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Fusion Workforce Compensation

Payroll Elements Used in Compensation

Payroll elements will be linked to salary bases, individual and workforce compensation plans, and total
compensation statements.

• The element linked to a salary basis is used to create element entries that pass salary amounts to

• The defined input value for the element linked to the individual compensation plan option is used to
capture the award amounts as well as display any related details during the award process. The
elements you use also determine costing.

• The element linked to a non-salary workforce compensation component is used to create element
entries, such as for lump sum awards. You can pass stock awards to element entries or post them to
the compensation stock table directly. The Transfer Data to HR process creates element entries for
each worker who received an amount for the component linked to the element.

• The actual compensation displayed in total compensation statements is configured as compensation

items. Payroll elements are one source that can be mapped to these items.

You can also use payroll elements to store custom worker-level data. You create an information
element with multiple input values that hold data referenced or used in a calculation during a
compensation cycle. You use a fast formula to display the element entries values in Workforce
Compensation columns

Different Primary Classifications that can be used while creating elements

• For elements linked to salary bases, select Standard Earnings.

• For bonus or lump sum elements linked to individual or workforce compensation plans, select
Supplemental Earnings.

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• For worker savings and contribution deductions linked to individual compensation plans, select
Voluntary Deductions or Pretax Deductions as appropriate.

• For elements used to store custom worker data, select Information. Also use this classification for
stock awards.

If the payroll element last entry date is:

• Last Standard Earnings Date, the element entry is end-dated as of the assignment end date (i.e.
termination date).

• Last Standard Process Date, the element entry is end-dated as of the last day of the pay period in
which the assignment ends.

• Final Close, element entry is not end-dated. It is left open until the end of time or until it is manually

Calculation Rules

Calculation Rule

The calculation rule for salary elements and elements linked to workforce compensation Compensation
Amount columns must be Flat Amount. For percentages in individual compensation plans, the calculation
rule should be Factor.

Default Periodicity
The default periodicity must match the salary basis frequency, or the frequency that a compensation award
represents. For example, if the salary basis frequency is Annually, the element periodicity must be Annually.
If the individual compensation award is a recurring monthly amount value, the element periodicity should
be Monthly.

Periodicity Conversion Rule

Non-payroll customers should select Standard Rate Annualized. Global payroll customers should select the
conversion rule that is appropriate for them.

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Configuring Input Values
Based on the calculation rule of the payroll element, the application creates some input values
automatically. The following table shows the calculation rules and the input values they create.

Calculation Rule Input Value Created

Flat Amount Amount, Periodicity, Full-Time


Percentage Percentage

Factor Factor

Salary Elements
An Amount and Periodicity input value are required when used in a salary basis. If you use a primary
classification of Standard Earnings, the application automatically creates the periodicity input value. If you
use a primary classification of Information, you must create the Periodicity input value manually.

Bonus or Lump Sum Elements

The Amount input value is created automatically, identified as the primary input value, and allows user
entry. You can attach this element to workforce compensation plan component or an individual
compensation plan option without additional configuration.

If you do not use the Amount input value, then you must mark whichever input value you link to your plan
option as the primary input value in the Special Purpose field and should allow for user entry. The
application creates element entries for the primary input value only. The value of the Special Purpose input
value is also displayed in Other Compensation table when you submit an individual compensation award
and in compensation history.

You must define separate payroll elements for each workforce compensation component and each
individual compensation plan option. It is not possible to link the same element with different input values
to different components or options within the same plan.

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1. Create Derived factor

2. Create Plan: Give plan name as “GM Annual Focal Plan”

3. Configure Plan Details

Click Next and skip Eligibility

4. Configure Plan Cycles

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5. Plan Currency

6. Save and Close.

7. Configure Budget Pools

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8. Click next and Click Configure to manage how the Manager Work Sheet would look like.

Save and Close

9. Configure Compensation Components (Bucket or container in which the new comp value would be

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10. Configure Salary Change Statement (Statement employee would receive)

11. Configure Worksheet Display

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Configure Tab Layout

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Click on Properties for Eligible Salary
Under Default value provide the Derived Factor

Click on the properties for Focal Amount

Click on Element Mapping

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Save and Go to previous Screen
Click on the Actions and Uncheck as below.

12. Configure Modelling. (Disable Modelling)

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13. Validate Plans

Click on Validate Button

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Start Compensation Cycle
Provide the details as below and click submit

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Note: 2 processes would be submitted “Start WorkForce Compensation Cycle” and ‘Evaluate
Dynamic Columns and Alerts”

Check The log file to analyse the number of employees that might become part of this cycle.

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Administrator or Compensation Manager Tasks
Plan is published and now the budget needs to be published.
Click on “Act as Proxy”
Click on Manage Budgets
Press Adjust Budget Button and provide the details as below.

Save and Close

Once the budget is published, Top Manager can distribute the budget to lower level Managers.

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Navigate to Navigator -> Manager Resources Dashboard

Click on Compensation -> Last Salary Adjustment (Verify the existing salaries so as to understand the
change once the compensation is complete)

Navigate to Navigator -> Workforce Compensation -> Manage Budgets

Select the budget pool GM Focal (Budget Pool) 2016 and Choose the second option

Provide the 10% budget to the direct reports

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Click on Publish the budget (Publish All Budgets)

Submit and Save & Close

Login and Direct and Pass the budget amount to his reportees.

