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แบบทดสอบวัดผลปลายภาคเรียนที่ 2 ปี การศึกษา 2561

วิชา ภาษาอังกฤษพืน
้ ฐาน 6 รหัสวิชา อ23102 ชัน ้ มัธยมศึกษาปี ที่ 3 (3/1-6,3/9-11)
สอบวันศุกร์ที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ 2562 เวลา 13.00 – 14.00

แบบทดสอบนี้มวี ตั ถุประสงค์เพือ ่ วัดผลสัมฤทธิท ์ างการศึกษา กลุม
่ สาระการเรียนรูภ
้ าษาอังกฤษ
ของนักเรียนระดับชัน ้ มัธยมศึกษาปี ที่ 3 ตามมาตรฐานการเรียนรู ้
และตัวชี้วดั หลักสูตรแกนกลางการศึกษาขัน ้ พื้นฐาน พุทธศักราช 2551
รายละเอียดแบบทดสอบ แบบทดสอบฉบับนี้มี 6 หน้า จานวน 60 ข้อ
วิธีการตอบ ให้ใช้ดน
ิ สอดา 2B ระบายในวงกลมทีเ่ ป็ นคาตอบ ลงในกระดาษคาตอบ
เกณฑ์การให้คะแนน ข้อละ 0.5 คะแนน ตอบถูกต้อง 2 ข้อ ต่อ 1 คะแนน (คะแนนเต็ม 20 คะแนน)

Part I: Vocabulary
1) I know a lot of people who are ________________ of environmental
A. members B. winners C. partners D. numbers
2) ______________ fumes can be dangerous to our health.
A. Acid B. Toxic C. Air D. Fresh
3) The government is trying to ____________ pollution by using various methods.
A. reduce B. emit C. burn D. increase
4) __________ is the expanse of salt water that covers most of the earth's surface
and surrounds its landmasses.
A. Marsh B. River C. Sea D. Lake
5) The capital of Thailand, which is Bangkok Now is experiencing ___________.
Causing dusty "PM 2.5"
A. water pollution B. air pollution C. acid rain D. global
6) The birds’ natural environment is at risk. Replace the word underlined with the
correct synonym.
A. Store B. Region C. Generate D. Habitat
He dammed the loch, built a power station, and began installing what
was to become the most sophisticated fish farm in the world.
7) Which picture shows "Power Station"?
A. B. C. D.

8) We should work together to protect and _____________ archaeological sites.

A. survive B. generate C. conserve D. burn
9) You can buy glasses, sunglasses and contact lenses at a(n) _____________.
A. optician’s B. antique shop C. delicatessen D.
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10) You can buy cold meats and cheese at a(n) _________________.
A. optician’s B. antique shop C. delicatessen D.
Choose the right word and fill in the blank. (Items 11-14)
A. made of B. made from C. made in D. made with
11) This table was ____________ Sweden.
12) The cake _______________ from flour, eggs butter and sugar.
13) He built a house that was _______________ wood.
14) Our yoghurt is ______________ fresh fruit.
15) That shirt doesn’t __________ your jacket.
A. match B. suit C. stick D. fit
Choose the odd one out. (Items 16-7)
16) A. Chicken B. Turkey C. Duck D. Beef
17) A. Lettuce B. Pears C. Peas D.

Today, We ________ horse riding, __________ gymnastics,

___________ basketball and ________ javelin.
18) What words should fill in the blanks by the order?
A. go, do, play, throw B. play, go, throw, do C. do, go, throw, play D.
throw, do, play, go
19) Which picture shows “fire pits, a bridge and a tunnel”?
A. B. C. D.

20) Mr. Bean is a film that makes people laugh. What is film genre of Mr. Bean?
A. Science Fiction B. Romance C. Comedy D. Fantasy
Part II: Grammar
21) These flowers were sent _________ George.
A. by B. from C. with D. through
22) This hotel _________ recently.
A. has been rebuilding B. has been rebuilt C. rebuild D. rebuilt
23) The winning numbers ___________ on tonight’s news.
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A. are announcing B. will be announced C. will announce D.

Active Voice: They were

interviewing her for the job.
Passive Voice: She
________________ for the job.
24) A. was being interviewed B. was interviewed
C. has been interviewed D. have been interviewed

Active Voice: Tom is writing the

Passive Voice: The letter
________________ by Tom.
25) A. was written B. has been written C. were written D.
is being written
26) Spain _________ by millions of tourists every year.
A. was visited B. is visiting C. is visited D. was visiting
27) Jake _________ every five years.
A. has had his house painted B. was his house painted
C. has his house painted D. had painted his house
28) Oliver Twist _________ by Charles Dickens in 1837.
A. is written B. was written C. wrote D. is
being written

Active Voice: The fire has destroyed

the house.
Passive Voice: The house
____________ by the fire.
29) A. has been destroyed B. was being destroyed C. is destroyed
D. was destroyed
30) Which sentence is incorrect?
Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4
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A. Picture 1 : Gina is doing her hair B. Picture 2 : Ann is cutting the
C. Picture 3: Tania is having her radio repaired. D. Picture 4 : Justin is
painting his house.

