CV? It sure was positive. There
many of our winter days. And our tance, I would love to be able to call was another great turnout for the
Barbara, Proud Resident of Delegate Assembly this past month.
Village is the perfect place to enjoy someone to translate for me. And,
Century Village Lets keep it going. Applause to the
the good weather and the amenities yes, I’m asking if you’ll do this for
that are included in our Village life. me – for free! Have a great winter, delegates in attendance.
How many of these “free” activities folks! Be sure to check out the the UCO
Reporter, in print or online, as well
as Channels 63 & 95 for announce-
soil erosion. The problem is that I also urge all residents to return
ments on all the upcoming meet-
this type of court could cost up to the Comcast equipment directly to
ings and events. It will be anoth-
$200,000 to install. and then there their store on 45th st. and get a re-
er month chock full of activities
is the additional maintenance costs ceipt.
for residents. How about another
to keep the courts in top condition. This is the time of the year in
round of applause for CENTURY
UCO also recognizes the fact that which most Associations hold their
VILLAGE WPB? A great place to
last year the Tennis Club proposed annual board elections. I urge all
this plan. new board members to take the
Until next month, be polite and
Attending a recent Transporta- certi cation classes that are o ered
stay well.
tion meeting a large contingent of here in the Village.
discontented bus riders raised their Finally, I urge all residents to at-
Stew Richland concerns over the fact that there tend the candidates forum where
was a cut back on the number of ex- you will have the opportunity to
Andover • Bedford cursion bus trips. meet and question the candidates
Golf’s Edge • Greenbrier Both groups presented very com- for UCO positions on Tuesday, Feb.
Kingswood • Oxford, pelling and convincing arguments `12th at the club house. This is the
Southampton • Dover to support their concerns. We tried rst step in the democratic process
to explain to these groups that the of electing your UCO o cers and
I am sure that all of my readers light at the end of the tunnel is not Executive board.
have used this phrase. “The light at an illusion however, due to budget
the end of the tunnel.” This meta- constraints we could not consider
phoric expression dates from the their requests during this budget
1800s, We here at UCO hope that
The light you see at the end of the
cycle. I know that these groups feel
that there is a point where they no RESIDENTS
tunnel is not the front of an oncom- longer care if there’s a light at the
ing train. end of the tunnel or not. They are
At last month’s Operations meet- just sick of the tunnel. All I can say
is that we hope that when the new
ing a large contingent of the CV
Tennis Club were in attendance budget cycle is planned we can re- PHOTOCOPYING IS
to present their plan for the refur-
bishing of the tennis courts. The
solve their concerns.
On a more positive note, Atlantic AVAILABLE AT UCO OFFICE
Tennis club urged the Operations
Committee to consider replacing
Broadband is now signing up resi-
dents for the service they want. I
the existing court surfaces with a urge the residents to purchase only
the service they need and reject any
Har Tru surface. HAR-TRU is a po-
rous surface that reduces runoff and of the extras that are being o ered.

Continuing My Top List of Board Member Mistakes
Last month incorporate. Preparing a contract or complaints. The simplest thing to at least one person 55 years of age
we started an addendum may cost a few hun- do, in Palm Beach County, where or older. Remember that being a
a list of the dred dollars, but litigating an issue the protected classes are expanded housing for older persons commu-
top mistakes when something goes wrong could is to NEVER inquire or comment nity means that you have an occu-
made by Board members, both in- cost thousands. about race, sex, color, religion, na- pancy restriction not an ownership
side Century Village and beyond 3. As the co ee mug says, “Please tional origin, disability, age, sexual restriction. Persons under the age
your gates. do not confuse your Google search orientation, marital status and gen- of 55 may purchase units.
1. Signing one sided contracts. As with my law degree.” It is true that der identity or expression. I have
the late Gary Poliakoff used to say, many issues are explained online omitted familial status discrimina- Mark D. Friedman, B.C.S. is an at-
“no one ever wrote a contract for the these days through blogs, websites, tion from the list of protected class- torney certi ed by the Florida Bar as
bene t of the other party.” There- and other social media where infor- es because, as a housing for older a Board Certi ed Specialist in Con-
fore, you should always assume that mation is posted. However, these persons community, you are not dominium and Planned Development
any contract given to you by a con- sites are usually generic in their subject to discrimination against Law. This article is for educational
tractor requires revisions to make application and do not necessarily families with children under 18 purposes only and is not meant as a
the terms more equitable to the As- relate to the facts of a speci c sit- years of age. substitute for consultation with your
sociation’s interests. uation. Further, some blogs were 5. Occupancy versus Ownership. own attorney. Mr. Friedman may be
2. Inadequate terms and speci- written in the past and the laws may Take a census every two years as re- contacted at Mfriedman@becker-
cations in a contract. This error have changed over time so reliance quired by law to demonstrate that
usually becomes apparent when on them to the exclusion of consul- each occupied unit is occupied by
things go wrong. If it is a paint- tation with your attorney is a mis-
ing contract, for example, does the take. Even this column is not meant
text state the color and brand of as a substitute for consultation with March 2019 Classes at Century Village
paints, the number of coatings, the your legal counsel. The online in- Presented by Mark D. Friedman, B.C.S.
type of preparation for the proper- formation is meant to raise your
ty, warranties and guarantees, etc.? level of your awareness of these var-
If it is a sandblasting contract does ious issues. Do not ever use them • Tuesday, March 5 - Meeting Room C - 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
it cover insurance, indemni cation as the sole determiner of any given “BOARD CERTIFICATION CLASS”
when things go wrong, and have legal situation. • Friday, March 29 - Meeting Room C - 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
a prevailing party attorneys’ fees 4. Discrimination in Housing.
clause if there is a dispute between We give an annual seminar on this ‘UPDATING YOUR DOCUMENTS - WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW”
the parties? These are just a few issue. However, Board members • Tuesday, April 2 - Meeting Room C - 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
of the many terms and conditions still, mostly inadvertently, cause is-
various types of contracts should sues which lead to discrimination

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Safety vehicle?? YES you are! Ride safely!
Saturday, Feb 9th, was the Na-
By George tional Bike Registry Program Day
Franklin here in the Village. Just as I nished
writing this article, my phone rang
Hi folks: and a very upset lady told me their
bike, valued at over $1,000.00, had
I would like to just been stolen! It was an electric
thank everyone who attended the bike and had a special bolt and lock
Active Shooter program sponsored drilled into the storage room wall
by the Palm Beach County Sheri 's to prevent theft. It had been ripped
O ce. Hopefully, we never have to from the wall! Of course I told her
use the information we learned at to hang up and call 9-1-1. I asked
the Active Shooter Seminar. How- her why she had not registered the
ever, we are a "SOFT" target here in bike and she said they knew about
Century Village. Residents who live the program but didn't go. They
in buildings that do not allow any didn't have the bike’s serial num- known person, call 9-1-1 at once! If done by PBSO Detective L. Schil-
type of weapons on their proper- ber but did have pictures that were you see something say something. ling paid o ! The bike was recov-
ty should remember that the “bad helpful to the responding Deputy. As the “season” draws to a close, ered at a local pawn shop and the
guy” knows there is no one in the I later received a phone call from I wish to remind residents leaving thieves, as I write this article, are
building to shoot back. the PBSO Detective assigned to our the Village to have your vehicle in- pending arrest. What helped was
I urge everyone to keep their Village and was glad to hear that he spected before you get on the road. a full description and pictures
eyes and ears open. SEE SOME- was on top of this theft. He assured Have the tires, windshield wipers, of the stolen bike. Also, camera
THING. SAY SOMETHING! Do me that everything will be done to brakes, and lighting systems gone video from one of those door-
not be afraid to call the 9-1-1 Then nd this bike. It is a very unusual over by a reputable mechanic. There bell video cameras also helped
call Security! If something should one so tracking it will be easier than are many other items on your vehi- to identify the bad guys. I can
happen, remember these 3 things; tracking a regular bike. Had the cle that should be checked out by assure you PBSO will make an
• RUN bike been registered that day the dealer of your choice. Do not arrest in this case. It just goes to
• HIDE! chances of recovery would have use a fly by night handyman . If you show that when you have proof
• FIGHT! been very good. Take pictures drive a Ford, bring it to your nearest of your items, they can be recov-
of your bikes and record the serial Ford Dealer, etc.. ered after theft. If any items you
Do NOT become a victim! numbers. Take pictures of all your I may be contacted at the UCO have are serial numbered, write
valuables for that matter! "NUFF O ce where I will be glad to sit and the numbers down and keep them
We hope to run the PBSO Bike SAID!!" discuss anything written here with in a safe place. Take pictures of
Registration Program again on a How sad is it that there are people you. In the meantime, be safe and these items also. When UCO
weekday so those of you who are wandering around our Village look- secure out there! does Crime Prevention Programs
not available on a Saturday will be ing for things to steal? Until they in Century Village, attend and
able to participate. Bike riders - Do are caught, keep your eyes and ears Folks! I have a happy ending to participate! Crime Prevention
you know that you are subject to the open for persons who do not belong report to you on the bike theft works!!
same rules of the road as a motor in your buildings. If you see a un- described above. The great work

Hall of Fame

Maintenance tion. Many of the repairs and re-
placements described in the Coun-
The other afternoon while exiting right into fast moving vehicles will
the Main Club House, I overheard increase. The next time that you
By Dom Guarnagia ty pamphlet such as replacing a two gentlemen talking. One was exit the village at either the East
dishwasher, faucet, door, window, quite upset because he had been or West exits, notice the vehicular
It’s not un- screening or siding do not require stopped and cited by a Sheri ’s Dep- “body parts” and glass strewn on
usual for me a permit if the repair/replacement uty for continuing to drive through the roadway. This is evidence that
to get two cost is “up to $1,000 in value.” a STOP sign. The reason for his up- an irresistible force and an immov-
calls in one Window replacement, according set was that the o cer was driving able object have collided.
day from resi- to the Building Code, is required an “Unmarked Car” and he was go- During the summer months
dents seeking to be of ‘High Impact’ quality and ing to UCO to complain. When I when our population temporari-
advice. How- the installation requires particular asked if he had, in fact been guilty, ly dwindles, many vehicles are left
ever, clari ca- anchoring into sound material with he conceded, remarking that the of- parked in their respective spaces.
tion is needed particular-length coated fasteners. cer was not in a Sheri ’s vehicle. As a result of severe ultra violet
when both calls make reference to The inspection requires that the Are there di ering rules regard- light during these months, rubber
a Palm Beach County Building In- attachments (screws) be recessed, ing a STOP sign? Do we stop only tires dry to the point where cracks
spector citing an owner for hiring tightened and left exposed to al- when a ‘marked’ Sheri ’s vehicle is appear in the sidewalls and the de-
a contractor to install high impact low the Inspector to test several for present? Too many drivers neither sirable tire pressure is reduced. It
windows without County oversight tightness and review the label at- obey the signage nor are aware that is an old ‘wives tail’ that parking
(permit). tached to the window pane for com- the reasonable speed limit serves atop lumber blocks will avoid dam-
A pamphlet disseminated around pliance. dual purposes. age. The better solution would be
the Village and provided by the Only after a nal ‘sign-o ’ can the Crosswalks are placed both for the to purchase inexpensive tire cov-
County is misunderstood and the screws be covered by ‘provided’ caps bene t of aged pedestrians as well ers or shrouds that are designed to
wording requires a bit of clari ca- and the installation provided as re- as for those alighting from busses prevent the ultra violet rays from
quired. Remember: Coun- and at intersections where the pe- causing damage. Whether you pur-
ty participation is carried destrian has the ‘right of way’ along chase 70,000 mile or 40,000 mile
out to assure that you, the the Perimeter Walkway on North, warranty tires, the life expectancy
unit owner, that the work South, East and West Drives. is the same as the sidewalls are de-
to be provided is done by a Pedestrians have a responsibility stroyed even though the tread is in
licensed and insured con- to look both ways before entering good shape.
tractor who will perform the crosswalk. You should wear These are the ‘golden years’. En-
acceptable work and will light-colored clothing after dark joy them as long as you can and
install proper material in a and refrain from walking on the don’t become another unnecessary
workmanlike manner that grassy swales along the roadway. As statistic.
the manufacturer has re- more development along Haverhill Happy motoring!
quired. Rd. is added into the mix, turning


• You can request a written estimate outlining the spe-
BEACH COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE cific details of the work to be performed as well as ex-
pected charges. By signing the form, you are agreeing
In the past few months, several residents have had re-
to the work and the charges noted, nothing more.
pair work done in their units and were later shocked to
• Guarantees and/or warranties should be requested in
see additional charges. Even more shocking, was the
writing as well.
news that they were responsible for the unknown and
unexpected charges. How did this happen? Each of Sincerely,
these residents has followed the same bad habit - Sign- Detective Louis Schilling #8635
ing a work order that contained blank spaces. Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office
In many cases, a work order is a binding contract. District 3 Detective Bureau
• If there are blank spaces anywhere on the form, you
should not sign it. Even if the worker has given you a Office - (561) 688-4943 | Cell - (561) 313-4719
verbal promise, you can’t always depend on that infor- Fax - (561) 688-4959 | EMAIL SCHILLINGL@PBSO.ORG
mation to be true. Some companies may even mislead

110 Century Blvd., Suite 101

West Palm Beach, FL 33417
* RSVP is required for most events** 561-683-5012
4 5 2:00pm-4:00pm 6 7 2:00pm-3:00pm 8
10:00am-10:45am Join us to play 10:00am-11:30am Chair Yoga
Balance, Strength, & Flexibility Rummikub, bananagrams, bingo Bereavement Support Group
(all are welcomed to bring game of 3:15pm – 3:45pm Meditation
choice) Pizza will be provided & Breathing Exercise
1:30pm-2:30pm 11 12 10:00am-11:00am 13 14 (no experience necessary)
Afternoon of Fun and Learn with How Social Security Works 10:00am-11:30am 15
Humana Snacks will be
10:00am-10:45am and What it Means to You Bereavement Support Group
Balance, Strength, & Flexibility with United Healthcare Brunch will
provided *Rsvp required* Chair Yoga
be provided * Rsvp required *
18 19 20 21 2:00pm-3:00pm 22
checks/screenings -hearing OFFICE CLOSED FOR OFFICE CLOSED FOR 10:00am-11:30am Chair Yoga
aid cleanings, etc. *call for ORIENTATION ORIENTATION Bereavement Support Group 3:15pm – 3:45pm Meditation
appointment* & Breathing Exercise
25 26 27 28 (no experience necessary)
2:00pm-3:00pm 10:00am-10:45am
Cake and Ice Cream *Rsvp 10:00am-11:30am OFFICE CLOSED FOR
Grieving 201: Moving On Group Balance, Strength, & Flexibility Bereavement Support Group

Where Has The Time Gone?

My name is Phyllis Richland and ers. All of my siblings are boomers as knees for the ladies. Some folks even the technology that has carried us
I’ve just celebrated my 80th birth- is my son. Our oldest grandchildren wore evening clothes but that didn’t into the 21st century.
day. But, that’s not what I want to are millenials. They are all very well last long! Good things are happening in Cen-
talk about here. I want to talk about educated and successful. Personally, I am happy to be here as tury Village.Take the time to look
twenty-two years ago when we So why am I here you may ask? changes occur in the Village. I wel- around. We have new and interesting
moved into our condo and the other And rightly so. I want to talk about come the diversity of the residents neighbors. We are no longer a one-
residents referred to us as “the kids”. the diversity of the population in our - all colors, all sexual orientations, note echo. We are growing. And our
They were as old as we are now. Stew Village. Twenty-two years ago, it was all religions. Boomers are asking for attitudes have to grow so that Centu-
and I became involved in everything a very homogeneous community and di erent types of entertainment in ry Village is the place we are proud to
in Century Village. We went to every one ethnicity. Rules and regulations the theater. Gone are many of the say is our home Smile as you pass
show. Why not? Tickets were $1.00 were accepted as written. No trucks. Borscht Belt comics although some of by someone. Say good morning. Be
OR $1.50! But, that’s not what I want No Dogs. No guests living within fif- us would like to see them again. Now nice. It is good for your health.
to talk about either. ty miles of the Village were allowed we have trucks on our roadways and I hope I haven’t bored you with my
I want to talk to those of you who to use the recreational facilities. All dogs and buildings are painted a va- musings. But, sometimes it’s good to
remember the Old Gold dancing cig- building were to be painted white. riety of colors, and guests with prop- put things in writing so you don’t for-
arette packages and not to the “mille- And, by the way, the dress code in the er identi cation who live within the get them. As you know, forgetting is
nials” and not to the “boomers”. Now, theater was very strict - no shorts, fty mile radius are welcome to use one of the symptom associated with
don’t get me wrong. I love the boom- no tee shirts, and no skirts above the recreational facilities. Let’s not forget living here for twenty-two years.

Property Managers Report

Excerpts from the weekly UCO common areas of their properties. In property. On March 1, Solid Waste Most common issues are restoration
Property Managers report will one case, rodenticide (rat poison) and Authority of Palm Beach County of white rocks around bases of build-
be carried in each UCO Reporter. in another, insecticide (ant poison) will host a Town Hall Meeting at the ings, and painting of PVC cable cov-
Space permitting, photos of proj- was being applied. Nobody likes pay- Main Clubhouse, Room C. Presenta- erings on sides of buildings. Please
ects underway and projects al- ing for expensive professional exter- tion will begin at 11:30 AM, and will send landscape restoration requests
ready completed will be included. mination services, but It is illegal and cover the “rules” of trash placement, to
The entire weekly Property Man- dangerous for unlicensed personnel and the contractual relationships The overgrown and somewhat ne-
ager’s report may be seen at www. to perform pest control services in between PBCSWA, Waste Pro, and glected walkway between Dorches- individual units or in common areas the Associations of Century Village. ter and Hastings sections has been
Recent heavy rains have resulted (F.S 493).This includes Community Before and after presentation, repre- improved over the last few months.
in a number of re ant mounds ap- Association Managers, employees, sentatives of SWA and Waste Pro will Trees that were blocking street lights
pearing along walkways and near bus and board members. An entity or answer questions and take reports/ and damaging perimeter fencing
stops. These mounds are being treat- person who uses an unlicensed complaints from unit owners. Cof- have been trimmed or removed, and
ed as they are discovered, but please person to provide pest control ser- fee and donuts will be served. All are streetlights and fencing have been re-
keep an eye out for new mounds, vices may be convicted of a second welcome. paired. Later this year, I will ask the
report them to ucomaintenance@ degree misdemeanor. No license is Please send garbage related re- UCO Beauti cation Committee to as- and keep away from them; required for performing pest control ports/complaints to ucogarbage@ sist me with making the landscaping
these ant bites hurt. Ant mounds on inside one’s own residence (except for This allows me to track along this walkway more attractive.
Association properties should be re- fumigation). and follow up on complaints. Since there is no irrigation at this
ported to Association Property Man- This time of year, with peak oc- Atlantic Broadband has completed area, this might be a perfect spot for
agers. cupancy, there is an increase of outdoor construction, and ABB Proj- “xeriscaping”, landscaping that does
This month, several condominium complaints about trash pickup ser- ect Manager is making inspections not require mechanical irrigation.
o cers reported to me that they are vice, placement of containers, and of all residential properties to cre-
personally performing pest control at dumping of construction debris on ate landscape restoration punch list.







