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CAP Plan, 2018-2019

Jashaun Ford Ryals
Grade 12
Diploma Student in Theater
Advisor: Ms. Boyle

Date plan devised: 9/12/2018

Date plan revised: 02/24/19

1. To perform the role of Antonio, in the play, The Tempest

- Performed in The Tempest
2. To participate in Free Shorts in the Spring
3. To direct a short film in the Winter trimester. Now that I have finished writing the script, I
am currently waiting to cast actors for my film.
4. To prepare two contemporary monologues for auditions. I have memorized both
monologues, recorded them, and have officially finished my auditions and have been
accepted to my number one choice for college.
5. To direct a short play in the spring.
6. To contribute 3 new pages to the CAP Masterpieces Google Site over the course of the year.
My first page is due October 1. I will also complete comments (following the 5C format)
about others’ pages. The first deadlines for this is Oct 15. I finished creating 2 out of 3
masterpiece pages.
7. To share my work with the school community, at least 3 times this year. .
8. To participate in all master classes, films, and field trips, unless I have a prior commitment
that conflicts. When I have a conflict, I need to let Ms. Volpe know in advance so that my
spot can be used by someone else. So far, I have participated in all master classes, films, and
field trips this year. I am going to continue to participate in the master classes and field trips
that are left for the year.
9. To create an online portfolio that will be shared with Ms. Volpe and keep it updated with
current work throughout the year. I am continuously updating my portfolio till this day.

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