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Topic/Title: Socioeconomic effects and considerations associated to teenage pregnancy cases

Background of the Study

Teenage pregnancy, also known as adolescent pregnancy, is the pregnancy of a female

between ages 15-20 years old.

According to World Health Organization (WHO), about 16 million girls between the ages
of 15-19, and around 1 million girls less than 15 years old give birth every year. The rate of
teenage moms in the Philippines is increasing due to the engagement of teens to premarital sex.
This has become a problem in our society and is becoming rampant in our country. According to
Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), one in ten young Filipino women ages 15 to 19 are already
a mother or pregnant with her first child. Because of this, they may face different problems such
as finding a stable job to earn money, and financial incapacity to sustain their basic needs, good
health, and education. There is also a tendency to get abortions because they eventually realize
their inability to bear the responsibilities of being a parent at a young age. Teenagers may also be
forced to drop out from schools to avoid shame.

The researchers chose this topic to bring awareness and to educate everyone especially
the younger individuals about teenage pregnancy and its effects.


Before the study is conducted, the researchers should first establish a research which
confirms that there exist a correlation between the case of teenage pregnancy and their
socioeconomic status. Otherwise, this proposal can be considered invalid or not ready to be

Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) will be used to gather information for

the study. The episodes of the lived experiences of the participants will be limited in the duration
of the development of the infatuated relationship involved up to the present. The approach will
include semi-structured interview with at least five participants in the process. Each participant
will be assessed separately to achieve maximum possible variation in terms of their demographic
profile. The interview will be transcripted.


Thematic analysis will be used to present interpretations similar or varied among the
participants. A particular theme or a social context will be composing the definition, observation,
and interpretation gathered and inferred respectively from the participants. Examples (in forms
of quotations from participants’ transcript) will be utilized to support themes.
In this study, themes that may be presented (with high likelihood) are the following:

 External factors associated to the initiative of premarital sex

 Psychosocial considerations prior to teenage pregnancy
 Direct immediate effects of early pregnancy to the family’s financial condition
 Development of early-born child
 Tendency of abortion

Ethical considerations

Since the study will deal more on the subjective experiences of an involved individual, an
informed consent will be read and filled up by each participant. The following are the
considerations that will be subjected to concern:

 Right to withdraw
 Privacy
 Confidentiality

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