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As stated previously that the main purpose of the research is to improve

the students’ reading comprehension by using Brainstorming strategy. The

following description discusses the result of reading comprehension test by using

Brainstorming strategy.

4.1 The Description of Research Setting

4.1.1 The Description of Action in Cycle 1

There were two meetings in the first cycle, the first meeting was held on

the 21st November 2013 at 10.10 until 11.30, and the second was held on 22nd

November 2013 at 12.30 until 13.50. Every meeting covered four stages of

activities namely (1) planning of the action, (2) implementation of the action, (3)

observation, (4) reflection.

1. Planning

The first step in doing action research was planning the action. In this

case, the researcher discussed with the English teacher when the action could be

started and how was the best way to implement brainstorming strategy in 8th grade

students. The researcher and the English teacher discussed the suitable material

that would be given to the 8th grade students that were descriptive texts. The

researcher prepared the lesson plan for teaching learning process. In this research,


the implementation of the action was done in two meetings. The duration for each

meeting was 80 minutes.

2. Acting

Implementation of the action was based on the lesson plan made by the

researcher. The action was brainstorming about the materials given, and the first

meeting plan was carried out based on the lesson plan I, the second meeting was

carried out based on the lesson plan II. The first and second plans of the first cycle

action were made based on KTSP.

3. Observing

As a researcher was teaching reading by using brainstorming strategy, the

English teacher did the observation by sitting at the back of the students’ seats in

the classroom. It was done along with the teaching learning process by using

checklist. It focused on the students’ involvement in the teaching learning process

of reading by brainstorming strategy. There were four indicators observed. They

were as follows; sharing ideas and discussing the materials with the classmate, asking

and answering questions to the teacher, reading descriptive texts, doing exercises. The

students were considered to be active when they fulfilled at least three of the four


4. Reflecting

The reflection was done after calculating the students’ score of reading

comprehension test using brainstorming strategy in the class. If the researcher had

analyzed the result of students’ score then the researcher found the causes why the

first cycle was not successful. In this stage the researcher planned some activities

in the second cycle in order to get success.


4.1.2 The Description of Action in Cycle 2

Since the result of the action in cycle 1 had not achieved the objective of

the research yet, the action in cycle 2 were implemented. There were two

meetings in the second cycle, the first meeting was held on the 29th November

2013 at 12.30 until 13.50, and the second was held on 2nd Desember 2013 at 12.30

until 13.50. Every meeting covered four stages of activities namely (1) planning

of the action, (2) implementation of the action, (3) observation, (4) reflection.

1. Planning

As the first step in cycle one the researcher discussed with the English

teacher about the suitable material that would be given to the 8th grade students

those were descriptive texts. Based on the result of the reflection in cycle I, the

researcher formed students into groups, asked the students to present and explain

what they got after brainstorming session, give more time about 10 minutes to

brainstorm the materials, give different topics to each group.These plans were

used to improve students’ reading comprehension in order to reach the target

because the material in the first cycle could not reach the target.

2. Acting

The implementation of the action in cycle II was based on which the

actions in cycle one were revised and based on the problem found in cycle I. The

researcher expected that after the action in the second cycle, the results of the

students’ reading comprehension score would be better than the first one.

Unlike the action in cycle one, the class atmosphere in cycle 2 was more

conductive than the first one, because the students more understood about

brainstorming strategy and sharing became habit in their class.


In the second cycle, the researcher formed groups and added students other

activity in the classroom, the activities were asking them to present and explain

what they got after brainstorming session. The implementation of the first and

second actions in the second cycle referred to the lesson plans made by the


3. Observing

Process evaluation through observation was also done by the teacher as

collaborator in cycle 2. She did it by sitting at the back of the students’ seat in the

classroom. She used checklist which focused on the students’ involvement in the

teaching learning process of reading comprehension by using Brainstorming

strategy. The indicators to be observed and the criterion of the students’

involvement were the same as in cycle 1.

4. Reflecting

The reflection was done after calculating the students’ score of reading

comprehension test of Brainstorming teaching class. When the researcher had

analyzed the result of students’ score then the researcher conclude whether the

cycle two was successful or not. If the second cycle was successful it was not

necessary to continue with the next cycle.