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82 Stratford F
West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Chatham U ................ 1 BR / 1 BA...............................................$35,000 Sheffield J ................. 2 BR / 1.5 BA ...........................................$69,000
Norwich B .................. 1 BR / 1 BA...............................................$37,900 Chatham A................ 2 BR / 1.5 BA ...........................................$69,500
Camden I .................. 1 BR / 1 BA...............................................$39,900 Sheffield J .................. 2 BR / 1.5 BA ...........................................$69,500
Kent G ........................ 1 BR / 1.5 BA ...........................................$42,000 Chatham A................ 2 BR / 1.5 BA ...........................................$69,500
Camden I .................. 1 BR / 1 BA...............................................$42,999 Salisbury H ................. 2 BR / 1.5 BA ...........................................$70,000
Cambridge B............. 1 BR / 1.5 BA ...........................................$43,000 Hastings C ................. 2 BR / 1.5 BA .............................................$71,00
Easthampton H.......... 1 BR / 1.5 BA ...........................................$43,500 Sheffield C .................. 2 BR / 1.5 BA ...........................................$72,900
Easthampton I ........... 1 BR / 1.5 BA ...........................................$45,000 Camden F.................. 2 BR / 1.5 BA ...........................................$74,900
Easthampton I ........... 1 BR / 1.5 BA ...........................................$46,200 Andover K ................. 2 BR / 1.5 BA ...........................................$74,900
Norwich B .................. 1 BR / 1.5 BA ...........................................$46,900 Camden E ................. 2 BR / 1.5 BA Waterfront ........................$74,900
Plymouth C ................ 1 BR / 1.5 BA ...........................................$47,000 Chatham L ................. 2 BR / 1.5 BA Waterfront ........................$74,900
Kent H ........................ 1 BR / 1 BA...............................................$47,500 Windsor N .................. 2 BR / 1.5 BA ...........................................$78,000
Northampton C ......... 1 BR / 1.5 BA ...........................................$49,900 Chatham D ................ 2 BR / 1.5 BA ...........................................$79,900
Northampton C ......... 1 BR / 1.5 BA ...........................................$49,900 Wellington A .............. 2 BR / 2 BA.... Waterfront ........................$79,900
Kingswood A ............. 1 BR / 1.5 BA ...........................................$49,900 Chatham Q ............... 2 BR / 1.5 BA Waterfront ........................$79,900
Norwich E .................. 1 BR / 1.5 BA ...........................................$49,900 Sheffield G ................. 2 BR / 1.5 BA ...........................................$85,000
Camden P ................. 1 BR / 1.5 BA ...........................................$49,900 Wellington J ............... 2 BR / 2 BA.... Waterfront ........................$89,999
Chatham Q ............... 1 BR / 1.5 BA ...........................................$54,900 Sheffield H ................. 2 BR / 2 BA...............................................$91,000
Coventry L ................. 1 BR / 1.5 BA ...........................................$59,900 Wellington K .............. 2 BR / 2 BA.... Waterfront ........................$99,900
Stratford N.................. 1 BR / 1.5 BA ...........................................$63,000 Wellington J ............... 2 BR / 2 BA.... Waterfront ........................$99,900
Wellington M ............. 1 BR / 1.5 BA Waterfront ........................$64,900
Chatham P ................ 1 BR / 1.5 BA ...........................................$64,900
Stratford I ................... 1 BR / 1.5 BA ...........................................$65,000 RENTAL LISTINGS
Southampton A ......... 1 BR / 1.5 BA ...........................................$71,900 Norwich C............. 1 BR / 1.5 BA .....................................................$850
Easthampton I ........... 1 BR / 1.5 BA ...........................................$74,500 Norwich B ............. 1 BR / 1.5 BA .....................................................$900
Easthampton I .......... 1 BR / 1.5 BA ...........................................$74,500 Norwich M ............ 1 BR / 1.5 BA .....................................................$950
Dover B ...................... 1 BR / 1.5 BA ...........................................$82,500 Norwich C............. 1 BR / 1.5 BA .....................................................$950
Wellington E............... 1 BR / 1.5 BA Waterfront ........................$84,000 Stratford N............. 1 BR / 1.5 BA ..................................................$1,100
Golfs Edge ................. 2 BR / 2 BA...............................................$58,000 Greenbrier A ........ 1 BR / 1.5 BA ..................................................$1,200
Northampton F .......... 2 BR / 1.5 BA ...........................................$60,000 Coventry G ........... 2 BR / 1.5 BA .....................................................$950
Dorchester E .............. 2 BR / 1.5 BA ...........................................$62,900 Sussex D................ 2 BR / 1.5 BA ..................................................$1,050
Chatham E ................ 2 BR / 2 BA...............................................$64,900 Northampton E ..... 1 BR / 1.5 BA ..................................................$1,100
Northampton F .......... 2 BR / 1.5 BA ...........................................$65,000 Easthampton H..... 2 BR / 1.5 BA ..................................................$1,200
Sheffield J .................. 2 BR / 1.5 BA ...........................................$69,000 Coventry B............ 2 BR / 1.5 BA ..................................................$1,600
Chatham A................ 2 BR / 1.5 BA ...........................................$69,500


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condo had a lot of restrictions making it hard to sell. He got a buyer and got them through the
condo boards.” - B.C.*

Cynthia Brown Williams - Highly likely to recommend Gustavo Martinez

Rented a condo home in 2014 in West Palm Beach, FL.

“ My Agent was a life saver in a long distance transaction. Her communication, attention to
detail and just plain caring made the impossible happen. A MILLION thanks!” - L.A.*

- Highly likely to recommend

Bought a Condo home in 2014 for approximately $50,000 in West Palm Beach, FL.
“My agent helped me find and buy my Florida residence. She was most helpful explaining and
answering all my questions and concerns. She was always available to show me listing and
Barbara Thibault Gladys Meneses
helped gain access to all homes I wanted to see. I wouldn’t hesitate to use my agent, both
buying and selling. I have recommended her to others who have been very pleased.” - G.G.*

Gail Hinds Joan Deluca Sharon Racsko

*Names available on request.


82 Stratford F, West Palm Beach, FL 33417
TOLL-FREE 800.654.2832 • 561.471.9677
Century Village Real Estate, Inc.
is a division of The *Listings available at time of publication
Ben G. Schachter, Licensed Real Estate Broker


Congregation Anshei Sholom
FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 2019 West Palm Beach, Fl 33417



Unit owners will be informed about trash

disposal and recycling rules and the Congregation Anshei Sholom proudly presents
contractual relationship between SWA,
our service provider Waste Pro, and the “The Magic of Jerusalem”
associations in Century Village.
featuring Cantor David Presler and Friends
SWA AND WASTE PRO MANAGERS WILL with Gary Lawrence, piano accompanist
Date: March 17, 2019

If you would like to dedicate a song, please list the title and whom you would like to honor.

Title of Song: ____________________________________________

Dedicated to: _____________________________________________

(The artists will make every effort to include your request in the Concert, otherwise, they will contact you and offer an
alternate selection to be dedicated to you prior to the concert.)

For additional information, tickets and song dedication please call Len Waghelstein – 596-2277

March News from the Property

Appraiser’s O ce
al $25,000 exemption is available
for non-school taxes and applies
only to the assessed value between
Florida resi-
$50,000 and $75,000.*If you already
have a homestead exemption on Staff & Class Office.................................................Ext. 0
dent home- your property, you do NOT need to
Palm Beach
in reapply.
In addition, Florida residents can
Ticket Office.............................................................Ext. 1
C o u nt y… I
am happy to
announce a
take advantage of other property
tax savings including, if you’re mov-
ing within the state of Florida and
WPRF Maintenance Office...................................Ext. 2
new and improved feature on the
Property Appraiser Public Access
you’re ling for a homestead ex-
emption, you can E file for portabil- WPRF Accounts Receivable Office....................Ext. 3
(PAPA) website, which will be avail- ity too. (Portability is transferring
able beginning on March 18, 2019
– E le for a homestead exemption
all or a signi cant portion of your
cap savings, up to $500,000, from a
I.D. Office...................................................................Ext. 4
Administrative Office............................................Ext. 5
the same day you close on a new home with a homestead exemption
home. to a new home within the state of
In the past, in order to E le for Florida that quali es for a home-
a homestead exemption on PAPA,
it was required that you have your
recorded deed, along with other
stead exemption)
And a reminder about ling
deadlines pertaining to proper-
Main Clubhouse Security.....................................Ext. 6
necessary documents. Now, the day
you close on a new home in Palm
ty tax exemptions for the 2019 tax
year. March 1, 2019 is the deadline Hastings Clubhouse Security..............................Ext. 7
Beach County, you can E le with- to file for the homestead exemption
out the deed.
The homestead exemption in the
and other property tax exemptions,
which include those for seniors,
Aerobic Instructor...................................................Ext. 8
Gym Trainers............................................................Ext. 9
state of Florida can save hundreds widows and widowers, persons with
of dollars in property taxes for per- disabilities, active-duty military,
manent Florida residents. The rst veterans, “granny ats” and more.
$25,000 in property value is exempt For a complete list of exemptions go
from all property taxes, including
school district taxes. The addition-
to our website:
PAPA or call us at 561.355.2866. Operator, Please Press Zero


Monday Ribs
BBQ Ribs. Served with Fries & Coleslaw $10.99
(CHICAGO, CABARET, etc.) Chicken Fajitas $10.99 • Steak or Shrimp Fajitas $11.99
Wednesday Burger Night
Fresh Angus Burger & Fries $7.99
Cheeseburger $8.99


Thursday Prime Rib
Slow Cooked Prime Rib Served with Coleslaw,
One Side Choice and A Jus. $15.99
Friday Lobsters
1 1/4lb Steamed Whole Maine Lobster. 241
Served with Coleslaw and One Side Choice. Premium
MARCH 24 - 8 P.M. & MARCH 25 - 2 $15.99 (Subject to Availability) Happy
P.M. Saturday Steaks M-F
Ribeye Steak Dinner or New York Strip $16.99
Served with 2 Side Choices.
Sunday Seafood Festival
Fish Fry, Shrimp Fry, Key West Mahi Dinner,
Shrimp Scampi, Mahi Tacos Your Choice $12.00

Purchase tickets now in Clubhouse Ticket Office

$5 per person

Join our All Star Roster • Get Free Stuff!

20 Free Points Just For Signing Up!!

Limit 1 Dessert from
our regular menu, per
table, per visit.

Some Restrictions
ApplyExp. 3/1/2019

A documentary film on the lives of

Century Village residents Old Florida Draft House
Palm Beach
CV Theatre 2161 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd
1:30 P.M.
Free Admission
To Accompany a Memorial Exhibit
of Connie Kurtz’ art on the Second Floor
Located 1/2 Mile West of I-95
on Palm Beach Lakes Blvd.

Where the Crawdads Sing

by Delia Owens
Before I read it, this book did not cover. or the marsh setting? I wasn't such a little girl and left to fend for
appeal to me. I don't know what interested in even looking at reviews herself.
turned me o . Was it the title, the on it. However, I am glad I gave it a Kya manages to raise herself,
chance. surviving on her love for and deep

Corner One
mystery. One

part legal dra-

understanding of the natural
world. Ridiculed on the only day
she went to school, Kya avoided
ma. One part the town. Two di erent boys/men
BY LENORE coming of age come into her life, Tate and Chase,
story. One and through them, her life chang-
VELCOFF part love sto- es. She made friends with Tate, a
ry. This book boy who liked to sh in the marsh
goes back and and shared her passion for the wild-
forth in time life around them. Tate eventually
to tell the teaches Kya to read and write but it
story of Kya is the marsh that becomes her class-
Clark a.k.a. room as she studies and learns all
the Marsh about the plant and animal species
Girl. She lives that live there. Later, the story fo-
alone on the cuses on a murder that takes place.
outskirts of Slowly, Kya’s life and the unsolved
town in the murder come together.
Marsh, and I never thought a story set in a
the locals swamp would be such a beauti-
look down ful read, but there is much beauty
their noses here...and sadness, love, and lone-
at her. She is much loneliness. The
the youngest author is herself a wildlife biologist
child of a big, and this is very evident in her beau-
poor family, tiful descriptions of the insects and
rst left by her birds. This is one of those books
mother, then that I will keep thinking about and
her brother won't easily forget.
and later her
father...she is

2300 PGA Blvd.
Palm Beach Gardens

How about something di erent? Arepas (staple food in Venezuela
Consider brunch before the theater and Colombia - corn cakes that are
instead of dinner afterward. Or made from a special precooked corn
maybe you want to impress some our). How about some bacon – at
friends or family. Waterway Cafe’ least three or four strips, or sausage
serves from 9:00 till noon. The set- links (again, three or four pieces)
ting for this restaurant is perfect and maybe, biscuits and gravy?
– sit inside or outside along the In- After you eat all of that, I know
tercoastal waterway. You can watch you will still have room for some
the boats sail by or pull up to the Danish, assorted mu ns, assorted
restaurant’s dock. A sailor may bagels, fresh fruit and at least a lit-
join you for brunch! tle bit of Caesar salad, some cookies
You may start your brunch by and a nice big slice of cake. The
building your own omelet or have Cafe’ also o ers a $10 bottomless
eggs made to order - from scram- ute of Mimosas or Absolute Bloody
bled to eggs benedict. Visit the Mary’s $5 at each. Bring along a
carving station where the chef will designated driver, of course.
cut roast turkey, roast beef or baked All this food and scenery can be
ham or all three, just for you. yours for $18.95 per diner.
I generally get another plate for If you can eat all of this, they will
some of their breakfast delights. be glad to roll you to your car. But
You may want a little bit of a lot of seriously, TRY IT – YOU WILL LIKE
dishes or a lot of each – your choice. IT.
Start with home fries, move on to


The Century Village Art Committee Change in Movie Time
is requesting your
ORIGINAL ARTWORK Due to a dress rehearsal in the Theater for
for display on 1st & 2d floor of the Main Clubhouse Resident Show, the March 20th movie will
be shown at 6:45 p.m.

Mobile Hearing Aid Service, Frank Goldberg, HAS Specialist
9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Over 40 years as a hearing aid user and professional
Testing, Sales, Service, Repairs, Emergency Service 7 Days/Week
Additional Information: Latest Products from ALL Manufacturers

1 or 2 original pieces may be submitted for display.

Frame or gallery wrap your art, and wire it so it is ready to be hung.
Please include your name, address and phone on the back of each piece.
Questions: Beth Baker 684-3166
January Operations Committee
The January 29, 2019, Operations Committee meeting was
delayed for fifteen minutes while Century Village Security
and PBSO restored order in the UCO Conference Room.
The large contingent of tennis players who filled the Con-
ference Room before 10 a.m. violated the maximum num-
ber of people allowed in the UCO building under the Coun-
ty Fire Department Regulations. Everyone but the officers
of the Tennis Club were asked to leave the building so that
the meeting could be called to order.
The remaining representatives from the Tennis Club pre-
sented their arguments for delaying the restoration of the
tennis courts previously approved by the Operations Com-
mittee. Any new information sent to WPRF will be consid-
ered and then presented to the Op’s committee before con-
tracts for this work are approved and work begins.

“Creating Miles of Smiles” NO PROBLEM
to our in-office dental plan*

e l e b r a t i o n
r n e w o f f i c e ,
of gift for you
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7805 NW Beacon Square Blvd. Ste 101 9860 State Road 7, Ste 200 2960 S US Hwy 1 2247 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd, Ste 104
Boca Raton, FL 33487 Boynton Beach, FL 33472 Fort Pierce, FL 34982 West Palm Beach, FL 33409
(561) 998-0901 (561) 877-3313 (772) 242-0053 (561) 684-2282

Most Dental Insurances Accepted.

0% Financing Available.
*Must mention special or bring coupon prior to service.Discount or not combinable with insurance, other offers or programs. Other fees may apply and these are the minimum fees only. The patient and
any other person responsible for payment has the right to refuse to pay, cancel paymentor be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination, or treatment that is performed as a result of and
within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee, or reduced fee service, examination or treatment.Shapiro Family Dentistry.

Century Village WPB March 2019.indd 1 2/12/2019 12:41:58 PM


It might
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Humana Inc. and its subsidiaries do not discriminate or exclude people because of their race, color,
national origin, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or religion. Humana com-
plies with all Federal and State Civil Rights laws. Language assistance services, free of charge, are
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Y0040_GHHK4UHEN_19_C PB 03/19

Ellis Island - Part 2

The Doorway To The Promised Land Is 125 Years Old
Who was the first immi-
grant to arrive?
The rst immigrant to arrive was
15-year-old Annie Moore from Ire-
land. Annie had come to America
with her two younger brothers to
reunite with her parents who were
already in the country. Today, there
is a statue of Annie on the island.

Some myths about Ellis

American cultural lore is rich
with tales of immigrants’ ethnic NYU law school at night. LaGuar- primarily from Northern and West- son declared Ellis Island part of the
sounding names being Anglicized dia would go on to represent many ern Europe. The perception existed Statue of Liberty National Monu-
or shortened during their passage Ellis Island immigrants in deporta- that the newly arriving immigrants ment. Ellis Island was opened to the
through Ellis Island, yet there is no tion cases during his early years as mostly from Southern and Eastern public on a limited basis between
evidence that such a practice ever an attorney. Europe were somehow inferior to 1976 and 1984. Starting in 1984,
took place. Immigration o cials Ellis Island underwent a major res-
merely checked the person’s identi- toration, the largest historic resto-
ty against the manifests of the ships ration in U.S. history.
that brought them to America, and The Main Building was reopened
there was no policy advising them to the public on September 10, 1990,
to forcibly alter names. Some immi- as the Ellis Island Immigration Mu-
grants voluntarily chose to change seum. With the completion of the
their names to help assimilate into Peopling of America Center® on
American culture, but they did so May 20, 2015, and the entire story
before they left their home country of American immigration being
or after they had gained admission told, the museum was renamed the
to the United States. A notable ex- Ellis Island National Museum of
ception to the name changing pol- Immigration. Today, the museum
icy came in 1908, when a traveler receives almost 2 million visitors
named Frank Woodhull admit- annually.
ted that he had been born a wom-
an named Mary Johnson and had
spent the previous 15 years living References for the
as a man. After brie y detaining article;
Woodhull, o cials allowed him to • Use search engines like Google
enter the country—but not before The End of Ellis Island: those who arrived earlier. Howev- and type in history of Ellis Island
changing his name back to Mary Around 1924 many politicians and er, it’s interesting to note that the • Ellis Island, New York and New
Johnson. nativist groups began to demand a quota restrictions did apply to an Jersey By: R. LAWRENCE SWAN-
Famed New York Mayor Fiorello change in the immigration laws. person living in Central and South SON and DONALD F. SQUIRES
LaGuardia worked at Ellis Island: The passage of the Quota Laws and America.
Before he became the rst man to with the passage of the National After 1924, the only people who For those who would like to read
win three consecutive terms as Origins Act in 1924 brought about a were detained at Ellis Island were about Italian and Jewish immi-
mayor of New York, the ery and dramatic decline of in immigration those who had problems with their grants living in New York from 1880
reform-minded politician Fiorel- to the U.S. These restrictions were paperwork, as well as war refugees to 1915, I highly recommend THE
lo LaGuardia spent three years on based upon a percentage system and displaced persons. Ellis Island GOLDEN DOOR BY THOMAS
staff at Ellis Island between 1907 according to the number of ethnic still remained open for many years KESSNER, OXFORD UNIVERSITY
and 1910. The son of Italian immi- groups already living in the Unit- and served a multitude of purposes. PRESS NEW, YORK. This is a great
grants, LaGuardia was uent in ed States as per the 1890 and 1910 During World War II, enemy mer- read
Italian, Croatian and Yiddish, and Census. It was an attempt to pre- chant seamen were detained in the
he served as one of the island’s serve the ethnic avor of the "old baggage and dormitory building.
many translators while attending immigrants", those earlier settlers In 1965, President Lyndon John-

WEDNESDAY 13 Festival Flea Market

TUESDAY5 5 Ballpark Boston Red Sox
Vs Washington
(55 passenger bus for 2 loads, first load leaves at 11:45AM,
second load at around 12:15PM GAME STARTS AT 1:05PM)

MALL BUS ONLY OPERATES ON You will be told the time to come back to the bus by the
MONDAYS-WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. driver and also when you sign in before leaving.
SHUTTLE BUS OPERATES ON TUESDAYS AND If you are NOT returning with our bus please notify the




Avanti’s Italian Restaurant Avanti’s Italian Restaurant
6101 Winston Trails Blvd. Lake Worth 6101 Winston Trails Blvd. Lake Worth

$20 per guest $20 per guest

Guest #1 Name: ___________________________ Guest #2 Name: ________________________

Guest Phone Number: ______________________ Guest Phone Number: ___________________

I prefer (CHECK ONE): I prefer (CHECK ONE):

_____ Minestrone soup _____Salad _____ Minestrone soup _____Salad

I prefer (CHECK ONE): I prefer (CHECK ONE):

_____ Eggplant Parmigiana with linguini _____ Eggplant Parmigiana with linguini

_____ Chicken Marsala with linguini in _____ Chicken Marsala with linguini in
marsala mushroom sauce marsala mushroom sauce

_____ Salmon over sautéed spinach with _____ Salmon over sautéed spinach with
linguini in garlic & oil linguini in garlic & oil

I prefer (CHECK ONE): I prefer (CHECK ONE):

_____ Cheesecake _____Tiramisu _____ Cheesecake _____Tiramisu

(Coffee, soda and tea included – Cash bar available) (Coffee, soda, and tea included – Cash bar available)

United Civic Organization of Century Village United Civic Organization of Century Village
2102 West Drive WPB, FL 33417 2102 West Drive WPB, FL 33417


Sunday, March 10
AVANTI’S ITALIAN RESTAURANT – 6101 Winston Trails Blvd., Lake Worth
Jog Rd - 3 miles south of Lake Worth Rd - Left into Winston Trails
This is a gated community - be prepared to show identification at gatehouse.

Cash bar will be available to guests at 11:30 a.m. | Installation ceremony - 12:30 p.m. | Plated lunch served at 1 p.m.



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You will have NO Comcast cable on July 1st!

TVs will go dark; Internet will be gone.

