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Duplex stainless

steel welding.
Best practices
(Part 1)
Barry Messer, Andrew Wright, Vasile Oprea. Figure 1 Overview - General Duplex Welding
Fluor Canada Ltd., Canada Guidelines

Introduction system. These materials typically content is maintained throughout

For many engineering applications comprise approximately equal the weldment. Figure 1 illustrates
in the petroleum and refining in- amounts of body-centered cubic the factors that contribute in achiev-
dustry, duplex stainless steels (DSS) (bcc) ferrite, α-phase and face-cen- ing the optimal weld properties.
are the preferred material, combin- tered cubic (fcc) austenite, γ-phase,
ing characteristics of both ferritic in their microstructure. It is well Many fabricators lack sufficient ex-
and austenitic stainless steel (SS) documented that maximum corro- perience controlling heat input that
when welded correctly. When weld- sion resistance and mechanical achieves a balanced microstructure
ed incorrectly, the potential to form properties throughout a DSS weld- in DSS weldments. Duplex guide-
detrimental intermetallic phases ment are achieved when the phase lines (Figure 1) supplement API 938-
drastically increases, which could balance of ferrite to austenite is C1 and suggest parameters for weld-
lead to a catastrophic failure. When 50:50. However, achieving a 50:50 ing procedure specifications (WPS)
comparing DSS to SS, DSS is more phase balance of ferrite to austenite that will assist welders achieve the
resistant than austenitic SS to stress (α → γ) in a weldment has proven to optimum (α → γ) balance.
corrosion cracking (SCC) but not as be difficult due to many variables as
resistant as ferritic SS; also, DSS metal chemistry, welding processes, Metallurgy
toughness is typically superior to and thermal history of the steel. Alloying Elements
that of ferritic SS but not as good as Experience coupled with testing has For DSS producers there is no diffi-
austenitic SS. shown that DSS have optimal corro- culty in meeting standard specifica-
DSS are two phase alloys based on sion resistance and mechanical tions of chemical compositions.
the iron-chromium-nickel (Fe-Cr-Ni) properties when 35 to 60% ferrite Individual steel producers have nar-

Co mpo sit ion (a), wt%

UN S Co m mon PRE N
No. Designati on C Mn S P Si Cr Ni Mo Cu W N (b)

Low - al lo y gr ades (PRE N <3 2)

S31500 3RE60 0.03 0.2-2.0 0.03 0.03 1.4-2.0 18.0-19.0 4.25-5.25 2.5-3.0 … … 0.05-0.10 28
S32001 19D 0.03 4.0-6.0 0.03 0.04 1.00 19.5-21.5 1.0-3.0 0.60 1.00 … 0.05-0.17 23.6
S32304 2304 0.03 2.5 0.04 0.04 1.00 21.5-24.5 3.0-5.5 0.05-0.60 0.05-0.06 … 0.05-0.20 25
S32404 UR50 0.04 2.0 0.01 0.30 1.00 20.5-22.5 5.5-8.5 2.0-3.0 1.0-2.0 … 0.20 31

Inter medi ate- al lo y gr ade s (PR EN 32–3

3 9)
S31200 44LN 0.03 2.0 0.03 0.045 1.00 24.0-26.0 5.5-6.5 1.2-2.0 … … 0.14-2.0 33
S31260 DP3 0.03 1.0 0.03 0.03 0.75 24.0-26.0 5.5-7.5 2.5-3.5 0.20-0.80 0.10-0.50 0.10-0.30 38
S31803 2205 0.03 2.0 0.02 0.03 1.00 21.0-23.0 4.5-6.5 2.5-3.5 … … 0.08-0.20 34
S32205 2205+ 0.03 2.0 0.02 0.03 1.00 22.0-23.0 4.5-6.5 3.0-3.5 … … 0.14-0.20 35-36
S32550 255 0.03 1.5 0.03 0.04 1.00 24.0-27.0 4.5-6.5 2.9-3.9 1.5-2.5 … 0.10-0.25 38
S32900 10RE51 0.06 1.0 0.03 0.04 0.75 23.0-28.0 2.5-5.0 1.0-2.0 … … … 33
S32950 7-Mo Plus 0.03 2.0 0.01 0.035 0.60 26.0-29.0 3.5-5.20 1.0-2.5 … … 0.15-0.35 35

Superduplex grade s (PRE N  4 0)

