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Cardiac rehabilitation in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial

infarction: Can its failure be predicted?

Article  in  Therapeutic Advances in Cardiovascular Disease · May 2017

DOI: 10.1177/1753944717706845


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5 authors, including:

Beata Urzędowicz
Medical University of Łódź


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TAK0010.1177/1753944717706845Therapeutic Advances in Cardiovascular DiseaseI. Robert et al.

Therapeutic Advances in Cardiovascular Disease Original Research

Cardiac rehabilitation in patients with

Ther Adv Cardiovasc Dis

2017, Vol. 11(7) 177­–184

ST-segment elevation myocardial DOI: 10.1177/

infarction: can its failure be predicted?

© The Author(s), 2017.
Reprints and permissions:

Robert Irzmański, Joanna Kapusta, Agnieszka Obrębska-Stefaniak,

Beata Urzędowicz and Jan Kowalski

Background: The prognosis in patients after acute coronary syndromes (ACS) is significantly
burdened by coexisting anaemia, leukocytosis and low glomerular filtration rate (GFR).
Hyperglycaemia in the early stages of ACS is a strong predictor of death and heart failure in non-
diabetic subjects. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of hyperglycaemia, anaemia, leukocytosis,
thrombocytopaenia and decreased GFR on the risk of the failure of cardiac rehabilitation (phase II at
the hospital) in post-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) patients.
Methods: The study included 136 post-STEMI patients, 96 men and 40 women, aged 60.1 ±
11.8 years, admitted for cardiac rehabilitation (phase II) to the Department of Internal Medicine
and Cardiac Rehabilitation, WAM University Hospital in Lodz, Poland. On admission fasting
blood cell count was performed and serum glucose and creatinine level was determined (GFR
assessment). The following results were considered abnormal: glucose ⩾ 100 mg/dl, GFR
< 60 ml/min/1, 73 m², red blood cells (RBCs) < 4 × 106/μl, white blood cells (WBCs) > 10 ×
103/μl; platelets (PLTs) < 150 × 10³/ml. In all patients an exercise test was performed twice,
before and after the completion of the second stage of rehabilitation, to assess its effects.
Results: Based on logistic regression analysis and the results of an individual odds ratio
(OR) of the tested parameters, their prognostic impact was determined on the risk of failure
of cardiac rehabilitation. This risk has been defined on the basis of the patient’s inability to
tolerate workload increment >5 Watt in spite of the applied program of cardiac rehabilitation.
As a result of building a logistic regression model, the most statistically significant risk factors
were selected, on the basis of which cardiac rehabilitation failure index was determined.
leukocytosis and reduced GFR determined most significantly the risk of failure of cardiac
rehabilitation (respectively OR = 6.42 and OR = 3.29, p = 0.007). These parameters were
subsequently utilized to construct a rehabilitation failure index. Correspondence to:
Joanna Kapusta
Conclusions: Peripheral blood cell count and GFR are important in assessing the Department of Internal
prognosis of cardiac rehabilitation effects. leukocytosis and decreased GFR determine to Medicine and Cardiac
Rehabilitation, Medical
the highest degree the risk of cardiac rehabilitation failure. Cardiac rehabilitation failure University of Lodz,
Kościuszki 4, Lodz 90-419,
index may be useful in classifying patients into an appropriate model of rehabilitation. Poland
These findings support our earlier reports.
Robert Irzmański
Agnieszka Obrębska-
Keywords: acute coronary syndrome, cardiac rehabilitation, leucocytosis, glomerular filtration Beata Urzędowicz
rate Department of Internal
Medicine and Cardiac
Rehabilitation, Medical
Received: 17 December 2016; revised manuscript accepted: 5 April 2017
University of Lodz, Poland
Jan Kowalski
Department of Internal
Medicine and Cardiac
Introduction often in the course of cessation of blood flow Rehabilitation, Medical
University of Lodz, Poland
ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction through the coronary artery due to its occlusion. University of Social
(STEMI) is a clinical syndrome developing most This causes myocardial necrosis in the area Science, Lodz, Poland 177
Therapeutic Advances in Cardiovascular Disease 11(7)

