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9/8/2018 Architecture thats built to heal

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Evidence Based Design (EBD) is beginning to influence building design, maintenance and improvement
decisions and refers to the use of credible evidence to shape building design, providing the link between
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Architecture thats built to heal

Well-being Architecture that's built to heal

A TED Talk by Michael Murphy, co-founder and CEO of MASS Design Group.
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Evidence based design is becoming more influential in the architectural and design world as professionals begin
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to understand and see the benefits that using credible evidence to shape building design can bring.
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Michael Murphy, the co-founder and CEO of MASS Design Group, has built his architectural career on creating
buildings based on this principal.

Recently, Michael held a TED Talk exploring how architects and designers can create new types of healthcare
buildings, informed by existing research, that better support the healing process for patients. His story and
insights are certainly worth exploring for anyone with an interest in evidence based design.

A mission to promote well-being

Michael’s interest in this area began after he attended a lecture by leading health activist, Dr Paul Farmer, which
discussed how ‘buildings are making people sicker’. From this Michael was inspired to take action, and began a
journey to create healthcare facilities designed purposefully to promote well-being.

Beginning his mission, Michael visited Rwanda to support the building of a new type of hospital that, in his 
words, would 'help to heal.' The hospital tackled issues such as Get involved!
the potential for hallways to make patients sicker,
by flipping them to the outside to increase natural light and ventilation. The design also incorporated windows in
each room, based on research which suggests that a view of natureWe’recan radically improve
always interested patient
in hearing youroutcomes.
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During his Ted Talk, Michael stated that designing the new hospital was the easy part - getting it built was much
trickier, with limitations to costs, location and available resources. The team used the ‘lo-fab’ method of
building which is based on four pillars: hire locally, source regionally, train whereGet
youin can
touchand most importantly,
think about every design decision as an opportunity to invest in the dignity of the communities you serve. While
essential in developing countries or locations where materials can be hard to source, Michael suggested that this 4/9
9/8/2018 Architecture thats built to heal

type of architectural design should be considered more widely because of its communal and environmental

Buildings with benefits

Here are some examples of how designs created by Michael and his team have helped to solve health or
community problems:

Image Source: Mass Design Group Photographer: Iwan Baan

The GHESKIO Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Hospital collapsed during the 2011 earthquake disaster in
Haiti. Following the natural disaster there was an outbreak of cholera and as there was nowhere for patients to be
treated temporary tents were used. This further contributed to the spread of the infection due to the heat and lack
of sanitation. GHESKIO, a nongovernmental training and research centre focused on HIV/AIDs and related
diseases recognised the need for a permanent cholera centre. They invited the MASS Design Group to redesign
the hospital. Michael and his team implemented key evidence based design concepts like ventilation and natural
light, alongside an on-site waste water treatment system which helped to prevent disease spread by limiting re-

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Image Source: Photography: Rey Lopez 5/9
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In the US, this design for Gallaudet University, a university for the deaf and hard of hearing, cleverly considered
the importance of visual communication and sensory design – reflecting the power of sign language.

Image Source – Iwan Baan

In Central Malawi, The Maternity Waiting Village at the Kasungu district hospital has been designed to reflect
the communal space of traditional villages. The goal of the design is to reduce infant mortality, of which Malawi
has one of the highest rates in Africa. They hope the design attracts expectant mothers from remote areas to the
facility before giving birth, making them feel comfortable and not intimidated by a large unfamiliar hospital

Considered design

Michael has called for evidence based design to be more commonly used because of the benefits it can deliver
for wellbeing, physically and mentally, as well as ethical sustainability.

The concept of buildings that can ‘heal’ points to a shift in how architects think about their designs. Perhaps
successful designs of the future won’t be the most visually extravagant or exciting, instead focusing on careful
consideration of how the buildings can benefit the wellbeing of individuals and wider communities.

Watch Michael’s TED Talk here:

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Blog: Using good design to help patient recovery

Infographic: What is a healing environment?
Infographic: History of Evidence Based Design
Infographic: Healthcare staff productivity
Infographic: Benefits of single patient healthcare rooms

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