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Journal of Theoretical Biology 244 (2007) 489–499

The notion of hormesis and the dose–response theory:

A unified approach
M.A. Murado, J.A. Vázquez
Grupo de Reciclado y Valorización de Materiales Residuales, Instituto de Investigacións Mariñas (CSIC), r/Eduardo Cabello, 6, 36208 Vigo, Galicia, Spain
Received 17 March 2006; received in revised form 13 July 2006; accepted 6 September 2006
Available online 12 September 2006


According to an opinion which is vigorous and insistently defended for approximately one decade, hormesis (the response of a
biological entity to an effector, with stimulatory results at low doses and inhibitory results at high doses) radically puts into question the
classic theory of dose–response (DR) relationships and demands a profound revision of environmental protection policies. Herein we
show that DR theory, with the modifications which we propose, allows the modelling of various kinds of biphasic responses which are
phenomenologically similar to hormetic ones and of well-defined origin, as well as responses which have been treated as genuinely
hormetic. Our descriptive approach may also represent a useful resource for experimental design, directed towards identifying some of
the potentially heterogeneous mechanisms which underlie the hormetic phenomenon. Finally, it also allows to discuss some factors which
prevent the use of the notion of hormesis—perhaps useful in a clinical context, under strictly controlled conditions—to make decisions
on environmental protection measures.
r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Dose–response; Generative model; Hormesis

1. Introduction lower than that accepted as maximum dose without effect

with regard to the control (NOAEL: no observed adverse
The classic approach to the relationships between the effect level). Whereas at doses lower than the NOAEL, the
dose of an effector and the biological response which it DR theory predicts only random variability with a null
causes (dose–response, or DR relationships) has been average, examination of numerous experimental results
attacked over the last years by numerous studies at whose (Calabrese and Blain, 2005) seems to reveal that in a large
core is the phenomenon of hormesis (Calabrese and proportion of cases, responses of a type opposite to that
Baldwin, 2003a, b; Calabrese, 2005; Ellman and Sunstein, expected arise, whose statistical significance and distribu-
2004). Hormetic response is defined as that in which an tion along the dose axis prevent them from being
effector is beneficial at low doses and harmful at high doses considered as aleatory (Fig. 1).
(e.g. antitumoral and tumorigenous), or, more generally, The upholders of the hormetic response point out that its
that with a biphasic profile which changes not only in identification is hindered by its habitual manifestation at
magnitude, but also in sign, on varying the dose of the very low doses and with much less intensity than the
effector. The aforementioned criticism maintains that opposite response, as well as by an experimental practice
hormesis is much more common than current toxicology which often tests too few doses in too limited intervals. At
admits (Calabrese and Baldwin, 2001; Calabrese and the same time they maintain that the main obstacle for
Baldwin, 2003a, b), and in its favour adduces the frequency recognition of the phenomenon is the dogmatism of the
with which various systems produce responses at doses classic theory (Calabrese and Baldwin, 2000; Calabrese,
2004), together with the incorrect assimilation of hormesis
Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 986 231930; fax: +34 986 292762. into the questionable homeopathic doctrine (which even
E-mail address: (M.A. Murado). mentions dilution factors higher than Avogadro’s number,

0022-5193/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
490 M.A. Murado, J.A. Vázquez / Journal of Theoretical Biology 244 (2007) 489–499