Did that get your attention? Good! in your condo fees. That means you were many, many empty
will be paying twice for cable if you seats in the room when I went
As of 2/13/19, only 3000 out of our stay with Comcast. It is your respon- for my appointment which
7800+ units showed up for their ap- sibility to return the Comcast box took just under an hour. The
pointment to sign up for the new (and remotes) before the end of the agents answered all of my
Internet/cable/phone service with contract so do that before you leave questions and fashioned a
Atlantic Broadband. Theoretically for the summer. Call Atlantic Broad- plan that t my needs, gave
that means 4800 units will have no band at your convenience and sched- me more bang for my buck,
TV or Internet service from Comcast ule an install date to coincide with and had a great price -- more
on July 1st when Comcast goes dark. your return this fall/winter. Snow- than half what I’m currently
Sign-ups were scheduled and held birds can call 844 489-7509 for more paying Comcast.
through February 15th. We all got information, or go on the website
a notice when to show up at Anshei which is dedicated solely for Centu-
Sholom. ry Village at
Hey, all of you 4800 units: What are select-communities/century-village.
you waiting for? You want your TV, All residents: DO NOT TURN IN
don’t you? So now what can you do? YOUR COMCAST BOX until you are
AB will o er a second-chance round up and running with AB. The tech-
of appointments in April. Watch for nicians will not leave your home until
the notice either by mail or by door all of your TVs are tested and you are
hanger. If you don’t make plans, don’t assured they are working properly.
be surprised to wake up to no TV on Once you are live with AB, and only
July 1st. Just FYI for those 3000 of then, you may drop the Comcast box
us who kept our appointments and (and remotes) off at the UPS store on
signed up, 62% also took the Internet 721 Village Boulevard where they will
service, 53% opted for the TIVO, and package it for you and give you a re- HER PRIMARY GOAL:
Keeping You Well
24% chose the landline phone ser- ceipt, or call Comcast ahead of time
vice. at 1-800-COMCAST and ask for a
You may view AB’s products and free shipping box to be delivered to
prices on their website which is ded- your door which you will then mail
icated solely for Century Village at the box back yourself. If you want a receipt, the UPS store would be your Vivian Carta-Sanchez, ARNP, DNP specializes in providing
munities/century-village. choice. primary care to adults 50+. Her care includes:
There are four beta testers in the The o cers in each building are
village, meaning four residents al- encouraged to post notices on their • Annual physicals and preventive
ready have AB up and running. All bulletin boards, assist residents who care for men and women
four have reported there were no may need help, and formulate a plan • Chronic condition management
problems on the installation, which to make sure that the installers can for diabetes and hypertension
lasts approximately one hour, the access each unit on the set installa- • Treatment of sexually
technicians used the current cables tion day(s). The installers may have transmitted diseases
in the unit, and there are no glitch- to access your attic spaces, so be pre-
es or problems with the Internet, the pared to allow that. If your attic space • In-home visits for established
TIVO, or the cable reception. is located in a particular unit, be sure patients with demonstrated need
Snowbirds who were out of town on the unit owner is aware that access is • Fluent in English and Spanish
the sign-up dates: Be aware that our a must.
Comcast contract expires at the end For those of you who kept your ap- CALL TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT:
of June 2019. At that time Comcast pointments, sign-ups took place in
will go dark and begin charging for the Great Room at Anshei Shalom,
(561) 697-3131
any unreturned boxes, which can be which is located just outside the Vil- SAME DAY APPOINTMENTS
upwards to $350. In addition, as the lage property in the Hastings area.
bulk contract rate will no longer ex- Upon entry we were given a number
ist, Comcast will raise your monthly and waited in the comfortable room Free R/T transportation from Century Village to the office
fees to a normal consumer level, be- where there was co ee and water, a
gin billing, and also may require you television set up to practice using the
to sign on for another year. You are remote control, and helpful AB folks
already paying for basic cable service to answers your questions. There 5405 Okeechobee Boulevard, Suite 100, West Palm Beach, FL 33417


“Dad Gets It Done!”
Impact Windows Hurricane Shutters
Acrylic Patio Enclosures
Tub Enclosures Shower Doors Call
Matt Mynahan U-19958 U-20177 561-333-1036


Tile Work
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FREE Estimates Century Village

Charlie Bresee

Take Me Out To The Ballpark

During more than a century of it was gut wrenching to watch him
play, there has been only one fatal writhing in pain on the ground.
injury in Major League Baseball. I have been watching the Tampa
That occurred in 1920 when Yan- Bay Rays, both in person,and on
kee pitcher Carl Mays fractured the television since their inception in
skull of Cleveland Indians shortstop 1998. With a very small, payroll,
Ray Chapman, who was carried o they have managed to win two divi-
the eld and died the next day while sion titles, and an American League
hospitalized. It was reported as be- pennant, and have twice made the
ing a spitball, which was legal at the wild card. Last season, 2018, the
time, but the incident helped bring started off with a 4-13 record and
about a future ban on that pitch. looked like they would challenge
Although Mays had a reputation the 1962 New York Mets (40-120)
of being a "headhunter" during his futility record. Lo and behold, the
career, in which records indicate a nished the season at 90-72, not far
higher that average number of hit from a wild card berth. Tropicana
batsmen, the New York District At- a short lived recovery as his vision Yogi Berra considered Score to have Field, where they play has 43,000
torney ruled the incident an acci- temporarily improved, but deterio- been the best left handed pitcher in seats, but due to poor attendance,
dent. Mays expressed regret, but rated quickly ending his career. He the league at the time. 12000 seats in the upper deck have
said he felt no guilt because it was died at the age of 45 mostly as a re- In 1989, Dave Dravecky, 1994 Tom been covered over by tarpaulins for
unintentional. sult of an auto accident and massive Browning, and in 1999 Tony Saun- much of the teams existence. This
Being regarded as a headhunt- heart attack. ders all broke the pitching arms year, they are covering over anoth-
er in baseball does not necessarily Herb Score of Cleveland had a 16 while throwing to the plate. I wit- er 6,000 seats, to bring "capacity
mean that you are actually trying win rookie year followed by a 20-9 nessed Saunders' on television, and to 25,000. I know that the Marlins,
to maim the opposition, but mere- sophomore season, but was hit in despite two World Series
ly trying to intimidate the batter, the eye by a line drive off the bat victories, also attendance
as well known pitchers Sal Maglie, of third baseman, Gil McDougald challenged. Their owner-
Don Drysdale and Nolan Ryan were of the Yankees in 1957, which ef- ship however is mostly to
known to do. I do not recall them fectively ended his career after blame, as they have un-
causing any severe injuries while a couple of years of failed come- loaded some ne players,
plying their craft. However, there back attempts. Players on the some by non other than
have been non fatal, but career eld described the sound of the new part owner , Derek
shortening incidents such as the ball hitting Score as an explo- Jeter. However, the ques-
1967 beaning of Tony Conigliaro of sion. McDougald, who saw what tion remains, Is Florida
the Red Sox by Angels pitcher, Jack happened, rather than easily into Major League Base-
Hamilton, which broke the batter's making rst base, chose to run to ball, or is it just the winter
jaw and cheek, and reduced his vi- the mound to render assistance. home of Spring training?
sion to 20-300. Conigliaro made Mickey Mantle and team mate


WINDSOR F tile floors, furnished, new condition, walk to pool $33,500 BERKSHIRE A corner, lovely lakeview, tile floors, new granite kitchen, encl. patio, walk-in shower $99,000
BERKSHIRE E ceramic tile, updated baths, new a/c units, close to pool $34,900 2 BEDROOM 1.5 BATH - 2-4 FLOOR
1 BEDROOM 1 BATH - SECOND FLOOR DORCHESTER C 2nd fl, compl furn. good condition, walk to pool $49,900
SUSSEX F comp. furn. move in cond., great garden view $39,900 ANDOVER E outside corner, all tile, new kitchen & A/C, encl. patio $69,900
SOUTHAMPTON C outer corn, furn, hurricane shutters, newer kit cabinets &
1 BEDROOM 1.5 BATH - GROUND FLOOR granite counters, encl. patio, instant H/W, near pool $85,000
DOVER B Beautiful Scenic waterview. Ground Floor like a home, completely tiled,
BEDFORD H new air, unfurnished, lakeview, walk to pool $89,999
hurricane shutters, 5 min walk to clubhouse & east gate $99,900 COVENTRY J 2nd fl, furnished, renov porc tile, new kitchen/bath, 2 sinks $99,900
CHATHAM G pristine, beautiful lakeview, compl nice furn, ceramic tile $62,000 SOUTHAMPTON A must see, 2br, made into 1 huge br, new kitchen,
DOVER C tile, renovated, furnished, walk to lake, near clubhouse & east gate $99,900 porcelain tile, granite, all new encl pato $125,000
STAINLESS SINKS, NEW BATHS W/HIS & HER SINKS, IMPACT FRONT WELLINGTON A best waterview, newer A/C & WH, pt. furn, near pool/park $76,900
DOOR & WIN, IMPA CT SLIDING GLASS DRS, TILE PATIO $159,000 GOLFS EDGE 23 porcelain tile, new kitchen w/dishwasher & washer/dryer,
corner, encl patio, furn, impact windows, near east gate, water incl. $89,000
WELLINGTON E exc. condition, tile & carpet, encl patio, lakeviews $89,900
WINDSOR D furn, tile, lagoon, great patio, 2 window A/C, walk to pool $46,000
NORTHAMPTION C waterviews, furnished, carpet, nice $45,000 NEWER KITCHEN & BATHS, MUST SEE $149,900
SALISBURY I partially furn, laminate floors, pets ok, walk to e gate $49,900
COVENTRY G corner, all new, tile, new kitchen & baths, unfurnished $59,900 2 BEDROOM, 2 BATH - UPPER FLOORS
NORTHAMPTON C outer cnr, great waterviews, furn, encl patio, must see $65,000 GOLFS EDGE 18 completely furn., great cond., encl. patio, water incl in maint $54,250
BEDFORD H waterviews, furn, new kitchen, bath & tile $69,900 SOMERSET K big price reduction, enjoy wonderful lake views with enclosed patio $59,900
DOVER B price reduction wonderful lake view, near clubhouse and east gate $79,900 GREENBRIER B 2nd floor, tile, encl. patio, hurricane windows on patio $98,500
SOUTHAMPTON A total renov, porcelain tile, encl patio, furnished $95,000 RENTALS
DOVER A newly renovated 4 floor, enclosed patio, tile, unfurnished, lakeview $109,900 SALISBURY C 1/1, ground floor, unfurnished, tile, freshly painted $875
DOVER C total renov., a gem, 4th floor waterview, walk to clubhouse & east gate $109,000 STRATFORD 2/2, , gr floor, unfurnished with lakeviews $1000
DOVER B 3rd fl, new baths & kitchen, tile, near clubhouse & east gate $135,000 COVENTRY C 2nd fl, completely furnished, pristine $1095



hattan restaurants, I'd go into a

restaurant and meet the owner and

Around the Bases with the chef and they'd let me go into
the kitchen, teach me things and let
me do things. In New York I proba-

Irwin Cohen
bly spent about 800 to a thousand
hours working in di erent kitchens
over a three or four year period.
Cooking comes in handy if you're a
bachelor like me.
Q. Any marriage plans?
Many men who played major Tigers play-by-play man Ernie Har- In their peak years they could do so
A. Marriage is something that I take
league baseball once upon a time, well called him, is the only major many things o ensively and defen-
very seriously and respect a great
died in 2018. The one that impact- league player to have had 500 hits sively. It was a great honor just to be
deal. Baseball and the restaurant
ed me the most was the passing with four di erent teams. And he on the same field with them.
business take up a lot of hours es-
of Rusty Staub. Staub died last is only one of four players (Ty Cobb, Q. Later in you career you were
pecially evenings and weekends. I
March on the eve of the 2018 base- Alex Rodriguez and Gary She eld) a designated hitter while in
can't do it until I know I can make it
ball season, three days shy of his to have hit a home run before the the American League. You, of
a 50-50 arrangement.
74th birthday. I didn't know that he age of 20 and after the age of 40. course, didn't have to play in the
Staub, who grew up in New Orle-
was hospitalized only a short drive Rusty had a reputation for being eld. What did you do between
ans idolizing Mickey Mantle, kept
from Century Village. Admitted somewhat fussy and demanding of at-bats?
busy after his playing career. He
to a West Palm Beach hospital with club management and serving as A. I did crosswords quite a bit. You
was a broadcaster for the Mets and
pneumonia, dehydration and an in- his own agent during contract nego- have to get your mind off the previ-
also served as a goodwill ambassa-
fection that led to multiple organ tiations. As per one of his demands, ous at-bat, especially the bad ones.
dor for the franchise. Besides own-
failure, Staub spent the last eight the Tigers installed a bed for only Besides the puzzles, I jumped rope
ing and operating two Manhattan
weeks of his life in the hospital. his use in a small room adjacent to and did push-ups and sit-ups.
restaurants, he founded the New
His big league baseball life start- the clubhouse. If you put your ears Q. You're well-known for car-
York Police and Fire Widows and
ed in 1963 at age 19 with Houston close to the door you would hear rying bottled water and taking
Children's Bene t Fund. He also
before moving on to the Montreal Rusty snoring while the visiting bottles on road trips. Why?
worked on behalf of other charities.
Expos (1969-1971). Staub also wore team was taking batting practice. I A. You don't know what comes out
He found the time to write a chil-
the uniforms of the New York Mets had many conversations with Rusty, of water taps, especially on the
dren's book, "Hello, Mr. Met."
(1972-1975), Detroit Tigers (1976- who was considered baseball's most road. It look terrible and tastes the
Former players kept in touch with
1979), Expos again part of 1979, Tex- eligible bachelor, while on the base- same way in many hotels.
him as he was Chairman of Major
as Rangers (1980), and back to the ball beat. Twice, with his permis- Q. You're well known for being a
League Players Alumni Association.
Mets from 1981 through 1985 where sion, I taped our back-and--forth gourmet cook. When did you ac-
Rusty Staub was unique and
he closed out his playing career at for stories back in the day. Here quire that talent?
age 41. are just a few of my questions and A. It started out of necessity in the
Staub compiled a lifetime batting his answers: minor leagues. Players didn't earn
Author, columnist, public speaker
average of .279, and had 292 home enough to eat out much at good
Irwin Cohen headed a national base-
runs among his 2,716 hits. The Q. You played with and against places. I told my roommates that I
ball publication for ve years before
only time he played in a World Se- many star and superstar players would do all of the shopping and the
working for a major league team
ries was in 1973 with the Mets. The in the 1960s and 1970s, who was cooking if they would take care of
where he earned a World Series ring.
Mets lost the Series to Oakland, but the best? all of the cleaning. I really enjoyed
He may be reached in his dugout at
Staub starred by collecting 11 hits A. For a ten-year stretch it has to be the cooking. And when I played for
and batting .423. Trusty Rusty, as Willie Mays and Roberto Clemente. the Mets before I opened my Man-

Real Estate Center SPECIAL

of West Palm Beach, LLC QUESTIONS
561-612-8787 ABOUT MEDICARE?
March 4, 2019
Located In The Heart Of Century Village 10:00 am-12 pm
1 BEDROOM – 1 BATH Wellington M 1st Floor – Updated Kitchen – Walk in Shower................................................................... $149,900
Dorchester G 2nd Floor - Updated Kitchen & Bath ...................................................................................... $48,900 Golfs Edge E 2nd Floor – Updated Kitchen .............................................................................................. $115,000
Coventry J 2nd Floor - Furniture Negotiable – Great Building ............................................................... $28,000 Bedford D 2nd Floor – Corner – Furnished – Lift ................................................................................... $74,000
Camden O 1st Floor – Updated Kitchen – Closed in Porch ..................................................................... $45,900 RENTALS
Waltham F 1st Floor – Near East Gate....................................................................................................... $49,000 Sheffield C 1 BR – 1 ½ Bath - 2nd Floor - Furnished – Water View ............................................................ $1,050
Waltham E 2nd Floor – Near East Gate – Patio w/ B-B-Q ........................................................................ $38,000 Waltham C 2 BR – 1 ½ Bath - 2nd Floor Corner –Lift– Fresh Paint............................................................ $1,050
1 BEDROOM – 1 ½ BATH Easthampton D 2 BR – 1 ½ Bath – 1st Floor Corner – Updated Kitchen ........................................................... $1,175
Easthampton A 2nd Floor – Updated Bathrooms-Tile Throughout ............................................................... $48,500 Sheffield J 1 BR – 1 ½ Bath - 2nd Floor – Corner – Furnished................................................................... $1,000
Camden H 2nd Floor – Open Kitchen-Furnished -REDUCED!! ............................................................. $49,900 Salisbury E 1 BR - 1 ½ Bath - 2nd Floor – Freshly Painted .............................................................................. $850
Wellington C 1st Floor – Custom Kitchen – Open Floor Plan ..................................................................... $99,900 Salisbury G 2 BR – 1 ½ Bath – 2nd Floor – Sunny-Freshly Painted .................................................................. $950
Chatham B 2nd Floor – Corner-Water Views - Open Kitchen .................................................................. $57,900
Bedford F 2nd Floor – Furnished............................................................................................................. $53,000
Salisbury B 2nd Floor – Corner – Furnished-Updated Kitchen................................................................ $57,000 6 Golfs Edge F ........................................ $86,500 177 Canterbury H....................................$ 950
Salisbury A 2nd Floor – Close to East Gate –Updated Baths .................................................................... $48,000
188 Berkshire I ...................................... $40,375 8 Golfs Edge F..........................................$ 925
108 Oxford 200 ...................................... $62,900 390 Northampton S .................................$ 800
2 BEDROOM – 1 ½ BATH 128 Norwich F ....................................... $52,000 5 Sheffield A ..........................................$1,200
Kent C 1st Floor-Furnished-Updated Kitchen–Water View .............................................................. $97,900 68 Plymouth H ................................... $150,000 1 Hastings A ..........................................$1,100
Bedford D 2nd Floor-Corner-Lift- Hurricane Shutters- Furnished ........................................................ $74,000 169 Bedford G........................................ $74,500 114 Kent H ..............................................$ 900
Chatham C 2nd Floor - Water View - Lift .................................................................................................. $78,500 186 Kent K ............................................. $70,000 190 Berkshire I ......................................$1,500
Dorchester C 2nd Floor -Corner – Furnished – Walk in Shower ................................................................. $74,000 62 Sheffield C ........................................ $65,000 72 Kent E ...............................................$1,100
Chatham J 2nd Floor - Corner – Furn. Negotiable – Tile......................................................................... $78,000 86 Stratford G ...................................... $128,000 108 Northampton F .................................$ 975
Chatham U 2nd Floor- Furniture Negotiable ............................................................................................ $58,900 121 Southampton F ............................. $106,000 146 Bedford F ..........................................$ 800
Windsor D 2nd Floor – Corner Walk in Shower- Furn. Negotiable ......................................................... $65,000 192 Northampton J ................................ $43,000 240 Andover J ..........................................$ 900
Easthampton D 1st Floor-Corner – Updated Kitchen – Furn. Negotiable ...................................................... $95,000 128 Bedford E ........................................ $42,000
Norwich H 2nd Floor – Tile – Walk in Shower -Furn. Negotiable............................................................ $78,900
190 Salisbury H ..................................... $42,000
198 Camden I......................................... $35,000
2 BEDROOM – 2 BATH 235 Coventry J ....................................... $28,000
Oxford 200 1st Floor – Lift -Furnished- Unfurnished-Pet Friendly ...................................................... $109,995 200 Sheffield I ........................................ $41,000
Stratford B 1st Floor – W/D Hookup -Close to East Gate ..................................................................... $145,000
Plymouth G 2nd Floor – W/D Hookup – Close to East Gate .................................................................. $118,000
Golfs Edge A 1st Floor – End Unit- Close to East Gate ................................................................................ $70,000 Other Offices Average Days On Market: 92
Stratford J 1st Floor – Updated Kitchen – Tile -W/D in Unit ............................................................... $137,000 “FOR QUICK RESULTS, LIST WITH US!!”

Petrina Penio - Licensed Real Estate Broker • Century Medical Plaza • 100 Century Blvd., Suite 102 • West Palm Beach
Never Pay Commissions Or Transaction Fees On Rental Renewals

Notable Events
and Facts for MARCH
This is the month that we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day
on the 17th (which is also Corned Beef and Cabbage
Day). Daylight Savings Time begins on the 10th The

First Day of Spring comes on the 20th and the Jewish
feast of Purim is on the 21st. Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday),
the Ides of March and Ash Wednesday come in March,
as well.

The birthstones for March are the aquamarine and

bloodstone. The flower is the da odil (the bright yel-
low ower of Spring), and the zodiac signs are Pisces
and Aries.
March in some other languages are sound relat-
ed: Danish morts; French mars; Italian marzo; Latin
Martius and Spanish marzo, same as Italian. The his-
torical names for March are: Roman Martius, Saxon RECREATIONAL
Hrethmonath and Germanic Lenz-mond (Springtime • March 8th is International Women’s Day and March
month). is National Women’s History month.
• Multiple Personality Day and If Pets Had Thumbs
Day come in March, along with Be Nasty Day which
Some Fun Facts about March: some celebrate every day.
• It is the first month of Spring which comes between • Clean Up Your IRS Act month. VIOLATORS WILL
March 19th and 21st – this year it is March 20. • Worship of Tools Day to which guys can relate, but we
• In the Southern Hemisphere, March is the same as
September in the Northern Hemisphere.
also have Jewel Day, a celebration for the ladies who BE REMOVED FROM
are all too familiar with jewelry.
• Each year March and June end on the same day of the
week. (You’re looking at your calendar, aren’t you).
We could go on and on, but we are space limited. En-
• March Madness is a basketball tournament played by
the NCAA.
joy the month of March with all that it has to o er. RISK SUSPENSION OF
• Easter is sometimes celebrated in March (not this
year – it’s in April). THEIR PRIVILEGES

Shadowing the Doctors - Part 2:

Radiation Oncology
Nicholas Ma is a 3rd year Pre-Med Biology student at the University of Florida and long time
contributor to the UCO Reporter. Last summer, he “shadowed” (followed) local physicians to
learn what they encounter on a typical day.