Navigate to Navigator -> Workforce Compensation

Manage Budgets, Click on the GM budget

Against the plan GM Annual Focal Plan 2016 provide the value for “Take Action” field as

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Next step is to compensate the employees with required percentages or amount.

Once submitted, the compensation changes will go for approval.

Status changes to Submitted.

Login and Robert Jackman and approve the compensation

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Go to Workforce Compensation Choose the GM Focal Plan.
Verify that the compensation provided by Frant Pukt is approved

Under Compensation Tab, Compensate Frant pukta.

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Submit the compensation

Generate statement for the employee using “Generate Statement” option under compensation Tab

Go to Manager Dash Board -> Compensation and verify the changes

Now pass the new salary information to Core HR

Run batch Process -> Transfer Workforce Compensation Data to Core HR

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FLAT No: 301, 3rd Floor, Geetanjali Apartments, OPP: SR Nagar Police Station, Hyderabad.
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Submit the process

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Sample Hierarchy in Vision instance.

pukta frank

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-> Round Tree Sam
-> Smith patricia
-> Thompson, Tim

How to Delegating workers to Other Reviewers

During a workforce compensation plan cycle, worksheet managers can delegate workers to other
reviewers. Delegation means granting another user temporary access to a worker who does not
necessarily report to that reviewer or fall within their reporting hierarchy. This gives other users the ability
to suggest compensation awards for these workers, so the primary or original worksheet manager can take
these recommendations into consideration.

Workers might be delegated when:

 A worksheet manager may not be familiar with a worker’s performance and appropriate
compensation award because the worker receives daily direction from another person or works in
a different location than the worksheet manager.

 A worksheet manager wants to break out a set of workers to view them separately from the rest
of his organization and filters and reporting are not adequate.

Delegations are only in effect for a given compensation plan and cycle and do not affect the worksheet
manager relationships configured for the plan.

When setting up a workforce compensation plan, you enable actions managers can take from the Configure
Worksheet Display task. You can enable a new action called ‘Manage delegations’ which provides worksheet
managers the ability to delegate workers and cancel existing delegations.

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There is also a new worksheet column you can enable called ‘Other Reviewer’. If a worker is delegated to
reviewer, the name of that reviewer appears in this column if enabled. This makes it easy to know which
have been delegated to other reviewers.

When the ‘Manage delegations’ action is enabled, managers access the Manage Delegations task from the
menu. They can delegate workers for the first time and remove delegations previously made.

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Delegate Workers

You can delegate one or more workers to another reviewer by selecting the rows of the workers. You then
select the action Manage Delegations > Delegate Workers and select the reviewer to delegate to.

The person selected as the other reviewer will see a region on their compensation plans page called Other
Plans for Review as shown below.

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Other plans for review are those plans in which the user has at least one worker delegated to them. When
they access these plans, users only see the workers delegated to them and can perform limited actions. They
can allocate compensation amounts and save their suggested allocations as well as view other data available
in the worksheet.
The worksheet manager of the delegated worker will then see the suggested allocation on his own
worksheet. Primary managed plans are the plans in which the user is the worksheet manager responsible for
managing and allocating compensation to their team or organization. These are the same plans that users
see today prior to this

Remove Delegations

You can remove delegations by selecting the row of the workers you want to remove the delegation from
and then selecting Manage Delegations > Remove Delegations from the actions menu. You will be warned
before the action is completed.

When delegations are removed, if the reviewer who you removed the delegation from has no other workers
in the plan, the Other Plans for Review region will disappear from their compensation plans page.

Administer Workers
A new region is added to the Status and Eligibility tab of the Administer Workers page called Other
Reviewer. This region displays the reviewer the worker was delegated to and also allows the compensation
manager to delegate or remove a delegation from this page.

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Security and Access
People designated as other reviewers must have the proper roles to access the Workforce Compensation
work area. They must have one of the following roles:

• Line manager
• Compensation manager
• Line Manager Workforce Compensation Management Duty
• Compensation Manager Workforce Compensation Management Duty

Security profiles are ignored when allowing access to delegated workers. If the user has access to the work
area and has been made a reviewer of a worker, the user will be able to view the compensation details of
that worker.

Things to Note

• For a plan, workers can only be delegated to one reviewer at a time.

• Budgets, models and reports are not available for plans for review.
• Plans for review are only visible to the reviewer selected when delegating the worker or compensation
Managers acting as proxy. When a worksheet manager switches to another reviewer who was delegated a

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Worker, the manager cannot see the other reviewer’s plans for review.
• Other reviewers do not receive notifications. Actions taken by other reviews also do not trigger
Notifications in this initial release. New notifications will be targeted for a future release.
• Worksheet for other plans for review have limited features. The following are not available:
o Approvals and communication tab types
o Download to spreadsheet
o Worker reassignments and eligibility changes
o Budgeting, modeling, reporting
• Only primary managed plans appear in the Workforce Compensation work area task pane.

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