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Handouts for Evolution of Society (Part I) Characteristics of Paleolithic Stage

Paleolithic stage ( 500,000 BC – 8,000 BC) a. They made and used tool implements,
This is also called The Old Stone Age especially crude stones.
because men used unpolished and crude stones as b. They gathered and collected foods through
their tool implements. The term Paleolithic came hunting and fishing.
from two Greek word “palacios” which means old c. The foods that they usually eat are wild
and “lithos” means stone. The men living in this fruits, nuts and berries.
period are the Java men, Neanderthal men and Cro-
d. The early Paleolithic men hunted, fished
Magnon men.
and protected their families and tribe while
Java Men
■ Scientific name: Pithecanthropus erectus the early Paleolithic women gathered wild
(“ape-man who walked upright”) plants, fruits, nuts and prepared food for
■ One of the first specimens of Homo erectus eating as well as took care of their children.
to be discovered, having been located first e. Both men and women constructed their
in 1891, in Java, Indonesia. dwelling made ornaments and tools and
■ Led by Eugène Dubois, the excavation team trained their children for adult social and
uncovered a tooth, a skullcap, and a political life.
thighbone at Trinil on the banks of the Solo f. The late Paleolithic people were lovers of
River in East Java. art and paintings and their paintings of
Neanderthal men reindeers and horses are found in caves in
■ Scientific name: Homo neanderthalensis France and Spain which date back from
■ Neanderthals were our closest evolutionary 28,000 to 10,000 BC.
relatives. Neanderthals and modern The Venus of Willendorf (25,000 BCE)
humans actually lived alongside each other The Venus of Willendorf (25,000 BCE) One of the
in Europe for several thousand years before most famous items of prehistoric culture, the Venus
Neanderthals vanished 30,000 years ago. of Willendorf was sculptured from oolitic limestone,
■ The first human fossil assemblage described and is one of three such figurines unearthed at
as Neanderthal was discovered in 1856 in Paleolithic archeological sites at Willendorf in
the Feldhofer Cave of Neander Valley, near Austria. It was discovered in 1908 by archaeologist
Düsseldorf, Germany. Josef Szombathy.
Cro-Magnon Men Mesolithic stage (10,000 BC)
■ The term EEMH is equivalent to Cro- This is known as the Period of Transnational Culture.
Magnon Men. Because of the glaciers that occurred, some of the
■ An early Homo sapiens ( the species to animals became extinct and they adjusted to the
which modern humans belong) that lived new environment. People lived along the coast
about 40, 000 years ago. Skeletal remains fishing and gathering shellfish while others, lived in
and associated artifacts of the Aurignacian land where they made bow and arrows for hunting
culture were first found in 1868 in Les devise skis and sled and dug out canon and
Eyzies, Dordogne, France. domesticated dogs.
■ Louis Lartet (1869) proposed Homo sapien The art of the Mesolithic era
fossils as the systematic name for “Cro- A skeleton of an 18 year old male wears a shell hat
Magnon Man”. and in a burial at the Mesolithic side of Arene
Candide in Italy.

Prepared by: Jodelyn Mae S. Cangrejo

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