S32520 UR52N+ 0.03 1.5 0.02 0.035 0.80 24.0-26.0 5.5-8.0 3.0-5.0 0.50-3.00 … 0.20-0.35 41
S32750 2507 0.03 1.2 0.02 0.035 1.00 24.0-26.0 6.0-8.0 3.0-5.0 0.5 … 0.24-0.32 41
S32760 Zeron 100 0.03 1.0 0.01 0.03 1.00 24.0-26.0 6.0-8.0 3.0-4.0 0.5-1.0 0.5-1.0 0.30 40
S32906 Safurex 0.03 0.8-1.5 0.03 0.03 0.50 28.0-30.0 5.8-7.5 1.50-2.60 0.80 … 0.30-0.40 41
S39274 DP3W 0.03 1.0 0.02 0.03 0.80 24.0-26.0 6.0-8.0 2.50-3.50 0.20-0.80 1.50-2.50 0.24-0.32 42
S39277 AF 918 0.025 … 0.002 0.025 0.80 24.0-26.0 4.5-6.5 3.0-4.0 1.2-2.20 0.80-1.20 0.23-0.33 41
(a) Single values are maximum
(b) PREN = %Cr + 3.3x(%Mo + 0.5x%W) + 16x%N
Table 1 Composition and PREN of wrought DSS covered by UNS designation2.

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Weigh t
Ele ment Percent age (w t %) Ele ment al R o le Allo ying Ch ar ac teri st ic s
Chromium 18 to 30% Ferrite former • Increasing Cr will increase corrosion resistance.
(Cr) • The ferrite content increases with increasing Cr; however, too
much Cr will decrease optimal phase balance.
Nickel 4 to 8% Austenite former • Ni promotes a change in crystal structure from ferrite to
(Ni) austenite.
• Ni delays the formation of intermetallic phases.
Molybdenum Less than 5% Ferrite former • Enhances pitting corrosion resistance.
(Mo) • Increased tendency to form detrimental intermetallic phases if
Mo content is too high.
Nitrogen Minimum of 0.14% Austenite former • N causes austenite to form from ferrite at elevated temperatures,
(N) allowing for restoration of an acceptable balance of austenite to
ferrite after a rapid thermal cycle in the HAZ after welding.
• Additions of N increase pitting and crevice corrosion resistance
and strength.
• Delays the formation of intermetallic phases.
• Offsets the formation of sigma phase in high Cr, high Mo steels.
Table 2 Importance of alloying elements of DSS.

row target compositions within crease of ferrite content causes be-

ASTM/ASME specifications to meet haviour similar to a ferritic SS. When
different criteria. DSS are sensitive the amount of austenite in DSS in-
to variations in composition, partic- creases, strength will decrease while
ularly of those elements controlling corrosion resistance and susceptibili-
the phase balance. The relatively ty to CSCC increases. As a conse-
broad chemical limits permit large quence, ferrite limits should be spec-
variation in properties. ified within a reasonable range and Figure 2 Corrosion rate and impact energy vs.
There are three basic categories of be used as a control measure. percent ferrite of DSS.
DSS, low-alloy, intermediate alloy, When low temperature impact
and highly alloyed, or superduplex properties are required, ferrite con-
stainless steel (SDSS) grades, tent must be carefully controlled.
grouped according to their pitting As the ferrite content exceeds ap-
resistance equivalent number proximately 60%, there will be a no-
(PREN) with nitrogen and are ticeable decrease in the ductile be-
shown in Table 1. The most widely haviour and pitting resistance.
used alloys are DSS-grade 2205+ and Sources indicate there may be a neg-
SDSS-grade 2507. ative effect on ductile behaviour
with ferrite levels below 35%, and
The remarkable corrosion resistance reduced resistance to SCC due to a
and mechanical properties of DSS are change in the solidification mode Figure 3: DSS micrograph (200X)4
attributed to the rich alloy content of causing segregation and precipita-
chromium, nickel, molybdenum, tion of intermetallic phases3. Precipitation Mechanisms
and nitrogen that form austenite in a Although it is common to see 30- Optimum phase balance (α → γ) of a
ferritic matrix. The combination of 65% ferrite specified for base and DSS is shown in Figure 3. The light
high chromium and high molybde- weld metal and 30-70% ferrite HAZ, globules in the dark body are un-
num is a cost-efficient way to achieve our experience shows a range be- etched austenitic grains within the
good chloride pitting and crevice tween 35-60% ferrite provides opti- etched ferritic matrix respectively.
corrosion resistance because of the mal results.
reduced amount of nickel compared Figure 2 is a theoretical diagram that DSS alloys solidify primarily as fer-
to austenitic SS. The superior attrib- illustrates how ferrite content affects rite at approximately 1425°C
utes of DSS are credited to the inter- DSS materials. The dotted curve (2597°F) and partially transform to
actions of alloying elements forming represents the corrosion rate in austenite at lower temperatures by a
complex microstructures. The im- chloride containing aqueous envi- solid state reaction4. If the cooling
portance of alloying elements is ex- ronments with respect to percentage rate is rapid, very little ferrite will
plained in Table 2. of ferrite within the material. The transform to austenite resulting in
corrosion rate is greatest below and an excessive ferrite phase at room
Optimum (α → γ) balance relatively moderate above 35% fer- temperature. Consequently, the
Ferrite content of DSS will indicate rite. The solid curve represents im- cooling rate of duplex welds must
whether proper welding and/or heat pact energy at ambient tempera- be slow enough to allow the trans-
treatment techniques result in corro- tures with respect to the percentage formation of approximately 50% of
sion resistance and mechanical of ferrite in DSS. Impact energy is at the ferrite to austenite and, at the
properties that fulfil engineering re- its greatest magnitude at lower fer- same time, fast enough to prevent
quirements. The presence of ferrite ritic levels right through to approxi- the formation of intermetallic phas-
in DSS imparts the superior chloride mately 60% ferrite, at which point, es and deleterious microstructures.
stress corrosion cracking (CSCC) re- the impact energies begin to signifi- Unwanted phases may occur during
sistance and high strength. An in- cantly decrease. fabrication when welding differing

