Mythosa Comp V1

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r The World of Mythosa s

Mythosa Compendium, Volume I
By Bruce Gulke

Table of Contents
Chapter I: The World of Mythosa 2

Chapter II: People of Mythosa 11

Chapter III: Treasures of Mythosa 19

Chapter IV: Kingdoms, Empires, & Other Realms 30

Chapter V: Realms Beyond 50

Chapter VI: Gods and Religion 55

Appendix: New Spells 58

Open Gaming License 60

Additional Credits ©2007 by Bruce Gulke. All Rights Reserved. “d20 System” and the “d20
System Logo” are Trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast and are
used according to the terms of the d20 System License version 3.0. A copy
Editorial Assistance of this license can be found at Dungeons &
Teri Gulke Dragons® and Wizards of the Coast® are Registered Trademarks of
Wizards of the Coast, and are used with Permission.
Cover Illustration
Artwork ©2007 by Bruce Gulke, with the following exceptions:
Bruce Gulke
• Artwork with the “Elmore” logo is ©2002 by Elmore Productions,
Interior Illustrations • Artwork on pages 4, 6, 8, 11, 16, 22, 28, 31, 36, 50, 52, and 57, which
Bruce Gulke, Teri Gulke, Larry are the property of Dover Publications, Inc.
Elmore • Artwork on pages 20, 21, 24, 37, and 39, which are the property of
Politically Incorrect Games.

This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of
America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the artwork or non-
OGL material herein is prohibited without the express written permission
of Bruce Gulke. This document is a work of fiction. Any similarity to
First Printing April 2007 actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental. This
document is not affiliated with any other commercial publication.

w w w . m y t h o s a . n e t
r The World of Mythosa s

Chapter I:
The World of Mythosa
This chapter covers myriad topics about the
world – calendars, language, and other general
religious meaning to someone; otherwise, for them
each day is no different from the next.
noteworthy elements. The contents of this chapter
are as follows: With the Ambian calendar, years are counted since
the founding of the Ambian Republic (0 AR).
• Mythosan Calendars
Imperial (Ulthian)
• Nomenclature
Though the Ulthian calendar was originally adapted
• Birth Tables from the Ambian calendar, its only recognizable
• Languages similarity is that it has the same number of total days
• Languages by Region (364). The Imperial calendar consists of twelve
• Top Ten Lists months of thirty days each, and each month is
divided into six five-day weeks. The names of the
months come from the names of the first twelve
Mythosan Calendars emperors of Ulthia: Scordelos, Theres, Toresk, Agahst,
There are a variety of calendars used in Ryh’ardha. Halember, Klas, Darfell, Vesmer, Malruik, Lyhtan, Jynval,
The most common is the Ambian, but it is by no and Ramas. The names of the weekdays are simply
means universal. Other popular methods for numerical: Firstday, Seconday, Thirdday, Fourthday, and
marking time include those used by the Skalnir, the Fifthday. Weeks are five days long as the number five
Khazrani, Syrhaat, Ulthia, and the people of the is sacred to Azakhar.
Varghani Desert.
The equinoxes and solstices are Imperial holidays
Ambian that are considered “outside” the normal calendar.
A legacy of the fallen republic, the Ambian calendar Rather than make Theres, Halember, Vesmer, and
is the most widespread form of reckoning. Its Jynval thirty-one days long, each month “pauses” for
popularity can be attributed to Zeldoran traders who a day after three weeks, then resumes for another
have spread its use through Ryh’ardha as they have three weeks afterward. As they are “outside” the
the Altaevian language. The Ambian calendar is normal calendar, these special days are not assigned
based on the equinoxes and solstices. A season is weekday names either. The holidays are:
delineated by an equinox or solstice and forty-five
days before and after, resulting in a length of ninety- Feast of the Iron Legions (Spring Equinox): A celebration
one days. A season is then further divided into three of the Ulthian armies, the Feast of the Iron Legions
months, the first and last being thirty days long with marks the official start of the empire’s military
the middle being thirty-one. campaigns.

In addition, the Ambian calendar divides its 364 days Triumph of the Flame (Summer Solstice): This day is
into fifty-two seven-day weeks. These days have marked by feasts and revels throughout the empire.
been assigned special significance, from a day It is the second most holy day of the year, venerating
focused on commerce and trade to one the fire aspects of the Azakhari religion. The
concentrating on learning and knowledge. These culmination of the festivities is marked in each town
special meanings are generally ignored by rural and city by the immolation of an enemy of the
populations as well as the commoners within urban empire, usually a prisoner taking during an earlier
areas. Significance is attached to a day if it has military campaign.

r The World of Mythosa s

Day of the Exalted (Autumnal Equinox): This holiday is doesn't concern itself with time the same way other
celebrated in a rather solemn manner. Traditionally, cultures do.
it marks the end of the Imperial campaigns before
the onset of winter. It is used to laud the victories of Skalnir
the empire’s Iron Legions as well to mourn those The Skalnir of the North Realms reckon time by two
who have fallen in service to the Imperium. These seasons – winter and summer. They recognize the
folk are known as the “Exalted” and are believed to solstices, but they do not celebrate the equinoxes.
continue their service to Azakhar in the afterlife. Each season is divided into twenty-six seven-day
weeks. Each week has its own name which
Night of the Emperor (Winter Solstice): The Night of the corresponds to one of the twenty-six letters in the
Emperor is the holiest day of the year in the Ulthian Skalnir runic alphabet. The days of the week are
Empire (since it is the highest holiday in the named Duridag, Balodag, Noridag, Thoradag, Helgadag,
Azakhari faith). On this day, all non-essential work Validag, and Aesidag. The meanings of the days are
and commerce in the Imperium ceases, and the similar to those used in the Ambian calendar.
faithful pray and sacrifice to Azakhar for good
fortune during the remainder of the winter as well as Syrhaat Dominion
in the year to come. Gifts are made to the emperor The Syrhaati calendar is probably the most unusual
in the hopes that his prosperity will be reflected of the civilized kingdoms. It is neither lunar- or
throughout the country. solar-based, nor is it seasonal. It has no months or
days of the week. Rather, each day of the 364 in the
The Imperial calendar starts counting from the year year has an individual, extravagant name, derived
Scordelos I consolidated the principalities of Ulthia from some important event, person, or item which
and established the country as an empire. has great significance to the Dominion. In effect,
every day of the year is a holiday to some degree,
Varghani though how they are honored varies greatly.
The Varghani calendar is lunar-based, revolving Examples of some of the days include:
around the phases of Ralos. It is 364-days long, with
thirteen months of twenty-eight days each. The Day of the Ever-Blossoming Jasmine Lotus: The rare
months are named Atayar, Qashad, Taradah, Omam, jasmine lotus was once a lucrative export of Syrhaat.
Khetmad, Shadah, Naza, Hasiq, Dhamwa, Shafur, Hasik, Found only on the banks of the Bajar River where it
Usik, and Farus. Days of the week are unnamed; for flows through the Silverwood forest, it contributed
that matter, there is no concept of a “week”. Rather, for many years to Syrhaat’s robust economy. With
when divisions smaller than a month are required, the southern Syrhaat peninsula virtually abandoned
the Varghani generally refer to the phase Ralos is in the jasmine lotus is no longer harvested, but the
during a particular time. A meeting may be scheduled plant is still honored in the Dominion’s calendar.
for the “first day of the full moon in Taradah” or the
“last night of the lesser [waning] crescent in Shafur”. Day of the Glorious Breaking of the Siege of Tamras: In 102
BAR, a dark host of aberrations and their enslaved
Various tribes have their own holidays and Viss’takh minions burst forth from the Uhntari
traditions, but the Varghani as a whole do not Jungles and attempted to seize the southern city of
recognize the solstices or equinoxes as other cultures Tamras. The people of the city kept the evil army at
often do. bay, but the sheer number of invaders was such that
it took the Syrhaati armies eight months to finally
Khazrani break through to Tamras and drive the aberrations
The Khazrani have no formalized calendar, though back into the jungle. This day commemorates that
they reckon time greater than days by “winters” event.
(years) and “moons” (months). “Moons” refers to
the phases of Ralos, particularly when it is full. Thus, Day of the Eternally-Radiant Amaranthine Primarch:
if a Khazrani states that something will occur “three There are many days dedicated to the Primarch, the
moons from now” he’s essentially referring to a time Empress of Syrhaat. This is the most important of
roughly three months into the future. There are no those days, and corresponds to the Summer Solstice
names for months or days; the Khazrani culture on the Ambian calendar.

r The World of Mythosa s

During the height of the Syrhaat Dominion, some Ralynia Ralynian

people, particularly the nobility, committed the days Sahar Saharite
to memory. Others who needed to follow the days Sarenland Saren
carried with them a Roll of Days. The Roll was a scroll Shesada Shesadan
listing each day of the year and its name. It was not Spÿre Spÿrran
unusual for commoners to have a Roll as well, and Syrhaat Syrhaati
for many it was used as a tool to help them learn to Talek Pharos Pharossean
read. Talîsmarr Talîsmarran
Tarrvik Tarrvish
In modern times, most Syrhaati have adopted the Tazadir Tazadiri
Ambian calendar for practicality. The days of the Tyr Aegas n/a (Sylvari)
ancient calendar have not been rejected entirely, but Ulthia Ulthian
now very few people – including the nobility – can Valnysia Valnysian
recite each day from memory. Valdahar Valdaharran
Yar Yarrish
Zeldora Zelodran

For religions, the following adjectives apply:

Aadu Aaduan
Aeryandris Aeryandrite
Alyara Alyaran
Azakhar Azakhari
Baltur Balturran
Dynera Dyneran
Jhadara Jhadaran
Lis Lissene
Lyranis Lyranissene
Rahl Rahlite
Nomenclature Shaarizad Shaarizadi
Adjectives used to describe when something – or
someone – is from a particular kingdom are as
Birth Tables
Aelorea Aelorean These tables are intended for those times when the
Al’Sharaq Sharaqi DM wants to know where an NPC was born or
Aldanor Aldish when a player wishes to randomly determine where
Amaristan Amari his character comes from.
Asyra Asyrran
Calythir Calythirran “Primary Alignments” lists the alignments most
Essengard Essen common for the region in question. While PCs and
Gharakaag n/a NPCs are not restricted to what is listed, the given
Gothmoor Gothic alignments are consistent with what is dominant in
Greyspire Greyspirran each region.
Ilmara Ilmaran
Ivenmir Ivenese
Kharazgar n/a (Runic)
Lhyrna Lhyrnic
Maar Maarite
Maraada Maraadan
Malcythia Malcythian
Miradel Miradese
Qet Qeshan

r The World of Mythosa s

Half- Half- Primary

Region Human Sylvari Runir Viss’takh Taurok
Elf Orc Alignments
Aelorea 1-2 LE/LN
Al’Sharaq 3 1-2 NE/CE
Aldanor 4-6 1-3 1-2 1-4 N
Amaristan 7-9 3-4 CN/N
Essengard 10-13 1-15 5-6 5-12 LN/G
Free Cities of
14-17 4-5 16-20 7-9 3-5 13-20 N
Gharakaag 18 6-11 1-5 21-25 CE/NE
Greyspire 19-21 6 21-25 10-12 LN/LG
Harrstad 26-50 N/NG
Ilmara 22-25 7-11 13-22 12-16 NG/CG
Ivenmir 26-27 26-27 23 N/LN
Kharazgar 28-66 LG/NG
Khazrani Steppes 28-31 17-21 51-53 CN/N
Lhyrna 32-35 12-16 67-70 24-26 LG/NG
Maar 36-38 27 22-26 CN/NE
Malcythia 39-40 27-29 NE/CE
Maraada 41 6-7 NE
Miradel 42-45 17-39 28-62 CG
Novaskora 30-33 CE/CN
Old Irathia 34-38 8-11 NE/CE
Qet 46-48 63-64 39-43 12-15 N/LE/NE
Ralynia 49-53 40-43 65-67 CN/N
Sahar 54-56 68-69 44-48 16-19 N/CN
Sarenland 57-61 70-71 N/LN/NE
Shesada 62-64 44-45 72-74 20-24 NG/N
Spÿre 65-66 46-50 75-78 N/LN
Syrhaat 67-71 79-82 LN/N
Talîsmarr 72-75 83-86 CG/NG
Tarrvik (slave) 76 71-72 87 49-52 54-58 N
Tauron Mountains 73-77 59-88 N/NG
Tazadir 77-79 88-89 53-57 25-28 N/NE
Tyr Aegas 51-87 90-91 CG/CN/NG
Uhntari Jungles 80-82 29-52 89-92 Any
Ulthia 83-86 92 LE/NE
Valdahar 87-88 93-94 53-57 LG/NG
Valnysia 89-90 93-97 CN/CE
Varghani Desert 91-94 95 58-82 Any
Yar 95 83-97 NE/LE/N
Zeldora 96-98 88-92 78-83 96-97 N/LN
Elsewhere 99-100 93-97 84-85 98-99 58-60 98-99 98-99
Roll on Human
98-100 86-100 100 61-100 100 100
Birth Table: Humans and Other Surface Races

r The World of Mythosa s

Region Roll Alignments Languages
Den’tharas 1-13 LE/NE The languages recognized in Mythosa are
Nalithara 14-28 NE/LE summarized in the table below:
Rath-Kaelin 29-39 LE/LN
Shaansu’ul 40-55 NE/CE Language Typical Speakers Alphabet
Shaithalial 56-66 LE Aanese Sages, sorcerers, Aanese
Varlolth 67-84 LE/NE wizards
Zhaure 85-97 NE/CE Abyssal Demons, chaotic evil Gehennish
Elsewhere 98-99 - outsiders
Roll on Human table 100 - Aesyrian Asyra, Al’Sharaq Ardhani
Birth Table: Drakari (Dark Elves) Altaevian People of Ambia, Hassitic
(Trade merchants, travelers,
Common) explorers
Aquan Kyree, water-based Kyree
Auran Air-based creatures Ari
Auroni Tauroks Sirylic
Celestial Good outsiders Elysian
Dhazyni Dhazyra None
Draconic Kobolds, dragons Draconic
Drakdriel Drakari, Underworld Ari
Druidic Druids (only) Druidic
Ghassani Barbarians of the Khadratic
Ghassan tribes
Giant Ogres, giants Runic
Goblin Goblin, hobgoblins, Runic
Gnoll Gnolls Hassitic
Ignan Fire-based creatures V’stalic
Iltanese People of Greater Hassitic
Infernal Devils, lawful evil Dissene
Isenati Varghani Ardhani
Kalumesh Barbarians of the Khadratic
Kalumesh clans
Khazrani Khazrani Khadratic
Orc Orcs Runic
Runic Runir Runic
S’seric Sith’aal Sirylic
Sylvadriel Sylvari, some half- Ari
Syrhaati Syrhaati Ardhani
Taracian People of the Emerald Ardhani
Coast, Amaristan
Tarinic Ulthian nobility Hassitic
Terran Xorns, earth-based Runic
Underspeak Underworld Runic
Varinian Skalnir Khadratic
V’stalic Viss’takh V’stalic

r The World of Mythosa s

Primary Secondary
Languages by Region Region
Language Languages
The table below may be used to determine the Maraada Taracian Abyssal (20%)
language (or languages) known by the inhabitant Altaevian (50%)
of a particular region of Ryh’ardha. The first Draconic (10%)
language listed will be spoken by the character. Infernal (20%)
The other languages listed may be known if the Miradel Taracian Altaevian (55%)
given percentage is rolled (and their intelligence Sylvadriel (20%)
allows for it). Novaskora Orc Giant (30%)
Goblin (50%)
Primary Secondary Old Irathia n/a Gnoll (20%)
Language Languages Orc (50%)
Aelorea Iltanese Altaevian (40%) V’stalic (30%)
Tarinic (10%) Qet Isenati Altaevian (35%)
Al’Sharaq Isenati Aesyrian (40%) Taracian (20%)
Altaevian (30%) Ralynia Taracian Altaevian (60%)
Orc (30%) Sahar Isenati Altaevian (35%)
Aldanor Taracian Altaevian (65%) Taracian (20%)
Giant (10%) Sarenland Altaevian Iltanese (20%)
Amaristan Taracian Altaevian (45%) Isenati (20%)
Syrhaati (15%) Taracian (35%)
V’Stalic (5%) Shesada Isenati Altaevian (45%)
Essengard Varinian Altaevian (45%) Taracian (50%)
Auroni (15%) Spÿre Altaevian Aanese (15%)
Giant (5%) Draconic (20%)
Free Cities of Iltanese Altaevian (30%) Taracian (10%)
Calythir Auroni (15%) Syrhaat Syrhaati Altaevian (45%)
Ghassani (20%) Taracian (40%)
Khazrani (65%) Talîsmarr Taracian Altaevian (75%)
Gharakaag n/a Altaevian (35%) Aquan (15%)
Giant (15%) Tarrvik Giant Altaevian (30%)
Goblin (25%) Varinian (25%)
Orc (50%) Tauron Auroni Altaevian (20%)
Taracian (35%) Mountains Giant (35%)
Greyspire Varinian Altaevian (40%) Tazadir Isenati Altaevian (35%)
Draconic (5%) Taracian (20%)
Harrstad Auroni Altaevian (15%) Tyr Aegas Sylvadriel Altaevian (45%)
Ilmara Taracian Altaevian (65%) Taracian (55%)
Isenati (40%) Uhntari Jungles n/a S’seric (40%)
Ivenmir Varinian Altaevian (45%) Syrhaati (15%)
Kharazgar Runic Altaevian (45%) Taracian (10%)
Varinian (65%) V’stalic (30%)
Khazrani Khazrani Altaevian (40%) Ulthia Iltanese Altaevian (45%)
Steppes Ghassani (35%) Infernal (20%)
Iltanese (20%) Tarinic (35%)
Kalumesh (35%) Underworld n/a Drakdriel (30%)
Lhyrna Altaevian Iltanese (40%) Orc (40%)
Taracian (20%) Underspeak (50%)
Maar Altaevian Taracian (30%) Valdahar Taracian Altaevian (55%)
Malcythia Varinian Giant (30%) Syrhaati (75%)
Gnoll (75%) Valnysia Iltanese Altaevian (20%)
Goblin (25%) Khazrani (10%)

r The World of Mythosa s

Primary Secondary The Ten Largest Cities of the Known

Language Languages World (in order of population)
Varghani Desert Isenati Aesyrian (10%) 1. Ulthanium, capital of Ulthia
Altaevian (20%) 2. Ilmara, city-state on the Emerald Coast
Taracian (35%) 3. Zeldora, city-state on the Ambian coast
Yar Taracian Altaevian (35%) 4. Hadira, capital of Syrhaat
V’stalic (50%) 5. Lhyrna, city-state on the eastern Ambian coast
Zeldora Altaevian Iltanese (40%) 6. Shesada, city-state in the Varghani Desert
Isenati (40%) 7. Valdahar, city-state in the Southern Kingdoms
Khazrani (40%) 8. Urnsk, Ulthian city
Syrhaati (30%) 9. Ivenmir, far northern city-state
Taracian (50%) 10. Aelor, capital of Aelorea
Varinian (30%)
The Ten Most Famous Ruins
1. Black City of Wizardry, in the Grey Waste
2. Asgarth Mor, in Gharakaag
Top Ten Lists 3. Lor Elesna, north of the Aelarion Forest
Herein is a list of various items of trivia, presented 4. Corathmyr, in Gharakaag
for those readers who would be interested in such 5. Lyranorr, in western Aldanor
bits of information. 6. Dhasara, north of the Qeshan Mountains
7. Tyr Aegas, in the center of the Forest of the
Popularity of the Gods by Number of Forlorn
Worshippers 8. Wintercrest, north of Malcythia
1. Alyara 9. Anaarum, north of the Uhntari Jungles
2. Lyranis 10. Rel Eldara, in the northern wilderlands
3. Azakhar
4. Jadhara The Ten Most Famous Dragons of
5. Baltur Ryh’ardha
6. Shaarizad 1. Saryntiera (silver), rules in Greyspire
7. Aeryandris 2. Radimôrradas (black), lairs in the southern
8. Dynera Varghani Mountains
9. Aadu 3. Daurgorithax (blue), dwells in the Spire of the
Black Serpent
4. Andraathrux (undead), lairs in the Dark
5. Mormagauth (red), makes its home in
northern Gharakaag
6. Aurymragoth (gold), dwells in the southern
Stone Curtain
7. Kaladauth (red), lairs in the central Grey
8. Mir’nagerys (silver), found in the center of
Thornwood Forest
9. Malaeryx (blue), lives in the southern Indrus
10. Varthas’kiskora (red), dwells deep within

r The World of Mythosa s

The Ten Wealthiest People in the World

1. Marcus Ramas IX, Emperor of Ulthia
2. Ascara Merotus, Prelate of the Church of
3. Yulara Gaaratari, Primarch of Syrhaat
4. Valros Aldur Caslarin, Ulthian merchant
5. Tharzi Sabru, Tazadiri drug lord
6. Meron Swiftsea, Talîsmarran merchant fleet
7. Erika Argentus, head of House Argentus in
8. Ataris Galathorn, head of the Warlords of
9. Calec Talamyr, head of House Talamyr in
10. Otto the Ominous, Spÿrran abjurer
Almira Zayan
The Ten Most Powerful Magicians in the
World Ten of the Most Influential People in
1. Vasilaros, an ancient lich who occupies the History
tower Corathmyr in northern Gharakaag 1. Ur’Zaal, ancient wizard responsible for
2. Morvalas the Destroyer, a powerful evoker teaching magic to the Quanyari
who makes his home in southern Essengard 2. Lord Kilian Agathur, leader of the band of
3. Maerlysa Gwynn, chief ruler of the city-state warriors that destroyed the Aetheric Collector
of Spÿre in Marasinia
4. Zewdye the Mad, an insane sorcerer of 3. Samir Ghatis, former slave who helped to
immense power who wanders throughout liberate southern Khemsa, which lead to the
Ryh’ardha establishment of the Qeshan Empire
5. Saludain Cattan, head of the Ordos Arcanis 4. Daemos, former ruler and Supreme Mystarch
Ex Imperium in Ulthia of Xolta-Moras
6. Almira Zayan, a sorceress of the Maraada- 5. Talleos Ral Anallir, ancient Sylvari king who
ruling Blood of Aan led the Sylvari to victory over the Drakari in
7. Sakhameht, a lich rumored to be lurking the elven civil war over 3000 years ago
somewhere in the southern Varghani Desert 6. Zar-Adân, wizard indirectly responsible for
8. Lazaren, an evil archmage said to be hiding the rise of the Ambian Republic
somewhere in Sarenland 7. Gabriela Aelenroth, half-elven ranger whose
9. The Crimson Archmage, a mysterious wizard spying was vital in keeping the Marasinian
who lives in the Crimson Labyrinth on Empire from infiltrating the Ulthian
Az’gotha Imperium
10. Janlis Trishal, also known as the 8. Kalu, established the Kalumeks –the largest
“Magehunter”, a mercenary wizard whose tribe of the Khazrani barbarians
primary focus is hunting and killing other 9. Father Dominic Casimir, first prophet and
mages in the Varghani Desert and the priest of the god Adonhim
Emerald Coast 10. Damma Aegis, who slew the demon prince
Iabassu – Duke of Gehennim and liege of the
demon lord Aesmadaevas – before he could
enter the material plane.