2. The biphasic response and its formal description

The fact that a variable may produce, in different regions
of its domain, opposite effects on another, is a common
phenomenon in many spheres of reality. The absorption of
water is essential for life, but lethal above a certain level.
An increase in the atmospheric concentration of CO2 is
favorable as it activates photosynthesis, but it threatens us
through the greenhouse effect. In a more basic field, a
reduction in distance increases interatomic attraction, up to
a point where it causes repulsion. In these cases, and in
(A) many others, the apparent paradox is due only to the fact
that a variable either intervenes in several phenomena at
the same time (those involved in the limits of cellular
stability, in the case of the water), or acts as the vehicle of
another (temperature, in the case of CO2), or interacts with
different entities (atomic cortex and nucleus, in the case of
the forces).
Physicists have no qualms about adding algebraically the
mathematical models which describe the phenomena
involved in this type of biphasic responses (as they do for
interatomic forces, where they add a hyperbolic equation
and another negative exponential). Analogously, when in a
biological context, contrasting phenomena in response to
the variation of a variable are detected, one might expect
the formal description to demand the addition of two
models. What kind of models?
(C) The classic DR theory rests on equations which generate
Fig. 1. Classic (A) and hormetic (B, C) dose–response relationships. The sigmoidal profiles, and whose essential elements, under
criterium for admitting hormesis is based on the existence, at doses lower various mathematical forms, are three-fold: the slope of the
than NOAEL, of responses statistically not null and of opposite sign to response, its asymptotic maximum and the dose (RD50)
those detected at doses higher than NOAEL (the shady band indicates the corresponding to the semi-maximum response. We will
confidence interval considered). But it would be also necessary to demand
that these responses can be formally described (dotted lines) by means of a
enter into more detail below, but for the moment we will
DR model appropriately generalized. only point out that the sigmoidal character is not a dogma,
but a necessary consequence of the DR phenomenon.
Indeed, if a DR model describes the response of a
thus making statistically impossible the presence of the population of biological entities to an effector, and said
effector in the homeopathic preparations). Finally, they response is quantified as R ¼ E=Y (E being the elements of
add that current environmental protection policies against a population Y which respond to a given dose), in the
pollution, based on the classic theory, are unnecessarily event—a common event—that the sensitivity to the effector
expensive and should be revised in the light of the hormetic is distributed among the population according to an
perspective (Calabrese, 2004; Teeguarden et al., 2000). unimodal density function, the DR model, which is nothing
The criticism, in principle supported by wide data but the corresponding accumulative function, will necessa-
reviews (Calabrese and Blain, 2005), is correct in pointing rily be sigmoidal. In a previous work (Murado et al., 2002),
out the inhibitory effects which a particular conceptual we have built, starting from very elementary hypothesis
paradigm may exert in a scientific field. However, as has (see Box 1), an algorithm which simulates population
also been underlined (Kuhn, 1970), a series of anomalies is responses to doses of an effector, showing that, even if
not sufficient to invalidate a theory while the isolated cases there are various factors which affect the specific forms of
are not framed in a more general paradigm. Among the the resulting relationships in characteristic ways, the
efforts to make the concept of hormesis scientifically sigmoidal profile is always the basic module of the
acceptable, the search for explanatory mechanisms, for phenomenon.
unified phenomenological models, or for criteria for When two sigmoids are added or subtracted, the result
discerning between different casuistries is noticeably depends on the relationships between the parameters which
lacking. And the generalizations drawn regarding environ- represent the aforementioned elements, affording the
mental policies appear to be risky at least. Below we shall variety shown in Fig. 2 (the use of logistic equations for
try to discuss the different facets of the problem which the this is not essential; other sigmoidal equations lead to the
notion of hormesis arouses. same situations). Some of the profiles thus obtained differ
M.A. Murado, J.A. Vázquez / Journal of Theoretical Biology 244 (2007) 489–499 491

Box 1
Four simple hypothesis that allow to simulate the response of a population of any biological entities to the
doses of an effector (Murado et al., 2002)

H1. Each biological entity has n potential receptors of the effector, and each receptor may adopt two
different states (active or sensible and inactive or immune), a being the number of active receptors.
H2. The dose D is defined as the number of effector units (molecules) present in each cell, accepting that
every molecule is capable of bonding with one receptor.
H3. Restricting the effect E to two modalities: death (E ¼ 0) and survival (E ¼ 1), and assuming that the
lethal effect occurs when at least p receptors are occupied, the following rule can be established:
If Dop; E ¼ 1;
If aop; E ¼ 1 8D: If aXp
If DXp; E ¼ 0:
Thus, when of a total number of biological entities Y, M dies at a given dose, the population
response can be formulated as R ¼ M/Y. It must be noted that direct comparison between D and p is
not pertinent. With aopoD, we will find E ¼ 1 at any dose, because aop, even though D4p. This
allows for the possibility of the existence of elements that are immune to the effector (aop, although
n4p), which is an essential condition of the DR models.
H4. Finally, it is possible to consider two kinds of additional factors, capable of affecting the response, as
they induce changes in either the receptor or the effector or in both. When they affect the receptor, we
can talk of excitors and inhibitors (h), depending on whether they raise or lower the value of a. When
they affect the effector, we can talk of enhancers and antagonists (f), depending on whether the
effective dose De they produce is higher or lower than the real one.

