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Name: _______________________________ Date: ________________________________

Rank : _______________________________ Score: ________________________________

I. Match Column A with Column B

___1. Rei a. Teacher of Teachers
___2. Yame b. Block
___3. Sensei c. Right
___4. Shihan d. Downward Block
___5. Zuki e. Empty Hand
___6. Sempai/Senpai f. Forward Stance
___7. Kihon g. Basic Techniques
___8. Kiba Datchi h. Place of the Way
___9. Migi i. Inside Forearm Block
___10. Mae j. A student junior to oneself
___11. Age Uke k. Rest
___12. Gedan Barai l. Kick
___13. Karate m. Meditation
___14. Uchi Ude Uke n. Outside Forearm Block
___15. DoJo o. A senior student
___16. Yasume p. Punch
___17. Yoi q. A proper sitting position
___18. Kata r. Ready
___19. Uke s. Stop
___20. Kohai t. Teacher
___21. Zenkutsu Datchi u. Upward Block
___22. Geri/Keri v. Karate’s Dance of Death/ Form
___23. Soto Ude Uke w. Straddle Stance
___24. Kiai x. Respect
___25. Mokuso y. Front
___26. Seiza z. Shout

II. Enumeration. Put your answer on the back.

A. Japanese Count from 1-10 (10pts)
B. DoJo Kun (5 pts)
C. Name 3 Kata (15pts)
D. Name 3 Black Belts
E. Who is the Father of Modern Karate
F. Who is the Head Instructor of SKIF Philippines

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