r The World of Mythosa s

The Ten Most Wanted Criminals in the The Ten Greatest Conflicts in Ryh’ardha
Emerald Coast 1. Continuous skirmishes between Malcythia and
1. Rakzurr Blackclaw, a half-orc Anarchista: their southern neighbors: Essengard,
Wanted for the desecration of numerous Greyspire, and Ivenmir
temples and shrines, as well as the murder and 2. Aelorea pursuing the destruction of magic
defilement of dozens of priests, primarily through its naval “Inquisition Fleets” and
female Lifebringers their land-based “Missionary” counterparts
2. Maelia the Ebon Dancer, a Yarrish priestess 3. Perpetual battle between the Ulthian
of Shaarizad: Wanted for numerous Imperium and the humanoid tribes of
assassinations Novaskora
3. Antonius Malor, head of head of the evil 4. Slow, steady incursions of the Sith’aal from
Great House: Wanted for various evil acts the Uhntari Jungles into Syrhaat
orchestrated in places such as Ilmara and 5. Skirmishes between the cities of Calythir and
Lhyrna the Khazrani barbarian tribes
4. Arvo of the Steel Eye, an infamous pirate 6. Recurrent clashes between the navies of
captain: Wanted for numerous acts of piracy, Talîsmarr and Gharakaag pirates and slavers
and murder 7. Marauding humanoids from Gharakaag
5. Malinos Sinistral, an ex-Wayfarer priest of attacking Aldanor, Ilmara, and Miradel
Shaarizad: Wanted for spreading and 8. Maraadan war parties regularly striking at the
furthering the worship of Shaarizad outskirts of Valdahar
throughout the Emerald Coast 9. Tarrvish raiding bands harrassing their
6. Conner the Cruel, an evil ranger: Wanted for neighbor kingdoms
the wanton slaughter of innocent villagers in 10. Valnysian Raiders harrassing northern and
Ilmara, Aldanor, Miradel, and Ralynia eastern Ulthia
7. Haramis the Desert Viper, a bandit leader:
Wanted for acts of banditry and murder in the
eastern Varghani Desert
8. Alister the Wanton, a rogue: Wanted by
numerous noble houses for acts of theft, both
of valuable possessions and daughters’ virtues
9. Grazia Dorran, a half-elven master thief:
Wanted for the theft of numerous goods,
mainly rare, unique, and expensive art objects
and magic items
10. The White Raven, a bandit leader: Wanted for
acts of banditry from Newhelm to Northgate

Haramis the Desert Viper

r People of Mythosa s

Chapter II:
People of Mythosa
The wizards were able to determine that the ruined
T his chapter covers the races of Mythosa and
information pertaining to their chosen professions.
city was quite ancient, pre-dating any known
civilization. They also found that it was located
Topics include: hundreds of miles to the east on an entirely different
continent. This led to speculation that the city had
been built by one of the original Nine Tribes of
• Return of the Sylvari
Humanity, the tribe which had built ships and sailed
• Return of the Runir east, never to be heard from again. However, while
• Class Demographics the architecture of the city supported the theory that
• Class Titles it once housed humans, further study determined
• Monastic Orders that it had been altered to accommodate human
• New Feat: Elven Ancestry habitation. In other words, the city had not been
built by humans but pre-dated their arrival and they
had altered the place to fit them.
Return of the Sylvari
Long thought to have been destroyed by the The wizards named the new continent Atharys,
Marasinian Empire in 450 AR, the Sylvari have which was Aanese for “eastern wilderland. They
returned to the continent of Ryh’ardha. Initial named the city Iremzha, drawing upon a name in a
sightings that were generally disbelieved have well-known passage from a Aanese scroll in the
evolved into the quite visible establishment of elven Spÿrran library. The passage speaks of “…Iremzha
embassies in the kingdoms of Miradel and Talîsmarr of the Elders, where their magic turned against
and the city-states of Ilmara, Lhyrna, and Zeldora. them…” Who (or what) the Elders are and whether
While the Sylvari are by no means a common sight in they were actually associated with the ruined city are
the Emerald Coast their numbers are slowly growing. still points of speculation to this day.
What follows is the true history of the elves after
their supposed destruction. Unfortunately for the wizards of Spÿre, the threat of
Marasinia forced them to put their explorations on
A Runegate to a Distant Land hold to deal with the sorcerous empire.
Around the time of the Marasinian ascendancy,
Spÿrran wizards discovered a runegate about thirty
miles north of their city in the Grey Mountains.
Exploring the Runemaze beyond they found no
dangers in the immediate vacinity; more importantly
they found another gate mere minutes away. This
gate opened into a ruined city of unknown origin.

Investigating the ruin proved to be extremely

perilous due to the creatures that inhabited the city.
Some were familiar monsters common to Ryh’ardha
while others had never been seen before. Eventually,
however, the Spÿrrans established a foothold in the The Attempt to Eradicate the Sylvari
ruins and were able to study them more with more Until recently, most people believed the disease
care. Marasinia unleashed on the Sylvari hit the entirety of
their race at the same time. While this isn’t true, the

r People of Mythosa s

Sylvari never challenged that belief. Beside the fact Eventually, the Sylvari were able to settle their new
they weren’t in a position to do so, it was more homeland. In a woodland near Iremzha they built a
advantageous to them to have as many people as city they called Isilendel. Isilendel and the surrounding
possible believe that none of them survived. forest became home to the remaining Sylvari, who
numbered around 60,000.
When the Mystarchs struck at the elves, they initially
unleashed their disease against the three great Sylvari Over time, the elves expanded and were able to
cities: Rel Eldara, Lor Elesna, and Tyr Aegas. There carve an entire kingdom out of the new wilderness.
was then a delay before they struck at further elven This new kingdom was dubbed Elthanamir and at
settlements. Most believe this owed to the sorcerers present is roughly the size of Aldanor.
needing to acquire more resources and components
to continue their attack. Fortunately for the Sylvari, The Sylvari population has also increased
this gave them some room to maneuver. substantially as they became rather promiscuous
after settling in to replenish their numbers; as a
Around this time, the elven archmages in Spÿre – result, many of the elves of Elthanamir are quite
knowing of the runegate to Atharys – devised a plan young, having been born within the last 190 years.
to allow the Sylvari to escape from the Marasinian There are a few humans and half-elves in Elthanamir
genocide. With the help of those human wizards as well; wizards and others who were helping the
who could be spared from the war effort, the elves and were trapped when the runegate was
Spÿrran elves contacted Sylvari leaders and destroyed. Many of them inter-married with the elves
spellcasters in the smaller cities and settlements that so their numbers have dwindled; there are roughly
had not yet been hit and plotted to bring as many 1,000 humans in the kingdom and about twice that
elves as they could to and through the runegate. The many half-elves.
three great cities, sadly, were not included in the
arrangement, nor were any of the elven settlements The people of Elthanamir continue to study the
in close proximity to them due to the risk of a bearer ruins of Iremzha as well as similar ruins they’ve
of the disease being brought along. discovered on Atharys. All are very old and of an
origin they are still unable to discern. Like Iremzha,
Journey to the Unknown there is evidence that they were inhabited and altered
Through the use of a great deal of teleportation at a later time by humans (or humanoids), but they
magic, tens of thousands of elves were saved and still do not know what happened to these
passed through the runegate; they brought as much “secondary” inhabitants.
with them as they could safely carry but the majority
of elven culture – their art, literature, etc. – had to be Return of the Sylvari
abandoned in their cities. Eventually, some Sylvari wanted to travel back to
Ryh’ardha to see the outcome of the wars with
The Marasinians eventually learned of the exodus Marasinia. Many also wanted to recover things that
and attacked the throngs at the runegate; in the battle had been left behind in the cities and palaces,
that followed a number of elves sacrificed assuming they had not been entirely looted in the
themselves to destroy the gate to save the rest of past 200 years. Ships were built, crewed, and set sail
their people. Almost all of the remaining elves on for Ryh’ardha.
Ryh’ardha that didn't make it through died later,
either from the disease or by being hunted down by The elves that returned traveled by ship over 1600
the Mystarchs. miles across the Boundless Sea. They first arrived at
the Ulthian Imperium, but chose to proceed farther
The New Elven Homeland down along the coast to find a more amicable
It is estimated that around 100,000 elves made it to kingdom. They knew Ulthia from history; despite
Atharys. However, in the months and years having fought against the Marasinians, the Sylvari
following their arrival, multitudes perished due to the knew they couldn’t be trusted. Aelorea was the next
dangers of the new continent – alien diseases, kingdom they encountered, but their meeting with
predatory beasts, and myriad other hazards. the theocracy did not go well. Finally, they landed at

r People of Mythosa s

Griffin’s Keep and were greeted warmly – if with a The Hearthstones

great deal of surprise – by the paladins of Lhyrna. Ages ago, the centers of dwarven cities were home
to gargantuan stones known as Hearthstones. A
Initially the Sylvari came to Lhyrna but over time Hearthstone was the literal representation of the
their ships found harbor in Zeldora, Talîsmarr, and Runir sense of family and community. They had a
Ilmara. Most of the elves that have returned are spiritual significance, though of a more abstract
engaged in exploration and reclamation – venturing nature than religious (the stones weren't objects of
into the wilderness to see what has become of their worship, for instance). The stones were also filled
fallen kingdoms and recover that which remains. with a mystic energy that the Runir never entirely
They also are looking to see how likely it would be understood but which they learned to draw upon to
that other elves could return, if they wished to, and – grant them selves special powers.
more importantly, whether the disease persists and
whether any major force exists that wishes to finish Through magical rituals, dwarves were bonded to the
the task the Marasinians started. Hearthstones of their cities to bring them closer to
their community and to allow them to utilize the
stones’ energies. This bonding would occur twice
during their lives for most dwarves. The first time
would take place during infancy; a ritual was
performed to bond a baby Runir to the stone. This
baptismal rite would grant little to the young dwarf
but it gave them a connection to their fellow Runir.
The second ritual was a “coming of age” ceremony
which a dwarf would participate in around the age of
40. This rite would deepen a Runir's bond with the
Hearthstone and grant them two special powers. The
first was telepathy with others bonded to the stone –
child or adult. The other power was selected by the
dwarf and was usually a reflection of their
personality or something intended to aid them in
their profession. Examples include toughening of the
Return of the Runir skin (granting natural armor), damage reduction
For years it was generally accepted that the dwarven against evil, improved skill with axes, or improved
Runir, one of the original “Root Races” created by crafting ability. Runir that became city elders –
the gods, had left their mountain homes over two leaders of the dwarven communities – went through
millenia ago and traveled into the west, never to be a third ritual which deepened their bonds with the
seen again. This assumption was proven false about Hearthstones even further, granting them additional
25 years ago by the Aaduan Devastation, which powers as well as greater responsibilities.
inadvertently brought about the return of the Runir.
The horrible truth was that they had never left but The Disappearance
had been imprisoned for centuries in their own Around 3500 BAR, with no forewarning the
cities. dwarven race as a whole seemed to disappear. The
human tribes and fledgling kingdoms that had
The circumstances surrounding the imprisonment of contact with the Runir found their cities and trading
the Runir as well as the details of their history prior posts abandoned and those few that dwelt outside
to that event are sketchy due to reasons described the dwarven domains left, never to be seen again
below. However, enough information has been (this may have contributed to the belief that all the
gathered to reconstruct what should be a relatively dwarves had left, but as described below, the reason
accurate history of that time for the Runir. for this was quite different and terrible). The Sylvari
may have been aware that something had happened
to the Runir but they paid little heed to the dwarves
and weren’t affected by their absence.

r People of Mythosa s

Unbeknownst to those outside the Runir cities, the The Runir Today
dwarves had become imprisoned inside the Today, the Runir are a small but growing people.
Hearthstones. How this happened, no one knows, Unfortunately, most of their race’s wisdom and
though there is rampant speculation; most believe knowledge was lost with the death of the adult
that the cause was the dwarves themselves, tinkering population as well as the raiding and destruction of
with the stones to perhaps increase their power. various dwarven cities. A wealth of dwarven lore had
Some believe that an enemy did something to the been plundered by Marasinia, but the majority of
Hearthstones and imprisoned the Runir, while a few that was destroyed with the fall of Kyrantheum. As
see a link between the construction of Aan and the such, like the Sylvari, one of the collective goals of
disappearance since both happened roughly at the the Runir is to recover as much of their lost lore and
same time in history. Whatever the case, the dwarves culture as they can.
that had bonded with the Hearthstones and were
within one or two days travel from their cities were The Runir of today lack the special abilities of their
drawn bodily into the magical rocks and placed into forebears, though they still possess traits such as
a kind of stasis. This situation would last for the next darkvision and a knack for mining and
two thousand years craftsmanship. They also still maintain a sense of
community, but it isn’t quite as strong as in the past.
The Release This can be seen in the morality and ethics of
The Runir were released from the Hearthstones modern dwarves; in the past, the Runir almost
around 25 years ago as a result of the Aaduan universally where lawful good, whereas the Runir of
Devastation. The massive release of the Chaos Orbs’ today are more likely to deviate from these beliefs.
malevolent energy shattered the Hearthstones Most are still lawful good, but there are a sizable
throughout the ancient dwarven cities. While this did number who are neutral good, chaotic good, or
grant the Runir their freedom, it came at a horrific lawful neutral. There are even a few Runir who are
cost. The more heavily bonded a dwarf was to a neutral or lawful evil, but virtually none that are
Hearthstone, the deeper they had been drawn into it. neutral evil, chaotic neutral, or chaotic evil. Modern
Unfortunately, the only Runir to survive the Runir are also far more promiscuous than their
shattering of the Hearthstones were those who were ancestors, who would undoubtedly disapprove of
farther from the center – those who had weaker their descendants’ activities despite understanding
bonds to the hearts of the stones. In other words – their obvious necessity.
only the children. The bonded adults and the
community elders – who likely were even deeper in The goblinoid races have always been – and yet
the Hearthstones – were killed. remain – enemies of the Runir. However, the
dwarves consider the followers of Aadu to be an
The surviving Runir did their best to protect one even greater adversary, as they were able to
another, with the older children protecting the accomplish something far beyond what any other
younger and the eldest taking on the adult roles of racial enemy had ever done – annhilation of the
leadership. Unfortunately, many fell prey to the entire adult dwarven population. Despite the fact
dangers of the Underworld as well as hostile that this was not the goal of the Anarchista (as far as
creatures and humanoids that had since occupied the anyone knows), the dwarves still harbor a burning
ruined dwarven cities. A sizable number managed to hatred against them since their Chaos Orbs were
survive, however, either by finding fellow dwarves responsible for the catastrophe.
and banding together to establish new strongholds
or by escaping to human territories. The latter soon Game Information: Dwarves gain a +2 racial bonus to
learned that their best hopes lay with the people of attack and damage rolls against priests and worshippers of
Essengard, Greyspire, and Calythir (particularly Aadu.
Essengard, which today boasts the largest population
of dwarves outside of Kharazgar), while they learned The Duergar
to avoid Ulthia, Malcythia, and Tarrvik, which While the Runir disappeared and were unseen for
offered only death or enslavement. two millenia, such was not the case for their evil
counterparts – the Duergar. However, there are no
records of Duergar activity prior to 3500 BAR,

r People of Mythosa s

which suggested – among other things – that the (regardless of class or multi-class). The numbers are
Runir had become the Duergar. This was a derived from the following assumptions:
moderately popular belief for some time, only
disproved with the return of the “good” Runir. But • The total population in the civilized realms of
that still left the questions of how the Duergar humans, Sylvari, and Runir is roughly
originated and why their appearance seemed to 80,000,000. This includes half-elves as well as
coincide with the disappearance of the Runir. half-orcs living in human communities.
• Slightly more than half of the people who are a
Human and dwarven sages studying the matter have given level advance to the next level. Lack of
concluded that the original theory was partially advancement is usually due to death, but
correct – the Duergar were Runir, but not all Runir retirement is not uncommon.
became Duergar. Rather, when most of the dwarves • Roughly one person per ten is a first-level
were pulled into the Hearthstones, some were too character.
far away and avoided the fate of their brethren.
However, the same event also resulted in the Level One per... Total
severing of their bonds with the stones. This loss 1 10 8,000,000
drove those dwarves to despair as the link to their 2 19 4,240,000
communities and extended Runic families 3 36 2,247,200
disappeared. They became a dark, brooding folk who 4 67 1,191,016
abandoned their old ways for the path of evil. 5 127 631,238
Eventually, these “grey” dwarves came together and 6 239 334,556
formed a new culture, markedly different from the 7 451 177,315
old. 8 851 93,977
9 1,606 49,808
10 3,030 26,398
11 5,718 13,991
12 10,789 7,415
13 20,356 3,930
14 38,406 2,083
15 72,463 1,104
16 136,752 585
17 258,064 310
18 478,805 164
19 919,540 87
20 1,739,130 46

This table does not account for characters who are of

one of the NPC classes; the corollary of the last
assertion listed above is that roughly nine people in
ten are of an NPC class (usually “commoner”). The
table also does not account for non-human,
“classed” creatures that live outside the human
kingdoms such as trolls, orcs, and giants.
Class Demographics
Low-level adventurers and mercenaries are common In addition to the population numbers listed earlier,
in Mythosa, while highly experienced characters are it may also be useful to know how classes are broken
rare. But what defines “common” and “rare” as far down by percentage. Certain classes require greater
as classes go? commitments than others and thus attract fewer
adherents. The classes and the percentage of
The table below gives a rough estimate of how many adventurers belonging to each are listed below:
characters there are in the world of a particular level

r People of Mythosa s

Class Percentage Clerics and Paladins

Fighter 25 Refer to the Divine and the Devoted supplements for
Rogue 16 ecclesiastic titles.
Barbarian 20
Ranger 11 Druids
Cleric 9 A druid’s title is “Ovate”, as in “Ovate {Name}”
Bard 5 Unlike clerics, the Myrshae do not differentiate
Druid 5 forms of address by rank, primarily because there is
Paladin 3 no temporal rank in the religion.
Sorcerer 3
Wizard 2 Monks
Monk 1
Monks are generally referred to as “Brother
{Name}” or “Sister {Name}”. Teachers or other
By applying these percentages to the population
authority figures in an order have the title of “Master
table, a rough estimate can be derived of how many
{Name}”, while the head of an order is addressed as
characters of a particular class there are at a given
“Grandmaster {Name}”. If addressing a monk when
level. For instance, if you wanted to know how many
their rank is known but their name is not, the correct
Level 15 Wizards there were, simply multiply 1,104
form of address is “Honorable {Rank}”, as in
by 2% (about 22). For Level 6 Barbarians, the
“Honorable Master”.
number is 20% times 334,556 or 66,910.
It must be remembered that these numbers are
The naming conventions for wizards actually
estimates. Just because a character is an 18th-level
originated ages ago in the Order of the Obsidian
Sorcerer doesn’t mean that if she kills the other two
Tower but came into common usage in the wizardly
she’ll be the only one. There may be another…there
community over the years.
might not be. In addition, characters are regularly
dying and retiring as well as advancing in level, so
specific people may not fall into a particular category Wizards who can cast spells up to the third level of
power are known as Initiates and are addressed as
for too long of a time.
“Initiate {Name}”. Those who can cast spells of the
fourth to the sixth level of power are addressed in a
like manner but are called Adepts. Wizards who have
distinguished themselves by mastering spells of the
seventh rank or higher have earned the title of Magus
and the address of “Magus {Name}”. Wizards who
have gone beyond the nine ranks of spells are known
as Paragons and are greeted with “Paragon {Name}”.

