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The Young Women’s Leadership School of Queens 1/1/2019 Third Edition, Volume 3


Human and Slavery Trafficking Prevention Month Human and Slavery Trafficking
By Saira Ali (2021) has become a worldwide criminal issue,
January of 2019 is recognized as Human and Slavery and more can be done to bring an end to
Trafficking Prevention Month. Though we do not see much on it. But because it is a “business”, the
the news, people are making money trading humans and their reason it is still a lingering problem.
abilities. Human and Slavery Trafficking is known to be the Although slavery has been banned
action of moving people from one area, or country, to another, across the globe, more than 29 million
commonly for the purpose of forced labor or exploitation. people live like slaves under human and
Human and Slavery Trafficking is not something that only slavery trafficking.
happens in remote places. It is something that occurs Though not enough is done my
internationally, and any type of person can get caught up in officials to end this rather big issue, we
such situation, however, women and children tend to be as a community or individuals can do
targeted. something to help the cause. If you are
Human and Slavery Trafficking is something that under the suspicion that someone may
happens here in the United States as well. According to be a victim of human trafficking, or of
Polaris, a national human trafficking hotline, they have received such, report it to 911, or the 24-hour
5,147 cases of human trafficking reported in the year 2018. National Human Trafficking hotline at 1-
Most these cases were in California, with 760 cases. There is 888-373-7888. Such services are also
possibility of these statistics being higher, for there is bound to open to trafficking victims who are
be cases of such not being reported. undocumented immigrants. It’s
This type of trafficking is a business, just the way the important to understand things like this
trafficking of illegal drug is, people make money off of it. In this are happening in the shadows, and to
“business” people are abused and tend to have very difficult know that we can do something about it.
times getting out of that world, where as the traffickers get their Sources:
Human Trafficking Hotline:
profit while those are trafficked suffer. People tend to be
unaware of such things happening, but they actually happen Huffington Post:
just under our noses.
Here, There, and Everywhere an-trafficking-month_n_4590587.html

(Adolescent Centered) Everywhere

By Tanisha Narine (2022) There
By Saira Ali (2021)
On December 6th, NYC Civil Court By Toushi Karim (2022)
When the comedy “Little” hits theaters this spring, 15-year-old climate activist from Sweden, Greta
judge Bianca Perez, (who works in
a Bronx law firm), visited the teens aside from featuring some of the industry’s biggest Thunberg, had a chance to address the big issue of
that are participating in the Bronx stars, the film will also make history. 14-year-old climate change at the UN climate change
Youth Empowerment Program Marsai Martin will hold the title as the youngest conference. Thunberg had not only attracted media
during a “Sit Down With…” session executive producer of a major Hollywood motion
at this moment, but had first caught attention when
at the Evander Childs High School picture in history. The Black-ish star had the idea
for the film when she was 10 years old after falling she went on strike from school. On this strike, she
campus in Williamsbridge. At this
event, Perez discussed her in love with the Tom Hanks film, “Big”. She ended held the banner stating “school strike for climate” in
childhood experiences in Harlem up pitching the idea to Black-ish Executive front of the Swedish Parliament building in
and her experience as a judge. Producer Kenya Barris when she was only 10 Stockholm. Greta Thunberg is now greatly
Councilman Andy King, (the co- years old. Excitement for the new film is shown
recognized as an activist for climate change, and
founder of the Program), and his through Twitter where people are saying, “What is
important is that there is a film coming out created sets as an example and inspiration for many youths
wife, Neva Shillingford King,
moderated the event. by a black girl, starring black women, written by out there.
black women, directed by a black woman!” The
Sources: film is set to release on April 12, 2019.
Source: Siobhán O’Grady,Teen activist says leaders not
Wirsing, Robert. A Sit Down with Civil
Court Judge Perez. Bronx Times. Source: ‘mature enough’ to take action on climate change, The
Wirsing, Robert. Judge Perez Speaks with Harriot, Michael. #BlackGirlMagic: Black-ish Star Marsai Washington Post.
Evander Childs Youth. Bronx Times. Martin Set to Become Youngest Executive Producer in
Hollywood History. The Grapevine. Page 1
New Year, New You January 8th- “A day to honor the King of Rock THE TYWLS TIMES STAFF
and Roll, Elvis Presley”
One Month Self Love Challenge By Saira Ali (2021) Editor in Chief
By Cynthia Saha (2021) On January 8th, 1935, Elvis Presley was born in Maham Rahman ( 2021)
Tupelo, Mississippi. Elvis grew up in a working class
and religious home with his father and mother. Photographers & Journalists
Presley’s singing abilities began to come to light when Saira Ali (2021)
he was in elementary school and started to sing in Tanisha Narine (2022)
church choir. Elvis received his first guitar for his 12th Toushi Karim (2022)
birthday, and taught himself how to play while not
Jasaiya Keyes (2022)
knowing how to read music. In 1953 graduated high
school and worked as a truck driver to pay his way into Vaana Singh (2021)
Memphis Recording Service studios. In less than a Fariha Uddin (2021)
year later producer Sam Phillips at Sun Records Maimuna Seikh 2021)
responded to Presley’s audition tape. After that he
recorded “That’s All Right Mama” for Sun Records and Editors
it became his first commercial released song, selling Ms. Panday
20 thousand copies. Elvis reached the “Hot 100” with
Ms. Pineda
his song “Heartbreaker” in 1956, in which it held that
spot for seven weeks on the charts. Presley made his Ms. Jones
music with the combination of country singing and the Ms. Dowdell
new arrival of rock n’roll. Elvis reached his peak in the Ms. Marcus
1960’s, and continued to be greatly recognized in
music in the 70’s and 80’s. Elvis Presley was the
combination of both actor and singer. Elvis was also .
recognized for his appearance in many films such as

