Mapprojectrubric Word

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Third Grade Map Project

Teacher Name:

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Neatness of Color and All straight lines are All straight lines are Most straight lines Many lines,
Lines ruler-drawn, all ruler-drawn, most are ruler-drawn, corrections of
errors have been errors have been most errors have errors, and/or
neatly corrected neatly corrected been neatly features are not
and all features are and most features corrected and most neatly done.
colored completely. are colored features are
completely. colored completely.

Spelling/Capitalization 95-100% of words 94-85% of the 84-75% of the Less than 75% of
on the map are words on the map words on the map the words on the
spelled and are spelled and are spelled and map are spelled
capitalized capitalized capitalized and/or capitalized
correctly. correctly. correctly. correctly.

Labels & Features - 90-100% of the 89-80% of the 79-70% of the Less than 70% of
Neatness labels/features can labels/features can labels/features can the labels/features
be read easily. be read easily. be read easily. can be read easily.

Map Legend/Key Legend is easy-to- Legend contains Legend contains Legend is absent or
find and contains less than 5 few required items lacks several
all 5 required items required items or or few additional symbols.
and 5 additional less than 5 items and may or
items and includes additional items may not include a
a compass rose. and includes compass rose.
compass rose.

Title Title tells the Title tells the Title tells the Purpose/content of
purpose/content of purpose/content of purpose/content of the map is not clear
the map, is clearly the map and is the map, but is not from the title.
distinguishable as printed at the top of located at the top
the title (e.g. larger the map. of the map.
letters, underlined,
etc), and is printed
at the top of the

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