Monastic Orders
There are dozens of monastic orders in Ryh’ardha.
Most of them are small groups with a handful of
members and (ironically) little stability and less
longevity. There are a few orders, however, that
Class Titles boast hundreds or thousands of members and have
Titles and forms of address are generally a product the power to influence events across entire
of social rank or membership in an organization kingdoms. These orders are detailed below.
rather than a product of one’s profession. However,
some of the adventuring classes have official titles, Note: Most Mythosan monks may multiclass on a limited
or forms of address that are “unsanctioned” but are basis, depending on the nature of their order. Those below list
universally acknowledged. These are detailed below.

r People of Mythosa s

the classes with which multiclassing is allowed. Orders not faithful and are working to establish that belief as
listed here should be addressed by the DM. fact.

Disciples of the Lion Ivory Flame

Alignment: Lawful Good Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Monasteries: Lionsgate (primary), Ilidar, Ilmara Monasteries: Valdahar (primary), Essenmoor,
Membership: 1100 Zeldora
Multiclassing: Cleric (Baltur), paladin Membership: 650
Multiclassing: Cleric (Aeryandris)
The monks known as the Disciples of the Lion believe
that perfection may only be attained through good The monks of the Ivory Flame are dedicated to
works. To that end they have embarked on a crusade preserving the safety and sovereignty of Valdahar,
throughout Ryh’ardha to thwart evil in all its forms. which keeps them in almost constant conflict with
The Disciples of the Lion are not a secular neighboring Maraada, Syrhaat, and the Sith’aal of the
organization like many other monastic orders; they southern jungles. They are also ardent scholars who
have dedicated their lives to Baltur and believe that have established monasteries outside Valdahar to
their special abilities are gifts granted them by the help further their worldly knowledge. Autarch-tu
deity. The monks of this order are sworn enemies of Indrana Vadra, queen of Valdahar, is a member of
the Iron Dragons. this order.

Fists of the Desert Wind Jade Serpent

Alignment: Lawful Good Alignment: Lawful Evil
Monasteries: Shesada (primary), Qet Monasteries: Haadarat (primary), Khamir,
Membership: 800 Z’haar (rumored)
Multiclassing: Ranger Membership: 450
Multiclassing: Fighter, rogue
The Varghani Desert provides harsh training
grounds for the Fists of the Desert Wind. The ascetic The Brotherhood of the Jade Serpent is one of the
members of this order chose the desert to live and smallest of the major monastic orders but it is also
train in due to its unforgiving nature and its lack of one of the most ambitious. Most of their influence is
distraction. They do not seek out trouble, but when invested in the political struggles of Amaristan but
called upon by the outside world they will lend aid to they have recently begun working to extend their
causes they deem worthy of support. power into the other Southern Kingdoms and even
the Emerald Coast. It is rumored they are in league
Iron Dragons with the sorcerous Blood of Aan in Maraada as well,
Alignment: Lawful Evil working to undermine Valdahar and accelerate the
Monasteries: Urnsk (primary), Ivenmir, collapse of Syrhaat.
Khaarkuum, Sarenton, Zeldora
Membership: 3400 Painted Brotherhood
Multiclassing: Cleric (Azakhar), paladin of tyranny Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Monastery: Qeshan Mountains
The Iron Dragons sect is the largest monastic order in Membership: 300
the world. Like their Balturran counterparts – the Multiclassing: Sorcerer
Disciples of the Lion – the Iron Dragons are a religious
society. The monks are Azakhari zealots and believe The Painted Brotherhood is a small, engimatic order
that enlightenment may only be achieved through a headquartered in the Qeshan Mountains, almost
rigid adherence to a hierarchical structure which directly east of Tazadir. The monks of this order are
forgoes mercy and freedom. The Bloodknights and known for their myriad tattoos, which are imbued
Fists of Azakhar respect the Iron Dragons but with magical energy. The power of the tattoos can be
consider them to be inferiors; the monks, however, called upon to temporarily grant them special
see themselves as the proper masters of Azakhar’s abilities beyond their standard monastic training.

r People of Mythosa s

Silk Lightning
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Monasteries: Altesh (primary), Laharu, Immazu
Membership: 800
Multi-classing: Fighter, ranger

Syrhaat-based Silk Lightning restricts its membership

to women only. The sisters of this order are
dedicated to preserving the Dominion despite the
fact that it is in a steady decline. They generally will
be found in and around the Syrhaat peninsula,
working against the Maraadans as well as Valdahar's
Ivory Flame monks, who the Silk Lightning see as a
negative influence on Syrhaat's longevity.

New Feat: Elven Ancestry

Elven Ancestry [General]
Character must be human; can only be taken at 1st

While not a half-elf, a character with this feat has
some elven traits due to having elven relatives
somewhere in their ancestry. One benefit from the
list below may be selected when this feat is chosen:
• Immunity to sleep spells and similar magical
effects, and a +2 racial bonus on saving throws
against enchantment spells or effects.
• Low-Light Vision: Same as a half-elf.
• +1 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot
• +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Gather
Information checks.

A human with Elven Ancestry is still considered a
human for all effects related to race unless otherwise

r Treasures of Mythosa s

Chapter III:
Treasures of Mythosa

From the mundane to the unique, Mythosa is not

Calavaasel was once a common wine among the
short of its treasures. This chapter describes those Sylvari, and the libation most likely to be shared with
listed below: their non-elven brethren. It is a light red wine with a
wonderful, sweet taste. It acts as a mild stimulant,
• Notable Wines and Spirits eliminating the need for sleep when consumed in
small amounts. Calavaasel is currently produced in
• Gems and Ores
Tyr Aegas and in the Miradese town of Highwood,
• The Magic of Gemstones by the half-elven Ilendur family using recipes passed
• Magic Items and Artifacts down from their Sylvari ancestors. The Ilendurran
wine is not quite as potent as the original elven
Calavaasel, but it is still quite popular. Interestingly,
the Tyr Aegas vintage tastes no different, suggesting
Notable Wines and Spirits that either the original formula recipe was lost or a
Wine, ale, and mead are common throughout the necessary ingredient is no longer available.
kingdoms, but the potables listed below are
particularly rare or unique. Game Information: Drinking a glass of “original” wine
acts as the equivalent of 8 hours of rest; drinking a “new”
Amareth Wine bottle is the same as resting for 4 hours. Consuming a
Amareth is perhaps the rarest of all rare wines. It was second bottle within the same period of time confers no
originally made by the Sylvari, but like almost all benefits and causes the drinker to be dazed for 1d6
their wines, the secret of making it disappeared with rounds.
Market Price: 600 gp/bottle (original), 300 gp/bottle
them (though the Sylvari have returned, it seems the
recipe has been lost or has not been brought out of
Elthanamir). Even before the elven exodus it was a
rarity, as they produced a batch of Amareth only Nine Days Dead Ale
once every 25 years. Found only in ancient hoards “Nine Days Dead” is the name of a particular brand
and private collections, the highly coveted Amareth of ale brewed by the Brimstone Brewery in the city-
is said to be the finest thing a person could ever state of Ilmara. This hefty stout has gained enough
taste. popularity that the brewery exports barrels of it to
various cities of the Emerald Coast, with Zeldora
Game Information: This wine has an exceptionally fine being its biggest buyer. It is certainly an acquired
taste and is likely the best thing the drinker could ever taste, as it leaves a bitter aftertaste, though that tends
consume. If a glass of it is imbibed by a human, dwarf, to be lessened if the ale is served with a rye bread
minotaur, gnoll, or lizardfolk, he will be in a state of (the darker, the better). Nine Days Dead is one of
euphoria for 1 week (this state results in a +4 morale the few human brews that the Runir consider worth
bonus to Will saves against effects dealing with fear, pain, drinking.
and other negative feelings). Orcs, half-orcs, goblins,
ogres, and similar creatures who drink this wine must
Game Information: Consumption of a pint of this ale
make a Fortitude save (DC 25), or be struck dead. There
will grant the drinker +1 to rolls for attacks and saving
are no special effects for elves or half-elves, other than the
throws for 30 minutes, but at the end of that time the
wonderful taste.
effect is reversed for the following 30 minutes.
Market Price: 1500 gp/bottle (elves: 2500 gp)
Market Price: 400 gp/keg

r Treasures of Mythosa s

Nythiral Wine Sylvanblood Wine

This light, white wine was yet another elven creation. This loathsome beverage originated in western
Originally intended to be a dessert wine, the Sylvari Marasinia. It was created by a group of sorcerers
discovered that the wine augmented the magic of who performed experiments on captured Sylvari
wizards (of any race) by lengthening the duration of (prior to that race’s exodus). Sylvanblood Wine, as
their spells. Tyr Aegas has started producing Nythiral the name implies, is the mingling of a typical red
again, and the city-state of Spÿre still retains a large wine with the actual blood of elves. Consumption of
stock from the days prior to the Sylvari plague. the wine confers some of the traits of the Sylvari on
the drinker for a short time. This may have been the
Game Information: If an arcane spellcaster drinks a glass purpose of the sadistic Marasinians’ experiments, or
of this wine, his spells will be treated as if they were just an unexpected side effect; it’s hard to say given
prepared with the Extend Spell feat for the next hour. the Marasinians’ twisted agendas. Possession of
Market Price: 900 gp/bottle Sylvanblood Wine is particularly offensive to Sylvari
and half-elves, who prefer to see any remaining stock

Game Information: Consuming a glass of this wine will

give the drinker immunity to magic sleep spells and
effects, a +2 profane bonus to saves versus enchantment
spells and effects, and low-light vision. These effects last
for 24 hours. Consuming this wine willingly while
knowing its nature is an evil act.
Market Price: 200 gp/bottle

While the brutish Orcs do not recognize the goddess
Alyara, some tribes honor a minor deity they call
“Goru-Tahk”. Shamans of Goru-Tahk periodically
Skahzim brew a vile ale dubbed “Tahku”, which they
Skahzim is also known as “Gladiator’s Grog”. It is a distribute to Orcish warriors before major battles.
thick, heavy drink with a nutty smell and a most Tahku is a yellowish-green in color, and has a
repugnant taste. Skahzim temporarily increases the nauseating smell which resembles the odor of stale
drinker’s combat abilities, but at the cost of leaving sweat. Orcs and their kin savor this ale, while others
them exhausted after the effects of the drink wear find it repulsive.
off. The “Gladiator’s Grog” originated in Ulthia’s
fighting pits, with competitors using it to gain an Game Information: When a pint of this ale is quaffed by
edge in their battles. Its use in gladitorial combat was a bugbear, goblin, hobgoblin, kobold, ogre, half-orc, or
banned in the Imperium, but it has since found its orc, they gain a +2 enhancement bonus to CON, and a -2
way to other kingdoms. In these realms it tends to be enhancement penalty to WIS and INT. These effects last
purchased by warriors, adventurers, and other people for 1 hour. If drunk by another type of being, they must
in violent professions. make a Fortitude save (DC 20), or be blinded for 1 hour
and nauseated for 3d6 rounds.
Market Price: 40 gp/keg
Game Information: A person who drinks a pint of this
grog is affected in the same manner as a barbarian who
has gone into a rage. This state is the same as that Thorgar Ale
described in the PHB, except that the drinker is exhausted Thorgar ale is a heavy, rich drink, sometimes called
rather than fatigued at the end of the rage. Drinking “Delver’s Brew” by its original Runir makers.
another bottle while the first is still in effect does not Thorgar has a hearty taste, thick and full-bodied,
confer additional bonuses, but it can be used to prolong
though it seems rather harsh until one has grown
the duration of the rage.
Market Price: 600 gp/keg
used to it. The ale is supposed to be very nutritious,
and was used by dwarves on extended explorations
of the Underworld for sustenance. The Runir of

r Treasures of Mythosa s

Kharazgar are slowly starting to make new batches, will happen within the next week (similar to a divination
but there is still a fairly ample supply of it available, spell). Note that this effect is only similar to the listed
most of it coming from plundered dwarven cities spells and is not the same thing (spells cannot be cast
and strongholds. through the “vision” as can be done with scrying, for
instance). Again, it is up to the DM to decide exactly what
the person sees. The divinatory vision need not be
Game Information: Drinking a pint of this ale foregoes something that relates to the character drinking the mead.
the need for food and water for a period of one week. A Market Price: 1000 gp/bottle
second pint consumed within seven days of the first yields
no benefit. A third pint consumed within the same period
results in the drinker being nauseated for 1d4+1 hours.
Market Price: 200 gp/keg
Gems and Ores
Most people are familiar with the typical gems and
metals of the world: rubies, diamonds, iron, silver,
Val’Suul is an addictive Drakari brew, crafted from
etc. There are some earthen treasures, however, that
fungi found in the Underworld. The dark elves do
are substantially rarer or more unusual than these.
not drink it themselves; rather, they make it
specifically for sale to surface-worlders. Drinking
Val’Suul makes a person more agile and more Iryx
charismatic for a short time, but leaves them feeling Iryx, a porous and opaque type of quartz, is an
weak and exhausted afterwards. For some, this trade- extremely rare gem. It is a source of magic-negating
off is acceptable, and they continue to purchase the power; a piece of iryx will nullify magical effects used
drink. Val’Suul is illegal in most kingdoms, but it is against it or which come near it. Because of this, the
easily obtainable on the black market. gem is not particularly valuable to most people. The
anti-magic Aeloreans, however, prize iryx and use it
Game Information: A pint of this potable grants the
to protect their cities, fortresses, and soldiers.
drinker a +2 enhancement bonus to DEX and a +4
enhancement bonus to CHR for 2 hours. Afterwards, the Game Information: An average-sized iryx gem projects a
enhancement bonuses disappear and the drinker suffers a field around itself that is equivalent to the spell antimagic
-6 enhancement penalty to CON. The brew also has a field, though the duration is permanent. Larger gems
medium addiction rating. project a larger field.
Market Price: 2400 gp/keg Market Price: 1000 gp (average-sized and assuming a
buyer can be found)

White Lotus Mead

White Lotus Mead is the common name for
“Marduga mead”. It was originally created by the
herbalist Marduga in the city-state of Tazadir.
Though the herbalist has been dead for many
decades, production of the mead continues to the
present day. It is a light drink with a milky
consistency and a sharp taste. A glass of White Lotus
mead puts the drinker in a hallucinogenic state for Oakstone
about an hour. Some people claim that the Unlike most gems, oakstones are not a product of
hallucinations seen during this time are not simply the earth, but of a tree. An oakstone is the seed of a
mental illusions, but actual glimpses of future tree known as the jeweled oak. It is about the size of
happenings. an acorn, but is as hard as a ruby. Oakstones are
translucent, reddish-brown in color, and contain
Game Information: Drinking a glass of this mead will branch-like inclusions. They are very rare, since
put a person into a trance-like state for one hour (treat jeweled oaks grow only in the Havenwood forest;
this as being dazed). During this hour, they will perceive a the many Dendrites there make their harvest quite
variety of visions, the nature of which is left to the DM. dangerous. While some people are suspicious and
There is a 5% chance during this time that one of these even fearful of oakstones (believing they are
visions will either reveal something that is currently
happening (similar to a scrying spell) or something that

r Treasures of Mythosa s

connected to the Shadrathu), others prize the unique

gems and pay handsomely for them.

Game Information: These gems are in the same value

category as alexandrites and black pearls.
Market Price: 2d4x100 gp (500 gp average)

The rare ore orichalcum, more commonly known as
“mana dust”, is extremely useful in the creation of Soulstone
magic items. Without this mineral, enchantments A soulstone is a magical gemstone that looks
placed on weapons, armor, rings, and other items virtually identical to a diamond but which emanates a
costs their creator a measure of his life force. faint luminescence. It has the power to trap the soul
Powdered orichalcum allows a wizard to avoid this of one who dies near it. This can be a boon, as it
cost as it is consumed in the crafting rather than the prevents the soul from passing on to the Far Realms.
wizard's experience. However, evil spellcasters can also tap into the
power of a spirit trapped in a soulstone and drain it
For the most part, the orichalcum trade in Ryh’ardha for their own nefarious purposes.
is controlled by House Zelradas. The artificers of
Zelradas have tried to maintain a monopoly on the Game Information: If a character dies while having a
creation of magic items over the years, primarily with soulstone on his person, his soul is trapped within until
control of who could be taught Item Creation feats. the gem is shattered, used in a resurrection, or drained by a
This has proven to be somewhat difficult so they spellcaster. A soulstone has hardness 8, 10 hp, and a Break
have focused their efforts on orichalcum; it is easier DC of 25. If it is destroyed, the soul is released and goes
for Zelradas to control the distribution of a physical on to the afterlife in the standard fashion.
product rather than contain the proliferation of
No roll is necessary for raising or resurrecting a character
knowledge. This hasn’t stopped mages from making whose soul is in a soulstone as it is not being returned
magic items, but it discourages wanton creation due from the afterlife. No time limit applies either, though the
to the inherent cost when orichalcum is unavailable. condition of the body is still a factor.

Most orichalcum deposits and reserves are in the A spellcaster may drain the life energy from a soul trapped
hands of Zelradas. In recent years, however, their in one of these gems to power their magic. While a spell is
monopoly has been threatened. The church of being cast, character levels may be drained from the gem
Aeryandris, once a customer of the House Zelradas, to make the spell more difficult to avoid. For each level
has become more proficient in locating and drained, the DC of the spell increases by 2. To
exploiting the ore. In addition, House Argentus has successfully accomplish this, the caster must make a
Spellcraft check against DC 10 + 5 per level drained;
used some of their resources to develop orichalcum failure indicates that the levels are not drained and the
mines. Zelradas still dominates the market, spell DC is unaffected. Levels drained from a spirit in a
controlling an estimated 80% of the known soulstone that is later raised or resurrected are lost and
orichalcum deposits and reserves, but they are not cannot be regained with a restoration spell. If all the levels
content with the growing threat of the Aeryandrites of a trapped soul are drained, the stone crumbles into
and House Argentus. powder. Draining levels from a trapped soul is an evil act.

Game Information: Orichalcum may be used as a A soulstone has an aura of faint conjuration when empty;
“power component” to offset or neutralize the XP cost of when it contains a soul, the strength depends on the level
magic item creation. Every dram of orichalcum used in of the entity inside: moderate for 1-10 levels or HD,
the item creation process is equivalent to one experience strong for 11-20, and overwhelming for 21 or higher.
point. The orichalcum is consumed in the creation Soulstones occur naturally and cannot be crafted with
process. Item Creation feats.