“Jailhouse Rock” and “Speedway”. Although Elvis died
on August 16, 1977, his iconic character still leaves an
imprint in American culture today. Elvis Presley will
forever be known as the King of Rock N ’Roll with the
black greased-back hair, unique dance moves, and
eye-catching outfits.

Some young females find it difficult to talk about

their intimate areas because of inexperience or
sensitivity about the subject. But we should not
be embarrassed to put our health first.
Vogue has been accused of cultural appropriation, once again, over its latest photo
shoot with Kendall Jenner. The fashion magazine has been accused for styling the 22-year-
old model’s hair as what some people say looks like an afro. Calling it an “afro”, many are Here are some situations where you would
accusing Vogue of racism and cultural appropriation. “We’ve been told for so long that our consider a visit to the gynecologist:
natural hair is unprofessional and unkempt. In fact, we’re still being told,” one commenter - You constantly experience SEVERE pain
wrote. “Girls are getting suspended/expelled from school for having braids. The people on
before and after your menstruation
‘Fashion Police’ said Zendaya looked like she smelled like patchouli and weed when she
wore faux dreads on the red carpet,” the commenter added. “Now giving a white girl an Afro - Your vaginal discharge has an unpleasant odor
and all of a sudden it’s appropriate is another problem altogether.” Others didn’t think and has become yellow, green, and gray
Jenner’s hairstyle was as offensive as critics were making it out to be, saying it was just - You have a rash on your genitals
“curly hair teased out in a 1970s style”. “She’s a model. The hair is not offensive and people - You experience a burning sensation while
need to just stop trying make something out of nothing,” one person wrote. Vogue issued a
statement to E! News apologizing if the photographs were misinterpreted.
- Irregular bleeding
Do you care about Cultural Appropriation? Don’t be afraid to visit the gynecologist. They
Cast your vote in our TYWLS TIMES Miss Know It All Box on the 2nd Floor!!! are there to help you and your overall well-
Source: Ledbetter, Carly. The Kendall Jenner and Vogue ‘Afro’ Controversy, Explained. Huff Post. Page 2
 Frances, 15 years old. Came to have a meeting with her guidance
counselor with some questions about gender and sex.
"I will lay you to rise in the climb of my tongue..." -Amanda Gorman
 Ms. Bennet, Frances’ guidance counselor. Knowledgeable and
Amanda Gorman is an American poet and activist who at just 19
ready to answer questions about gender and sex.
years old, became the first ever African American young woman to be
Frances: “What is the difference between gender and sex?”
the Youth Poet Laureate of the United States of America in
Ms. Bennett: “Sex refers to the biological anatomy that a person is born
2017. Since then, Gorman has founded One Pen One Page, an
with. Gender refers to the personal identification based on one’s internal
organization that helps to inspire unprivileged young girls by teaching
them how to write poems, stories, and other literary elements. She
Frances: “What are some examples of sex identifications?”
has spoken at the Library of Congress, The United Nations Mashable
Ms. Bennett: “Some examples include: female, male, cisgender,
Social Good Summit, and many across the country. To advocate for
transgender, transsexual, binary, non-binary, polygender.”
youth leadership, she has performed alongside actors Lin-Manuel
Frances: “What are some gender identifications?”
Miranda, Jennifer Aniston, and Morgan Freeman. She has spoken
Ms. Bennett: “There are many and it's not set in stone for everyone.
alongside former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to fight for women’s
People can be fluid, where they are flexible and changing their identity and
rights and environmentalism. However, it wasn’t all a piece of cake.
aren’t fully committed to identifying themselves as one. Some examples of
Gorman was born and raised in Los Angeles, with her twin sister
gender identities are: heterosexuality, homosexuality, lesbianism,
and mother, who was a teacher. Gorman was first introduced to
bisexuality, pansexuality, polysexuality, omnisexuality, allosexuality,
writing by her mother, who encouraged her to learn it for future
androsexuality, gynosexuality, asexuality, demisexuality, queer.”
references. She grew to love poetry when she entered the third grade.
Frances: “If I realize and understand that I am a part of this spectrum of
“My third-grade teacher, Ms. Shelly, had the whole class read Ray
gender and sex identifications, how do I come out? I am scared that my
Bradbury’s Dandelion Wine. As I was reading this book, I was like “Oh
family and friends won’t accept me due to my religion and their personal
my God, Ray Bradbury related to something… completely different,
and that’s when I was like; That’s what I want to do, that’s what I want
