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DBMS Projects Rubrics

Did Not Meet

Exceeded Expectations Meets Expectations Missed Expectations
4 3 2
Followed instructions and where
Following Attempted to follow Did not follow assignment
appropriate attempted to enhanced Followed instructions.
Directions the database structure.
directions. directions.

Student demonstrates a thorough Student demonstrates a basic Student has trouble Student cannot
understanding of the skills being understanding of the skills being demonstrating the skills being demonstrate the skills
Use of Learned
studied; showed a personal studied; showed a personal studied; has difficulty being studied; doesn’t
Skills investment in the project which investment in the project which demonstrating new demonstrate any new
resulted in new knowledge. resulted in new knowledge. knowledge. knowledge.
Work was handed in more
Work was completed on time; Work was not completed on
Work was completed on time; was than 2 days late; contained
Structure was mostly free of errors; there time; contained some errors;
free of errors; there were no errors in multiple errors; there were
were minor errors in grammar there were multiple errors in
grammar and spelling. substantial errors in
and spelling. grammar and spelling.
grammar and spelling.
Work was completed and Work was incomplete and
Naming Work was completed following Work was completed following
naming conventions were not there is no attempt to
Conventions naming conventions. some naming conventions.
implemented. follow naming conventions.
Works quietly on assignment May not use class time wisely Does not use class time
Works quietly on assignment and
and uses class time wisely; to work on assignment; when wisely; when work is
uses class time wisely; when work is
Work Ethic when work is finished student work is finished student goes finished student goes to
finished student goes to alt.
goes to alt. assignment only to alt. assignment only when alt. assignment only when
assignment without being told. Never
when told to. Never uses other told to. May use other told to. Uses other
uses other student’s work.
student’s work. student’s work. student’s work.
It is obvious through observation that
The student did what was No effort was put into
the student wanted to and tried to Little effort was put into
Effort succeed in completing the
necessary to complete the
completing the assignment.
doing or completing the
assignment. assignment.

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