While my summer Mondays were nician continued. “They don’t need tain procedures. He was a not only a have refrained from attending.
spent at Comprehensive Pain Care, I to get bolted down or lie still forev- thorough teacher for me, but also to And on a few occasions, I had
had another set of adventures every er; we just let them relax and listen his patients. “A normal prostate is the joy of watching Dr. Harmon in
Tuesday just a few minutes south at to some nice music while they get about the size of a walnut,” Dr. Dass action. Beneath his casual Hawai-
South Florida Radiation Oncology. their treatment.” explained to many male consults. ian-shirt-and-khaki-slacks-uni-
Undoubtedly, radiation oncolo- The more traditional treatments, “With cancer, it can grow to the form-and-uncanny-Santa-resem-
gy—treating cancer with radiation often involving a linear accelerator, size of a baseball, causing problems blance exterior, Dr. Harmon has
therapy—is full of di cult and similarly requires patients to lie on with urination.” Since prostate can- over three decades of experience
tragic cases meriting utmost sen- a procedure bed while the machine cer is the most common cancer for practicing radiation oncology. Al-
sitivity. The fragility of human life delivers targeted doses of radiation. men, the most common procedure though sometimes involved in ad-
in this field requires not just the lat- Patients receive their therapy on a I witnessed was the placement of ministrative matters, Dr. Harmon
est technology and the best-trained typically a near-daily basis, lasting gold markers on prostates prior to still makes a few rounds, treating all
physicians, but also a dedicated on average 10-15 minutes. Although the start of any treatment, allowing patients with a gregarious and can-
team to manage various aspects of no one is allowed into the treatment for more precision during radiation did spirit. “Here’s the deal: no non-
diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, room while a patient is receiving ra- therapy. sense from me!” Dr. Harmon said to
this shadowing experience had me diation, I watched on the monitors On my second day (as well as a patient and his family members.
following not just the physicians, outside with the technicians. The many subsequent occasions), I fol- “We’re not going to keep you com-
but also many of the other team treatment area is tattooed with tiny lowed Dr. Dass into the procedure ing here forever for follow-ups; we’re
members. marks, and the patient would ideal- room with a male patient lying on going to make sure you get better.”
In one of my first “rotations” with- ly lie still while the radiation is de- an exam chair. With a warm good “Now ladies,” he said, turning to the
in the o ce, I watched as the dosim- livered. morning, Dr. Dass went straight to patient’s daughter and wife, “men
etrists contoured CT scans on their In electron beam therapy for sur- work, injecting lidocaine for numb- tend to underplay how they’re feel-
computers—outlining on a series of face-level tumors, a thin sheet of pa- ing and introducing an ultrasound ing and act all macho, so you keep
X-rays the organs at risk of radiation per, called a bolus, is added on top probe rectally that allowed us to an eye on how your man’s feeling
close to the treatment area. “We do of the treatment area to maximize view the patient’s prostate on a and make sure he’s telling me the
the treatment planning before Dr. the dosage directed at the skin. In grainy, black and white monitor. truth.”
Dass puts his signature of approv- contrast, photon beam therapy in- Another injection followed with a Such is the open and profession-
al,” a dosimetrist explains. volves deeper level penetration for long needle, sliding its way to the al spirit of South Florida Radiation
On a broader scale, the physi- direct radiation of tumors inside prostate to eject the golden tip, a Oncology, combining the best that
cists work with physicians to, in the body. For tumors in the brain, tiny shining white star on the ultra- technology, expertise, and com-
the words of one of the physicists, spine, neck, and lungs; proton ther- sound. “How are you feeling, sir?” passion has to o er in the eld of
“make sure things don’t screw up. apy is ideal in delivering targeted Dr. Dass asked. “OK, Doc. Do you radiation oncology. For patients
Fortunately, things hardly ever.” treatment to the tumor with lower always do this to your patients?” struggling with some of the most
Though not physicians themselves, doses of radiation near critical or- “Only the ones we like.” “Ay, I can’t di cult challenges in their lives, it
physicists’ expertise with the tech- gans, which is especially ideal for imagine what you do to the ones would be di cult to nd a better
nology of radiation therapy enable younger patients. you DON’T like!” source of healing. It is no surprise
them to oversee treatment, espe- At such a large facility, I had the On other occasions, I followed that other local physicians turn to
cially with the dosimetrists’ work. privilege of shadowing three physi- Dr. Alicia Gittleman, who was more South Florida Radiation Oncology,
Furthermore, the physicists han- cians, including Drs. Kishore Dass, than happy to teach me some of when, in another series of circum-
dle treatment planning involving Alicia Gittleman, and Claude Har- the basics in radiation oncology, stances that transcends mere co-
the CyberKnife, one of the facility’s mon. Dr. Dass, practicing for over especially with her teaching expe- incidence, a urologist referred my
most prized radiation delivery sys- two decades, has the combined wit, rience at Cornell University. While grandfather to Dr. Dass for prostate
tems. charm, and acumen of a business- I watched her examine some treat- cancer treatment. Like many pa-
“Everyone always gets so scared man with the gentleness, compas- ment plans, she explained, “We tients, my grandfather underwent
when they hear ‘CyberKnife,’” one sion, and medical sagacity of any used to learn about the Gross, Clin- his entire series of 35 treatment ses-
of the CyberKnife technicians, distinguished physician in his eld. ical, and Planning Target Volumes sions comfortably, even in his frail
laughed. As one of the founders of South (GTC, CTV, PTV) as ‘Grand Central physical condition. For a student
Contrary to its ominous name, Florida Radiation Oncology, he de- Park.’ GTV tells how much of the considering the medical profession
the CyberKnife is not a high-tech voted considerable e ort in build- tumor can be seen, CTV expanding with a loved one in need of care,
Bond-villain torture contraption. ing and expanding his facilities. the margins if the tumor has spread there is no shortage of gratitude to-
Rather, this technology uses re- Although very busy, Dr. Dass none- a bit, and PTV for any uncertainties wards the radiation oncology team
al-time image-guidance with a ro- theless generously allowed me to or moving organs.” Nonetheless, Dr. that continues making a di erence
botic arm to administer precise follow him on his rounds, ranging Gittleman mostly sees female breast every day.
doses of radiation to a tumor. “Pa- from meeting with consults— rst- cancer patients, whom, out of sensi-
tients love it!” the CyberKnife tech- time patients—to performing cer- tivity and respect to their privacy, I

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Name(s) _______________________________________________________________________________________________

CV Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Best Contact # _________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________

Please Include An Additional $3.00 Per Ticket Per Event For Guest Tickets
# OF # OF

Sat. April 06 Happy Days “Oldies But Goodies” Singers 8:00 PM $5.00

Sat. April 13 Chris Pinnella Starring In Illuminate Powerful Vocalist 8:00 PM $5.00
Arthur Migliazza And His Boogie Woogie Piano
Sat. April 20 The Very Best Boogie Woogie And Blues Piano 8:00 PM $5.00
Motown Divas A Tribute To The Broadway Show Dreamgirls
Sat. April 27 Three Talented Ladies And Five-Piece Band 8:00 PM $5.00
Tribute To The Legends Of The '50s & '60s Featuring Don
Sat. May 04 Who? Singer/Songwriter/Comedian 8:00 PM $5.00

Sat. May 11 Jamie Danger Songs, Comedy And Impressions 8:00 PM $5.00
Music Beyond Language Starring Yaniv Zarif
Sat. May 18 International Singer 8:00 PM $5.00

Sat. May 25 The Rhythm Chicks Honoring Great Girl Groups 8:00 PM $5.00

Sat. June 01 Ken Block “I’m Just Not Myself” Comic Impressionist 8:00 PM $5.00
Reunion - The Sounds Of Yester-Year And Today
Sat. June 08 Oldies Band 8:00 PM $5.00

Sat. June 15 Otis Cadillac And R&B Revue Jumping 12-Piece Band 8:00 PM $5.00
pOpera! Starring Randolph Locke & Carol Sparrow
Sat. June 22 Pop & Opera 8:00 PM $5.00

Sat. June 29 Marc & Rio Charming Evening Of Song 8:00 PM $5.00

Sat. July 06 Marty Kaye & Georgene Barger Multi-Talented Singers 8:00 PM $5.00
Flamenco Nights Starring Tony Cruz
Sat. July 13 Singer/Guitarist & Dancers 8:00 PM $5.00

Sat. July 20 Spanky & Dino Dynamic Singing Duo 8:00 PM $5.00
Yesterdayze - The Ultimate '60s Experience
Sat. July 27 ‘60s Tribute Band 8:00 PM $5.00

Sat. Aug. 03 Megan Basile Versatile Singer 8:00 PM $5.00

The Best Is Yet To Come Starring Sharon Ruben
Sat. Aug. 10 Musical Comedy 8:00 PM $5.00
The Magic Of Music Featuring Julia Langley And
Sat. Aug. 17 Terry Cooper Two Fabulous Voices 8:00 PM $5.00
When Vegas Meets Rock & Roll Starring Eddie Michael
Sat. Aug. 24 Charismatic Singer 8:00 PM $5.00

Sat. Aug. 31 Jo-Anna Jordon ‘The Lady Of Broadway’ 8:00 PM $5.00

Sat. Sept. 07 Gary Willner Singing Ventriloquist 8:00 PM $5.00

Sat. Sept. 14 Orange Sunshine - The Sixties Experience Tribute Band 8:00 PM $5.00

Sat. Sept. 21 David Orson: A Musical Journey Pianist/Singer 8:00 PM $5.00

Gotta Sing, Gotta Dance!
Sat. Sept. 28 Three Song And Dance Entertainers 8:00 PM $5.00

Sat. Oct. 05 Lou Nelson's Tribute To Tom Jones Musical Tribute 8:00 PM $5.00
Classic Vegas Starring Jimmy Barkan
Sat. Oct. 12 “Best Crooner, 2015” 8:00 PM $5.00

Sat. Oct. 19 An Evening With JayCee Driesen A Singing Sensation 8:00 PM $5.00

Sat. Oct. 26 Adriana Zabala Award-Winning Vocalist 8:00 PM $5.00

Halloween Dance – Debby Massey
Sat. Oct. 26 (Available starting on 10/01/19 at the Ticket Office only) 7:00 PM $10.00 XXXX XXXX XXXX

All programs are subject to change and/or modification TOTAL $____________________

Please See Monthly Clubhouse Happenings For Further Information. All Summer Tickets Can Be Purchased
Starting on Tuesday, March 19, 2019 At The Ticket Office And Online At

Summer Ticket Special - Effective for April – October 2019.

All summer show tickets can be purchased starting on Tuesday, March 19, 2019 at the Ticket Office
and online at

Take advantage of our 4 for 3 Summer special! Purchase tickets for 3 shows and receive 1 free show in the same month.
This offer is valid for residents ONLY and MUST be purchased at the Ticket Office.

To receive the free ticket it must be processed at the time of purchase. Caregiver passes are excluded from the special. No
ticket refunds - No exchanges - Non-transferrable. Effective for April – October 2019. Section B

Fill In Oval March 1, 2019 UCO Ballot Fill In Oval

Vice President

Fill In Oval
Fill In Oval
Select no more than Two (2)

Fausto Fabbro Ed Grossman

John Gluszak Stewart Richland

March 1 2019 UCO Ballot

March 1, 2019 UCO Ballot

Executive Board
Select no more than Ten (10)

Marilyn Curtis Michael Rayber

Maureen Debigare Joyce Reiss

Ruth Dreiss Les Rivkin

Fill In Oval
Do Not Fold Fill In Oval

Richard Handelsman Myron Solomon

Jackie Karlan Gerry Sutofsky

Patricia Keane Carole Szepesi

Do Not Fold
Carol Mainwald David Torres

Mary Patrick Olga Wolkenstein

Petrina Penio Marcia Ziccardy

If you exceed the MAXIMUM number of votes allowed in either category


Do Not Fold

Nick Carter “Master Detective”

is Alive and Well on the Web
There is no doubt that the detec- on the door. . .
tive story is one of the popular and Patsy: “What’s the matter? What
well received forms of creative writ- is it?”
ing starting with Edgar Allan Poe’s Man: “It’s another case for Nick
“The Murder in the Rue Morgue” in Carter . . . Master Detective!”
1841. Most people would consider Announcer: “Yes, it’s anoth-
this to really be the first piece of de- er case for that most famous of
tective fiction. all manhunters, the detective
Following the publication of Poe’s whose ability at solving crime is
story, detective stories began to unequaled in the history of detec-
grow into novels and English nov- tive ction — Nick Carter, Master
elist Wilkie Collins published a de- Detective.
tective novel, “The Moonstone”, in Episodes followed a classic detec-
teners many di erent types of crime series commenced 11 April 1943,
1868. In Collins’ story, the method- tive story formula: Nick looks for
solvers. The hardboiled, streetwise on Mutual, continuing in many
ical Sergeant Cuff searches for the clues, each one of which brings him
PI, such as Sam Spade or the some- di erent time slots for well over a
criminal who stole a sacred Indian closer to solving the case. Carter
what cozy style investigator in the decade. Jock MacGregor was the
moonstone. The novel includes sev- became a private detective char-
Agatha Christie style. For this ar- producer-director of scripts by Al-
eral features of the typical modern acterized somewhere between a
ticle I have selected two similar fred Bester, Milton J. Kramer, David
mystery, including red herrings, two- sted tough guy and gentle-
style low keyed sleuths whose crime Kogan and others. Background mu-
false alibis, and climactic scenes. manly sleuth. His cases became
solving style t very comfortably in sic was supplied by organists Hank
In 1887, in Sir Arthur Conan more realistic and downbeat. After
between the extremes of cozy and Sylvern,
Doyle’s novel “ A Study in Scarlet” the criminal is apprehended, Nick,
hardboiled crime solving. Character actor Lon Clark stars
introduced Sherlock Holmes to the in the epilogue, explains the mean-
as Carter - perfectly capturing the
world. The cozy English mystery ing and importance of each clue
character’s manly vigor and power-
novel became popularized with Ag- Nick Carter, Master De- and how it contributed to the crim-
ful intellectual skills. But “that most
atha Christie’s Miss Marple series tective: A TWO-FISTED inal’s downfall. Nick Carter was a
famous of all manhunters” doesn’t
in the 1920s when other detectives TOUGH GUY AND GEN- methodical investigator. In the ep-
work alone. Assistant Patsy Bow-
like Lord Peter Wimsey and Ellery TLEMANLY SLEUTH. ilogue of each episode, he explains
en (Helen Choate) and “demon re-
Queen were also becoming popular. what each clue meant and how they
By the 1930s, a group of writers like connected together.
Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chan- The series was unusual for sev-
dler, and Mickey Spillane. intro- eral reasons. Most, if not all of the
duced the “hard boiled” detective episodes followed a 19th century
to the growing number of detective convention and had sub-titles such
fans. as “An Angle on Murder” was also
The detective format played very called “Nick Carter and the Mystery
well to the emerging radio program of the Mutilated Foot.” Lon Clark
of the 1930s. Attesting to its popu- played the title role for the entire
larity, one critic deduced that by twelve year run, over 700 episodes!
1945 there was an average of ninety Nick Carter, Master Detective even
minutes of crime programs broad- fostered a spin-off series, Chick
cast daily, and each show was heard Man of mystery, man of intellect, Carter, Boy Detective, which ran
by more than five million listeners. man of action -- for over a century, from 1943 to 1945; Chick was Nick
According to Fred J. MacDon- Nick Carter stands tall as Ameri- Carter’s adopted son.
ald who wrote the de nitive study ca’s greatest detective! Handsome, Before the advent of commercial
on American radio broadcasting, deep-voiced character actor Lon television radio was where Ameri-
“The strength of the detective dra- Clark stars as Carter - perfectly cap- ca received the vast majority of its
ma was twofold: it was relatively turing the character’s manly vig- home entertainment, music, and
inexpensive to produce and it was or and powerful intellectual skills. news. Nick Carter provided the ra-
attractive to listeners. Detective The radio program was based on dio listening audience with years of
shows were much less costly than the Street & Smith’s dime novels enjoyable listening pleasure. Sadly,
the comedy and variety programs and pulp magazines popular in the TV began to replace these great old
which abounded on radio. Further- late 1800s. What a long strange trip time radio dramas. However the
more, they returned a signi cantly it’s been for NICK CARTER. good news is these programs are
higher homes-per-dollar-invested “The Little Giant” rst appeared available on many websites. Listed
gure than other genres. In 1950, as a 19th century detective and below is just one of the sites which
for instance, Variety estimated the adventurer in Street and Smith’s allow you to download many hours
weekly costs of The Jack Benny Pro- New York Weekly dime novel, on of great listening.
Charlotte Manson as Patsy Bowen
gram and The Bing Crosby Show to September 18, 1886. He was young, and Lon Clark as Nick Carter, 1946. Another very popular low-keyed
have been $40,000 each, while the strong, dedicated to clean living (no private eye was Philo Vance. The
production costs on all but a few de- cigarettes and no booze). He was Philo Vance program will be the
porter” Scubby Wilson (John Kane)
tective dramas ranged from $4,000 con dent, a master of disguise, and subject of my next article. Enjoy.
have his does Sgt. Mathi-
to $7,000. possessor of a keen mind, lled with son (Ed Latimer), who struggles not
MacDonald notes, “In terms of more trivia than anyone would ever to be seen as riding on Nick’s coat-
entertainment, detective shows af- need to know (except, of course, tails! Carter has deductive genius, a
forded listeners the opportunity to for dime novel master sleuths!) and knack for disguises, and a fast right
mix the deductive process of intel- otherworldly strength, able to “lift a hook, all of which come in handy as
lect with the emotional intensity of horse with ease... while a heavy man he solves an interesting variety of
fantasy. These programs came in is seated in the saddle... he can place cases Nick Carter, Master Detective
various wrappings. The heroes of four packs of playing cards togeth- was one of the rst detective radio
these series, the private detective, er, and tear them in halves between shows to really hit it big with audi-
state or local police, or an amateur his thumbs and fingers.” ences. In it, Nick was a pretty typical
sleuth, engaged the imagination Nick Carter rst came to radio as private eye of the time. somewhere
and transported listeners along a The Return of Nick Carter, a refer- between two- sted tough guy and
deductive route toward a solution of ence to the character’s pulp origins, gentlemanly sleuth. Each program
the crime.” but the title was soon changed to started with the same opening dia-
Radio producers o ered their lis- Nick Carter, Master Detective. The logue: Sound of someone knocking

Have you ever been to Mardi Gras Police don’t really want to ar- ying painted coconut heads at the dot the French Quarter. Also you
in New Orleans? I have. Sever- rest you. Really. They want you Zulu parade. They hurt when they must order a Hurricane, the most
al times. Mardi Gras, literally Fat to have a good time but there is a hit. popular drink in New Orleans. It is
Tuesday, is also celebrated over the limit and a great consumption of al- Make your hotel reservation as a sweet red rum drink and is served
three or four weeks before Easter, cohol makes one stupid. The cops soon as you can. I think they open with a big ole cherry and a juicy or-
much like we start in early Decem- will look away when a female lifts the books ten months before the ange slice.
ber putting up decorations, having her shirt for beads. Mostly they event. Don’t wait or you will be Have some King Cake, a pastry,
parties, and preparing for Christ- will look away. Sometimes they just sleeping in your car and the police cake, or bread that is twisted into
mas. So you could be in New Orle- smile. I got lots of smiles and boxes don’t like that. a ring and decorated with colored
ans weeks before the actual event full of beads under my bed. You must stop at Café du Monde icing and sprinkles; purple, green
and still experience Mardi Gras, ex- If you don’t like crowds, stay home. on Decatur Street and have a beig- and gold, the o cial colors of Mardi
cept, of course, for the parades. The And I mean the kind of crowds net, which is a square of fried dough, Gras. There is a baby, representing
o cial Mardi Gras day is the last where you can’t take a step forward eaten hot, sprinkled with confec- the Baby Jesus, baked somewhere
Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, so until the guy in front of you does. tioners’ sugar. Have two. Beware, in every King Cake. Tradition has
it changes every year. New Orleans I mean the kind of crowds where Café du Monde only takes cash. it that if you get the piece of cake
is the hub of the Mardi Gras activity you can’t take an actual step, but Also pop into Marie Laveau’s with the baby, you have to host next
but towns for miles around also get can only shu e along. The kind of House of Voodoo on Bourbon year’s party.
in on the fun. crowds where if you don’t cut your Street, a tiny shop that sells herbs, If you have time on your trip and
Things I learned at Mardi Gras. way to the edge you may never see voodoo dolls, chicken feet, and po- want to take a break from all the
Restaurants close their bathrooms your hotel again. You might just tions; plus they have on-site psychic revelry, take a peek at New Orle-
to the public. Only customers can shu e around the streets all night readings. There are no photos al- ans’ above-ground cemetery, the
use the facilities. There are a LOT long. lowed in this fun yet creepy place. solution of early French residents
of people on the streets during Mar- The parades are fun. Lots of bead And never, never, disrespect the al- who lived at sea level. You can take
di Gras. What I learned? Don’t pick tossing and coin tossing. Don’t tar of Marie. Never. I mean it. a tour of these hauntingly beautiful
up beads o the streets. You’ll nev- cheap out on this one. Buy a seat on Try the craw sh and jambalaya at marble chambers or you can explore
er get the urine smell off them. the grandstands. And watch out for one of the side alley restaurants that on your own.