Under such hypothesis, and since any DR experiment implies populational values, n, a and p must be
considered as random numbers—in principle discrete—that are due to the variability of biological entities.
In addition, h and f must be assumed to be random—continuous in principle—that are due to the
experimental (or observational) conditions and the states of the effector.

little from the classic DR and may indeed be reasonably Probiotic effects have been related with the stimulation of
fitted to a logistic equation, in particular if they are the natural defences through mechanisms as the competi-
associated to a slight experimental variability. Others go tion with pathogenic microorganisms for limiting nutrients
further and suggest—if it is accepted that they are not only or adherence points to the mucous, the activation of the
mathematical artefacts—some interference in the classic immunitary response or the production of inhibitory
model. Lastly, others present the typical characteristics of substances. Among these last ones, it is necessary to point
the hormetic response, there being cases where, at least in out bacteriocins (recently revised by Riley and Wertz,
theory, one might even speak of a triphasic response. 2002), antibiotic peptides with more favorable properties
than classic antibiotics for certain uses such as, for
3. Two biphasic responses example, the preparation of diets for animal feeding. In
fact, diets supplemented with LAB or bacteriocins are at
Although a mathematical description contributes to the the present time a resource to reduce the high larval
understanding of a phenomenon, it is obvious that it does mortality in fish farming, in many cases attributed to the
not explain the same. And if the biphasic response may be colonization of the intestine by unwanted microbiota
described as the linear combination of two sigmoids, there (Villamil et al., 2003).
still remains the question of its causes. To discuss this, we
shall commence by examining two particular examples of In this context, a method for verifying the potential
this type of response. interest of a LAB consists of measuring the inhibitory
effects of its cell-free culture medium on a pathogenic
Example 1. Many lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are involved microorganism which is habitual in the target species. A
in probiotic interactions, i.e. a set of physiological effects bioassay of this type (Vázquez et al., 2005), with
favorable for a host biological entity, linked to the Lactococcus lactis against the pathogen Vibrio alginolyticus
microbial balances of its intestinal tract (Fuller, 1990). isolated from turbot, gave a clear biphasic response,
492 M.A. Murado, J.A. Vázquez / Journal of Theoretical Biology 244 (2007) 489–499

m1 = m2 m1 < m2 m1 > m2

(A) (B) (C)


1 = 2 1-2

(D) (E) (F)

1 < 2

(G) (H) (I)

1 > 2

Fig. 2. DR profiles (continuous lines) obtained by lineal combination of two logistical equations (dotted lines 1 and 2). The asymptote of the first equation
is always higher than that of the second one (K14K2). The relationships between slopes (mi) and abscissas for semi-maximum response (RD50 ¼ mi ) are
indicated on the figure. Notice that substractive profiles C, G and I obey the conditions of the hormetic response, and that the case F could be defined as a
triphasic response. In connection with the remaining combinations, see text.





-0.2 0.2

-0.6 0 0.5 0 0.5 1
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 bacteriocin (AU)
Fig. 4. Inhibition of Carnobacterium piscicola by cell free extracts of
Fig. 3. Response of Vibrio alginolyticus to cell free extracts from Lactococus lactis (left) and Lactobacillus casei (right). Experimental results
Lactococcus lactis. Doses represent dilutions of the post-incubated culture (points; confidence intervals for a ¼ 0:05; n ¼ 4) fitted to additive logistic
medium of L. lactis that were combined with an equal volume of a models (continuous lines). AU: bacteriocin arbitrary units.
V. alginolyticus culture, with an initial absorbance (700 nm) of 0.200
(exposition time ¼ 6 h). Positive response corresponds to the (expected)
inhibitory effect; negative response represents stimulatory effect. Experi- adjustable to a difference of sigmoidal functions (Fig. 3).
mental results (points; confidence intervals for a ¼ 0:05; n ¼ 4) fitted to a But a medium concentrated by dialysis, retaining the
substractive logistic model (continuous line). peptide, provoked a drop in response instead of the
M.A. Murado, J.A. Vázquez / Journal of Theoretical Biology 244 (2007) 489–499 493

