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Gynecology and Minimally Invasive Therapy 6 (2017) 82e84

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Case report

Expectant management for abdominal pregnancy

Koji Yasumoto a, *, Yukiyasu Sato b, Yusuke Ueda a, Takuma Ito a, Hiromi Kawaguchi a,
Masataka Nakajima a, Akira Muneshige a
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Nagahama Red Cross Hospital, Nagahama, Japan
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Otsu Red Cross Hospital, Otsu, Japan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This is the first English language report describing the expectant management for abdominal pregnancy.
Received 19 December 2015 The patient was a 31-year-old multiparous woman who was transferred to our hospital on suspicion of
Received in revised form ectopic pregnancy. Her serum human chorionic gonadotropin was positive, and a poorly-vascularized
18 September 2016
mass measuring about 4 cm was visualized in the Douglas pouch by transvaginal ultrasonography, as
Accepted 9 November 2016
well as by pelvic magnetic resonance imaging. Because the bilateral adnexa were apparently intact, she
Available online 13 December 2016
was diagnosed with abdominal pregnancy, and expectant management was commenced. Unexpectedly,
the mass remained in situ for nearly 3 years after her serum human chorionic gonadotropin tested
defecation pain
negative. Laparoscopic removal of the mass was finally required because of persistent defecation pain.
ectopic pregnancy This case illustrates that some abdominal pregnancies can be managed expectantly, as is the case with
laparoscopy tubal pregnancies. During the expectant management, however, it should be considered that the
MRI abdominal pregnancy mass may persist for a longer period and cause moderate symptoms necessitating
transvaginal ultrasonography surgical removal.
Copyright © 2016, The Asia-Pacific Association for Gynecologic Endoscopy and Minimally Invasive
Therapy. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

Introduction ensue in advanced abdominal pregnancies,7 early surgical inter-

vention is generally recommended once the diagnosis of abdominal
Abdominal pregnancy has been defined as an embryonic im- pregnancy is confirmed.8 There has been no English language case
plantation in the peritoneal cavity, exclusive of tubal, ovarian, or report that describes the course of expectant management for
intraligamentary implantations. It is a relatively rare condition, abdominal pregnancy.
with an incidence estimated to be 1/10,000 births and 1.4% of Herein, we report the first case of expectantly managed
ectopic pregnancies.1 The sites of implantation include the omen- abdominal pregnancy that was diagnosed early in the first
tum, pelvic side wall, the Douglas pouch, spleen, bowel, liver, large trimester. Remarkably, the abdominal mass remained in situ for
pelvic vessels, diaphragm, and uterine serosa.2e7 Most abdominal nearly 3 years after the serum human chorionic gonadotropin
pregnancies result from reimplantation of a tubal abortion, and the (hCG) became undetectable.
implantation site is often located in close vicinity to the adnexa.
Accordingly, an early abdominal pregnancy may often be difficult to Case Report
distinguish from a tubal pregnancy.
The spaciousness of the peritoneal cavity sometimes allows an A 31-year-old multiparous woman without any remarkable
abdominal pregnancy to progress into or beyond the second medical history presented to a primary care doctor because of
trimester. Because severe intra-abdominal hemorrhage due to moderate lower abdominal pain. She reported the normal onset of
placental separation or rupture of maternal blood vessels could menstruation 28 days before the presentation, and she tested uri-
nary hCG positive. Ectopic pregnancy was suspected because of a
palpable pelvic mass, and she was transferred to our hospital.
Conflicts of interest: The authors have no conflicts of interest relevant to this On physical examination, her vital signs were normal, and her
* Corresponding author. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Nagahama
abdomen was tender without muscular guarding or rebound
Red Cross Hospital, 14-7 Miyamae-cho, Nagahama 526-8585, Shiga, Japan. tenderness. Pelvic examination revealed small blood clots in the
E-mail address: (K. Yasumoto). vaginal vault and a mass larger than a walnut in size, with moderate
2213-3070/Copyright © 2016, The Asia-Pacific Association for Gynecologic Endoscopy and Minimally Invasive Therapy. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. This is an open access article
under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
K. Yasumoto et al. / Gynecology and Minimally Invasive Therapy 6 (2017) 82e84 83