Market Price: 5 gp per dram (average) Market Price: 1500 gp (empty); value varies if a soulstone
is “filled”, though the buyers will generally be restricted to
evil spellcasters.

r Treasures of Mythosa s

Wildstone grass and leaves sprout from the caster’s skin;

Wildstone is a translucent form of reddish-colored all doors (unlocked, locked, secret, etc.) within
quartz with multi-colored, swirled inclusions. It is 50 feet of the caster swing open; all non-
organic, non-magical material within 10 feet of
nearly the opposite of iryx (described above). A
the caster turns to dust; all magic items
wildstone gem generates a chaotic field around itself currently within 50 feet of the caster glow
which causes magical effects to be warped and brightly for 2d4 days; the caster’s skin turns
changed, sometimes in good ways, other times in bright blue for 2d4 days; sex of caster changes,
not-so-good ways. Wildstone has little value beyond etc.)
being a novelty due to its unpredictable nature. A random non-magical item within 50 feet of
15 the caster is made permanently magical
Game Information: An average-sized wildstone gem (randomly determine its new properties)
generates a magic-warping area with a 10-foot radius A random magical item within 50 feet of the
emanation with it at the center. Spells cast within this area caster is made permanently non-magical
(including spell-like effects, but not supernatural or Everything within 30 feet of the caster receives
extraordinary abilities) are subject to the effects of the 17 the effects of a heal spell, unless it is Undead, in
wildstone. The DM may decide what those effects are, or which case it receives the effects of a harm spell
the table below can be used. Effects that don’t make sense Caster is instantly transported to an elemental
or wouldn’t apply should be re-rolled. If the effect listed plane (determined randomly)
does not directly bear on the spell cast, the effect below 19 A dispel magic effect
replaces the spell’s desired effect and components, XP, Roll twice on this table (re-roll additional results
etc. are consumed and slots or uses are expended. of 20)

d20 Result Market Price: 50 gp

Nothing happens; components, XP, etc. are
1 consumed and slots/uses expended as if the
spell worked
The spell does not function,; none if its The Magic of Gemstones
2 components are lost, and no slots/uses are In addition to their inherent value, both as luxury
expended items as well as components for certain magic,
Spell functions as normal; none if its gemstones possess other qualities as well. Each of
3 components are lost, and no slots/ uses are
the gems and precious stones that may be generated
All variable effects of the spell (anything based from the DMG is listed below along with any
on a random roll) are minimized, regardless of particular qualities it may possess.
any feats that may have been used to enhance
the spell (if any) Gaming Note: In the interest of expedience, if a
Spell is Empowered (as the metamagic feat; if character possesses a stone that may help them in a
already Empowered, it is Empowered again) situation but the player neglects to mention it (or is
Spell is Enlarged (as the metamagic feat; if unaware), do not apply its effects after-the-fact.
already Enlarged, it is Enlarged again) Simply assume that it did not “activate” for some
Spell is Extended (as the metamagic feat; if reason. Naturally, the character shouldn’t lose the
already Extended, it is Extended again)
Spell is Heightened (as the metamagic feat;
gem if they didn’t receive its benefit.
increases the effective spell level by one)
Spell is Maximized (as the metamagic feat; if Note: When a specific spell is mentioned, the effects of the gemstone
9 in question apply only to that spell. For instance, invisibility refers
already Maximized, no effect)
Spell functions as normal, but is centered on the to that spell, not mass invisibility or greater invisibility. Some
10 spells listed refer to multiple spells (such as cure). When in doubt, if
caster (if the caster is already the center, re-roll)
Spell has a minimum duration of 1 turn, even if there is a single spell with the specific name listed, assume that the
11 gemstone affects only that spell.
its normal duration is instantaneous
12 Caster polymorphs into a random creature
A portal to the lower planes opens and a Also, any gem which must be swallowed is consumed by the magic it
13 random evil outsider comes through (not under releases and will not “pass” to be used again. Swallowed gems are
the caster’s control) only effective for creatures of size Small or greater; smaller creatures
Some bizarre, not directly damaging effect takes cannot swallow sufficiently sized gems at all.
place (DM’s choice; some examples include:

r Treasures of Mythosa s

Agate, banded: Sleeping for a full night (eight Chalcedony: Provides a +1 sacred bonus to AC for
hours) with a banded agate touching the head will its bearer against skeletons and zombies. After a
restore one additional hit point beyond the standard character is attacked by such creatures, the gem
one hit point per character level. crumbles into worthless dust (regardless of whether
the attack hit).
Agate, eye: An arcane spellcaster who sleeps with
an eye agate touching his head only needs seven Chrysoberyl: Grants a +1 circumstance bonus to
hours of sleep to be rested enough to cast his spells. Will saves against possession attempts, such as being
Upon the caster’s awakening, the agate fades to the target of a magic jar spell. Regardless of success or
nothingness. failure, the chrysoberyl shatters into worthless
fragments when the saving throw is rolled.
Agate, moss: If added as a material component, will
make one additional berry magical in the casting of a Chrysoprase: If swallowed while under the effect of
goodberry spell. an invisibility spell will extend the spell’s duration by
twelve seconds (two rounds). Only one such gem
Alexandrite: Changes color if a shapechanger will grant this effect per invisibility casting.
comes within 15 feet while not in its natural form
(the stone changes to red in daylight, green in
magical light or the light of a flame). The third time
this happens, an alexandrite loses all tint and
becomes a worthless piece of glass.

Amber: If a person who has contracted a disease

consumes honey mixed with ground amber, he will
receive a +1 circumstance bonus on his next
Fortitude save to fight off the disease.

Amethyst: If dropped into an alcoholic drink will

dissolve and negate the effects of the alcohol.
Additionally, if the drink is poisoned, the imbiber
receives a +1 circumstance bonus to his Fortitude Citrine: May be used to add a +2 competence bonus
saves against the poison. to a single Perform check. After its use, the citrine
crumbles into valueless powder.
Aquamarine: Continually grants the bearer a +1
competence bonus on Swim checks. Coral: Provides a +1 circumstance bonus to AC if
the bearer is on (or in) a river or sea. It provides no
Azurite: Using paint mixed with an azurite grants a bonus if the bearer is on a lake or other still body of
+1 competence bonus to Craft (painting) checks. water.

Bloodstone: If someone is casting a cure or heal spell Corundum, fiery yellow: When worn next to the
on a character suffering from an “infernal wound” skin (as an earring or a ring), provides a continual +1
(such as that inflicted by a bearded devil’s glaive), insight bonus to Knowledge checks.
adding a bloodstone as a material component will
grant a +2 circumstance bonus to the caster level Corundum, rich purple: If the names of the sun
check (the bloodstone is consumed in the casting). and moon are carved into it and it is worn around
Using a powdered bloodstone in a Heal check to the neck, provides a +1 resistance bonus to saves
stop the wound’s blood loss will garner the same against spells and spell-like abilities.
Diamond, blue: When worn on a ring, confers a
Carnelian: If added as a material component, will continual +2 circumstance bonus on Fortitude saves
extend the duration of a protection from evil spell by against poison.
twelve seconds (two rounds).

r Treasures of Mythosa s

Diamond, blue-white: When worn as an earring undead are immune to this effect, as are creatures
(considered in the same group as hats or helmets), greater than 10 HD.
grants electricity resistance 5.
Jade: Provides its bearer a +1 circumstance bonus to
Diamond, brown: If set into a drinking vessel, saving throws versus the spells or spell-like abilities
moisture will form on its surface if poison is present of evil creatures or NPCs when the wearer is a
in the vessel’s contents. target. After the first such time the bonus applies,
the jade vaporizes.
Diamond, canary: Provides a continual +2 insight
bonus to skill checks based on Intelligence when Jasper: Drinking tea in which a jasper stone has
worn in an amulet or necklace. been steeped adds a +1 circumstance bonus to the
Fortutide save for avoiding a poison’s secondary
Diamond, pink: When worn on a ring, confers a damage. The tea must be consumed between the
continual +3 competence bonus to Perform skill initial and secondary saves, and the jasper dissolves
checks. in the process.

Emerald: Provides a continual +1 competence Jet: If added as a material component, will add 2
bonus to skill checks based on Wisdom. Clear, bright points of damage to any spell with the “electricity”
green emeralds (those worth 5,000 gp) bestow a +2 descriptor.
Lapis lazuli: Grants a +1 morale bonus for one
Garnet, brown-green: Will cause an extra point of attack roll and then crumbles to dust. If the bearer is
damage on a successful hit if used as a sling bullet. a noble with land holdings, the bonus increases to
The garnet is destroyed whether it hits or not. +2.

Garnet, red: When worn around the neck as a Malachite: Provides a continual +2 sacred bonus to
talisman or necklace, grants darkvision (as the spell) AC when worn by a child or a pregnant woman.
for one hour. At the end of this time, the garnet
loses its luster and becomes a worthless stone. Moonstone: Provides a +2 circumstance bonus to
bearer’s AC if attacked by a lycanthrope and then
Garnet, violet: If placed in the mouth of someone vaporizes. If the possessor was given the moonstone
who is paralyzed, a violet garnet will dissolve and act by his lover, the circumstance bonus is +4.
as a remove paralysis spell. It will also restore 1d8+3 hit
points in the process. Obsidian: If added as a material component to the
keen edge spell, increases the number of projectiles
Golden yellow topaz: The first time fire is used affected to 55.
against the bearer, a topaz provides them with fire
resistance 15. One hour later, the topaz vaporizes. Onyx: If added as a material component to the song
of discord spell, increases an affected creature’s chance
Hematite: Can be used in the same manner as to attack its nearest neighbor to 55%.
bloodstone, but only provides a +1 circumstance
bonus. Opal, black: Provides its bearer a +4 circumstance
bonus to saving throws versus the spells or spell-like
Iolite: Provides the bearer with electricity resistance abilities of outsiders when the wearer is a target.
1 (this resistance doesn’t stack). After the first time After the first such time the bonus applies, the opal
the iolite’s resistance is used, it shatters into dust. shatters into dust.

Jacinth: Striking a creature with a jacinth (requires a Opal, fire: Grants a +2 circumstance bonus to
touch attack roll, either melee or ranged) causes it to Reflex saves versus spells with the “fire” descriptor.
fall into a catatonic slumber for 3d6 X 10 minutes if This bonus begins the first time the bearer is subject
it fails a Will save against DC 20. Constructs and to a “fire” spell and lasts for 2d6+2 rounds. After
this time the opal turns to ash.

r Treasures of Mythosa s

Opal, white: If powdered and added to a liquid, will dematerialize but grant the bearer the effects of an
restore the eyesight of the drinker (as the remove endure elements spell.
blindess spell).
Quartz, rose: Grants a +1 circumstance bonus to
Pearl, black: Possessor receives a +3 circumstance Diplomacy checks made towards someone the
bonus to saving throws against spells or spell-like bearer has a romantic interest in. The quartz
abilities from the compulsion subschool (compulsion vaporizes after its use.
is a subschool of enchantment). After the first such
time the bonus applies, the black pearl loses its Quartz, smoky: Grants a +1 circumstance bonus
ebony hue and becomes a normal freshwater pearl against fear effects. Crumbles into worthless dust
(value 10 gp). after use.

Pearl, freshwater: Provides a +1 circumstance Quartz, star rose: Same as rose quartz above, but 2
bonus to Will saves against enchantment spells or in 6 chance of granting a +2 bonus.
spell-like abilities for people or creatures with less
than 2 levels or hit dice and who are good or neutral. Rhodochrosite: Grants a +1 competence bonus to
Deteriorates into dust after the first such use. one Diplomacy check. After the bonus is used, the
stone transforms into a worthless piece of granite.
Pearl, golden: If swallowed, grants a +1
circumstance bonus to the next Fortitude save made Sapphire, black star: If touched to an item
within the next four hours. The save must be made illuminated by light, continual flame, daylight, or a similar
while the character is in sunlight. spell, will dispel the magic and return the item to its
normal state. This can be done three times, after
Pearl, pink: If crushed and the powder put into a which the gem turns to worthless dust.
drink, the drinker receives a +1 circumstance bonus
on his next Fortitude save against a poison that was Sapphire, blue: Grants a continual +1 resistance
delivered through ingestion or inhalation. bonus against hold spells and spell-like abilities.

Pearl, silver: If swallowed, grants a +1 circumstance Sapphire, blue star: Grants a continual +1
bonus to the next Fortitude save made within the resistance bonus against spells and spell-like abilities
next four hours. The save must be made while the with the “evil” descriptor.
character is in moonlight.
Sard: If added as a material component, will extend
Pearl, white: If crushed and the powder put into a the duration of a protection from good spell by twelve
drink, the drinker receives a +1 circumstance bonus seconds (two rounds).
on his next Fortitude save against a disease that was
contracted through ingestion or inhalation. Sardonyx: Confers the effects of a sanctuary spell if
swallowed (standard action). The spell effects last for
Peridot: If a person suffering from cackle fever, three rounds and the Will save DC is 12.
demon fever, or filth fever drinks tea in which a
peridot has been steeped, he will receive a +1 Spinel, red: Makes up to one gallon of water
circumstance bonus on their next Fortutide save potable if crushed and sprinkled into it. The spinel
against the disease. The peridot is dissolved in the doesn’t neutralize any poison in the water but will
process. negate any non-magical disease it may contain.

Quartz, blue: If added as a material component, will Spinel, red-brown: See Spinel, Red.
extend the duration of a lullaby spell by one round.
Spinel, deep green: If powdered and added to a
Quartz, clear (rock crystal): If a rock crystal is held liquid, the drinker heals one point of damage.
in the right hand, covered with desert sand or melted
snow, and then squeezed between both hands, it will Spinel, deep blue: Acts as a knock spell when
struck against a door or portal sealed with an arcane

r Treasures of Mythosa s

lock spell. The spinel is crushed into powder in the weapon or shield may be wielded in the hand
process. holding the banner.

Ruby, star: Becomes darker in hue if someone or A more powerful version of this item, the Balturic
something of opposite alignment to the bearer War Banner, is often carried into battle by the Shields
comes within 15 feet (this function does not of Baltur. The War Banner works in the same
manifest for bearers who are completely neutral and manner, but doubles the bonuses and penalties (+2
is blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common and -2) and extends the effect to a 60’ radius.
metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt).
If powdered and consumed, provides a +2 This item will not function if the bearer is not good-
circumstance bonus to saving throws against aligned.
necromancy for one hour.
Moderate enchantment and necromancy; CL 7th; Craft
Tiger eye: Provides a +1 dodge bonus to AC Wondrous Item, prayer, death ward; Price 36,000 gp (battle
against creatures that have the “earth” type. After the standard), 70,000 gp (war banner); Weight 15 lb.
first attack by an “earth” creature, regardless of
whether or not the bearer is actually hit, the tiger eye
shatters into dust. The Gold Codex
Ages ago, the god Aeryandris gave a great tome to
Tourmaline: Adds a +1 circumstance bonus to each of the four priests who founded his church.
saving throws against energy drain. The tourmaline Each of these books is known as a Gold Codex and
turns to powder after it is used. contains the essential prayers and myths of the
Aeryandrite faith as well as a variety of magical
Turquoise: Will turn white (and worthless) if placed powers.
against the skin of a person who has contracted a
disease, even if the disease is still in its incubation The Gold Codex is a large book measuring sixteen
period. inches by twenty-four inches by three inches. Its
pages are plates made of gold, hammered to 1/32
Zircon: Grants a +1 circumstance bonus to Reflex inch thickness. The text on each page appears to be
saves versus spells with the “fire” descriptor. Zircon silver etched into the plate. The covers of the Codex
turns to ash after being used in this fashion. are slabs of mahogany covered with stretched blue
dragon hide (the “gold” adjective refers to the
book’s contents). Ornate silver corner pieces and an
elaborate silver clasp adorn the outside of the book,
Magic Items and Artifacts and the front cover is inlaid with the symbol of
Aeryandris, formed of powered diamond and
Balturic Battle Standard turquoise.
This item is an azure gonfalon, emblazoned with a
gold Balturic Cross and attached to a 12’-tall pole. While four Codices are known to exist, only the
When raised, the standard grants a +1 morale bonus locations of two are known. One is in the Golden
on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, and saves to Athenaeum in Zeldora, while the other is in the
the bearer and all allies within a 30' radius who can Aeryandrite temple in Hadira. Of the other two, one
see the banner. Enemies of the bearer suffer a -1 had been held by the Loremasters of Stalis, but it
penalty on similar rolls. When held by a paladin, the was stolen from them in 498 AR. The other was lost
banner confers the effect of a death ward spell to her in 516 AR when Shukara raiders from the Skesgart
allies as well. Sea attacked and pillaged Celigast; the city’s temple
of Aeryandris was looted and burned, and its
The standard bearer can move at one-half speed if treasures stolen by the raiders.
the banner is held in one hand, at full speed if held in
two. The bearer can take a double move if the The Gold Codex is a minor artifact, with the powers
banner is held in two hands, but they cannot run. No listed below:

r Treasures of Mythosa s

• Writing in the book is legible to anyone who is caravan/fleet suffer a -1 penalty to

literate. It appears in the language the person can attack and damage rolls
read, or the one they are most familiar with if • Neutral good, neutral, and neutral evil characters
they are literate in multiple languages. who do not have Aeryandris as their patron lose
• Eight hours spent reading the book grants the 1,000 XP permanently each time they attempt to
reader a +30 insight bonus to a knowledge peruse the book. Chaotic characters lose 3,000
check for any one specific question. This XP.
question may only be posed once. The same
question when asked again by anyone (regardless
of wording) will not be answered. Because of
this, the Acolytes in Zeldora and Hadira
generally record answers that are received so
they are able to refer to them again in the future.
Acolytes are the only ones allowed to use the
books and thus ask the question for the
supplicant. This ensures both the safety of the
book as well as the veracity of the answer. The
knowledge bonus applies to checks based on
existing fact – it is not divination. This power
will only work for someone who has Aeryandris
as their patron. The Cup of Khatra
The Cup of Khatra is a large chalice, large enough
• The Codex radiates an aura equivalent to a magic
that it requires two hands to lift. It is made of beaten
circle against chaos in a 100 foot radius. The aura
gold with silver band along the rim. The outside of
also acts as a true seeing within its area
the cup is adorned with platinum glyphs and sixteen
• Studying the book for eight hours grants the gems (each worth 3,000 gp). The Cup continuously
reader a +10 insight bonus to Diplomacy skill radiates a soft white light.
checks for the following week. Four weeks must
be pass before this benefit can be received again. The Cup was created ages ago in one of the myriad
This power will only work for someone who has realms that emerged from the collapse of Khemsa. It
Aeryandris as his patron. was fashioned by a cabal of priests who served the
• Once per week, a cleric of Aeryandris may use goddess Nesheri (Alyara) to help stem an unnatural
the Codex to bestow the Merchant’s Blessing. This plague that was devastating their kingdom. The ritual
benediction may be applied to a caravan or drained the clerics of their life’s energies, but they
trading fleet and starts at the next sunset. The chose to sacrifice themselves to save their people.
caravan/fleet receives the following benefits: The five priests of the cabal have since been listed in
o The speed of all vehicles, people, and the annals of Alyara’s saints.
animals in the group increases by 20%.
o People and animals may exert The cabal was successful in their attempt to stop the
themselves for up to 10 hours before plague, but shortly after, the Cup was lost.
there is a chance of fatigue setting in. Eventually it found its way into the vaults of
o All intelligent members of the caravan Karthys, an ancient city-state in the southern
or fleet are treated as having the alertness Varghani. A subsequent war with the ancient
feat if they do not already possess it. Varghani queen Neferetis saw the city pillaged and
o If attacked, the people and animals in the Cup seized. It lay among the treasure of
the caravan/fleet are treated as having a Neferetis’s tomb until recently, when a band of
+2 dodge bonus to AC; in addition, mercenaries recovered it for the White Temple of
those fighting specifically in defense of Shesada. It is currently in the possession of the
the caravan/fleet gain a +1 insight Temple’s priesthood.
bonus to attack and damage rolls, while
those specifically attacking the The Cup of Khatra continually radiates an aura of
hallowed goodness around itself, up to a 10’ radius.

r Treasures of Mythosa s

The aura acts identically to a hallow spell, with a bless dwarven runelore, Njorask crafted a large maul-like
effect for creatures of good alignment. It may also be weapon which was intended to be a prototype for
used to create potions. Ordinary water can be many others to use against the Marasinians’ devices.
poured into the cup and turned into potions once Unfortunately, the effort of creating the Hammer
per week. Up to five levels of cure spells may be was too much for Njorask and his team and they
created, up to and including cure critical wounds were unable to make another before the Mystarchs’
(normally not possible as it’s a 4th level spell). assassins struck them down.
Possible combinations include five cure light wounds
potions (1d8+1), a cure serious wounds potion (3d8+5) Fortunately for Alabrinun, a hero whose name is lost
and a cure moderate wounds (2d8+3), a cure critical wounds to history had the Hammer – given to him before
(4d8+7) potion and a cure light wounds potion the assassins arrived – and used it to great effect
(1d8+1), etc. In addition, if water is drunk directly when the main Alabrine army met the Marasinians
from the cup, it will act as a remove disease spell on the forces. In the ensuing battle, the hero was able to
drinker, curing diseases even if a normal remove destroy the device the Mystarchs’ were using to
disease spell is ineffective against them. This power control the fiendish elements of their soldiery. The
will also make the drinker immune to whatever ensuing chaos forced the evil mages to retreat. While
ailment they were afflicted with for one year. If the they always intended to return to Alabrinun to finish
drinker was suffering from multiple diseases, they are what they started, concerns elsewhere kept them
cured of all of them, but they will gain immunity occupied and subsequently kept the small northern
only to one, either the most severe or one selected at kingdom free of their yoke (given that the Hammer
random. This power will not work again for a could only destroy an item of great power once a
drinker until a year’s time has passed. century, the Alabrines were lucky they need not face
Marasinia a second time).