Century Village 1994 and Now

I recently came across a Century the Clubhouse Theater. In 1994, the channels and 4 optional premium ment and information that may be
Village Guide published 25 years ago theater contained 1,002 vs. 1,220 seats channels. UCO has signed a 10-year of interest to its readers. The content
in 1994. I found it fascinating be- today because the entire Clubhouse contract with Atlantic Broadband of the paper was decided by its edi-
cause I lived in Century Village at that was renovated after Hurricane Wil- which will enable us to watch over torial board. Back in 1994, all stories,
time and recognized many changes. ma. 300 channels. Bus transportation articles, etc. had to be typed or neatly
The majority of the businesses that In 1994, the UCO o ce was located was available to all residents and a printed for submission. With com-
were operating in the area then are adjacent to the Camden pool. There building association assessment of puters, the much smaller staff is able
gone now. Unfortunately, many of were 19 committees vs. 24 or more $8.00/month vs. today’s cost of ap- to handle production of the paper in a
the UCO o cers and Executive Board today. While there were the same proximately $10.00+ per month. Buses fraction of the time it took then.
members mentioned in the Guide are number of o cers then, the Execu- were available only for local shopping What I found particularly interest-
no longer in existence either. Having tive Board consisted of 28 members – and area doctor o ces. Excursion ing was an excerpt from Article IV of
lived in CV for 47 years, I knew all 14 board members and 14 Alternates. trips were not available until later. the UCO Bylaws in e ect at the time.
of them and volunteered alongside Today our Board consists of 20 equal The cost for Auto Decals was $1.00 vs. It stated that “...if a unit was owned by
them and am still in touch with one members. Camden was a busy loca- $5.00 today. more than one person, the owners of
who no longer lives in CV. tion with the UCO Reporter operat- The UCO Reporter was composed the unit shall designate one of them
Back “in the day”, there was a ing there also. of 3 Co-editors, a 5-member Editori- as the voting member (Voting Certi -
beauty salon and barber shop in the TV was serviced by Tele-Media al Board, a Production Manager and cate) for the purpose of any UCO vote
Clubhouse. Today there is a salon in Cable and residents could watch 42 an Editorial Staff of 11 members and or election.” That was true from the
the Medical Center plus a 3 assistants. Advertising inception of the building associations
pharmacy, real estate center consisted of 4 members and is still a provision allowing only
and doctors’ o ces. Anyone with 4 members tend- one vote per unit. Now that “one vote
living in CV long enough ing to the business/ - one unit” is being considered for the
will recall the Chi on Bak- nancial portion. There election of UCO o cers, voting cer-
ery, Eckerd Drugs and Secor were 2 photographers ti cates are very important to deter-
Bank, all located in Drexel on sta , 4 artists and 3 mine who will be able to vote.
Plaza across Okeechobee members in charge of The only things that have not
Blvd. from the West gate. Circulation. The UCO changed in 25 years are our map and
There was a thriving PUB- Reporter was then, and our telephone number! The building
LIX at the corner of Military still is, the o cial news- associations are still where they stood
and Okeechobee Blvd. paper of UCO for the then and the phone number is still
Some things remain the enlightenment of the 683-9189. And still of major impor-
same, such as UCO Dele- residents of Century tance is the UCO Reporter. It was our
gates’ meetings which are Village. Its secondary best source of information then as it
held on the rst Friday of purpose was to serve as is now.
each month at 9:30 am in a source of entertain-


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Information in this column will be BROOKLYN QUEENS CLUB: Second CHRISTIAN CLUB: First Wednesday JUDITH EPSTEIN CHAPTER OF HA-
limited to: Wednesday of the month - 2:00 p.m. of every month - until May. Club- DASSAH: For current information,
Organization name Clubhouse Party Room. October to house Party Room 1 p.m. Next meet- call Marilyn at 689-3647.
Meeting date April. Call Harriet Levine: 684-9712. ing date: March 7. For club informa-
Meeting location tion, call Rae 561-254-2290. KATHY’S KITCHEN: November
Contact person CENTURY VILLAGE ARTISTS: View ● Casino dates: March 18 - 1 p.m. through April on 3rd Friday of the
our artwork on 1st and 2nd floor of For information on trips, call Figgy month at 1 p.m. - Clubhouse Party
Information should be addressed to: and must main Clubhouse. Information about 561-707-6548 Room. Can we dish? Come for a nib-
be received by the 15th of the month purchase or display -- Beth Baker @ ● April 2 - 4: Motor coach trip to Or- ble! Bring along a dish that we can all
or submitted at the UCO Reporter 684-3166. lando Cocoa Beach enjoy, Discuss recipes. For more in-
Office on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and ● May 17 - 26: Motor Coach trip to formation call Kathy 561-252-8495.
Thursdays from 9:00AM to 12:00PM. CENTURY VILLAGE BOOK CLUB - to Texas (San Antonio, Padre Island &
Information, call 640-6944 or email Gulf of Mexico) KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS: Palm Beach
Details on upcoming special events Rainbow Lodge #203 - 2nd and 4th
and programs will be included in a CONGREGATION ANSHEI SHO- Tuesdays - 1 p.m. Century Village
new UCO Reporter column - “WHAT’S CENTURY VILLAGE CAMERA LOM: Welcome to our synagogue at Medical Building in CSI Caregiver
HAPPENING”. Copy should be sent to CLUB: Ken Graff at cameraclubcv@ 5348 Grove Street in Century Village. Services. For info, call Irv 683-4049 and must
be received by the 15th of the month ● Weekday minyans will be held on or .
or submitted at the UCO Reporter Thursday mornings at 8:45 AM.
Office on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and CENTURY VILLAGE COMPUTER ● Shabbat Services Friday evening at LATIN AMERICAN CLUB: First
Thursdays from 9:00AM to 12:00PM. CLUB: First Thursday of every month 5:00 PM and Saturday morning at 9:00 Thursday of every month - 6 p.m.
at 1 p.m. in Clubhouse Room 103. Call AM. If you need to say Kaddish please Clubhouse Card Room A.
ACT II COMMUNITY THEATRE - Ev- Kathy @ 252-8495 or visit website at: call ahead so we can get a minyan to- New members, call Ruben Ramos at
ery Wednesday - 7:00 PM - Clubhouse. gether. 561-459-7176 or docruben1@gmail.
● Rabbi Kavon’s class is held every com .
VILLAGE: Every Monday 7-10 pm in ATIONS - KNITTING/CROCHETING imately at 10:00 AM. See office for información, comuníquese con Rubén
Classroom B. CLUB: Tuesdays 9:30 AM -12 p.m. details. Hebrew for beginners will be Ramos al 561-459-7176 o docruben1@
Neil: 561-215-4999 Craft Room (104). held each Monday at 10:00 AM and
the class will be given by Sara Farkas.
CLUB (AACC) - First Wednesday of CLUB - 2nd Monday of every month formation contact Jerri Adams 731-
every month - 6 p.m. in Clubhouse Art at 10 a.m. - Card Room B through COUNTRY LINE DANCING: Country 439-0730
Room. Contact Flo at (203) 218-3085, March. For more information, contact and Regular, Monday and Friday 9:00
Les Rivkin at (315) 529-1221 or Eula at Arye 732-779-8079 to 11:00 a.m. in Art Room or Party MERRY MINSTRELS: Looking for
(561) 598-8405. room. Contact Frankie 561-777-5712 women and men who enjoy singing.
CENTURY VILLAGE MEN’S CLUB: Contact Louis Ahwee at 561-531-3188.
AITZ CHAIM: First Sunday of every month at 9:30 DANCE PARTY: Tuesdays 7 - 9 p.m.
● Daily services 8:00 AM. A.M. - Clubhouse Craft Room. Con- in Party Room. For information, call MIND SPA: For information, call
● Mincha and Maariv at Sundown. tact Ruben J. Ramos 561-459-7176 or Lou 398-8785. Gerald Caning 689-4346.
● Sisterhood 3rd Monday of month
10:00 AM. Charlotte 917-815-7711; DOO WOP CLUB: Meets in Clubhouse NEW YORK CITY TRANSIT RETIR-
Charlotte 478-8756; Anita 686-9083. CENTURY VILLAGE NORTH AMER- Room C: 7 - 9:30 p.m. March 14, EES: Anyone interested in attending a
ICAN EDUCATORS CLUB: First Tues- April 11 meeting of the New York City Transit
AL ’ANON MEETING Every Thurs- day of every month at 10:30 AM in the Retirees of Florida, West Palm Beach
day - Clubhouse Craft Room 2-3 Art Room. School-related retirees and FRIENDS OF BILL WILSON: Every Chapter, please call Kathy - 689-0393.
p.m. in-service personnel meet to socialize, Thursday 6:30: to 7:30 PM in the Club-
share ideas, and learn about issues that house Craft Room. NIGHTCLUB: Dancing in a nightclub
ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION: Free affect them now and possibly in the fu- atmosphere. All genres of music - ball-
community workshops every 2nd and ture. Contact Bob Zuckerberg at zuck- ‘FRIENDS OF POST” (PEDIAT- room, disco, R & B, Motown, swing
4th Tuesday -10:30 a.m. - Noon in Card or 917-796-1317. RIC ONCOLOGY SUPPORT TEAM): and line dancing. March 26, April 30
Room B or C. Call Sandy 561-689- Meets second Monday of the month. and May 28.. Party Room 7 - 9:30 p.m.
3540 or Carmen 561-469-1220. CENTURY VILLAGE ORCHESTRA: Clubhouse Party Room - 11:30 a.m. If you are interested in performing in
Every Monday - Classroom C - 1:15 to Contact Shirley at 478-2391 or Marion the SPOTLIGHT - dancers, singers,
BABY BOOMERS CLUB: Decem- 3:40 p.m. 684-5814. comedy and skits - call Erwin 917-915-
ber through April - 3rd Wednesday of through March 15. Call Rickie at 683- 2174 for more information.
each month - 0869. HASTINGS CUE CLUB: Mon. - Sat.
3:30 p.m. Contact Lynn: Lynnsevan@ 9:30 AM - 12 noon. NORTHERN STARS: Will meet on CENTURY VILLAGE (OA) OVEREAT- second Monday of every month. 6:30
ERS ANONYMOUS - Sunday 6:30 to HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS OF THE to 9:30 PM - Clubhouse Party Room .
BALLROOM DANCE GROUP: Mon- 7:30 p.m. in Craft Room. For informa- PALM BEACHES: First Wednesday Call Janisse @ 586-291-8286 or email:
days 2 - 4 PM. Party Room, Call: Irwin tion call: 242-0189 or 347-469-2929 or of month 9:30 a.m., Golden Lakes
917-915-2174. 308-6444. Temple. Bus provided from Century
Village Clubhouse. Information: call PET CLUB: Contact hmalloy2000@
GROUP: 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each ING CLUB: 6 days a week from 8:30
month. Craft Room 1:30 PM. Contact AM to 11:30 a.m.. Join us in our hobby IRISH AMERICAN CULTURAL CLUB PHILADELPHIA CLUB: 1st Thursday
Julie at 249-6565 shop. OF CENTURY VILLAGE - First Mon- in March 2019. Clubhouse Party Room
day of the month at 2 p.m in the Party at 12:30 p.m. Call: Phyllis at 561-712-
BIBLE STUDY GROUP - “Taste and CENWEST FISHING CLUB: First Room through April 2019. Call Carole 0612 or 215-219-0297.
See” Sunday, 5 - 6:30 p.m Clubhouse, Wednesday of each month 3:00 to 4:30 1-914-343-5547 for more information.
Classroom C. For information, call p.m. Classroom C. For more Informa- PICKLEBALL: Courts open at 8:00
Terry at 908-635-9833 (Terrygirl908@ tion, call Al at 561- 242-0351 or Mike ITALIAN AMERICAN CULTURE each morning. or Tony at 561-371-6324 at 802-479-4184. CLUB OF CENTURY VILLAGE:
( ● For more Information, call Al at 561- Meets every 3rd Wednesday of each PING PONG CLUB: Anyone interest-
242-0351 or Mike at 802-479-4184. month in Clubhouse Party Room at 1 ed in starting a ping pong club, please
B’NAI B’RITH CENTURY UNIT p.m. Now accepting new members. call Phil at 908-468-5477.
#5367: Next meeting will be on For further club information, call Faus-
March 24 at Congregation Anshei to 478-1821. Bowling every Saturday
Sholom - 9:30 a.m. Breakfast and en- morning at Verdes Lanes 9 a.m. For
tertainment. Call Sondralee Wynn at information, call Lenny 471-2603.

OF CENTURY VILLAGE -1st and 3rd 3443 Haverhill Road North, WPB floor of Clubhouse in former Sewing CENTURY VILLAGE: Clubhouse
Thursday of the month at 6:30 PM at (317)-440-8503 Room. Tables reserved for advanced Craft Room. Call Esther 561 328-7935
the Art Room . Call Krystyna Teller at ● Sunday service - 10:45 A.M. Please players every day between 10 a.m. for meeting dates. Like us on Face-
561-674-4887 or join us. and non. Tables are available to all book/Uniters Social Fun Club of Cen-
polishsocialclubflorida2x other players from noon until the tury Village.
SHUFFLEBOARD CLUB: We play Cubhouse closes. Information, call:
PROACTIVE RESIDENTS PROJECTS singles on Tuesdays and Wednesdays Julian Wolfe at 561-223-0637 or ju- VILLAGE SONGBIRDS: Perform in
COMMITTEE: The official organiza- and bowling pin on Thursdays. We Memory Care Nursing Homes in Palm
tion has been dissolved. However, the start at 1:15 p.m. so come before then Beach County two or three times a
residents that oppose any development to sign in. Everyone welcome. Come UNITED DEMOCRATIC CLUB OF month. We NEED a piano player -
on the closed golf course will still early and I will be glad to show you CENTURY VILLAGE - Next meeting music director that can transpose mu-
maintain that opposition. The current how to play. Ed Wright 561 632 5268 date is February 28 in Party Room. sic.
PRPC blog will be deactivated. Sign-in and refreshments at 1 p.m. Call Carmen 561-469-1220 for rehears-
SNORKEL CLUB: Meetings on the Meeting begins at 1:30 p.m. For infor- al schedule.
SAILING CLUB: Every 2nd Friday at third Friday at the Clubhouse at 10:00 mation on voter registration, mail-in
10 a.m. Classroom C. Contact Com- a.m. For more information, please call ballots, or club membership, call Rho- YIDDISH CULTURE GROUP: Pro-
modore Kris Ohlen for more informa- Ron Helms at 561-683-8672. da at 686-0835. Meeting dates for 2019 grams every Wednesday at 10 a.m. in
tion: (917) 821-1136. FREE sailing in- are: March 28 (Member luncheon), the Main Clubhouse Theatre. For in-
structions given at boat dock by Dock SPANISH CONVERSATION CLUB: April 18, May 16, June 20, September formation, call Golda Shore 697-3367.
Master Bob Wilson - Monday through Weekly meetings in Clubhouse, Class- 19, October 24, November 21, and De-
Thursday from 11 a.m.- 5 p.m. Races room B, Wednesday 10 a.m. Contact: cember 19. WALL STREET CLUB: Every
are held Tuesday at 2 p.m. so no les- Thomas Kansas, 864-406-9580 and Wednesday at 4 p.m. in Clubhouse
sons then. leave your name/number. Room A. For more information call
Gregory Kremenchugsky 248-489-
LAGE: Every Tues - 6:00 p.m. 2nd
Floor Card Room.
Call: Lucy @ 729-0705.

W H AT ' S H A P P E N I N G
THIS COLUMN WILL CARRY SPECIFIC ● CARD NIGHT - Come out and play have to offer. Information: Al (561- gogue office 684-3212.
INFORMATION ON UPCOMING Hand and Foot in Clubhouse Card 242-0351 or Mike (802-479-4184)
PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES IN Room every Monday and Wednes- ● Discussion of condition of CV FRIENDS OF POST” (Pediatric On-
CENTURY VILLAGE. Details should day. at 6:00 p.m. All skill levels are lake and requirements to fish in CV cology Support Team):
be addressed to: ucoreporterwpb@ invited, and we will teach new play- waters,. ● Card Party at Avanti’s - 4th Mon- and must be received by the ers. Contact Sadie at (845)541-7167, ● Plans for annual picnic on Duck day of every month
15th of the month. Copy may also be ● Overnight trip to Naples, Fl - April
Audrey at (561)712-1324 or Eula (516) Island
submitted at the UCO Reporter office on
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 718-7478. 7-8
from 9:00AM to 12:00PM. CHRISTIAN CLUB: Trips planned ● Watch for details on possible Carib-
AITZ CHAIM: for February through May. Call bean cruise.
Copy should include brief description ● Daily services 8:00 AM. Marilyn Figueroa at 561-707-6548
of upcoming activity, date and contact ● Mincha and Maariv at Sundown. or or www. THE IRISH AMERICAN CULTURAL
person.. ● Sisterhood 3rd Monday of month for detailed in- CLUB OF CV::
10:00 AM. Charlotte 917-815-7711; formation. ● March 4th: Club meeting - Party
For regular organization information, Charlotte 478-8756; Anita 686-9083. ● April 2 - 4: Motor coach trip to Room 2 p.m.
see ‘Century Village Organizations’ Orlando & Cocoa Beach ● March 5th: SAINT PATRICK’S
ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION: ● May 17 -26: Motor coach trip to DINNER/DANCE 5 - 10 p.m. Doors
● Free community workshops every Texas open at 4:30 p.m.
2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month $30 Residents - $33 Non-Residents.
● Pot Luck - Join us in the Party
-10:30 a.m. - Noon. Card Room B or CONGREGATION ANSHEI SHO- Tickets for both dances are on sale
Room - 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. - Last Sun-
C. This is your learning time. Please LOM: 5348 Grove Street in Century now. Contact: Carole Burns 914-343-
day of every month. Come out and
do not bring along the person you are Village. 684-3212 5547
bring a dish to share.
trying to help. Call Sandy 561-689- ● Wednesday March 6th @ 11:30
● MARCH POT LUCK - Instead
3540 or Carmen 561-469-1220. AM – Sisterhood Card Party & Lunch ITALIAN AMERICAN CULTURE
of meeting in the Clubhouse Party CLUB: (IACC) OF CENTURY VIL-
– Reserve your table, Call Roz Meil-
Room, everyone is invited to celebrate LAGE:
their birthday (no matter what month ● April 7 Annual Dance: For infor-
#5367: ● Wednesday, March 13th – Health &
you were born in) on board the Vic- mation call Fausto 478-1821
● Regular monthly meetings on Sun- Wellness Fair sponsored by CSI
tory Casino Cruise Line on Sunday, ● March 18-25: Caribbean and Cuba
day, March 24 - 9:30 a.m. ● Friday, March 15th @ 5:00 PM –
March 24. The cost for the day is cruise
● Entertainment and breakfast Sisterhood Annual Shabbat Dinner –
$35.00 for members and $38.00) for ● April 8-12: Savannah, Jekyll Island
call Roz Meilmed to reserve 310-1186
guests (including bus transportation). & Charleston, S.C.
CENTURY VILLAGE MEN’S CLUB: or stop by the synagogue office.
The trip will include an inclusive ● May 4: Ft. Lauderdale Air Show (
Join us for dinners, dances, fishing ● Sunday, March 17th @ 2:30 PM –
meal, $20.00 back in comp from the Blue Angels)
trips, sports events, casino trips, cruis- Cantorial Concert with David Pressler
Casino, and unlimited beverages of For Travel information contact: Mi-
es and other fun activities. For more & Friends – call Harriet Waghelstein
“all” kinds. Bus will leave Clubhouse chelina--507-5658
information, contact Ruben J. Ramos 596-5635 for information.
at 8:00 a.m. for Cape Canaveral. Ship
561-459-7176 or docruben1@gmail. ● Tuesday, March 19th @ 12:00 PM –
will depart at 12 noon. Payment is KARAOKE:
com Sisterhood General Meeting & Mini
expected no later than March 17. For ● November 2 through April - Fri-
more information, please contact Flo days 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. in Party Room.
CENTURY VILLAGE ORCHESTRA: ● Wednesday, March 20th @ 7:00
Simson at (561) 242-1260 or Faith Hosted by Janisse
We need more trombone, string and PM – Purim: We will be celebrating
Gilling at (561) 697-4418. ● November through April - Tues-
percussion players. For more informa- Purim with the Megillah reading
● “Sock Drive” - We will be asking days 6:30 - 9:30 p.m Room C. Hosted
tion, call Rickie at 683-0869. followed by our costume parade with
the community to join us as we pro- by.Marshall Eads.
prizes and goodies. Don’t miss the
vide new socks to help support a com-
munity of our needy friends living in LATIN AMERICAN CLUB:
ter your skill level, we encourage you For further information on any of
shelters. Details to follow. ● Club Meeting for all members is the
to attend a meeting to learn what we these events, please call the Syna-

Continued on Page B12


Famous People Born in March

B Y C AT H E R I N E D U N C A N / S O U R C E : T H E F A M O U S P E O P L E . C O M

If you were born in March you tend to be a ectionate, charming, artistic, compassionate, someone who loves to serve others,
and who will often exhibit strong leadership skills. Besides the four I have chosen you will find Albert Einstein, Spike Lee, Vincent
Van Gogh, and Elton John, among a vast array of artists, actresses, directors, writers, musicians, singers, and creative thinkers.