expected increase. And the suspicion that the effect was, in means of the Maxwell distribution. In such a case, it could
fact, due to low residual levels of other metabolites of be expected that the temperature would affect not only the
L. lactis (lactic and acetic acids) was confirmed in response, but specifically its biphasic profile, and this is
additional bioassays with pure acids (which reproduced precisely what was proved by the bioassay with pure
the inhibitory branch), with pure bacteriocin (with no bacteriocin (Murado et al., 2002) at different temperatures
significant effect) and with an exhaustive dialysate of the (Fig. 5).
medium, which contained only non-dialysable peptides and It should be added that the equilibrium between the
which reproduced the stimulatory branch. Therefore, the states of a single effector, even though very simple, might
biphasic response was due to the contrasting, independent explain phenomena of complex appearance within a DR
action of two types of effectors. theory extended under the preceding terms. An organic
acid, such as lactic acid, is toxic to many biological entities
Example 2. In the preceding context, other media from
in non-ionic form, but not in ionized form (Gonc- alves
other LAB, when assayed against the pathogen Carnobac-
et al., 1997; Saha et al., 2006), the equilibrium between said
terium piscicola, repeatedly gave responses like those in
forms being a function of the pH. Thus, it is sufficient to
Fig. 4, adjustable to a sum of sigmoidal functions and
assume a receptor of the ionic form with different affinity
reproducible with pure bacteriocins (Murado et al., 2002).
to the effector, and able to promote an activating
Therefore, in this case, no more than one effector could be
response—it may be sufficient to suppose a biological
assumed. But this requirement is not necessary either.
entity capable of using lactate as a nutrient—for obtaining
The model in Box 1 allows us to show that if at least one a subtractive biphasic profile, as at a given pH the two
of the elements (n, p, a) of the response obeys an forms in equilibrium would be equivalent to two effectors.
asymmetric probability distribution, the DR profile is In fact, it could even be assumed—speculatively—that this
biphasic for any distribution of the factor f. Now then, the is an usual phenomenon, but that it does not translate to
sensitivity to an effector—represented by p—often depends two-phase profiles more frequently because the probably
on the non-additive interaction of many factors, a case in high averages of factors such as those represented by n, a
which its distribution throughout a population will not be and p in Box 1 bring their distributions close to normal
normal, but approaching an asymmetric model, such as the (even being log-normal or Weibull’s), leading to very
log-normal or Weibull’s equations—in fact, the physical smooth biphasic profiles which, in practice, are absorbed
nature of n, p and a imposes a distribution with a domain by experimental error.
[0,N), and not (N,N). Sensitivities with bimodal or
multi-modal distributions would have similar conse- 4. An example of hormesis
On the other hand, f signifies the effective dose interval Many xenobiotic compounds induce in the receptor
De which corresponds to a nominal dose D, an interval enzymes with a relatively low substrate specificity which
affected, naturally, by experimental error. But the equili- may catalyse transformations in a second xenobiotic,
brium between the states which an effector may adopt reducing its toxicity (or increasing it, as is the case with
when in interaction with the conditions of the medium, organophosphorous insecticides), or may modify some
such as temperature and pH, also have an influence. The endogenous substrate, thus being able to alter some
states of ionization in the side chains of peptidic molecules, metabolic equilibrium. This type of facts has been known
such as bacteriocins, could be an example of this, where the for some time and forms the basis of many studies, such as
affinity for the receptor would thus be a random variable, a recent one (Kitano et al., 1998) on the role of
in a way assimilable to an internal energy which, like the phenobarbital as promoter, in the rat, of hepatic carcino-
average rate in a system of particles, may be described by genesis initiated by diethylnitrosamine.




25°C 30°C 35°C
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 25
nisin (ppm)

Fig. 5. Effect of temperature on the biphasic profile of the inhibition of Carnobacterium piscicola by pure nisine. Experimental results (points; confidence
intervals for a ¼ 0:05; n ¼ 4) fitted to additive logistic models (continuous lines).
494 M.A. Murado, J.A. Vázquez / Journal of Theoretical Biology 244 (2007) 489–499

No more details are required to say that the effect of values, Fig. 6C is obtained, where the possibility of
phenobarbital, measured by means of two indicator adjusting the results to subtractive DR models may be
variables, was presented in the format of the histograms seen, with some difficulties attributable to experimental
in Fig. 6A, then considered by other authors (Teeguarden error.
et al., 2000) as an example of hormesis, and re-interpreted Therefore, these results seem neither ‘‘to challenge DR
according to Fig. 6B. In this last figure, the high doses were dogma’’ (Calabrese, 2005). From a formal point of view,
disregarded in order to highlight the domain of the low the response is treatable by means of the extension of the
doses, a justifiable option, but which leads us to suppose, classic theory proposed herein. From a material point of
for the response, a lower asymptotic level and at lower view, it should be noted that the experimental design
doses than those deducible from Fig. 6A (a perception involved two effectors (diethylnitrosamine and phenobar-
accentuated by an error in transcription). In fact, if the bital). Even when a single effector is used, if this acts as an
original data—values treated as categories—are treated as inducer of drug-metabolizing enzymes, the possibility of