Ms. Bennett: “That is totally fine. Not everyone is open-minded to things
to be.” She was also really inspired to write poetry because of her
and it takes time for everyone to learn and to adjust to new knowledge. It
speech impairment. “It was literally hard for me to speak up for
will be challenging for them to learn and accept you for you who are, you
myself… However, it helped me learn the power of your inner voice
just have to love yourself. Try to let people you know around you slowly,
over the voice outside.” As a result, she used poetry as a way to allow
starting with family and friends you trust the most. Also, know that you are
her inner voice to be heard.
not alone and there are always people here to talk to, whenever. Stay
Amanda Gorman is one of the greatest activists for women’s rights
strong and do it when you are ready.
in today's society. As shown through her poems “An American Lyric,”
Frances: “Well, how do I love myself?”
and “In this Place,” she is able to take events that happen in today’s
Ms. Bennett: “Loving yourself takes time and is the key part to coming out.
society and transform that people may hear on the them into poetic
If you are able to love yourself, you are capable of letting others love you
verse, to educate us, and to highlight the importance of our actions
too. Knowing yourself, your value and who you are will help others
and how these actions influence our world. Gorman demonstrates that
understand you and your worth.”
poetry is not just a style of writing only using philosophical voices. It’s
a form of writing that provides protection of identity and expresses
If you have more questions don’t hesitate to ask , emotions, no matter what the topic may be, in a calm, sophisticated
an adult you trust and are comfortable with, or anonymous hotlines #434-295-TALK way. Finally, though she is young, she is a perfect example that age is
just a number, that any girl can shape the world and speak her mind
and speak up for herself. All it takes is determination, confidence,
Life After TYWLS; TYWLS Alumni Story passion, and grit to get there.
By Ayanna Romain (TYWLS Graduate)
Life after TYWLS has thus far been very rewarding. After graduating in June of 2017, I started school at St. John’s University in the fall. I first went
into St. John’s undecided, and then declared my major as Accounting in the Spring semester of my freshman year. My experience at St. John’s so far has been
great. As a freshman, I didn’t participate in too many activities on campus aside from some volunteer work. However, this year I am much more active on
campus. I attend workshops and events held by Career Services and other organizations related to my field of study, to meet and network with professionals
from companies that I could potentially be hired at upon graduation. I also attend leisure activities such as basketball games and events hosted by organizations
such as Haraya and the Caribbean Student Association. Becoming involved on campus has contributed to my satisfaction with the school. Aside from going to
school, I also work both on and off campus. On campus I am a Resident Safety Monitor. I found this job right before I started my freshman year, and I have
been working there ever since. This job has helped me grow tremendously since leaving TYWLS. It encouraged me to break out of my shy personality, because
I have to interact with others often. My off-campus job is at the Queens Health Hospital. I found this position through the Work, Learn, and Grow program
offered to participants of either Summer Youth or Ladders for Leaders Although work and school take up a lot of my time, I still make time for my friends and
family. One of my friends attends school locally and the other attends school in Buffalo. At first, I was apprehensive about making new friends on campus,
however, I realized that I could still keep the bond I had with my friends while still making new ones. Overall, I am content with the progress that I have made
since leaving TYWLS.
Page 3
When I was younger, I would never have a free summer. My
mom would always send me off to the YMCA for summer camp
so that I would have something to do. In addition to this, my
birthday is also in the summer. On this particular year, I was
turning 11 years old. My mom bought me cupcakes to celebrate
with my fellow campers. As I was celebrating, I realized that
something was wrong. I rushed into the bathroom to check it out
and I figured out what had happened; I had gotten my period for
the first time. I must have been in the bathroom for at least 20
TYWLS TIMES REWIND minutes because the counselors eventually came in to check on
(Trends that shouldn’t be in 2019 AT ALL) me. After I explained what happened, one of them offered me
By Alexandria Goodman, Alexandria Davis, Zumaradda Gazal their phone (I didn’t have one yet) so I could call my mom.
(2025) Afterwards, my mom picked me up for ice cream to celebrate 2
Welcome to TYWLS TIMES Rewind we are counting down trends that
shouldn’t be in 2019 AT ALL! Anonymous