31) The blue whale is ________ endangered species.

A. an B. – C. the D. a

32) ________ apartments in the city center are very small.

A. – B. a C. the D. an
33) Martha hates _________ vegetables.
A. the B. – C. a D. an
34) Betty can play ________ piano very well.
A. a B. an C. – D. the
35) I’ve got very __________ time to finish the project.
A. few B. a little C. little D. many
36) How __________ did your new computer cost?
A. few B. little C. many D. much
37) The police _______ investigating the crime.
A. are B. am C. is D. has
A: Do you need any help?
B: No, thanks. I have ________
under control.
38) A. anything B. everything C. every D.
A: Why are you out of breath?
B: I have just run _________
the hill.
39) A. across B. out of C. up D. into
40) She’d prefer _______________ at the beach right now.
A. be B. to be C. being D. has been
Part III : Idioms
41) Sorry, but I can not go, I’ll be ___________ all day tomorrow.
A. as busy as a bee B. as timid as a mouse
C. as cool as a cucumber D. as green as grass
42) Look!, my new shirt. It is ___________, it really is.
A. the bee’s knees B. a bad egg C. a piece of cake D. bread
and butter
43) It is no good you being _____________, you don’t do everything all the day.
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A. go bananas B. hot potato C. small potato D. couch
44) The test was _____________. I can do it quickly and correctly 100%.
A. cut corners B. see eye to eye
C. let the cat out of the bag D. a piece of cake

45) Lucy bough a gift to surprise her father but her little brother was so excited that
he ___________ by telling the father what the gift was.
A. break a leg B. let the cat out of the bag
C. all meat and no potatoes D. the apple never falls far from the
Part IV : Conversation
Read the dialogue and answer the question. (Items 46-47)
Rep: Hello, WWF. How can I help you?
Matt: Hi. I’m interested in making a donation.
Rep: That’s great. Do you want to make a one-off donation or would
you prefer to make a regular monthly one?
Matt: A monthly donation, please. Let’s say £ 10 per month. Can I pay
in cash?
Rep: Sure. You can pay it into our bank account. It’s Barclay’s Bank,
Account No. 326523431. Could I have your full name and address,
Matt: Certainly. My name’s Matt Russell and I live at 34, Scardale
Road, Bromley, Kent.
Rep: Thank you very much, Mr. Russell. We’ll send you our magazine
every three months and regular post about our campaigns.
Matt: Thanks a lot. Good bye.
46) What type of donation does Matt want?
A. One-Off B. Regular C. No donation D. WWF Customer
47) What Method of Payment does Matt use?
A. Credit Card B. Cheque C. Cash D. Direct Debit
Complete the exchanges with the text in the box. (Items 49-53)
A. What’s your
B. How can I help
C. Could I have your
full name?
D. Can I pay in cash?
E. That’s great.
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48) A: Hello! _______________
B: I want to make a donation.
49) A: __________________________
B: 25, Oxford Street.
50) A: __________________________
B: Certainly. Pay it into our bank account.
51) A: We’ll send you regular post.
B: Thanks. ___________________
52) A: ____________________________
B: Certainly. Bill Smith
Part V : Writing
53) Which is the linker that about “introduce an opposite opinion”?
A. Firstly B. Also C. To sum up D. On
the other hand
54) Which isn’t a Pros about “Keeping wild animals as pets”?
A. can be educational B. help to protect their species
C. good way to learn about them D. can be dangerous
Part VI : Reading
Are we doing enough to protect animals?
Animal species are disappearing from our planet fast. Scientists believe
that 50 animal species are being wiped 55) _________ in the wild every day.
This happens because they lose their natural 56) _________.
Some say that the only way to 57) _________ endangered animals is to
place them in a zoo. They claim that zoos keep the animals safe from harm and
help 58) _________ their numbers.
On the other hand, other people say that zoos can’t 59) _________ an
animal’s natural habitat. That’s why we need to focus on protecting their natural
environments in the wild.
In my opinion, it is difficult to say what is best for our animal friends. I
believe that more work should be done to protect animals’ natural habitats. If we
all lend a 60) _________, we can work wonders!
55) A. under B. off C. out D. -
56) A. habitats B. dangers C. atmospheres D. -
57) A. donate B. protect C. pollute D. –
58) A. stop B. increased C. gather D. -
59) A. teach B. join C. replace D. -
60) A. ear B. hand C. foot D.


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