Game Statistics: The hammer is a +5 evil outsider bane,

disruption, thundering maul (refer to CW or another
sourcebook as appropriate for statistics). It has the
additional ability to destroy other artifacts. After it has
done so, the hammer becomes a simple maul +1 until 100
years have passed, at which time all of its abilities return.

The Hammer of Njorask

The Hammer of Njorask is a large bludgeoning
weapon consisting of a thick, iron shod, wooden haft
topped with the skull of a frost giant. The skull is
bound in iron bands, and it, the bands, and the haft
are covered with glyphs and runes.

The Hammer was created by an wizard named

Njorask in the northern kingdom of Alabrinun
during the early years of the Marasinian Empire. The
Marasinians were encroaching on the northern
kingdoms of the time and had augmented their
armies of demons and men with great thaumaturgic
war machines. With the assistance of other northern
wizards as well as some remnants of half-forgotten

r Kingdoms & Empires of Mythosa s

Chapter IV:
Kingdoms, Empires, & Other Realms

Asyra: Legal and common. Further details about

T his chapter expands on the information about
Ryh’ardha’s kingdoms and countries as presented in
Asyran slavery are unknown.

the Mythosa Gazetteer, as well as other regions of the Calythir: Legal but uncommon. Most Calythirrans
world. Included are the items below: find slavery distasteful and don’t engage in it
themselves, but they don’t work to stop it either.
• Slavery
Essengard: Legal but uncommon. Those who
• Ulthian Emperor Trivia worship Azakhar often have slaves, but most Essens
• Alignment Map do not.
• Gazetteer of the Underworld
• Expanded Rules for Economics Gharakaag: Legal and rampant. The slave trade is a
• Town and City Demographics lucrative business in Gharakaag, and slavers are not
discriminatory when it comes to those they seize or
Slavery is common throughout Ryh’ardha, though its Gothmoor: Legal but only common in Vasterrak.
implementation varies from region to region. The The vampire Zeldros maintains a large contingent of
lists below describe how slavery is viewed and slaves for servile work; they also double as a handy
practiced by the major kingdoms and states, various food supply.
non-human races, and the major religions.
Greyspire: Slavery is legal in Greyspire, but
Kingdoms and City-States indentured servitude is more commonly practiced.
Aelorea: Legal and common. Most Aelorean slaves
are captured enemies, people perceived to be Ilmara: Slavery is illegal in Ilmara. Indentured
heretics, and those serving some sort of penance for servitude is legal but strongly discouraged.
the church. Captured wizards are never enslaved –
they are always executed. Ivenmir: Legal but uncommon.

Aldanor: Legal but uncommon. Most inhabitants of Khazragar: Slavery is illegal in the dwarven city.
Aldanor lack the resources to buy or maintain slaves. Indentured servitude is legal but monitored closely
Temporary indentured servitude is more common to prevent abuse.
than actual slavery.
Lhyrna: Same as Khazragar.
Al’Sharaq: Legal and rampant. The economy is
based on a foundation of slavery, and slaves are one Maar: Legal and common.
of the country’s primary exports.
Malcythia: Legal and common. Malcythian slaves
Amaristan: Legal and common. The noble houses are a mixed lot of humans, orcs, and goblins.
here are notorious for cutting out the tongues of Gnollish slaves are extremely rare.
their slaves to prevent them from revealing
information to political rivals. Maraada: Legal and common.

Miradel: Slavery is forbidden in Miradel and is an

offense punishable by death.

r Kingdoms & Empires of Mythosa s

Ralynia: Legal and common. Due to the lawlessness Ulthia: Legal and common.
that dominates Ralynia, slave escape attempts are
common. This has led to the rise of a rather lucrative Valdahar: Slavery is illegal in Valdahar. Indentured
business in “slave hunting”. servitude is commonly practiced, however.

Sarenland: Legal, though indentured servitude is Valnysia: Legal and common. A clan’s slaves are
more common. Many of Sarenland’s mercenary always captured members of other clans or the spoils
companies have members who sold themselves for a of raids against other regions like Calythir and Ulthia.
short period of time (usually one or two years) in
order to provide for the well-being of their families. Yar: Legal and common.

Shesada: Legal and common, though strongly Zeldora: Legal and common. The slave trade is a
discouraged by the White Temple. sizable part of the city-state’s economy.

Spÿre: Legal but uncommon. Most servile work in

Spÿre is done via spells, constructs, or apprentices, Non-Human Races
though the latter generally consider themselves little Dhazyra: The Dhazyra are appalled by the concept
more than slaves. of slavery.

Syrhaat: Legal and common. Despite their station, Dragons: The draconic attitude towards slavery
Syrhaati slaves have a number of rights. They may generally depends on each individual. The good
marry freely within their station, they may be dragons tend to oppose it, though they generally
landowners, and they may own slaves themselves. don’t go out of their way to stop it. The evil dragons
usually don’t keep slaves; they’d rather eat people
Talek Pharos: Legal and common, at least in the than enthrall them. The dragon types that do keep
Foreign Quarter. It is unknown if the Pharosseans slaves tend to be the green and blue.
practice slavery within the confines of the rest of
Talek Pharos. Drakari: Slaves are common in Drakari settlements.
They are usually captives of other races or Drakari
Talîsmarr: Slavery is illegal in Talîsmarr, though from rival cities or houses.
indentured servitude (usually on a ship’s crew) is
common. Dràs: The Dràs are not opposed to slavery but they
do not engage in it themselves. They usually just kill
Tarat City-States: Legal and common. Slaves, their enemies outright rather than placing them in
particularly pleasure slaves, are a major export of fetters.
Giants: Slaves are commonly kept by giant tribes
and are usually from man-sized races.

Half-Elves: Half-elves view slavery in much the

same way as humans do. That is to say it varies
greatly by each individual and their beliefs.

Tarrvik: Legal and common. Slaves are generally not Kragharim: The gnolls commonly keep slaves,
taken from the frost giant populace, though short- though such enslavement is usually temporary as the
term indenture is not an uncommon punishment for beast-men have a tendency to eat their thralls before
lawbreaking. long.

Tyr Aegas: Slavery is forbidden in Tyr Aegas and is Kylithians: These aberrations are notorious for their
an offense punishable by death. Indentured servitude large collections of slaves. The “master-to-slave”
is illegal, though with less severe penalties. ratio tends to be higher among the Kylithians than

r Kingdoms & Empires of Mythosa s

the other races due to the mental control these goddess does not actively seek to abolish it, however;
creatures are able to exert over other beings. she would prefer that those who engage in the
activity stop of their own accord. How her faithful
Orcs: Slavery is commonly practiced by orc tribes. deal with it is left to their discretion.
Life as an orc slave is short and unpleasant due to
the orcs’ abusive and brutal treatment of their thralls. Azakhar: Azakhar claims that slavery is not only
acceptable, but it is necessary for a civilized society
Runir: The dwarves find slavery distasteful but to function. The Infernal Emperor has stated that
generally do not try to stop it if it is done in every person has a role in society and for many that
accordance with a kingdom's laws. They do not keep role is to be the property of others. Slave trading is a
slaves themselves, hower. lucrative venture for most Azakhari temples.

Sahuagin: These aquatic folk do not make slaves of Baltur: The Sacred Champion states that if a society
others, only meals. finds slavery acceptable and a person enters into it
willingly and with full knowledge of what they are
Sith’aal: The snakemen do not employ slaves. They doing, then it is tolerable. However, since this is
use prisoners as subjects in their vile experiments. rarely the case – particularly with regards to the latter
condition – Baltur and his clergy oppose slavery and
Sylvari: The elves cherish freedom above all else and actively work against it.
neither keep slaves nor permit others to keep them if
they can prevent it. Dynera: Dynera claims that no intelligent being may
truly own another intelligent being and thus is
Tauroks: The Tauroks are vehemently opposed to opposed to the concept of slavery. She does not
slavery. Their resentment stems from having been fervently seek to eradicate it, but her clergy and
created centuries ago to be a race of slave warriors. worshippers are free to act as they see fit in regards
to slaves.
Tritons: Tritons abhor slavery and actively work to
thwart those who would support it. Stories about Jhadara: The goddess of debauchery has no
tritons attacking slaveships in the Ambian Sea and inclination for or against slavery. In her eyes,
liberating their captives are not uncommon. whatever befalls you – being enslaved, enslaving
others, or neither – is immaterial. What happens to
Viss’takh: The Viss’takh keep slaves of other races. you and how you deal with it is your concern, not
They will never enslave a lizardman for any reason, hers.
even if they are a hated tribal enemy. In such cases,
Viss’takh captives are simply executed. Lyranis: Lyranis is vehemently opposed to slavery
and actively works through his clergy to eradicate it
wherever they can.
Aadu: Aadu doesn’t condone slavery but he doesn’t Shaarizad: The Profane King ardently supports
condemn it, either. The Mad God would prefer slavery. Some priests of Shaarizad engage in slave
captives to be sacrificed to him rather than forced trading almost to the same degree as the
into servitude. Bloodknights of Azakhar.

Aeryandris: The god of fate has no objections to

slavery. He does advise that the use of slaves should
be evaluated to make sure they are being used in the
most efficient manner possible for a particular
situation. If that is not the case, then slavery is
discouraged and other paths should be explored.

Alyara: Slavery is repugnant and intolerable to

Alyara, and she strongly condemns its practice. The

r Kingdoms & Empires of Mythosa s

Ulthian Emperor Trivia

Wherein our resident sage Keldaryn pontificates on facts that
we didn’t know and which we aren’t sure we cared about in
the first place…

Names of the Ulthian Emperors

In the Ulthian Empire, it is traditional for emperors
to take the name of one of the first twelve rulers of
the Imperium. These are the same names as those
given to the months of the Ulthian calendar. The
most popular names include Scordelos (the most
recent being Scordelos IV), Vesmer (Vesmer III the
most recent), Malruik (Malruik V ruled before the
current emperor), and the most popular, Ramas (the
present-day emperor being Ramas IX).

Lengths of an Ulthian Emperor’s Reign

Due to the violent nature of Ulthia as well as the
politics of rulership, the average length of an
emperor’s reign is about seven years. The shortest
was that of Lucius Scordelos II, who ruled the
Imperium for three days in the middle of 626 AR
before “accidentally” choking on a chicken bone and
being succeeded by his brother, Darius Malruik III.
The longest Imperial reign was that of Davon Ramas
V, who assumed the Ulthian throne in 536 AR at the
age of 58 and ruled until 548 AR when he died from
a withering disease he contracted in a military
campaign against Valnysia.

Alignment Map
The map on the following page is a general overview
of regional orientation as regards alignment.

r Kingdoms & Empires of Mythosa s

r Kingdoms & Empires of Mythosa s

Way is too dangerous for commerce or safe travel

Gazetteer of the Underworld for denizens of the sunlit world.
The earth beneath Mythosa is riddled with caverns,
tunnels, and myriad subterranean hollows. Lake Umbras: This freshwater lake is found in a
Collectively dubbed “the Underworld”, this rocky large cavern beneath the Varghani Desert. It is one
network is a place undreamed of by most. It is home of the largest known bodies of water in the
to numerous species of creatures (some intelligent, Underworld, second only to the Nethersea. Lake
some not) as well as various fungal plant life. It Umbras is home to two treasures: the gorgonfish and
contains stunning geological wonders and vast the blackstar pearl. The tuna-sized gorgonfish is a fish
quantities of metals and gems. Naturally, it is not found only in this lake and is so-named for its
without its dangers; in many cases, journeying into aggressive nature as well as its petrifying bite (the
the Underworld is more dangerous than venturing gorgonfish can choose to “disable” this ability when
into the Ryh’ardhan wilderness. Besides the threat it is hunting for food). It is considered a delicacy on
posed by various monsters and plants, there are also the surface. Blackstar pearls are created by oysters
dangers from cave-ins, poisonous gases, suffocation, that inhabit the shallows of the lake. Their name
and other things only possible when traversing a comes from the peculiar, star-shaped blemishes that
cave or passage beneath thousands of feet of rock. form on the surfaces of the pearls. Like gorgonfish,
the pearls’ rarity makes them highly-valued among
Of course, the threat of death has never stopped the wealthy surface-worlders.
determined, the daring, or the daft from seeking
adventure. Thus, the Underworld has seen its share The Nethersea: Deep under Valnysia and northern
of visitors. To that end, what follows is a collection Ulthia lies a cavern of such size it dwarfs most
of information brought back by those visitors (those surface kingdoms. The cavern is home to the
that have been able to return). This is by no means a Nethersea, a huge subterranean body of water. The
complete mapping of the Underworld. Rather, it is Nethersea is the largest known expanse of water in
simply those passages, cavern networks, ruins, and the Underworld. It is home to numerous aquatic
other features of the subterranean realm that are creatures including aboleths, chuuls, lacedons,
most commonly known. There are countless smaller merrow, and scrags. There is also a large presence of
passages that have been left unmapped. Likewise, sahuagin which continually clash with the Drakari of
there is much that simply has not yet been Shaansu’ul.
discovered – at least by surface-dwellers – and
therefore cannot be documented. Regions
A. Aberrant Caves: The caverns and tunnels of this
Major Geographical Features part of the Underworld are literally infested with
The Great Sunless Way: This is the Underworld’s abnormal fungi and aberrations mutated beyond
most famous feature. Of all the known passages and what is normal for them. There are also numerous
tunnels, it is also the longest as well as the widest. It Ar’drune wandering these caves.
starts at the cavern containing Lake Umbras, beneath
the Varghani Desert, then twists and turns its way B. Malcythian Underground: This area is
across the Ryh’ardhan continent beneath numerous considered to be a part of the principality of
mountain ranges until it emerges thousands of miles Malcythia. It is home to numerous tribes of gnolls
to the northeast, under Novaskora and into the vast and hobgoblins, many of which are a part of the
cave that holds the Nethersea. Thousands of smaller Malcythian population.
tunnels branch off from the Great Sunless Way;
most go deeper into the earth while others work C. The Wyrmvault: These caverns under the
their way to the surface and connect with southern Westtower Mountains are home to an
mountainous lairs or hillside caves. Because of these unusually high number of white dragons, including
tunnels, the Way is the primary means by which two great wyrms.
most underground creatures make their way to
Ryh’ardha’s surface. They are also the reason the

r Kingdoms & Empires of Mythosa s

I. Goblinoid/Humanoid Territory: The caverns

and tunnels near Duglakh are filled with ogres, trolls,
orcs, and other dangerous humanoids. There are
exits to the surface in this area; this is where the
humanoids that occupy Novaskora originate.

J. Shaansu’ul Domains: The Drakari city of

Shaansu’ul claims dominion over the islands in the
eastern Nethersea. The city itself occupies the largest
D. Drakari Territory: This large cavernous region island while the rest are used for mining, fungus
beneath the Stone Curtain contains two Drakari cultivation, and other purposes.
cities. As such, the area has heavy concentrations of
dark elves. Groups of them will occasionally be K. Den’tharas Territory: Den’tharas, a Drakari city
encountered in combat due to the rivalry of the two on the coast of the Nethersea lays claim to this area.
cities, but it is common for the two sides to
postpone their fight and act in concert against non- L. Dràs Caverns: This large cavern complex is
Drakari that may happen upon them. located deep beneath the Aelarion Forest. It is
controlled by the enigmatic Dràs, administered from
E. Cathedral of Endless Night: The name of this their city in the western part of the caverns. There
cavern is derived from the peculiar way the rock here are virtually no dangerous creatures in this region
seems to absorb light rather than reflect it. Light due to the ruthless efficiency of the Dràs warriors.
sources – both magical and non-magical – provide
bright illumination to half their normal radius and no M. The Enigmatic Caves: A large stretch of the
shadowy illumination at all (darkvision works Great Sunless Way and the area bordering it is filled
normally, however). The Cathedral is home to the with an abnormally high number of aberrations and
Drakari city of Varlolth as well as a couple of small magical beasts. Spells and magic items often work in
freshwater lakes. unpredictable ways in these caves as well.
F. Black Ice Caves: This cavern complex is located N. Caverns of the Restless Dead: The caves and
beneath the western Icewall. The caves are rock but tunnels in this area are filled with Undead, both
their surfaces are covered in ice with dark grey and corporeal and non-. Whether they wander in from
black hues. The cause of the unusual coloration is openings in Gothmoor or whether the Gothic dead
unknown but it is believed to be due to whatever is come from somewhere in these caverns is unknown.
in the Pit of the Creeping Shadow. Legends claim that clerics (of any religion) go mad if
they venture too deep into the passages here.
G. Taurok Territory: This region is dominated by
Tauroks. In addition to the natural formations found O. Orc Caverns: As one might expect, the Orcfang
here, the bullmen have dug additional passages and Mountains are riddled with caves and passages that
chambers to create a very labyrinthine tunnel are populated by humanoid tribes, primarily orcs.
network. Because of the confusing nature of the area There are numerous Underworld entrances on the
as well as diligent patrols by the Tauroks, this area is surface that lead to this area.
a relatively safe part of the Underworld.
P. Nalithara Domains: This large cavern complex
H. Icewall Passage: Deep beneath the Icewall is claimed by the Drakari city of Nalithara.
Mountains a large and monster-infested tunnel Battlefields and scorched fungus tracts litter these
network can be found. The whole of the area has caverns; they are the remains of the on-going war
been dubbed the “Icewall Passage” due to the myth between the city and the fire giants to the south.
of a tunnel that runs under the peaks and opens to a
fabled kingdom of warmth and riches in the Q. Fungus Fields: The caves south of Deephaven are
Frostlands. This story might not be a myth, but filled with a variety of fungi, many of which can be
despite numerous efforts the truth has yet to be cultivated and turned into narcotic substances. In
uncovered. fact, Tazadir is doing just that in some areas; the city-

r Kingdoms & Empires of Mythosa s

state harvests some of the fungi and uses them for gems and precious metals, promising great wealth to
the production of various drugs. those who can extract them. Unfortunately for them,
the lake and the surrounding caves and tunnels are
R. Fire Giant Caves: The caverns beneath the filled with dangerous creatures that have effectively
southern Varghani Mountains are home to large prevented the exploitation of the mines for all but
concentrations of fire giants. Though their distrust the bravest, toughest, or quickest.
of one another is quite high, the giant tribes have
managed to maintain a loose alliance over the years, X. The Ossuaries: The caves and passages under
increasing their danger to the surrounding area. They northern Syrhaat are filled with Undead, the results
are currently at war with the dark elves of Nalithara. of Shaithal’s necromancers and their magic. The
numerous openings to the surface in this area may
S. Swarmlands: “Swarmlands” is the name given to be contributing to the decline in the Dominion’s
the southern half of a large cavern complex west of population.
Amaristan. This region is infested with the bizarre
creatures that survived the destruction of Letheshar Y. Vault of the Ancients: This immense cavern
and bred out of control. network was named and partially mapped by the
Ambian explorer Farquhar Verger, who claimed to
T. Maanzethar Territory: This large cavern have found a surface entrance on a small island off
beneath the northern Ambian sea is controlled by the southern coast of Az’gotha. Verger claimed that
the kylithians of Maanzethar. The lake in the northern the caverns contained riches beyond compare from
part of the cavern is populated with aboleths who the Second Age – and possibly earlier. The treasure
are currently in league with the city’s mind lashers. he brought back from his expedition appeared to
validate his claims, but before he could organize a
U. Great Fungus Cave: While fungus is common return trip to the Vault he mysteriously disappeared.
in the Underworld, it is generally found in relatively Others that followed after Verger verified what he
small patches. However, this large cave beneath the said, but all those who survived the Vault and
Lhyrnic coast is completely covered by what may be returned to speak of it disappeared shortly thereafter.
a single colony. The walls, floor, ceiling, and even the Enough people consider the Vault cursed that it is
stalactites and stalagmites of this cave are carpeted generally avoided today.
with a semi-phosphorescent, greenish-yellow fungus.
Whether this phenomenon is natural or was Places of Interest
somehow caused by the kylithians of nearby 1. Ruined City of Labyrinths: Located under the
Maanzethar is a mystery. northwestern wilderlands are the ruins of a huge,
sprawling city. This underground metropolis consists
V. The Viper’s Den: Explorers have thus dubbed of countless towering spires and minarets
this area due to its high population of Sith’aal. The interconnected with multitudinous stairs, arches,
serpentmen are found throughout the tunnels and bridges, and walkways. The layout of the city seems
caves in this part of the Underworld. There are also to be drawn from a madman’s nightmares; it has no
numerous entrances to the surface world here. obvious design but appears to have sprung from an
architectural chaos. The original inhabitants are long
gone, but aberrations and Undead have infiltrated
the ruins over the years since their departure.