14 1.4
number GST-P-positive foci area GST-P-positive foci
12 1.2
10 1.0


8 0.8
6 0.6
4 0.4
2 0.2
0 0

(A) phenobarbital (ppm) phenobarbital (ppm)

response (%)

response (%)

-10 10
-20 0
-30 -10
-40 -20
-50 -30
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
(B) phenobarbital (ppm) phenobarbital (ppm)

130 140
110 120
90 100
70 80
response (%)
response (%)

50 60
30 40
10 20
-10 0
-30 -20
-50 -40
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
(C) phenobarbital (ppm) phenobarbital (ppm)

Fig. 6. Three perspectives of two responses to fenobarbital (number and area of foci with positive reaction for glutathione S-transferase placental form) in
diethylnitrosamine-induced hepatic carcinogenesis in the rat. (A) the authors’ of the experiment presentation (Kitano et al., 1998). (B) line of union (spline)
of the responses (the dotted line represents a transcription error) in the low doses domain, according to an interpretation (Teeguarden et al., 2000) of the
results as a hormesis example. (C) Our fitting of the data to substractive logistic models (the points corresponding to 500 ppm, used in the calculations,
were suppressed of the graph because they do not modify the appreciation of the asymptotic level). Notice the different scales.
M.A. Murado, J.A. Vázquez / Journal of Theoretical Biology 244 (2007) 489–499 495

mechanisms able to generate secondary effector molecules, endogenous metabolites, altering essential metabolic bal-
or toxicologically relevant collateral responses should be ances, as those that govern the setting in the birds. Finally,
considered. hormetic responses often imply very asymmetric biphasic
curves, not only due to the low magnitudes of the doses
5. The doubtful novelty and the possible risk of the hormesis and responses involved—as the defiance thesis admits—but
notion in particular to the narrow interval of doses in which they
appear. Thus, although the establishment of a biphasic
In the light of the precedent analyses, it is difficult to response in a certain natural subsystem would be doubtless
avoid the idea that the hormesis notion simply constitutes a of interest, it could not really serve as a secure basis for
particular (biphasic) case of the classic DR model. A case changes in environmental protection measures, given the
whose empirically detectable manifestations suggests that great variety of physical, chemical and biological mechan-
the phenomenon under study involves two effectors, two isms which redistribute the levels of xenobiotic molecules
receptors or, anyway, two mechanisms, each of which among the different compartments of the environment.
strictly obeys a classic DR model. Other authors (Holladay
et al., 2005) have already pointed out that the stimulation 6. Characteristics required for a DR model, and their
and inhibition arms of a biphasic curve may represent violations
mechanistically different events, like vitamin A deficiency
causes harmful visual effects, while excessive vitamin A can It is still necessary to make a consideration with regard
damage the liver. to the modelling of DR relationships, and not only in order
Thus, when a hormetic (i.e. biphasic) response is detected to specify the adjustments which we have applied to the
and verified, it is necessary to suspect the presence in the preceding examples. Defining a DR model as the descrip-
system, besides the effector under study, of another tion of a population response to an effector is equivalent to
relevant variable not considered in the experimental design. imposing him three conditions: (1) sigmoidal profile,
To identify this variable it is important, of course, a good already discussed, (2) absence of intercept, to translate
knowledge of the system; but also the aid of formal the absence of effect at null dose, (3) a not necessarily
models, the parameters of which can translate quantita- unitary asymptote (the totality of the population), to
tively different aspects of the response with well-defined translate the possible existence in the population of
biological meaning. These models are also essential tools resistant or immune elements. Among the various possible
to organize the experimental work in such a way that mathematical solutions to this problem, for both practical
allows to decide if the results violate or not the DR theory. and theoretical reasons, those which involve few para-
Although the last example discussed in the precedent meters with well-defined physical (biological) significance
section made possible this verification, it is not too frequent are preferable. On detailed examination (Murado et al.,
in the bibliography about the hormesis. Anyway, no 2002) of several common DR models, the three which
practical decision should precede the clarification of the appear in Table 1 proved particularly useful, other options
mechanisms underlying the response or, at least, the being either equivalent under their formal differences, or
identification of the variables that give him its peculiar promoters of scarcely relevant fitting improvements, with
form. the drawback of adding parameters with no clear biological
It is in this practical dimension where the concept of significance.
hormesis can be more problematic, especially if it seeks to However, none of the expressions in Table 1 fulfills all
justify the relaxation of the environmental protection the conditions required for a DR model. In the Verhulst
policies, at the present time based on the generally accepted (logistic) and Gompertz equations, the intercept must be
toxicological theory. Indeed, the hormetic response can subtracted, and the Weibull equation requires the insertion
only be considered as a phenomenon located beyond that of a factor which represents an asymptote other than 1. But
theory if it is supposed that it is a function of a single once thus modified, in the first two (not in the third) the
variable, a supposition that, already very doubtful under significance of some parameters is only apparent. K no
reasonably controlled experimental conditions, becomes longer translates the maximum response, nor do the
untenable under environmental context. In this case it expressions of the center column of Table 1 define the
would be not even be possible to enunciate criteria to dose for the semi-maximum response (RD50 ¼ m), a key
decide what it is considered as a beneficial response, since datum for DR analysis. Therefore, the real maximum
the own qualification of beneficial is often ambiguous. response (Kr) must be determined by calculating the limit
It is said, for example, that low doses of radiation may of each function when D-N, and the real RD50 (mr)
be beneficial due to their possible immunostimulant effect finding the value of D when R ¼ K r =2. Furthermore, it is
(Luckey, 1982), but this effect would be undesirable should recommended to reparameterize the functions in order to
it stimulate autoimmunity. Hepatic oxigenases induced by make explicit m, using the expressions of m (Table 1, centre
many xenobiotics can have a detoxicant role; but—as it column) to isolate another parameter, and insert the result
was demonstrated by the environmental contamination by into the corresponding equation. Table 2 shows the models
organochlorinated pesticides—those enzymes also act on thus modified, the first of which (logistic) was the one
496 M.A. Murado, J.A. Vázquez / Journal of Theoretical Biology 244 (2007) 489–499