Theodor Seuss Geisel - Writer, “Don’t cry because it’s over, Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro ister and her mother was a gospel
political cartoonist, animator smile because it happened.” Dr. Pelosi - Politician singer and she developed an inter-
Born: March 2, 1904 in Spring eld, Seuss Born: March 26, 1940 in Baltimore, est in music and singing at a very
Massachusetts Maryland young age. At age six her parents
Died: September 24, 1991 Joan Ruth Bader Ginsburg - Jus- separated and she relocated with
tice of the U. S. Supreme Court The youngest of six children and her mother to Bu alo, New York.
Theodor Geisel, known as Ted to Born: March 15, 1933 in Brooklyn, the only girl, Nancy’s Italian immi- At age fourteen, Aretha’s father no-
family and friends, was the famous New York grant parents wanted her to be a ticed her singing talent and tried
Dr. Seuss. He attended Dartmouth nun. Instead, she began her polit- to sign her with a record company.
College and later went on to Lincoln Ruth’s mother, Celia, who sadly ical career at age 7 when her father He o ered to get her piano lessons
College of Oxford, England, to pur- passed away the day before Ruth’s became the Mayor of Baltimore and but Aretha declined. Instead she
sue a Ph.D. in English Literature.. high school graduation, was deter- served three terms. Nancy often taught herself to play by listening
He moved to NYC and his rst mined to give her daughter the best took part in campaigns learning to records. In 1956, her rst album
published cartoon was carried possible education. Celia had sac- the nitty gritty of politics from him. Songs of Faith was recorded and in
in The Saturday Evening Post in ri ced her own education to earn At age 12 she attended her rst Na- 1960, she signed with Columbia Re-
1927. Soon after he was employed money to send her brother to col- tional Democratic Convention and cords and the popular single “Today
by Standard Oil in its advertising lege. That inspired her to insure in 1960 e attended President John I Sung the Blues” reached the Hot
department where his ad for Flit, a that Ruth earn a college degree in F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Ball. After a Rhythm and Blues Sellers Chart. In
common insecticide, caused a na- teaching. Ruth went on to graduate short hiatus to marry and raise ve 1961, her debut pop album Aretha:
tionwide stir and made him famous. from Cornell University as the high- children, she returned to the cam- With the Ray Bryant Combo was an
The catchphrase “Quick Henry, est ranking female and a member of paign trail helping California’s gov- instant hit with American listen-
the Flit” became talk of the town, The Phi Beta Kappa Society. ernor, Jerry Brown. ers and the hit single “Rock-a-bye”
spawned a song, and was used as a Ruth began her legal journey as a From 1976 to the present, Ms catapulted her into an international
punchline. law clerk for Judge Edmund L. Palm- Pelosi has carved a renowned ca- craze.
Theodor’s rst book, And to ieri. In the 1970’s, she co-founded reer in politics standing rm on her One of the best-selling female
Think That I Saw it on Mulberry a journal, Women’s Rights Law Re- convictions, campaigning, organiz- artists of all time, Aretha was list-
Street, was rejected 27 times before porter; taught at Columbia Uni- ing, even protesting in Tiananmen ed twice on the “100 Greatest Art-
being published by Vanguard Press versity, co-founded American Civ- Square in 1989. She argued in 1987 ists of All Time,” and “100 Greatest
in 1937. il Liberties Union (ACLU), and for increased government funding Singers of All Time,” Rolling Stone
During WWII he spent twen- argued six gender discrimination for AIDS research. In 2001 - she magazine. She was honored with
ty-one months as a political cartoon- cases before the Supreme Court as was elected House Minority Whip the National Medal of Arts and the
ist for the liberal New York newspa- ACLU’s general counsel. She earned and from 2007-2011, she was Speak- Presidential Medal of Freedom.
per PM and then for the Animation a reputation as a skilled advocate er of the House, the rst woman to Winner of 18 Grammy Awards and
Department of the First Motion Pic- because her work led to the end do so in American history. She was many music awards she was the
ture Unit of the United States Army. of gender discrimination in many appointed to that position again in rst female artist inducted into the
He created animated training lms, areas within the law. In 1993, she 2019. “Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and
drew propaganda posters for the was appointed to the U.S. Supreme Museum.”
Treasury Department and the War Court by President Bill Clinton, be- “Organize, don’t agonize.”
Production Board. coming the second female justice “Proper preparation prevents “Be your own artist, and always
In response to a 1954 Life mag- to be con rmed and in 2015she was poor performance.” Nancy Pelosi be con dent in what you’re doing.
azine article critical of children’s listed in Time magazine’s “100 Most If you’re not going to be con -
reading levels, Houghton Mi in In uential People.” Aretha Franklin - ‘The Queen of dent, you might as well not be do-
and Random House asked Dr. Seuss Soul’ ing it.” Aretha Franklin
to write a children’s primer using “I think the notion that we have Born: March 25, 1942 in Memphis,
220 vocabulary words. The result- all the democracy that money Tennessee
ing book was The Cat In The Hat, can buy strays so far from what Died: August 16, 2018
published in 1957 and the rest is his- our democracy is supposed to
tory. be.” Ruth Bader Ginsburg Aretha’s father was a Baptist Min-

Transportation them because riders want them.

In a court order dating back to
bus trips if we pay for them, but we
must operate within our transpor-
the bus traveling on Okeechobee
Blvd.and that it include more stores
By Lori Torres 1983, Judge Poulton mandated that tation budget. along the route.. While the commit-
A large transportation would be a com- We have a $1 million bus contract tee is sympathetic to the needs and
number of mon expense and that every unit with built-in increases each year. desires of the residents, bus trans-
bus riders at- owner would pay a pro-rated share. Each October, the Finance Com- portation is not meant to be a taxi
tended the Transportation was designed to mittee meets to discuss all budget- service making stops where you
February take residents to local places, such ary items with an eye toward keep- want it to stop and traveling on days
Tr a n s p or t a - as food stores to get groceries and to ing the overall assessment down. convenient for individual needs.
tion Commit- doctors, banks, and other necessary Budget meetings are advertised You must work within the system to
tee to discuss places. It did not provide for addi- well in advance in the UCO Report- keep costs reasonable. All requests
the dwindling tional “pleasure” or excursion trips er and on Channel 63/95 and all are considered and where possible,
number of excursion bus trips of- as we know them today. RIders residents should attend these meet- they are met.
fered each month. In the past, three should become familiar with that ings. For the balance of 2019, there And nally, an excursion is be-
trips were planned but budget- order and bear it in mind before will be no more than two excursion ing considered to the Palm Beach
ary cuts required a cut to two per placing demands on the system. trips per month. In October, those County History Museum in April
month. There was a complaint that The transportation contract states wishing to be heard should attend or May. The rst excursion to this
buses to the ballpark park eliminat- that the company will provide up to budget meetings to present their re- museum was a big success and it is
ed a trip leaving only one excursion four such trips per month. However, quests for 2020. Everyone is urged being considered once again. Watch
bus in February and one in March. this is not to be considered manda- to attend. Watch the UCO Reporter for an announcement with details
Riders do not realize that excur- tory. The bus company will provide for announcements of the Finance in the Reporter.
sion trips are not a valid common the buses for such trips if we pay Committee Budget Meeting(s).
expense. This is a legal opinion for them. Transdev, our bus com- Another request by this group of Ruth Bernhard-Dreiss
by our UCO attorney, but we o er pany, is more than happy to give us riders was an increase to 5 days for Transportation Committee

Letters to the Editor

On December 19, I took the CONGREGATION ANSHEI Our monthly breakfasts are well
Brightline train from WPB to Mi- SHOLOM IS NOT CLOSING ITS attended, a cantorial concert is
ami. It was a wonderful experi- DOORS scheduled for March 17, 2019 and
ence; the train was immaculate, our Sisterhood is very active with
very comfortable and on time. If There have been some rumors monthly meetings, card parties
you plan to park in the adjacent circulating around Century Vil- and a Fashion Show on the 27th
parking garage, you must use a lage that our synagogue is in dire of Feb.
smartphone to register and pay nancial trouble and is about to Perhaps you should check these
the $6;00 fee. As i did not have close. There is nothing further events out and attend them to see
a smartphone, I encountered a from the truth than these lies for yourself how well we are do-
great deal of trouble. I was told and baseless rumors that are be- ing. We also extend an invitation
that the garage is a separate busi- ing disseminated by a disgruntled to join our Shabbat services for an
ness and not operated by Bright- group of former members of An- enjoyable experience.
line. If you plan on parking in the shei Sholom. Please don’t believe innuendo
garage and don’t have a smart- If you check the bulletin boards and rumors unless you check out
phone, I would strongly suggest in the main clubhouse and the fly- the facts for yourself.
that you have someone drop you ers in the lobby of the synagogue,
off at the station on Evernia. you will see that we are promoting Len Waghelstein
a number of events on a monthly
Gail Trust basis.
Andover J
When veterans are asked to
stand at a CV event, there is al-
ways a strong positive reaction We just completed two very im- lot of time and e ort to set up a speaker presented the program
from those in the audience. Re- portant safety and security pro- program, clear dates, nd avail- was wonderful. Those in atten-
cently, residents were asked for grams here in the Village - the able rooms and expert personnel dance will know how to respond
$10 to support the Honor Flight Active Shooter Response Seminar to make the presentations. It takes should a problem arise here in the
for verteans. Less than 500 re- and the National Bike Registry a lot of time to design iers, make Village!
sponded. Remember - You may Program. Both programs were phone calls, send emails and then There are many other Crime Pre-
contribute to this worthwhile advertised widely well in advance advertise thee programs in the Re- vention Programs available to us
project even if you did not par- but were poorly attended. UCO porter and on TV. It takes a lot of and we have the contacts to make
ticipate in the President’s Day 5K is constantly badgered and asked time to make sure all details are in them happen. The Sheri ’s O ce
Run/Walk. There is still time to to run these programs which are place. I know that not everyone in is very good to Century Village but
show appreciation to our veter- designed to help all our residents. CV owns bike so there was no need we cannot continue to waste their
ans by sending in a contribution We respond, You may not be aware to take part in that program. But time or ours. It is just not fair!
now. but it takes more than waving a everyone in CV should have been PLEASE support these programs
Leonard Feldman, magic wand to get these law en- at the Active Shooter Response by attending them! Thank you!
Chatham T forcement programs onto our seminar. The turnout was embar-
campus. It takes a lot of people a rassing. The way the expert PBSO George Franklin

Active Shooter Seminar


On February 9th, Century Village vulnerable. No site is safe including picious to you, don’t hesitate to re- showing that you are a victim and
residents were given an opportunity Century Village. Make no mistake. port it immediately. This could save not a shooter. Follow instructions.
to attend a seminar to teach us how We are a target like any other place, lives. If victims are shot, use clothing to
to protect ourselves in the event large or small. Let it be known that When a shooter appears, run and stop the ow of blood until medical
that an active shooter appears in you and Century Village will NOT hide wherever bullets cannot reach help arrives. Ambulances will not
our midst. George Franklin, known be a victim because we know what you. Encourage others around you be dispatched until the shooter is
for his monthly safety column in to do. to do likewise. Escape to a place away from the scene. Save yourself
the UCO Reporter, introduced Dep- The slogan for protection is three where there is a way out and you and whenever possible, attempt to
uty Sherry Baker of PBSO who con- words: Run, Hide, Fight. These are won’t be trapped. If confronted, save others.
ducted the program. the basics to remember when an ac- use any means available as a weap- Deputy Baker entertained ques-
Before presenting the Active tive shooter appears. Always view on of defense. When it is safe, call tions from the audience, one of
Shooter Seminar, Deputy Baker your surroundings when entering 911, Report the shooter and identi- which was if WPRF has taken pre-
impressed upon the audience the buildings, banks, libraries where fy your location. Give as much in- cautions to secure the clubhouse
need to be careful when signing you may be forced to take action. formation as possible until police facilities, particularly the theater
contracts. Do not initial any blank Look for exits and hiding places. If arrive. When they do arrive, show which holds a large crowd on a
spaces which can later be lled in something or someone looks sus- your hands with ngers spread, show night. The answer was that
with additional costs for WPRF was alerted, long
which you will be liable before this meeting, and
because of your initials, it is expected that they
signifying your compli- have taken proper pre-
ance. (see letter from De- cautions. Eva Rachesky,
tective Louis Schilling on VP of WPRF Recreation,
page ). and her staff are well
The audience at this versed on this subject.
important seminar was We were most pleased
sparse and disappointing. to note Monica Wells,
Nonetheless, the infor- WPRF CFO attending the
mation given out was ex- seminar, as well.
tremely valuable. It is true Remember this infor-
that being forewarned mation. It may give you
is forearmed. This is no some con dence and help
time to be layback with you to stay calm if faced
tragedies occurring all with a life threatening
over the country. Schools, situation.
theaters, o ce buildings,
libraries, synagogues are

Our Laundry Room & Environs nasty job. On the other hand, making
people pay relieves any ill feeling that
so-and-so is overusing the facility
while the rest of us are paying for him
or her. I learned recently that some
Our condo association laundry man is very accommodating. Most of may last up to twenty. Our old patio of the bells and whistles on the new
room is probably pretty typical for our mail is junk mail. I don’t know (which some call a deck) was made washing machines aren’t all they are
two-story condos in the Village. It’s what material the bulletin board of pressured lumber attached to con- cracked up to be—one example being
functional. There are two washers was made of originally, but it’s like a crete piers. We loved it but it didn’t washers that save on water. Yes, they
and two dryers but it’s no thing of sponge now. The stick pins we use to hold up as long as advertised. Even do, says our laundry machine repair-
beauty. The machines do their job post notices hold pretty well so we go pressured lumber takes an awful man, but with the disadvantage of
and there are shelves in the back along with the old board for the time beating in the Florida sun and rains. not cleaning your clothes as well. You
where residents store things, most- being. The new patio is larger and has two, simply need water to do a good job
ly old things. Half of these old things For the most part we let outsiders instead of only one, access walkways, washing things. In addition, he says,
should have been thrown out years post notices alongside ours for a lim- each wide enough for a wheelchair. these bells and whistles increase the
ago. A ladder or two hang on brackets ited time if they are reasonable. We We have a number of chairs and ta- cost of new machines. They break
on the wall. don’t like it, however, if they hog the bles for our use. down more often, and cost you for the
The machines hold up remark- best space and move our o cial as- What do we do on the patio? Well, replacement parts and labor.
ably well for the use they get. Every sociation notices off to the side. And not much in the summer. It’s just too
once in a while the repairman, Matt, what really annoys us is when they hot outside. But we have our meet-
Called on the carpet
Shortly after I moved to our asso-
must be called to x a machine, and use our stick pins for their notices, ings out there -the annual meeting
ciation in 2004, I was elected associ-
he usually xes it without having to or worse, steal them for use on the in February, any special meetings,
ation president, a job I did not seek
replace the machine. There are signs next association’s board. Bring your and sometimes board meetings. And,
and wished I could have avoided
on the wall over the machines saying own stick pins, guys! Funny thing, I during the cooler half of the year, we
(sound familiar?). One day not long
“Do this” and “Don’t do that.” They have never caught one of these peo- often have a friendly get-together in
after that, I was in the laundry room
are pretty well obeyed and there ar- ple in the act. They’re elusive. I think the late afternoon or evening playing
and two elderly women came in. They
en’t too many fights. some may come through by bicycle so board games, just chatting, enjoying
proceeded to tell me two things that
Some associations have hours when they’re gone in a flash. snack items and sometimes using the
I was doing wrong with my laundry.
you can use the laundry room. We This area outside our laundry room barbecue.
One was that I was undoubtedly put-
don’t. So far, we haven’t had com- is an informal meeting place for our
plaints about noise at night. It may folk. They come for their mail or to About washing machines ting too much in the machine. I forget
Getting back to the laundry room, what the other was. I remember brief-
be a good idea to put people who are do some laundry and fall into talking
our machines are coin-operated, and ly thinking, “But I am the new presi-
hearing impaired next to the laundry with a neighbor. It’s often where you
we charge a nominal amount. Some dent! Why do they take me to task so
room I’ve thought about that but meet a new neighbor. It’s really our
associations don’t charge anything soon?” Actually, they were quite nice
I’m not sure how you’d arrange that. Times Square because directly op-
to use the washers and dryers, the about it—nice but still rm. Then, I
When one of those units is on sale, posite the laundry room alcove is the
cost being included in their condo realized, this was their domain. They
do you stipulate “For the hearing im- middle stairwell. Next to the stairs is
dues. This makes some sense. Resi- did the regular cleanup and were only
paired only”? our brand new lift (elevator), and on
dents don’t have to keep a supply of “minding the store,” for which we all
There is an alcove leading into the either side of the stairs are walkways
quarters on hand and, best of all, the should be grateful. “Yes,” I said to
laundry room with a bank of mail leading out to our new concrete patio.
association doesn’t have to roll the them, “I’ll do just what you say.”
slots. Our aging bulletin board hangs Our old lift lasted about 15 years
over it. We wish the mail slots were which was about all one could ex- quarters and bring them down to
bigger but we make do and the mail- pect. They say, though, the new lifts the bank every few months. That’s a

The story of Purim, one of the most name of Haman is mentioned in the In Western Christianity, Ash observe Ash Wednesday.
joyous and raucous holidays on the service in order to “blot out the name Wednesday marks the rst day or the To make the ashes, palm fronds are
Jewish calendar, is told in the biblical of Haman.” start of the season of Lent. Its o - collected from the previous year’s
book of Esther. It commemorates the Golda Shore writes that “As a child, cial name is “Day of Ashes” because of Palm Sunday services. The ashes are
salvation of the Jewish people in city I remember the excitement sur- the practice of rubbing ashes on one’s burned, crushed into a ne powder,
of Shushan in Persia in the 4th centu- rounding Purim celebrations. Girls forehead. and then saved in bowls. During
ry BCE. This year the celebration will always wanted to be the heroine, Since it is exactly 40 days (exclud- the following year’s Ash Wednesday
begin at sundown on March 20. Queen Esther, and wore tiaras made ing Sundays) before Easter Sunday, masses, the ashes are blessed and
According to the Book of Esther, out of cardboard covered with alu- it will always fall on a Wednesday. sprinkled with holy water by the
Haman, royal vizier to King Aha- minum foil. Boys always wanted to There cannot be an “Ash Thursday” minister.
suerus of Persia, planned to kill all be Morechai or King Ahasuerus. No or “Ash Monday.” Lent is intended to During Ash Wednesday mass or
the Jews in the empire, but his plans one wanted to be the villain Haman. be a time of self-denial, moderation, services, a minister distributes ash-
were foiled by Mordecai and his cous- And,of course, I loved the haman- fasting, and the forsaking of sinful es by lightly rubbing the shape of a
in and adopted daughter Esther, who tashen that my mother baked ( lled activities and habits. Ash Wednesday cross with ashes onto the foreheads of
had risen to become Queen of Persia. cookies in a triangular shape remi- commences this period of spiritual worshipers. The tradition of tracing
The day of deliverance became a day niscent of Haman’s three-cornered discipline. a cross on the forehead is meant to
of feasting and rejoicing. hat).” The Bible does not mention Ash identify the faithful with Jesus Christ.
The most important Purim custom To celebrate Purim, people often
Wednesday but it does record ac- Worshipers approach the altar in pro-
is reading the Purim story from the send gift baskets lled with prepared
counts of people in the Old Testament cession similar to that of communion
Scroll of Esther, also called the Me- food and drink to friends and family.
using dust and ashes as symbols of re- to receive the ashes. A priest dips his
gillah. (This may be the origin of the It is also customary to “drink and be
pentance and/or mourning (2 Samuel thumb into the ashes, makes the sign
popular phrase “the whole megillah!) merry until one cannot tell the dif-
13:19; Esther 4:1; Job 2:8; Daniel 9:3). of the cross on the person’s forehead,
Unlike more serious synagogue occa- ference between the phrases “cursed
The modern tradition of rubbing a and says a variation of these words:
sions, today both children and adults Haman” and “blessed Mordecai.”
cross on a person’s forehead suppos- “Remember that you are dust, and
often attend the Megillah reading in Jews are also commanded to be es-
edly identi es that person with Jesus unto dust, you shall return,” which is
costumes ranging from biblical he- pecially charitable during Purim and
roes to modern heroes such as Harry they will often make monetary dona- Christ. Since the Bible does not ex- the traditional invocation from Gen-
Potter and Superman. It is custom- tions to charities they support or will plicitly command or condemn such a esis 3:19; or, “Turn away from sin and
ary to boo, hiss, stamp feet and rattle give money to needy people. practice, Christians are at liberty to believe in the Gospel,” from Mark 1:15.
gragers (noisemakers) whenever the prayerfully decide whether or not to

WHAT’S HAPPENING – Continued from Page B7

first Thursday of every month at 6pm 561-249-6565 for more information. March 14, 2019. Send reservations to Rhoda Nadell
in Card Room A Clubhouse. Games ● Lectures at Silver Science at SFSC, now.
afterward NIGHT CLUB: Science for Seniors at Green Cay, ● April 18 - Congresswoman Lois
● Latin Dance is the third Sunday of ● Dancing in a nightclub atmosphere. FPL’s Manatee Lagoon. Frankel (FL 21st District)
every month 5 – 9pm. Everyone is March 28, April 30, May 28 Party ● Photographing and bird watching at
welcome. Room 7-9: 30 p.m. Wakodahatchee Wetlands. YIDDISH CULTURE GROUP: We
● SPOTLIGHT will feature per- ● Kayaking at Phil Foster Park or present programs that perpetuate our
CLUB LATINO AMERICANO: formances by dancers, singers and McArthur Park. Jewish heritage. All programs are
● La reunión del club para todos los comedy skits. ● Snorkeling on Peanut Island or Phil translated into English and are held in
socios es el primer Jueves de cada Foster Park. the Main Clubhouse Theater.
mes 6pm en Card Room A Clubhouse. SAILING CLUB: ● Trip to Costa Rica on an all -in- ● Yiddish Culture Chorus - Wednes-
Juegos después de la reunión. ● Next potluck will be held at the clusive (airfare, meals, hotel) with days 1 p.m. - Large Music Room
● El Baile Latino es el tercer Domin- Clubhouse guest pool on the first Caravan Tours from April 1st to April - 2nd floor Clubhouse
go de cada mes de 5 a 9 pm. Todos Tuesday of each month concluding 9th. Maximum group of 20 people is ● Yiddish Vinkel - 2nd Sunday of
son bienvenidos. with April 2. almost filled. For more details, please every month in Clubhouse.
● Ryan and the Rockers dance is Sun- call Beth Baker at 561-684-3166. ● Weekly programs - Wednesdays at
THE MEMOIR WRITING GROUP: day, March 3. 10 a.m. in Clubhouse Theater
Every life has stories. Put yours on pa- ● Season closes with our Duck Island UNITED DEMOCRATIC CLUB OF ● Conversational Yiddish Class -
per for yourself and family. picnic on April 11. CENTURY VILLAGE: Thursdays at - 10 a.m. in Clubhouse
● 1st and 3rd Monday of each month ● February 28 - Representative Matt Classroom A
thru April. There are just a few SNORKEL CLUB: Willhite
openings for new members. Call Julie ● Annual picnic at the beach on ● March 28 - Member Luncheon.