2. Roots of Ver’giryth: The roots of the Shadrathu

Ver’giryth reportedly break through the ceiling of a
W. Mining Tunnels: The walls of this great cavern
huge cavern at this point in the Underworld.
are riddled with old mines. Only about a third are the
work of the ancient Runir and only a few are actually
3. Pit of the Creeping Shadow: The Pit is a vast
exhausted. No one knows who was responsible for
hole in the floor of the Black Ice Caves, about fifty
the non-Runic mines but most that come here are
yards in diameter and of unknown depth. Directly
only concerned about the contents of the mines
above the pit is a shaft that goes straight up through
themselves. This area of the Underworld is rich in
a mountainside in the Icewall, which suggests that

r Kingdoms & Empires of Mythosa s

the Pit was formed by something that fell from the are NE and CE). The ruler of Zhaure is a powerful
sky. The cavern ice nearest the pit is so dark as to be dark elven wizard named Xantrin. It is a rival of
indistinguishable from obsidian; further from the pit Rath-Kaelin, but so far the two cities have not
the ice lightens in color and is merely a light grey at engaged in open warfare. Warbands from Zhaure are
the far reaches of the cavern. fond of traveling to the surface to skirmish with the
knights of Essengard.
4. Minos Aegias: This is a large city complex built
ages ago by the Tauroks after they arrived in the 8. Varlolth: With a population of 10,000 (Drakari
Tauron Mountains. It is considered the de facto 82%, Other/slaves 15%, Other/non-slaves 3%;
“capital” of the Tauroks of the region and has dominant alignments are LE and NE), Varlolth is
subterranean connections with the Harrstad outpost. the largest of the major Drakari cities. It is ostensibly
ruled by a council of nobles from various houses,
5. Tomb of the First: The Tomb is a gargantuan but the council always acts according to the wishes
mausoleum found in the Wyrmvault. The white of the powerful House Da’Maer. It is rumored that
dragons of the Wyrmvault claim that the tomb the Shadaran cult Noctus Serpentis makes its home in
contains the bones of “the First”, a five-headed Varlolth and that many members of House Da’Maer
multi-hued dragon that was the progenitor of the are part of the cult.
chromatic dragons. The treasure of the Tomb is said
to rival the combined hordes of all of dragonkind, 9. Duglakh: Duglakh is a ruined city found on the
but the truth of this is yet to be determined. southern shore of the Nethersea. The city’s
construction predates the Runir, though it is unclear
6. Rath-Kaelin: A Drakari city with a population of who originally built it or why. In any case, the ruins
7,000 (Drakari 90%, Other/slaves 9%, Other/non- are currently occupied by large tribes of orcs, ogres,
slaves 1%; dominant alignments are LE and LN). It and trolls. When they aren’t fighting each other, they
is governed by a council with members from the attack Den’tharas to the east or raid ships from
noble houses Vrynn, Liaal, and Ol’ress. The city is an Shaansu’ul using vessels they’ve seized from the
enemy of Zhaure but for the most part the cities have Drakari.
kept their conflict limited to small skirmishes rather
than full-scale war. Rath-Kaelin actually engages in 10. Shaansu’ul: Shaansu’ul is a larger Drakari city,
some trade with Essengard and Greyspire; the having a population of about 9,000 (Drakari 88%,
Drakari of the city are not as evil as most of their Other/slaves 10%, Other/non-slaves 2%; dominant
brethren. alignments are NE and CE). The ruler of Shaansu’ul
is Mal’Ur Valmijin, a powerful dark elven warlord
who maintains his control over the city through the
backing of a powerful circle of Drakari magi.
Shaansu’ul maintains a large navy to protect against
attacks from orcish raiders out of Duglakh and other
hostile creatures inhabiting the Nethersea. Despite
trade agreements with Den’tharas, the navy
occasionally clashes with pirates from that city as

11. Den’tharas: 8,000 people (Drakari 72%,

Other/slaves 26%, Other/non-slaves 2%; dominant
alignments are LE and NE) inhabit this subterranean
port city. Den’tharas is governed by the matriarchical
House Ssinshar. It is supposedly a trading partner
with the Drakari city of Shaansu’ul, but Ssinshar does
little to pursue Drakari pirates that originate in
7. Zhaure: Zhaure is a Drakari city with a Den’tharas and prey on its neighbor’s ships. It claims
population of 7,500 (Drakari 87%, Other/slaves (perhaps truthfully) that most of the city’s forces are
12%, Other/non-slaves 1%; dominant alignments

r Kingdoms & Empires of Mythosa s

occupied with repelling attacks from Duglakh, an Underworld but they conduct a fair amount with the
orcish city to the west. Tarat city-states.

12. City of the Dràs: The half-human/half-demon 17. Letheshar Ruins: Letheshar was once a Drakari
Dràs have established an extensive settlement in this city. Centuries ago, some of Letheshar’s wizards
part of the Underworld. Little is known about the opened a gate to a previously-unknown plane. A
city as almost all who have come upon it have strange species of extraplanar parasites poured out of
perished at the hands of the inhabitants. the gate, overwhelmed the wizards, and infested the
rest of the city. To prevent their further spread, the
13. Obelisk of the Ancients: When the explorer Drakari wizards who survived used their magic to
Farquhar Verger was searching the Vault of the obliterate Letheshar. Though they believe the gate
Ancients, he came upon an obelisk in the center of was destroyed, some of the creatures apparently
the cavern complex. In his notes, he described the survived. They have been breeding rapidly and
obelisk as being 100-150 feet tall, carved from a currently infest a large area of the Underworld
single piece of obsidian, and covered in glyphs. surrounding the ruins.
Verger copied a number of the glyphs to parchment
for later study but his scrolls concerning the obelisk 18. Aasithi: The entirety of a short, wide tunnel in
disappeared at the same time he did. the western Viper’s Den has been made into a
permanent settlement by the Sith’aal. Aasithi has a
14. Maanzethar: Twisted architecture and the population of about 5,500 serpentmen as well as a
screams of experiment subjects mark the kylithian few hundred creatures of various races used for
city of Maanzethar. The city has an estimated torture and experimentation. The city appears to be a
population of about 5,500, though less than half of regional capital of sorts for the Sith’aal.
the inhabitants are kylithians. The rest are prisoners,
guests or visitors, or thrall warriors and servants who 19. Valdengard: Located on the shore of a large
have been subjugated to the will of the mind lashers. subterranean lake are the ruins of a huge, sprawling
city built centuries ago by the Runir. Valdengard was
15. Nalithara: Nalithara has a population of 8,500 built deeper in the Underworld than was typical for
(Drakari 80%, Other/slaves 18%, Other/non-slaves Runic cities, but most sages believe the location was
2%; dominant alignments are NE and LE). This selected for its proximity to the lake as well as the
number used to be much higher – Nalithara was abundance of metals and gems in the cavern.
once the largest known Drakari city. Their numbers
have dwindled in recent years, however, due to what 20. Shaithal: This is the smallest of the known
had been a losing war against the fire giant tribes to Drakari cities, with a population of 5,500 (Drakari
the south. A military coup by Zias Veldrin – the 40%, Other/living slaves 19%, Other/non-living
city’s top general – deposed the ineffectual ruling slaves 38%, Other/non-slaves 3%; dominant
houses responsible for Nalithara’s heavy losses. alignment is LE). Though small, Shaithal is highly
While Veldrin hasn’t turned the tide of the conflict, feared, even by other Drakari. It is ruled by a cabal
he has managed to drive back the fire giant forces of dark elven necromancers known as the Seven
and prevent further destruction to the city and its Shards of Night, of which three (at least) are liches.
territories. Many of the city’s inhabitants are also necromancers
and Shaithal is replete with mindless Undead who
16. Deephaven: Perched on the shore of Lake serve the Drakari.
Umbras, Deephaven is a trading town (population:
1,000) known for dealing in things that can’t be
found in places like Zeldora or even Blackport.
Though filled with all matter of ruthless and brutal
folk, Deephaven is quite orderly as a mercenary
company known as the Silver Crescent is paid
handsomely to maintain peace in the town. Most of
Deephaven’s trade is with the denizens of the

r Kingdoms & Empires of Mythosa s

r Kingdoms & Empires of Mythosa s

value is, though they “somehow” know that

Expanded Rules for Economics tourmalines tend to be worth 40-160 gp in
This section describes a system to simulate increments of 10 gp. So they start the sale at 160 gp.
economics in Mythosa’s towns and cities. No one bites. They lower their price by 10 gp and try
to get 150 gp. Again, no takers. They try 140 gp and
Selling Items of Variable Value no one buys it. They decide to go for 130 gp. At this
In most cases a character selling items uses the point, the merchants in town suspect that these
standard rules from the core rulebooks. Items that people are either ignorant or desperate to sell. Since
don’t have a set price in the books – gems, objets d’art 130 gp is the party’s fourth try, the maximum anyone
– have their price rolled by the DM. This value must will now pay is 96 gp (120 x 80%). No one buys at
be acquired via the Appraise skill or by simple 130. The party drops their price to 110. Again, too
guessing (the actual value of an item will never be high. The party “suspects” that they will make even
known for certain until the PCs try to sell it). This less if they don’t get a buyer on their next attempt,
value is the maximum price the item will garner in a so they go down to 90 gp. At that, the tourmaline
sale. Since the actual value is unknown, it is possible finally sells. Unfortunately, the party is out 30 gp
that the PCs will ask for a higher or a lower amount they might have had if they'd had an appraiser in
than what the item is actually worth. If they ask a their group.
price which is equal to the item’s value or lower, it
will sell. If it is higher, no one will purchase the item, Paying for an Appraisal
but the PCs may try again, presumably lowering their For a fee the party may find an expert to appraise
price. They can continue to do this as long as they items for them. The cost may vary but the general
wish; however, the more offers the PCs make, the standard is:
lower the overall price they will get for the item. The
reason for this is that if they don't know the value of Rarity Typical Items Cost per
what they have, this eventually becomes obvious to Item
the people who do know the value of what they have. Common Mundane items, gems 1 gp
As such, their potential buyers will attempt to take (DC 12) and art objects of 100 gp
advantage of the situation and get as good of a deal or less
as they can or simply try to get the PCs’ goods out of Rare Gems and art objects 5 gp
circulation so they don’t depress the overall market. (DC 15) worth more than 100 gp
but less than 5000 gp
The table below shows how much will be offered for Exotic Gems, art objects, and 10 gp
an item based on the number of attempts to sell it at (DC 20+) anything else worth
an inflated price. more than 5000 gp

Attempts Maximum Offer If the value of the item exceeds a town's GP limit
1-3 100% there will generally be no one in town who can
4-6 80% appraise an item’s true value. Also, roughly 25% of
7-8 50% those appraising items will undervalue them (usually
9+ 10% by 25-50%) in the hopes of buying them directly
from the PCs and turning a tidy profit for
Example 1: The party has found a platinum chain themselves. PCs would be advised to seek a second
necklace that is worth 100 gp. They have incorrectly opinion if an appraisal seems too low, or simply have
assessed it to be worth 120 gp. They ask 120 gp, and someone with a good Appraise skill in their group.
do not find a buyer. They lower their asking price to
110 gp and try again, though again they are Wands, Staves, and Scrolls
unsuccessful. They lower their price once more to Scrolls, wands, and staves are double the cost they
100 gp and this time they find a buyer and get 100 gp normally are in the DMG. In towns where a temple
for their gem. or magical order has a presence, members may
purchase those items at their normal cost.
Example 2: The party has found a tourmaline that's
worth 120 gp. They have no idea what its actual

r Kingdoms & Empires of Mythosa s

Magical Presence: Lists the settlement’s magical

Town and City Demographics institutions – either a magical order’s guildhouse or a
The table on the following pages detail demographic shrine or temple. Guildhouses are listed with their
information about the major settlements on affiliation:
Ryh’ardha, specifically those places that are
categorized as no smaller than a Large Town. These • ITS: Ilmara Thaumaturigcal Society
are also the cities and towns that are shown on the • OOT: Order of the Obsidian Tower
main map of the known world. Hamlets, villages, • OAI: Ordos Arcanis ex Imperium
and small towns are not shown as detailing all of
• IND: Independent
those would be a colossal effort, and the
demographics of such settlements can easily be
generated as needed. Religious presences are followed by the level of the
highest-level cleric found there.
The columns of the table are explained below:

Name: Name of the Settlement

Type: Abbreviation for the type of settlement:

• LT (Large Town)
• SC (Small City)
• LC (Large City)
• M (Metropolis)

Large Towns marked with an asterisk (“*”) are

Fortress-Towns. A Fortress-Town is a settlement that
is primarily a fortress or castle but is large enough
and has a large enough “support” population to
qualify as a Large Town. While it is common for a
settlement to rely on a castle or stronghold of some
type for defense, in this case the settlement is a castle
or stronghold. Additionally, these sorts of
settlements tend to have higher guard and militia

Population: Population of the settlement. Includes

all races who have a permanent residence there.

GP Limit: The limit of what the town can afford to

buy or what they might have available to sell.

Assets: The town’s assets in GP. This represents all

the money the town has available to purchase things;
if assests run out, no more purchases may be made.

Guard: Size of the town/city guard (dedicated


Militia: The number of able-bodied forces that may

be called up if needed.

r Kingdoms & Empires of Mythosa s

Name Type Pop. Limit Assets Guard Militia Magical Presence
Abbala LT 4,300 3,000 645,000 43 215 • Jhadara Temple (9)
• Alyara Shrine (5)
Aeldmont LT 4,500 3,000 675,000 45 225 • Lyranis Great Temple
(Sacred Lodge) (14)
• Adonhim Great Temple
Aelor LC 19,270 40,000 38,540,000 193 964 (Cathedral of the One Truth)
• Aeryandris Shrine (5)
Aethewell LT 4,892 3,000 733,800 49 245
• Jhadara Temple (9)
• Aadu Temple (10)
Akeron SC 8,510 15,000 6,382,500 85 426 • Jhadara Shrine (4)
• Shaarizad Shrine (5)
• Aeryandris Temple (9)
Aldenmark LT* 4,115 3,000 617,250 412 1,372 • Alyara Shrine (3)
• Baltur Temple (10)
• Aadu Temple (9)
Alesunn LT 3,383 3,000 507,450 34 169 • Jhadara Shrine (5)
• Shaarizad Shrine (3)
• Alyara Shrine (5)
Altesh LT 4,350 3,000 652,500 44 218
• Jhadara Shrine (4)
• Alyara Temple (9)
Aranmor LT 2,098 3,000 314,700 21 105
• ITS Guildhouse
• Alyara Shrine (4)
Aris Point LT 3,150 3,000 472,500 32 158
• Jhadara Shrine (5)
Beren LT 4,215 3,000 632,250 42 211 • Baltur Temple (9)
Blackport LT 3,584 3,000 537,600 36 179 • Azakhar Temple (9)
• Alyara Shrine (5)
Bladeport LT 4,270 3,000 640,500 43 214
• Jhadara Shrine (4)
• Aeryandris Shrine (4)
Calstan LT 2,240 3,000 336,000 22 112 • Alyara Shrine (3)
• Baltur Shrine (3)
Caros LT 2,280 3,000 342,000 23 114 • Lis Monastery (Sepluchurum)
• Aeryandris Shrine (5)
Carsus LT 2,597 3,000 389,550 26 130
• Jhadara Shrine (4)
• Aeryandris Shrine (4)
• Alyara Shrine (5)
Celigast SC 6,100 15,000 4,575,000 61 305
• Azakhar Shrine (4)
• Jhadara Temple (9)
• Aeryandris Temple (9)
Coreth SC 6,070 15,000 4,552,500 61 304 • Alyara Temple (10)
• Baltur Temple (9)

r Kingdoms & Empires of Mythosa s

Name Type Pop. Limit Assets Guard Militia Magical Presence
• ITS Guildhouse
• Lyranis Shrine (5)
Crucible LT* 2,040 3,000 306,000 204 680 • Azakhar Shrine (5)
• Alyara Shrine (5)
Dassa LT 2,322 3,000 348,300 23 116
• Jhadara Shrine (5)
• Aeryandris Temple (9)
• Alyara Temple (9)
Essenmoor SC 7,670 15,000 5,752,500 77 384 • Baltur Temple (9)
• Lyranis Shrine (4)
• OOT Guildhouse
• Alyara Shrine (5)
• Azakhar Shrine (4)
Esteria LT 3,281 3,000 492,150 33 164
• Baltur Shrine (5)
• Jhadara Shrine (5)
• Aadu Shrine (4)
Gharkhaz LT 2,900 3,000 435,000 29 145 • Azakhar Shrine (5)
• Shaarizad Temple (9)
• Alyara Shrine (4)
Greyriver LT 3,630 3,000 544,500 36 182
• Lyranis Temple (9)
• Aeryandris Temple (9)
• Alyara Shrine (5)
Greyspire SC 9,260 15,000 6,945,000 93 463
• Baltur Temple (9)
• OOT Guildhouse
• Aadu Shrine (4)
Greywall LT* 2,660 3,000 399,000 266 887
• Jhadara Shrine (5)
• Alyara Shrine (4)
Griffin's Keep LT* 2,810 3,000 421,500 281 937
• Baltur Temple (10)
• Alyara Shrine (4)
Grimhel LT 2,774 3,000 416,100 28 139
• Lyranis Shrine (4)
• Aadu Shrine (5)
Haadarat SC 10,440 15,000 7,830,000 104 522 • Alyara Temple (9)
• Jhadara Temple (10)
Haarghul LT 2,899 3,000 434,850 29 145 • Azirakesh Shrine (n/a)
• Aeryandris Temple (9)
• Alyara Temple (10)
Hadira M 33,670 100,000 168,350,000 337 1,684 • Azakhar Shrine (4)
• Jhadara Temple (10)
• Lyranis Shrine (5)
• Aadu Shrine (5)
Halldor SC 6,750 15,000 5,062,500 68 338 • Azakhar Temple (9)
• Shaarizad Shrine (4)

r Kingdoms & Empires of Mythosa s

Name Type Pop. Limit Assets Guard Militia Magical Presence
Halykos LT 3,600 3,000 540,000 36 180 • Azakhar Shrine (5)
• Aadu Shrine (4)
Harrstad LT* 3,520 3,000 528,000 352 1,173 • Jhadara Shrine (5)
• Lyranis Shrine (5)
• Aeryandris Shrine (5)
• Alyara Temple (9)
Haven LT* 3,880 3,000 582,000 129 776 • Baltur Shrine (4)
• Jhadara Shrine (4)
• Lyranis Shrine (5)
• Aadu Shrine (4)
Helgard LT* 4,860 3,000 729,000 486 1,620 • Jhadara Shrine (4)
• Shaarizad Shrine (5)
• Alyara Temple (5)
Highwood LT 3,710 3,000 556,500 37 186
• Lyranis Shrine (5)
• Aeryandris Shrine (5)
• Alyara Temple (9)
Ilidar SC 9,112 15,000 6,834,000 91 456 • Azakhar Temple (9)
• Lyranis Temple (9)
• OOT Guildhouse
• Aeryandris Temple (10)
• Alyara Great Temple
(Sanctuary of Light and Love)
Ilmara M 36,640 100,000 183,200,000 366 1,832
• Baltur Temple (10)
• ITS Guildhouse
• Jhadara Shrine (5)
• Lyranis Temple (10)
• Alyara Temple (10)
• Azakhar Shrine (4)
Immazu LT 3,598 3,000 539,700 36 180
• Baltur Shrine (5)
• Jhadara Temple (10)
• Aeryandris Temple (9)
• Alyara Shrine (5)
Ivenmir LC 19,400 40,000 38,800,000 194 970 • Azakhar Shrine (4)
• Jhadara Temple (9)
• Lyranis Shrine (5)
Kaheri SC 7,160 15,000 5,370,000 72 358 • Unknown
• Aadu Shrine (4)
• Aeryandris Shrine (4)
Khamir SC 9,260 15,000 6,945,000 93 463 • Alyara Shrine (5)
• ITS Guildhouse
• Jhadara Temple (9)