Table 1
Three usual formulations of DR relationships

Equation RD50 ( ¼ m) Asymptote (Rmax) and intercept (R0)

Verhulst R ¼ 1þexpðcmDÞ ; c ¼ ln½ðK=R0 Þ  1 m ¼ mc K
Rmax ¼ K; R0 ¼ 1þexpðcÞ
Gompertz R ¼ K exp½ expðb  cDÞ blnðln 2Þ Rmax ¼ K; R0 ¼ K exp½ expðbÞ
m¼ c
Weibull R ¼ 1  exp½ðD=yÞa  m ¼ yðln 2Þ 1=a Rmax ¼ 1; R0 ¼ 0

The parameter m in the Verhulst’s equation translates the maximum specific response (increment of R per unit of R and per unit of D, with dimensions
D1). K translates in all the cases the maximum response. The rest of the parameters only has formal meaning, the relationship of which with RD50 is
specified in the central column.
Note: Substituting (cmD) for (mDc) in the Verhulst’s (logistic) equation, we obtain the Fermi’s equation, which represents the (descending) complement
of the logistical response. If a ¼ 1, the Weibull’s equation becomes the von Bertalanffy’s equation.

Table 2
Equations of Table 1, modified so that they meet the basic conditions of a DR model (sigmoidal with R0 ¼ 0 and Krp1) and reparametrised to make
explicit the apparent RD50, or m

Equation Maximum response (Kr) and RD50 (mr)

n o h i
1 1 expðmmÞ
R¼K 1þexp½mðmDÞ  1þexpðmmÞ K r ¼ K 1þexpðmmÞ
n o
mr ¼ ln½2þexpðmmÞ
R ¼ Kfexp½ expðh þ cðm  DÞÞ  exp½ expðh þ mcÞg K r ¼ Kf1  exp½ expðh þ mcÞg a
n h  io
mr ¼ 1c h þ mc  ln ln 1þexp½ expðhþmcÞ
   a  b
R ¼ K 1  exp h D
Kr ¼ K
mr ¼ m
h ¼ ln(ln 2).
h ¼ ln 2.