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Homage to a Good Friend Sailing Club

I wonder how many of you have ever met a “Re-
naissance Man.” A Renaissance Man is some- The weather this season has really im-
one who does a little bit of everything, yet does pacted our championship and naviga-
it extremely well. When I rst started teaching tional races. Either there was too much
or not enough wind for competition
in 1961, I became friends with Jack Biller, an
to take place. Commodore Kris Ohlen
art teacher. It took me a while to recognize the
was forced to reschedule races slated for
depth of his intellect. He was a better than aver-
January 18, January 22, and February 1.
age painter. He had an encyclopedic knowledge
Hopefully we’ll be able to continue with
about art history. He was an excellent writer and
our spring season as planned.
poet. He loved to communicate his thoughts and
For those who may be timorous about
musings in writing letters. Jack passed away a
learning to sail, let me assure you that
few years ago and I am so glad that I kept most
Dock Master Bob Wilson is more than
of his letters. He often expressed his thoughts
helpful at teaching you the ropes. Take
or observations on life in the form of a poem. I
it from yours truly who’s in the process of
would like to share with my readers my friend
re-certi cation. To sail, you DON’T need
Jack’s thoughts on the Bagel. to be a member of our club or participate
in races. Very few venues o er such won-
ODE TO A BAGEL derful lessons for FREE. More residents
should take advantage of this rare oppor-
Jack Biller tunity. Sailing is one of the most exhil-
A Bagel is witty, a bagel’s well rounded.
arating experiences you can have. Put it
A Bagel is more than a Jewish doughnut. A Bagel never forgets.
on your bucket list without bailing out!
More than a rolll with a whole. Bagels are as hard as bricks or concrete.
Our club is also very socially oriented.
More than a strange English mu n. Make wonderful weapons and pets.
If you’re a committed landlubber, you’re
A Bagel’s got a bagelly soul.
welcome to join in all our events. Every-
A Bagel is friendly, A Bagel is modest.
one thoroughly enjoyed lunch at Golden
It is something a baby can teeth on. A Bagel is wholesome and sweet.
Corral on February 13 as well as Febru-
The true home of cream cheese and lox. I’ve seen bagel Boy Scouts
ary’s pot luck attended by 40 people -
A bagel is something to tie up your boat with, on busses and subways
great food and entertainment furnished
to keep from hitting the dock. Graciously give up their seats.
by Alex Herman and some of our other
members. The next potluck is March 5,
A bagel is made from the sweat of the brow, So next time you feel two days after our Ryan and the Rockers
By little old gnomes underground. that your life’s in the pits. dance on March 3. The dance is selling
A Bagel is the Shakespeare, the Tolstoy of flour. And you’re trapped in the grind and the crunch. out fast so see one of our cheerleaders or
A Bagel is very profound. Stagger right in to the closest warm bagelry. go down to the dock to grab a few tickets
and take a nice bagel to lunch. before they disappear. Maybe you’ll de-
cide to SAIL AWAY!

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Women are su ering, Crossword Puzzle

here and there ANSWERS

There tive health. These e orts threaten

Culture determines how one to deprive the country’s poorest
views the world and especially women of the health services they
one’s place in that perceived world. need including cancer screenings,
Does conditioning the mind contraceptive care and sexually
through culture to accept cruelty, transmitted infection testing. In
violence and persecution justify many parts of the country, Planned
the cruelty violence and persecu- Parenthood is the only source of
tion? contraceptive services for low-in-
Is genital mutilation of girls re- come women.
ally a right of passage into wom- Because public restrooms do not
anhood because everyone else has and have not ever required people
been cut? The cultural acceptance to show their birth certi cates, or
of victimization does not justify their sexual organs, to enter, we
the victimization. Human rights can assume that: “Men” meant
are universal. Dignity is universal. people who identify as male and
Liberty is universal. Personal se- “Women” meant people who iden-
curity is universal. tify as female. As the trans child
In our shrinking world these (male to female ) of a friend has
rights will be in force with and taught us, there is a di erence for
when a generation of boys grows people like her between biological
up with very di erent ideas about sex and gender identity. She iden-
the role and responsibilities of men ti es female, dresses female, looks
and women in a healthy society. female and when she goes into the
Women’s room it is to mind her
Here business, do her business, and get
After the Health Care defeat, the on about her business. What is be-
present administration smeared tween her legs is her own business
those who ght to save Planned and not the business of anyone
Parenthood. The Senate last year else. She deserves privacy and the
rolled back federal funding for right to pee in peace.
family planning and reproduc-

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RSVP Required. and get your FREE Screenings! presented by Advocare
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presented by Trustbridge
pressure? Presented by sponsored by Manor Care
WPB RSVP Required. Light breakfast included
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25 26 27 28 29
10:30-11:30am 11:45-1pm 10:30-11:30am
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“A museum for people who don’t like museums.”
Bus will leave Clubhouse at 10:15 a.m. and return at 3 p.m.

Docents will guide visitors through:


* See the “infamous 2000 chad”
* Learn about the original Indian tribes in this area
* Who is the Barefoot Mailman?

SPECIAL EXHIBIT - “Building Paradise: Addison

Mizner’s Legacy”
Addison Mizner came to Palm Beach with a vision and artistic expres-
sion that produced magnificent homes for the rich. See photographs,
architectural plans scrapbooks, decorative objects and furnishings.

Exhibit honoring Century Village founder H. Irwin Levy

The Museum is handicapped accessible.

Bathroom facilities and seating in galleries is limited.

The Museum has no admission fee.

Contributions will be gratefully accepted.

The bus will leave the Museum at noon and go to the Palm
Beach Outlet Mall
· Shop and eat at your leisure
· Bus will depart Mall at 2:30 p.m..



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The travel brochure, which fea- pass through X-ray security, much ture here, and I saw several Santeria in their windows. You won’t nd
tures a picture of Morro Castle, like at an airport. Hilda apparently shrines. I was lucky to have traveled many doors either. Everything is
claims that Havana, Cuba is “un- had on an underwire bra and they with Hilda who speaks Spanish and open to the bugs and elements.
touched by time”. And they’re made her back up several times. she was able to get information and Everywhere you go be prepared
not kidding. The literature goes Their walk-through detector just directions easily and was happy to to have to use steps. Many, many
on to state “get whisked away by beeps; it doesn’t indicate where the strike up a conversation with folks. stone steps. Several ights up to
the charming timeless sights and o ending metal is located so she I will say every Cuban we spoke to the cigar store. About fifty steps up
sounds and be among the rst to got patted down head to toe. She was polite and friendly. Finally, I to the restaurant. And there were
explore a place where yesterday wasn’t all that pleased. I whispered experienced some of that charm. no hand railings on these steps.
lives today.” All this is travel-speak to her that it was part of the time- We passed by Morro Castle which Elevators are only found in a few
less charm of the island and encour- was interesting and historic. The buildings like the museum or the
aged her to embrace the experience. cannons around the fort are now port terminal building and they are
I mean after all we had just gotten badly rusted, but the walls are well small and slow.
off the ship and hadn’t set foot out- preserved. We did see the famous 50s cars
side the terminal area yet and we in Our tour stopped at a cigar and and you can be driven around in
for a long day. rum store. No surprise there. This one for 45 CUC an hour. They gath-
Next off to exchange your mon- is where we found a working toilet. er in a park that is located out of
ey. You have to use the CUC, Cuban Well, it was sort of working. I joined town and away from the coast, in
currency, as opposed to the locals the long waiting line of women that one of the better sections that has
who use the CUP, Cuban peso. I’m snaked down a dark hallway and not been ravaged by hurricanes.
not exactly sure why this is. The out and across the salesroom oor.
exchange rate is $1 to 1 CUC, how- Some things are indeed universal.
for be prepared to see a third-world ever be prepared to lose 13% on the The attendant at the door, and I use
country where the buildings are exchange. Entering Cuba I walked that term loosely, smoked his ci-
crumbling and lie in ruins but the away with 87 CUC from $100 US. gar (I swear the stink is still in my
people live in them anyway, where (And then I lost another 3% on the hair) and stared at us with the sur-
starving dogs roam the streets and exchange upon return.) There’s ly face of a man who hated his job.
children run up to you to beg for nothing charming about getting After each lady did her business
food, where the sidewalks are just robbed. in that one tiny airless room, this
broken up chunks of cement and It took over an hour to get all of man rushed in, force ushed with
treacherous to navigate, and the that done and we were a bit nervous a bucket of water, and then handed
bathrooms not only don’t have seats about missing our tour, but we real- the next woman two sheets of TP.
or toilet paper but don’t even ush. ly had no worries because our 8:30 TWO. And this was a sponsored
More on that later. tour bus didn’t arrive until 10:30. tour from the cruise ship. At that
Hilda and I took a Royal Carib- There were rows of hard benches moment I felt the ‘where yesterday
bean cruise to Cuba this January in the boarding area that everyone lives today’ part but I had a little
which stopped overnight in Hava- quickly got possessive of. When trouble grasping the being ‘whisked
na. After we arrived and the ship asked about the time delay we were away’ part. Hilda had brought a roll
cleared with the local authorities, told that Cubans are never in a hur- of toilet paper with her from home Their nightly famous Tropicana
passengers were able to debark and ry. True that. and when I saw it in her suitcase on show is held in an outdoor ven-
head off to a mandatory (yes, I said I will say the bus was clean and the first day I laughed at her. I now ue and rain threatened the day we
mandatory) tour. If you want to see the driver was friendly and he man- humbly apologize. were there so we skipped that op-
Cuba you must to have a reason to aged to not kill anyone on their ex- We toured old Havana which does tion. Besides, we were beat from the
visit. You can’t just willy-nilly be a tremely narrow brick-paved roads. have architectural interest, and had long day of touring and didn’t want
tourist. Our ‘reason’ was a purport- He did, however, brush a few pedes- horse and buggy carriages trotting to face going out through the rigors
ed desire to see the culture of the is- trians and made their hair utter by around. We toured ‘regular’ Ha- of entry into the country again.
land and we had to sign papers stat- the wind of us passing. I did note vana which is quite pitiful and no- Souvenirs are sparse in a city that
ing that fact. Papers that we have that the people are not intimidat- where you’d want to walk at night. is just getting used to tourists. You
to keep for ve years. But let’s go ed one iota by a large tour bus and Or in the day for that matter. Not will nd mostly handicrafts; paint-
back to entering Havana. First you they walked right out in front of it that there’s a lot of crime but it’s just ings and jewelry and small wooden
have to go through their immigra- expecting it to stop. No one yelled in such sad shape. People don’t live boxes. They o er you Santeria good
tion. Be prepared to wait for thirty or made hand gestures. Everyone in traditional houses or apartments luck articles. You won’t nd t-shirts
minutes or more as you and your just worked around everyone else like we have come to know, but in- in the local stores, nor will you nd
two thousand shipmates form lines and our driver didn’t use his horn stead occupy a set of rooms inside shot glasses and souvenir spoons.
that twist and turn to one of two once. Me? I happened to be sit- these large falling-down struc- I did buy a Castro hat (dark green,
wooden booths that look like they ting in the front seat and I have to tures. The Cubans are now free round cap, with a red star), and a
were stolen from a traveling carni- say I did use my brake foot several to open their living spaces to the used Cuba license plate from a car.
val. Here you must stand on yellow times. Our tour guide was friend- public to run home businesses and Hilda found nothing of interest to
painted footprints on the oor and ly and pleasant and answered the you will see many locals sitting in bring back with her.
have your actual face and your pass- questions we had, which were quite their doorways in front of tables of So, would I go back? Although I’m
port photo scrutinized by a young a few because the tour was six hours goods for sale. One lady we passed glad that I was able to leave some
Cuban whippersnapper. After a few long. We were informed about the had a single washing machine in badly needed tourist dollars there, I
questions in which you croak out, pre-Castro days and the post Castro her living room that could be rent- think I’m satis ed with my one vis-
“yes, I’d love to see the culture of days, and the e ects of the embar- ed. I saw no signs telling anyone it. I wanted to come here merely be-
your country” they take your pic- go which were devastating to these what the businesses were or what cause Americans were not allowed
ture before noisily stamping a visa people. Hurricanes have not helped the charges are, but I guess the lo- to visit for most of my adulthood.
into your passport. The fee: $75.00. this island either. cals know who sells what, when, Several people on the ship told me
Don’t wait for ‘have a nice day’ be- The o cial language is Spanish, and where. Although I realize that they thought Havana was ‘amazing’
cause it’s not coming. but we were surprised to nd a screens are an American ‘thing’, and they ‘loved it’. Made me won-
Next you and everything you own strong African in uence in the cul- these people didn’t even have glass der what they saw that I didn’t.

gurt Parfait is just that – rich, sweet, come dairy-free myself to help with
and lling. All the ingredients are my digestion, I frequently buy Kite
cheap and can be found at any Pub- Hill Almond Milk Yogurt at Pub-

lix or Walmart. The almonds, fro- lix (I promise, I’m not sponsored!).
zen mango, and granola will stay Although my recipe calls for plain
in your refrigerator and freezer for yogurt, feel free to add honey if you
a while, so you won’t have to worry like a sweeter flavor.
about consuming them immediate- If you have an allergy to nuts, you
ly. If you have dietary restrictions or can substitute sun ower seeds or
allergies, get creative and alter my chia seeds for almonds. They still
recipe to meet your needs. deliver the same hearty crunch and
If you are dairy free, consider sub- meaty texture.
stituting almond milk yogurt or co- Without further ado, let’s dig into
conut milk yogurt instead of cow’s this pillowy-light parfait!
BY ZOË FRIEDMAN milk yogurt. As I have recently be-

Being Healthy is as Easy

Mango-Almond Yogurt Parfait
as Yogurt Parfaits! Ingredients:
2 cups plain non-fat Greek yogurt (add honey if you like it sweeter)
It’s hard to believe that we’re al- navigated the tra c and was able to 1 cup frozen mango, thawed to room temperature and cut in bite-
ready two months into 2019! How grab my probiotic. Aside from a few
sized pieces
many of us are still going strong on scratches and yaway hairs, I was
½ cup slivered almonds
our New Year’s Resolutions? Don’t otherwise unharmed.
1 cup low-sugar granola
worry, you don’t have to answer As I emerged from the crowd-
that! ed aisle and made my way to the Sprinkle of cinnamon, for garnish
One of the trendiest resolutions checkout, clinging tightly to my
is simply to eat healthier. It’s some- wallet (I’ve heard Whole Foods is Directions:
thing we can all improve on. As nicknamed “Whole Paycheck”) I Between four glasses, layer the yogurt, mango, almonds, and gra-
I was shopping in WPB’s Whole had an epiphany. Eating healthy nola. Garnish with a sprinkle of cinnamon and enjoy as a fueling
Foods a few days after New Year’s, doesn’t have to involve supplements breakfast, an afternoon pick-me-up, or a sweet dessert.
the aisles full of supplements and and protein powders! It doesn’t have
protein powders were, as expected to be a formula – it’s speci c to each Pro tip:
at this time of year, packed with person. The key to eating healthy Layer 1: ¼ cup yogurt
people clad in yoga pants and run- is cooking fresh ingredients, plenty Layer 2: ¼ cup mango
ning shorts. Although I love Flo- of vegetables, and lean meats. Al- Layer 3: 2 tablespoons granola
ridians’ enthusiasm to tackle their though it’s best to keep sweets as a Layer 4: ¼ cup yogurt
healthy resolutions, I must admit treat rather than a staple, healthy Repeat these layers and top with chia seeds for added crunch and
that I prefer shopping in a less con- eating can still taste decadent and a punch of omega-3s.
gested store. After many exchanges satisfying.
of “excuse me” and “sorry” I nally My creamy Mango-Almond Yo-

Nutrition and Health

Nutrition Q & A

What is the di erence between portant for a healthy digestive sys- store, produce may not be picked • Remember to use these canned
pre- and probiotics? tem. at their peak, but earlier. In addi- goods right away after you open
Bene cial bacteria live in our gas- tion, some people buy fresh vege- them, if not, there could loss of
trointestinal (GI) tract. Our intes- Is honey healthier to use than ta- tables with the intention of using nutrients or flavor
tinal ora helps to defend us from ble sugar? them quickly, but sometimes plans • Avoid cans that appear damaged,
harmful pathogens, make certain Both types of sweeteners con- change and the vegetables end up dented, or have bulges. Botulism
vitamins, including vitamin K, and tain sugar and the body digests sitting in the produce drawer for is a concern when that happens.
digest some types of carbohydrates them in nearly the same manner. several days, losing freshness and
that the body couldn’t. Probiot- While honey is less processed than possibly some nutrients. With frozen fruit or vegetables:
ics are live bacteria found in some table sugar, and it may have small Produce that is canned or frozen • Avoid frozen vegetables that boast
foods, like yogurt. The bacteria amounts of antioxidants, it isn’t a is picked at its peak of freshness of tasty sauces or seasonings.
in probiotics can be added to the game-changer since you only eat a before processing, retaining nearly That means these are loaded with
friendly bacteria in our body. little bit of honey at a time anyway. all its nutrition. Water soluble vi- excess sodium. Select the plain
According to Harvard Health It is best to limit both in keeping tamins like C may be somewhat di- frozen vegetables and season
Publishing from Harvard Medical with a healthy diet. minished, but these items are still them yourself. You control what
School, there is promising research nutritionally sound. Canned or fro- goes in it.
on the bene ts of probiotics and Are canned vegetables just as zen produce is very convenient and • Frozen fruit may have added sug-
certain health issues like diarrhea, good as fresh? can be quite economical. (BOGO ars; it’s important to read the label
vaginal and urinary tract infections. Many people think fresh vege- anyone?) to see exactly what you’re getting.
Prebiotics, on the other hand, are tables are the healthiest way to go As with the frozen vegetables,
food that feeds the helpful bacte- when it comes to produce, but it When shopping for canned fruit plain fruit is best.
ria in our system. Prebiotics are may not always be the case every or vegetables, look for:
fermented by the ora in our in- time. • Fruit canned in juice instead of Jeanie W. Friedman is a Registered
testines. The best sources of pre- Fresh vegetables are picked and light or heavy syrup. The extra Dietitian and nutritionist licensed in
biotics are onions, leeks, Jerusalem transported to your local grocery calories and sugars from syrup the State of Florida. This article is in-
artichokes, and chicory root. Chico- store. They are the most nutritious are unnecessary. tended for educational purposes only
ry root is usually added to foods to when consumed a few days after • Canned vegetables with reduced and is not intended as a substitute
increase the fiber content. picking. Because of the long dis- sodium or no salt added, especial- for consultation with your health
Both pre-and probiotics are im- tance between farm and grocery ly if you follow a low-sodium diet. care professional.