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Du ple x S ta in le s s Ste e l
°C °F
So lid if ic a ti on r an g e 1445 to 1385 2633 to 2525
Sc al in g te mpe r atu r e in air 1000 1832
Sig m a ph a se f or ma ti on 700 to 975 1292 to 1787
Car b id e pr e cip it a ti on 450 to 800 842 to 1472
47 5C/ 88 5 F e mb r it tle me n t 350 to 525 662 to 977

Table 3 Typical precipitation temperatures for DSS.

section sizes or heavy sections with Heat Affected Zone (HAZ)

very low heat input. The HAZ is the area of the base met-
The high alloy content and the al that has its microstructure and
presence of a ferritic matrix render properties altered by inducing in-
DSS susceptible to embrittlement tensive heat into the metal. The
and loss of mechanical properties, HAZ should have corrosion resist-
particularly toughness, through pro- ance and impact toughness compa-
longed exposure at elevated temper- rable to the base material minimum
atures. As cooling proceeds to lower requirements. DSS and SDSS exhibit

Figure 4: Light optical micrograph of a 50mm

temperatures in the range of 475- a narrow-HAZ, in comparison to
2205 DSS material.
955°C (887-1750°F) for short periods austenitic-SS, due to the low heat
of time the precipitation of carbides, input welding processes and the
nitrides and intermetallic phases, all high thermal conductivity of the
of which can be detrimental, will material. Typically an austenitic-SS DSS General welding
occur. The most notable phases are HAZ is in the order of 500 μm in guidelines
alpha prime (α), sigma (σ), chi (χ), width (approximately 20 grains), Acceptable welds do not depend
and Laves (η) phases. For this rea- whereas a DSS HAZ is often as small solely on a welder’s ability to weld
son, DSS are generally not used at as 50 μm in width (2 grains). For DSS; it also depends on a range of
temperatures above 315°C (600°F). this reason, it is extremely difficult variables such as base and filler ma-
Cooling provided by the work piece to measure the narrow-HAZ of DSS terial selection, pre/post-weld clean-
itself is the most effective method of in commercial and industrial set- ing, joint preparation and, most im-
reducing the time that the HAZ is in tings. The morphology of a DSS portantly, choice of the most suit-
the temperature range formation of HAZ is more important than esti- able welding process for a specific
these intermetallic phases. The mating (α → γ) values. A low heat job. Historically, fabricators new to
pseudo binary phase diagram, input welding process has sufficient welding DSS spend a significant
Figure 4, is a roadmap of the metal- heat to promote the transformation amount of time fine tuning their
lurgical behaviour of DSS, and may of discontinuous ferrite in the HAZ, WPS to achieve optimal weldments.
be used to extrapolate the tempera- and will contribute to the fine grain The following guidelines are in-
tures at which precipitation reac- size responsible for the increase in tended to supplement API 938-C.
tions and other characteristics occur toughness of the region (Figure 4). The guidelines, suggest parameters
(Table 3). Caution is necessary when using too for weld procedures as well as pro-
low a heat input associated with viding knowledge to create welds
rapid cooling as a narrow and pre- with excellent properties, with rea-
dominantly ferritic HAZ may be sonable production, and low repair
produced. Sufficient micrographs rates.
demonstrating the presence of dis-
continuous ferrite in the HAZ may Workmanship
be required to ensure a robust weld- The most important factors in suc-
ing process. cessfully welding DSS are quality
Table 2 indicates the effects of N in workmanship and welder education.
DSS; furthermore, N additions to Rewards are significant when
the shielding gas further support welders are informed and involved
formation of austenite during cool- in the details of the weld procedure
ing so that the weld and HAZ are since even the best welder can cre-
more easily converted back to the ate marginal welds with an excel-
optimal austenitic to ferritic bal- lent WPS. An informed and proac-
ance. It is difficult to test the tough- tive welder can create successful, re-
ness in the HAZ by traditional peatable, welds when there is an un-