applied to all the cases discussed herein, and the final is so directly linked to the basic facts of the phenomenon
appendix details the corresponding mathematical treat- that it is especially useful for contrasting hypotheses,
ments. detecting anomalies and guiding experimentation in search
However, all too frequently, these models—or others of of mechanisms to explain each particular case.
similar implications—are used in their original formats
(Table 1), even linearized when possible. In fact, the logistic 7. Conclusions
equation is the basis of probitic transformation (Bliss,
1937; Finney, 1952), a classic resource for the linearization For a little more than a decade, it has been emphasized
of a DR curve. Although sometimes useful, said lineariza- that hormesis demands a profound revision of the DR
tion is not satisfactory if Ko1 (populations with a resistant theory, and important changes in protection measures
fraction), as two cases with a different K generate against environmental pollution. Without denying the
indistinguishable straight lines. But even with non-linear existence of biphasic responses, the arguments presented
fitting methods, a function with an intercept R06¼0 poses herein suggest a different point of view, according to
problems with data affected by experimental error, as the which:
solution tends to imply an unacceptably high R0 and biases
in the other parameters. The problem becomes reduced by 1. Biphasic responses, in a wide sense, may be due to
inserting restrictions which limit R0 to very low values with mechanisms of a very diverse nature. But this does not
regard to K, but this makes the slopes highly sensitive to invalidate the DR theory, which—with the additions
experimental error and increases the lack of fitting at low that we propose—is still useful for describing said
doses. Perhaps these difficulties (which can be easily responses in a way that allows us to delimit them, to
overcome) often discourage the formalization of DR calculate the toxicological parameters which are relevant
results and lead to simplistic extrapolations like the ones for practical purposes, and to direct experimentation in
sometimes pointed out by those who maintain that order to reduce the phenomenon to known facts, or to
hormesis represents an anomaly which exceeds the look for explanations in terms of new mechanisms.
possibilities of current quantitative toxicology. 2. The hormesis, when is not obviously reducible to a
Naturally, the formal tools can say nothing conclusive combination of effectors, generally occurs not only at
about the facts. However, the formalism of the DR theory low doses, but also within a very narrow interval in
M.A. Murado, J.A. Vázquez / Journal of Theoretical Biology 244 (2007) 489–499 497

relation to the domain which is relevant for the This formal feature lacks toxicological meaning (the
response. If we add to this the heterogeneity of the response should be null at null dose) and it can generate
mechanisms potentially involved, their interaction with biases in the values of the rest of the parameters calculated
the populational distributions of the sensitivity factors, by any fitting method.
the differences in sensitivity of different species and the Applying the same reasonings to the other two models,
physical, chemical and biological factors which redis- we obtain:
tribute the wastes from human activity into different A2: Gompertz equation:
compartments of the environment, it becomes difficult R ¼ K exp½ expðb  cDÞ.
to accept that the notion of hormesis may justify the
relaxation of the restrictions on pollutant emissions. A2.1: Maximum response (Rmax):
Rmax ¼ lim K exp½ expðb  c1Þ,
It is possible, certainly, that some hormetic responses D!1

may have a clinical application under strictly controlled ¼ K exp½ expð1Þ ¼ K.

conditions. But environmental conditions include not only A2.2. Dose for semi-maximum response (RD50 or m):
too many variables with ill-known effects, but also many
variables with implications of well-known risks. The Rmax K
¼ ¼ K exp½ expðb  cmÞ;
bioconcentration mechanisms of chlorinated insecticides 2 2
and polychlorinated biphenyls, terphenyls and naphtha- b  lnðln 2Þ
so that m ¼ .
lenes, the production of dioxins from chlorophenoxyacetic c
herbicides and other materials, or the diffusion of Inconvenience of non-null intercept:
resistance to antibiotics among bacterial populations are R0 ¼ lim K exp½expðb  c0Þ ¼ K exp½ expðbÞ.
only three examples of the fact that even a DR model D!0
which has been thoroughly verified in the laboratory is of A3: Weibull equation:
little predictive value when the receiving entity is the system
we call our environment. R ¼ 1  exp½ðD=yÞa .
A3.1: Maximum response (Rmax):
Acknowledgment Rmax ¼ lim 1  exp½ð1Þa  ¼ 1.