4.2 Research Result

4.2.1 The Result of Observation Checklist Cycle 1

The result of Observation of students’ involvement in teaching learning of

meeting 1, and 2 in cycle I can be seen on appendix 23 and the percentage result

of students’ involvement in teaching learning is presented in appendix 24.

Based on the result and percentage of students’ involvement in teaching

learning, it was known that there were 61% of 28 or 17 students who active in the

class and there were 39% or 11 students who passive in the class for the first

meeting. There were 75% or 21 students who active and 25% or 7 students who

passive in the second meeting. So, the percentage result of the students’ activeness

was 68%. This showed that the requirement of at least 70% of the students’ active

involvement in the teaching reading by using Brainstorming strategy had not

successful yet.

4.2.2 The Result of Reading Comprehension Test Cycle 1

The reading comprehension test was done on November 28th , 2013. The

test consisted of 20 items in the form of multiple choice which covered literal (10

items) and inferential comprehension (10 items).

The reading comprehension test was conducted to measure the students

comprehension in reading especially literal and inferential comprehension there

were 12 students who got ≥ 70 in reading comprehension test, the result of the

first cycle test will be presented in appendix 22.

Based on the result of reading comprehension test, it was found that the

mean score of the students’ reading comprehension by using Brainstorming

strategy in cycle I was 42.86%. As mentioned before, the cycle of this research

was considered to be successful if the main score of the students reading test had

reached 70 or more and it was achieved by at least 70% of the total students. It

means that the target mean score requirement in this research was not achieved

Based on the table classification score of reading comprehesion test, it was

known that there were 1 students or 3.6% of the students got score in the range

81-100 that were classified as excellent. Next, there were 11 students who got

score in the range of 70-80 or 39.29% and classified as good. There were 12

students or 43% of the students who got score in the range of 60-69 classified as

fair. Finally, there were 4 students or 14.3% who got score in the range of 40-59

classified as poor. It could be concluded that only 12 students who got at least ≥


4.2.3 The Reflection Result of Cycle 1

The reflection was done after the results of observation and the result of

reading comprehension test were known. It was done collaboratively by the

researcher and the English teacher. From the result of observation in cycle I, it

was found that there were 61% who active in the first meeting and 75% who

active in the second meeting. On the percentage, only 68% of the students was

actively involved in teaching learning process of reading comprehension by using

Brainstorming strategy. The rest of the subjects (32%) were passive in joining

reading comprehension lessons.

Then, the result of the reading comprehension test showed that there were

42.86% or 12 of 28 students who got ≥ 70 and the mean score of reading

comprehension test was 67. Therefore, it could be said that teaching reading by

using Brainstorming strategy in cycle I was considered unsuccessful to activate

the students to be enthusiastically in the teaching learning process and to improve

their reading comprehension.

Reflecting the results of reading comprehension achievement test and the

observation, it could be analyzed that the results had not met the target yet
because by the following factors:
1. The researcher explained a brainstorming strategy in brief

explanation, it had led the students finding difficulties in applying

brainstorming strategy in the classroom. To overcome this problem, the


reseacher had to explain clearly what brainstorming strategy was and how it

was applied in the classroom by giving a clear example based on the

procedures of brainstorming strategy.

2. The time duration in brainstorming sessions were short and not

enough. It was about 5 minutes. To solve this problem, the reseacher gave

additional time about 10 minutes long for brainstorming sessions in the

second cycle.
3. The results of group discussions were rather the same because all

groups had the same topic to be brainstormed, so it was less interesting and

led the students got bored. To overcome this problem, the researcher gave

different topics to each group for brainstorming activity.

4. The students were only asked to write down what they got in

brainstorming activities in cycle I, it made the students not enthusiastic and

less challenging to create the great atmosphere of teaching and learning

process. So, each group had to present and explain whatever they got during

brainstorming sessions and let other group members to add any ideas coming

up on their mind in order to grasp deep understanding about the materials.