of   coronary vasculature, which is manifested by stage II cardiac rehabilitation. The initial exercise
an increase in the concentration of biomarkers in test, as well as the result of the medical and physi-
blood and persistent ST-segment elevation on the otherapeutic examination, are taken into account
electrocardiogram (ECG).1 before determining the exercise program, its
duration, the applied loads and the intensity.8
Coronary angiography in these patients usually
reveals occlusion of infarct-related artery (respon- Moreover, prior to the start of cardiac rehabilita-
sible for the occurrence of myocardial infarction) tion it is necessary to determine the patients’ risk
and simultaneously defines invasive treatment factors for cardiac events. The risk stratification of
options (percutaneous coronary intervention [PCI] cardiac events includes the results of physical
or coronary artery bypass grafting [CABG]). examination, medical history as well as the results
of additional tests. LVEF, the presence of complex
Via application of different methods, the risk for ventricular arrhythmia at rest and during exercise,
death and cardiovascular complications is assessed myocardial ischaemia, exercise capacity based on
in all patients. The risk is estimated on the basis of stress test, haemodynamic response to exercise are
the rate of increase and duration of elevated level all evaluated. The clinical data taken into account
of troponin, GRACE score, presence of diabetes, comprises the course of myocardial infarction,
renal failure (glomerular filtration rate (GFR) uncomplicated or complicated by shock, heart fail-
<60 ml/min/1.73 m²) and impaired left ventricu- ure and recurrent ischaemia after invasive treat-
lar function (LVEF < 40%).2–4 ment.10 There are no simple methods of assessment
on the basis of which one could predict the risk of
The presence of hyperglycaemia in acute STEMI failure of cardiac rehabilitation.
has been linked to worse in-hospital prognosis
and the presence of inflammation (leukocyte As such, the aim of our study was to attempt
count measured on admission) in these patients assessing cardiac rehabilitation failure in patients
was associated with higher mortality during hos- after STEMI, using an index of our own design.
pitalization. Furthermore, concomitant presence
of hyperglycaemia and leukocytosis was associ-
ated with a higher in-hospital death or cardio- Materials and methods
genic shock.3 Other studies however, have The study included 136 post-STEMI patients, 96
demonstrated that thrombocytopaenia and anae- men and 40 women, aged 60.1 ± 11.8 years,
mia are predictors of in-hospital mortality in admitted for cardiac inpatient rehabilitation (after
patients with STEMI that are undergoing endo- a period of approximately 3 weeks from the time
vascular interventions.5–7 of STEMI) to the Department of Internal
Medicine and Cardiac Rehabilitation, Medical
Patients with STEMI who are in a stable condi- University in Lodz (Poland).
tion, and have no recurrence of myocardial ischae-
mia, serious arrhythmias and increasing symptoms On admission, a fasting blood sample (5 ml) was
of heart failure, should start rehabilitation within collected from the basilic vein in the morning in
12–24 hours after PCI or CABG (stage I of car- order to determine blood cell count and glucose
diac rehabilitation).8 and creatinine levels. The determination of cre-
atinine levels was necessary to calculate GFR
Patients who are 3–4 weeks post-STEMI undergo from Modification of Diet in Renal Disease
comprehensive inpatient cardiac rehabilitation in (MDRD) formula:11
cardiac rehabilitation wards. In Poland, Omission
of stage II cardiac rehabilitation is considered a GFR (ml / min /1.73 m2 = 186.3
medical malpractice that results in the patient’s _1.154
deprivation of treatment. According to research, × creatinine level ( mg/dl )
_ 0.203
such treatment leads to the reduction of morbid- × age × 0.742 ( if woman ) and
ity and mortality in patients after myocardial
× 1.21 ( if the patient is black )
infarction (secondary prevention).9

The basis of an ECG stress test, which is per- Red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs)
formed on a treadmill or cyclo-ergometer, serves and platelets (PLTs) were measured in the com-
to qualify patients for the appropriate model of plete blood count. The following results were

R Irzmański, J Kapusta et al.

