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Weekly workbook (part two)


1. Place the listed events in the correct order on the timeline (below) The dates on the
timeline are just there for support; you do not need to add any. You just need to
demonstrate you understand the order of events.

A sample is done for you (also shown on the timeline.)

! Sample event: Humans reach Chile in South America.

Put the following events in the correct order on your timeline:

! Humans in Southwest Asia learn how to plant the seeds of wild grasses; marks the New Stone
Age for some populations in the world.

! The domestication of plants and later animals is developed by many human populations.
! Humans learn how to control fire
! Humans learn how to build tools out of stone; marks the Old Stone Age.
! Humans begin to migrate out of East Africa into colder latitudinal regions.
! “Google” is invented


c.500,000BC c.100,000BC c. 9,000BC c.1999

Sample event:
Humans reach Chile in South America.

Please use your answers from the timeline for question 2.

2. How does this timeline show people are becoming more advanced? Use specific detail to support
your answer.
3. Approximately what year do you
see a huge population increase?

4. Predict what the cause for this

population increase could be:

The following questions pertain to Chapter One, section Three in our Ancient World textbook, pages
3(a)What is irrigation?

3(b) How would irrigation improve farming AND how

could it benefit communities?

3(c) How does the picture show irrigation?

3(d) What is a food surplus? How does food surplus lead

to a growing population?

4. Characteristics of civilizations

1. Developed Cities

2. Organized

3. Formalized

4. Specialization of Labor

5. Social Classes

6. Record Keeping
and Writing

7. The Arts
Use the map below to answer questions 6-8.

6(a)Based on what you know about what places need to have in order for cities to grow, circle
locations you think might be good for people to settle. Label each location.

6(b) Look at the locations that you circled: Identify and Explain what physical features are nearby that
would lead to the growth of cities



Independent reading. Read page 27 to answer the following questions.

7. What were two important inventions that improved civilization and how did they transform
Name of Invention How did this invention impact people?


8. How could trade lead to the spread of civilizations?

Review: Comprehension and critical thinking.

Compare and contrast: What were the similarities and differences between farming villages and cities?
Differences should go on either the “villages” or “cities,” while the things they have in common should
go in the middle circle.

Farming villages Cities

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