Figure 4 Pseudo-binary Fe-Cr-Ni phase at 70% Fe section

methods since the zone is often not derstanding of the important role
illustrating areas of detrimental phase formation5.
more than one or a few grain sizes the variables play in achieving an
wide4. optimum (α → γ) balance in DSS.

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Test Purpose Additional Details

ASTM A923 Method B or C Determines if any intermetallic phases Must have predetermined acceptance criteria
or precipitates were formed during
welding process Determine if precipitates affect corrosion resistance and mechanical

Ferrite Readings WPS and PQR generally uses point count method
(1) Point Count Method Determines % ferrite
Check – balance for entire weldment thickness. Optimal ferrite
content between 35-60%

(2)Electromagnetic Measuring Determines % ferrite or FN Used during production welding to verify % ferrite in accordance with
Method WPS and PQR
Sample preparation according to manufacturer’s recommendations
Use for WPS and PQR for comparison with production welds

Device measurements of the weld cap and root should be within 35–
60% ferrite content

Hardness survey Check maximum allowable hardness Depends on DSS grade and service environment

Recommended not to exceed HV 10 310

Caution: Conversion from Vickers hardness to Rockwell for DSS is not

represented by ASTM E140. Refer to API-938C, Figure 2, for hardness

Impact Testing Toughness measurement Typically associated with minimum design temperature and engineering

EN specifies minimum 60J at room temperature

Frequent requirements for parent and weld metal are minimum 45J
average at -46°C per ASTM A923 Method B. The narrow HAZ
precludes accurate impact measurements in isolation.

Table 4: Additional details to ASME Section IX in the development of a WPS and PQR.

The key to obtaining well balanced About the authors
ferrite proportions within the base-
metal, weld-metal, and HAZ is to Andrew Wright is a the Canadian Welding Bureau. Barry
perform Welding Procedure metallurgical has over 30 years experience in met-
Specifications (WPS) and Procedure Engineer with Fluor allurgy, welding, and NDE develop-
Qualification Records (PQR) that ad- Canada Ltd. He pro- ment and material selection. He is
dress DSS welding issues as well as vides welding and regularly involved in the analysis and
all requirements and codes for weld metallurgical sup- mitigation of fabrication and in-service
joints and applications. According port for piping and equipment fabrica- failures for the chemical, petroleum,
to code requirements, a WPS and tion. Andrew is currently involved in power, and mining industries.
PQR must meet only the minimum high alloy welding issues on interna-
requirements specified in the design tional petrochemical projects. Vasile Oprea is a
code. The welding of DSS demands Senior Metallurgical
that additional tests be conducted to Barry Messer is and Welding
ensure that the weld will be suitable Technical Director Engineer with Fluor
for the intended service and exhibit and Senior Fellow Canada Ltd. He has
the same physical and corrosion re- for Materials and over 25 years expe-
sistant qualities as the base metal. Welding rience in material selection, welding,
In particular, heat inputs should be Engineering with heat treatment, NDE, and failure
well documented in the WPS and Fluor Canada Ltd. and a director with analysis.
PQR so that welders may duplicate
the original during production weld- controls that should be applied to
ing. If the appropriate precautions the WPS and PQR development to
and controls are not recognized dur- ensure that the welds produced are
ing the WPS and PQR development mechanically sound, corrosion re-
stage, production welds can be sistant, and repeatable under shop
plagued with problems. In addition or field conditions.
to the requirements set forth in The requirements of ASME Section The second part of this article will be
ASME, Section IX, or the appropriate IX should be addressed in the devel- published in the December issue of
design code for the weldment, there opment of WPS and PQR as well as Stainless Steel World magazine
are a handful of additional tests and the tests listed in Table 4.

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