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1. Bhutto regime announced educational policy on: 15th March 1972

2. Lord Dalhousie (1848- 1856) annexed: Puniab, Behar and Oudh

3. India and Pakistan signed Simla Agreement in Simla on: 3rd July 1972

4. The Simla Agreement of July 1972 was followed by another landmark agreement signed on 18th August 1973.

5. This agreement provided for the release of all Pakistani and Bangladesh agreed to postpone trial of 195 war

criminals. This Agreement was signed in: Delhi

6. The Constitution of 1973 comprised twelve parts, 27 chapters and Artic les numbering: 280

7. On 10th January 1977 the nine opposition parties formed a political alliance to get rid of Bhutto government. The

alliance was given the name of: PNA

8. In order to meet the demands of opposition parties Bhutto regime held general elections in the country on: 7th

March 1977

9. the 1973 Constitution gave Urdu the status of national language whereas English was retained as official

language for: 15 years.

10. ____ small specimen of the embryonic fluid is removed from a fetus, it will be possible to determine whether the

baby will be born with birth defects: if a

11. Prices for bikes can run__________35000: As high as

12. Ancient civilizations such as Phoenicians and the Mesopotamians___________goods rather than use money:

Used to trade

13. Most executives do not object________ them by their first names: to my calling

14. The ________ in the park that bloom in the spring include rhododendrons, azaleas and daffodils: Flora

15. The __________ leaders made careful plans as to how much food and what kinds of clothing the team would

need to survive: Expeditions

16. The ________ modes of transportation would be by train or car but we have decided to take a hot air balloon trip

across England: Conventional

17. During World War I Germany was defeated in the Battle of Verdun of the western front and Romania declared

war on the eastern front in the year: 1916

18. HEAVY Water Project (Talcher) and Fertilizer plant (Paradeep) are famous industries of: Orissa

19. Hamid Karzai was chosen president of Afghanistan in: 2002

20. Durand Cup is associated with the game of: Football

21. Headquarters of UNO are situated at: New York,USA

22. First International Peace Conference was held in London in: 1843

23. For seeing objects at the surface of water from a submarine under water, the instrument used is: Periscope

24. Dr. Zakir Hussain was: The first Muslim President of India

25. G-15 is an economic grouping of: Third World Nations

26. Fathometer is used to measure: Ocean depth

27. When did the All-Parties conference convened: 1929

28. When did the Khilafat Movement end: 1924

29. when was the objective resolution passed: 12 March, 1949

30. when did General Zia announced Martial Law: 1977

31. What is the present literacy rate in Pakistan: None (58 % in 2018)

32. When was Pakistan first formally called as "Islamic Republic": 1956

33. Which country has the largest muslin population: Indonesia

34. When Pakistan won 1st hockey gold medal in Asian games: 1958

35. The biggest market of Pakistan exports is: USA

36. Islamabad was officially made the capita l of Pakistan: 1967

37. Peoples Republic of China was founded in: 1949

38. The number of administrative districts in Punjab: 36

39. Which is the longest motorway : M8

40. Land of Milk and Honey: Lebnon

41. Muslims percentage in Kashmir : 80%

42. Where is H.Q of ILO: Geneva

43. Her face is quite familiar ______ us: to

44. I could not refrain _____ shedding tears: From

45. Harassment is just plain _______ Wrong.

46. Man is _________. He likes to know how things work. The search for understanding is _______ in its own right:

inquisitive, prophetic

47. Leadership is one of the world's oldest _______. The understanding of leadership has figured strongly in the

_____ for knowledge: Institutions, passion

48. Our __________ to understand the process of learning underlying behavior change are _____ by the fact that

given behavior is determined jointly by many processes: Implication, Followed

49. When interpersonal problems _________ but are dealt with, the organization's productivity inevitably ______:
Surface, develops

50. Participatory management in which everyone _________ into a decision that a leader then makes is a

mechanism for __________ employees: contributes, stimulating

51. Lack of _________ is the basis of good teamwork but our ability to work with others depends on our

________: Dogmatism, motivation

52. Complete and constant openness is a notion that can be ________ to absurdity. Am I ______ to stop

everyone on the street and tell them my reaction to their appearance? : Reduces, Required!

53. When organizations ________ creativity and risk taking, the usual method of maintaining order and ________

are indeed shaken: Propose, Humility

54. According to the conditions of my scholarship, after finishing my degree : I will be employed by the


55. If it ________ more humid in the desserts the hot temperature would be unbearable: were

56. Which year Indus Water Treaty was signed: 1960

57. 'Silk air' is the air line of: Singapore

58. Headquarter of Interpol is located: Lyons

59. From which country Pakistan purchased Gwardar: Oman

60. The rice of a glass set increases from Rs. 600 to Rs. 710 what is the percentage increase: 18.33%

61. The original price of a gift is Rs. 80. A discount of __________% is allowed in shop. What is the sale price: Rs.


62. 8 men can do a work in 60 days. How long will it take 6 men to do the work : 80 Days

63. The number whose 7 % is 42, is: 600

64. 15 men can do a work in 12 days. How long it will take 25 men to do the work: 7 Days

65. 40 men can do work in 25 days. How long it will take 25 men to do the work: 40 Days

66. 60 men can do a work in 40 days. How long it will take 20 men to do the work: 120 Days

67. A basketball team won 18 out of 30 games played. What percentage marks did he score: 60%

68. The number whose 9% is 63, is: 700

69. The bridge is completed in 20 days by 8 men. How long would 70 men take to complete the work: 23 days

70. The road is completed in 35 days by 70 men. How long it will take 40 men to complete the work: 161 days

71. The bridge is completed in 45 days by 105 men. How long it will take 90 men to do the work: 52 ½ Days.

72. If 40 men build 4 buildings in 12 months how many men would be required to dig 6 holes in 4 months: 180

73. If 80 men dug 4 buildings in 12 months how many men would be required to dig 6 holes in 4 months: 360 men

74. If 15 men can do a piece of work in 8 days how many men will finish it in 10 days: 12

75. If 3 men or 6 boys can do a working 20 days, then 6 men and 8 boys shall take: 16 days

76. The number whose 25 % is 150, is: 600

77. If 20 men can do a piece of work in 8 days how many men will finish it in 10 days: 16 men

78. A flagstaff 17 .5 m high casts a shadow of length 40.25 m The height of the building which casts a shadow of

length 28.75 m under similar conditions will be: 12.5 m

79. If 7 spiders make 7 webs in 7 days, then 1spider will make 1web in how many days: 7

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