Sat., March 2, 7 pm Sat., March 9, 8 pm Sat., March 16, 8 pm Sat., March 23, 8 pm
and watch as master impersonators, In a well-produced performance, The Three LINDA RONSTADT In a funny, interactive, audience-pleasing
identical twins Eddie and Anthony Ed- Stooges® show brings you 75 minutes of Because they grew up idolizing Linda Ron- show, Leesah highlights her excellent talent
wards, turn into Dolly Parton, Sonny & non-stop laughter as this talented cast rec- stadt, singers Paula Hanke and Peggy Ra- honed on the cabaret stages of Manhattan
Cher, Lionel Richie, Barbra Streisand and reates the comedy routines of these three tusz felt the world needed to pay tribute to and Atlantic City and for musical theater
many more. icons while a screen on the stage features this magnificent performer so they put to- audiences all over the country.
a unique stage set. Physical gether an outstanding concert

Afternoon showings are at 1:45PM — Tuesday & Sunday. Evening Showings are at 6:45 PM.
The 1st Monday Evening & Tuesday Afternoon showings of each new movie (some movies are shown two Mondays
and Tuesdays) will have “Closed Caption” (for the hearing impaired) when available. No charge for residents.

Sat., March 30, 7 pm M A R C H 2 0 19 M OV I E S

TWO! Sun. March 03 1:45 pm THE CHILDREN ACT
This ‘blast from the past’ will have you Mon. March 04 6:45 pm R, 105 MIN. (RATED R FOR SEXUAL REFERENCES.)
dancing in your seats as well as singing Wed. March 06 1:45 pm Emma Thompson stars in this drama as an eminent High
along to such great musical numbers as
I Heard It Through The Grapevine, These Court judge in London who presides over ethically complex
Boots Are Made For Walkin’ and cases of family law with wisdom and compassion. Her mar-
Downtown riage at a breaking point, she is called upon to rule on a case
of parents refusing their brilliant boy’s transfusion needed to
save his life. Also starring in the film are Stanley Tucci and
Entertainment information Ben Chaplin.
is provided by W.P.R.F.
Any questions regarding
Sun. March 10 1:45 pm COLETTE
Clubhouse entertainment
should be directed to Mon. March 11 6:45 pm R, 111 MIN. (RATED R FOR SOME SEXUALITY AND NUDITY.)
W.P.R.F. at 640-3120. Wed. March 13 1:45 pm Keira Knightley portrays Colette in this biographical, histor-
Sun. March 17 1:45 pm ical film based on the life of the French writer, Sidonie-Ga-
Mon. March 18 6:45 pm brielle Colette. Arriving in Paris from a rural French town,
“R” Rated Movies Colette marries a successful novelist who convinces her to
write a novel using his name. After fighting to make her tal-
“R” Rated (under 16 requires
accompanying parent or adult ent known and to overcome society’s constraints, she starts
guardian). a sexual revolution. The film also stars Eleanor Tomlinson
Additional ratings for this movie are: and Dominic West.
V for Violence
L for Language (strong language and
drug content)
Wed. March 20 1:45 pm I FEEL PRETTY
N for Nudity (graphic nudity) Sun. March 24 1:45 pm PG-13, 110 MIN.
SC for Sexual Content (pervasive Mon. March 25 6:45 pm Comedian Amy Schumer stars in this comedy as a woman
language including sexual references and
Tues. March 26 1:45 pm struggling with insecurity. After waking from a fall, she
Sun. March 31 1:45 pm somehow believes she is the most beautiful and capable
An “R” rated motion picture, in the view
of the Rating Board, contains some adult
woman on the planet and her new confidence causes her to
lmaterial. An “R” rated motion picture live fearlessly. Keep watching as she realizes she has never
may include adult themes, adult activity, changed! Also starring in the film are Michelle Williams and
hard language, intense or persistent Emily Ratajkowski.
violence, sexually-oriented nudity,
drug abuse or other elements. Due to a
wide viewing audience, WPRF will not
censure “R” rated movies. Therefore, if
you find any of the above offensive,
WPRF suggest you “OPT OUT” of
seeing this movie.

Newcomers Informational Meeting

UCO and WPRF held their annual are allowed on recreation proper- Cooper gave a thumbs up to ambu- formation.
informational meeting for newcom- ty. Eva has an open door policy for lance service which she has had oc- • The former CV golf course prop-
ers to Century Village on January residents to come and discuss their casion to use and she was in awe of erty is being sold to Lennar
17th. Approximately 120 residents issues with her. Her o ce is locat- their quick response time. She also Homes and is expected to be vot-
lled one side of the Party Room ed on the second oor of the Main advised that she began as a UCO ed on by the County Commission
indicating that our newcomers are Clubhouse outside the library. volunteer and impressed upon the on January 20. UCO is anticipat-
very interested in their community. Insurance Chair Toni Salometo audience the need for more volun- ing that Lennar will build a wall
UCO President David Israel spoke of the importance of insur- teers to get involved. at the East gate which will save
opened the meeting and introduced ing your property and the need for Editor-in-Chief of the UCO Re- us spending money to construct
the panelists who would speak on homeowner insurance. If you live in porter Bobbi Levin urged everyone it ourselves.
their particular area of interest a rst oor unit and experience a to read our o cial paper as it is • PBSO is onsite for traffic viola-
and answer the questions and con- ood from an upper unit, you are everyone’s best source of accurate tions and is ticketing cars. Drive
cerns of new arrivals. The panel responsible damage in the lower information. Save the insert in the responsibly and within the speed
consisted of UCO O cers -- VPs unit. See Toni for more information February issue which contains the limit of 25 mph. Stop at all stop
Barbara Cornish, Louise Warner about this and the names of insur- proposed new UCO Bylaws The signs.
and David Boas; Recording Secre- ance providers. paper is always looking for new re- • Residents asked that the scroll on
tary John Hess and Corresponding Transportation Chair Lori Tor- porters and feature writers - call Channel 63 be slowed down so
Secretary Sandy Cooper; Insurance res spoke about our buses and bus 683-9189 and leave your name and you can read all information with-
Chair Toni Salometo; UCO Report- scheduling. She noted that Palm number. out waiting for the notice to come
er Editor-in-Chief Bobbi Levin, Tram, a County service, is a valu- Recording Secretary John Hess around again..
and Transportation Chair Lori Tor- able addition for senior handi- wears two hats because he is also • The difference in monthly fees
res. WPRF was represented by Eva capped persons for which a form Chair of CERT (Community Emer- from one association to another
Rachesky, VP and Administrator of with a doctor’s signature is re- gency Response Team) which pre- is based on the building’s budget.
Recreational Operations. quired. The cost for this service is pares the Village for the hurricane Unit owners are urged to attend
President Israel mentioned the $3.50 one way and is good anywhere season that runs from June 1 to Nov. association meetings to ask their
Bilateral Agreement which gives in Palm Beach County. She can pro- 30. Additional volunteers who are questions and get answers.
UCO the authority to negotiate the vide you with a phone number for trained by the County to take part • A no-smoking amendment in an
community’s large contracts such further information. in this much needed service are al- association needs the help of an
as Transportation, Security, Cable VP David Boas, an avid theater- ways welcome. attorney to legalize it. Currently
and Ambulance. He spoke of the goer in CV, advised newcomers to VP Louise Warner announced there are buildings that have a
349 delegates to the monthly Dele- see the shows here. They are excel- that CV will provide bus service to no-smoking provision.
gate Assembly. Each area in CV has lent and tickets are a fraction of the three upcoming ballgames. The • For recycling problems, contact
a designated number depending cost for the same show outside the rst game is for Century Village with
upon their size. He also explained Village. He also spoke of our Club- Day on Feb. 25 with special dis- photos if possible. Our LCAM
that UCO has a registered LCAM house Library which is manned by count tickets. Visit Louise’s website Donald Foster will address all
(Licensed Community Association volunteers and of the Public Library at where you will pickup problems.
Manager), required by law who on Okeechobee Blvd. where you can nd updated information daily.
oversees our campus. obtain a library card with proper ID. During the Questions and An- Thank you to the UCO Newcom-
Eva Rachesky explained that she is VP Barbara Cornish keeps up with swers period, the following items ers Committee whose members are:
in charge of all recreation facilities – AMR, the ambulance service that were brought up: Co-chairs Myron Silverman and
the clubhouses, 10 pools for the use is included in your monthly main- • There is a permanent guest call Lori Torres, Al McLaughlin, Mary
of all residents, the 1,220 seat the- tenance. There have been many in system by registering online Patrick and Sandy Levine. Without
ater and the 560 seat party room in questions about their provisions at for which you their help, this wonderful meet-
the Main Clubhouse. There are only and everyone was urged to attend a will need your own personal code ing would not have been possible.
330 parking space which creates a meeting of AMR on Feb. 20 in the number available in the ID office Thanks, as well, to WPRF’s Eva
huge problem in season when the Clubhouse when an AMR represen- by showing your CV ID. This sys- Rachesky whose o ce provided as-
majority of residents are here. She tative will answer r questions on tem is also used for ticket pur- sistance to the UCO committee.
suggested that residents consider service. You will learn about AMR chase and emergency contact in-
walking to the Clubhouse or riding vs. the Red Wagon (Fire Dept. am-
a bus or carpooling. She praised the bulance) and what their roles are.
ushers who assist residents at shows Barbara said that Atlantic Broad-
and movies. They save residents a band, our new cable provider, is,
large sum of money because they due to be up and running on July
are all volunteers. With a growing 1, 2019. She is available to answer
number of animals in the Village, questions about this in the UCO of-
Eva reminded everyone that in ac- ce or call her at 561-640-9789, no
cordance with law, service animals later than 10 PM.
but not emotional support animals, Corresponding Secretary Sandra


Act 2 Community Theater
AFTER 6:00PM Meets every
Monday at 6:30pm at the


Upper oor corner unit. Garden
view. Granite countertops. Ceram-
ic flooring. Ceiling fans. Central
air conditioning. Cul-de-sac near
pools. Call:561-906-7604.

CLASSIFIED Camden E - 1 BR. 1.5 BATHS. 2nd
oor unit. Water view. Complete-
ly renovated. Wood floors. Lots
of storage and large patio. $835/
Classified advertisements may be Coventry L - 1BR. 1.5 BATHS. Com-
month. Call: Vall: 561-707-8953
submitted by email to the following pletely renovated. Impact win-
address: dows. All new appliances. Quartz
countertops. 2 walk-in closets. For
oor corner unit. Furnished. Cen- sale by owner. Call 561-758-9628
tral air conditioning. 1 block from
or 561-452-3551
pool and Hastings Clubhouse. No
Ad Fees:
pets. No smokers. Call: 917-733-
3 Line Ad = $10. Andover C - 1 BR. 1.5 BATHS. Fur-
$5 For Each Additional Line. 9116
nished. Ground oor corner unit.
Payment Due in Reporter Office Looks out on patio and gardens.
Prior to Publication Camden L - 1BR. 1 BATH. 2nd floor.
Updated kitchen. 5 ceiling fans.
Unfurnished. Completely renovat-
New central air conditioning. Call:
ed. Seasonal or annual rental. For
FOR SALE: 516-635-1201
information, email JOANIST10@
YAHOO.COM or call Joe 561-319-
Ground oor. Renovated corner Ground oor unit. Corner garden
unit. New cabinets w/granite. Lam- view. New air conditioner. New re-
1BR. 1.5 BATHS. Corner unit. 1st
inate floors. Call 502-321-2022. frigerator & dishwasher Complete-
oor. Furnished. Seasonal or yearly
ly tiled. 5 ceiling fans. Enclosed pa-
rental. Call: 561-777-6990.
SHEFFIELD H - 2 BR. 1.5 BATHS. tio with closet. Call: 516-635-1201.
Beautiful NW corner. Ground oor
unit. Garden view. Pet allowed. CAMDEN N: 1 BR. 1 BATH. Ground I WANT TO BUY:
Close to tness center. Central AC oor unit. Furnished. Tiled floors.
& Heat. Walk-in closet. Screened Updated appliances. AC/heater. A CONDO IN CENTURY VILLAGE.
patio. Updated kitchen and baths. Hurricane shutters. Near pool. PLEASE CALL ME AT 732-371-3940
Call: (937) 825-4833. Available April 1.
Call: 860-866-8890

Scams to Watch Out for in 2019

It is estimated that older adults ing to reports, the scammers often Dancing at
the Clubhouse
lose billions of dollars to scammers ask seniors to divide the bills into
each year. But there is good news— envelopes and place them between
last year the Federal Trade Commis- the pages of a magazine, then send
sion noted that older consumers are them using various carriers, includ-
more likely to report they’ve been ing UPS, FedEx, and the U.S. Postal
victimized by nancial exploitation Service.
than their younger counterparts. The FTC warns that if you or
Here are three scams that are no- a loved one receives one of these
tably making the rounds. calls, don’t act right away. Call that
1. Beware of Social Security spoof- grandchild back on a correct phone
ing calls: number and verify their where-
There’s been a signi cant up- abouts. If you’ve mailed cash, report
tick in fraudulent telephone calls it right away to the Postal Service or
from people claiming to represent shipping company you used. Some
the Social Security Administration people have been able to stop deliv-
(SSA). In them, unknown callers ery by acting quickly and giving a
threaten victims that they face ar- tracking number. Be sure to also le
rest or other legal action if they fail a complaint to the FTC at
to call a provided phone number or complaint.
press the number indicated in the 3. Only work with reputable agen-
message to address the issue. Some- cies after a natural disaster:
times the scammers switch tactics Wild res, earthquakes, torna-
and say that they want to help an in- does, hurricanes—these unpredict-
dividual activate a suspended Social able forces of nature can be dev-
Security number. They may even astating to those living in a ected
“spoof ” the actual Social Security areas. Even those not directly af-
hotline number to appear on the fected may want to lend support
recipient’s phone: 1-800-772-1213. If in whatever way they can. Unfor-
you receive one of these calls, hang tunately, natural disasters are a
up. Know that Social Security rare- golden opportunity for scammers,
ly contacts persons by phone unless who target both those who’ve been
you have ongoing business with directly a ected and those who
them and they never make threats want to o er their support. Natural
about arrest or legal action. Report disaster scams typically start with
suspicious calls to the SSA O ce unsolicited contact by telephone,
of the Inspector General by calling social media, e-mail, or in person.
1-800-269-0271 or submitting a re- Scammers may:
port on the OIG website. • Impersonate charities to get
2. Watch for a new twist on the money or private information from
old grandparent scam: well-meaning consumers.
The grandparent scam has been • Set up fake websites with names
around for several years. In this that mimic legitimate charities to
approach, a person calls an older trick people into sending money.
adult pretending to be a grandchild • Pretend to be from the IRS and
who’s been involved in an accident collect personal information under
or legal trouble and needs money the guise of helping victims file
immediately. Recently, the Feder- loss claims and get tax refunds.
al Trade Commission (FTC) found
that instead of using wire transfer
To find reputable charities to sup-
port victims of natural disasters,
Fake calls about your SSN
or gift cards, an increasing num- use the IRS’s tax exempt organiza-
The Federal Trade Commission
ber of older adults are mailing cash tion search or look for an organiza-
(FTC) is getting reports about peo-
to these fraudsters, with a median tion’s charity rating on places such
individual loss of $9,000. Accord- as Guidestar and Charity Navigator. ple pretending to be from the Social
Security Administration (SSA) who
are trying to get your Social Securi-
ty number and even your money. In
FTC & FDA Issue Warning one version of the scam, the caller
says your Social Security number
Letters to Supplement Sellers has been linked to a crime (often, he
says it happened in Texas) involving
Ads abound for products that or are promoted with phrases like drugs or sending money out of the
claim to treat or prevent serious “scienti c breakthrough,” “ancient country illegally. He then says your SSA’s real phone number (1-800-
health conditions. Unfortunately, remedy,” or “miraculous cure.” Social is blocked – but he might ask 772-1213), but that’s not the real
these products often are unproven The reality is that phony miracle you for a fee to reactivate it, or to SSA calling. Computers make it
and useless. Sometimes the ads even products can be dangerous, and get a new number. And he will ask easy to show any number on call-
make false promises for Alzheimer’s not just because of interactions you to con rm your Social Security er ID. You can’t trust what you see
disease and dementia – conditions with medicines you’re already tak- number. there.
for which science has no cure. ing. They also might cause you to In other variations, he says that • Never give your Social Security
This week, the Federal Trade delay or stop proven medical treat- somebody used your Social Securi- number to anyone who contacts
Commission (FTC) and the Food ment ordered by – or available from ty number to apply for credit cards, you. Don’t confirm the last 4 dig-
and Drug Administration (FDA) is- – your physician. They might also and you could lose your bene ts. Or its. And don’t give a bank account
sued warning letters to certain com- delay you from making important he might warn you that your bank or credit card number – ever – to
panies making unproven claims dietary and lifestyle changes to account is about to be seized, that anybody who contacts you asking
that their products can treat or cure help your condition. And some may you need to withdraw your money, for it.
Alzheimer’s disease and other con- contain unlabeled and unapproved and that he’ll tell you how to keep • Remember that anyone who tells
ditions. Many of these products are drugs, which can cause serious in- it safe. you to wire money, pay with a gift
sold on websites and social media jury or death. card, or send cash is a scammer.
platforms – and called “dietary sup- Always talk to your doctor, phar- But all of these are Always. No matter who they say
plements” or natural remedies. But macist, or other healthcare profes- scams. Here’s what you they are.
that doesn’t mean they are neces- sional before you try any new treat- need to know: If you’re worried about a call from
sarily safe. ment. • The SSA will never (ever) call and someone who claims to be from the
Products that claim to do it all of- To nd reliable sources of infor- ask for your Social Security num- Social Security Administration, get
ten do nothing. So even though you mation about diseases and their ber. It won’t ask you to pay any- off the phone. Then call the real SSA
want to believe the promises, be treatments, visit thing. And it won’t call to threat- at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-
skeptical, and avoid products that and Health en your benefits. 0778). If you’ve spotted a scam, then
claim to cure incurable conditions • Your caller ID might show the tell the FTC at

Interview with A Dynamo

Barbara Cornish is a Grand Commu- ‘treated others as they would wish to when she was a girl, to rising to an
nicator. She has spent years casting be treated.’ executive level position at ConEd in
her no-nonsense net over the some- Barbara and husband Frank have New York City. One of her longest
times ery rhetoric that roils in Cen- been wed for 51 years. They started held positions was with Social Ser-
tury Village discussions and has lived their life together in Queens, N.Y. and vices in Su olk County, New York,
to tell the tale. But Barbara’s smile is then moved to Long Island in 1971 a position that convinced her that
probably one of her most endearing where they raised their daughter and helping people brought rich rewards
features. Wide and infectious, when son. They have always remained close to those who extend themselves to
Barb smiles at you it’s an instant jolt to family and lifelong friends. Part of others. She has gathered life expe-
of happiness. Like a welcome mat at Barbara’s love of Century Village is an riences that could ll more than one
the door—or a cheery salute from a extension of her sense of ‘community’ bucket list clear to the brim, includ-
passerby, she invites you in to conver- developed in Queens where she lived ing sky-diving, whitewater rafting
sation on a positive note. as a girl, and as a parent raising her through class ve rapids in Alaska,
Barbara has served as a UCO Vice children on Long Island. Barbara saw and a personal audience with the
President since 2015. Before serving rst-hand how being helped by oth- Pope during a trip to Europe. S. now.
on the UCO Board, she served on her ers led to wanting to help, and how Barbara has plans for her retire- This article is meant to ‘paint a pic-
own condo association’s board. She helping others leaves one with a deep ment that include the old and the ture’ of someone who has served us
has answered questions posed by sense of personal satisfaction. She re- new. One of her oldest loves, golf, long and well, with a smile, a sense of
new or befuddled residents and board ferred to this ‘circle of caring’ as what will play a part, but she’d like to add duty and purpose, and who guided us
members, settled disputes between drives her. She credits her grandpar- painting, and speaking a second lan- with a solid value system. She cau-
angry combatants, attended endless ents and her parents with instilling guage to her skill-set. She feels learn- tioned me against making this ‘too
meetings and debates, and returned these values by example. ing new things adds new perspective owery,’ and I did give her the right to
to help another day. Asked what Barbara’s career life was lled with to our lives—keeps us engaged in strike whatever makes her blush, but
piece of advice she would bestow on an array of positions and responsibil- living. As much as she enjoyed her Barbara Cornish, we love you, wish
the next group of o cers, Barbara ities ranging from helping her moth- travels in Europe as a young woman, you well, and hope you enjoy a much
responded that she wishes everyone er and an aunt at their beauty parlor she wants to explore more of the U. deserved rest!

Around Century Village PHOTOS BY ZIONA RUBIN

Superbowl Party

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