Table 1.  Values of the studied peripheral blood Interval training performed using a central
parameters. monitoring system Ergoline ERS with cyclo-
Variable Mean Standard deviation ergometers Ergoselect, with the possibility of load
control, heart rate, blood pressure and analysis of
Age 60.98 11.89 the electrographic curve record was the basic line
Days after ACS 25.21 5.21 of rehabilitation. Training sessions were held five
Gluc (mg/dl) 105.93 45.43 times a week in the morning. Individually matched
breathing, relaxation, isometric (of small muscle
RBC (ml/mm3) 4.26 0.49
groups) exercises and general rehabilitation gym-
WBC (× 109/l) 7.75 3.52 nastics performed twice a day complement inter-
CREA (mg/dl) 0.98 0.34 val training. After completion of rehabilitation
PLT (thous.) 256.16 87.80 (15 training units) the exercise test was performed
eGFR (ml/ 83.19 24.59 again to assess its effects. The patient’s inability
min/1.77 m2) to tolerate workload increment >5 Watt was con-
sidered a failure.
ACS, acute coronary syndrome; CREA, creatinine; eGFR,
estimated glomerular filtration rate; Gluc, glucose; PLT,
platelet; RBC, red blood cell; thous, thousand; WBC, The limitation of the study was the patient’s
white blood cell refusal to participate in cardiac rehabilitation sta-
tionary second stage, advanced heart failure pre-
vents the taking of physical effort on the ergometer,
considered abnormal: fasting glucose ⩾ 100 mg/dl, rest pain behind the sternum confirmed the result
GFR < 60 ml/min/1.73 m²; RBCs < 4 × 106/μl; of an ECG, shortness of breath at rest, cardiac
WBCs > 10 × 103/μl; PLTs < 150 × 103/μl. arrhythmias worsening during exercise, acute
infectious diseases, aortic dissection, aortic steno-
The values of the studied peripheral blood param- sis significant degree, age over 89 years.
eters presented in this work, from our patients,
are shown in Table 1. The study was approved by the Bioethics
Committee at the Medical University of Lodz,
Submaximal exercise test (achievement 70–85% Poland No. RNN/813/13/KB, and written
of the maximum age heart rate, with the formula informed consent was obtained from all
220 − age) was performed on a treadmill ITAM patients.
using the diagnostic workstation SCHILLER
CARDIOVIT CS-200 with software from
Schiller Poland. Submaximal exercise test was Statistical analysis
carried out according to a standard or modified The results were subjected to statistical analysis
Bruce protocol. The criteria for interruption of using Statistica software (version 10) (Statsoft,
the stress test was: reaching the limit of your Poland). To determine the risk factors for failure
heart rate, chest pain, severe muscle pain or very of cardiac rehabilitation in patients with STEMI
severe tiredness, feeling faint, shortness of a logistic regression model was used with the esti-
breath, difficulty breathing, sudden pallor or mation of the (unit) odds ratio (OR). A p < 0.05
cyanosis, impaired balance, ECG abnormalities was considered statistically significant.
(ST-segment depression < 2 mm, ST-segment
elevation > 2 mm, the occurrence branch block To build a logistic regression model, the five
or AV block II° and III°, arrhythmias worsening independent variables (WBCs, RBCs, PLTs,
during exercise), no increase in heart rate fasting glucose, GFR) that met the following two
despite an increase in load or a rapid increase in criteria were selected:
heart rate at a low load, no increase in blood
pressure during exercise or pressure drop during (1) Statistical significance of the established
the test, and the patient’s refusal or failure to model was at the level p < 0.05 with a
cooperate with the patient. Submaximal exer- preference of a model of higher level of
cise test allowed the evaluation of the haemody- significance.
namic response to exercise, assessment of (2) Obtaining of the highest value of the unit
current functional status and qualification of OR of the tested blood parameter (inde-
patients for appropriate models of the second pendent variable) in the established
stage of cardiac rehabilitation.12–14 model. 179
Therapeutic Advances in Cardiovascular Disease 11(7)

Figure 1a-d.  Models of logic regression expressing OR.

Glc, glucose; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; OR, odds ratio; PLT, platelet; RBC, red blood cell; WBC, white blood cell

Results 0, corresponding to the situation of the

Based on logistic regression analysis and the absence of any of them.
results of individual OR of the tested parameters, 1, corresponds to the situation of the occur-
their prognostic impact was determined on the rence of leukocytosis or reduced GFR in
risk of failure of cardiac rehabilitation. patients with STEMI and is associated with
4.35-fold increased risk of cardiac rehabili-
This risk has been defined on the basis of the tation failure (Figure 2).
patient’s inability to tolerate workload increment 2, corresponds to the case of simultaneous
>5 Watt in spite of the applied program of car- occurrence of both parameters (and
diac rehabilitation. Designing a model of logistic decreased GFR) and is associated with
regression in accordance with the assumptions of 18.92-fold increased risk of cardiac reha-
statistical analysis resulted in four models which bilitation failure (Figure 2).
met criterion 1 (Figures 1a-d).