4.2.4 The Result of Observation Checklist Cycle 2

In the second cycle, the students already showed their interest and

enthusiastic in the teaching learning process of reading comprehension by using

Brainstorming strategy. The result of observation in the form of checklist can be

seen on appendix 30 and the percentage result of students’ involvement in

teaching learning process can be seen on appendix 31.

Based on the data presented on appendix 30 and 31, it was known that

there were 75% or 28 of 21 students who active in the class and there were 25%

or 7 of 28 students who passive in the class for the first meeting. There were 86%

or 24 of 28 students who active and 14% or 4 students who passive in the second

meeting. So, the percentage result of the students’ activeness was 80%. This

showed that the requirement of at least 70% of the students’ active participation in

joining reading comprehension lessons was achieved the standard requirement. In

other words, in cycle II, the students were more active to involve in the teaching

learning process of reading than in cycle I and teaching English of reading

comprehension by using Brainstorming strategy was successful.

4.2.5 The Result of Reading Comprehension Test Cycle 2

After giving other activity in the second cycle, the researcher decided to

test the students to know the significant impact on the students’ reading

comprehension. The test was held on Desember 5th, 2013. In this test the

researcher gave a reading comprehension test which consisted of 20 items. Based

on the test result, it was known that there were 20 of 28 students with score

70 in reading comprehension test and the result of the second cycle test will be

presented in appendix 29.

Based on the result of reading comprehension test, it was found that the

mean score of the students’ reading comprehension by using Brainstorming

strategy in cycle 2 was 70. It means that the target mean score requirement in this

research had already achieved.

Based on the table classification score of reading comprehension test, it

was known that there were 4 students or 14.3% of the students got score in the

range 81-100 that were classified as excellent. Next, there were 16 students who

got score in the range of 70-80 or 57.14% and classified as good. There were 5

students or 18% of the students who got score in the range of 60-69 classified as

fair. Finally, there were 3 students or 10.7% who got score in the range of 40-59

classified as poor category.

By considering the explanation above, it could be concluded that 71.4%

got the test score at least ≥ 70. It means that the result had achieved the percentage

of the students requirement in this research that was 70% of the students got at

least good category. Thus, the action was stopped.

4.2.6 The Reflection Result of Cycle 2

Having analyzed the data from the observation and reading comprehension

test, the English teacher and the researcher did the reflection. It was intended to

know whether or not the results of the actions given in cycle II were better than

the action in cycle I.

Table 4.1 Recapitulation for Observation Checklist

Percentage (%)
No Meeting
Active Passive
1 Cycle 1 68% 32%
2 Cycle 2 80% 20%
Improved 12% -12%

Based on the table presented above the results of observation in cycle II

showed the improvement on the students’ active participation in joining reading

comprehension lessons by using Brainstroming strategy. Most of the students

(80%) were actively involved in the teaching learning process and improved


Furthermore, the students’ reading comprehension test improved. It was

indicated by the mean score of reading test was categorized as good category (M=

70), it could be reached by 71.4% or 20 students, and the percentage of


improvement Literal Comprehension from cycle 1 to cycle 2 is 5.4%, besides

Inferential Comprehension is 5% (see appendix 32). It means that the target mean

score of reading comprehension test in this research was achieved that was at least

≥ 70. There were some factors that influenced the results. It was found that most

of the students were actively involved in the reading process improved from 68%

in cycle I to 80% in cycle II. Working in groups enables students to discuss the

problem with their friends. Therefore, they could do brainstorming activity well.

Most of the students could identify the difficult vocabularies during process. It

could be seen from the result of reading comprehension test that increased from

M= 67 in cycle I to M=70 in cycle II. The score improvement is presented by the

the chart below.

Based on the observation, it was also found that there were some factors

that influenced the results to be successful. The researcher gave 10 minutes for

brainstorming activities. All groups had a different topic to be discussed. The

students were requested to write down and explain what they got from group

discussion. Other groups are permitted to give contribution by adding new ideas

related to the topic presented by a certain group, so all students could learn new


Since the results of reading comprehension test in the second cycle had

achieved the target mean score in this research, the action was stopped.

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