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A community project was organised by S1BP4 in collaboration with two other practicums

which is S1AP1 and S1CP4 . The community project was mainly about giving out free drinks
during English Week. Originally , our three practicums decided on the idea of organizing the '
Movie Night' .However , it seemed that the movie night idea was rejected by the English Unit
due to being not practical and did not give much impact on the community here in KMNS.
Thus , after further discussion with the other groups from other practicums,we decided on a
refreshments booth on the 17th of January in conjuction with the closing ceremony of the
English Week of KMNS .The idea of having a refreshments booth is actually proposed not only
to give something back to the community but also to raise funds for the secondary school here in
Kuala Pilah which is SMJK Chung Hwa. As the discussion was going on, our group which is
S1BP4 was responsible in drafting the letter of permission in Malay language while S1AP1 will
work on the English version. After distributing the paperwork, we came out with a budget which
was approximately 100 ringgit Malaysia . The total expense on the drinks was RM 51.00
associated with tax payment. S1BP4 was also responsible for the loaning of the container to store
the drinks .For the container , we decided to rent it from the cafe D as it will save a lot of cost .
We choose DSG to set up our stall as it will be convenient for the people to grab a drink or two
during the Voice KMNS competition so they will be able to quench their thirst while enjoying
the show.

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