tenderness, palpable in the Douglas pouch. Transvaginal ultrasonog- level remained negative. Digital examination did not reveal any
raphy revealed an empty uterus with a 39 mm  30-mm-sized het- masses and strictures. With transvaginal ultrasonography, there
erogeneous solid mass in the Douglas pouch. On laboratory tests, were no findings suggestive of pelvic endometriosis. On MRI, the
hemoglobin was 12.7 g/dL and serum hCG level was 944.3 IU/L. mass had shrunk to 14 mm, and was in close contact with the
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a 37-mm-sized mass in rectum. We considered that defecation pain could be attributable to
the Douglas pouch without any ascites in the pelvic cavity. Bilateral possible inflammation surrounding the mass and proceeded with
adnexa were apparently intact. The mass in the Douglas pouch exploratory laparoscopy.
exhibited high signal intensity on T1-weighted and low signal in- Intraoperative findings revealed that a finger-sized, smooth,
tensity on T2-weighted MRI without contrast enhancement white mass in the Douglas pouch was firmly adhered to the rectum
(Figure 1). (Figure 2). We did not see any endometriotic lesions. The uterus and
On the basis of these findings, a diagnosis of abdominal preg- bilateral adnexa were macroscopically normal and the mass was
nancy was confirmed. In addition to her mild symptoms, no viable not connected to the fallopian tube. Accordingly, we carefully freed
fetus was detected in the ectopic pregnancy mass, and her serum the adhesions and removed the mass without damaging the
hCG level was relatively low; nonetheless, expectant management rectum. Histopathological examination of the resected mass
without any medical treatment was offered and selected. Three revealed hematoma coated with connective tissue without any
months later, the abdominal pain completely resolved, and her detectable chorionic villi. Her postoperative course was uneventful,
serum hCG level decreased below the cutoff level. As the size of the and the defecation pain completely resolved.
mass in the Douglas pouch remained mostly unchanged, periodic
follow-up with measurement of serum hCG levels and ultrasono- Discussion
graphic examination was continued.
After 2 years and 10 months, she began to complain of defeca- Accurate hCG level measurement and the widespread use of
tion pain. Her menstrual cycles were normal, and her serum hCG transvaginal ultrasonography have enabled a more precise

Figure 1. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at her initial visit. (A) A 37-mm-sized mass (arrows) is delineated in the Douglas pouch. (B) Note that the mass lacks contrast
84 K. Yasumoto et al. / Gynecology and Minimally Invasive Therapy 6 (2017) 82e84

pregnancy mass can occur despite a paucity of blood supply. In

these respects, patients with abdominal pregnancy who are offered
or choose expectant management should be informed of not only
the risk of intra-abdominal hemorrhage, but also the risk of
persistent ectopic pregnant mass that could cause mild to moderate
Surgery for ectopic pregnancy has shifted from laparotomy to
laparoscopy. In the case of abdominal pregnancy, removal of the
ectopic pregnancy mass could cause intractable hemorrhage and/or
organ injury because of deep trophoblastic invasion into the sur-
rounding tissue.10 In this respect, some clinicians would prefer
laparotomy to laparoscopy for an abdominal pregnancy. In our case,
vascularity of the Douglas mass was preoperatively evaluated using
contrast-enhanced MRI. As no detectable contrast enhancement
was observed in the mass, we confidently chose laparoscopic sur-
gery. Indeed, we were able to laparoscopically remove the mass
without encountering intractable hemorrhage or damaging the
Figure 2. Intraoperative findings at laparoscopy. A finger-sized, smooth, white In conclusion, we here describe our experience in the expectant
mass is observed in the Douglas pouch (arrow). The mass is firmly adhered to the management for abdominal pregnancy, which was likely to be
secondary to tubal abortion. The abdominal pregnancy mass was
poorly vascularized and remained in situ for nearly 3 years to elicit
diagnosis of early ectopic pregnancy. Simultaneously, it has become defecation pain. Our experience illustrates that some abdominal
increasingly recognized that some ectopic pregnancies can regress pregnancies can be managed expectantly, as is the case with tubal
spontaneously without any medical or surgical intervention. Ac- pregnancies. During expectant management, however, we should
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