Models of logistic regression expressing OR are Discussion

presented in Figures 1a-d. The role of biomarkers in predicting increased
morbidity and mortality in patients post-myocar-
The fourth model (Figure 1 d) demonstrating the dial infarction has been supported by a number
highest statistically significant unit values of studies over the years.
odds   (for WBCs and GFR) best fulfilled criterion
2. Leukocytosis (WBCs > 10 × 103/μl) and The biomarker copeptin has recently gotten a lot of
decreased GRF (GFR < 60 ml/min/1.73 m²) attention in MI research. The LAMP (Leicester
determined most significantly the risk of failure of Acute Myocardial Infarction Peptide) study dem-
cardiac rehabilitation (Figure 1 d) (respectively onstrated the presence of persistently elevated levels
OR = 6.42 and OR = 3.29, p = 0.007). Thus, of copeptin following acute coronary syndrome
they were used to construct cardiac rehabilitation (ACS) in patients who died or were readmitted
failure index with the values ranging from 0 to 2. with heart failure. Moreover, they found high

R Irzmański, J Kapusta et al.

Figure 5.  Multiple risk of cardiac rehabilitation failure.

concentrations of copeptin in patients who died in death, recurrent myocardial infarction, need for
long-term follow up post-ACS.15 Furthermore, repeated PCI and stroke.6 In conclusion, the authors
in a 60-day observation, they determined that pose the hypothesis that thrombocytopaenia in
the concentrations of copeptin and NT-proBNP patients with STEMI can be a useful and quickly
are independent risk factors for death and heart fail- accessible indicator of adverse clinical events, espe-
ure in patients with ACS.15 This suggests the utility cially within a short period of time.
of these biomarkers in risk stratification of patients
after myocardial infarction.16 In a 6-month follow Salizbury and colleagues found that the presence
up, the LAMP II study demonstrated that copeptin of anaemia in patients hospitalized with acute
is a significant predictor of death [hazard ratio (HR) myocardial infarction is associated with in-hospi-
= 5.98, 95% confidence interval (CI): 3.75–9.53, p tal mortality. According to the authors both mod-
< 0.0005].17 The study also indicated that the deter- erate and severe anaemia were independently
mination of copeptin in combination with the associated with short-term adverse prognosis.7
GRACE score increased the risk stratification. The
CHOPIN (Copeptin Helps in the Early Detection The results indicated that patients with ACS and
of Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction) study accompanying anaemia were at higher risk of
however, demonstrated that elevated levels of death and cardiovascular complications.20,21
copeptin and troponin I were predictors of death
within a period of 180 days.18 It seems that the Further research also demonstrated that renal dys-
copeptin determination in blood can be very helpful function is a strong independent predictor of long-
in the accurate assessment of prognosis in patients term mortality in patients with ACS.4,22 Long-term
with ACS, however, there are restrictions on the use mortality was found to increase exponentially with
of copeptin assays due to their cost and the need for the decrease of the glomerular filtration.
specialized equipment.
The findings of the above cited studies prompted
A lot of attention has also been paid to the impor- us to try answering the question of whether such
tance of determining basic and low-cost blood tests simple and yet cheap tests could be useful as
for the assessment of cardiovascular risk in patients prognostic indicators of the failure of cardiac
with STEMI. For example, a study by Malmberg rehabilitation conducted in hospital conditions in
et  al. (2005) demonstrated that hyperglycaemia is patients with STEMI.
an independent predictor of mortality in patients
after ACS (DIGAMI 2:20% per 3 mmol/l glucose All patients eligible for cardiac rehabilitation
levels above the normal range).19 reported to the clinic after a period of approxi-
mately 3 weeks from the time of STEMI and PCI
Furthermore, Wang and colleagues showed that was performed in the infarct-related artery. On
even mild thrombocytopaenia was associated with a admission to hospital, fasting blood was drawn to
two-fold higher risk of in-hospital mortality in patients determine the serum level of creatinine, glucose,
with ACS (OR = 2.01, 95% CI (confidence interval), leukocytosis erythrocytes and PLTs. GFR was
1.69–2.38).5 In a further study, a 2-year follow up in calculated from MDRD formula. Thus, there
STEMI patients with thrombocy-topaenia reported was a difference in time (approximately 3 weeks)
a higher incidence of adverse cardiovascular events: between the determinations of blood parameters 181
Therapeutic Advances in Cardiovascular Disease 11(7)