r Kingdoms & Empires of Mythosa s

Name Type Pop. Limit Assets Guard Militia Magical Presence
• Lyranis Shrine (5)
• Aeryandris Shrine (4)
Kharazgar LC 23,500 40,000 47,000,000 235 1,175
• Baltur Shrine (5)
• Aadu Shrine (4)
Kharkuum SC 11,900 15,000 8,925,000 119 595 • Azakhar Temple (5)
• Shaarizad Shrine (9)
• Aadu Shrine (4)
• Azakhar Shrine (5)
Khemal SC 8,970 15,000 6,727,500 90 449
• Jhadara Temple (10)
• Shaarizad Temple (9)
• Shaarizad Shrine (5)
Kherash LT 3,750 3,000 562,500 38 188
• Aadu Shrine (4)
• Aadu Shrine (5)
Kyraal LT 2,270 3,000 340,500 23 114
• Shaarizad Shrine (4)
• Alyara Temple (10)
Laharu SC 9,580 15,000 7,185,000 96 479 • Jhadara Temple (10)
• Lyranis Temple (9)
Lanelar LT 3,191 3,000 478,650 32 160 • Adonhim Temple (n/a)
• Aeryandris Temple (10)
Lhyrna LC 22,850 40,000 45,700,000 229 1,143 • Alyara Temple (9)
• Baltur Great Temple (Hall
of the Righteous) (17)
• Alyara Shrine (5)
• Baltur Temple (10)
Lionsgate LT* 4,580 3,000 687,000 458 1,527
• Lyranis Temple (10)
• OOT Guildhouse
• Aadu Shrine (4)
• Jhadara Temple (10)
Maar LC 15,570 40,000 31,140,000 156 779
• OOT Guildhouse
• Shaarizad Shrine (5)
Meravax LT 4,805 3,000 720,750 48 240 • Azakhar Temple (9)
• Azakhar Temple (10)
Myridia SC 11,602 15,000 8,701,500 116 580
• OAI Guildhouse
• Aeryandris Temple (9)
• Alyara Shrine (4)
Newhelm SC 6,150 15,000 4,612,500 62 308
• Baltur Temple (9)
• Lyranis Shrine (5)
Noriya LT 3,720 3,000 558,000 37 186 • Azakhar Shrine (5)
• Aeryandris Temple (10)
Northgate LT* 3,150 3,000 472,500 105 630 • Alyara Shrine (5)
• IND Guildhouse

r Kingdoms & Empires of Mythosa s

Name Type Pop. Limit Assets Guard Militia Magical Presence
• Lyranis Shrine (5)
• Aeryandris Shrine (4)
• Jhadara Temple (9)
Qet SC 10,470 15,000 7,852,500 105 524
• Lyranis Shrine (5)
• Shaarizad Temple (9)
• Aeryandris Temple (9)
• Alyara Shrine (4)
Queensport SC 10,653 15,000 7,989,750 107 533 • ITS Guildhouse
• Jhadara Temple (9)
• Lyranis Shrine (5)
Ravillus LT 2,160 3,000 324,000 22 108 • Azakhar Shrine (5)
• Azakhar Shrine (5)
Rusav LT* 2,930 3,000 439,500 293 977
• OAI Guildhouse
• Jhadara Great Temple
(Sanctum of Fortune and Flesh)
Sahar SC 11,330 15,000 8,497,500 113 567 (17)
• Sel’Naga Shrine (n/a)
• Shaarizad Shrine (4)
• Shaarizad Temple (5)
Sahzarem LT 4,900 3,000 735,000 49 245
• Aadu Shrine (4)
• Aadu Shrine (4)
Samora LT 3,870 3,000 580,500 39 194 • Jhadara Shrine (4)
• Shaarizad Shrine (5)
• Aeryandris Temple (10)
• Alyara Shrine (4)
Sarenton SC 7,284 15,000 5,463,000 73 364 • Azakhar Shrine (4)
• Baltur Shrine (5)
• OOT Guildhouse
Sathamon LT 4,350 3,000 652,500 44 218 • Unknown
• Aeryandris Shrine (4)
• Alyara Shrine (4)
Seagate SC 8,200 15,000 6,150,000 82 410
• Jhadara Shrine (5)
• Lyranis Shrine (5)
Sevasolta LT 3,704 3,000 555,600 37 185 • Adonhim Temple (n/a)
• Aeryandris Temple (9)
• Alyara Temple (10)
• Baltur Temple (10)
Shesada LC 22,460 40,000 44,920,000 225 1,123
• ITS Guildhouse
• Jhadara Shrine (5)
• Lyranis Temple (10)
• Alyara Shrine (5)
Silvenwater LT 2,752 3,000 412,800 28 138
• Lyranis Shrine (4)

r Kingdoms & Empires of Mythosa s

Name Type Pop. Limit Assets Guard Militia Magical Presence
Sindal LT 2,977 3,000 446,550 30 149 • Azakhar Temple (9)
• Azakhar Temple (10)
Sinytus SC 6,570 4,927,500 66 329
• OAI Guildhouse
• Aeryandris Temple (10)
• Alyara Shrine (4)
Spÿre SC 9,751 15,000 7,313,250 98 488 • Azakhar Shrine (4)
• Jhadara Shrine (5)
• OOT Guildhouse
• Aeryandris Shrine (5)
• Alyara Shrine (5)
Stalis LC 18,590 40,000 37,180,000 186 930 • ITS Guildhouse
• Jhadara Temple (9)
• Lyranis Temple (10)
• Aadu Shrine (5)
Stormgard LT 3,803 3,000 570,450 38 190 • Jhadara Shrine (5)
• Lyranis Shrine (4)
• Aeryandris Shrine (5)
Talek Pharos SC 10,344 15,000 7,758,000 103 517 • Alyara Temple (9)
• Azakhar Shrine (5)
• Aadu Shrine (5)
• Aeryandris Temple (9)
• Alyara Shrine (5)
Tazadir SC 11,845 15,000 8,883,750 118 592 • Azakhar Shrine (4)
• IND Guildhouse
• Jhadara Temple (10)
• Lyranis Temple (9)
Terrantia LT 3,830 3,000 574,500 38 192 • Azakhar Shrine (5)
• Azakhar Temple (10)
Tetrigrad SC 9,552 15,000 7,164,000 96 478
• OAI Guildhouse
• Aadu Shrine (5)
Thornrift LT 3,510 3,000 526,500 35 176 • Jhadara Shrine (4)
• Shaarizad Shrine (5)
• Aeryandris Shrine (5)
Tir Naroth LT* 3,690 3,000 553,500 369 1,230 • Alyara Shrine (4)
• Baltur Shrine (4)
• Jhadara Shrine (5)
Tyr Aegas LC 19,000 40,000 38,000,000 190 950
• Lyranis Shrine (5)
• Aeryandris Temple (10)
• Alyara Temple (10)
Ulem SC 9,239 15,000 6,929,250 92 462
• IND Guildhouse
• Jhadara Temple (9)
Ulthanium M 37,830 100,000 189,150,000 378 1,892 • Azakhar Great Temple

r Kingdoms & Empires of Mythosa s

Name Type Pop. Limit Assets Guard Militia Magical Presence
(Citadel of Blood and Iron)
• OAI Guildhouse
• Azakhar Temple (10)
Urnsk LC 19,527 40,000 39,054,000 195 976
• OAI Guildhouse
• Jhadara Shrine (5)
Vagir LT* 2,500 3,000 375,000 250 833
• Lyranis Shrine (4)
• Aeryandris Temple (10)
• Alyara Temple (9)
• Baltur Temple (9)
Valdahar LC 19,750 40,000 39,500,000 198 988
• ITS Guildhouse
• Jhadara Shrine (5)
• Lyranis Temple (9)
• Aeryandris Temple (9)
• Alyara Shrine (5)
Vanira SC 9,050 15,000 6,787,500 91 453
• Jhadara Temple (9)
• Lyranis Shrine (5)
• Aadu Shrine (5)
• Azakhar Temple (9)
Vasterrak SC 7,168 15,000 5,376,000 72 358
• Pazaretu Shrine (n/a)
• Shaarizad Temple (10)
• Azatharu Shrine (n/a)
Vedal LT 2,870 3,000 430,500 29 144
• Azirakesh Shrine (n/a)
Westfaire LT 3,328 3,000 499,200 33 166 • Azakhar Temple (9)
• Jhadara Shrine (5)
Wulfhold LT* 2,660 3,000 399,000 266 887
• Lyranis Shrine (4)
• Aeryandris Shrine (4)
Yidra SC 7,025 15,000 5,268,750 70 351 • Alyara Temple (9)
• Jhadara Temple (10)
• Aadu Shrine (4)
• Aeryandris Great Temple
(Golden Athenaeum) (15)
• Alyara Temple (10)
• Azakhar Temple (9)
Zeldora M 35,000 100,000 175,000,000 350 1,750 • Baltur Temple (9)
• Jhadara Temple (9)
• Lyranis Temple (10)
• OOT Guildhouse
• Shaarizad Shrine (5)

• Azirakesh Shrine (n/a)
Z'haar SC 11,350 15,000 8,512,500 114 568 • Shaarizad Shrine (5)

r Realms Beyond s

Chapter V:
Realms Beyond

There are other worlds beyond the material

The Near Realms
The planar neighbors of the Material Realm are
plane of Mythosa. They are discussed in this chapter, known as the Near Realms. These planes include the
in the following sections: elemental planes, the Ethereal Plane, and the Astral
Plane. They cannot be accessed without magical
• Planar Cosmology means – spells, magic items, or portals said to be
scattered across Mythosa.
• Magic in the Far Realms
• Runegates The elemental planes include the planes of earth, air,
fire, water, light, and darkness. These are known to
most folk, usually from the stories told by clergy in
Planar Cosmology describing the creation of the world. The raw
material used for both the Material Realm and the
Mythosa is but a single world in a wide cosmology. Far Realms comes from the elemental planes.
Other realms of existence can be found outside its
planar borders. Though one can journey to these The Ethereal Plane is another place well-known to
places, it is rather difficult…unless one has died and many people, though primarily through second-hand
is going on to a promised afterlife. accounts. The Ethereal Plane is the misty,
otherworldly realm that co-exists with the Material
The Material Realm Realm, and is home to ghosts and other unnatural
The world is part of what sages refer to as the creatures.
Material Realm. This Realm includes Mythosa, the
moons Ralos and Meera, the sun, and everything else The Astral Plane
that can be seen in the day and night skies. The The Astral Plane (sometimes known as the Silver
Material Realm is the center, or core, of all worlds, Curtain) surrounds the Near Realms and lies between
and thus is of paramount importance to its them and the Far Realms. Like the Near Realms,
inhabitants as well as those who dwell outside of it. magic is necessary to reach the Astral Plane, but it
can also be accessed through death. When someone
There are those that believe that other Material dies, his spirit leaves his body to stand at the foot of
Realms exist as well, “parallel” (for want of a better a silver path – the Bridge of Arall. At the other end of
term) to our own. The truth of this is the source of the bridge are the doors to the palace of Amenthyr,
great speculation, though it would explain the center of the Astral Plane and home of the Elder
existence of a number of unusual things in Mythosa. Goddess Lis. The spirit is compelled to travel across
the bridge to Amenthyr, with the journey taking as
many days as those that remain until the moon
Meera is again full (which is why it is easier to raise or
resurrect someone prior to this). While other means
may be used to enter the Astral Plane, only the dead
ever see the Bridge of Arall.

Upon entering Amenthyr, a spirit is brought to a

great hall – the Hall of the Dead. Here Lis judges each
soul and determines its final destination. The dead
that had a patron deity in life are sent on to their

r Realms Beyond s

god’s domain in the Far Realms; those that did not The bastion of law on Elysium is the city of Vigilis. It
have a patron are relegated to the Soul Vault. Spirits is also known as the Crystal City since it was built
in the Vault are eventually re-forged and returned to from a single, immense crystal. It is a beautiful,
new bodies in the Material Realm. fragile-looking metropolis, and home to countless
numbers who serve good and order. There are
Though it seems like a relatively short time on the portals to the Nexian city of Myrias to be found in
Astral Plane, a soul remains in the Hall of the Dead Vigilis as well.
for 100 years as judged by those in the Material
Realm. It is during this time that a spirit can be Far from the Crystal City is the huge, sprawling
retrieved with a raise dead, resurrection, or true resurrection wilderness of Avadaen. Avadaen is to chaos and
spell. After the 100 years are over, Lis sends the soul freedom as Vigilis is to structure and conformity.
on to its final destination. If this destination is in the Those who served good in life but disdained
Far Realms, the spirit may still be recovered with a authority and organization generally find their way to
true resurrection spell. Souls in the Vault, however, are Avadaen after death. Like Vigilis, there are portals to
lost forever. Nexia here; in Avadaen, some caves and wooded
glades lead to Magannwyn on the neutral plane.
The living may enter the Astral Plane as well, of
course. Many do so through magic, but some Nexia is the plane of the balance, where neither good
occasional project their spirits into the plane while nor evil hold sway. It is a place very much like the
they sleep. Some believe that dreams are actually an Material Realm. It has areas that are scenic as well as
unconscious shaping of reality in the Astral Plane. areas that are unsightly, and places that are safe and
Sages also claim that small, self-contained realities – places that are dangerous. Nexia is home to a great
known as demiplanes – can be found in the Astral variety of otherworldly beings as well as the gods
Plane as well. It is quite possible that dreams and Aeryandris and Jhadara.
“demiplanes” are related.
The core of lawfulness on the plane is the city of
The Far Realms Myrias. Myrias is neither beautiful like Vigilis, nor
The Far Realms are the outermost reaches of the ugly like Dis in Maledicium – it is simply practical.
planes. Lying beyond the Astral Plane, they represent Everything in the city, from lanes to buildings, has
the epitome of good, evil, and that which lies been built to exacting standards according to their
between. There are three planes that make up the function, with an effort to make every construction
Far Realms: Elysium, the plane of goodness, contribute to the efficiency of the city’s populace. In
Maledicium, the plane of evil, and Nexia, the plane of the places that are most practical for them, portals
balance and neutrality. Within each plane are areas of can be found to the cities of Vigilis and Dis.
order and areas of chaos, found in varying locations
and with diverse intensities. There are also self- The wilderness realm of Magannwyn is the chaotic
contained regions within each Far Realm which may counterpart to Myrias. Magannwyn is a wilderland,
be altered by powerful beings who dwell there, such though unlike Avadaen on Elysium, this wilderness
as deities or demon lords. Visitors from the Material can be dangerous (as dangerous as the wild places in
Realm generally enter a Far Realm via the Astral the Material Realm). It is also a disquieting place,
Plane, though certain spells and rituals permit surrounded and permeated by mists, and playing
bypassing the Astral altogether. host to everchanging forests, hills, and mountains.
Those few who have visited Magannwyn say that it is
Elysium is the realm of ultimate good. It is a home to many fey. Certain caves and pools have
beautiful, bountiful place, with rolling meadows, portals that provide transport to Avadaen in Elysium
majestic mountains, crystal-blue oceans, and verdant and Gehennim in Maledicium.
woodlands. This plane is home to the gods Alyara,
Baltur, and Lyranis, as well as hosts of angelic beings, The greatest evils of the planes are found in
celestial creatures, and the spirits of those who died Maledicium. The plane is the ultimate stronghold of
serving the causes of good. evil, and is home to all manner of dark creatures, the

r Realms Beyond s

foremost being demons and devils. The gods Aadu,

Azakhar, and Shaarizad make their homes here. Magic in the Far Realms
Clerics who find themselves in the Far Realms will
The essence of order in Maledicium is found in the discover that the powers they may call upon work
city of Dis. It is a nightmarish monstrosity, a huge, differently than when they are on the Material Plane.
sprawling metropolis built from red-hot, rusting iron, The farther a cleric is from her deity, the harder it is
for which many have dubbed it the Burning City. Dis for her god’s power to reach her. In addition, secular
is home to many of the infernal plane’s devils, who magic may work differently as well. The summaries
make it their ultimate purpose to continue expansion below describe these effects.
of the city until it covers all of the Far Realms. The
portals here that connect to Myrias, on Nexia, may Elysia
have been built for this reason. • Good clerics have access to spells of all levels.
• Neutral clerics have access to spell levels 0 to 6.
• Evil clerics have access to spells of levels 0 to 3.
• Spells with the “good” descriptor are
automatically maximized.
• Spells with the “evil” descriptor are impeded (a
caster must succeed at a Spellcraft check DC 20
+ spell level when casting, otherwise the spell
fails and the slot is used).
• Undead are treated as having turn resistance
-10. They cannot be rebuked but they can be

• Good clerics have access to spells of levels 0 to
The center of chaos in Maledicium is comprised of • Neutral clerics have access to spells of all levels.
the Abyssal Pits of Gehennim. Gehennim is a series of • Evil clerics have access to spells of levels 0 to 6.
chasms, rifts, and caverns found amidst a broken,
volcanic mountain range. The demons of Maledicium
Maledicium can be found here, constantly warring • Good clerics have access to spells of levels 0 to
amongst themselves or with neighboring regions. 3.
Their numbers are virtually infinite, but fortunately • Neutral clerics have access to spell levels 0 to 6.
they spend most of their time fighting each other. As • Evil clerics have access to spells of all levels.
such, there is little use of the portals here that lead to
• Spells with the “evil” descriptor are
Magannwyn in Nexia.
automatically maximized.
• Spells with the “good” descriptor are impeded (a
While most people would argue that the Far Realms
caster must succeed at a Spellcraft check DC 20
comprise the outer reaches of the planes, something
+ spell level when casting, otherwise the spell
does lie beyond them. This area is known as the
fails and the slot is used).
Outer Void. It is only accessible from the Far Realms
(Astral travel cannot reach it), though few ever seek • Undead are treated as having turn resistance
to go there, and fewer still return. As such, almost +10. They cannot be turned but they can be
nothing is known about the Outer Void, and it is rebuked.
said to be no more than a vast, empty darkness,
devoid of anything of interest. There is speculation
that other realms exist within the Void or even
farther beyond, but no being from any of the planes
has yet to verify that.

r Realms Beyond s

An open runegate will remain such for 30 minutes,

Runegates after which it may be opened again with another
Runegates are magical portals that open into an casting of the open runegate spell. While a runegate is
extradimensional space and are designed to allow the open, people and objects may pass freely through it
rapid transportation of people and material across and magic may be cast through in either direction.
potentially vast distances. While travel of this sort is Runegates inside the Runemaze require the spell to
already possible via teleportation spells, runegates open in the same matter as those on the “other
obviate the shortcomings of such magic (there are side”.
no weight limits, for instance, nor is there a chance
of deviation). There is still some travel involved Egress from the Runemaze requires finding another
(described later), but it is measured in hours or days gate within and using open runegate to activate it. The
rather than weeks or months. locations of other gates in the Runemaze are found
on rare and highly-guarded maps, most of which are
Typically, runegates are found in areas distant from copies of originals from the Second Age. Entering
civilization, in ruins or subterranean caverns. There the Runemaze without a map or knowledgable guide
used to be a fair number in civilized areas, but many is extremely risky; even if a gate is found blindly
of those were destroyed during the rise of the there is no way of knowing where it opens or if it
Marasinian Empire, as people feared that if the has been sealed from the other side. Most people will
Mystarchs unlocked the secrets of the runegates then either get lost or killed before finding a gate
they would easily overwhelm the continent (which is unguided.
what ended up happening anyway). No one knows
who built the gates, but they are quite old – they are
spoken of in the written remnants of the Khemsan,
Satarite, and Az’gothan empires, and they were an
enigma to those ancient kingdoms.