1. No more eating Tide pods (C’mon guys it is unhealthy,

possibly lethal and you are wasting laundry detergent.)
Dear Miss Know It All,
2. Sky walking (Getting on top of high buildings and looking
down is totally not safe. Literally nothing is holding you up I HATE MY BODY AND MYSELF. I want to look like one of those
there)! Victoria Secret Models or at least someone half way decent. No
3. The Cinnamon Challenge (Digesting a spoonful of cinnamon matter what I do I look ugly I HATE IT. I don’t know what to do
under a minute without water can lead to collapsed lungs, anymore. Please help me.
nausea, pneumonia, and breathing difficulties. So let’s not Sincerely,
do that). Hopeless Girl
4. Dabbing (This used to be very enjoyable but now it is very Dear Hopeless Girl,
The shape of your body definitely does not define who you
5. Bottle Flipping (The thuds when the bottle hits the table is
are as a person. There is more to than the way you look. Start by
very noisy, and so annoying that many schools banned the drinking more water, add some fruit to add flavor. Overtime, start to
action.) cut out junk food and begin eating more nutritional food.
6. Johnny Johnny (It’s low key really annoying and I don't want Starving or purging is not the answer to losing weight or
people yelling “JOHNNY JOHNNY YES PAPA” in my ear in having an “ideal” body. Get more sleep and be more involved so you
2019). have less time to be bothered by your weight. Always remember it's
7. IPhone Prices (So IPhone raises it prices, that normal for a what's inside that counts. You’re beautiful don’t compare yourself
company to do but they are raising it for a phone that is 1 with others your unique!
inch larger than the other one. The size is just increasing
nothing else.) With love and support,
Miss. Know It All
Page 4

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