Dr. J.A. Vázquez had a postdoctoral contract (CSIC- A3.2. Dose for semi-maximum response (RD50 or m):
I3P-PC 2003) financed by the European Social Fund.
Rmax 1
¼ ¼ 1  exp½ðm=yÞa ; so that m ¼ yðln 2Þ1=a .
2 2
Appendix A
In this case the intercept is null:
Equations shown in Table 1 are of common use in the R0 ¼ lim 1  exp½ð0Þa  ¼ 0,
treatment of DR experiments and, in principle, their
parameters translate—directly or through simple relation- but another inconvenience arises: the maximum response is
ships—toxicologically relevant concepts. This way: always 1, what demands a modification to translate the
A1: Verhulst (logistic) equation is possible existence of immune elements in the target
R¼ , When we insert in these models the necessary modifica-
1 þ expðc  mDÞ tions to eliminate their concrete inconveniences, we obtain
a formulation in which the following values are essential in the equations shown in Table 2. But these equations—
DR relationships: which now fulfill the three basic conditions of a DR
A1.1. Maximum response, or limit of the function when model—should be treated in the same way than the original
D-N: ones, to determine the new expressions that define the
K maximum response (Kr) and the dose for the semi-
Rmax ¼ lim ¼ K. maximum response (mr).
D!1 1 þ e1
B1: Modified logistic (with R0 ¼ 0 and Krp1):
A1.2. Dose for semi-maximum response (RD50 or m), or

value of D when R ¼ Rmax =2: 1 1
R¼K  .
1 þ exp½mðm  DÞ 1 þ expðmmÞ
Rmax K K c
¼ ¼ cmm
; so that m ¼ . B1.1: Maximum response (Rmax or Kr):
2 2 1þe m

However, the logistic equation has the inconvenience of 1 1
Rmax ¼ K r ¼ lim K  ,
its non-null intercept. Indeed, D!1 1 þ exp½mðm  1Þ 1 þ expðmmÞ
K K 1 e
R0 ¼ lim ¼ . ¼K 1 ¼K .
D!0 1 þ ec0D 1 þ ec 1 þ expðmmÞ 1 þ emm
498 M.A. Murado, J.A. Vázquez / Journal of Theoretical Biology 244 (2007) 489–499

B1.2. Dose for semi-maximum response (RD50 or mr): B3.1: Maximum response (Rmax or K r ¼ K):

Rmax ¼ K r ¼ lim K 1  exp½hð1Þa  ¼ K.
Rmax emm D!1
¼K ,
2 2ð1 þ emm Þ B3.2: Dose for semi-maximum response (RD50 or

1 1 mr ¼ m):
¼K  ,
1 þ exp½mðm  mr Þ 1 þ expðmmÞ Rmax K 
emm emm  emðmmr Þ ¼ ¼ K 1  exp½hðmr =mÞa  ,
) ¼ , 2 2
2ð1 þ e Þ ð1 þ emðmmr Þ Þð1 þ emm Þ
mm 1
    ) ¼ exp½hðmr =mÞa  ) ln 2 ¼ hðmr =mÞa ,
) emm 1 þ emðmmr Þ ¼ 2 emm  emðmmr Þ , 2
1 ln 2 1=a
) mr ¼ lnðemm þ 2Þ. ) mr ¼ m ¼ m.
m h
Biphasic profiles are the direct result of the sum or
It should be noticed that the intercept is now null: difference of two modified models, not necessarily of the

same type. These modified models are of particular utility
1 1 here, since the original ones always provide very poor
R0 ¼ lim K  ¼0
D!0 1 þ exp½mðm  0Þ 1 þ expðmmÞ fittings. Not all the toxicologically interesting values can be
obtained in all the phases through analytic expressions.
B2: Modified Gompertz (with R0 ¼ 0 and Krp1): However, once a set of experimental data is treated by
 means of any non-linear fitting method (e.g. quasi-Newton)
R ¼ K exp½ expðh þ cðm  DÞÞ  exp½ expðh þ mcÞ . and, this way, well-known the parameters of the model,
any value of interest can be calculated by numeric iteration
B2.1: Maximum response (Rmax or Kr): (Vázquez et al., 2005), or through search methods (again
quasi-Newton) based on the expected values of the

Rmax ¼ K r ¼ lim K exp½ expðh þ cðm  1ÞÞ response.

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