in patients with acute STEMI and those that leukocyte erythrocyte and PLT count in patients
were made after admission to hospital for cardiac in the acute phase of STEMI. This is associated
rehabilitation. At this point, we questioned with the ability to assess cardiovascular risk in
whether this difference in time would affect the these patients using simple blood tests.
results of our research. At present, there is no
literature evaluating the prognostic impact of Currently, a large role in predicting risk of death is
tested blood parameters several weeks after the attributed to the concentration of glucose indicated
onset of STEMI on cardiovascular risk. at an early stage of the disease, but fasting glucose
Furthermore, there is currently no data evaluat- in comparison with the values obtained immedi-
ing the prognostic value of the tested blood ately after admission to hospital.23 Hyperglycaemia
parameters in relation to the results of cardiac on admission to hospital, and especially its occur-
rehabilitation. In this regard, this is the first study rence and persistence in the course of hospitaliza-
which attempts to assess the prognostic value of tion, militate in favour of a particularly poor
basic laboratory blood tests in predicting the risk prognosis in patients with ACS.24,25 It should be
of failure of in-hospital cardiac rehabilitation. added that hyperglycaemia acute phase in the
Moreover, this assessment was not performed in course of ACS can occur not only in people with
patients with acute STEMI but after a period of previously diagnosed diabetes but also in those
approximately 3 weeks, that is after admission to with normal glucose tolerance or pre-diabetes.26
the department for in-hospital cardiac rehabilita- Furthermore, with increasing concentrations of
tion. We demonstrated the utility of these tests in HbA1c there is an increase in annual and long term
predicting the risk of failure of cardiac rehabilita- mortality regardless of the glucose concentration
tion in post-STEMI patients, as well as the use- on admission to hospital.27
fulness of their determination several weeks after
its occurrence during the period of regression of Terlecki and colleagues showed that inflamma-
many acute metabolic, hormonal and other dis- tion assessed with the value of leukocyte count on
ease-related disorders. admission to hospital was more pronounced in
patients with STEMI who died during hospitali-
Based on logistic regression analysis and the zation compared with patients who survived.3
results of individual OR of the tested parameters, This observation was related to all examined
we determined their prognostic impact on the risk patients and to subgroups with and without dia-
of failure of the undertaken cardiac rehabilitation betes. The authors demonstrated that the con-
in post-STEMI patients. This risk was defined on comitant presence of both acute hyperglycaemia
the basis of the patient’s inability to tolerate work- and more severe inflammation (assessed with the
load increment >5 Watt between the initial and leukocyte count) in patients with STEMI was
final exercise test performed on completion of the found to be an independent predictor of poor in-
cardiac rehabilitation (15 training units). hospital outcomes.3

As a result of building a logistic regression On the other hand, Wi and colleagues demon-
model, the most statistically significant risk fac- strated that patients with acute myocardial
tors were selected, on the basis of which cardiac infarction treated with PCI who developed
rehabilitation failure index was determined contrast-induced acute kidney injury had worse
(Figures 1, 2, 3 and 4). It appeared that leukocy- short- and long-term prognosis compared to
tosis (>10 × 103/µl) and reduced GFR (<60 ml/ patients who did not develop this complica-
min/1.73 m²) determined most significantly the tion.28 Furthermore, the authors showed that
risk of failure of cardiac rehabilitation. The as many as 45.9% of patients with that injury
occurrence of leukocytosis or reduced GFR presented persistent (>1 month) renal dys-
value was associated with 4.35-fold increased function, which should be treated as an addi-
risk of cardiac rehabilitation failure (Figure 5). tional negative prognostic factor. In the 2-year
In the case of simultaneous occurrence of both follow up, the death rate and hospitalization
these parameters however, the risk of cardiac due to cardiovascular causes was higher in this
rehabilitation failure in post-STEMI patients group of patients compared with patients with-
increased almost 19-fold (Figure 5). out reduced GFR.28

The results of the study indicate the advantage of Finally, the CHARM study (Candesartan in
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