Runegates vary little in appearance. They are large,
stone archways, big enough to easily accommodate
the passage of Large creatures. Some are built into
walls or passageways, while others are free-standing.
Numerous runes and glyphs are carved into the sides
of the gates; their purpose has yet to be determined,
though when a gate is active the runes are suffused
with a red or green glow. What the colors mean is

Operation and Navigation

Runegates work in a relatively straightforward
manner: an open runegate spell cast at at a gate creates
an opening to a stone labyrinth known as the
“Runemaze”. The Runemaze, believed to be a demi- History and Dangers
plane, is filled with twisting passages and hallways. As convenient as they may be, runegates can be quite
These corridors are uniformly ten feet wide and ten dangerous. The sorcerer-kings of the Second Age
feet high, so anything bigger than a Large creature made extensive use of the gates until about 1300
will have a difficult time making their way through BAR, when travellers in the runemaze began to
the labyrinth, if they are able to get through it at all. encounter demons, devils, and other fell creatures
There are rooms found in the Runemaze as well. from Maledicium. The wizards of the time did not
They are generally empty and their purpose is as know if the fiends had come through runegates on
much as mystery as the labyrinth itself. For trips that their plane or whether the runemaze was itself on
take more than one day, the rooms provide a Maledicium and that plane’s evil denizens simply
convenient place to camp or rest. used it as a hunting ground. Over time, more and

r Realms Beyond s

more evil outsiders were encountered to the point • About 50 miles northwest of Bladeport, there is
that the ancient sorcerers decided to abandon their a runegate found among the ruins of a forgotten
use of the runegates. wizard's tower. The gate appears to have been
sealed on the other side. Efforts to penetrate the
Additionally, the wizards of the time developed seal have thus far been unsuccessful.
magic that would “seal” the runegates, effectively • Southern Gharakaag is home to a cavern
preventing anything in the runemaze from exiting network known as the Abyssal Stair. Deep within
from a sealed gate. They sealed as many runegates as the bowels of the Stair is said to be a runegate
they could to prevent the chance of a demonic that opens on its own to a room in the
incursion into the world. They stayed sealed until the Runemaze that contains another gate which is
Age of Chaos, when the Aetheric Collector shattered permanently open to Maledicium. Fortunately,
the seals. The gates weren’t opened, but they could the gate appears to open only sporadically for
be from within the runemaze if the proper magic brief periods…unfortunately, this is long enough
was used. for plenty of fell creatures from the dark plane
to cross over into the Stair.
Limited runegate use resumed in the Fourth Age
after magic returned to the world. For the most part, Physical Details
those who used the gates did so relatively safely, but Runegates can be physically destroyed, though not
about a quarter of those who went into the without great difficulty. A runegate has a hardness of
Runemaze did not return. Demons and devils did 25, 1620 hit points, and a break DC of 50. Spell
indeed roam the halls of the labyrinth, heavily in effects that destroy objects will not affect a runegate,
some places, lightly or not at all elsewhere. Usage though a successful dispel magic against DC 28 will
stopped after the Demongate Wars of 658 AR as suppress an active gate for 1d4 rounds. Disjunction
closing the gates the Ulthians had opened became a will “break” a runegate’s connection if it fails a Will
higher priority. save (+10 Will save bonus) – the gate will not be
destroyed or become non-magical, but it must be re-
Today, most of the known runegates have been directed to be used again. Since this is a feat which
closed or sealed. The magic to seal a runegate is has yet to be realized, a failed save effectively renders
known to a select group of Spÿrran wizards who the gate useless. Anything crossing the threshold of a
have taken it upon themselves to seal as many gates runegate when it is destroyed or subject to a
at they can. They keep the knowledge of this power successful disjunction is cast into the Astral Plane (no
secret to prevent anyone from using it to learn the save).
reverse (i.e.; to “unseal” gates).
Regardless of the methods that can be used, most
Known Runegates people consider runegates to be too valuable to
For obvious reasons, the locations of most runegates destroy. At best, steps may be taken to seal a gate to
are kept secret. There are a few places, however, prevent any unwanted visitors from appearing.
where runegates are known to exist: Generally, those aware of a runegate expect to reap
their benefits at some future point when more of
• The worst-kept secret of Zeldora is the link their secrets are revealed.
between it and Haven. Heavily-guarded
runegates exist in the city-state and its southern
outpost and are used to facilitate commerce
between Ambia and the Southern Kingdoms.
• In 675 AR, Ilmaran and Shesadan spies
confirmed the existence of a runegate in the
Maraadan outpost of Ankhara. Gathering
scattered talk from the Maraadans in the
outpost, they determined Ankhara’s companion
gate is in the southern Demonhaunt Forest, a
few miles north of the city of Z’harr.

r Gods and Religion s

Chapter VI:
Gods and Religion
place known as Sepluchurum, a small monastery in the
T he Divine and the Devoted sourcebooks cover the
specifics of each of the major religions. This section
Amari town of Caros. Sepluchurum is a cloistered
temple, staffed by a small order of about fifty clerical
provides general information about the gods and monks known as Gatherers. The Gatherers are lead by
religion, including: a single high priest (a level 20 cleric) who is Lis’s
voice on the mortal plane. This high priest is also the
only cleric in the world who may cast true resurrection.
• The Elder Gods
• Shrines and Temples Unfortunately for those seeking true resurrection, they
• Death and Resurrection sometimes are denied, or forced to wait a
considerable length of time. When the Lissene high
priest dies, his soul does not travel on to the afterlife,
but rather is reincarnated into the body of a newborn
The Elder Gods child. An order within the Gatherers seeks out this
In addition to the nine gods described in the Divine child and returns it to Sepluchurum. It then takes
and the Devoted series, there are two other gods worth five years or so for the child to gain self-awareness as
noting: Lis and Rahl, the Elder Gods. to their nature. At this time, they are able to call
upon the powers of their previous incarnation.
Countless aeons ago, the Elder Gods created
Panthea, the world that preceded Mythosa. They
populated it with various races, including the Rahl
Myraphum – the beings that would eventually The Elder God Rahl is Lis’s counterpart. Rahl is said
become Baltur, Azakhar, and the other deities to represent birth, disorder, immortality, masculinity,
worshipped throughout the world. As such, they are and activity (among other things). Unlike Lis, who
recognized as the most powerful entities in existence. has a group of people acting on her behalf on
Mythosa, Rahl is represented by a single individual,
Unlike the deities they created, however, the Elder who may or may not be the actual god himself. In
Gods seem to see no need for worshippers or addition, Rahl does not have a fixed residence – he
priests, at least not to any great degree. They do not wanders about constantly, traveling from town to
actually govern over any particular aspect of the town and village to village, never staying too long in
world. Rather, Rahl and Lis represent opposition – a single spot. Because of this, he is commonly
the ultimate balance between two antithetical referred to as “the Stranger”.
concepts. While some aspects are attributed to each
god, this is more of a mortal impression of them Rahl’s transience has given rise to innumerable
rather than what they actually represent. stories and myths detailing encounters with the god,
usually involving travelers meeting an unknown
Despite their power and suspected disinterest in the stranger on the road or at a wayside inn. The general
world, Rahl and Lis both maintain a temporal theme is that those who treat Rahl well are rewarded,
presence on Mythosa. The nature of their residence and those who treat him poorly suffer some ill
in the mortal world is detailed below. fortune. It has also led to a not uncommon custom
of treating any strangers in a town very well if a
pregnant resident is due to give birth. Because of
Lis Rahl’s association with birth and his habit of
Though such concepts are not directly applicable to rewarding those who treat him well, it is hoped that
the Elder Gods, mortals associate Lis with death, if he happens to be in their town at the time, the
order, ephemerality, feminity, and passivity (among newborn will receive the god’s blessing.
other things). Her resprentation in the world is at a

r Gods and Religion s

Dyneric shrines are notably different from those of

Shrines and Temples other gods. These shrines generally consist of a
Places of worship in Mythosa vary based on culture single standing stone carved with druidic symbols
and religion, but for the most part, they can be and placed in the middle of a glade or clearing. They
classified into three types: shrines, temples, and are never located in urban areas.
Great Temples. Each category is discussed below.
Shrines Temples are much larger than shrines, and far fewer
Shrines are the smallest of the gods’ sacred and in number. They contain a sanctuary as well as
profane places. They range from simple, unattended, chambers for services offered by the temple, clerical
single-room buildings or grottoes to larger structures cells, storage rooms, and whatever else may be
with three or four rooms. Shrines are the most needed. The high priest of the temple will be Level 9
common religious sites. or 10 (higher-level clerics who aren't travellers are
found at a religion’s Great Temple). They will be in
Unattended shrines are built by temples and charge of 5-14 (3d4+2) clerics of Levels 1-6, no less
maintained either by travelling clergy or the staff of than half that many guards, and any necessary non-
the nearest occupied shrine or temple. They are clerical staff such as smiths, cooks, or similar folk.
generally single-roomed, roofed buildings, with
spartan ornamentation. It is common for a shrine to Most cities will be home to at least one temple; larger
have some method of facilitating donations, usually cities and metropolises often have several. The
in the form of a locked strongbox or a hole in the known locations of temples for each of the nine
floor or altar. While neither is a deterrent to gods are listed in their respective sourcebooks.
someone committed to robbing the shrine,
conventional wisdom suggests that a person stealing Great Temples
from a shrine may incur its deity's wrath. In addition, While each religion has a number of shrines and
unattended shrines will sometimes be watched over temples, all of them are ancillaries to a Great
by a shrine guardian, a spirit summoned by a cleric to Temple. The Great Temple of a church is its
handle routine maintenance and cleaning. temporal seat and home to its greatest treasures and
most powerful priests. Great Temples contain the
Inhabited shrines usually consist of the sanctuary chambers and trappings one would expect in a
(the largest room in the building), a room for the regular temple, but they may also contain extensive
presiding cleric, and a third room for storage and libraries, vaults of relics, catacombs for deceased
miscellaneous use. If additional clerics staff the clergy, and any number of other things relevent to a
shrine, there will be another room for their use. The particular religion. Some Great Temples are actually
staff of a shrine is comprised of the chief priest and large compounds consisting of many buildings,
potentially one or two assistants. The head cleric is similar to a large castle or fortress, and may be the
no higher than Level 5, while the assistants will be home base of specialized orders of the faith.
clerics of Levels 1 or 2.
A Great Temple is supervised by the prelate of the
Shrines are located in numerous places such as: religion – the highest of high priests and the mortal
leader of the church. Prelates are clerics of Level 13
• Waysides along well-travelled routes and trails or higher. Their staff is comprised of 3d12+10
• Villages or towns not large enough to warrant a clerics of varied levels (though none higher than the
temple prelate) and as many non-clerical staff to handle
• Keeps of nobles and aristocrats mundane tasks. A Great Temple will also be
• The frontier near areas of symbolic or literal protected by a contingent of guards, numbering as
significance to the deity many as can be accommodated and trusted.
• Basements, dungeons, catacombs, and other
The names and locations of the known Great
hidden places (for evil gods)
Temples, as well as the current prelate of each, are
listed in their respective sourcebooks.

r Gods and Religion s

Game Information: Whenever raise dead, resurrection,

Death and Resurrection or true resurrection is cast on dead character, the
Among the clerical spell lists, there are three spells chance of success is not automatic. A d20 roll is
that can raise the dead: raise dead, resurrection, and true made to see if the casting is successful. Failure means
resurrection. These spells exist in Mythosa, though they that the spell is used along with its components but
function in a slightly different manner than what is the target remains dead. Additional attempts may be
standard. The primary difference is that life force made if desired. There is no automatic success on a
(levels) are not lost when someone is brought back; 20 nor automatic failure on a 1.
however, raising or resurrection is not guaranteed,
based on the following factors: The target DC of the d20 roll is based on a
character’s Resurrection score. This is the base DC,
• The location of the soul in Astral Plane and starts at 1 for a character that has never died.
• The patron deity of the deceased Each successful casting of raise dead, resurrection, or
• The number of times a person has been true resurrection raises this value by 4 (as an example, a
raised or resurrected character that has died and been brought twice will
have a Resurrection of 9). A +2 modifier applies to
Location of the Soul the DC if the deceased’s patron deity is not the same
In Mythosa, when a creature dies, its soul – if it has as the caster’s god (or if the dead character has no
one – begins its journey on the Bridge of Arall. Their patron). A +2 modifier is applied if the spell is cast
arrival in Amenthyr is governed by Meera, the smaller after Meera has been full. These modifiers stack.
of the world’s two moons. Meera has a 24-day lunar
cycle, and is full for a single evening during that time. A modifier is applied to the d20 roll based on the
That night, those on the Bridge arrive on its far side spell used as shown below:
and the soul of the dead enters Amenthyr (whether
Meera controls the journey or is simply a sign that it Raise dead +2
has finished is a topic of much theological debate). It Resurrection +4
is easier to pull back a soul if it is on the Bridge True resurrection +10
rather than retrieving it from Amethyr.
It should be obvious that even under optimal
conditions, some spells will have no chance of
Patron Deities
bringing a dead character back and eventually not
While a dead person can be raised by any cleric, if
even a true resurrection will work. At that point, the
the cleric's deity is not the patron of the deceased, it
character is simply permanently dead.
is more difficult to bring them back. The gods aren't
in the business of performing selfless favors for their
Optional: The DM may wish to make characters
“competition” and thus aren’t as keen on bringing
created higher than first level to have Resurrection
someone back who isn’t an adherent of their faith.
score higher than 1 to reflect events that may have
occurred earlier in their career. The higher the
Spiritual Endurance character’s level, the greater the possibility they've
Death is hard on the soul. Each time a person dies, died at least once.
their soul is slightly weakened. This doesn’t preclude
the possibility of being raised from the dead, but
each death makes it harder for the soul to return and
eventually requires more powerful magic; those who
have died and come back numerous times will need
no less than true resurrection to return from Amenthyr.
Eventually, even that spell will not work, and the
soul will be unretrievable. In the end, all souls must
find their rest in Lis’s halls.

r Appendix A: New Spells s

Appendix A: New Spells

Detect Elven Blood Elfmark

Divination Universal
Level: Sor/Wiz 0 Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft. /2 levels) Range: Touch
Target: One creature Target: Creature touched
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: One year
Saving Throw: None Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: no Spell Resistance: No

This variant on detect poison allows the caster to This spell allows you to inscribe an elven glyph on
determine whether a creature has traces of elven a living being. The glyph is invisible and causes no
blood in them. The strength of the creature's harm to the being it is being placed on. It cannot
ancestry will be detected as high if the creature is a be seen with a detect magic spell. The choice of
half-elf, moderate if one of their parents was a glyph to be inscribed may be one of those listed
half-elf and weak if one of their grandparents was below under “Background”.
a half-elf. Ancestry further back than that is not
enough to register. Note: The spell can penetrate If a person adorned with an elfmark is within sight
barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common of someone with elven blood (a full-blooded elf, a
metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or half-elf, or someone with the Elven Ancestry feat),
dirt blocks it. the presence of the mark can be detected. Make a
Spot check against the DC listed below:
This spell was developed by the sorcerers of • Full-blooded elf: DC 10
Maraada to help them in their nefarious quest to • Half-elf: DC 15
stamp out all traces of elven ancestry in
• Elven Ancestry feat: DC 20
See invisibility, true seeing, a gem of seeing, or a robe of
eyes likewise allows the user (of any race) to see an
elfmark, though they will not understand what it
means without prior knowledge of elven glyphs.
The mark cannot be dispelled, but it can be
removed by the caster.

Material Component: The caster must be a full-

blooded elf or a half-elf. Half-elves trying to cast
this spell must make a Spellcraft DC 30 check to
be successful.

This spell is a variant of arcane mark, developed by
the Sylvari to allow them to easily identify their
friends and occasionally their enemies. The glyphs
that may be used are listed below:

r Appendix A: New Spells s

Azaryn: Sylvadriel for “Enemy”. This glyph

marks someone who would be considered an Summon Shrine Guardian
enemy of the Sylvari. Some of the more violent Conjuration [Creation]
and paranoid elves will attack someone marked Level: Clr 2
with Azaryn on sight. Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 action
Valaris: Syvladriel for “Friend”. This glyph marks Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft. /2 levels)
someone who is considered an ally of the Sylvari. Target: One invisible, mindless, shapeless servant
This glyph is not used lightly as it is a signal to Duration: 1 week/level
other elves that they can place their trust in the Saving Throw: None
marked person. Spell Resistance: No

This spell is essentially a divine variant of unseen

servant. A shrine guardian is an invisible,
mindless, shapeless force that performs simple
tasks for the maintenance of a shrine. This
includes cleaning dust and debris from floors and
surfaces, mending torn hangings or cracked
vessels, and any other simple job that contributes
to keeping the shrine clean and presentable.

Open Runegate The guardian can perform only one activity at a

time. It has an effective Strength score of 2 (so it
can lift 20 pounds or drag 100 pounds). Its speed
Level: Sor/Wiz 5, Travel 5
is 15 feet, though it is bound to the shrine it is
Components: V, S, M
summoned in: shrine guardians can travel no
Casting Time: 1 full round
further than 30 feet away from the exact point
Range: Touch
where they were summoned.
Target: A runegate
Duration: One hour
The guardian cannot attack in any way; it is never
Saving Throw: None
allowed an attack roll. It cannot be killed, but it
Spell Resistance: No
dissipates if it takes 6 points of damage from area
attacks (against which it receives no saving
This spell opens a runegate, either into the
throws), or if the shrine is desecrated. If the
Runemaze from a planar source or from the
guardian is destroyed, an inaudible, magical signal
Runemaze to a planar destination.
will be sent out to any and all clerics of the
shrine's religion within a 1-mile radius. A cleric
The caster must be in physical contact with the
receiving this signal will understand what it means,
gate for the spell to be cast.
though it doesn't reveal the location of the shrine.
This spell will not work on a runegate that has
been sealed.

Material Component: 500 gp of silver dust,

scattered at the base of the runegate prior to

r Appendix B: Open Gaming License and Designation of Open Gaming Content s

OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-
adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed
Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark
Reserved. or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open
Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that
1. Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the copyright and/or trademark Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open
owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)"Derivative Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that
Material" means copyrighted material including derivative works and Product Identity.
translations (including into other computer languages), potation,
modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, 8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly
compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open
recast, transformed or adapted; (c) "Distribute" means to reproduce, Game Content.
license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise
distribute; (d)"Open Game Content" means the game mechanic and 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish
includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of
such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content
enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly originally distributed under any version of this License.
identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any
work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works 10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with
under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.
"Product Identity" means product and product line names, logos and
identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the
stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You
artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, have written permission from the Contributor to do so.
concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio
representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, 12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of
enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game
abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then
or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.
and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as
Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which 13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to
specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) "Trademark" means comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days
the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the
Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated products termination of this License.
contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) "Use",
"Used" or "Using" means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, 14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be
translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
Content. (h) "You" or "Your" means the licensee in terms of this necessary to make it enforceable.
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. •
contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the
Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich
any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell,
subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself. based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. •
No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Character Portraits: Fantasy Heroes copyright 2003, Mongoose
Content distributed using this License. Publishing • Character Portraits: Fantasy Heroines copyright 2003,
Mongoose Publishing • Mythosa Gazetteer, Copyright 2002-2007 Bruce
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You A. Gulke, from • The Divine and the Devoted
indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License. - Aadu, Copyright 2006, Bruce A. Gulke • The Divine and the Devoted -
Aeryandris, Copyright 2006, Bruce A. Gulke • The Divine and the
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this Devoted - Alyara, Copyright 2006, Bruce A. Gulke • The Divine and the
License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, Devoted - Azakhar, Copyright 2006, Bruce A. Gulke • The Divine and
non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the the Devoted - Baltur, Copyright 2006, Bruce A. Gulke • The Divine and
Open Game Content. the Devoted - Dynera, Copyright 2006, Bruce A. Gulke • The Divine and
the Devoted - Jhadara, Copyright 2006, Bruce A. Gulke • The Divine
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing and the Devoted - Lyranis, Copyright 2006, Bruce A. Gulke • The Divine
original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your and the Devoted - Shaarizad, Copyright 2006, Bruce A. Gulke • Mythosa
Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient Compendium Volume 1, Copyright 2007 Bruce A. Gulke, from
rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License.

6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT DESIGNATION OF PRODUCT IDENTITY
NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the The name “Mythosa” and all proper names used here are designated as
COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, Product Identity and are not Open Game Content.
modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date,
and the copyright holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any DESIGNATION OF OPEN CONTENT
original Open Game Content you Distribute. Text not claimed as Product Identity is designated as Open Game
Content. No artwork is Open Content with the following exceptions:
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, The illustrations of “Almira Zayan” (page 9), “Haramis the Desert
including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed Viper” (page 10), and the elf on page 13.
in another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of


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